The Herald, 1909-04-30, Page 600SALT'S QOM (t'ietttre'il Herald.) ten of t'•cree t tt ase everartirwded chat o het, cbun yid in vacua everet tnues a year. ttttr tlrette at tee a es: ems tet tats. The premiere hueluetia beck m t 88.18 Le De pa; -lug tit) per Bent.per the ln•fe:ate:beat. ani has erected troth's tenelItellta wtth- t four weeks, welch have te=st hien 'h, aad from which he is securing revenue of WO teeth le rentals, or Ivo tenements 65,70, on au invewtenent Metre i kuow of otve term Mae was i tutali of seems a year fora butld- cost but $2,':700. There is another hoose oa Silver street which wet and o butte,a which is worth In reneais seer, and which vrouid bring $1,600 if Boat lease could be terminated and ave been made out of reel estate e rented sit present 'rates, um; are paying out in wages. year which is not repent in Cobale, £ b goes to maintain families in other of Canada. Most of thee) families be brought here if house room could d ror them and this cinema- at a mil- ted be put into etrctiiation here in - f in other pierces, mines are paying over $2,4)00,000 in and expens.et, at large stare or whish to circulation in Cobalt: malting this eisst and ntttet turosperoue town in All these boats demoavtraate the state of the mining Industry In Co - he outlook nonce' w e eo bright a9 ayresenat time, and the comes were never aueat•ourt. a> ► SES BABY'S OWN TABLETS ONLY. Mrs. Wm. Bell, Falkland, B. C., s: ''I bare five little ones rang - g from one. to eleven year of ge, and when any of them are iling t alwaye give therm Baby's wn Tablets, which always brings room relief. I do not think here is anything you tan keep in he 11o113e* as good as t,uby's •Own ablete." Thousands of other tethers speak just ae warmly of his medicine which never fails to ,ure all stomach. bowel aindeteeth• trophies. Guaranteed by a overnment analyst to he perfeet• y safe. Sold by medicine dealere r by mail at. 25 dente a box frotu he Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, (ant. +.9-9-49 +-49.9-9.+A9 *-* A Subtle Hint. representative. in Congress. who is fatiter of several bright girls, tells ory whereof one daitghter is the main +e. or a long time.' s.aya the represeit- ve, "I had the bad habit of hanging t the rower floor when the girls had lathers. One evening 1 had settled easy chair in the reception room, off the drawing rogue when one of glee, who was talking to a bright from our owa state, called out: Dad!' What is it. e1ctugh ter°' It's I) o'clock, clad, tht' hour when and i usually go into cottnuittee." reefs Weekly. E "CHAMPION" GAS and GASOLINE ENGINES it must rivet satin- Gaction or you don't may for it. SOLD ON TRIAL tiro only Gasoline Eng'tue that yeu tan tae a you buy. I know whet .the "Cham - will do, and I went you: to 'be fully tied with it before you pay for It. The ics low. Full particulars free. Wm. Gillespie, Dept. CSM„ cont St,. East, Toronto That finest fabric is, not too delicate to be safely washed with Sunlight Soap. When other soaps have Injured your linens and faded the coloured •� things, re- member eslnb,er th e word Sun- light: a, , The Quiet Way. ;\a the moil".er tossed aside her mar - en throw, the daughter looked up from *ter novel with a yawn. "By the way, xna," she said, "have You found out yet what pa Cut out of the paper?" "Yes," she answered, "I bought an- other copy down town and read the thing all through from start • to finish. • But for the life of me 'I can't 'see any- thing wrap?; with it. It's just an ar- Acle on the healthy exercise bouscwork gives." Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, . Historicet Fragment, Whitney had invented the cotton gin. ..Because you need it," he explained to the southern planters. "It's a great deal better for you than earn whiskey." Smarting toiler the implied rebul.-e, they stele his invention and proceeded ;o get rich quick. His Duty. THE BIBLE. (Montreal Gazette,) ltev. S. P. Rose. of Winnipeg ,i4 now added to the list of Methodist. clergymen who deny the complete historical accu- racy of the Bible. This sort of thing is becoming rather common to be sensa- tional. but is none the less occasion for thoughtful consideration. There •are in - eluded iii the Bible books of history, of poetry, of philosophy and of tea.eiting. It in Its ,present• shape le the result of the rejection -by learned and thoughtful men of books that at one time found acceptanee among Ohristia ns and Jewe and even among 4lahomedans. 