The Herald, 1909-11-19, Page 6rimy T efle rete ere*vet ,r
A Boon To
To K1)ow How to ` Cure Colic,
Distempers, Colds, Swellings, -
Etc. -Saves Thousands
Each Year.
It is a matter of vital importance to
'very farmer, horse -owner and stock -
raiser to know exactly what to do when
op:e of his animals is taken suddenly
The letter of Mr. Frank F. Fullerton,
w ch we print below, gives information
of Inestimable value, and tells of his ex-
perience in curing ailing stock during
past thirty-eight years:
"Several years
ago when my
horses tool[ colic I
used to give them
Cayenne Pepper in
hot milk, but in a
few cases only did
it help, and because
I had no proper
means at hand I lost several valuable
animals. Some one told me of the suc-
eeas Mr. Wendling, of Brockville, Ont.,
had in his racing stables with "Nervi -
line,' so I laid in a supply. It wasn't
very long before Nerviline saved the life
of a valuable stallion of mine, which
was worth at Ieast $1,000. This horse
was taken with colic, and would have
died, had it not been for Nerviline. I
have used Nerviline for reducing swell-
ings, for taking out distemper lumps,
.and easing a had cough, and always
found it worked well. I recommend
every man who owns horses or cattle to
keep Nerviline on hand.
Mr. Fullerton is one of the best known
residents of Stormont, and his recom-
mendation as an experienced and practi-
cal horseman proved beyond question
how valuable Servilityreally is.
Give Nerviline a trial. It's good for
man or beast, internally and externally.
25e per bottle or five for $1.00. At all
dealers or the C'atarrhozone Co., King -
sten, Ont.
(Montreal Herald),
if we could take from our
=SU :
The power to let contracts.
The power to decide betweeu tende -
The power to vote money
The power to buy supplies.
The power to prepare plans and speci-
fications for all civic buildings.
The power to inspect and superintend
all such works.
The power to directly control the
civic employees.
The power to appoint firemen.
The power to give out jobs.
The power, tet exercise petty "pat-
ronage" .generhily.
Would it be an emprnveinent?
The Board of Control will take all
these `powers away from the aldermen
and vest them in a committee of Mayors.
as they
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root ''ills
owe their singular effectiveness in
curing Rheumatism, Lumbago and
Sciatica to their power of stimulating
and strengthening the kidneys. They
enable these organs to thoroughly
filter from the blood the uric acid
(the product of waste matter) whi.oh
gets into .the joints and muscles and
causes these painful diseases. Over
half a century of coustant use has
proved conclusively that Dr, Morse's
Iudian: Root Pills strengthen weak
kidneys and
pre Rheumatism
e e
Our custolnis officials can hardly inain-
ain an inspection over wood' cutting,
nap grinding or paper making - in the
)anadian Provinces It all events,. this
ioliey of • retaliation id . a stupid one.
t incree',ses'instead of•rnitigating the ef-
eet of Canadian restrictions upon the
,rade in pulp wood, wood pulp and
minting paper, and adds to the cost of
.stern all to our own commuters. Be -
ides, it is calculated to foment ili•feel-
ng and "discrimination" which niay
sad to imposing cur •`maximum rated"
pen Canadian products after , next
larch and diverting the Grade of Canada'
;till more to other countries. Creating
ad feeling with neighbors is a poor way
'f cultivating trade.
Ilinard's Liniment Cures Garget in
e (llarper's Bazar.)
e Gladys—Well, what did Miss Doctor
1,cverton say was the cause of your
;dream paleness?
1 Graee—Well, she has described to me
hat and waist that will go beautifully
ith it.
The. King as Farmer.
There is an article in the June num=
leer of Cassell's Magazine on "The King's
Farm," which has been written by the
Very Rev. John Gillespie, LL. D., and
wldeh gives an acconut of royal experi-
ments in agriculture at Balmoral. Ivluch
of the beautiful and i cturesque estate
of Balmoral, we read, has been planted
and almost all the remainder turned in-
to pasture land since it was acquired
by Queen Victoria. The home farm is
at A'bergeldie Mains, which is held on
lease by his Majesty from the owner.
Mr. Gordon, of Abergeldie. The rent -
paying tenant farmers of the United
Kingdom therefore have the King as the
chief member of their class. The farm,
Dr. Gillespie tells us, which is situated
on the south side of the Dee, about
two and a half miles east of Balmoral
Castle, extends to only 105 acres or
thereabouts of arable land, with souse
rough pastures. The soil is typical of
Deeside land, being mostly of a light
gravelly nature resting on a rock forma
tion of granite. It is cultivated on the
six -course rotation very commonly fol-
lowed in many parts of Scotlancl--
namely, oats on land plowed out of
grass, being followed by turnips, and
then oats or barley sown out with grass
and clover seeds, after which it is razed
for three years. The farm has the int -
portant advantage of beign well shelter-
ed by wood, but lying at an altitude of
800 feet above sea -level, immediately on
the north side of the filrampians, it bas
a northern exposure. Consequently the
summer is of short duration, and this
necessitates a good deal of indoor feed-
ing of the live stock.—Wesinrinster Ga-
Strength of Human Hair.
