The Herald, 1909-04-30, Page 2FORTY T
i'resid-e' t ore Good limes ---To 13or- Speech of Andrew Carnegie, Presi-
The British Troops ars Now at
Macedonian Troops on Outskirts of
Pais, April 26:- A speeta1 1.1 putt•h
!from Constantinople says that it i
learned from an official source that
the Sultan and the Young 'Turks have
tonne to an agreement and the army
will not enter the city.
This is due, the despatch say, to
the fact that the troops at Adrianople
Itave remained faithful to tete Sul-
Constantinople, April 21. f 1.30 p.m./
--The advance guard of the c .ttsti-
tutional party has arrived at the out-
skirts of the city.
The cabinet, will meet thio afternoon
and proclaim martial law in the Cap-
ital. The administering of tett nnih
to the troops still in +arrirun it pre-
ceding this morning iia 'weer:knee
of the demands of the &' n-,.tntiunnl-
fsts. Furthermore the anther< ul Ilie
recent upheaval are being sougtil t=ut
and arrested.
A cabinet meeting was 11"lr} this
morning to cc1.Eider the prep:f ats Forty Milian SSt.arz��to be Shown by
Novo Scotian in Com marfd of
rOillore Money. dent of Peace Society. Turkish Navy.
\'pits '26. '('he svittiotuttual
Inettl•ing of the Grand Trunk Railway
of 1'111 0111. e'it, ]telt} here to -day. ti'iJ•
Charles Rivet's \Vilsoe, preeideitt of
tete Info. leek a poppet} view of the
'Iteataou. 1{«• -ant !hetes was: abund-
ant, evit:lt'111't of a eteatI\' i12m1:1rovetttent
in bteiitess. evi't.t if this was, not so
rapid as t'oitld be desired. Before the
next :00,4 le t'xpC1t•0d in have at-
tended tet,' tui ttgttretioit of 1.950 new -
Miles of line, ir,.tIn ll1011ton to Fort.
\\dinette tile toast important seI.`tioti
of the t.letn.
Ti.„„ Lae=ideut tircliuwtl to gate 8s
,liranees oil the queen:en td the ap
]101111010111 1..f ( ,lireetere and
eaid otic matter would be brought up
at the ilf.^M meeting. 1'0111.i11ttirtg, "he
declared that the ehareltolders woitd
he tisltecl to slJifituvo t Lill before the
I)otuiliu.n Parliament t•ninrgitig tlto
I i(t•,t(181! l'lW0r aticl i11C•1'ea.4i11g 1 ho
! capital of dm enntltauy 10 meet the
hirdirtery erewth 0f capital and expene;
.111 tire. I'l,t rrtiriu Ili1•et}tor; were,
Dangers of War -----International A Canadian holds a high position in
League ;t f
Peace. the Court: of .Abdul limit!. Ile is 1{ans-
ford" D. liackna3n, trho was horn iu
heti' \'erk, .April 2,6.. • 'I' he a.ultutll ? 10 t t•otia 38 real•$ ago. Young
,.In.ettilig of 1 lotiCt' `+(h'•11't)' 01 111e 0111'
i of :\ew \ork eas held in the Ilot-el .As
torhere to -day. tie, Andrew Carnegie
the ]n'r idem. of the eoeie1't, deliverer
the 0pe11irtg addres':, front whit'11 the fel
}onto,; extracts aid; tstken:
( ot1141der dist tsutitt - 1 pillion 1.0-1I:ag
Ireli� idilalir the tvhrid 11:•ts adV11 114.041 u1.
i ,,ptet, nt el 1t LI] 8 fly
two 11 1 y 1 10 1'40 0 liars i\ dr\'whe're 1 !st•,t
t.uucitttune of liftmen life have intle.rved
and tete .sentiment ;'1 itrothe'rhovd hes
•$ 1. l 11+1 .� •,.. . r 1 11 Jtt. 1
pltee have eoule to kn']w e.telt other. Al.
11110 eetengti1tlrs the -with we held .that
hu) J1 a, deli optnetlt, 1.s ihe law• of
mend kttirtg - that- whirls i; better than
what Ines been.:.:: - t., oornr,.i,ttt r than
Vital is, Jul flout to uratt'a upWntd itselut,
go intuit for 111811 .1iewea Loi%idu.illt.
1\'}stat '80 1'; 111; to 0o.hitler Biot nat.ion-
tlly all i.. reversed.. The chiefnation$ of
tthero rem'ttlr =+t.regreded and
axe- 141,41 spentltng,• a.tlrly tell half - ttf
all 111 lr detente, ite,. 81•in tllg+ 11121n1911 -ea
made by the nettle of itrtestutent.