'vented and thoughtful men may find other parts to be rejected cr viewed .s figurative expressions rather than a re- cord of facts. It would be well, theugl., that when a minister feels himself mov- ed to enndemn. amend or reject, he should be sure that he is learned for the task and should proceed to it only after due thought. and with reverence. The book is a foundation and only careitil hands should touch foundations. WE A STRONG MAN Increase your vitality and nerve. en- ergy, restore vin. and force to your ovor- worked body. Ferrozone will do this as it did for Walter Wood, of Beauport, N. B.. who writes "I eau sats Ferrozonc has given me. a. new lease of life. A year ago I suffered so much from nervous exhaus- tion I was scarcely able to drag myself arotuui. My appetite was gone, and I had no color or ambition, and felt used up. One box of Ferrozone started mei back to health. 1 took a number of o r t ri bowel, and my health was et elnpletely re- popular ba it itI or pp is rte vocal select• tion to go with' that one, I will myself give you an imitation c1 an interlocutor firing'. dr:att , jlatljtc,' •:i nee :l:lfi Jlf the 9trasr=,�" ., THE FAIRY HOU i'l DSc; Superstition of the elieht Cha see of the "Dandy fogs.' lit soxtte years sleets appear to he more numerous than itt othere, a.tul they are seek not la owe and twos but in dozens, hunting together in email packs. The late 1s. T, Bootle. of 13rigltton, when shootoing ;.. Beet Lothian in the uttt urtn of. 1883, inet it pack of stoatt which at- tacked a terrier he bad with hiin and t not � off until would n be driven 0 1 he had the dog between thein had killed more than a dozen, Stoats veil( hoot: together from. cent and in full. cry like a pack of hounds, one always keeping; the line and followed closely by the ',others. This sight has been recorded by different observers, who ,have also seen weasels hunting in the same way.. There is a popular notion in the west of England that hares are hunted et night byaeks of little fairy hounds, locally called "dandy doge," .and these are said to be weasels, which the west country folks call "fairies;' pronouncing the 'word "vairy" and "wait:" Some of them declare that they have seen and watched the chose with awe. —From the London Daily Graphic. D® PILES CUED AT 1iOME BY ABSORPTION T O0 If you suffer froth bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send ane your address. and I. will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and. will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references froin, your own locality if requeeted. Immediate relief and per- manent eure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to- day: to Mrs. M. Summers, Bos P. 8, Madaor,: Ont, Horrors of Minstrelsy. "1Sistah—Misthh 'Wallfah, kin yo' tell -skin 'o` 'tellme de diff—de diff"ur•ee 'twoen a .cream: pitchah—'tween a cream pitchah, Yon I;,now je a cream pitch:de an' a—wok; ye' keep c'r.atm in on. de breakfust'; table—an ' a ---kin yo' toll rise de iliff'unee, ltlisrtah 'Walkah" "No, George,I can't 'tell you the dif- ference between a cream pitcher. What is the differexrce, George, between it cream pitcher?" " idly awhy--de midahe; a prim t rea- ture, Mrstah Walhah, en' de ud-'-•-•--'° "Ladies" an' gentleluei, there b'mg no stored." For men who are tired, nervous and thin.blooded nothing nom - pares with Terropone; 50c. per box at all dealers. OLD. OLD STORY. It came to pass In front of a Fealting glass. His collar button fell. He bunted it long and welt. "Right here It dropped," He said and Clopped rsotvn on the floor To expiare. He searched for it everywhere: It wasn't there. (Nu. you're not a good guesser: it didn't roll under the &'esier.l He shook the rues. and then Esplcred the fluor again. With leugnage .trc:ta ele crawled along. Axel aearrhed, and searched, and seatel.ed, Ani searched, and saeaohtu , and seezehed, Iiut couldn't find the beastly thing. That collar button had taken wring: But late that night. Upon disrobing quite, Ho found it --prepare for a eleeck?