A human hair of average thickness can
support a load of 61.4 ounces, and the
average number of hairs on the head is
about 30,000. A woman's long hair has
a total tensile strength of more than flee'
tons, and this strength can be increased
one-third by twisting the hair. The an-
cients made practical use of the strength
of human hair. The cords of the Roman
catapults were made of the hair of
There is no other medicine for little
ones as safe as Baby's Own Tablets,
or so sure, in its beneficial effects.
These Tablets speedily cure stomach
and bowel troubles, destroy worms,
break up colds. thus preventing deadly
croup, allay simple fevers, and bring
the little teeth through painlessly."
Mrs. C. A. Weaver, Saskatchewan
Landing, Sask., says: "I have used
Baby's Own Tablets for my little one
in eases of colds, stomach and bowel
troubles, and other minor ailments,
and have never known them to fail iii
speedily restoring the child's health,
I think tl° '•;e is no medicine for babies
like the Tablets." Sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
A. Box of Pens.
What pen is never cheap? Expen-
What pen denotes it gentle melancho-
ly? Pensive.
What pen is never shut? Open.
What pen pays for damages? Com-
What pen belongs exclusively to the
United States? Pennsylvania.
What pen is a mental faculty? Pen-
What pen do criminals pay for their
misdeeds? Penalty.
What .pen need never be regretted?
What open enables people to live com-
fortably? Pension.
. We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT is
the beat:
Mathias Foley, C'il (trey, Ont.
Joseph Snow, Norway, Me.
Charles Wlhooten, Mulgrave, N. S.
Rev. R. O. Armstieng, Mulgrnve, • N. S.
Pierre Landers, sen., Pokesnonohe, N.B.
Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. B.
(Cleveland Leader.)
Guest ---Mercy l What's that awful
profanity down stairs?
Hostess ---My husband bas come in late
and fallen over the new Persian prayer
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
X -Ray for Warts.
The very sitnplest way of getting rid
of a wart is by a single application of
the X-rays. The wart does not fall off
during the actual application, but within
a week or ten days afterwards it simply
drops off, leaving smooth and healthy
skin behind it.
The time occupiedby each sitting is
something between fifteen and thirty
minutes, and no dressings or other ap-
plications are required. The procedure
gives a. minimum amount of trouble to
the patient, a maximttm of cm -Witty
of immediate cure, and no scarring.
One kind of wart which is particularly
annoying to its poesesor is that. wh:ieh
grows upon the sralp. These wartp inlay
occur in people who are quite grown up
or even past middle life. It le as easily
cured by an application of tilde X-rays as
are the warts upon juvenile hands.» --
l! runt .the Hospital.
Quickly Yields to D,D,D, Prescription.
Ail of wizitergreen is recognized by
the medical fraternity as one of the
best of all remedies for skin' diseases.
But it has been found most effective
when combined with thymol, glycerine,
etc,, as in D. D. D. Prescription.
The following letter, writteu on July
12 last by 'Mrs, R. E. Purdy, of Condie,
Sask., gives an idea of the variety of
the uses of D. D. D. in the household:
"Last winter I sent for one of your
free samples of D. D. 1), Prescription.
1 tried it on sores that broke out OIl
a teething baby's head, on cold -sores
and on a mild type of eczema, and
found it worked well, curing each trou-
ble quickly and easily.
This summer we have used it on bad
mosquito bites and it heals them in two
or three applications,"
D. D. D. is a wonderfully soothing.,
cooling liquid, which instantly allays
the itching caused by skin diseases, and
eures them.
For free sample bottle of . D. D. D.
Prescription write to the D. D. D. Lab-
oratory, Department 1), 23 Jordan st.,
For sale by all drugists.
Watch the Wiring.
The entire wiring of a car should be
carefully examined from time to time
for signs of wear in the insulation. At
certain places the wires are exposed to
continual, though slight, friction, which
will ultimately break through the insul-
ation and establish a short circuit. The
timely application of a little insulating
tape will often save much trouble in this
respect. The heat of the exhaust pipe
or muffler, for example, will melt the
insulation of the high tension cable, if
too close and cause a defect.
Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Byes.
Relieved BY Murine Eye Remedy. Trp'
Murine For Your Eye Troubles, You
etLike Murine. It Soothes. 50c At
Your Druggists. write For Eye Books.
