The Herald, 1909-06-25, Page 4The Z.i rich Herald.
:pay ot>
1 The
1 a REST FU'na� $3,500,001) es
Has 665 Branches in. Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in ab.
the Principal ,Cities in. the World.
Interest l� d at highest current rate v
QD ?d iii GE e3D4 41DOMP3r6
ANK 1a
Ineorpol.,tate, , :1855
CAPITAL. $3,501,000
at all Bunches. nteres allowed
Zurich Branch - - II. ARNOLD, 'Manager
tt. DC*MW)G1113i? 3D y ED Qui€ ®C 03rD (118 C1D <1
Erb t T
lieitar, Notary Public, Hensel:, Ontaiie.
At `hada. (Zeller's oMee) every Mon-
risters, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc.,
Gederieh, Canada. W. Proudfoot. 1 .C.
R. G. Bays. G. F. Blair.
B. S PmmLL PS,
AUCT►O.NEEB, Exeter.
Sales conducted in all parts. Satis-
faction guaranteed or no pay.
!gill be promptly�this officeatte -attended to.
eo agent, representing the London,
Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand-
<ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every-
thing in fire insurance.
duate of. the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At
Dominion Rouse, Zurieb, every /Mon-
Notary Public. De e ds, Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care
fully and promptly prepared. Office—
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
FRIDAY JUNE 25th. 1909
W. C. T. U.
IBS V. MAASS, Prepares
Pupils for the Toronto Con-
servatory of l.1usio and other
Address :
younger ran evasively. "And is,
thank God," 4itits the prompt reply.
"Yet Mtzuriee;:she is a remarkable
child , Wg Enlist not laugh at
Helen's fezzes. There is something
about her at times that alarms neer.
man that I ' am and not given to
fannies. She is wonderfully near to
angelhood, Of,suoteis the kingdom
of heaveets," .'reverently. "Good,
God, Jack, you chill myheart's
blood, (lanu,ot a child be uncommon-
ly bright and fair without incur•
ring the death penalty?" "Yes,"
said John, rising .and taking his
hat. "1 trust our darling will be
ours many years ; itwill not be my
fault if she is not, tett present there
isn't a healthier child in N—
Cherish her, enjoy her, and may
God spare you for many years both
of your treasures." So Maurice
grew us:lolly thoughtful of his
wife. The little courtesies of his
earlier marred years, that were
dropping off, were revived. In
every way he sought her comfort
and enjoyment and meanwhile he
studied hie -child. The embodiment
of chfldish•.merrinaent he found her
and concluded it was the religious
training she imbibed from her
mother that troubled her, and he
kept her more and more at his own
side. Oceasionaly she began one of
her old fashioned talks with him,•
but he always turned it to ridicule,
laughing at her. Maurice intended
to do right, intended to restrain
himself, but his pampered appetite
had at last reached a place beyond
his control and he did not appeal
to a higher power to help in its de-
struction. He often let himself in
to his own home quietly at a late
hour and sought a couch removed
from his wife lest he might betray
himself to her.
(To be continued)
'Ethel M. Williams,
Pres„ Supt.
But sometimes darling, people
are sorry because somebody else
has sinned, though they have not
done wrong themselves, that is
why Jesus is sorry. The little
girl went about ber play without
another word, but Helen was sure
she was making a mental applica-
tion of this teaching. Presently
she carne again to her mother's side
dollyin hand, "Mama, id Ben the
sin that makes the poor woman
solly?" "why. my darling, what
can you mean?" asked the astonish-
ed lady, "Ben dwinks, what does
him dwink?" "Oh. baby you are
too little to ask such questions cried
Helen, catching her darling up."
Ben drinks something that hurts
him very much. He has to pay
money for it and so he cannot buy
bread and clothes for his wife and
little boy. You cannot understand
it dear. "Why don't us send them
some of our bread and goes? us has
lots " "My darling, we would like
to, we will, but that will not make
Ben stop drinking, it will not make
him good" talking out of her own
heart touching the root of the pain
after all, that night at bedtime,
after ber usual prayer, Dorry add-
ed, •'(rod please make Ben dvod tui'
take a* y iiia mamma's lolly and
gib the little boy lots of bread and
ooes foY Darius sake" "Helen I ex-
claimed her husband in amazement
for ho had opened the chamber
door in time to hear that closing
petition. His wife lifted her hand
and eyes, kissing the baby he with
drew without another word. a'I
ani astonished that you will fill
th t I 'ld' 1 1 with'"such nonsen-
Farm for sale, south half of lot 1.i, Con.