In some quarters it, is believed that '
there is • an ineren;ittg peeeibility of
arriving at an undetstan ding whirl
-may result in it reennt•iliatiun between Physicist May Answer the Question,
the young Turks and fin Sultan.
It was eveu declared iu nffiriul Cir-
cles this morning that. the ptu' patlors
between the goverumentand ihe consti-
tutional army promise a settlement. It
114 alleged that the arm no Iollgel. in -
ties on the withdrawal of the present
iltinir,tt;F itud the reinstallation of the
IJilmi t"abiuri. hutit maintains its de-
mands ter pur;iehmeei of the authors of
the reer:ut tremble.
1.1. S. Cruisers Sent for Their Protec-
tion in Asiatic Turkey.
Ohnstltit iwtpit'. April 26.- The ret•talt'
of the nett- dere that the Amerieau gov-
ernment- had ordered the emitters Mou-
tana and :soul tette:ditie to Alexandtet-
ta. in A.siittt Tat'key: for the protection
of Americans. has brought satisfaction.,
ono *might even say a sense of security
1.o Amerierve here, end in the Syriac
coast cities of '+iel':tee, Beirut auti Alex-
Great Britt.iL. France and Italy al-
ready have warships on this coast, whip:
Germany is sending vessels and in ad-
dition all the great }lowers maintain
guardehipe at ('onst autinople.
The eon -sails and the eotstdar agents
>itationetl on the Syrian coai,t sent in
telegrams yesterday and to -day declar-
ing that the rnissiouaries were receiving
utrongr proteetien at the hands of the
Turkish authorities..
3. B. Jackson, the American Consulate
nt Aleppo, however. e:cpresees some ecu
(;ern for the ootivirhg missionaries 'who
have given welt 10 to Christian refug-
J i'. TISl1 Lett'D MEN.
}.ate: 1 ort6 freer the Syrian roast
soy that the racial tentttieiern is et -
tending in the 1.il38) et elf 'Aleppo. Uis-
t;urbarr,ee have broken tut. tat At.ioeh
and Birejif:, and foreigners Ilene taken
refuge in the British lice-eotsulate. The
:British cruiser Diana bas lauded fifty
amen in Alt k.inurctt .
The Sheik Lau:, the head of the
Church. ha- telegraphed the ecelesiasti-
cal authorities in Serie, to exert every
effort to put a stop to the disorders;
the eh -i! 1 military authorities ap-
pear to be 1 C etiera es effectively to can•
t,ro1 the situation.
A telegrw n received here to -day from
Wm. Charrixrs, art Ameriean ni}ss]on-
try in (fated yesterday. says:
"The trouble began on April -14. i.iy
evening of April 16 Adana was quieter,
And peace still tontinnee. The town is
under ?nettle', law. Many people wern
killed, there was much looting, great
damage was done by fire, the market,
-sras almost totally destroyed and the
district wk.$ in e. fu:rraoil."
Two Hundred Thatnsad Immigrants
Coming This Year.
• Ottawa., On 1., April 26.--W. D. Scott,
rltiperintendent et immigration, stated
to the Commons Committee on Agricul-
ture and Immigration this morning that
he expected the immigration to Canada
this year.would total two hundred thou -
tend a,nd that seventy thousand of these
would come from the United States. .&$
et result of the rigid inspection system
in force at the ports of entry during the
past year, forty-five hundred immigrants
have been turned back as undesirables.
litl1oeral Called Kelm to be Exploit-
ed by Syndicate.
bnedon, April 26.--• According to
the Copenhagen correspondent of the
l' 11. 01.trlp eey lits been formed
to exploit the mineral deposits near
Ilestergotlarld. Sweden. where. quail -
titles of n. mineral c'nllc(1 kolnt is
found. The r:orrll.atly has 1111 inven•
tion by -means. of Which radium elle
be extracted. from kolrn. It is ev.
!Meted flint (1.4 important industry
will be d1et: elere r3.
What is fife ?
•r'Orty zio:'•0•:1 ;tars 1114
a. P .M: 10 ht shown in a pot01,14piths lung
u «1111 w'tuit rite l:"0:•911 Iona: C'ongr-41-a
t: .Astrononier•b 1) 11044 t t lag. ]t ti
bet ar.=+'1 11191 renter. •t .ad, t1'..c:n80 prof
:11:.1 ;reset seethe reteor 1k. The .eteltar world.,
t h <' eerrptliing Is in luovttut.z't. The 1rroucl1.
