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The Herald, 1913-08-22, Page 3
CANADA'S. BEST 'SUSI- NESS COLLE(E We have three departments, Commercial, Shorthand "and Tel- egraphy, Courses are . thorouuh and practical. We have a strong staff of experienced instructors and our 'graduates meet with success. Write for our free catalogue and learn what we are doing. D.A.McLachIan, Principal. Dashwood rurniturStore We are .giving -Big Snaps in Pianos and Organs for- . the- balance of the year. Two big shipments of " Singer and Raymond Sew- ing Machines must be cleared out at once, at • a low.price. Stock, of. Fill:a.iturg always on hand :Ana prices the Lowest, PritNi ,apples taken as Cash.. ; tNDERTATUNG. dig stock on hand. • •Day or night -call Central. P. 1VICISAAO Furniture and Undertaing LEGAL CARDS. ..,'lt°ROUD: OOT • E.Ai''S & SIL Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries etc, Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. E. 1i.. R. C. Hays. 3. i,, Killoran. CREDITON The Evan. 5,8. have decided to brighten up by painting their Sunday school room,. Mr. Van dei' Peen of Toronto has the' contract;;. Last Sun- day a special offering of $19.97 was given, Special note' must he '• ,given with regard to the collections, From the Adult Organized classes. The 'Dorcas Band" had zti splendid offering of $6.25 while the C.I,C's. came next with $4.55, The Young Men's class also pledged to give` ono dollar per member towards the paint- ing and this will amount to $38.00. Who's next? The following items appeared in the Outlook, Sask. paper of Aug. 15. -- Moses Amy of Exeter, Ontario, accompanied by his wife, is visiting Alvin Amy; of Conquest. This is Mr. Amy's first visit to the West and while he is one of Ontario's most pro- gressive farmers he thinks the west seine place They have been in various places, and Mr. Army informs us that the crops :around Outlook look better than any seen by him thus far, and the farther hQ goes he will find noth- ing like the crops in the district than so far has not had a failure. Henry Sweitzec, of Crediton, Ont. and who has a large flout mill at that Point, was here last week looking over, some of his holdings in the Riverview sub -division, located where the Nor- wegiae L i h'eran College will be built * Mr. Sweitzer has spent several weeks in the Weeks going as far as' the Naha an4 m Several places he pur- chased property. He had new seen his :proper -y in Outlook, having bou- ght it through an eastern agent and he expressed himself as being greatly pleased that the property nor the future prospects of Outlook_ were mis- represented to him. He believes,. Outlook will be one of the cos ring places of the west. . Miss Vera and Othellit 'Motz are visiting friends at Elinville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr visited in London on Sunday, ew Potatoes For Sale- Apply to . Appleton, -Crediton East. Ir. and Mrs. Oubine of Walker- ville spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. John Keys. Miss Ella Link left Tuesday for Torontoto attend the millinery openings. Mr. and_ 11Irs.Beaver of Sandusky is 'visitigg the formers parents Mr. and Mrs: Mike Beaver. Messrs Christian, Conrad and Hen= ry Voelkerrof Detroit are visiting their parents for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bertrand of De- troit are visiting the former's moth er Mrs. Bertand for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Finkbeiner. of Pittsburg are the guests of Mrs. Rose Finkbeiner. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders ' left at this office will be promptly attended to. EILBER 4 SON Crediton, - Ontario Conveyancers, General. Insurance Agents Lelephone—Office la, House lb. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, !Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every. thing in fire insurance. E. • BOSSENBERRY Auctioneer, Zurich. Sales conducted in all ,parts. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. - Terms reason- able. Dates • made with the Star, Crediton, will be promptly ' attended to.' ammennermommOomensiimenpro Dashwood Barber Shop Wednesday pen every Wednesday afternoon and evening. , Saturday Open every Saturday, all day, and evening. THOS. I(ILUMPl', Proprietor . o4Ep SS vtARt EXPERIENCE TRAOlt MARK* _ DCIttetrla • CopYRIQHTA *nyenh "endin;, a ettoteh and deeerlptrbtl staff ckt. ?i iortn:n our op etoa tree oTiggier an 'uvention te.probablp atentable Comtnunlca- stone strictly cotutdelrtI'aI. NANBBdOK on Patent. ;,opt tree. Oldest adonoy for securtno Detente. IP Witte taken throb 8 Mewl a co. receive epeciet notkl, vrlthont charge, iii the Scientific .N tri - Can A. bandeomely Illustrated weekly taw* rip Ciliation et any nc1eetl[lo jOUrna1, Tera 'for., Ceilidh. }1.75 a year, pottage prepaid. sold by ik i,eWedeateti.p l,A�iwN<le seinros4tr r. New LVew sera EXETEB }Mr.. Olies'•Eac eft of 'Sarnia; is iting Mr, and Mrs. J: Snell, , Miss.Yelland left, for Toronto,on Monday to attend the milliner,q;Qperl;, ings, Miss Merle Gould left on Saturday for Toronto. Miss I. Howard of London is the guest of her aunt Mrs, E, Christie, Mr. Chas. Adams Mrs: Adams and son David of Calgary, Alta. are visit- ing Mrs, D. Johns. vrs Miss Lela Gould returned home on Monday after a pleasant visitwitl friends in Brown City;; Mich;, .,D . L. L. Folliok of St,MarYs and (Rev.) Baker of Woodham spent` ay with their mother Mrs.'' E Miss Mabel Follick returned . i, aryl with them. Mrs. E. Spackman of Blenheim, is spending a few days with Mrs. John. Spackman. The Main st and Presbyterian Sun day schools hold a unionpicric to clay,tThair;daft. Mr. Win. near Centralia hos purchased 1V r. T. Hawkins' house on': Andrew pt. . iss Mary Mack of Toronto .. is spending: a three weeks vacation with.. her :parents, M,.. .and Mrs. D. Mack: Mr, Russell' BalkwilI has secured a] position with the Bank of Commerce. Mtn Su Fa' to He.will ,'aominence work in .est Rev: Mr. .hick tY.af Lendis sup- plying for- Re . G= kIcAlrister-tsar ag the latter ,vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Cliffe Spackman and little daughter of Guelph are spending a few holidays with the formers ;par, ents, mr. and Mrs. H. Spackman. ,.rMrs.-H. rowel' who has been visit- ing her son in British Columbia, .:e,nd other points in the Northwest, has re- turned home. Dr. Rouston and Mr. T. Boyle were delegates to the Grand Lodge of the I.O.O.F. held at Belleville, at .. this meeting Mr. S. A. Poppleston of Blyth, a former Exeter boy was pl e ected grand representative at th big Odd Fellows meeting. Our citizens were sadly surprised on Sunday morning last, to learn of the death of kits. A. Dyer which ter- minated a short illness, Mrs. Dyer had not been very well for sometime but was able to attend her household duties up to about four weeks ago when she became seriously ill suffer- ing from stomach trouble. She had been up and around about two weeks ago when She was ':gain taken very ill, all that medical skill and careful nursing could do, she passed away peacefully on Sunday morning, Mrs. Dyer was a women of retiring dispos- ition but beloved by all who knew her and in the home was a. devoted wife nd mother and death is Beverly felt by her husband, son and dangl- er who will ever miss the loving care nd attention awaiting them in the ome. She was a member of the r vitt Memorial church and a: mem- er of the ladies Guild where she` al- ways lent a helping hand and was an: active worker. The > funeral: took place on Tuesday.' The sympathy is extended to. the sorrowing family. EARPL Y Miss V. M. "Hodgins of Toronto is pending a couple of weeks under the arental roof (Mr. J. 'B Hodgins). The Women's Miseionary Society of Greenway held a very successful lawn social at the home of Mie. Jno. Sheritt on Friday evening last.- Mr. and Mrs. John Hickey of Fair grove Mich. arc visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity for some, :time. Miss Edith Taylor is entertaining her friend Miss Ella Carter of', Eg- mondville. Mrs. Geo. Sheriff . received, word from Michigan on $$atorday : Iapt of the death of her sister Mrs. 