Free. Murine stye P.,' 1v Co., Toronto.
TONIC a0L-1+A.
(London Christian World.)
"During the last few days we have
been watching the work of the training -
classes for music teaehety that are being
held by the Tonle Sol-fa college at For-
est -gate. The Tonic Sol-faists are, above
all things, methodisers in music, and
their fame in this respect attracts stu-
dents from far and wide, who learn at
Forest -gate how to handle pupils so as
to get the best restate. The students
come from many quarters. Here are
two Ursuline nuns; there is a scho01-
music supervisor from Boston, l;- S. A.;
there is another from Western Canada;
near them keen young Welshmen; ladies
with diplomas fromeettaya,l 1nstitutiena
who are learning how to teach; 'Scottish
organists; Irish students preparing for
work upon their keen -eared countrymen.
The atmosphere is one of enthusiasm."
Mr. Herbert Bauer, of Davisville, says he
ower Gin Pills a debt of gratitude which he
can never repay. FIe suffered for Years with
Bladder Trouble, and could not pass urine
except by much straining, which caused great
Mr. Bauer sent for a tree sample of Gin.
Pills. The first dose did him so much good
that he ordered six boxes and began to take
them regularly. A month's treatment com.-
nretely cured him.
You can try Gin Pills before you buy them.
Write National Drug & Chemical Co. (Dept.
IH,), Toronto for free sample. At all deal-
ers, 60c a box, 6: for $2.50.
,a o
Keeping Cupid on the Job.
"If you love me, darling, tell nie with
your eyes,"
That's the way the old song goes.
But, we find, the darlings, when they
make replies,
Yorryy often answer with their "Noes:"
—The Catholic Standard and Times.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
I took a Walk on Labor Teo.y
To see what I could see,
I found the tabor man at play,
No thougirt of work had he.
But lol the man who dote not wear
The toiler's well -wore, sweat -stained
I fouled at labor everywhere,-
verywhere,nixing up the house.
Spanking does not cure children of
bed-wetting. There is a constitutional
cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum-
mers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send
free to any mother her successful home
treatment, with full instrutiona. Send
no money, but Write her to -day if your
children trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the chancel are it can't
help it. This treatment also cures adults
and aged people troubled with urine dif-
ficulties by day or night.
Father Lacked Experience.
Bobbie- spa says "honesty is the
best policy," doesn't he, mamma?
Mamma—Yes, dear.
Bobble—Well, how does he know2—
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Millions Can Neither Read. Nor
Spain's people are the most ignorant
and backward of any of the great peo-
ples of Europe. Over 08 per cent. of the
populration cannot read OT write.
'The population of the country is some-
thing over eighteen ndliiorss. Mad:id
and Barcelona, with half a million people
each, are the largest oities.,
Three-fourths of the population is en-
gaged in agriculture, grapes for wine,
seiui-tropiea•1 fruits, with some wheat in
the uplands, being their chief products.
The rest of the people are fishers, or en-
gaged in lniniug iled maim flaeeuring.
Most of the manufatetu ing and the bulk
of the commerce is carried on in Cata-
lonia, especially Barcelona and Valeuola,
and the country near the French budder.
The Spanish people Bove for many
years been torn by revolution, and are
groaning under repressive pooer•ty nail
heavy taxation. The foreign policy of
the nation, especially the causes which
brought on the Spa nish-Aniericau war in
1808, cost the people heavily.
Spain was once the richest nation in
Europe. This wee when she controlled
most ofthe new oontiment, including the
rich gold mines of South. Amerkia. Now,
with a national debt of $1,800,000,0110,
it is probablytthe poorest of all.
Fy"k: 11 fi i19 ;rl...tire
quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals
the throat and lungs. - - - 25 cents
(Kansas City Journal.)
When a man of national prominence
becomes ill enough to have a consulta-
tion of physicians. and bulletins are
issued from his bedside, ho is going to
die. It never fails.
of clean, sweet.smeiling
linen is obtained with half
the toil and half the time
if Sunlight Soap is used.
Sunlight shortens the
day 's work, but lengthens
the life 01 your clothes.
ISSUE NO, 46. 1909
'4.. Mg sample caee, bast goods and the best
terms. Alfred Tyler, London, Ont.
Poetryvs. Prose.
"why do you hand me this almanac?"
inquired the prominent citizen,
So that you may pick out the antic -
dote`% bo be attached to your interview,"
explained the man who wee getting up
the magazine article- "It is' only .fair
to give you a choice." --Louisville Cour-
ier -Journal.