,'.'ru1•e'11.1% at. Itentlndat. 1,tie,ves that nt
r • 114ig an 1:wet knotted re of the lu rteee
er 11) 1.011)11 atian of the universe will 111
1.t lt.i0tl. 1111 11 1rtxnt.lon 1= belts; seen
the Idiom, or Ovrold eros. which paws :tai.
:.not,rIl+n( role in the ulna ute-
lor eiKtaneeti.
tt. Antoine lieu t I1,•,•,tUolI. the 1111}fif..
h i4 i erorte i Wort, Ire' Academy or 14101X01
a nto't interesting dratonstral:an or the lite'
of aeons. satineted to ver}' 'powerful .lite
desat.2tn1: Ies•,; drying in a vacuum its it
trlu;letvalurc or r;.; degrees below zero, 100)'
retain 1heic ;,erininating (or('e. The 1.1,09-'
,•'suing drawn bs 91, 13a0(luerel 'is thaf 110
1 . rot a nlpstrrtous priti+•ipee, but. ,r, ernpie
Dhysieai and el:emit:al ;unction of art +, esJe-
le'u produced 1'i• the subst9rlrt2 aril .448,44
or it.. math. e,tviroluneaf.
B1u'-keatn went to Sea al the age of
wllalehack nu the !ekes. In 1002 he
was in conitnanrl of a Standard Oil
1 w'helebaek int i he (alive, In 1110'2 he
accepted :t pnsitiuu with the Cramps of
Philadelphia, and was eolnmissiolled by
them to salt the new Turkish. warship
Medjidia to the Bosphorus." I3is ab°1-
ity impressed the Suttee, and ne was
• quiekly made Tice -Admiral of 'he em-
pire. Ile is in command of the Imperial
r nary, and has entire charge of all naval
construct hill 'I'triec already he has
1,avecl the life (11 the Sultan, and pre-
sent: indications are that he will 'tot
have long to wait for a 'third nprJor-
ttiaitl t (t(ct 01.119r
ns if mankind were
till in thhr :zest Ige state.
1SeVer were irate rt, as busy a' to -day
in the 11011010 t.t,+k of 1.•tt)ZJting "tut
11aw'erful to b' attetetei." ltrit.titt lets
jut (ilenevHeil to (3ertuanc a nlenade to
tier existence. Germany, tltat'ing equal
rights upon 1 he sea. fa11s to rccogitize
the right or 10It:tin to remain a rilenaec'
to her, which -he long hats been, 018,101'
;' to be '111.1 veers etthe lea.'
t;ritain and Germany are the principal
itrt,restants: 131:;ain etas a et rune veep.
4ee ean,uot Rett her people it aupr-tied
-or ft, 1d he ire erre eted on the s, -n.
1811' of st:trvati(..'tt wi. ttJd inet:tutly ere-
lAlo 1)auie and general pillage of filed ells,.
gibes would d'nsne. She is powerlt•ss with•
3tit tip•en p4 wrt. and open 1108. hence.
1 et:ti tle 41 0 1111111' posee4..1 overwhelm -
11 fleets and unit npll(tii0 the great ad-
latree 41111011 tete other powers urge, the
111111111111t ' of commerce, seo.
l erin:lny atlso has a else,. ghlt0 strong
enough to give- lien the loyal ;aupport of
teatime. She 8148 tatin'ot feed her
people and lets to impart food largely.
Article.; 411'' food were imported its 1thet
't u the oaten e over r Y1.1.100;000000. in a.
cotttest her' ti anger front leek of foot!
stipplieo w'ottll l(:' serious indeed. were
irnpor tat by '-ea neeet:Med. 1letice, .hat
also feels that she emit S ,t1.11 ai!.
t1t.tffii, iQut , )18"1. .-.
Within ' a . -nJ ill earlier; the .two gi-
traaiti,gflet is of Britain and (:terma1re will
tiller pa rtfi'it in eight of each other.
n1' ;': ,tt,ta.I�t alt Car 721 i'rF'a' .'
t,1'1 „t rety
,',.":,',:,y' di. �'j •6.1 011
11Q "� C ,11141. hair.:
Steamer Eber Ward Went Dttwi lin
Lake Michigan.
