The Herald, 1909-06-25, Page 1Vol, IX.
The Official Organ of Zur ,t;h: audHay • Township.]
mracaa a•aa ra � tm atm a-sma—sie
See our dusters frem 50 cents up
at Hartleib's.
Mr. Windsor a former merchant
at Blake, was in town on Monday'.
Three 1 inch snaps for 5 cents, at
Mr Hartman Steinbach of Detroit
is visiting relatives in town and
Father Stroeder left on Monday
to visit relatives in Mildmay and
Deemerton; his former home,
Mr. McLeod principal of our
school is examiner at Bayfield and
Mr. George Howard of Blake at
Rev. A. D. Gischler gave an ad
dress in connection with the Child-
ren Day exercises in Daishwood, on
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Alvon Foster has disposed of
his gray driver to Mr. Edgar Magel
and has purchased another dandy
near Bomisley.
Mr. R. N. Creech one of the pro-
prietors of the Exeter Advocate,
gave THE HERALD a friendly call on
Tuesday evening.
Quite a number from here at-
tended a dancing party on Thurs-
day at the home of Mr. Wendel
Smith, Goshen Line South.
Harness Leather has almost
doubled itself in priee this last 12
years, where it could be bought at
22 cts per lb, and the present price
is 40 cts per lb.
Bob Watson the gipsy, with
about a dozen horses, camped last
week, at the corner of the Zurich
Road and Babylon Line. He made
the usual number of deals, but
physically, the old trader is declin-
ing, although his eye for horses
.has not yet deserted him.
They Zurich Agricultural Society
is ars vu t' g. to g'ivtA,a, ntiniber. of
special prizes to members' bops
or girls for the best three sheaves
of grain, one each of wheat, oats,
and barley, sheaves to b'e about 8
inches in diameter. There will be
five prizes ranging • from $2.00 to
$1.00 and the "kiddies" will thus
have a chance to help make the
show attractive and make money
besides. Full particulars w ll be
found in prsze lists which will be
issued shortly. Keep your eyes on
the growing grain and get the best
You can find.
See our
Mr. and
Illinois aro
team' harness at Hart-
Mra. David Bender of
visiting at the home of
Mr. .P Bender.
Mr. Beattie of Varna is the local.
examiner for the graduation and
entrance exams.
Twenty-five or thirty farmers
will shortly be added to the rural
telephone line. ,
Mr W. Davidson accompanied by
Geo. Ciausius were visiting friends
in Usborne, over Sunday.
The local band is furnishing
music -for a Garden Party at Hen
salt, this (Friday) ievening.
Miss Elizabeth Rennie was in
London on Thursday, writing on an
examination in Junior Counterpoint.
Mr Wendel Smith and wife and
Mr. V. Kochens and wife visited
in West McGillivray on Sunday.
Mr. Sam Schoch, of thel4th Con,
is busy enlarging his barn. and will
have one of the largest barns and
stables on the line when completed.
Ready Roofing, rubber $2.00 per
square, complete, mineral surface,
$2.25 per square, complete. J.
The Senior and Junior Y. P. A.
held a very successful Rally Day
on Sunday in the :•,Evangelical
church. The program in the even-
ing was very good and the church
was filled with interested listeners
Mr. M. W. Ehnes of New York,
editorial secretary of the Young
People's Missionary Movement, of
the United States and Canada, will
occupy the pulpit in the Evangeli-
cal church, Sunday evening. Collie
and hear him.
Next week (Dominion Day week)
Trip' HERALn will not be issued.
Correspondents should send in their
budgets as usual, to appear in our
issue of July 9th. It will be need.
less to add that our office will be
open as usual and any rusty or
rales: yadollarballs, will he accepted
at pttaa diiring our' a week off.?
The members of the • Jubilee Sil-
ver band have received their new
uniforms. The coat is a dark red
trimmed with navy braid, and cut
in regular military style while the
trousers are navy, with red stripe
down the legs. Nice peak caps
match the balance of the outfit and
their next appearance will be
watched with a good deal of inter-
est. The collections amounted to
over $1.t 0.00 which is a credit to the
town, as the Band is to it.
3+e 3�kA3'F3F3E3F 3�3i3d i
• Just a word about our Ready-to-wear suits. Our
stdck comprises a large range of the Latest cloths and
styles, and our increased tales in this department
prove that we are selling at right prices. A nickle
or gun metal watch given with every youth's suit
purchased. Also a full line of latest in hats, shirts,
ties, etc., all new goods. We aiso carry a wide
range of Tweeds, Worsteds, Cheviots, etc., in suit
lengths, and can have a suit made to order for yeu at
short notice. See our lines before you bny.
No. 49.
Mrs, (Rev) A. °'D Gisehler and
family left on Tuesday for Berlin,'
Strawberry hullers, "Nip iL"5
cents.' at J. Preeter's.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindenfeldt
of Exeter visited Mr. J.J. •Merner's,
on Sunday. •
Mr. Rudy Schwartzentruber of
the Bronson Line is building an ad-
dition to vis house. '•
$1000 to $1800 private funds to
loan at 5% on good farm 'security.
