The Herald, 1914-01-16, Page 1onsoliclated With TH et eseneetwaszaseessl yin .Sale p announce to the public a ous Bargain Sale. We e over many lines of oltk e stock and reduced` ' the o greatly that they will t rapidly. If you want save money now is your ance. Read the following: Ladies Mantling Regular $2,00 per yd Bargain Prioe: $1.00 per yd. 2.50 ,, „ 1.25 „ 3 50 " ., .. 2,00 1.25 „ „ 48 75.., Regular „ C4 84 „ Dress Goods $1.50 per yd. Bargain Price: $1.0'i per yd. 1.25 ,. 4. ., ,`•6 it it I.00 It i, „ 65 8, „ 85 ,. St{, it 60 ,i It 00 1. ., „ 50 it „ 50 ., „ u 35 84 t, • 11 ., Tweeds 4. Worstead Suitings. vt to half ice `out our rives in tweed suiti.nes p have We Wl' to clear. •Regular $2,50` pes yd. Bargain Price 1,25 per yd. x, . • y`2rtn, .t ,. u' .' „ 50 ". i, • Ohildrens' Toques A large assortment of ChiIdrens' toques at 25o each. .A full Baenof Ladies' and Ohildren' hose regular 25o bargain price 15 and ,20c, A lot of tanoy ginghams and Zephr cloths, regular 150. bargain price 10o. a yd. Men's and Boy's naps job lot worth up to 50c bargain pride at 15o ea. -1 itnona oloth regular 20o bargain price 15o a yard. Ladies Neck Frs Regular $10 bargain price 2.50. Regular 9.00 bargain price 6.00. Regular 7.50 bargain. price 5, 00. Regular 4.50 Bargain price 2.50. Men's Overcoats Regular $0 bargain price 9,00, Regular 10. bargain price 6.50. Regular 12 bargain price 8 50. Regular 15 00 bargain price 10,4.0. Regular 18.00 bargain . prioe 14,00. Bon's Overcoats, all sizes at big bargain prices. MEN'S SUITS RenUlar $7.00 for 14.00 Regular 810 00 for '9.50 12. for 8.50 15• for 10. Regular 17. for 12.00 Boy's suits from •$1.00 up. The biggest bargains ever offered... Ladies' Mantles Our ladies' mantles have been moving out rapidly the last' few weeks. We still have a few left to clear out at $5,.00 each These are good naality and styles and a big bargain wo .th up • to 112.00 Child's Coats Children'.s.cordurcy and blanket cloth coats from;` 1.50 up Sweater oats at greatly reduced prices. GROCERIES R• We have in s a nice lot choice new frttits' for Xmas trade, new raisins; =rents, the best we can bu,y. xou •should • liar:3003 V. f these for your Christmas ealan. Crockery and China A. large stock of dinner setts imported direct Train factory at prices that are bairgains, also a lot of fancy china• for .Xinas. :Christmas Gifts Wo have now oil display a large assortment 6f Toys, Dolls, etc., etc., suitable for the children. Also rman'y useful gifts of t 1I descriptions. ''Shop early. . r'aA•liS•r ay � t Loves wad hs. �rodnce,. always Taken. 1 o - FRIDAY .MORN1`; D WOOD PI E JAN 16 1914, NO 24 gra a 'ra.rair". =s II 4.10 1D 4.10 4110 °F` 'Some dry and green 22 inch wood LOCAL NEWS. r6.1 sale. E. Appel. ;41; Frank Carling of Il et sal l of 4.0.. � � r`' ' "`"'"`"'''"7"'"" " :ensall; was a visitor in town on Mr. William Zettel, of Etbaw,1 11'rrsde,y.evening of last week: Sask., is visiting his brothers'and • of 'Latest Portland cutters $29,00, her friends in town. .' ';0.00 and $31..00, while they last. Mr. Cyrus Schoch was also iridis ,,, ... Louis Pang, posed. for 'a few days, owing to a^ l•,�, t' i. Jack Routledge spent Sunday cold. ,alllz his parents, in Dashwood. Our 1913 accounts are ready kind 1U r. Roy Faust • of Stratford, visited ly call for yours. All not called iwoiat'his°bolas over Sunday. by Feb. let will be sent through mail, Mr. Arnold Leibold of Stratford J. Preeter, ', ?;isited his 'grand -parents, al/1r . and rs']etei.