The Herald, 1910-01-14, Page 2You WEAx AFTER SICKNESS ? is the Tirn.e to Enrich 'Vow' ood, Strengthen Your Nerves, and Get Real " VYell. u can profitably take a page from olunae'ormrs, Geo, E, Amarillo's xjenee—she has been through the she knows, 'The many months most useless depreission, the ner- fears and the sleepless nights I 1t have prevented—to think of is allnost enough to make me ill n. A little care and just a simple edy at first would have averted ng serious illness. n the spring, two years ago, I had ioid fever. I gained in weight., but flesh was puffy and my strength le. I was easily tired, and my color not good. But I depended on a ERROZO'NE hitherto rugged constitution t o right itself, and kept on. doing more than I ought. The a outcome was era- se of a nervous character. From ' improvement `Ferrozene' has tie, giving me strength, color and uranoe, it is reasonably certain t had I used it When I first felt rly my strength would speedily e been restored. I can strongly e those recovering from illness, se who feel ill, in fact everyone o needs better health can quickly n it by using Ferrozone." is because Ferrozone converts at you eat 'into nourishment; be - se it contains blood -making and rve strengthening qualities. These e the reasons why it builds up the ak and cures the sick. Try one two Ferrozone Tabi i with your cls, and watch the gain. Fifty nts per box, six for $2.50, all deal- s, or the Catarrhozone Co., King - on, Canada. rr UILDS UP' HE WEAif. Application of the Idea. • Brother \Iillnap." asked a member of s congregation, "in your opinion have e ant' definite idea as to when the end ' the world will come?" No," answered the pastor, "but this orth Polar literature has given us a 'w idea, and we are now considering e end of the world as a fixed point in le future and preparing to figure back- ard from that point down to the pres- it. When these calculatoins have. been. mpleted, Brother Wayland, we may e able to tell you all aboutgo Tribune. Tribune. WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL, To All Women: t will send freelP01 astructione, my home treatment Ich etively cures Leucorrhoea, Ulceration, $ .placements, Fa113ng of the Womb. Pain - 1 or Irregular periods, Uterine and Over- all Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes, Yervoueness, Melanoholy, Pains in the Head, or Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles, here caused by weakness peculiar to our x. You can continue treatment at home at cost o1 only 12 cents a week. ISy book, 'Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also sent ree on request. Write to -day. Address, Mrs. Si. Summers. Box H. 8,•lyiadsor, Ont. PROOF OF THE PL'DDING. (Weekly Telegraph.) Shoe Dealer—Here are a pair of boots that will suit you exactly in your next dash for the pole. How did you like the last pair I sold you? Arctic Explorer (reminiscently)—The best T ever tasted, FREE TO OUR READERS. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for 48 -page illustrated Eye Book Free, Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise as t e the Proper Application of ther Eye Remedies in Your Special Cae.MYour Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieve? Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 50c, Try It" in Tour Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and : rra`ulation. LEARNING FROM EXPERIINCE. (Catholic Standard and Times.) . "Do you think it's possible for one to learn anything by taking a course in that correspondence school he's conduct- ing?" "0, yes; one is likely to learn what a fool one was to bother with it" Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. _s SURE TO GET ALONG. (Figaro.) Belle --But do you think you and he.. are suited for each other? Nell -0, perfectly! Our tastes are quite similar. I don't•care much for him and he doesn't care much for me. • Tommy --Pop, what is an egotist? Tommy's Pop -An egotist, my son, is merely a person who thinks he knows more than we do." Big Salmon, Catches, The fine salaiori brought to gaff- and landing net baste included several 50 pounders, and one of 53 pounds, which latter fish was caught with a spoon bait iii the Namsen at Gotland, Norway, by Mr. Anton. It is believed to be the largest rod taken fish of the season. A salmon of 50,1n pounds has been landed from the Aroe at Dalmally by D. Fraser, one of 50 pounds caught at the Nese at Inverness by G. Thomas; and a 50 pound salmon has been secured in the Shannon at Castleconnell by G. C. Williams, where also Sir D. Gooch has had one o43 pounds. Taking over three lichees to bring to bank a 49 pound salmon—believed to be the largest ever caught in this river—has been landed with the fly on the Falls beat of the Beauty (Scotland) by Henry Frazier, fisherman to C. W. Odgen, of New York; and Lady Edith Trot- ter has captured a 48,'•2 pound sal- mon in the Spronston waters of the Tweed, while the concluding week's sport on the river was marked by the taking of a 42 pound sahnon by the Rev. W. McCollum, fishing in the Kelso district.