The Herald, 1914-11-13, Page 4Victoria St, Zurich, by
U. S• subsct pton tt,$o strictly in advance,
Rates for display and contract advertisements will be
Iven on appliaticn.
Transient notices such as legal, corporation, society,
etc,. xo cents per line for ftret insertion and 5 cents per
line for each subsequent insertion.
Estray advs, x for three Insertions.
Notices of entertainments, socials, etc, at which an
admission feeds charged or a special collection is taken
will be charged for at the regular advertistng rates.
Notices of religious or other meetings the object of
Which is thebenefit of the community and not for pe•-
sonal or s.etarian interest or gain, will be cheerfully
inserted free,
No paper discontinued until all arrearage, are paid,
Changes for contract advertisements must be in the
(Ace by 6 p. nt . Tuesday, otherwise they will be left
over until the following week.
Adverttsments without specific directions will be
Inserted untitl 'forbid and charged accordingly. Tran-
sient advertismenrs must be paid for in advance.
Address all communications to
Zurio N ovember 13, 1914
N 0 T E S.
The war will cost Canada one hun-
dred milli',v1 dollars go it iq Qatimated.
This will in^lnrle not only the cost of
the equilmter'F of expeditions but
their pay on aci.ive service at home
or abroad,
About 1,000 horses will be shipped
from Halifax every week to the Brit-
ish army. T-Tn1 i fax has been chosen
as the anent for British Army
remounts, and arrangements are be-
ing made with the Toronto Exhibit-
ion Company, whereby 2,000 horses
will be housed in the exhibition
grounds during the winter.
Three hundred thousand dollars is
tee amount of the damage Clone by the
army worm in Canada during the past
summer, according to the estimate
given to -day at the annual meeting of
the Entomological Society of Ontario
by Mr. A.. Gibson, of Ottawa. Of this
Ontario was the loser to thn extent of
$250,000. The remainder of the dam-
age was done in Quebec New 13rnnawiok
and Nova Scotia. The pest worked
its havoc in 142 townships and in 87
The in formationthat the Departmen t
of Agriculture at Ottawa has succeeded
in securing such modification of the
embargo against the importation of
potatoes crone Canada into the. United
State as will. allow the resumptionof
this iriilicrtent export- trade '*except
ander slight restrictions in some
localities, Chits will be good news to the
farmers. This should mean better
market conditions for potatoes in this
motion where there is an immense
crop thio year.
The foot-and-mouth disease epidemic
among cattle in the United States has
actiumed such serious proportions that
the Government at Ottawa passed str-
i ingentimportation regulations to apply
to the Republic. It has been considered
necessary to prohibit the importation
from any part in the United States of
oattle, sheep, swine or goats or the
flesh, hides hoofs, horns or other
parts of such animals (with the excep-
tion of cured meats, lard and tallow.)
The prohibition is to be in effect for
a period of six months after which it
may be raised or extended, according
to conditions.
10 cents pays for the Herald to new
subscribers to January 1915.
Is a school with a continental
reputation for high grade work and
'for the auosess of its graduates, a
school with superior courses and
instructors. Wo give individual
attention in Commercial, Short-
hand and Telegraphy Departments
Why attend elsewhere when there
is room here? Yourney enter at
anytime. Write 'fort our large.
free •C>11a1o0e.
ay Y
This week we record the death of
Milked Rinker, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Rinker of this place, which
sad event oecured on Sunday evening,
at the age of seventeen years. He
had been sick only a few days and
while everything possible was done
for him it was of no avail. The
sorrowing family will have the sym-
pathy of the entire community in this
their time of sorrow. The funeral
was held on Wednesday afternoon,
was largely attended and was held in
the Lutheran church, of which the
family are members. Rev. P. Graup-
ner officiating.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Daniel
Schafer, who died last week after a
year's illness, was held on Saturday
afternoon and was yerylargely attend-
ed, showing the esteem and respect
in which she was held in the village
and community. She -was buried in
the Lutheran burying ground, Rev.
P. Graupner, the Pastor officiating.
Rev. J. H. Grenzebach is this week
visiting his aged parents at Tavistock.
His work here on Sudday will be tak-
en by J. W. Ortwein of Hensall.
Mr. John Krueger, of the 14th con.
Hay, died on Tuesday evening. He
had reached the age of ninety years.
The funeral will be held on Friday
afternoon to the ;Lutheran burying
The young people of this village
and community enjoyed a social even-
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred.
L. Preeter on Tuesday evening.
It is reported that there is to be a
wedding in the village shortly but we
cannot vouch for the truth of the re-
2P' 10
A convention of the Liberals of the
riding of South Huron as constituted
for Dominion purposes was held in
Clinton on Wednesday. The meeting
was largely attended, nearly every
sub -division in the riding being rep
resented. Mr. Smith, president of the
association aoted as chairman. Those
nominated were;0. Geiger, Hensall, T
McMillan of Hulleti township, Jac.