* Woolley', over Sunday. We sell all the celebrated Royal itrple stock and poultry preparations Mlsayl,illian Faust of Chicago visit' A to better. J. Piaster. ed her mother, Mrs. A. Faust,. ca e'Wij!c` ens -At the Parr Line, Hay, on the Sunday. >;= n .5th last,, to Mr. and Mrs. Tho*aa All our horse blankets and bells ati °Ryle, a son.' reduced Prices next week. Call annul 'i Cur accounts are now ready, all not calls for by. the 20th inst, and will •betmai,led. Please take t+ ou do not 'avant to be ctc' ire. 0. Hartleib. t. council met on Monday disposed him for a few days. ' and nized for the year. This A man can keep the secret , of an yea:... • Oil are: Louis Ifalbfleisch, other better than his own. A womaT,,xeeve; Gasper Wolper, Edward Daters on the contrary, keeps her own be{1 a ytaitz and Henry Neeb, coun- ter than that of another. ' 11.orn , ' Mr. William Brown of .ashwood,:Y t �.;evere snow storm,. probably the brother of I1Ir.' Jacob Brown Goshen, ttlin3 st this winter, passed through this Line, who serious illness was ai ; .:5seilou on Monday, blocking the nounced last week, is again convalel "roads so it Was impossible for the zonal t cent. as ail" Mai carriers to gob away. The regular meeting of South's in v ":ri painful accident happened, on ron Farmers' Institute, will beLZeh'ti' hu'rsday last, when Mrs, Worm, at Grand Bend, Brenner's Hal a .cinthe �r trying to open the front door, .. Monday Jan. 29, 1914, and at Z'•,onenni rade a mistep, and had the misfor- Town Hall on Tuesday, Jan. 2'1ne to break her ankle. Afternoon meetings 21 T.L., 3n. Evening'i'Clean to:4,000 miles of railways at 8 p. m. Sae:Nk-alis: A. R. G•r`-44414. sen put in'te operation in- -Can- ada during the year 1913. Of this 1250 were laid by the Canadian Northeran Railway Coinpany. The Yellowhead pass it the Rosky Moun- tains is now linked up with Toronto. According to astatement from Sir William ilIackenzie, the company is going straight ahead with the enter- prise, and there was nothing what- ever iu the rumour that the railway was for sale. Father anti mother were in the habit of spelling out news not intend- ed for little Elsie's comprehension. One evening, shortly after the child had entered kindergarten she interr- upted conversation of this sort. `I'm learning how to spell at school, now; you'll have to whistle your secrets soon." There was intense axeitmentamong the station staff` and citizens at the Windham station, ou Monday, when a head-on collision occurred between the Loudon passenger train and a freight from Palmerston. The Lon- don train was standing at the station when the freight -a double header - rail into it breaking the front of one of the freight engines. No one was hurt, but the auxiliary from Palmers- ton had to be called to repair the. damage. The Loudon train was in charge of conductor 'Muir of London, and the freight iu charge of conduct- or Cox. •A special sleeting of the Blake Women's lustitute will be held at the home of Mrs. A. T. Douglas en Tues- day 27th at 2 p. m. Miss Smith, the legate sent out by the Department will speak on Tubercolosis, itspreveri- tion and cure. All women are cordi- ally invited. At the December meet- ing held at residence of Mrs; J. •A Manson, the institute devoted $6.00 to the Gravenhnrst Sanitarimn. .At the. January meeting 11Ire. A. McDon- ald read avery int;irnctive paper on bathing a patient in bed and a demon- stration nii emon-stration'•oii making the bod of a help- less person, etc. We hone tQ have mere valuable papers by ','ins. 1MIc- Donald (graduate nurse.) The mem- bers will have a privilege of a „free j Library for 8 months this whiter fro -a Toronto.. Mrs. John Geiger