—Frons the London Evening Standard. Do you trap or buy Furs? I am Canada's largest dealer, I pay highest prices. Your shipments solicited. I pay mail and ex- press charges; remit promptly. Also largest dealer in Beefhides, Sheepskins, etc. Quotations and shipping tags sent free. 9 JOHN HALLAM, TORONTO WRONG ADVERTISING. In Berlin an advertiser has been punished by the courts for trying to draw attention to his wares by send- ing forth announcements on black - bordered paper with the appearance of being notifications of death. There are those who are slow to learn that the best\advertisement of honest goods is that which on its face pretends to be just what it is. i'nnard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—Last winter I received great benefit from the use of MINARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack of La Grippe, and I have frequently proved it to be very effective in eases of InfIam- mation. Yours, W. A, IIUTCIHINSON, A Beauty Cure. to The beauty cure tht - ing the attention of f +at th ii� {M.it is tiff t'84Z ij 'atilt is that it is indict: ^ cheap for a cure adopted by fash e society. The milk is taken inwardly and out- wardly. ut- wardly. A glass of hot milk slowly sipped at night composes the mind and prepares the body for restful slumber. Milk is rubbed into the face at night with a piece of soft linen and allowed to dry, and in the morning the face is washed hi milk,,but no soap must be used. Skin regularly washed in milk is declared to be proof against sunburn.—From Health, e•• PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itchiag, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 8 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c •.> Cold Weather Kindness. It's in order. Considet the poor. Feed the stray dog. Shelter the homeless cat. Give seeds and crumbs to the s P ar- 'rows. Not liking these creatures is no ex- cuse. It's absurd to have ice wagon horses floundering up to one's house such weather? --" 4•• klinard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. 9.0 The Mormon Way. Marriages among Mormons rarely fail. Their people are taught from the first to last that mariage is a most sacred rite and must be entered into only throughthe purest and best motives. And the elders among them, like the old time uakers, counsel those who seek to enter this holy state, and in case they are • unfit, or the proposed match is ill- advised, the marriage is forbidden. A lady who ]las lived in Salt Lake for several years, and who went there with her mind set against believing anything good. of Mormons, in talking with some of the veterans from home said: "Since the abolitign of polygamy, and after living neighbor to Mormons for a dozen years and more, I feel compelled to say that in the matter of marriage, of faithfulpess, and love and care for children, they eau give Gentiles many pointers. I don't like all their ways ex- actly,.but the fact that they do not recognize, nor accept the double stand- ard of morals—one for women, and one for men—makes me feels more or less ashamed of our people.' "They do not teach, but actually prac- tice total abstinence, not only from in- toxicants but from all things harmful the Mormons, and only wish I could say or unnecessary to health, comfort and good morals. This much I can say for as much for the Gentiles in Salt Lake City. A. LONG TRAIN. "George! Some one is standing on my train." "Wait, . dear, and I'll telephos};e'' the ladies' dressing room on the third floor and tell them to get off at once." WORN, woniimen MOTHERS Much w of the worry Which every mother of young Children undergoes woubiie spared if the mother kep#3aby's Own Tablets on land and gave .pan occasional dose when the child was fretful, cross or feverish, Nearly all the aih lents of'child- hood can be tra: to the storn- ach, bowels or iething. For these troubles no.. medicine can equal Baby's Own Tablets, and the mother has the guarantee of a government analyst that the Tablets aro ebsulutely safe'i, Mrs. Ed. Sudda,l'd, Baldimand, Que., says: "I have used Baby's Own 1'enist:] in lay home for a long.tie, and al- ways with the •belt results. 1 do not know new L could get along without „MO,. medicine." Sold by medicine dealers or by nail at 25 cense a , here: front The Dr. Williams' Medicine. Co., Brock- ville. Ont. CM BY'S VACATION. Casey's wife was atthe hospital, where she had undergone a very sei•oius opera- tion a few days before, Mrs. Kelly called lv iiiq,tire as to Mrs. Casey's conditon. "is she restin' quietly",'" Mrs. Kelly "No, but I am," said Casey. 