The Herald, 1914-01-23, Page 411x 1),14h TA =stinal training Tht'e its C011- �. .. Three �`ta�a txua t itlli�l.ts:,. SHORTHAND and tl TYf;,d=il'5'_.' Courses are Ind: id• aaxcd practical. Y la1.bpt1-izct,io51' is given by a strong Kienced staff. Our graduates Ccl. Students may enter at ti xle• fiat oizr free .4atalegue sea what we tian'ao fol: you. m McLachlan, - wstgacEssacsnilm Do-uUjirea Line PERISTMAS IsTEW TEAM rhea e '4E FARE • FARE AND, ONE 124, 25 • THIRD Dec 27, 23 tfor, return 24, 25 valid and re t Dec, 26, turn until Dec. 27, ['Doc 31 also Dec.29:30, 31, and. Jan. 1913, anb Jan 1st 14, good 1914, valid for :return until return until Jun. •.aid 1914. 3,1914. Mr. Rupp of Forest was in town Monday taking "orders for uionu- ments. Mrs, J, Grenzebaoh returned lioine on ?l1onday evening after spending several weeks in Listowel: Mrs. Joseph Routledge is at prey er.t vifiting with her sister Mrs'. Allan in Exeter. Sir, Wm. Pfaff is visiting his parents at present. Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Southoott are visiting at the litters sister, Mrs. H. Guenther Mr. and Mrs. Reid of Varna vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 11dighof )? on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hey were in. #d Wu last Friday. _Mr.. i nd- Mrs., Ezra Tieman visit. ,wlr. F:nd My ..los. Wambold in Exeter on Tuesday, Mr. Edgar and Miss Leila Siebert visited friends in town. Sunday ev- ening. Mrs. Norman Kellerman is visit- ing in Berlin this week. .. Mr. and Mrs, Jaok Williams were in town on Monday. . • The annual business meeting of the Lutheran church on Monday afternoon. Between all Stations in Canada. of 'Port Arthur, also to aeiroit and, 'R'nron,Mich., Buffalo, Black Bock, r•trxl;.Falis and Suspension Tion Bridge N.Y. lets now on tale'itt Grand Trunk t Offices, e Latlieri and Gents Watches Bracelets and Jewelry of Every iIati�in, Lace .Curtains, Ends,l�clrsrist> i1li3,I{ifles, Movin:i Pic.�]fa��fne,Skates, I'rintingPress- o uutain Pens, in fact nearly a 'fill Farley Drawn and Satin a They sell rapidly 6 can genes - e sold in every house. Don't as any money, but write us to Iron a lot of Handkerchiefs to onegr and the premium selected g 24 handkerchief£ entitled you tl Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. back the goods if you cannot' sell us to -day, we trust you and r• ;�. n ii#Ilxlid you can think of your can Aasllr#sky Free for selling our I a.. Pl?eC'i haxdlzerclliefs at 10 cents l � ;that when sold you will send us in our choice of an elegant Watch, dol 4ite VARNA Ile` John Muir explained the Can- ada Temperance Act at a: public nseet , ing held here Ju Tuesday evening Mr. J. E. I-Iarnvell" preached in the Methodist church on Sunday et - ening, the :pastor going to Goclerich for the day: The beginning of last week was enough like the real old-fashioned winter weather to suit the most • ex- acting, surely. Drifted roads and difficulty in getting the rural mail through are among the • troubles can fronting those who have to keep mov- ing about in spite of storm or adverse weather. Mrs, E. Rothermal and son Wil- liam attended the funeral of Mrs. Rothermal Sr. near Berlin, last week. Mr. Henry Wiltert attended the Anti -temperance meeting held- in the Opera house in Exeter on Mon- day evening. The farmers are making splendid use of the sleighing these days Large guantities of wood and logs are drawn. On Sunday morning a speaker from Toronto will give an address in the Evangelical church in behalf of the Dominion 'lemperance Act Mr. Jacob Kellerman shipped. several carloads of flour last week and is also getting in several car- loads of coal for firing the boiler in the grist mill. INOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL LEGAL CARDS. 