12, Township cf Hay. On this property
there is a good frame house, kitchen and
woodshed, good Bank barn and bog House
272 acre' of young orchard, and never
failing supply of water. This farts is a
deep clay soil and in good state of culti-
vation, conrenivntly situated 2 utiles
from Zurich. Would take a suitablo pro-
perty of5 or 10 ares in exchange. For
terms anti particulars apply to E. Titi -
1yFt on premises or to Tnos. CAIiL•rn:,
auctioneer, Farquhar P. 0.
60 acres, all good land, with good bank
barn, frame house, all
nof od repair,
od The
farm is well drained, plentyg
and will be sold for 83000.00. Apply to
E. Zeller, Zurich.
Itis said that all the Dominion
election petitions will be .vt ]drawn
with the exception of those filed
against Hon. J. R ,`;.$tratton,"';SVest
Peterboro, and William :i'hoburn,
North. Lanark. l:n tixese cases it
is understood that, the petitioners
have put up their own money,
and are thus independent of the
political associations and positively
refuse to withdraw them.
Pain anywhere stopped in 20
minutes sure with one of Dr Shoop's
Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is
on the 25c box. . Ask your doctor
or druggist about this formula!,
Stops womanly pains, headache,
pains anywhere. Write Dr Shoop,
Racine, Wis. for free trial to prove
value, Sold by J J Merner.
An . exchange says that alcohol
will remove grass stains from sum-
mer clothes. The exchange is right.
It will remove • summer clothes
when used to excess and also spring
and winter clothes not only from
the Haan who drinks it but from
his wife and children. It will re-
move household furniture from the
house and eatables from the face of
wife, and happiness from Iris home.
As a remover of things alcohol has
few equals.
Bill Nye had the truth well told
when he said.: "A. man may ase a
wart on the back of bis neck for a
collar button : ride on the back
coach of a railroad train to save
the interest on his money till the
oonductor gets arsund ; stop his
watch at night to save wear and
tear leave the "i" or "t" without a
dot or cross to save ink ; pasture a
friend's grave to save corn, but a
man of, this sort is a gentleman
and a scholar compared to the
fellow that will take a newspaper
two. three or more years and when
asked to pay for it puts it back in
the office and has it marked "re-
And the business man or the
fatally that depends on a neighbor's
telephone is in the same class.
Tell some deserving rheumatic
sufferer, that there is yet one
simple way to certain relief. Get
Dr. Shclop's book on rheumatism
and a free trial test. This book will
make it entirely clear how rheuma-
'tie pains are quickly killed by Dr
Shoop's rhenmatic remedy liquid
or tablets. Send no money. The
test is fres. Surprise some dis-
heartened sufferer by first getting
for hire the book from Dr Shoop,
Racine, Wis." Sold by J J Merner
atria s rear
se. "be said later, when she found
him down stairs walking up and
the library floor. But 1 dont,
Maurice. I deplore it as much as
you ottn. She frightened me. "Who
spoke to her of Ben Hiltz?" ' •I did
not. What she heard in the lihary
is all she knows. "And what did
she hear, what you had said before
I carne? he demanded. I had simyly
asked Mrs. Hiltz if I could help
her when you entered. You will re•
member Maurice, that Dorry was
with you and could not have heard
any conversation of ours hadwe
held it. He did remember and grace
enough to say, "1 beg your pardon
my dear," but he went on. "This
whole matter irritates me. I will
not havo her disturbed by these
things; you must keep from her
the faintest suspicion of trouble."
"Oh, Maurice, how can I? 11! she
was like other children I might,
she is not merry and happy and
healthy as she is she has rare iu
sight into human' hearts and cents
sorrow instinctively. -I cannot
shield her. Suffering is in the world
and she is so finely attuned she
at 9 o'clock, in their hall, Merner Block. eatebes its every vibration myheart
Feiss. WuTwists ,M. W. i aches that it must be so, and Helen
broke down and sobbed There,
Pnre Paris Green regular price 35 there, dont, please dont cry, said
i her husband, always grieved by
ib for 25 cents, at Hartleib's. • his wife's tears. "We must do the
best we can to drive out these
notions. Get her off to cheerful
subjects, but dont worry yourself"
"But I do worry" said Helen
through her tears She has •not
come to stay. Maurice ; it is useless
to try to bold her long, she is too
like Her Savour. Now you are
foolish, Helen, the child is perfectly
well not envy like other. children.
Your nerves are unstrung. Get
your bonnet and we will take a
walk' I've neglected you too much
of late, A little more of the world,
the. theater and opera is what you
need, I must see John. "1 initiist see
ft st resort
.Ic4l*tia,i,Mauxic® Droutly s x
Whe a it trouble and see John he
dicf. "Helen is far from. well" ad-
mitted the brother when consulted.
