The Herald, 1909-01-29, Page 1Vol. IX. The Official Organ of Zurich and Ray Township:), FRIDAY MORNING,'JAN. 29, 1909, etreereerettreeseeseerieeseeeneees eve 6 LOCAL NEWS. • Dont fail to hear the Iecture in . the Town Hal1,,Tuesday evening Ms. Hurley Weber of Seaford,, is home for a few days. A number from hero attended Mr Stoneman's funeral at Hensel], on Tuesdlay. Come one, come all to hear' i11r. `almsly give his stcreoptnou. lec- ture. A treat in ,tori ler az.it. Hiss Nora Siebert of Dashwood, •is a visitor at the home of .dr. and Mrs. J. Procter, Mr. Tall Wurm is visiting friend._; in Berlin and Bruse+els (particular- ' ly Brussels) this week. "Carry Your Corner," will be the subject for next Sunda;; even ing's service in the EN -angelical church. D. S. Fant has a few 'winter caps left. Como fuel get one at t• low price. Mr. Ti. W. Williams. I -if the lalciis0ns Bank T,otelon visited, hie l)atrcnte herd, over SI. i i. y . Mrs. Philip F)£aredi i:+ at Iiersirs Hiles week, at•teefi .:1g the l cleat i of her ,on-ill-1(L:t•, 1st..! , 1... W i.l Lig values (•n S tnitl'1;- tel Men- day-Still 11 ,. day -Still a few Netts tts let. lade atnd1 childre•ns creat.., Whi.<.t witi !);• ;cull, at record breaking pr'ites:, J .l'. ke. ner. Mr, J. W. Urtwr'in of Meleall t.'uptured seven prizes (rift of ('1. l -i lerltriee, at the Clinton leell1 1 linty. last week. •Nli'. ft'. E. rani, formerly t l t• Sovereign Brink, Ila he't'n 11p1,0int cd nlnnager of a breech of the Royal Bunk at I,ontlun. Mr 'Willient il'iukr of the 14th, has installed tin.T' Ii: C. i=.nst)lintl engine, for nh0p441; etc 'Glitz lent' chase was made through F. Ile -s Bc ban., agents. • Dr. Oven'�ys' Suzgeiyu, 0(•ul1st. 'S` euualiat will be at' -.Bre-aI Ut tt•l, Hensail, on Friday. .Tan Hones 5 to 10 d). m. Glass::; pro. perly fitted, Catarrh. deafness. fail leg eyesight and throat trart1)4: treated,. Alr, Jahn De+ichert Jr., ander trent nn (1lea'refuel for rupture, In r1.'uesdny last et Clinton 1:,) -,circ, brr 1.)r. C=n1,n t4)+-ii-tt:d by 1)r. ceiep ,cell. .loot) will seer) I,'i(.e ,iiia• n 1)atch•it•(,rl: emit, but uP 1,trt to beitr ihat' i ilei (+1)Cr'aLt ltiIl wilt, It t(trod:ess, Colne to D. S, Faust for dress goods, you can save money. Mr, Ira Brown of Crediton spent Sunday, with friends in town. 1000 yards of print and ginghams at 5 cents per yard, at J. J. Merner. Mr. William Thiel has bought Mrs. Livingood's dwelling opposite the Evangelical parsonage. Miss Elizabeth Rennie was in London on Tuesday, trying her Junior Harmony Exam. The Rev. A. D. Gischler expects to begin a series of Evangelistic meetings in the Evangelical church, begining next Wednesday evening. Miss Clara Groos of Auburn called on her former pastor and fancily, Rev. A. D. Gisohler, on Tuesday last. Biggest shirt snap ever offered - This is a special line of shirts we bought. regular sects, on Saturday and Monday for 47cts. All sizes 14%, to 15. J. Merner. Mr. John Hey Jr., ploughed the e,t:;t•bal1 diamond at the Fair .'nrds, on Tuesday. Several other f:•1fl t•7:s are also reported itt the seem work. lir. ‘;'alter Antnss, W110 w11:; ro- ie c bit married. to Miss Davidson of fist -:herr Line, hue; hott_ht. the eeeteein Duke owned by :lir. til Halt. elle Andrew. elittelhoiter. 1Lns per eha•,n(1 ti. dwelling 'Ti•the 7tu•tc11 1 -tee: (1 Leer from •1t•. Henn'. F. :":: r;• oh, fer 1 o:'o (.pit, and will get. ;).eee eit1dl 1st .March. tr. 1:. A. Walmsle, C't)lliortttnr of ilii_ t'11p+.