A \\indsur. 1.On.1.. oespetelz: Fite;:(il:ors
were drowned when the steamer 'Eller
Ward, bound from Milwaukee to Ptiit
Huron with a cargo of grain, struck
a heavy ice floe and sank aleent six
miles west of. Mackinaw City in deep
water about 51.30 o'clock this morning.
The names of the lost are 3oltu Hern,
James Perry, John i\feba;'oth, Kenney
McNay anda deck hand, name un-
known. Tea of 111e crew were saved.
Hervey lee ('1(ts1011 the -wooden timbers
of the boat, and she 'A-ent 'down almost
immediately. The Hien were thro:n into
the ice e•oied water, were benumbed and
went down without a struggle.
The steamer Ebel. Ward had a capac-
ity of 1.3€3 tons, was 213 feet long, with
117 feet beam, and was built in 1884. iTer
master, Timothy l.tmay, is a Detroit
Willing ,to he' Presidential Candidate
For All Time.,
Nanette City, Mo., April 2ri.- - William
.1. Bryan, while here yesterday discussed
at some Jen gth the causes for his party's
defeat, and then referred to the possi-
bilities of the neat tanlpaign, a$ fol
"While I hope that toy party will not
fired it necessary to Call for me as a
presidential candidate in the next cam
paign, I make the emphatic statement
that 1 have no intention of retiring from
politics. I began to fight for Democra-
tic principles lolig before my party
heard of tire, and as 1 live I shall eon.
tinul: to do so, as Iona as 1 have
Denies 'That He Reflected Upon.
Condition of Navy.
London, A.pri1 '20. All of tete Lon-
don papers to -day .publish a statement
t+r the effect that a letter from Ad-
miral Lord Charles Beresford u'a,s
reed nt a meeting of 111e Navy Leu.
,due at Bournemouth last night, in
which the writer staid:
"If the country knew tete real truth
regarding •tho,.present condition 0$ the
navy, there would be a pante.
Later in theday the admiral de-
nied ornphatidally that 110 itect penned
this sentence.
t. 1;11 et',titeg 'too 11.01-4~
tate ieeh.ngs iii their countrymen. "Under
melt .9trtlin a4 mere spark would suffice.
A. few marines ashore froni two of the
ships, British and. German, would be
etiuuglr a few word~ pass between then},
at encounter between, both prof. -
:ay ,under the influence el' liquor, be-
gins; one is 0•ottndetl, blood is shell, aald
tele dent -alp ,pee:done Of the people '1f
both eountries eweep all to the winds.
.fie Governments are too weak to with-
atand, the whirlwind, or, •going men of
like.laassiolzs with their fellows, prob-
ably are in ietrt swept away themselves
:after years of Jealous rivalry into thirst
for revenge. Such the probable result -
given nataonal jealousy and hatred, any
trifle suffices to produce war,
\Vii' leas seldom any adequate 0(112: e.
It is eeually stimulated by invidious
comparisons ea to relative strength and
warlike qualities, lvhielt render nations
suspieiotas of ea 1i other.
The real issue between 1ta,tions usually
matters little; The spirit itt 'avhiell nat-
tiofis approteh each other to effect
peaceful settlement is everything. No
diffefenee too trifling to create war;
none too set'ioue for peaceful adjust-
ment. The disposition IS all. Secretary
Root gatu frill expression to this vital
truth in his address in Washington at
the laying; of the foundation stone of the
Durant 'of American Republics. It is
one of the many valid objections to the
policy of armament that every increase
of naval and military power is in the na-
tttre of a challenge to 011144 powers,
whirl\ arouses their jealousy and their
fears, rendering theca less disposed to
settle peacefully any difference that
naay arise,
The late Prime Minister of Britain in
his speech to the inter -Parliamentary
Union in London two yeaes ago advo-
cated a ]Peace Larig?le, tritic')r would eat -
wally be followed in dne 0011110 by the
International Supreme Court. 'Tliis out
the Jest .league Conference approved in
principle irnanimously, differing only
upon the manner of selecting the judges,
which' is surely tt detail not iinpossd:hi
of solution.
It seems pre-epiinen.tly tate mission of
our peaceful industrial republic, which
most fortunately lies beyond the vortex
of militarism which engulfs Europe, to
lead the world to tate reign of Peace
under Law, She it 'MI5 who led the
Hague Conference in urging an Inter-
national supremo Court. Ono cannot
bot indulge the hope that our President
in due time may find a way Opera, Tall"
out being intrusive, to exert his vast,
influence in favor of panne; to call the
attention of the two disturbing powers
to the feet that our country has a right
to speak, if not to protest; its behalf of
its own iniperilled.interests, and perhaps
to invite the leading. naval powers. to
consider whether sore hind, of agree -
lima could riot tow be reached twbieh
would overt the 'appalling dangers
which fo•(lttr'tisre:8trn. ,(0 convulse the
41011:d 18 t,lie i'ol <listnnt futtzt'e,
Toronto Hotel Proprietor and Two
Others Are Accused.
