The Herald, 1913-10-24, Page 7Fall and Winter
G r ods
Our stook:of Fall and Winter goods is now nearly
complete. Come and have a look through our various
lines, No trouble to show goods,
New Dress. Goods
Merges in all shades. Bedford Cords, Corded Velve-
teens, Poplins, Cashmere, etc.
'Flannelettes and
Wrapperettes •
A large stock of Flannelettes in good patterns at
close prices, also Wrapperettes, Flannels, Flannelette
Blankets. We have something new in Flannelette
Blankets. Come and see them.
Ladies Coats and Coatings
Our stook of,Ladies Coats is now complete and we
would he pleased to have you come and see them before
buying elsewhere,
Sweater Coats
The famous Monarch Knit Sweater Coats for men
women and boys and girls. All sizes all prices.
Gents Furnishings
Mens and Boys new Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps,
?C loves; Shirts, Underwear, Soel>rs,eta.
reds Groceries' . always kept on, Ewa
itiMinds f #riduse-Takeit in Exchange
Shingles for All. Two Cars on Hand
The Hasting Brand that has stook .the test of
time, and remember the test of time is the teat,
that tells.
Order at Once
171e oKALBFIrTCr�� = _
_ .Gtta�•UlelCu
,Still Doing Fanning Mill
Business at Sieves
The Old Stand i am agent for the Clinton fann-
ing mill sieves, and farmers re-
quiring any, can procure them at
my farm, South of Zurich
. John Hey jr,
We Ghavo been appointed Agents for
the celebrated
Massey Harris Implements
We handle everythilre in that line,
Seeding Implements, Manure spread-
ers, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills,
Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Henn
Harvesters, etc.
Harvesting Implements
Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hey
Loaders, Etc.
Massey -Harris
Cream Separators
All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline
'engines. See our line of Cutters be -
fere you buy, all our own make. Bug-
gies, Careieges, Wagops, Sleighs.'
Square Dealing Our Motto
e ank ;
get your
new Suit
. At Zurich's . Leading
Tailor Shop the only- Place,
where the Newest is always
shown first and satisfaction
Laundry ill Connection
H. Hol ii dd'ilttiiti`I
Famous Gray Motor deadline 'KA.-
fines;---- ,�"
1a and.1* Horse Pow',r 9ta5. 00
2i. •n 1i
4 „ „
Bold by F. HESS & SON Agenic.
•• The following is the report of S. S,
No. o. 11 Hay, for the month of Oct-
ober, the names being in order of
Sr. IV. -Ruby . Hendricks.
• Jr. IV., -Evelyn Oharette; Mable
Jr. III. --Herbert Italbfleisch, John
Maloney, Juliette Oharrette, Exies
Charrette, Sam Hendricks. •
Sr. IL -Lloyd I3endrichs, John
Jr. IL-Ziffie Charette, Gerrie.
Pt. II. -Sr. -Norman Charette, Len -
and Sararas.
Pb. II. Jr. -Clara Kalbfieiseh,. Mel-
vina Schade.
Pt. I. -Eddie Hendricks, Gertie.
Devine, Mable Shade.
Margaret Peck
} Teacher,
Following is the , report of the
exams held in S. S. No. 12 Hay, in
the month of October. Names i
order of merit,
Sr. IV.-Ilenry Schilbe.
Jr. IV.-11Iilfred Schilbe.
Sr. IIT. -Lorne. Pfile, Alfred Maid-
inger, Norman. Gascho, Theodore
Steinbach, Laura Kreager.
Jr. III. Morley Witmore, R'oseilai
Schilbe, Joel Gascho, Annie Schilbe.
IL -Urban Pile Gordon . Witmer,.
Ina Livingwdod, Oscar Pleischauer;
Orville Steinbach, Lillian Surerus.
Sr. I. -.Vernon Schatz, Alvin
Walters, Frank Badour, Jermaine
Masse, Theressa Meidinger.
Jr. 1. -Ada Witmore, Lorne Fleis
Primer Sr. -Oliver Badour Myrtle
Masse, Beraic.e Schoch.
Primer A. -Albert Fleischaur, Ed-
win Gascho, Elizabeth Badour.
Primer 13. -Gertrude Schilbe, Net-
tie Meidinger. No on a<oll 8.8 average.
attendance 25,
E.B. Keys
Thefollowing is thereeeri of 5.
No. IHay:, for the month of Octobef'.
IV. -Richard. Laporte.
Jr IV -Leo Denomme.
Jr. IIP ,-Napeileon Denomme, Clo-
tilde Laporte, Emily Bedard,
Sr. H.. -Beatrice Bedard.
Jr. II. -Lo tti e'Leporte,
P11=1713'. -Morris Denommie.
Primary A. -Ge tiie Bedard,. Jcs-
eph J3ei3ard.
Mary Iilgallin,.
The fdlbwiug report shows the rel-.
alive standing of thepupils of S. .St
No. 9. for October.
IV. Class. -A. Pinny, 1,V". Manson,
E. Finlay:. `
Sr. III. --S, Erb,. Acle Meyers, L.
Oesch. ,
Sr. IL -H. Moyer,. J
Jr. IT C . Z'irk,. R. S'ehrag, ?S.
Pb. IL -E. Zapfe;. A. .Douglas,'
G. Sehr�a e..
Jr. Pt. IT.eelefv. Meyers, E. Howard
B. Gingerich.. tt
Sr. Pt.I.-R. ibf riam, ?,L Mar-
iam, E,,Ken�nel.
