The Herald, 1914-11-13, Page 8Pail ry O.penrngs On Fridry Sopt. 23 anal 24th. oat foIlowEitg cloys Miss teil isagain in charge of our Mill- inery aioloortment, and she will b3 pleased to show you the newest styles of Fall and Winter hats and trimmings. Do not fail to call. Pall and Winter Goods Oar stock for Fall aa& Winter trade is now almost complete. We have a fine range of dress maiial to show you shalt as Macdonald tartans in tale itiforent shades, sieges, corded and bro- caihait falvets, Heavy all wool suitings, chinn- ei;illa core#.ngs in navy, fawn, brown, etc. etc. Seater Coats A shipzassslle>I t of the celebrated Monarch Knit sweater coats to hand. These coats are well made of good laaterial and give entire sat, sfaction. Coen® and see them. Fresh groceries always kepton hand. Produce taken in exchanged. PHONE 17 RUBY Lumber! shingles! Laths! We have a large stock of these n hand, Estimatesgive ; 11 and. con- racts taken. All kinds of exterior rice interior fi ish for houses made order. We h.:; hd re all kinds of adding Material. Call at Planing i.11. 0. AL)F.rimEICW.. ! Y _ - ZURICH = Pi SEY- friARRI IMPLEMENTS. Binders, Mowers, all kinds Cultivators, Discs and Fer- izer Drills, best and light - t made, all steel. Manure Spr.?aders and all nds of plows and repairs 'ways in stook. Look at our Cutters Sleighs, Buggies, and agons before buying else- where. RAY MOTOR ENGINES 1 H. P. $75; 2i H. P. $85; 4 11. $125; 6 H. P. $175; 8 H. P. $325; 11. P. $:175; all warranted first ss. At the olel Stand:- kuare Dealing Om: Motto" Bess & Son. Fanning M:il1. Sieves I lana agent for the Clinton faun, ing mill sieves, and farmers re, quiring any, can procure them, et my farm, Beath of Zurich John Hey tr. Zurieh Feed Store Leading Brand of Flour, Shorts, Bran and Feed Corn Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. We are agents for Interna- tional and Royal Purple stock food. Also a full line of Grocer- ies on hand. Isaac Et FA A 01.p.es udson From ,. dollat to two seventy- five each, ine Stock of Jewellery 8s 2ICAL GOODB Fhsh Li'ts aa SYS" 'EM. 0 JEWELLERS., L ca: Views .. New ads, in this it teue H, Well Dr. E. S. Iathe J J.112erner Dickson well Carling Public, Sehsaal Inbectora have re- ceived from the Department of Edu- cation a statement of the year's grants to public sekkoe1s which showed that their is an all round reduction of 86.8 per cent. last year. The reason for so great a reduction ie supposed' to be owing to conditions brought about . by the war. CLUBBING RATES. We are making arrangements with all the leading daily and weekly papers for special elnbbing rates when snbscribed for with The Herald, So kindly bear this in mind when re newing your subscription. MYSTERY CLEARED The men who have been engaged in building the -observation towers about which so much has been said, have ceased from their labors and returned to their homes. The toweri are desig- nated by the name of the township in. which they are located and those erect- ed by this party the past season are as follows:-- Westminister, Deerham, Biddulpb, Ellice, Hibbert, Logan, Mullett, Morris and Hay. Next season there is one to be erected west ofAuburn and another near Whitechurch, to- gether with a aeries extending to the head of the BrucePeninsula. The tow- ers are for the geodetic service of the militia department. EVAN. CHURCH SERVICE. The Sunday Serviees'in the Evan- gelical Church from now untill next April will be as follows:-lllorning services, 10 A. M. Junior Y. P. A.,. 1 P. M.; Sunday School, 2 P. M. and evening services at 7 o'clock. LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES Sundays German Sermn• 10',30 a. ani.. Englishrr 7.00 p. ni. Sunday School (German and English)) 2.00 p, m. Tuesday's 11[en's Missionaay Society 7.30 p. m. Friday's Luther. League 7.30 p. na. The Ladies' Aid Society meets the ;1st. Wednesday evening of' the, month t7:301p. ne. You are most cordially inyited to take an active part. he all these• meetings and serviees. "Blessed are they that hear the, word of God and keep it." Lnke 11.'422. NOTICE. ' The'cidsa mill will be in openertion on}Tuesdayr Wednesday and Thunsdey, of next week, and on Wednesday of the following week, whish, will conclude the season. J. J. 'Kerner. LOCAL MARKEa,!S, Corrected everyyThursdeeea Butter Eggs Dried Apples Lard Potatoes, Wheat $1.06 $1.07 Oats 46 47 Barley 342, 65 Buckwheat 65 Flour 34.00 8.50 Bran ea $25.00 Shorts .,.. 27.00 Low Grade 32.00 10.21 26 04 18 30 THE HERALD CABIN • FOR155 Herald and Daily Globe........, ;,; 75 " Weekly Globe•1 d 75 , u Daily Mail and Em- pire.. 3 75 Weel.y Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 . Weekly Star,. 1 75 " London Free Press Morning Edition, 3 50 Evening Edition -,2 90 Weekly Edition ..,. 1 8i " Loudon Advertiser Morning Edition..,, 2 90 Itemizing' Edition,, 2 00 Y eerily Edit. ,e., 3. 75,.