The Herald, 1914-11-13, Page 7•tt ou odd or 0 Isle ou N-8 oat th )0, in Ian led "er in DII•, ca, god -ge .ng :he .rad ate, ng ;ry pn- .ve alt IDE THE EARTH? R THOMAS H. HOLLAND DIS- CUSSES ALL THEORIES, rthquakes Prove Globe Has Central Core, According to Scientists. The very latest answer to the im- iemorial question, "What is inside is earth?". is furnished, by earth uakes, or more correctly, by a deep tudent of such shocks of the earth's rust. And his answer seems so reas- nable and it fits in so well with all nown phenomena that it is accepted y scientific men as the best yet offer - d. In his. opening address before the ction on geology of the British asso . ation at its recent meeting in Aus- alia Sir Thomas H. Holland discus - d all the theories of the interior of e earth, but leaned strongly to that forth by R. D. Oldham. IIe said Le others were all hypotheses. This as the nearest approach to actual ob- rvation. When an earthquake takes place licate instruments called seismo- aphs record it at distant points. one of the waves sent forth from earthquake center travel through e earth and some travel around by s superficial crust, the former reach - g the distant seismograph before e latter," said Sir Thomas Holland his address. The seismograph re rds prove that the waves passing "rough the earth are of two kinds, aveling at two different speeds. So ere are three well -marked phases of n• earthquake shock, the third of rhich is that of the waves passing rough the earth's crust. These ave an average speed of Three Kilometers a Second, s proved by the length of time elaps- ng between the shock and the mo- ent of its recording. "It is thus assumed," continued Sir homes, "that the waves given rise to he first and second phases in each istant seismographic record, by fol - wing approximately along the chord f the arc between the places of origin nd the instrument, pass through leeper layers of the earth when the eismograph is farther away, the ma- erial at greater depths being presum- tbly more elastic. as well as denser. "But Oldham has shown that when he seismograph is as much as 150 de - roes' from the earthquake center there is a remarkable decrease in the can apparent rate of propagation of the waves giving the second phase in the record, from more than six to about 432 kilometers a. second. There is also a drep/;aithough not nearly so marked, in the apparent speed of the waves of the first phase when trans- mitted to a seismograph 150 degrees or more distant from the earthquake origin. "OIdham concludes that this de- crease of apparent rate of waves traveling through the earth to places much more than 120 deg>;ees distant is due to their passing into a central core, four tenths of the radius in. thick- ness, hickness, composed of matter which trans- mits the waves at a markedly low speed. Thus the earthquake waves which emerge at a distant not greater than 120 degrees from" their origin do not enter this central core, while those which pass into the earth to a greater depth than six tenths of the radius are supposed to be , Refracted on Entering, and again on leaving, the postulated core, in which the 'rate .of transmis- sion of an elastic wave of distortion is very much slower than in the main mass of the -earth around. In con- sequence of the refraction of these waves on passing throughethe central core, s law s }"fled' at about 140' de- grees 'from an earthquake origin should be in partial shadow, due to the great dispersion cf the distortion - 1 waves, and the few records made o far by seismographs thus situated ith regard to great earthquakes how that their is either no, or at host a doubtful, record for the second hose, which is known to 'be due to :he so-called distortional waves. "If these observations be confirmed ly further records, we are justified in:l ssuming• that below the heterogen- tous crust there 's a thick shell of astie material, fairly homogeneous o about six tenths of the ,radius,. sur- ounding a' central core, four tenths thickness, which possesses physi- 1 properties utterly unlike those of e outer layers, for in the core the stortional waves are either damped mpletely or are transmitted at very uch lower speeds than in the shell," Waived the Other Chance. "At 10 o'elock to -morrow morn - g I will.' be prepared to answer ur proposal o.f marriage." "Why the delay?" "It gives me time to play fair th another suitor. If he doesn't me across when he hears of your er, I'll take you!" 