Jr. Pb.:1-H. Gelinas, R Mer:
lam; M'.. oyse.
G. S. Howard.
1, tt
'75. 00
105, 00
175. 00 Feed Oatmeal
2$5 00
375; oo l fe ed price f',41.2.00
14',00 and 15.00 per
ton; offered for sale
for a week.
PnstOfl'ice Inspector was inSeafott:j l
this week and the post office wiis.
transferred from the old. to the new
building and the staff will be on the
job under the new postmaster and;
the new building on Wednesdy
Mrs. B. B. Gunn formerly of• Bei-
forth, was married in .London on
November 4th. to Dr. E. Teuneet,
V. S. of Liman. •
The. Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1914 Al-
manac 'is now ready and will • . be
mailed prepaid for only 85c. Pro-
essor Hicks' lino magazines, • Word
aid Works, for one year, and.a copy
'of this almanac for only one dollar:.
The plain lessons on astronomy, and
the cornet forecasts of storms,
ilrouths, blizzards and tornadoes,
make these publications a necessity
in every home in America. Send to
Word and Works Publishing Comp-
any, 8461 Franklin A.veuue, Bt,Ltottis
beleware, Lackawanna, &
Western Coal Co's
Scranton Coal
All Sizes
:Mr. Wm. Wilson, of the Nelsons
Bank Winnipeg, formerly df Zurich
was a visitor in town on Thursday,
The :country roads in many
-places were completely blocked by
snow dritts on Monday, and a good
deal of shevellan . had to be done
to r lnakeftraiiic' pnssible.
Zurich's Popular Coneleetionery
freeh oysters weeKly, salted peanuts,
or ani es, cranberries, grape fruit,
spauish onions, groceries, tobacco,
cigars, postcards and auto pennants,
fresh bread constantly kept on hand.
Give' us a call. W. C. • Wagner.
• The Women's Institute held their
Nov. meeting at the residence of Mrs;
Wellington Fee; Tuesday evening,.af-
tei' a short business meeting,at which
1;hepege prsided, a social evening was
spent its the member's families and
'Maas s were present, song. end instl u
mental eelections were given by' se'v'ere
el in the company, Miss Pearl Wtertz
gave two clever recitations whichwerte
much appreciated, an excellent supper'
wasaservedd by the members. A hearty
vote of Shanks was moved by Mrs A
T Dentias second by Win Donald to
all who' lied so ably assisted with
the program and also to Mr and Mrs
Fee for their kindness in opening
their home to the Institute and enter -
Icing in such a splendid manner. The
meeting was opened by singing. the.
Maple Leaf for Ever, an enjoyable
evening sealed by singing the National
Jacob13 eyes, Goshen Line, Hay Tp,
was the scene of a pretty wedding,
when thci,r daughter Eva Levine was
married tic) Mr. Herbert Becker, of
\'ilruoia,t Tp. Waterloo County, on
Novcuzber 5th. at 4 p. m. The
ceremony was conducted by Rev.
G Ritown, uncle of the bride, the
wedding march being played by
Miss ktiaella Brown. The bride be -
int;. nnattended was given away by
her father, was becomingly gown
ati, l.a brocaded duchess satin. trirri-
mod with princess lace., exnbroid-
�eratd in pearls, Her tulle., veil
'worked with silk flowers.wasbeau•
,:'frilly arranged in a cap effe3t,
wreathed with orange blossoms
anti white carnations, white roses
and maidens fern. During the
congratulatory offerings Miss Ella
Link of Crediton beautifully sang,
"I promise ymu", Mrs. C. Zwieker
of Crediton pleyisg the accompan
Invent.After these. offerings were
rendered, an elaborate dinner was
served, in the spacious dining,room
About one hundred and fifty gueste
did justice to the marry things pro
vided. Daring the evening a short
programme was rendered in which
a number participated. Mr. Good
win sang a number of Solos most
acceptably. Miss Bile Link and
Miss Peart Wurtz gave readings
with encores. while Messrs Geo
Kellerman of Dashwood, W. B
Geiser Crediton, Ezra Reuben of
Mildmay, Geo. Hess and J. Preeter
of Zurich and others gave short
addresses, The spacious upper
room was ted for the large array
of hltudsouie and useful wedding
gifts, which were many. Guests,
were present from Crediton Zurich
Dashwood, Shiplra, •N'ew Dundee
Mildrnay, Kirkton, Waterloo and
BOrifn . Mr. and Mrs Becker left
for their home in New T;lta?leee! on
PilliYINSj%r. ,CE,
t Hatetyou ever considered 'Tainting" from the standpoint of an :
i hieurauc; policy ?
Tile,premium represented by the coot of painting is in proportion to
the Importance of the security afforded/no higher titan other h,turance;
in fact it is considerably smaller, and soon becomes a minus quantity 4, "
Why Fire Insurance--Tornadd insurance-t,lghtpfnk.rods? 'r
They only protect whoa that whick you wish to avert, happens.
0 4
Marlin-Se1�otir Paint 100/m Pure .
Affords the utmost protectida, insures your' properly,• beginning{
with its application. • c.
It wards off tfre atm dogs of 014 901, the nips of Old.jack Prost -they
ravages of Old Father Time, . • • • ....,. , , :