-. fic Farmers Adria, Ua 10 llont eel i , m;ip i-Iorald and Weal 'y Star. Se gt C CC DEATH OF IRWIN BERNHARRDT Preston, Nev. '8--.0sue of Preston's mos tpopulareta busis+ seaen,Irwin Bernhardt, died at the Hospital in Buf- falo this afternoon at 4.80 o'clock. Deceasei was taken suddenly i11 while on a trip to Buffalo tecta s'tays ago, .and had to be removed to the Heepibe7l, where he died. Irwin was very pop- ular among all classes of the town, and a friend to everyone. Ile took great interest in sport, having been manager of the local hockey club the past three seasons. Ile leaves to mourn his loss a wife and one son. The funeral took place on Tues- day afternoon at 2.80 o'clock from the residence of his father, who lives on King street east, Irwin Bernhardt is well known in Zurich. He was a son-in-law of Rev. C. C. 5. Maass, a former Lutheran minister here, and during his visits here made many warm friends. The deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Bernhardb by her friends here. HICKS' FORECASTS. A regular storm period covers the 17th to the 22nc1, having its center on the 19th. The new ntoexi is on the 17th, near perigee en the 16th. and South declination on the 19th. This period will begin promptly on the 17th with rising temperature; falling bar- ometer and threatening clouds in- the Westerrn extremes. These conditions will take up their march Eastwardly by the 18th and 19th and during the 20th, 21st and 22nd they will pass the great central valleys and into the Atlantic coast regions. If a very low barometer, attends these storms aerossthe country high and danger- ous North easterly gales will come in from the Atlantic ocean to fill up the inland barometric depression causing danger to Chipping along the coast winding up with violent north west- erlygales on and about the great lakes. Teed sections, especially, should wai'eh, the indication and heed storm sepals, Renewed high pressure clearing skies and much colder weath- er wiil'spread over the eountry belliiiti' thea: :storms, I ,sting up.to the 2 raz to 24th ANNOUNCEMENT - - To the Subscriber' aged friends of+I The Hlsre,l'd-No doubt ;Msarly all of you know that I Nave purchased the printing plant frons. Mr.. E. Zellers: This includes Thee Herald. I have. had some previous - experience in the newspaper line andr am• consequently acquainted with the -work to some ex- tent My aine will be to publish as paper that. with be' newsy,. clean, bright and truthfulj, as face as is in my power to do son There is no doubt that a commaanity li e'this can sup- purt a weeklea newspaper. I there- fore ask the present subscribers and. my friends ta'Ibnd a e•holpinghandand I promise to ab my very hest in sup- plying them with a good home paper. I realize that the newspaper field -is• e owded as it is•,.bub a,,home paper is really in a clams by' itself. We a11: love our homes;, our town and ear country, then 'why not support the home paper which he4s m keep, in tonch with one, ano'aher as well as with the more important incidents that come to.pa,as around horns.,. So 2 ask yon fer,aeorur sninpor;; and any littlo-favors. r n,, in •.or are wolf bo highly npp zieted.: If agar) Tomes sincerolya ,Andrew 1r. Hess NOTICE TO SUBSC IBERS, 1 have, authorized my susacessor A. I'. Riess to collect all back sutbr so iptioas to The Herald.. Please leek up_ your label and remix amount, a.b your.early convenience. 3. Zeller, Zurich, Nov.'21914. - Dr. E. S. Hardie. - Dantieb, will be in Zurich ell day Wednesday and Thursday, No a 18th ancll.9th, to resnmepractioe. St ictl;y high -Class work and satisfacu1onguar- anteed.: Dr. Hardie purposes giving the public of Zurich and vicinity the best service possible and will spend more time here if conditions warrant. Nofurther necesity of visiting Sea forth or Exeter. COAL.! COAL! Delaware, Lackawanna, - & Western Coal Coo ranton Coo. Aid size; I-lense.11. 9 THE STOVE QUESTION All we ask you is to get our prices before you buy. We can sell you stoves as cheap as any departmental store in Canada. See our cook store for coal and wood l with eserv20 0o, weighs C Don't forget that we still lead the trade in450 1b FURNITURE AND HARNESS ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE TAKEN. e. I-IARTLUB,ZUH HURON'S i1.AROMT COMINATIRIC N STORE THE QUALIFY TORS Save iObn :. cent nper We have some last year's Ladies Coats - which we are ofieving at Mal Price BIG REDUCTION on all our Men's Suits and Overcoats. .i... NEW FALL GOODS being opened and placed on, display every day now. If you want to see what Fashion has created for Fall 1914, pay this Store a -visit. Don't wait till you are ready to buy. Coxae to -day We can show you everything in .Correct and Stylish Ready=towwear Apparel for Women. And what is, €nore....we can, show you Styles, and Values. you will not see elsewhere. J. Highest,Prices paid fon Farm Produce Farren =pied .t Let us know your wants. We handle everything ase Farm; Implements, °Lne Supplies gullies, all sizes and • kinds, Belting, leather or canvas,' all sizes. - Shaft boxing and shafting, rump and pump piping. Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs and Cutters. xf you aro in need of Machine Re- Pairs we can gels them fur you. We give special attention to our repair department. N LOUT r n, Zurich INCESTEEMENtalsommunsmaszeili DE T1K G ,Prompt Service. Moderate C'ha'nges Tailor Shop and Laundry Z'!"f;r i eh. Ontario 4 4