This FiNE AIR RIFLE, nickeled steel barrel, peep sights, polished walnut stock,
shooting BB shot or darts with sufficient force to kill birds, squirrels, etc. Boys, this is the
best Air Riga made, and we give it to you FREE for selling 8 boxes, only, of Dr. etaturin'e
Famous Vegetable Pills, at 26c. a box. These Pills are the best remedy known in all cases of
weak and impure blood, indigesttou, stomach troubles, constipation, nervous diseases,rheuma-
tism eta
,Just send your name and address plainly written, and we will send you 8 boxes of our Pills
and 8 Fancy Pins to give away, as a premium, with each box sold. When you have sold the 8
boxes, send us the money $2.00 and we will, immediately Bend yon this handsome Air Ride.
We do not ask any money before the Pills are sold and wo take back what you cannot sell.
Address—TRE OR. MATURIO MEIJICIME CO,, Oept, 57, Toronto, Ont.
Can't Help But Lose Its loops and
Fail to Pieces. You Want�1e..
thing Better Don't You? Theon AA
for Pails and Tabs Made of
Each One a Solid, Hardened. Lasting Mass'(a
Without a Hooper Seam lust es Good as E j t) aIGT��11 �t7(�
h Thi& is a ane; handsome, clear•tnnod Violin, highly polished, richly colored'
complete with• string bridge„ throe gut, strings, ebony 5nishpegs. long bow ,
I of white horsehair. and box of rosim Everything complete sent aeoarelp
packed la a boars Just sond us ,your name and address, and agree to soil
only 8. boxes of Ar. ltlaturin a Pamoua Vegeta bre Villa, at Eba a.
A. greedremedr and cure for weak and impure conditions of the blood indi-
gestion, stomach troubles,constipation,nervous disorders, diseases of the liver and kidneys,
rheumatism, and Female troubles. A mild laxative, Grand Tonic and Life Builder. They are
easy tosell as each customer buying a box of pills from you, receives, at the same time, a Mee
fancy Pin, which we send you with. the pills. Do not miss the chance of your life.
Don't send any money—Onty your name and address at once,, and we will promptly send
you by mail, postpaid; the &boxes of Pills and tho'Pius. when sold, remit to uatho $2AM and
we will send you this handsome Violin, etc. just as represented. Write today.
Dept. 156. TORONTO. ONT
,x....4,16 , L. ��y''J{o b'. � i!'A.,.y K • . f,�, M :».I� ,
rW �' er,4 i'• This elegant watch ladles' or gents' size, stem wind and set, fanny
engraved gold finished eases, is a little beauty. We will send you ails
.N `a
FREE, it you will sell
only 0,,3,00 worth of
high grade collar bat-
at tons at roc, per card r ♦r
(4 buttons on each t t ,, i' ✓�
card). These buttons are veryfast settees
Write to -day and we will send ou a pack-
age; sell them and return the money and'x
you can also win this LOVELY TEA
SF,T FREE without having to sell any ,
more goods.
�T� 1�r' •em„r'� tai � 11
Button Dept 19, Toronto, Ont.
LifebOUY Soap is delightfully refreshing for
bath or toliet, For washing underclothing it
is unequalled. Cleanses and purifies.
His Monumental Blurider,
'Mali boy, what is the trouble be-
tween you and the beautiful Miss Plum-
"Jealousy. I happened one day to
speak of Psyche and it made her furl`
Minard's Linimefl(;rt•re§' bistd
A treats or Ladles Solid Gold Watch °cote Seem
$25 to $5011 i)o set throw yaws, money owns. If
you desire to secure a Watch which to keep time
and last well will be equal to any. sena thole
Watch, send ea your name and eddressimmediete•
lr and agree to sell 10 boxes only, of Dr. tsrin'e
Fseioes Vegetable Pills. at tea a box. nay are
the greatest reined on earth for the euro of poet
and impure blood, Indigestion, headaches, consti-
pation, nervousroubles, liver, bladder end kid-
ney diseases, and all female weaknesses; they are
the Great Blood Polder and elgora�,er, a Grand
Toa -o and ,fo Belider. With the Ptus we Bend
to articles res
to give away With the ppills--
this makes them eery to ball bi le tits chance
. et a Melbas, Da tot War it, Syync us Yens order
Mid we will send you the 10 boxes, post paid
When you are sold them, send ne the reoneyis.00
and we IPU yrend yonpp
A 11
file a mi. usy whetRES aoneyyAte Qreceived.
We are giving those Ueaiitttal we_
10 aqdvertise
oar Is a d ,opppeor?tivity tors.
euro a valuabia Watch without ngtlnge° speed aamt.ot. And oar Weal le Latent wind and stem Ws
and not the cmn
eap back wind article generally
given aypreschool. Send for mit pills without
elray, Address THE nit. MATD14i19 MED1C11it
00 •While► Depl. 20. Torosde, OnI.