and daughter" Alberta, of Pigeon, Minh., are yisiting t relatives and friends 'for ar few week see bow cheap you can buy. At C. Hartleib. Mr. William Bdighoffer of the 14th con., had the misfortune of -stepping into a nail last Saturday, which in- of New Hainbiirg,' and Miss J. • C. Smith of Powasion. For particala rs see bilis. The ladies of the town 'net at the home of Mrs. W.2'ritz on Thursday of last weak, Mrs. Hastings of Exeter the district organizer, organized a "Women's Institute": The officers are as follows. -President; Mrs. W. Fritz; lst. Vice. Pres. Mrs, J. Pree- ter; 2nd, Vice. Pres. Mrs. E. Appel; See. Treas. Miss Irate Campbell; Dis- 'trict Director, Miss Anna Hess; Press Corresponder ilIiss Vera Siebert, Dir - odors Mrs. W. L. Siebert, Mrs. Rev. Brown; Auditors Mrs. O'Brein, Mrs. C. Fritz. The next meeting will be held at the home of i,irs. W. L. Sie- bert at 7.30 o'clock. A special invi- tation is extended to all the ladies of the town and con, m unity. LUTHERAN CHURCH The Sunday services wili.be at the usual hours; German 10.80 a.nz Sunday S 2.00 is. tn. English,7.00 p. n . The following meetings are held during the week S. S. offioers and teachers 7,30 p.m. on Tuesdays. Men's Missionary society at 8.00 p. m, on Tuesday Young People's society at 8.00 p.m `ridgy. The Ladies Aid Society meets at 3 00 p. t.n. the first Tues- day of each month,. A. cordial invitation is herewith ex- tended to all, not worshiping else- where,.to worship with ns and take an active part in the work of the var- ious Societies of our °buret'. Telephone,- 9, rend The Established 1853 Opened 'Branch in Hurot Co. 1874 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited. Zurich Branch R. T. olUNLOP, . Manager all e Your. Accounts axe ready for fou t ca: ion Z�tt ii�t - E .'FUST, -- ZURICH NOTICE ,Tthe annual meeting of the Zu ieb \g'eict ltttral Society, wilt be bold in `>?ownHtill, Zurich, on the. 206h day d joinery, 101.4., at 1 o'clock Jcliu Pfaff D. S. Fartst. Secretary, Preeldeilt, urich Feed .:Store Leading Brand of M'lou*, Shorts, Bran and Fees .Corn Produce of all kinds taken in exohange. We are agents for Interna- tional and Royal Purple stook food. Aiso a full line of Grocer- ieson hand. SPARKS & DOUGLAS HENSALL MARKET Beans primes per bus $1.85 Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2.75 Snowdrift flour in 5 bag lots . $2.50 Feed4floux-:1,50 Bran per ton $22.00 Shorts per $24.00 Wheat per bus. acts. Barley per bus 55cts. Oats per bus. Nets. I914 - We take this means o thanking you very 'much -foir... your Patronage, and extend l to you our Best Wishes for the New Year. F, W. Hess G. R.il:ess JEWELLERS. ',URIC HoNTARDok Goo 1►h You'are corclialij;invitod to our Fall Opening of Footwear. Weave ready with one of tbcibest new fail stooks of all the le -test and best quality Canadian and:Acnerican Footwear. We ai-n to keep the nanne we havo made for ourselves : 'The Home of Good Shoes" RUBBERS We have a full stook of the very Best Rubbers o '� market. .. Call and see theca. Men's and Women's Heavy.d, noes hist the thing ftlt Vc;nt- wrather. . Call and see, Vie .: have j ue t reg ceived a shipment IA .Boys and Girls school shoes. Butter, Egg! and'Dutoh Setts taken in exchange for shoes PRITZ The Home of Good Shoes That Is Right. just what you want. at, at the BLAS " °o,can buy ." ht prim It is"e lily tc understand. We buy,, right, that' is how we can 801 right. We have a large and well a sol'ted,. General Stock to choose from of all seasonahle Goods Pr°oduoe taker in exchange for goods, . R ''cp.° NTA:R BLAKE