The Herald, 1909-04-30, Page 44 The Z'ir.kh Herald, a D ©QD(1 .fl ap ........,... 9 ..Dr�C'.....11 IThe MOL&*(S BANK I wIncorporated `18$5 iv Ci'RPITAL - 4. - $3,500;000 aREST FI D ..- $3,500,000 aa' I Has 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. ez A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. es ty 1MEIN' 1 SA'�dIi�GS BANK DEPARTMENT ea © at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. IZurich Branch -- - II. ARNOLD, Manager g rea D431{'111>CIDCIii)?©D(i MINI MTIDQi IUDCASIDMIIIKdD(1IIIIIDODG»(! 1 ss Money is Tight But there are people who are constantly looking for., opportunities to lend money or good security. li you waant. to borrow a few dollars, or a few thousand,our Want Ads. will put you in touch with those who have money to loan. u., ..nw,mr n LEGAL CARDS. Et. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- 11eit4r, Notary Public, Hensalr. Ontario. &t Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, RAYS et.- BLAIR, BAR-. risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goaerich, Canada.. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. 13. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER. Exeter. Sales conducted in : all parts: Suis faction guaranteed or no pay. Terme reasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly ;tttendod to. ANDREW F. IIESS, FIRE .INSUR AN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. H. C DOAN, V. S., AS I HAY E PUR- chased back my business :from E. W. Stoskopf, I am in. 'a. Position to attend to all busiuess 'as ,f6razerly. . Calls at Rau's flotel. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- ivate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu.- • ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work n speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Idon- day. 7-26 E. ZELLER. CONVEYANCER, AND Notary Public. De o d s , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents, care fully and promptly • prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC ice! I S S V. MAASS, Prepares • Pupils`- for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and other Centres, Address : L'i1TnEI1AN PARSONAGE, 1:iri0Il. FOR SALE. 50 acre~, all good land, with guo.l hank barn, frame house, all ingood repair. The farm is well drained, plenty of good water and will be sold for ;1:3000.00. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. HELP WANTED Wanted at once—A good, eepable general servant. References re- quired. .Apply to Mrs. Bolt, caro of ,Judge Holt. tloderich. LODGE MEETINGS ��. T' Court Zurich No. P240meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. in. in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. .T, ,T, NITot wta, C. 1L. An O V . Krukt,ez'l Lodge al e No. 343, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, ett,8 o'clock, in their. Hall, Merrier ];lock, V .rwi a M. W. Pr7BLISHED BY E. ZELLE,R.. FRIDAY APR, 30th, 1909 w. C. '1 . U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS Though he must wait for her rand The doctor gravely congratu- rater] him on the possession of "the sweetest woman on earth " Come Jaek,:dont beso solemn, this: isn't a funeral, cried Maurice. Do you thick marriage so serious a thing? I should think it a serious its ell! as a joyous thing myself, if.� 'ail taken a life into my keeprl i , and. Maurice I want you to knoylr ask: ed Helen to be my wife not,very long ago. 'And she refused, you and accepted me !" cried tied yot:itig- er in astonishment not; untuied with elation. "Good God; Jack" he said a moment later "what a risk I ran with you for a final. If she had accepted you, I'd have gone raving mad. "Be good to .her Maury, for my sake'as well as' her own ; love her doubly if you can.'a And Maurice went out of the office,' saying within himself, "Jack is a prune fellow. n`o"mit5take about it,: I'rn glad he doesn't take .it hard," and "Jack" as lie palled him. walk- ed up and down his little office once or twice with closed . eyes drawn lips and handefolded. over his heart- Then he knelt a moment by his office chair before he put on» his hat and went out'to a pan Helen never oneee ore! reed doctor'ta preferezi e ftin her, seldom and oo ertl ''In tl* of trial a'auriee inse natively turn. ed to his brother, so when one night, in an upper chamber, the; yoursg wife fought single-handed for her owu life and that