The Herald, 1910-07-08, Page 1The Official Organ ' of Zurich and Hay Township.j
Vol. X
, rr
Happy vacation time is with
us once more. Vou can add
much to your pleasure and corn=
fort by being prepared with cool
wearing apparel. we carry a full
line of everything suitable for
f warm weather wear, the best 0
goods obtainable in the world's
.) markets. Our prices are right 0
quality considered. Our stock 0
of this season's Wash Fabrics is 0
. at its best. We have marked
them at prices that willinterest
you. 0
Scotch Qinghai/is, Shamrock Suitin,os,
Muslins, Swiss Muslins, Mercerized
Lawns, Persian Lawns. Snanting
Suitings, Belfast Poplins, French
Voiles, Best English Prints, Silk
Muslins, Silk Mulls. All, colors.
Linen Suitings, India Linens, New
0 Two piece Suits, Neglige
0 Shirts, new Straw Hats,
0 Cool Collars. Summer
0 Underwear, Leather i
Belts, Fancy Socks, 0
Fancy Vests. il
'We are ;ivies; special value in all men's 0
ready-to-wear Clothing.
..,..,r,...,.....,...,�.,-,,....... . -.
d ' t
We are sole agents for
Zurich for P•l2,'.mouth Twines, w
(*old Medal is a twine to swear
,,.w.. by. Every ball ,uarantecicl.
e r The
length 650''feet. r
price is lower than ever.
Average f.11�
See 'us before you buy your t i e
isn't 11
To have a bath/flock in a
nice cool shady spot these
hot days. Come in and
gsee our line, they look
.0 n ice and are good quality.
We handle the celebrated New Perfection
Oil Stoves. Best on the market. Easy and
safe to operate An intense heat in. a second.
No home complete without one.
Telephone 9
X.714 M-1138ifireeMs4eaS
reeve reel—
e LOCAL NEWS. 5 1-4c111"1"6"111"1464"/"4"1"4611"4""
NO. 48
Granitewaro for half price, at
HartIei b's .
Miss Esther Sohilbe had an at-
tack of appendicitis, lust week.
D. S. Faust will have some mus
lins on sale. Watch his add
next week
Miss Sttsio jobnston has returned
home from a,. visit to friends in
Mr. Norman Rupp and bride of
Detroit, are visiting relatives in
Mr. C. L. Moser, of Berlin called
on friends in Zurich and vicinity,
last week w .
Exeter business men close their
stores emery"TThursday afternoon,
during July and August.
Mr.. J. J, Merger is buying up
another lot of horses for shipment
to the West,:
See our new perfection oil stoves
and gasoline stoves, prices away
down, at lIartleib'sa.
Misses Nettie Melrose and Ida
Klein of Baden are visiting their
uncle, Mr. Thos. Johnson.
Mr. and ` fMrs. F. C. Kalbfeisoh
visited Detroit relatives and
friends, over,unday.
D. S. Faust is giving a big snap
in Gents' sailor straw hats. A11
sailor strae,, lints at half price. Do
not miss this opportunity.
Mr b'rauen gaassow of the Bron-
son Line tl*;Wight to our office. on
Monday, et stalk of rye measuring
7 feet and 2eruches:
Messrs. .Harman and George
Doerr and s ste' Miss Lizzie and
Miss Esther
visited at 11i;�" "cob Uallman's en
�lxn;w, ^hilbe have
' effects,
and are .ie sing this week for
Detroit, We wish them prosperity
in their new home.
14f!iss Flora `Klapp, of Stratford
is visiting her brothers, She has
been engaged as teacher for the
14th Con., school, her duties
beginning after the holidays.
i*liss ]3erthi , Hey, darigbter of
Mr. Chris 13.ey, and Mr. Nelson
Vickers, werei married in the
Lutheran church on Wednesday
"fast, by Rev 0. C. Maass, pastor
of the church Tho young couple
will reside in St, Thomas,
Ines, of Michigan
Mr. Percy Wiggins. who for the
last threo years acted as foreman
in the harress department of U,
t artleib's establishment has sever-
ed his connection and opened out a
*harness business, in Hansen. His
position has been replaced by Mr.
H. Well. who will be pleased to
Wait on his old customers as usual.
The annual e'leotion of officers of
the Junior Alliance, wag held on
Saturday, June 25th. The officers
were appointed es follows : Pres ,
OIive 0'33rion ;:Vice fres, Marshall
Zeller ; nee Seo.. Earl Weido ; ('rr
Sen.. Muriel Preeter; Tress , Veda
l?ritz; ()reanist, ElvaHee-rock•
et:ave ade
A Wonderful Change
ii Our Store[
and are now open to give
you the best attention,.
Watch this space next week
for Bargains.
You need not go out of town or send
away for Men's and Boys' Suits. Bring your
ready cash to us, and you see how much you
can buy for little money. `Bargains in Men's
and Boys' Ready -Made suits. We will give you
a snap on Children's Hose for next week.
A bargain in Men's shirts. We are here
to do business, and will give you good value
for your money. We invite you to visit this
store, and call it your store.