0. Lifebouy Soap is dellghtfrlly refreshing for bath or toilet. For washing underclothing It is unequalled. Cleanses and purifies. ♦.es ONLY SLIGHTLY. (Life,),.. "Do you have social relations with their family?" "No; purely business—We exchange Christmas presents." Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Lucky. Little Johnny, who had been praying for some months for God 4.n:send hi -.l baby brother, finally be+r to disenur- aged. "1 don't believe God is any more little boys to send," he told his mother, "and I'm going to quit it," Early one morning •. not long after this he was taken into his mother's roam to see twin boys who had arrived in the night. Johnny regarded them thoughtfully for safne minutes. "Gee!" he remarked, finally, "it's a good thing I stopped raying when I did."—Everybody's Magair. ne. CHIEF OF CONGO TRIBE.' Right of Women to ;Throne -Strange Beliefs and Superstitions. E. Torday described to the lloyal Anthro- pological Society last night the results of a recent ethnological expedition to the Congo Free State. After dealing with the racial divisions xis explained the institutions, sc+- erument and religion of the people of tho Congo State. The head of the tribe )vasa.tlhe chief, but in certain questions his mother seemed to take precedence of him. Ills power Was nom- aly� absolute, but in reality very slight. Here were six great officers and a host of smaller officials. The right to the throne descended in the female Duo, but 'a woman Daly came to the throne if the male stock failed. The chief having the power to dis- inherit any likely claimant virtually had the Dower or nominating his successor, The Bu-.Shongo believed in au all powerful creator, but paid no worship to him, though magic was largely practised. Spiritually man was believed to consist dfthree elements— soul, double and shadow. '1'he soul was thought only, to leave the body at death, the double at both death and sleep and the sha- dow only at death. The belief that a corpse could not cast a shadow was currently held. Mr. Torday reported the Dearest approach to true totemism as yet discovered in Africa. For among the western Bu-Shongo, he Faid. each person inherited from, bis father an tkian, a plant or animal, which he might not eat. The iklna had no connection with tribal names, and the division into lkina cut across the division Into tribes and villages. Persons posessing the same ikina might not marc,. Only One "BROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day, .25e. SOME DOPE. (Wisconsin Sphinx.) She 1)o you believe in love in a, cote tage.d lie—Do you believe in Santa Claus? ISSUE NO.' 2. .191ti. UMW trocr AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEWIFE knows that Sunlight Soap means a wonderful saving of time and labour in house- cleaning, Whether with hot or cold water, nothing gets the dirt off so quickly and without injury as Sunlight Soap. Sunlight snakes the ho as fresh as new. me 1 GOD A GOOD CRITIC. "How realistic your painting isle It fairly makes my mouth water!" t5. sunset makes your mouth water?' `01i, it is a sunset, is it? I thought it was a fried egg!" aso Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. HANDSOME WATCH FREE. TH E A Gents' or $0. Dnow yurmoeaway. costs to secure a Watch which t0 keep time and last well will be equal to any Solid Gold Watch send us your name and address immediately and agree to sell 10 boxes only of Dr. Maturin's Famous Vegetable Pills at 250. a box. They are the greatest remedy on earth for the cure of poor and Impure blood, indigestion. headaches, consti- pation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kidney dis- eases, and all female weaknesses they are the Great Blood Portlier and Invigorator, a Grand Tonic and Life Builder, With the Pills we send 10 articles .of jewelry to give away with the pills—this makes them easy to sell. This is the chance of a lifetime. DO notmissit. Send us your order and we will send yon the 10 boxes, post paid. When you have sold them send us the money ($2.50) and we will send you AGENT s OE' LADES WATCH the same day the money is received. We are giving these beautiful Watches to advertise our Remedies. This is a grand opportunity to secure a valuable Watch without staving to spend a cent. And our Watch Is a stem wines and stem set and not Inc cheap back wind article generally gi"en as premiums. Send for our pills without delay. Address DR. MATURIN MEDICINE CO. WntehDept 20 Toronto, ort dy Who Eats Bread .sat syste Pills act y els, regulating them—on the kidneys, giving them ease ant' strength to properly filter the blood -and on the skin, opening up the porus. For pure blood and good health take ® Ir. WI eat P°Sf maim Frcotart ReB1 o+P Golden Eagle in Songster Class. Chris Wittmeyer, from Godrich, was arrested Monday for killing a golden eagle and was dined $10 and costs. Witt- meyer and a party of hunters had been in the vicinity of Twin Lakes hunting geese,. and while on their way yome sighted the golden eagle, which is a rare bird in this. part of the country, and shot it and sent it to Mandan to have it mounted. One section of the game law provides that all harmless birds must be protect- ed, and the golden eagle comes under this head. The present: Game and Fish Commission has made a strict stand for the enforcement of the law,and there has been less unlawful shooting this year 'than at any time in the past.