Kellerman of Dashwood, R. G. Saldon
of Exeter and Hy. Smith (Allay. All
Bron== # out but threfirst three nsuue&
and on ite.fitst ballot Thos. MhMillan
was chosen, after which theaboice was
made unanimous. Stirring addresses
were made by the candidate, M. Y.
McLean, F. F. Pardee, chief Liberal
whip, and a number of others.
Because my interests are here.
Because the community that is good
enough for ins to live in is good en-
ough for me to buy in.
Because I believe in transacting
business with my friends.
Because 1 want to see the goods.
Because I want to get what I buy
when I pay for it.
Because every dollar I spend at
home stays at home and works for the
welfare of this town.
Because the man I buy from stands
back of the goods,
Because I sell what I produce here
at home.
Because the man I buy from helps
support my school, my church, my
lodge, my home.
Because when ill -luck, misfortune,
or bereavements comes, the man I buy
from is here with his kindly greeting
his word of cheer, and hi* pocketbook,
if needed,
Because I get my living in this
County. Don't you? Here I live
and hers I buy. I buy at home. Do
The G. T. R. have placed a watch-
man at the level crossing in Seaforth.
This crossing has been the scene of
many accidents and the ;watehmt.
should be able t'oprevent any further
The contract for completing the
southwest breakwater at Goderich
harbor was let to Mr. Birmingham.
This means an addition of 800 feet
and will reduce the entrance to 400
Huron County Childrens Aid Society
at its annual meeting at Goderich on
Tuesdn.y authorized the country secre-
tary to receive at least ten Belgian
orphans, if the Ontario government
offers to provide homes for 200.
The L 0 L conceiton .'Thursday
night was well attended and the pro-
gram was enjoyed by ell.
Dr. Sam Coulter' has left for Toledo
0., where he will open a practice. The
best wishes of his many friends follow
Ab the last meeting of the council
the grant of $500 to the Patriotic Fund
was held over until the next meeting
when a petition of property °W>ters
will be presented to the council.
Court of Revision of the voters list
was held here on Wednesdayliy judo
Doyle of Goderioh,.
A sad case is reported ef a family
named Appleby living near Iippen.
Mr. Appleby was a British reservist
and received a call to join hie rotors.
He left some timepago for England and
recently word was received *at he
was killed in battle. He leaves a, widow
and two small children who have no
visible means of support now that- the
husband and father is gore.
Arch. Blatchford a pioneer and high-
ly respected resident who has been in
declining health for several years died
on Wednesday evening.
Al Ford had the misfortune to have
the tips of his fingers on his right
hand pinched off in a planar at the
Ross Taylor mill a few days ago.
Chicken thieves are busy in Exeter
north. Quite a.large number of pullets
have been stolen. So far lea trace ef
the thieves have been found -
The entertainment on Tuesday
evening under the auspices of the
Epworth League of James St. was a
great success.
Mr. John Morley has moved into
the dwelling he recently purchased
from A. G. Dyer.
The case of John Torrance vs.
Thornton Baker on a charge of selling
liquor in a no -license district has been
adjourned to Thursday of this week.
Hay Council mei on Saturday for
the transaction of routine br iness.
A bylaw was introduced to +roe' e
for the issue of debentures
1►hoee pl;,;, etas,
A Paige number of 'tsceoun' , . re
passed and orders issued to the Ti:eas-
urer for payment of same.
Council will meet again. on Saturday
the 5th day of December at 2 p.
F. Hess, Sr., Clerk.
In the matter of the Estate of Mary
Ann Rau, late of the Village of Zurich, in
the County of Huron, Widow, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that all persons
having any claims or demands against the
late Mary Ann Eau, who died on or about
the twenty-fifth day of October, A.
1914, at the Village of Zurich in the Pro-
vince of Ontario, are required to send by
post paid or deliver to •the undersigned
Solicitors herein for J P Rau and Jos Rau,
thier names an addresses and full
particulars in writing of their claims
and statements of their accounts and the
nature of the securities, if any, held by
And take riotiee that after the 28th day
of Noe.' 1914, the said J. P. Eau and Jas.
Rau will 'proceed to distribute the assets
of the said deceased among the persons en-
titled thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which they shall then have iio.
ice and !that the said executors will not
be liable for the said assets or any part
thereof to any person of whose claim they
shall not then have received notice.
Dated as Exeter the 9th day ,of :Novem-
ber, A. D. 1914.
Solicitors for the Executors.
Free Ladies and Gents Watches
Rugs, Bracelets and Jewelry of Every
Description, Lace Curtains, • Rude,
House Furaishind,Rifles, Movind Pic-
ture Machine, Skates, Printing Press..
es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly
everythnid you can think of you cola
def Aboslutely Free for selling our
,$eautifnl Fancy Drawn and Satin
Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents
each. They sell rapidly 6 can gener-
ally. be sold in every house. Don't
send us any money, but write us to
pond you a lot of Handkerchiefsto.
sell, that when sold you will send tis'
the money and the premium selected
Selling 24 handkerchieff entitled you
to your choice of an elegant Watch,
3 gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc.