We are up-to-date in all Lines
of GeneralDry Goods
All Farm Produce taken in e�:clearige
Z:( R I C II
Mr Wes Merner of Elmira, spent Mr
the 1st with relatives and friends
in town. ;TrainsMr, nlins Thiel, of Kincardine
spent the holidays with his parents,
friends inn Berlin and soniBaden,l nat
Mr. Arthur Well. of Detroit
eMr, and Mrs. Henry Thiel, Mrzand Mrs. H. Well. his parents,D. S. Faust has made a great D. 'S. Faust has a few Indies'
improvement in bis store. It will trimmed hats, selling like hot oak.-
Come cio you good to call and see the es for half price. Coe and .set
fine before they go,
Rev. A. D. Gischier's subject Mrs. (Rev.) O. (l. .1. Maass is
for next Sunday evening's sermon visiting her dangbter Mrs. Bern.
will be ..Dare to be a Daniel, for harclt,>Eea,ndryweothekers.• friends in Preston,
Bern -
All ere cordially invited.
T.,ilireriens`, Lenn•is:Cathie, Lrerov , Mr. Henry O. Faust and faaniiy, . There was a large attendance at
O'Brien; Page. girl Re bb Bartieeib `'f (.era, Mien. arrived in town on rho sari
Marjorie .Fritz. Mildred Roffman.
An event of interest and one
w hieh will be green in the memory
of all who perticipitted, took i;lrrcee
Wednesday, in their auto. TheyTuesday
on P, 141aneon's lawn, on
l uesday everting. Everybody rybody re -
will remain here for some days. ports a good time.
On Tune the inn death passed On Sunday the 10th lest there
through the house of Mr, Alt, will he no serviee in St. Peters
011 the ]uw•ti of the Personae of t3ossenherry ami took away their T4ntheran church, Sunday school
St Peter's Lutheran church, on 0 niontlz old baby boy Norman, will continence at 10 a, in
Mr, and latex. Hermanl3ulelic,l�, of There was considerable Jeffries
Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. August: money in sight en lkiondav among
Gran. and daughter Pearl of Exeter.; tlir> rrnrtin r t'rtitce, even
spent the week tet the house of Mr. f tlu:+ result of thce battlernitrn as recti vaftercd.
and Mrs. Jacob c4a.1icuati. i The party that took et eeil of
Ties dar, the 28th of .Tune. It tvas
a social given to Rev, C. C3 T
Maass, who celebrated the 25th
anniversary of his ordination
The Pastor end his wife returning
from au tenting at 8 p. rn . were
greeted by the assembled sun.
gregation. All arrangements had
been inade so secretly that he was
altogether taken by surprise. The
president of the Synoct assisted by
Rev. Reacbn, of Stratford coni-
nittnicated the greetings of the
Synod end presented the Pastor
with a valuable silver einokine set,
and his wife with a set of ant glees
dishes, tklr. ,i. Believer addressed, ed zn the Sootoh singles which are
the Pastor on behalf of the con- being played oft, Mr. D. S.
gregation, after which he handed Gordon has donated a handsome
him a considerable amount of waton fob to be oonipeted for. The
money, The Pastor in a . few result of the first round is a',
words thanked all who had spared follows —B. Koehler 27, A.
neither pains nor efforts ro maid. Edighoffer 12; J '. raybiei 11, A F
fest their appreciation of his work. Hess 23 ; W Moise 18, B Zeller 15
The Jubilee Band in •a masterly .7 Constantino 18, W Beaton l ;
way played stew seleotions and the ,T P Rett 18, T. in Warm 14 ; A
Misses, Weber thrilled the hearts of Heideman 38, A Gulhnan 4 ; Peril
the people assembled by a number Hess 28, P 't'4' Hess 5; J. Preetter
of violin duets, .After the official 17, J J Merrier 16 P 'Lamont 18,
programme ell Partook of the grod P Sipple 17; J P Riokbeil til, B.
things evliieh The ladies of the Father Stroeder 18; Dr, B. A.
congregation in c ` provided so Campbell bye. The second a ootid
liiacrall) , is now in progress.
Johnson tier eelore,1 pugilis, i,' telephone wire from the roadside,
now the real CAW rnpinn of tette half a rile West of town, is re -
world Jeffries, hie big white quested to return sante at once to
brother lasted only le rounds. The E. Zeller,
bleak man is a marvel as a fighter, Mr, Jerry Oerriveau postmaster
and his supremacy at the inanly at Drysdale, is laid up at present,
art will not be questioned hereafter and Mr. G. S. Howard, of Melee is
If there is a yellow streak in him. temporarily charge of his majesty's
Jeffries has failed to locate it business.
The bowlers are deeply interest Dr. Owen's Snrgeon, Oculist
specialist will be at Commercial
Hotel, Zurich, on Friday, July.
22nd. Hours all day, Glasses
properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness,
failing eyesight and throat
troubles treated,
While :attending the wedding o
her son, Mrs. Vickers of St.
Thomas, was thrown out of the
rig, at the Babylon Line, and sus-
tained several broken ribs, besides
other injnries. The other oecup-
ants of the carriage were more or
less bruised and shaken tip, They
injured lady is rapidly recovering
shill will be tale t,, leave shortly
for her home,