—l3is- tnarck correspondence St. Paul Dispatch. dem DO YOU ' USE PILLS? if in Doubt About the Right.Pills. to Use Read the Following Letter Carefully : "I am one of those persons whose system requires aid," writes Mr. Young Gledhill, from Piston, "but it is so eas- ily affebted by reason of the great sensi- tiveness Af the bowels that ordinary drastic pills inflict greldt injury to the delicate coating, and excite such per- sistent activity as to be with difficulty checked.,, "I wish in the highest terms to ex- press the great value of Dr. Hamilton's Pills in 'eases like mine, and I am sure also for elderly people and the very weak, there is no pill like them. "Speaking of my we. experience with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, I eau say they. have proved the most stimulating Pills for the diver I have found. I have proved their tonic action upon diges- tion, and the same results have been secured by friends upon whom I have urged their use. The manufacturers are to be congratulated upon possessing so valuable a prescription. and the publib should know that so valualille a remedy has been placed at their command." No other pill for constipation, for liver, kidney or stomach trouble, Com- pares with Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they are mild and sure alntays to restore health. Refuse substitutes. Sold by till dealers, 25c per box, or The Catart- hozone Co., Kingston, pitta ural;. D BREAD y APPER5 om, the overt t We are the original manufacturers of bread wrappers now used by leading bakers of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other cfi:ies. the E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited, Hull, Canada .,s,7.�.,^r.. , �f9pbis,-, wl«cY, w `r':'n;,� x+11:'e ",:!t r9,r : .• a.m. xaxi,. .t, This is a floe, handsome, clear -toned Violin, highly polished, richly' colored.complete with stringbridge, three gut stringeaboacflataheessctalof white horse hair, and box of resin. Everything complete packed in a box. Just send as your name and address, and agree to tell only 8 boxes of Dr. Maturin's ?amnia Vegetable Piile, at 2sc. a box. A grand remedy and cure for weak and impure conditions of the blood Indi. gestion, stomach troubles, constipation, nervous disorders, diseases of the Liver and kidneys rheumatism, and Female troubles. A. mild laxative, Grand Tonic and Life Builder. They are e'.sy to sellas each customer buying a box of pills, from you, receives, at the same time, a nice fancy Pin, which we send you with the Pills, Do not miss the chance of yourlife. Don't send any money—Only your name and address, at once, and we will promptly send yen ,by mail, postpaid, the 8 boxes of Pills and the Pins. When sold remit to us the $5,00 and W.) will send you this handsome Violin, etc. just as represented. Writee to -day, Address .• THE DR' MATURIN MEDICINE CO., • Dept. 156 TORONTO, ONT This elegant watch ladies' or gents' size, stem wind and set, fancy engraved cases full guaranteed, Wiilbesent toyou ABSO LUTE LY FREE,11yon will sell only$3.00 wort! of Lovely Picture Peat Cards 6 for lOe, These are the most artistic, beauti- fully colored' arid embossed cards issued this season. Views, Mottoes, Floral, Holl. day, 6.o. These aro the fastest sellers. Get the best. Write to -day and we will send Vouapackage.Sell them and return the mon eyandwin this Handsome Little Watch. Yon can also win a lovely TeaSet FREE if you will help us to enlarge our business by getting only a other agents anwithout having to sell any more goods. 58 1 COBALT GOLD PEN CO., Card Dept. Toronto, Ont. FREE TO BOYS This FINE AIR RIFLE, nickeled steel barrel peep rights, pollehed walnut stoolk, shooting BB shot or darts with ruficient force to hill birds, squirrels, eto. Boye this le thy♦ beat Air Wile made, and weals' it to you pont for selling 8 boxes, only, of lir, Motorist's) Famous Vegetable Pills, at 250. a box. These Pills are the best remedy known in all eases of weak and impure blood, indigestion, stomach troubles, constipation, nerroys diseaeos, rheuma- tism, ate, Just send your name and address plainly written, and we will sond you 8 boxes of our Pills and 8 Nano Pine to ere away, as a premium, with each box sold. When you hare sold the 8 boxes, send us the mbney $2.00 and we will immediately, send you this handsome Air Itille, We donot ask any Dorney: before the Pills are sold snit We take back what you cannot sell. Ilddress--TNE It MATWON MEDICINE CO., Dept, 51 Toronto, gilt,