Apply to E. Zeller, Znrtch,
Pure ice cream and all kinds of
sundaes at Mrs., McCormick's
Miss Flora Foster of the Babylon
Lino spent Sunday. with Miss Kate
Campbell, in town-
own-•We take all kinds 'of farm pro
duoe in payment for furniture,. at
Miss Florence. LaPorte of . the.
Sauble Line left on Puest'aly for a
two weeks' visit, in Detrilt
Crediton-Hensall baseba 'Imatcli
at Hensall, on Wednesday re ening.
resulted 11..0 in favor of-. 1 diton.
Rev. and Mrs. A, D. Gisc#nler are
attending the camp :meeting of the
Evangelical church near Afildmay.
over Sunday. ..,
High Grade Manitoba Flour.
One thousand bags price X3,00 per
bag. Every bag guaranteed first
quality. Call at the Hensall Oat-
meal Mills. D, Urquhart.
Reeve Lamont received word
from Mr. Cameron that the Town-
ship had won the case with refer-
ence to opening the road to the Lake
shore and all obstructions are to be
removed at once.
Mr. Douglas, inerebaat and post-
master at Blake desires to announce
that on Thursday next (Dominion
Day) his store will be closed except
during mail hour, morning and
noon. •
We have e iotlier car Samson
ce'tnent on the way fiat We' are
selling off the 'car diensall at
C.' 50 'psi, hitrre.1 ; ur'orders.
and get the best e neat at best
prices, at Hartleib's.
Mr, Henry McO1iiichy of the
Goshen Line Stanley,one of the
oldest pioneers of that Township
died on Tuesday afte> a short
illness and had reached the age of
88 years on Sunday. last. The
funeral took place on Thursday
afternoon. The deceased leaves a
widow, eight sons and five daugh-
ters, beside numerous relatives and
2 percerit
Sale in Iiillinery Department
discount sale of 25 percent on Lathes'
Hats in the Millinery department. • The
]millinery season is nearly over, so I -will
run off the balance of my Stock with this
large discount. If you are in need of a Hat,
now is your time; First come—first choice.
There are some fine up-to-date
kts which must be sold
4111111•MIN ma
All Farm Produce taken in
Exchange for this Sale,
a Se T
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Any kind of shoe you set
out for, in all the latest
styles. We are showing
some very fine lines in Wo-
men's and Men's Tan and
Ox Blood Oxfords this season
and the stock is winning
friends every day. The more
you see of
RSON,• ..,...
the better you will like them:
They give genuine service
because they are made right
and are fitted right. The
refinement and individuality
of style shows for itself.
They represent built-in qual-
ity and are such shoes as
we like to sell.
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Spring Rush
And we are better prepared than ever before to fill the
Goods bought in the best markets, and bought at
will convince you. Our, attention to buyers
wants of 'our Customers. Every department is
prices that will compete with any. A visit to our,
we try to make as satisfactory as possible.
filled with
Ready=to=wear Suits
3 3 3csaci 3E3S3t3 cziscof3E'3E�F3E`3tFoesoco ol"
Belts, Erillings, Hose and
Silk elastic Belts in all newest shades, .li'rillings
in black, white and blue, Ladies Fancy Hose in tan,
oxblood, and maky other shades, Long Lisle Gloves
intan, black ‚and white. All sizes. We advise
buying these now as the demand for these goods will
be large.
Linoleums,. Floor Oils and
If you need Floor Coverings of any kind come
in and see our range. We have passed into stock a
number of new •patterns and now have a wiee range
to choose from. See oar Tapestry carpets and Flaor
Rugs, Jap inattings etc.
House-cleaning season is now on and we have
made special arrangements for easy choosing of new
Lace Curtains. Our curtains, range in price from
25 cts to •$8.00.
We desire to call the attention of the ladies to
our line of.whitewear. Everything in waists, skirts
etc. Our stock is vei•y, complete and we invite
inspection of these goods..
Millinery Department
Our millinery trade has grown in leaps and
bounds. Our show room is filled with the latest
and loveliest creations in Dame Fasbion's style. You
will have to see them to appreciate thein. You
are cordially invited to visit our millinery depart -
meat as often as you please.
Granite water pails ,'; 50 cents and 75 cents
Granite dippers 15 cents
Granite wash bowl 15 cents
Granite soap dishes 10 cents
Curtain poles 10 cents
Sweat Pads 25 cents
2 kegs of carpet tacks 5 cents
Large Band Saws 35 cents
Harness Snaps 2 for 5 cents
25 lb scales 60 cents
Bland Cleaner 10 cents
Stove Pipe Varnish 10, 15, and 20 cents
Victor Flour Sifters 10 cents.
See us about your Roofing and Eavetroughing.
-W111arx� Screen
Full Stock of ",� , Fain ,�e
Windows. Highest grade coil wire and barb.'wire
Doors and