--• The collar button was in his sock: (Explanatory note.—„'.ibis actuell7 happen- ed.” seed the unfortunate person who sends in the foregoing; "you can use it?" We can —but don't Let it haapeu agatin.) The Lady—Look here; you said that if I'd give you you.' dinner you'd. mow the lawn for acre. The hobo—I'd like to do it, ma'am, but T, getter teaclt yer a lesson. Never triad th' ward of a total stranger. -- Cleveland Leader. ,...e,.a,.e.- ...----w Repeat it: _,_ " Sailo1i's Cure will always cure illy coughs and colds." a o Year is Shortening. Many eC11p$cS are ncticed in the re- cords of all ages. Astronomers can aSe- termine aeeerately when eclipses must have occurred an the eclipses must have occurred xi$,, the eclipse' records are proving valuable to historical students as a meant of determining the dates of important events. From these studies P H. Cowell has found evidence 'hat our year has decreased within histsricai times. hills, Colds r lush Dressing lightly, exposed to. drafts told i easily'taken. (rive twenty droll:, of Ner:.ilint' lit hot water at unee, Ciruulali ion a,lyd. warmth will be restored, and pleurisy. inflammation, or con- gestion prevented. Equally good for colds, breaks up their be- ginnings it•t, once. If yon only knew what a great remedy Ner- viline is, that it is five tines stronger than other liniments, 1'nore penetrating, more pain subduing, you wcnild nut be without it. Nervili e Ninety-nine sicknesses out of a hundred can be prevented at the very beglnineg by the use of Nerviline. Saves doctors' Male—the great pain saver of the age -- In nee 60 years. Large 26e bottles cold overeywher e. WORKING TIi3 PUBLIC.'. (Toronto Globe./ Cutiadians are not enamored of war or warlike preparations, but while they livi' in the world of men they recognize that they caniiiot live as they would, but as they :must. Building warships and con- stitutting battalions are looked upon as some*hat ironic provisions for peace, but at the present nloment a denxnllstra- tion that the British race, wherever it may be fottud, is ready to adsunte any* task rather than see the ono itldispens- ISSUE NO. 17, 1909 HELP W.11NT D. t.IIN'!b WV:1N'1'tD—SlEN CAN SELL IN -C 4, every house from the start. Why not gat 011 ageuuy to-da3'f Alfred Tyler, Leaden. h1 NA JOT C A=N;f:1-1;1. 1i'REIE; ANT t.. bright boy, al' girl can cern a snhat camel's iu to hum•. Send us your name stud tddmesen witit two references and vas wilt eyou how to get a snapehat camnerat fon' au hour's w rk. Bijou specialty House, Ham- Ilton WANTED—AGENTS—MALbi AND FE - male: make big mosey selling our o4 - lice and household specialists; entirely nave; evert one wants them; write quick. :l.genoics, 1,td., 505 5t. Paul street, Montreal. AGENTS 'WANTED IN EVERY BANKING town to cell the "0 in 1" Syeteot of Correspondence without envelopes which elim- inate the use, expeaee and trouble of en- velopes and addreestng them. Used exten- sively for letters, notices, Invoices, stavba- metrts, acknowledgments. assessments, etc- • Ask your banker about it. They all use it. Batik Clerks especially in spare moments wilt flue selling ""ii In 1" a pleasant and profit- able recreation. Send for satapies. The "6 lir. I" Letter -Envelope Co., Ltd., Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE. FOR SALE—OR TO RENT -140 ACRES, close to :Bwuse andan buildings; goodothroads;ell; termsgoad hooast'. A.pptPY •tnao Gibbons, Harper te Gibbons, Loudon, Oanl- adat. For S'1D7,000 4tl r� ' ," a•i. Profit-Pay- �� ing irarnts ie 14 States. Strout's blew Monthly BulletinotRcat Bargains, profusely illustrated, mailed free; we pay your R. R. fare. L. A. STROUT P.i3UT CO., Beek C 1. $'iurid'slsasest Farm Melon. Uttiver,it5Sidy„ 5seaccreAT FOR SALE. LOTS IN PRINCE RUPERT, not GRAND Trunk Pacific terminus, will be put oa the market in May or June next. Persona Mending to invest cheuid write for later - mutton and advice to the Prince Rupert Reai- ty-Cotremerclal Co., Limited, 430 Richard street, Vancouver, B. C. able guarantee of its security, unity, and perpetuity threatexsed or imperilled, must