of her babe, he.longed for his comforter and sn:pporter,as,.for no other, °!If' John were only hero" he said a hundred times as he strode from room to room stopping occassional- ly to drain a glass of wine. "It Jahn would only come." But the doctor been summoned to a distant city a few days before and had not returned. It was a matter of life or death upstairs whore a skilful physician presided, watching and waiting anxiously "Your little girl is born' said good nurse Ann, meet- ing her master in the hall, her oyes red with weeping. "How is Helen?" cried the man, there was no room for anything else in his thoughts. The doctor hopes he may save thein both, "Hopes ! Good God ! he has got to save Helen, you can tell him 1. say so" A second of ter.wardq, a- `giin on his uneasy march across the 'library., a hand was laid on his arra.' "Oh ; Jack !" I'm ashamed of my tears; -but I ant unmanned and the sight of you broke my heart, why weren't you bete before and Helen at the gates of death? Oh, .Tack you can save her, Dr C— is a fool ! a blockhead! He sent me word he would try to save thein both, 1 dont want them. both, I want Helen If they- cannot, both live I want Helen, the baby can din " Johan Droutly was as white as a corpse. "Is she then so low?" bo calm, lelaurice, Dr C•-- is skilful and sucoessfel, God will spare her to us." Oh, .Tack, go .n1) and see her, will you? If you had been here it would all have betfawell. Go up and see how things are getting on, I and distracted here alone all these long hours, why were you away just at this time? why did you re- fuse the case and recommend Dr 0—?" He is an excellent physician Maurice," "But I wanted you." "Maurice, I dared not" the doctors face was white and strained and his clear eyes held his brothers. I dared not, "I loved her too well?" his voice low and trembling. stea- dy nerves are needed, I could make myself do anything for her. for you, but—the cold sweat was on his brow—"I will see Dr C--, I may be useful now, trust her to God and to me, Maurice, I.will save her if it ispossil)le; if God will help rete " Twice i; , cv c e er,�terwarcl'i borer eh L c tlao,.n'ina' dawned wiol,z}. came down. starrg'irvith some word of cheer to his I , pth'@ . Illach time be found the young husband with a glass of wine in his hand,. each, tirne he re monstratoct with him, and eugh time Maurice pushed back the': _ e. Nike with the question," Ivi11''she live?' and each time John answered '"If it please Gocl, yes, but she is not yet out of danger." Just as the morning broke he entered the lib- rary again and this time a smile lit up his haggard face. "Maurine, our darling will live." As he spoke his brother turned a decanter in his hand, his eyes dull and heavy, a leer disfiguring his handsome mouth. "Dear Lord" said Dr Dront- ly with a shudder this is worse than death." Then he took the de- canter from his brother's hands and led him away to bed. Maurice Droutly was a father. (To be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Pres.. Supt. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach, or stimulating the heart and kidneys is all wrong. Dr Shoop first pointed out this error. This is why his prescription—Dr Shoop's Bestorative-is directed en- tirely to the cause of these ailments the weak inside or controlling ner- ves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr Shoop to strengthen a weak stom- ach, heart or kidneys, if one goes at it correctly. Each inside organ hits its controlling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail then those organs must surely falter. These vital truths are leading druggists everywhere to dispense•and recom- mend Dr Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few days and see !Improvement will promptly and surely follow. Sold by J J Merner. THE MAY ROD AND GUN, Variety is the dominating feature of the May number of Rod and Gun in Canada, published by W. J. 