Toronto r1ro-8.11011: A hotel proprie•
tnl a Dominion !•:.\purl 1 ontpan' driver
and a '.ltipper mere aFretletl yesterday
afternoon ]n eonnt'rtion with the theft
of liquors tattled at about: one thousand
dollars from George .1. Foy, Limited,
wholesale liquor d'calers at l•i'ont; and
Wellington streets. Two of the leen un-
der arrest.. 11u.s Kavanagh, hged ;Kt of
:32 13alulnto Creel, nn entplot('e of the
firm, anti Robert Miller, of I•14 Langley
avenue, the express driver, are jointly
charged with the theft el' the liquors,
while ,John .1. La:I tinter, proprietor of
the !'ower 110n4e, at the turner of Spa-
tllntt avenue and King street, is charged
with reesfivin;' the, stolen goods. The
po1]ce etre looting for another man who,
it is said, worked out the plant to rob -
the warehouse.
'fele thefts. it. 1- alleged, have been
going on einee the first of the. veru'.
Kavanagh, us a shipper "iii. the ware-
house, delivered tile -good:, it is said, to
Miller, Nuhn tlispot,ed of tlretn. Lattimore
it le alleged, taking th en all, but an
odd Case tow and then. which 44118 brok-
en open and retailed Co various persons.
Yesterday the polite got word that nine
eases of whhiskey were to be disposed of,
and Detectives Wallace, Tipton, Mackie
lend Moffatt wet'c put on the. rase. Ac-
t'ording to the dt•teteivee, liavan:tglt
gave tine eases to a driver for the firm.
1.t itht instructions to band them over to
hiller, 'tyhani he would meet a short dis-
t ti7ce along Wellington street. The
driver did as he was told, and the goods
Were transferred to the express wagon.
Miller, in answer to the driver's re-
quest for a receipt, remarked in an
offhand way that 110110 was neeessary.
One of these eases was broken open and
the contehte sold around various places
and the rest uas taken to 1 attimor's
hotel. Miller tva,s arrested on Welling-
ton street shortly after, and Kavanagh
was taken into custody at the ware-
house. Detectives Mackie and Moffatt
arrested l.attimor, and report that they
found the eight eases ht the hotel. Ser- -
eral of them are said to have been
labelled ready for shipment to an out-
side point, a, "dry" town. Last night
Detectives Newton and Kennedy found
a ease of raised liquors att Miller's
Aeoording lo the police, .hiller and
Kavanagh admit the truth uI the
t'harges against them.
Lattimor was allowed out on a bail
bond of $2,000 furnished by William
13assard, of the Cadillae Hotel.
Cold. in Northwest Alarming the
Farmers and Grairt Meir.
\\?innipe; 14%en., April Mfr.--• Farmers
throughout the Canadian West aro be-
coming alarmed at the continued cold
:Weather. It is. seriously interfe4'ing with
the conuneneemcnt of wheat seeding,
which 's undeniably late. A considera-
ble part of the land will not be ready
for the seeders for ten days, at least.
That brings it 'sato May. While optimis-
tic old timers state that the hest craps
.are ever reaped when late, the great
majority of farmers and grain men have
sufficient experience to convince theta
that if the bulk of the wheat is not
seeded by May 1st, in Manitoba, and
May 7th. hi Saskatchewan, the crop has
„one in late.
Doctor's Wife Assaulted and Gagg-
ed irnd Left on Read.
Athens, pot., despatch: As Mrs. Little,
wife of Dr. C. B. 14ttle, of Athens, was
leaving her mot'her's. home at 9 o'clock
last night she was brutally assaulted
and left gagged by the roadside in front
'of her home ou' Elgin street. Fortun-
ately 1»'. hart was passing .to see a
patient, and heard airs. Little moaning
as she lay $coil-e0nscious, and, at once
did all he could for the unfortunate wo-
man. Ctrs. Little hits been the receiver
of,anonymous letters recently. '.l'hepolice
art itvestinetina fit., 0140.