•r r'52ra(l:a 'I'i'Irr•t etwefate tee's, n1) illnstt•att(••(I lcettlrP erin- "seeing tet ono htir..tree and fifty live view), A trip i round the voxel, "'Cite Holy (lite""Ton eielo$ 111 a Bar -room," ' 17ndlc+ lease's (.'1Li11'1 ('inrlereltn and the ti!i.ss telil.lier. anal Mechnoieel Slid 04. router the anepieaes of the 1V (J T11 in the 9'otcn ,fall, Zurich, on •fneeday everitee, Feb. end, 00m. 1ne11,('tI-',t', at S o'clock. • Admission, Anulte 15 cent.. children 10.cent,. The regular meeting of the W. (1, T. iT was held .'i`e(lnes(1a,.v nftevno()n Jan nth, at the horse of ,liar. S. Bennie. bliss Elia R(tnniP, t'e:nd otE'd in :t most (chic, manner the devotional exercises The L'reeident took elle ree of the ,nisi noes, after which 51rs. (1 1aeyrocl: Irl the education:(] inert of the 1 meet Ing The i-nleject of whim t.as :i1T(mien's Franchise" and ryas loth interesting and instrne, titan. Tee meeting r'1oso41 with ..it',ging the Ten:penmen l.h)xOlI1gy No. 26. New ads -J, Preeter, t,. l latl tlei)q Clinton Business College, S. Ra,nnie D. S. Faust. • Put in your supply of underwear, before the 20% discotratrsale closes at D. S. Faust. Mrs. G. Kellerman, who has been ill for some time, is not able to leave the house yet, but is able to go about the house. DEATH'S HA.'VE,ST. HARVEY FLEISCHATJEI3, After an illness extending over some years, the youug sola 'of Mr. Henry Fleischauor, died on Mon- day at the age of abont 10 years. The bereaved family have the sym- pathy of the community .in their loss. The funeral was held nn Wed- nesday afternoon, interment take ing place in the Bronson Line Cemetery. J. K. WING. The death of Mr. Wing place at Berlin, on Snndav Ing the summons coming appar- ently. without warning, jest ;'s the fancily were about to retire for rho night. The deceased had leen i his uetral health tip to ethe time oaf his 5neden demise. The 'widow, i :idem, daughter of the late John F. Moritz and three children are left to mourn his loss. 'L'llo deceits• ed was formerly a. merchant here, at the stand now occupier, by Mr. .T. J Merrier. and wag well, liked by the nubile. The funeral took piece at Berlin on Wedeesday as rternoon. J. C. STONEMAN • A feeling of sorrow acid regret was expressed by .all wli kne'v hie), when it Was learned tricot Mr .T. tl, Stoneman Jeweler ate local manager of the 13ci11 Telettliolle Co, at liensall, had stroonn)bedy the operation for al)peewlicii(I�.' took ,dace the 1 }-civinrte ; 1.ne r ldis case baffled tlhA best Inb)(ii(;tl and the ease seemed":. a. Noire less one from the first attain+!.. The late 1\Ir. litoeenian was very ,more. lar in church 71 Sun(lacy school circles. ttncl was 11. enc edits worker in all chris;tian work and his death will cause- a hit; aaap in the (erten 017 tie mune friends, He ,helve• tt widow cin(] 1 tvo Kens to mourn the demi, of a. both find kind ,brise hnn(i and father. The runer•tI tout )lace on '1'neslny a tternson to the lensall Union Cemetery. took even- ete ,gra kivMAWAVANAMMATNWAVAMMIM WMAiMit 20% DISCOUNT Sale Closes FCb, 6th O9 • This applies to everything in our entire Stock of Gtncr,2l Dry Geods !anal Gents- I+'srnisi)ing•t, sus h .ts DRESS GOODS PRINTS - FLANNELETTES FLANNELS sllllrI'INC;S COTTONADES • GING, IlA:\l S TOWELI,IN GS SATEEN'S CRETONNES FAC';%.,;.1Z,Y BLEACIIED COTTONS IVRA1'PERE7."TES LINOLEtTMS 2 fuel 4 )-aril, wide LACES EMBROIDERIES, TOQUES WOOL SCARFS SILK SCARFS I-IOSIERY GLOVES LADIES' COATS LADIES' FURS LAi)IES'UNDEIy ;.EAR 1"+ l;LE OIL.e..T.o'r}lS TA l;l.E ENS 7'I()w11; ()tI`.LO I):•+ so AM PED )LA -IS 4 VV OUIJ 1yr..:NX :Ts 1., FL.1-:;1:1:,,i'.'l"TE DLAN Rl'! i'S. (lark au.1 1;._ht, 'izee 10- 11-4 and 12--1, full. size. ) `M1. . < JI. u tw.-.:•+: e -,j r d.4. izE,A9vmA1.3E s7sI'I';; for Met, 'nd. Floes. 