have a sobering and rationalizing effect. The time has come for Canada to de- clare herself definitely and resolutely, and to back hcu declarations with her d er, S. Housemen, Saeed This. I have used MIN_ARD)'S i.iNIMI'NT in my stables for over a year, and con- sider it the VERY BEST for horse flesh 1 can get, and would strongly recom- mend it to all horsemen. ' GEO. IMOUGIL Lavery Stables, Quebec:, 95 to 103 -Ann Street. Woolly Art. y Fredericton Remington, the illustrator, ftmgh from a; western trip, on which. he r 1?al1 beau chalking a study of Indians and a' seen .,ba ?' Is yodi 'do.a• tt el cow unchers and thine td • t Ii a heavy Snanoial load? is your art editor who iasiatted upon dragging have him u1 to an exhibition of very impres- beat discoura ed, too' but learned how to sionistic pictures. cure myself. i want to relieve' our bur- s on oor me ati bas heavy physical burden' X kno tr vast• ing these mean to delicate women I a ) dens- Why not end' the pain an stop the doctor's hill? I can do this, for you and will if you wilt aselet rite. A11 you need da is to write for a free box of the remedy xvhielt has been placed Chi au hands boxswillbcurre yous-it hiss done o for others. If so,, E shall be happy and you will be cured for 2c (the cost of a postage stamp). dour letters held confi- dentially. Write to -day for nW free treat- ment.MitS. I', t CITBR.II, Windsor, Ont. Making Quartz Tubes. In order to increase the efficiency of mercury vapor lamps, quartz tubes are used in plane of glass tubes. .An inter- esting method of ' making these tubes has just been patented in Great Britain. A, carbon mould is :embedded in granu- lated quartz, and then heated by passing 0, current there -through until the quartz is fused about it. The tube is now cooled,end by means of an electric the carbon is burned off, leaving a quartz shell. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. m,0. Costly Music. The daughter of her mother was do- ing a stunt at the piano. "My daughter's music," said the proud parent, "cost us a lot of money." "Indeed," rejoined the visitor. "Did some neighbors sue you." --Chicago News, Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. a5 A Tala of Tennyson. Tensfysoit was once dilating to it fri,'rd on the charms of a pipe before break- fast. "It is the most delightful smoke of the day," said he. "Yes, yes!" replied Lie friend. "The first sweet pipe of the 'awakened bardt" Thereby nutking a reconstruetionfrom Tennyson's own works, needing the change of but one • vowels-•-ilarper's Weekly. • A A LIFE OF LIBERTY. Briers begot niy "every path, Which calls for patient care; There is a cross in every lot, An earnest need for prayer; But a lowly heart that leans on Thee, Is happy everywhere. In service which Thy love appoints There aro no bonds for me; My secret heart is taught "the truth" That makes Thy children "free ;" A life of self -renouncing love Is a life of liberty. —Anna L. Waring. Yet will they lean upon the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord among us? none evil eau. coxae upon us.— Mieall iii. 11. To be happy and to feel inward hap- piness is not the giftof fate, and comes not fromthe circumstances in which we are placed. We must reach it by our civet exertions, if it is to re- main, But thenit is comforting to think 11 is always within our own power. God Himself cannot make a man happy in his external circumstances, or at least only to a certain extent, nor yet can He mow Hini always prosperous and successful in Itis aims; for God has with supreme wisdom placed men in the midst taf over -changing events, and these do not admit of men always being happy, But inwardly happy He can always snake him, for He has giv- en us this rower in our learn—the yearning for filing, the admiration, love and trust in Wm; in fact, all those feelings by which lfis peace conies to sell. "You don't seeni eiuthesiastie," re- marked the editor, as they were coming out. "Didn't you like them':" Remington, remembering what he batt been told as a boy, vomited ten before replying. Thea: "bike 'mut Say! I've got two maiden stunts in New Rochelle that t•an knit bet- ter pictures than' thoeei" Everybody's Magazine. Repeat et:---" Shiloh's Oure will al Ways cure my coughs and. colds." TOO MUCII. The anaid-o:-ai•t-work in the service of a Pottsville family, the members whereof are not on the mast amicable of terms, recently tendered her reatkuation, much to the distress of the lady of the house, ,who was loath to part with so excellent a servant. '80 you are .going to leave us?" asked the mistress, cooly. "What's the matter, Mary? Haven't we always treated you like ono of the family?" "Tie, mum," said Mary, "and I've shtoed it as lone as I'm gala' to!"