'Under the circumstances 1 mast thdraw my offer." 'Must, you? Then under the cir- istan,ces I • waive the other nee andtake you." ,llou;sands of women in Genetany e been :thrown out of work on ount of their employers being ed' to mar. Cure Children's Colds. By External il'reatment Mothers Wilt Find Nothing So Speed- ily and Reliable as Old -Time "Nerviline," It's really a shame to upset a young child's stomach by ` internal dosing, when external • treatment' will so promptly break up a cold. When your boy comes in after play with his feet soaking wet, his throat hoarse and sore,,his little, chest tight and congested, just apply Nerviline. Give him a vigorous rubbing over his throat, and put lots of Nerviline on his chest and rub it right in. To make Nerviline penetrate more quickly cover his chest and throat with a hot flannel bandage. This treatment WON'T fail. Your boy will be feeling better in half an hour, and you will have the 'satisfaction of knowing you have warded off perhaps a cold, or grippe, or illness that might have laid him up. Nerviline is mighty good for pre- venting colds and for breaking up a bad one, too. For general family use it cures all sorts of external aches and pains—you simply can't beat it. Try it for earache, toothache, neuralgia, sciatica, lame back, rheumatism, or lumbago. Wherever there is conges- tion, inflammation or pain in the joints or muscles, Nerviline will cure mighty quick. The large 50c, family size bottle is so economical, so useful, it should be in every home. There is also a small 25c. size, Dealers any- where sell Nerviline. GERMANY .BATES BRITAIN. The blain Reason For Its Torrent of Abuse. Looked at from one point of view, Germany's special hatred of Brit- ain and the immeasured abuse that she is outpouring on her, may be accepted as evidence that the economic campaign is bringing home to the people of the Father- land even more than the fighting on the field, the seriousness of the po- sition that :has resulted from the closing of the sea against every- thing that ministers to the normal life of a, great economic State, says a Scotch paper. All our own ports are open. Food supplies .and raw material keep pouring in just as usual, the factories and mills' and workshops, as a rule, are reason- ably busy. and there is no indica- tion that to -morrow will not be .as to -day. On the other hand, every day that passes makes things worse fo'n'Germany:7 Thei'e is no work coming in from without. Materials are lacking. Exports are out of the . question. The prospect dark- ens. And all because of the Brit- ish fleet. It is Great Britain, in other words, that hits Germany hardest where it is most felt. Hence the torrent of abuse. In itself it is of no consequence to us; none the, less it is the surest proof that the economic battle is as resultful in its own way as the efforts of the Allies in the west, and the lost (bat- tles on the Russian frontier. And winter keeps coming relentlessly on with the inevitable suffering that its cold and its short dark days Superior- -.Surpassing uperior= '"Surpassing others in great- ness, goodness, extent or value of any quality."—Uccle tun" Dictionary. That's the definition, and that's why Post Toasties are called the Superior Corn Flakes —the surpassing, delicate Indian Corn flavour being sealed in by skillful toast- ing with sugar and salt. Post Toast les are made in clean, airy, modern factories—cooked, seasoned, rolled and toasted to crisp golden flakes— Ready to serve direct from the package. To secure the Superior Corn Flakes, ask for Post Toasties —sold by Grocers. Canadian Posture Cereal Ga, Ltd., Windsor.. Ont. must entail. It is lamentable that there ehould be so much suffering on the part of innocent people.. On the other hand, there is no reason' to doubt as yet that the Gernnan. nation was assts :still is solid for the war, -and that their • suffering and hardship are no more than the price they have to pay for the avid- ity with vidity'with :which they have -sustained war -loads: in,their unholy lust for, domination anddominion. Majeeeteeneea. ee. Cu-'ilttlikei'aci-' son, Bart, who is commander of th-e Fifth Di- vision of the Expeditionary Force: Will Quiciily Cure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Eating. "When I was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of inflammation," writes Mr. E. P. Daw- kins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels, for I had. to use salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and always after eating there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of intestinal indiges- tion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurt- ing, like other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the bowels. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To -day r am well —no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can say Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and -my letter; I am sure, proves it. Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. pie Interrupted Communication. "You don't mean to say that this is the first you've heard of it." "Absolutely." "Why, it's the talk of the neigh- borhood." "Yes, ibut my wife is away on a visit." Minard's, Liniment Cures Distemper. LATEST FISH STORY. Back to Land Movement by Pike Near Bassano, Alta. The latest fish story that has bean sprung on that public—n story which "out -whops" some of the most famous- of the Whopper Club series --is that hold byiJ. Jones, an inspector in the agricultural branch of the Oanacban Pacific, '..whose ac- tivities are oonnfined to the Rose- nary colony, neer B•a,ssano. There is nothing of •the piking at- titude about tbhe story but the fish. The fish were pike. It appears that there has been started among the fish of the Bow River a. "back to the land" movement, with the, irri- gated lend preferred. Mr. Jones rays that on the land, or on, one particular farm., in the Roseafiary colony, the water was turned into the cli;tches one morning for two hours •and then turned off. When ie h -ad all se-eped away into the ground there were enough pike found to feed thirteen men for one meal. Since that time a number of fish have been obtlained. In fact, there seems to be a serious 'sort of mania among these fish to gest out of the water at the earliest possible moment. It appears that many of the irri- gation ditches are full- of fish, and in acme places one of the favoeilte recreations is rio go out and "land" a flock of fish for breakfast.—Monte real Gagette,. "What. a 'beautiful girl your daughter isl" "Yes. So beautiful that I've given up hope that she'll ever wash the dishes fol' me when she grows up." lie -Yes, the governor out off my allowance, so I've had to cash my brains for a living. She—I wonder- ed why you were looking so thin. s Ell UNSI.GHTLY PIMPLES ON FACE itching and Burning', „Scratching Irritated, Disfigured for a.Time. ,Used Cuticura' Soap and Oint- ment, Pimples Disappeared, 1766 Winnipeg St., Regina, Sask.-"Z was troubled with itching pimples on my .raze for over three years. . They were red and unsightly: They . caused itching and burning and I used to scratch and irritate' them. The breaking out disfigured me for a time. x tried many well -advertised treatments; such as Proscription, --; etc., but without success. A short time ago I saw the advertisement of Cuticura Soap an'd Ointment in a local paper and after I had tried a free sample I could see a re. markable improvement. I washed my face with the Soap and then applied the Oint- ment two or threetimes a day. After using more Outicura Soap and two boxes of .Cuti- cura Ointment all the pimples completely disappeared." (Signed) Nicholas Koch. , 'Juno 13, 1914. Speinples Free: by Mail A generation of mothers has found no soap eo well suited for cleansing and purifying the skin and hair of infants and children as OtiticuraSoap. Its absolute purity and re- freshing fragrance alone are enough to rec- ommend it above ordinary skin soaps, but there are added to these qualities delicate yet effective emollient properties, derived from Outicura Ointment, which render it nest valuable in overcoming a tendency to distressing eruptions and promoting a nor - mall condition of skin and hair health. Cu- ticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. For liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post -card to "Outs. tura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A ti When the Dinner Danced. Little Gertie Grogan (looking up from society page—Did you ever see; a dinner dance, haw Mrs. Grogan—Faitb, I did, me child; th' day yer father .sthruek th' table wid his fist because we had corn' bafe an' cabbage three days