The Herald, 1909-06-25, Page 8ioko Ott aS Goods Striped Ginghains and good heavy prints; just the thing for Dresses, Ladies' Suits, Boys' Blouses etc. 131 ck and Colored. Voiles Nothing prettier or more stylish than a nice voile dress or skirt for hos; weather. Fancy net- ting for waists, with insertions to match. Ladies' Fancy Parasols White and fancy colors are fashionable and we have a fine selection. Ladies' Belting Specials Don't fail to see our new stock of Belting, in black, brown, navy, green, white and cream. Two new things in Belting—Silveriue and Goldine— Conme in and see what it is like. 2 Specials===Toilet Sets and Tapestry Carpet Squares A large stock in these two lines at special prices. very A Millinery Clean=up We want to clean up the balance of a big season's trade and will cut the price almost in half. Men's Summer Clothing . 2 and 3 piece suits: Fancy Vests, Negligee Shirts, nice Low Collars, Underwear, Fancy Hosiery and Belts. a Straw Hats—All Prices We have never shown as good a range of Men's and Boys' straws as we are showing this season. Sailor Hats from 25cts up to $2.50.. mernsonestamiNAMOrnbiossimito e • GENERAL .iVIE.CIIANT Zuriei, Ontario Local Option Campaign. This apace has' been reserved by the LocaOption Ootninittee of the Township ofHay, THE CHRISTIAN CITIZEN'S DUTY Every torn and village in the Pro- vince of Ontario, in which the liquor traffic is licensed, has in it some man some family;' that would be made better off by the abolition of thebar- room and the treating system. In some places' there are many such men and families. In some villages and towns there are homes that are heavily cursed with a ,weight of degradation and woe, that would be lifted by the clos- ing up of theplaces that are licensed to sell. strong,druik. The Christian men and women of alI these villages and towns now face the possibility of jhelping some of their fellow. citizens, financially, physically,, .morally and spiritually, by exercising the power which they enjoy under Local Option, to vote out the bar -room evil. Does not this power carry with it a responsibility? Does it not offer a privelege? Does it not impose a duty?' The religion that we all cheerish and seek to practise, inculcates not love for God, but purpose and ac- tion for the welfare or our fellow- men. The Local Option legislation gives us .;an opportunity now, this year to put that religion into praci- cal operation. Fall Term Opens AUG. 30th, Our graduates are assisted to the best positions. Write for the reason. Prepare now to enter at the beginning of term. Mail Courses for those who wish to study at home. CLtNTON BUSINES COLLEGE Gro. Si'oTTON. Principal., C. Hartleit"is selling Targe .q uan- tites of Paroid roofing. There will be no preaching in the 14th Con. Evangelical church on Sunday. Mr. Orville Ehnes manager of the Dominion Bank at Baden and New Dundee, is home for a visit. Hon. W. L. M. Tiring Minister of Labor, was returned by acclama- tion in North Waterloo. A case of scarlet fever has de- veloped at the Babylon Lime, and the authorities have taken steps to prevent a spread of the disease.• We have a quantity of ready woven fencing on hanet which we are Felling at greatly reduced prices. ('all early, J. Preeter. One of Mr. Louis Ralbfleiseh's sons at the 16th Con., is down with typhoid fever, Dr. Campbell is attending the patient. Mrs N. Hartung, Mrs. TI, Wese- loh and Miss Kate Koch, left on Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Geo. Seinion, of Logan, Mr. H. Kalbfeisch. on Saturday last showed THE HRRA.I;D some stalks of fall wheat, grown on the farm of his son Louis, which. mea- sured 4 feet and 3 inches. There will be no preaching in the Evangelical church Sunday fnorn- ing, however Sunday sehobl and praymeeting at 9.30 and 10 45 re- spectively. Mr. M. W. Ehnes of New York, will occupy the pulpit, In the evening. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist, Speoialist will be at Royal ,Hotel, Hensall, on - Friday, June 18,th. Hours J a m to 9 p m. Glasses pro- perly fitted, 'Catarrh. deafness, fail- ing eyesight and throat troubles treated. It is zeported that Mr. Alex. Mc- Leod, principal of the public school has resigned and that Mr. Gordon, who has taught at the 14th Con„ for a number of years will succeed him, after the holidays. Mr, Mc. Leod has been a, conscientious and hardworking teacher, and his suc- cessor is also spoken of as a very successful man in the profession. A strawberry cooial will be held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid in cenneotion with St. Peter's Lutheran church, in the garden of the Lutheran parsonage on the 29th of June, beginning at 8 p. ni. Tick- ets will be sold at the gates, en- titling the bearer to a lunch. a.ults lbcts and children i0ots. Ice cream, strawberries and coffee can be had for 5cts each. The band will be in etftetsdar,e,All are cordially iia, 11604 TIONS On %Vfr�and Wire Fencing TO ?J4SI1 BCYERS Best Carbon. Steel coiled Best quality heavy gal-•' wire, medium gal- 9 5 o vanized coiled 2 65 vanized, per 100.... • wire, per 100• • All No. g coiled spring wire Fencing 5 wire, per rod, 25c. 6 wire, per rod, 28c. 7 wire, per rod, 33c. 8 wire, per rod, 37C We Lead the Trade, Others May Follow and May Not. . e. I-1JRTLRIB, ZURICH HURON'S LARCEST COMBINATION STORE Zurich's Leading SHOE STORE . Now is the time to buy your SPRIN6 and SIJMMI3R SIIOES We have the Very Best and ]Latest==all sizes and colors. Conde and examine before buying elsewhere. Our low prices will save you money„ P. BENDER, Zurich No Trouble IN BNING IF YOU USE Royal Household Five Roses or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. All kinds of Feed on. hand. SIRANNIE, ZURICH Highest price in. Cash paid for Butter and Eggs R CAR LOAD =MIR 1111111111111 11•11111111O 0111111111111 X Hastings Brand B. C. SIiIN6I,ES i Just arrived. Will give to*eet prices for quick sale. C KALBFLEISCH, Zurlcx-i