017DF00T SAYS & EILLORAN, arristers, Solioitors, Notaries Public, te; Gederioh, Canada W. ?roudfoot. C. R. 0. Hays. S. L. Eilloran, Protdfoot Jr BUSINESS CARDS, B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Bxecter. $ales'ebnduated in all parts. Satie- i't ion guaranteed' or no pay, Terms f cnable....'Orders left at this offiee (l+ be promptly attended to. Mi1,EW F. HISS, FIRE INSURAN i agent, representing the London, economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand - vat Wellington and Guardian. Every. fire insurance. Daghwood Barber (}rij' - tr(TI'eN'(lly altct'i•(1. milli evening. dt&ir'day' -1 ;1, 111 (ii,}. and i f , Proli6:i,t.01','1 The trustees of the village 'are trying to get some one to install an Electric Tight Plant to light up our town s;1, (its, business places and privatt' .1tvellings. It is something we certainly need. Whet *night have resulted in a serious accident happened to Mr. Elmore Willert on Monday. when his horse began to kick. The two shafts were broken and Elmore was thrown out badly soared but not hurt. A very quiet wedding took place at the Evangelical parsonage, Dashwood, on Tuesday- evening, when Mr. Solomon Zimmerman and Miss Elizabeth Schroeder of near Zurich were united in marr- iage, Rev. J. H. Grenzebach was the officiating minister. - I%IPPEN - • Miss Florence McClymont hits„gone a month's visit to Tilbury an Detroit Messrs Edgar Butt and Bert Mar= row have'gone to Tilbury to work for S, Cudmore hay -pressing. BEAVER MEADOW Mr. John Geiger lost a valuable horse last week, The large number of teachers . and students, who were spending their vacation here have gone back to their schools and colleges. . Misses Jennie and Maggie Stewart of Varna visited this week with friends here. Miss Hawkins of Exeter and Mr• and Mrs. Allers of Walkerville visited their friends' Mr. and Mrs, Johnston last week. THE CANADA TEMPEEANCE. ACT )„'1oas IT Miara; to you that if all tho rliexii worrnen and children who die each yearn Canada ono insoven is' .✓r t'ietito of Co ,ui ipticn ? 1,� ES IT l�l>1TT1 li. that 000 in C1 urs three F.ttese is cut off in Lh fill glow of life, th plans and tropes and lover: (hat; must (In, given up? Dons TT MATTrrt that fCW pers008 bar: e ,joined hands,antl, within icy/ horb years lia':o sarec1 thousands of IA: ::. -o 'unhappy ones ]Grid can say -o tliom-all if u•dythere is a little More help and a 1.ttk in money? Perhaps it doesn't matter. 11, 1.r all very lntoresting but it is no iminedia` c concern of • ous. 13wTrViTOTILD IT'1\rATTEr if instead of entering somebody else's homo and carry- ing oft their loved ones, Consumption came into your home and laid its Ivind'on this one you love the best in all tho world? . Wovw.IT MATTER then if you s•tw your husband, wife, child or friend dying fur lack mf Suttle bit of the money somo other fellow was ;tbrowin away ? WOULD IT°MATTEU when. Christmas came if thele over© nothing for you 'to do but •sit one edge of the ],feel and strcho the white 4r1�'oii the ooverleb and redlizo that this .wee the last Christmas? This is how much ib matters in thousands "of homes in Canada this year awl will con- tiune to matter until enough people like you Wit the burden and feel how crushing ibis, 'ib DOES matter -it is the most important Wag in the life of some unfortunate sniferer-whab you do with the attached fosln. Question and answers concering the Canada Temperance Act to be voted on i11 the County of Huron ion January 29th. 1—Is the Canada Temperance Act the Magistrate is satisfied that a tran- a prohibitory measure? saction''in the nature of a sale or other unb wfatl disposal actually took place. A proscrution may be cemmenced anycir to within three Months of the alieted offence. 10.-L,What is the advantage of the over the Local Option bylaw. Anwer.—Owing to the three-fifths requirements of the Local Option By- 1'aw it is almost impossible to carry' Legal Option in the towns and rii'Iag- agp, and as the advantages of hexing a ;,ttge territory "dry": is apparent axt?ited dart 'on the part of all . the ipalities would result in lochial g •`n i of a no- the. bringing 'allege and b1 force Local option is suspended but j hr' Ory measure into force over the not repealed, and in case the C. T. A. i ©Afire county and to do this it only shotilrl ha repealed the local ` option'=4regnires a majority vote. by -taw comes back automatically .and remains in force until repealed, under the same telius upon which it was carried. 4—Who may vote on the 0. T. A. Answere - Those qualified to vote at Dominion Election 'which includes parts one and three of the Municipal lists. 