2.1, 1, ant, (...ol'E. in Kid and .' oeea. (':1,1'S. -F eu-diiiesl, Esser Men al,d. Pei:r:. TI F,:+ COCOLLAl;S Si:CK.4 DRACES trA' tte LN DEit.l't h It for Men and Boys, ill heavy- old light, a goo I asee meat. P/ TWEET) PANT•A O'TERALLS SMOCKS %LI'1':i made 10 order DRESS SHIRTS WOOLLEN SII11i.TS. REMNANTS 771 :Big tAeortlneet of Rormraitts. in Prints, Fial xtelettes, and Dress Goods. DRESS (WOOS SNAP. -Some .good§,)art out at .A BIG REDUCTION. Don't hiss this! All Farm Produce taker in Exchange for Goods. soessturaucraeamonmettentrumpetatia D a FAUST 13 tr -2;AwAstiAP v wmY jmmmnp11 V V V mwv,4 ZURIO X.a.�S.G.risl,Jr.Y:f'"�`t+T.i"�rt�d.+"ti...�"'i.+?'q..y:..;u.''YH ih. w::%''��'��"..f:�t}(ia.Nw .F t. y-4�..... fir.+ -.«.r• � k: K t;, r.... ,,..., r � �y J1p � 'r:.`.�....,y :t�� c.�tS �.�.}�S{�s'.ie3r"'.�C'�r��.'":�.e'�L�''.�.i".,S�Ye.�'iS'J`+'.�1�..�.�'.w::�CCr.':.:a:L.<�.x�^w.:l:i:�a�a�w' ..�'4'Y�..���.�..�i "° �+...�.�CS�u�::�•.�, f;5,'',v�-[>.,v.. ' i�'�''.y{���L��.,•,3 n Stocktaking Of crest. This Do U()t hili: int n,) .ei. •� ..•ivy!., T 10 A Ai A4 �'�+.�. _;; •4....ety� }lit 0 f7. etIt e ..., T)i .,,. �. i� eee Sl. r *eft Pr eee„,„,.. " is over. \Ve have decided to clear out .!.i. o r. -Y` miter Goods regardless scald? means I11oney in your pocket. Rc2lI1e1211)el' :111 regular 111,t't:4 1):t.t'e been cut ,,rill'? y in }12111, this, Great Bargain Sale. Below are a few of the prices: TWEEDS, ETC. C. Reeeilnr i.2:r '1 reeved.' ft r 7 ; debts `( 1.50 `{ for 1.r0 0.50 it,l' 1.50 0,25 t( for 1,25 :( 00 `( fry 110 •r 15 wserapper"tte for ;0 cents e( 12.1.c shirt legs fni{l,1 E`( nts ce 5o i1 for 5 cents (( i •it) ' ( for 10 debts s Gloves, Mitts Etc. Men's heavy Astrican Gauntle .s horse hide face, Regatlar 4'2.00 for 1.2 ee 1.50 for 1.00 (" 1.00 for 75 cent A large stock of all kinds of led,ther mitts and glov at . eatly reduced prices. Child. en's Cloaking Regular 11.25 for 07 cents Regular 85 cents for 52 cents Boys' 2 Piece Suits s ;es 25 to 28 Reg $ (0 shit for 3.00 tc 3.50 for 2.50 3.00 for 2,00 for 1.75 0 for 1.50 (1 e. (1 FUR COATS ETC. 1 only ladies' .A,st. ;racket rubber lined, with fur collar, reg. w 18.00 fol' 1 ladies' fur coat, regular $40.00, for 1 ladies' fur coat, regular 35.00, for 1 ladies' fur coat, regular 25.00, for $142 $31 5;2 6 1 1\1 E15> SETTS Snaps in Hardware 1 °illy 0 piece Din r,erett ligular 1 ((1.1 0 wily 07 piece 1)elllae 1' Sfee ie111181 ee.011 for 00 4- only 07 ,Meese I):l err :'11t. regular 11.00 lei. 1! 00 Boys' 3 Piece Suits Sizes 2:4 Regular *0.11' hail' " 5.00 4 50 for 3,50 for 0.e0 1.);) i'ot rni`e thew 1 cine):;. 12 only Men's ou b e B reas edheaVy Suits, reg. $9.9 for 6 oily Men's Double=8 'e seed heavy Suits, re .,; or All kinds of Farm Produce hi exchange for Goods. IP Maf 7•R JK3reg7.f FD Ufa Via% < . 1l ted C�A ;:,'rine.; s('141('4 ; ; renis (' i r. •o .. t .i ks 'd i1;1c : ii s fe1' 5 eE?'i 5- P ;,r ii t, knives 5 ((11(9 01l0l1 'l 111:1cIe poC.ldet kn:!e 25 cents 11,11(1 saws 50 r P;il8 1111 71()ckey- skates, 40 cents a pair 1101.8 • blankets cents up Silver tea s peons gual'ari'ee 1 for 5 years 75 cent: a dos, ei (rtenite chambers 25 cents Tin dil)1)cis 5 cents Spring clothes pin 5028 a dozed Cole blast lanterns . 1J ve A fiiw Saeleecliewan robes, open eel "ring belle a! great)' i, , c.• 1 p 'ees Special v,tlae:i t clic, (snr.1.' stores. Cin1v . .e +l pad, regular 40cts for 30. Prints and Table Lin ::r '. Ail. oar 191 prints foi' 10 oc' is All our 10 ccs l.e'.'t •'(5 1':11' 8 guts Tande Lin0us, ) e,r':r. • h(afttl L 115 en.lt$ t'lnr 4;) 131351" '(. or 45 f' 3 �l 30 for 21 25 for 18 c A large stock of I)1'e1 1.71-0 to e{( a2' at l e price. -1 . , ;ZOO ": ane, of r nluant ,1' a snap cc (c 0