"She is' naturally fa„ai,l, 'and any.
thin';~ that. tenches her hearts treat,
ore touohes her life ;" looking with
hs 1tonest dark urea strait into the
blue Ones lifted to his '"But Dorry
slle ecemel perfli tly v ell'!" said the
/1 Court Zurich No. 1240
!e • • ineets every 1st and 3rd
Thursday of each month at S o'clock p. tn.
in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. Po1.t tz^rLx Il.;.
S. J. , C.
AAy 0 T �( p sickbed Ledge
A . i ' No.( 3 93, meets
the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month,
Rev. A. 1,Going will preaeh his
farewell serMen. on Saday•-even--
About 80 tickets were sold at
this station for the Model Farm
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Maguire are
visiting friends in Niagara Falls.
Feed Dearing of Grimsby attend
ed the funeral of a relative here,
last week.
in sickness. if a certain hidden
nerve goes wrong, then the organ
that this nerve controls will also
surely fail, It may be a stomach
nerve, or it may have given streng-
th and supporr to the heart or kid
neys. It was Dr Shoop that first
pointed to this vital truth Dr
Shoop's Restorative was not made'
to dose tb,e stomach nor to temper.
arils stitnt�late the heart or kidneys
That old-fashioned method is all
wrong. Dr Shoop's Restorative
goes directly to these failing inside
nerves. The remarkable success of
this prescription demonstrates the
wvisdom of treating the au txtt1
,cause of these failing organs. And
it is indeed easy to prove. A sitnp.,
lo five or ten days test vrill stxrelx
tell. Try it once, and sec! Sold by
J. J Merner.
rivo kiissfollidkOhltatot
S. Martin .- Son have
a Reo automobile.
The Exeter Oounoii has purchased
the old mill site at the river, from
J. N. Howard.
Get our price on galvanized roof-
ing. We can give you. the best price'
at Hartleib's,
Any mother who has had exper-
ience with this distressing ailment
will be pleased to know that a cure
may be effected by applying Cham-
berlain's Salve as soon as the child,
is. done nursing. Wipe it off with
a soft cloth. before allowing the
babe to nurse, Many trained nur-
ses use this salve with best results.
For sale by J J Merner.
on the 10th, inst. by Rev. A, D.
Gisohier Mr. James Humphreys
to Miss Luella Weber.
Mr. Frank Coleman a young
Englishmant, about 30 years of lige
while in a fat of despondency, at-
tempted to kill himself, oft Sunday
on a farm near tlillsgreen.
The weapon used was a 32 calibre
revolver, and his heavy clothing
likely saved his life, The bullet
penetrated coat, vest and heavy -
under -clothing a.nd lodged behind a
rib in his right side. Dr. Campbell
was summoned and had the injured
man driven to Dr. Gunn's private
hospital, Clinton, where the bullet
was extracted, and unless complica-
tions set in, Coleman will be all
right again in a week or ten days.
Coleman claims to have been
through the Boer war, He has been
working for Mr. David. Wilson of
the Sauble line this Spring and had.
left there to attend the garden
party near Hillsgreen on Friday
evening previous to the shooting.
The beautiful residence of Mr. and Mrs.
John Gellman 14th Con., Hay, was the
scene of oue of the prettiest weddings of
the season, Wednesday afternoon, June
23rd, when their daughter Miss Clara
was married to Mr. Daniel Herford of
Elkton, Mich.
At the hoar, to the strains of the wed-
ding march, played by Miss Carrie
Gellman, sister of the bride, the wedding
party took their stand on the lawn be-
neath an arch of beautiful ferns entwined
with flowers. The brido looked exceeding-
ly handsome in a white silk messaline
trinnned with Valencienne lace and satin
ribbon and carried a bouquet of roses and
oornations- Miss Diana ktickbeil cousin
of the bride, attired in cream silk mull,
trimmed with, bebe Irish lace and satin
ribbon, assisted the bride. Mr. Alfred
Gellman brother of the bride, supported
the groom. The Rev. A. D. Uisohler pro-
nounced the solemn words which bound
together these two young lives. After the
ceremony and the congratulations of the
large company of friends present, the
wedding party :at down to an elaborate
purchased wedding supper, set on tables on the
The,eveaing was spent in a delightful
and informal way. The Zurich band dis-
pensed sweet strains of music during the
evening. The variety and exeellance of
wedding gifts, displayed showed the
esteem in which the bride is held by he -
many friends. The removal of the bride
from the 14th Con. and Zurich young
people, will be ranch regretted but all
oin in wishing 11r. and Mrs. Herford a
ong and. happy married ,life. Mr. and
Mrs. llerford will reside on a farm near
Elkton, Mich.
Many remarkable cures of stom-
ach troubles have been effected by
Chamberlain's stomach and liver
tablets. One man -who has spent
over two thousand dollars for
medicine and treatment was cured
by a tew boxes of these tablets.