5—Who will enforce the C. T. A. Answere--The Ontario Goverw. ment have special clauses in the On- tario liquor act which apply to • the enforcement of the 0. T. A. and the same officers as enforce the present liquor laws will enforce the C. T. A. The Ontario Government have >prom- ised the same rigid enforcement - to no license lvunwjeipalities:' 6—Can the County Council` ap- point Inspectors? Answere—Yes. The County Conn- ell or the Municipal Council or both may, appoint officers to" enforce the C. T. A. 7—Can liquor be shipped into a C. T. A. County? Answere-•-Yes, but it must be bought and paid for outside the Coun-. ty and only used for ho'ine consump- tion. The Act has been recently a- mended in this regard, and is very strict. 8—What are the penalties for vio- lating the 0. T. A. A'nswerd—The magistrate shall im- pose a fine a fine of not less than$op. :r stand the -person .to jail for one inollib for the second offence he can illwi impose rl fine of $i.00 or sand I ('n tto jail for two i'"cmihs. r a h i rl (ti nos' the ]ir nit1I i- font '©]fill , .r v. itbotit .;10 of tlr 0 of 11 ,0. 1'ht employer and ti)() ” c'iilr•'flyee Gil n .11'_ ri•spent ih11 one ! .1 10 :l' 1()) )'r:11 h' Vii: to hrb'0 a • 0 (ii jai( 1: fluff(']' 11(0, C. ri'' Miss Keys spent Sunday with friends in Stanley. A very interesting debate took place at the school house at the weekly meeting of the Farmer's Club and Literary Society, the sub- jest, "Resolved that the horse is more valuable on a farm than a cow was very ably debated, with Henry Krueger as Captain for the affirmative and. Miss Keys. and Blake Horner as assistants,. while Omar }Topp, Myrtle Korner, and W. H. Edighoffer' pleaded for the negative, the latter winning by six points. The evening was much enjoyed by about eighty present, To helpp the lifusicokct- Free Nos- pitalfor Consumptives contilyue it s life-saving work, I gladly enclose the sum of f4 Name Address L.d .00 will providemaintenanco fora week 40.00 will pay for four weeks. .00 will endow a bed for a year. Since the eat is such a permanent Or. none, Ishould also like to subscribe Regi:ster my name accord- Coriributions may be sent to W. J. Gage, E.aq.. N Snnainn. Av,., Toronto, or to R. Dunbar, Soc.-Treas. Sant. tattoo Asaoclation, 347 Xing 51. W., Torun it, o; gra nate Western . University, late of the Military Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Office in the 'building formerly occupied by the late Dr,MoLaughlin, Dashwood. • ilarewer.—•No it is not necessary to sbtiw that any money actually pass- ed'or that any liquor }Gas actually consumed to seeuie a conviction if HENSALL Mr. and Mus. Walter Lindenfield of Saskatoon are visiting the former's home here Mr. George Washington of the Molson's Bank staff is holidaying in Toronto for a few weeks. The board have addsd a number of book" on agricultureto the public library. Misses Ruth and •Irma Ranliie vis- ited London friends reeently, A very enthusiastic Laymen's -ban- quet was held in Carxnel church one evening 'nett week -when 510111 a llii0 ilial Ga1d 1..ei'011ty: iiyo pC'1'sotls 5V(ar pie ,ii l; lTr. Park iuse 11 1If To( t() 8, -an int., B. Drysdale, W. 15. John l,on arltd ll,ovs. Smith and i icice n'1 ;„lave tolling addresses. Brick for Sale ---A (litactiiy of . 0 0tmrl Blind good brick. Allplp .l•' 1'ionprne.'rxnko 11(%)1d, lIny7 1?. O, • Answere—Yes, no liscense for the retail sale of liquor can be granted in a county that has adopted the Act ex- ceptfor medical; sacramental or manufaturing purposes. 2—Does it apply to every munici- pality of the county. Answere—Yes. It effects all towns villages and townships alike and can> not lie adopted in one without the others. Cities alone are' an excep- tion to this provision.. 