Write us to -day, we trust you and
take back the goods if you cannot sell
is the time to begin thin ung o
Christmas. From ii;ow to Xmas
we will give " spacial ` low Bar-
gains on Pianos, Organs, Edison
Phonographs, Singer Sewing
Machines, Bell Art Pianos with
the illimitable quick repeating
action and sustaining frame.
In buying
Bell Piano
you get a strictly high-grade
piano, and you pay nothing extra
for the name. The Bell stands
at the top in Musical circles. We
also sell damper grades and other
makes of please. Ten will save
money buying from •
I buy spot cash and give the cus-
tomers the benefit of it.
Your call is welcoome.
Is the 29th of November this year
to be followed by tuberculosis day in
the schools Monday, November 30.
Preparations are again being made
to hold tuberculosis Sunday in the
churches through the Province. This
is the third year of the movement in
Canada. By Sermons and Lectures,
the National Sanitarium Association,
operating the Hospitals for Consump-
tives at Muskoka and Weston, will
enlist hundreds of Churehes and
Schools throughout Oniario in a simul-
taneous educational movement against
Tuberculosis on 29th and 80th
The Ministerial Associations and
heads of all denominations will be
asked to co-operate again this year,
as ix former years.
The Hon. Dr. Pyne, Minister of
Education, has again approved of
holding Tuberculosis Day in the
Schools on Monday, November 30th.
following Tuberculosis Sunday in the
Churches. The Minister will again
send to the Teachers throughout the
Province a circular carrying his end -
rogation of the movement.
Outlines of Sermons or Lectures,
on Tuberculosis, will be distributed,
upon request, to Minsters or Teachers,
from the Headquarters of the Nation-
al Sanitarium Association, 34 Ross
Street, Toronto.
A petition for the submission of the
Canada Temperance Act in Perth
has been filed at the Sheriff's office, in
Stratford. It is likely the vote will
take place intime for the law to go into
force on the let of May next, should
it be carried.
I will take live fowl every Tuesday
forenoon, until further notice. High-
est marketprice will be paid.
R. N. Douglas, BIake.
JAN. 1 a16.
lot. For particulars apply to Duncan
Taylor, Hensall P. 0.
House For Sale.—A White Brick
House erected by Sim Ireland, and at
present occupied by Otto litestemayer,
for particulars apply to H. Weigand
ForSale or To Rent.
Lot 22 L R E Hay 117 acres also
South half Lot 21 L R E Hay 74
acres the above lots will be sold or
rented together or seperate to suit
parties. Thomas Turnbull.
Farm for Saie
I am oftering my valuable farm
for sale, consisting of 75 acres..oboice
land, properly fenced, well dsainad,
three good wells, and all buildings
are in good conditions. For full par
Haulers apply to Wm. Stelck, R. R.
No. 1 Dashwood, Ont.
Farm For Sale
210 acres of good fosrsing and
fruit land. 2000 peach bum of which
1000 are in bearing, goo{, plenty of
water, good building, void fenced and
and partly drained. Zoo particulars
apply to Daniel Nisitb, R. B. No. 2
I will takelive foitrt every Tuesday
forenoon, until further notice, high-
est market pries will be paid.
J A Corriveau, Drysdale
Custom Sawing
Wanted at Joshua Snider, Bauble
McEwen Bros.
FOOT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notarier
Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd
door from Ffieniiton at. Goderioh.
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
W. PuoueroOT, K. C. J. L. )(MORAN.
op agent, representing the London,
Econentical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand-
ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every.
bhing in fire insurance.
Henry Boysenberry
Licensed Auctioneer,
Huron, Middlesex and Lampton
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Dashwood, Ontario.
Dates arranged at the office
DE. E. B. BALFOUR, graduat
Western University, late o
the Military Hospital and Vietori
Hospital, London. Office in th
building formerly occupied by the tat
Dr.WeLaxghlin, Dashwood.
FIR A. J. MacKINNON late Fid
Burgeon, Erie County Hespi
Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant reli
dent Physician, Manhattan Maternit
Hospital N. ' Y. city. Late of th
House Staff, New York Pelyclini
Medical School and Hospital. Dru
store in connection. Office, Zurio
Money to Loan
$1800 to loan on first mortgage
Apply to Andrew F. Hese at the Her
eld Office. •
Having purchased the convoke=
ing front Mr. E, Zeller, I am in
position to writs deeds, mortgagee
agreements, wills etc., and have the
properly registered. By having
fire -proof vault in the building I es
assure the safety of alt papers en-
trusted to my care against fire.
-•.. �S ndr l: Hoes
Reasonable Prices
"The Herald" Office
Sale Bills, Hand Bilis,
Posters, Announcements,
Letterheads, Account
Formyl, Envelopes, Circulars,
Folders, Programs, Pam-
phlets, Booklets,Wedd-
ing Invitations & Crds,
Business Cards, Calling
Curds, In fact we print
everything usually done n
a job office.
]f l