Price 256. Samples free at J ,7 M or-
ner's store.
Our school closed on Monday for
the week while our teacher Mr. G.
S. Howard presides at the Examina-
tion centre, Ilensel'.
Mr. 3. S. Delgity passed through
our village on Tuesday morning on
hie way to Dashwood where he
Miss Emma J. Drysdale, who
lately returned front. Dubuc Sask.
where she clerkeclfor her brother
Ralph, general merchant of that
town, spent a few clays visiting
friends and old acquaintances in this
A garden party under the auspic-
es of Blake Pres. church will be
held on. Mr. P. Manson's lawn on
the evening of July 6 th. No pains
are being spared to mike this event
prove a success. The Silver jubilee
Band, of Zurich will be present to
furnnish music for the oceasiom.
Tea will be served front 6 to 8.
Our school purposes holding a
Picnic in Mr. Holtz's grove on Tues-
day. next. The children will assemb-
le in the village atl0 „O'clock and
march to the grove headed by a
+ are
1 riferday's
sports is
lora good.
arranged for d a jolly good time
is anticipated. We invite all parents
of this section to be present.
The ladies 'of the section will
kindly arrange to eserrrt both dinner
and Flapper. �'he pa'ixea will all be
given in mousy _so. that all will be
equallp rew riled,
A happy event took place at the
residence of •Mr. John Geiger on
the 22nd of June, when his daughter
Viola, was united in marriage to Mr
John E. Hopkins of St. Thomas,
Rev C. C. Maass being the officia-
ting minister. The ceremony was
performed at 3.30 p. m., under a
beautiful floral arch, erected in the
the garden. The bride was dressed
in white Salome silk, and carried a
bouquet of bridal roses. The brides-
maid; Miss Flossie Geiger wore a
beautiful dress of pink silk, and
carried a bouquet of pink carnations
Miss Ada Fassold served as flower
girl and ring bearer, while the
groom's sister played. the Mendel -
son's wedding march: The groom
was ably supported by Mr. Harry
McManus of St. Thomas. After
the ceremony was finished and the
newly married had received the con-
gratulations of their numerous
friends a substantial wedding dinner
was partaken of. Numerous and
very valuable presents showed the
esteem in which the young people.
are held.. The future home of the
happy couple will be in St. Thomas.
An English paper says that, the
champion absent-minded man lives
at Balbam. On one occasion he
called upon his old friend the fam-
ily physician. After a chat of a
couple of hours the doctor saw him
to the' door and bade him good-
night, saying : "Come again. Fain-
ily all well, I suppose?" "My
heavens !" exclaimed the absent-
minded beggar, "that reminds me
of ir.y errand, My wife is in a fit !"
If you would have a safe yet per-
tain Cough Remedy in the home.
try Dr Shoop's—at least once. It
is thoroughly unlike any other
Cough preparation. Its taste will
be entirely new to yon—unless R
is already your favorite Cough Re-
medy. No opium, chloroform, or
any other stupifying ingredients
are used. The tender leaves ofa
harmless, lung -healing mountain-
ous shrub, give to Dr Shoop's Cou-
gh Remedy its wonderful curative
properties. It is truly a most cer-
tain and trustworthy prescription.
Sold by J J Merner.
orrartnean a48ur same aamaseaeaasennor aaij
C u ,t.874.S
Co hs,Vo1ds
This remedy On *ilatiysl,t dependedag®
is pleasant tea lanae: it emitting no •p'hee or
her kamerskipsi and say he pia as cep
iodt 1_4nhay ass tlarge
*iu t
ifs sea , large sit r0 cents.
lowing is the report of Zurich,
markets corrected up to Thursday.
Barley . .. . 35 to 58
Peas 80
Bran ,. 23.00
Shorts.. ... .... 26 00
Otets .. 55 55
Wheat...,'.. ....1 35 1 35
Hay ... .. 7.00 8.00
Dried. :apples . . , .... 6 6
Clover seed.... 5.00 5.75
Potatoes. .. 45 45 •
Butter .... 16 16
Eggs 17 17
Hogs liveweiget .. 7.53
Cork's Best Flour...,... 2,75
Wheat 1 15 15
Oats 44 45
Barley . 50 50
Peas ...............84 80
H6gs liveweight.... 7.55
Clubbing rates.;.
UV -We have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with Tns H1RA.Lb : '
Daily Globe w : . 8 4.25'
Mail & Empire 4.25
Weekly Globe . 1,60
„ Mail & Empire 1,60
Berliner 7ournai (German) 2.50
b'amily Herald & Star 1.0
Daily ,Advertiser 2.75
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sten 1.75
Farmer's Advocate 2.25