runnin' I A WARM WINTER. Juno weather prevails in California, the ideal Wintering place, reached comfort- ably and conveniently by the Chicago and North Western sty, Four splendid trains daily from the now passenger terminal Chicago—Tho Overland Limited, fastest train to San Francisco; the Los Angeles Limited, three days to Land of Sunshine. the 'famous San Fran- cisco Limited and the California Mail. Rates. illustrated matter and particu- lars on application. B. IL Bennett, Gen- eral Agent, 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Dry Goods. "Do you sell dry goods here?" "No, sir,;' this is a grocery." "Sorry ! I wanted to get some dried -apples." INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis, patient ,solicitors, Montreal, report that 136 Canadian patents were is- sued for the week ending October 20th, 1914, 103 of which were granted to Americans, 23 to Cana - diens, 6 to residents of Great Bri- tain and Colonies, and 4 to resi- dents of foreign countries. Of the Canadians who reeeived patents, 10 were of Ontario, 4 of Quebec, 3 of Saskatchewan, 3 of Alberta, 1 of British Columbia, 1 of ;! Nova Scotia, and 1 of New Brunswick. Star Boarder (after reaching vainly for the butter)—You can see the high cost of living has struck this place. Landlady (beaming) — How's that: Star Boarder — Why, everything is beyond our reach. "My dog took first prize at the cat show." "How was that?" "He took the, cat !" Don't wwasto time on Inferi- or salves because they're a few cents cheaper. I have proved Zam.Bsilc hest for Eczema, Plies, Skin Diseases, and Injuries. As a mother, you owe it to your family to use the host, that's ZarilBull 50c box. Ali Divests and Stores. RBAL HEALER T. Cori Nib..I;7s5a+Y€'•7.,�..,'i,�? CANADA'S. PO SIliil,I'I'I1CS. American Novelist 3Ialtifij Study of Conditions Outlines Views. Mr. James Oliver Curwood, a, novelist, is making a study of Cana- , than conditions in war time, He has just oompl'eted a tout: of the western provinces, and declares that the end of the war , will usher. in a period of devetlopmten't and growth that will mean practically a new Canada in the West. "It may seem like a paradox when I say that with every life and every, dollar that is being destroyed in l;urope, Canada's po'-ssibilitiels in- crease, yet it is so," he observed. "Of all the nations of the earth Canada will profit more by this war than any other --more than my own country across the border." Mr. Curwood was particularly impressed with the possibilities of the great national playgrounds, Jasper Park, on the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific. "It will b -e a tremendous draw ing card for tourists," he said. "I don't hesitate to say that its gran- deur, its natural beauties- and the advantages it will shortly hold for tourists, excel even our Yellow- stone, and that is slaying a great deal. I look to see thousands of Americans travel this way to the big fair at San Francisco next year, and there is no- better advertiser an earth than a pleased tourist. In fact, from every way I look at the situation the sky ahead looks brighter for Canada than at any other time in its history."—British Columbia Province. sin The Oldest lean Living If asked about his corns would say they didn't bother him because he al- ways used Putnam'" Corn Extractor. For fifty years "Putnam's" has been the favorite because painless and sure. Try only "Putnam's," 26e. at all dealers. 4. Worldly Wise. He—Would you have loved me had I been poori She—Yes, dear ; but I would have kept you in ignorance of the fact. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. Sure Thing. "I wonder," mused the heiress, "if Jimmy knows 1 have money ?" -"Has he prapostd?"` "Yes." "Then he knows." A druggist can obtain an imitation of MINARD'S LINIMENT from a Toronto house at a very low price, and have it labeled his own product. This greasy imitation is the poorest one we have yet seen of the many that every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to I — introduce. Ask for MINARD'S and you will get it. ; r Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Piavored with delicious sauces.. They have no ,euual. rAtEMS' Pole SALE. U. W. El&W SOZC, Z4lnety Colborne Street! Toronto. II' Yt3U WANT TO BUY OR t3ldLi. 24 Fruit. Stock, Grain or Dairy Farm. write H. W. Dawson, Brampton, or ell t`niborne St„ Toronto. E. W. LAWSON, Colborne