'Tay- lor, Woodstock. Ont, In accordance with the season there are some good fishing stories, while hunting receives such a full share of at- tention that moose, deer. bear. wolves and .wild geese all have partieular stories given up to them, Two fine exploration papers—an illustrated review of Mr. Tyrrel's book, "Through the sub Arotics of Canada," and one by Mr. Dickson deetribing a personal trip through Northern Ontario—gives us some little idea of how much remains to be done in exploration work in 3anada, Mr. Clapham has another dog article, "The Beagle for " ' oo-1 �-vers will 'r'lrt derision ratty o have tea'" noted • and the �r., L'ounctl dialing with the fai t Printed. in lull. Mr, 0. War- nian's paper • On.rW' ild Life anneals to every fever of the outdoors and cannot fail to have some effect in the direction the, author wishes. This number, completes the tenth volume and attention is drawn to the work of the magazine in Forest Fish: and Game Protection and the manner in which the movement in its favor has spread throughout Canada. The position achieved by the magazine is dwelt upon with pride and credit given to all those who.have assisted Canada's sport- ing magazine to reach. its present high position. If future numbers are as good as this birthday issue - and we are assured that not only will the high standing be kept up but efforts made to improve upon it—there can no doubt at all as to the future of Rod and Gun. The magazine has now secured for it. self a position not easily to be shaken. When we see a young man, who is a clerk on a moderate salary •in a store: smoking 10 cont cigars and occasionally going to get his drinks in a saloon, we make up our mind that the young man is spending;;aii he earns. When we see him in ad- dition to these riding about town in a livery rig, we then are satis- fied that same young roan is steal- ing from his employer ; and it, is strange that young men do not know that old business men read theni through and through, and such men can never secure places of trust and responsibility. npri, s lei+hrers, surely ;mint to weak kidney N:a•v�•s, The i ne:vs, like the „Heart, and the f4onAteh,find their Weakne.s, not in the organ it,a;lf, but in the nerves that, control and guide and s,reugthen them, Dr. Shoop's Restorative is a medicine specifically prepared to reach these controlling nerves. To doctor the :Kidneys alone, is futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as wall Jour back aches or is weak, If the urine stATds, ds dark ani etr9ng, tI yonha•vesymptoms of Srightr or other distressing or clangorous kid- ney disease try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a month -- Tablets or Liquid --ane] .see what it can and will do for you. I)ragglat a comm_ +d toad soli s est.orativa L L MERNER� ' o You Use Paint: Most of the world does and most of the world uses THE SHERWIN-W/LLIAMS PAINT- It's A/NT-It's made to paint buildings with, inside and outside. ,It's made ready for the brush. It's made for Boyne use and for Practical painters too. It's pure lead, jure ,zinc and pure linseed oil, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. It's made for you. SOLD BY WIN . E T D - Zurich No Tr uble IIT 'BAKING IF YOU USE Royal Household Five Roses • or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. S. RANNIE, ZURICH Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs }l AR LOAD I4astings Brand S INGLES Just arrived. Will give closest prices for quick sale F. C. KALBFLE ISCH, Zurich Every Farmer Should Have a Good Telephone A telephone, in a farmer's Home, not ouly enables him to keep constantly posted as to market prices, but eaves him need- less trips to town, If a telegram or other important message comes, it can be delivered without loss of time. It will, at a moment's notice, summon a doctor and may be the means of saving your wife or your child's life. A telephone is useful in a hundred different ways and should have :a place in every home—town and country. The Cost is only $12. a year We are making preparations for Spring work and those desiring connections should complete their contracts before the 1st of April. Parties in town or near present lines can be con- nected on short notice. E. ZELLER, Zurich ... N ..,W.,..J GL55 11 ., .: !, wYe ,-Lan Notice To The Public In future any person or persons who will bo caught fishing or hunt- ing on lot No.. 13, L. R. E, Hay, without a permit, will be proseeut. eclAtto the full extent of the law. D; Smith & Sons. St, Joseph Mar. 17th, 1900 33-tf PILEShet tinmediate relict from Pr. Shoep's M+1 is Ointment. Send The Herald to your absent relatives or friends. They'll appreciate yot'ir kindness. Preventics -those Candy Cold Cure Tablets -will safely and quick. ly check all colds anthe rip. Try them once . and see ! 48.25c. Sold by J J Mercer.