—Har.per's Weekly. Suspicious Circumstances. The grocer had tirarrantod the maple syrup to bethe real stuff. It doesn't taste like any maple sirup I ever, bought," said the errs - touter, who htid just sampled it. "and I strongly suspect - "Sir !" said the indignant girocor. "1 strongly ;suspect, iii slute of your California Cherries Fine. A prominent 1 Tench& manufacturer of glace fruits admits that the cherries of California are at least as good in quality ae'the French varieties,. LAND WANTED. 'ANTED—SOUTH AFRICAN VETIDit- ans' land warranats; spot cash paid. W. P. Rodgers, real estate agent, 608 McItrtyre block, Winnipeg, Man. He Couldn't Lose It. Al] flushed and breathless, the well- dressed young man picked up the hat he had been chasing dower the street, and leaned against a lamp -post to rest. Another, also breathing heavily, came reining up and took the hat out of his hand, "I'm much obliged," he said. "For what?" "That is my hat," "Where's mine, then?" "Hanging behind you at the end of Or string." Then for the first time the young man remembered his hat -guard. Success tlagazine. C c pew discovery. Has rnore a rejuvenating, ^italiaing• force than has ever before been offered Sufferers from lack of vigor and vital weakness which sap the pleasures of life should take C. N. One box will show wonder- ful results. :Sent by mail in plain package only on receipt of this advertisement and one dollar. Address, The Nervine Co.. Windsor. Out. ♦tA Always Welcome. "Is it true that you farmers are hoeo- tile to balloonists?" ventured the young aeronaut, who had descended in the barn- yard. "•Ginty, no, stranger," Laughed the old farmer, as he came forward with a pitch- fork. "Tire are always glair to have a balloon land on our place." "I'm certainly „lad to hear it." "Yeas, the last one that landed here carne in handy. I used the ropes to tie the steers, packed corn in the basket, and cut the gas bag up and made over- alls for all the farm hands. Welcome, stranger, weleomei"—Chicago News. v . o Repeat it:--"tShiloli's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds." ♦a ea Confidence Game. Man with the Bulging Brow—What are you scowling about? Man with the Bulbous Nose --;['d like to punch your head for you. You told me I ought to read "Referees of a Bach- elor." I got it at the public, library and put in an hour or two trying to read it, and there ain't the first blamed word 'stn the book, from first to last, about prise fighting ! " Huxnboldt, ; Forest preservation in Canada is be. . Urged active;', , :en . er PULA MU .IC T LESS THAs"" COST OF ,DUCTION 100,000 COPIES of popular. standard and classical sheet music must be sac- rificed at once without consideration as to value or cost This aback sells at the retail price of 15 to 35c a copy. Our prices its long as the stock last, are placed on a hasls which will move them quickly. All goods are in perfect condition. 'reacher or dealer never had an opportunity of this kind offered before. See the prices—theft act quick. 2 f 0 50 Copies Assorted Sheet Muste .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . • • is 100 Copies Assorted Sheet,Musio .. .. . .. .,. .. .• F•i{f0 •, Will send a bunch of samples for 25 vents postpaid. Special prices quoted in lots of 1,000 or more. Do not delay ---order to-day—stamps accepted for small amounts. CANADA MUSIC CO„ 1420 Queen Street West, TORONTO, ONT, r �4•fr'Lt$r Ti '. 0S1Gt °,lid"✓f it";t+r• ,A0.1Vt,•.5 eY.,l t,i lt,i THE FAVORITES as Silent as the Sphinx!" THE MOST PERFECT MATCHES YOU EVER STRUCK .: Always, everywhere in Canada, ask for Eddy's Matches EiasEtZIEMNISESSISIBMIMENNINIVIRSIIIKINMEM t.