St.. Toronto. FOR a3LB. lDEGISTF:RED HAMPSHIRE SWINE .Lt'' prize winners. • All ages. Both sexes. Fisher Bros., Benmiller, Ont, NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. d"1 OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN Vf York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Price only $4.000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publishing Com- pany, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. ANCNIS. TUMORS. LUMPS, hiTO,. ki internal and external, cured with- out ithout pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Dedman Medical Co.. Lim ited.Co'lin or. oo-1 3' OF INTENTIONS PIGEON, PIGEON S DAVIS gra St. James St., - Montreal Writs for ir.fotmatlon _._. ILERS New and Second-2iand, for heating and power purposea. Water Flumes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. POLStTh iR0 MITEDKSTa il31' TO Engineers and Shipbuilders. kl FREE TO EVERY BOY N A �y AND GIRL This ring to an exact duplicate of as 18k solid a.' gold ring and you can have it engraved with ©: You can caro this bcan- • tiful ring is les" Linn I I 1111, RI I3Q ® W an hour- Just aimply moll 24 package, of our assorted picture post e cards" Each package contains 6 cards, which NN you MU for only loc. .r frog coupon ,given with each package, will make your friend, Mbuy them on sight. Don't wait u minute, but order right now. You send no money until you ® have sold the cards, then send in the money you have received (52.40), we 'tend you this lof premiums. . Mld ,ss A. far our Lig w catalog e COLONIAL ART CO. voixo,! .5....11*, `ortr. esmaineil9ti riot o let enoweDoeDRron Discouraged. "Don't you know that you ought to scatter seeds of kindness ?" "Aw, what's the use ; my neigh- bor's chickens would get them all if I did." YOUR OWN DRUGOLST WILL TELL YOU rry Marine Dye Remedy for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting -- last Eye Oomiort. ,i Write for Hook of the Eye ay mail Free. Zlurine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Trish Compliment. "An' sure, me lady, i.f yer feet were as big as your heart, it wouldn't be my corns I should like ye to be steppin' on." MInard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. Afraid of Scottish Troops. A Scottish corporal gives it as his personal belief that Britain had bet- ter send over tto France as soon els possible all the Scotsmen that are to spare. Our Scottish troops, he gathers, are earning in France the day a reputation as magnificent and as terrible as that they earned un - de -r Wellington. When Napoleon's scouts return -ad to him on the eve of -the battle ei Waterloo he ques- tion -ed them as to what they had seen, and in reply to one of his queries was told, "Sire,? we have seen alot of men in petticoats,- and they fight like devils." Almost 100 years later German scouts, are re- porting some thing very much the same to German, generals. Pat's Reply. An Irishman once went to a fair to sell two pigs, and as it happened they were minus the tails, After he had thein sold he saad to the jo'bi• ber-"You must sell them whole- sale." "Why i" said the jobber. "Because you cannot retail them," replied Pat, Minard's Liniment Cures Dlphtberiae CURE FOR CONSUMPTION David Warnock, 202 Withrow Ave., Toronto, writes that he owes his lite to the above remedy; "Now that I am well and strong again, I write to state that the fact I am alive to -day witnesses to the merit of your medicine" The doc- tors gave me only 8 to 10 days to live... I wish every ono could know the worth of your medicine: especially those afflicted with con- sumption, as I 'was, tor I undouh'- oily saved my life to its use. Tito." A doctor and a specialiet attended David Warnock and gave him no hope. That was in March, 1011. Four months afterwards, he was a well man and had gained 66 lbs. If you suffer, or know of one, send us your address, and we will send ;y copy of Warnock's testimony In full and also many others; some of which have been cured of chronic bronchitis of over 30 years' stand- ing. At your druggist or direct from us at 51.00 per bottle. COPELAND MEDICINE COMPANY, LIMITED. 611 PAPE AVE., - TGFi.CSeTe. ell .l':rfic'ieney. "I hope,' said one wife 1.o an- other, "that you never nag your husband." "Only when lie is beating the rugs," said the second one. "When he is thoroughly irritated he makes a much better job of it." t'D, fi. ISS`t`N @ Vii.