Russian Expedition to Rehm
Foreigners at Tabriz,
Shah Toa iii to (Receive Powees
t`a:tir]!c, I.'l'rsia, .April 26, ---The Nations.
abets lost 60 toot killed and 100 wonted -
ed itt the sortie tram this city yestrair-
day in whiell II. C. Baskerville, an £tu-
ericen sohoo! teacher, lost Iris life,
'-Ciro armistice arranged by the Shea
for the purpose of bringing in provisilene
is not regarded with enthusiasm hero„
as the absence of transport .snakes pts.
visioning the town most difficult.
Tiflis, April 20. --Gen. Sn:arsky, wee
commanded the Russian punitive exped-
ition to John, in 1008, has been desig-
nated to lead the proposed Russian ex-
pedition hitt) Persia. This expedition has
been organized at the suggestion lot
Great Britain for the relief of the foe-
eigners at Tabriz. Its departure, bosh
eVer, hat 1leen postponed en account eof
the armistice granted by the Shah. The
vanguard, consisting of the third bat-
talion of Cunensiatl riflemen is now
clamping • near Juifa on the frontier, an
instant readiness to march. The expellee -
don will be accompanied by a (10181-
1 utent of au'tillerv. engineers and field
t'eherau, April 26.- 'fere Shah t+o-d212'
1 declined to receive the British and Rtaa-
sinn diplomatic reprei,ontatives. giving;
tlfi Ills t(4( 011 1.Iiat. hP '1':1:14 ill.
i e+a
Bieck Hand Men at Pittsburg Cat;. v;,° d
Flesh From Victim.
Pit 1'lurg. 1'il.. April d(i. Al
to have out done Shylock in having
actually tut 1101G:sus of the flesh frees
111e breast of a roan 'who refused that
money, Salt ator }Roberto and Nicole
Uigliotti are to -day held tor court with-
out bail al, Braddock, a suburb.
With his wounds bandaged and
weak from lass of blood, Joseph Gni-
liotto appeared at a Braddock bank.,
in company with the two foreignees,
and asked to draw out $300. The
teller called an interpreter and ',Valli
told the story. which reeulted in the
arrest and holding of the two men.
At a hearing before Justice, of Peace
Holtzman of Braddock, Uugliotto re-
peated his story, stating that ha re-
ceived several Black Rand lettere ds -
mending money, but ignored them.
He said he was aroused from a. sleep'
to find the two 1(0014sed men stand-
ing over Itim. He said they de-
manded $300, and that when he refused
one of theist held flim while the other
slit his arm, and face with a stiletto.
Still, he said, he refused to comply
with their demands till one of them
began carving pieces out of his breast.
Then he promised to get the money, and
the arrest followed, when the .bank tre1-
ler suspected from the bleeding mania
appearance that something was wrong.
--4-� o
Negro Boy in (Louisiana. Fed the
Bally to the Hangs.
Nen Orleans. April 2.6. -Mor. God-
frey, a negro woman, living near Ope-
lousas, left her home and her three
children to -day in charge of her
twelve -year-old stepson Tom. When
she returned she found her baby boy
in this pig pen with his hands anal
feet eaten off. Tom had fed the lit-
tle fellow to the hogs. Mrs. Godfrey
gave Tom a sound whipping and then
went for a doctor to attend the baby.
When she reached home the second
time she discovered that during her
absence Tom had attacked his six-
year-old step -brother with an trate and
had crushed the skull of his step -sta-
rer, who had interfered 'with hint.
The girl is dying, and it is scarcely
possible that the other children can
recover. Tom, has been locked up by
the parish authorities.
Blizzard Trial Enlarged, Minister
Could Not Come.
St, Catharines, nOt., detpateh: Owing}
to the court's inability to bring ftev.
Wm. 0, Yates, of Lockport, N, Y., who, •
is said to have officiated at the 311z
Bard -Crick wedding in September Itast,
to give evidence in the trial of Walter
Blizzard, charged with bigamy, was fur-
ther enlarged by his Honor Judge Car-
211811, this morning until May 6th. In
the meantime a comnlirrsion will take
Isir. Yates' evidence in Lockport, and.
probably another commission will inves-
tigate the alleged first marriage ;of'
Blizzard with Mary Mahoney, of Chiu.•
go, which, if proved, will show Blizzard
to be guilty of bigamy on two et'iunts.
Judge --(2u $sty tett prison1r yeas in a
wagon trying to make his escape when.
you aerested him? Constable -"des, four
Hone Jill was 0overed by my revolved; --
VAttlegYF Cl,n4 n,cm+n„