8—In places that have carried Lo- cal option whit is the effect. a Answere—While the C. T. A, is in' ltd; • 11 Local Option is not affected if the Canada Temperance Aot fails to car- ry.,' If: Buchanan, Wingham, President J. A. Irwin, Clinton, Secretary. NMIUMMIUM MOM". Contractors We are ready to figure- on your Mason Contracts and Cement Work Henry .Bossenberry .Licensed Auctioneer Huron; Middlesex:' and : Lampton. Satisfaction guaranteed Dashwood, Ontario, Dates arranged at the office FOR S 3 New: ' Ontario Farms In the very heart of the famous 20, 000,000 acres of choice clay -belt land. Near the village of Matheson on the T. & N. 0: Railway. All other surr- ounding lots already settled and im- provements begun. Excellent over-., nment roads through the entire local- ity; school house and local P . O. -a- corner of one of the lots; houses erecta 'ed and 8 and 5 acres cleared on each. Two of the lots have close .to 1,000, 000 ft of valuable timber on each, (pine, birch, spruce and whitewood, in almost equal amounts) and in add- ition over 1,000 cords of pulpwood on each farm, 160 acres in each farm. A ram opportunity for quick -ret- urns and safe•investment. Price ex- ceptionally low, only $2.00, $4.00 and $6.00 per acre, respectively. Tt will pay yon to investigate this unus- ual bargain. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich, Por hat season. • No contracts to large and too small to receive our careful attention. LOUIS WEBER, Zurich. CHAS.MEYERS, Blake. . ZURICH r . . MEAT MARKET WE keep' in stock a full line of fresh Meats, hams, : etc. etc Oar cuts are noted for their tenderness and „Thi n1 esomeness. Our: rt,ilrl 1.S to keep nothing b"ut.'the best. We IY,)1ko' our OWL i VP ..1l ta, call . labk STEVENS-) For Partridge, Wood- eock, Squirrel or Rabbit w ti Shooting the 4/. GAUGE NOME Imo. 108. IS A WONDER 5 inch borrol, a oigha 4 tbs., talce•doivn. IFor 41 \.f. , 44 W.C.F' Shot and 44 "Gain© Goiter" Cartridoon, .) List 'rice Only $5.00 149 othkr bora or gauge shot - , gun a; efficient under so great • a.,artrty of conditions,. 4,11 t;P.o. sox soon „n :CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. Send fol detailed des. crIntion and "GUNS AND CUNNING:. " 51 Ire dealers handle STEVENS J. 'STEVENS-ARMS & _TOOL COMPANY 0 aesmip.giouto.,. gems I will be operating the h �. Blake Chopping'Mill `' every Tuesday' and Friday, :untiil. further .notice. • Have a first class grind- er, and will guarantee good r ssults. JACOB - -IR• BLAKE - - ,ONT. lC. DRAWS FRENCH PILLS A relia hie Re- gulating P111 for Women. $5'a box or threofor $10, Sold at all Drug Stores, or xhailed to any tddreison receipt of price. T805 000RET,T, Da%% 00St. Catharines, Ontario. 'g1�SPHOIlOL l`OR. EN. Y in and '4ltailty; for Nerve and B aiu; increases "grey matter" ; 1.1'111 Tonle—colli build -you up. $e3 a bol, or two for $6,.at drag stores, or by mail on receipt. of price. Tia 80055r . D1U,IG 0c., St, Catharines, Ontario. arm For Bale? I aim receiving numerous. • enquiries respecting Huron County Farm Lands. It you want to ',sell , will assist you with an advertising campaign that will bring buyers . to our favored County. No Buyer - No Charge Call, write or phone for particulars. ' R1 L a Conveyancer, Real Estate, &o. ZURICH, ONT. R A. J. Mac]IINNON late Eoiis°. Surgeon, Erie County Hospital,. Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic. Medical School and Hospital. Drug- store in connection. Office, Zurich,. Ont. OTRING STORE he fundemeutal policy of this business is to give bet- ter service and better value than is expected, we• make a distiinct bip for the very best trade. The custom look which• rnarkes garments is due to the manner o ftheirproducton, and the infinite skill and care' de- voted to their manufacture., The style and fit show for' . themselves at a glance, and we. gide the mostpositive acsur ante ofsatisfaction ox no . sale. The simple fact is that we have the finest range, of Cloth.,-,. ing possible to produce and at right prices, ORDERED CLOTHES SPECIALTi'. 13'u'ftei . and Eggs taken. illexch.. ange CALF L��i-„ryi�uJ1 Islam I wit e. ice: ntiy,, al�lxet•: e sidle eginn me rthan less lig f t hi3T e, pu{ tapf sof the me a yeah vhite Jimmi ail, creel care] been 11 be linkin. ire hei halfw • the Alan ” ice ileby form and own 1n the ghfar ng, a enol fIva at thy'I eat CI places' ney'ccl long; 1 iron h the the 1hI seli' floattiml: fief hat 1e But 7 ud w. too 1 two ut o f pie. wall sired ,rasa the my 011. i°!te a s and the Dore h the line a' l our reach. rgs. e led 1'I 1, nal enc it Cal lade sed. he ed. os! outsed once t wl e incil pi]1 s floc 1n0i! raae4 o ova I cot ne. thea 1 the Yi oor ;I of 11 ti?n.l t a�•1:'� Thei�� es fo+, on iib the neigh poi. f ho e inf ith t'I mutt 'at4 l'r•llii tllel �axiio` c@ :tl'