'Pobinson }rho has been ill for some time; • The mm&li needed rain has, 4020` at last bringing !ovith-it .a severe°elect=•' ricer storm. ' Some,aiipago 3e.repiortf, ed in this vmemnit3", iia 11 an s Iiodgi ins houei;.being;truclt, but bat.' brticn' also, a Vt1111 lbl laorse•owned by Mr. J`ohn`J T:a, oj. being .killed: Mr. Jno, la Turner still oontiuues to.improvo in 1011th after„iris •teeant operation. • l Miss Chart” . 'a ackm il. teacher North n friends' in of Nq T3ay' is visiting lend vicinity during•her vacation. Mrs. Jas. Vernon and children of a Windsor were the guests of Mr, and t Mrs. D. Mcisaac over Sunday. Miss Mille Reiber of Port Elgin is h visiting at the Evan. parsonage, the T guest of Mips Essie Becker;' b Mr. and Mrs. Hy, Motz and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson' spent Sunday at London. Mr.-and•Mrs. Adana Finkbeiner "of Detroit are..yisiting the formers par- ents Mr. an;,M'rs. Chas. Finkbeiner. Miss Pearl Motz and Lily Lawson returned homelast week after a two weeks visit'with Miss Heatherley of .s London. p Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Whitwam and son Joseph are spending a few weeks vacation at the Iatter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Morlock. Mr. R. Hutchison of Parkhill is this week taking down the abutments of the Essery bridge and replacing them with larger ones. Mrs. Peter Fahner of Hersey City, Mich,, is'spending a few- weeks with her parents Ur. and Mrs. Mathew Morlock, Y - Mr. J. I. Holtzman aha #auii=s and Mr. and Mrs. Whitwam epe t Wednesday afternon with Mr. and 1GIrs. Whitning, near Parkhill. -.Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Dyer • " and daughter- Marjory of Detroit are the guests of Mr. C. Beaver. Mrs. J. Vernon' and children . of Windsor visited with Mr. and: Mrs. D. McTsaac a few days last'week., " I r.'and Mrs. Garnet Baker and iti© d an hierafter weeks eekr vl3> t, with M!. 0. Beaver have returned to their homein London. We have received another shipment of Velvet nd Tapestry Squares, exquisite patterns, in sizes :..- 21/4 by 3 to 4 by 4i'2.yds Call and examine our stock. we are giving extra value, It will pay you to buy your .House Furnishings here. 4 yd., wide Linoleum See our stock of 4 yd. wide Linoleum we imported them direct and can show you aa" large 'variety of patterns both iii floral and tile , effects. You can get a .... nice choice here. rOur..piiees _.range from, $2.00 to $2,50 per yai."d.... , we are also showing a good stock. of Carpets, Floor Oil. Cloths, Stair' Oil's; &o. at right prices. Wall . Papers we have added several ..patterns . of wall Papers" to our stock this week, and are giving some special bargains to clear out several lines Our stock is large and well ,assorted and values right. Ready Made Clothin.. " We have several hundred Mens and Boys Suits of up todate goods. Call "and ,examine our stock as we are off- ering ff-ering some extra bargains in Boys S . is to, clear. -n . See our Boys Knickers at 25c per pr. Goon' Solid ' Wearers. r 6Millinery We Dave some special bargains in this department and invite you to call. Miss Link. is showing some new Summer .3ats in" Panamas, Milans, &c. The 'very, neat styles you will find in this department, Dinnerware . Glassware China, etc. See our Dinner Sets. - we have a grand "selection. we start a nice Printed Porcelain 97 piece set at $5.40 each Our Grocery stock is well -assorted with the very best obtainable, at ' Close Prices. We pay highest price for all Farm Produce. All kinds Farm Produce Taken. A CALL SOLICITED TELEPCONE No. 3 C. ZWICKER 4111111111111111.11111111 .a . ZURICH .aa MEAT MARKET WE keep in ' stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our outs are noted for their tenderness and . wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but .tbe best. We make our own sausages. .Give us a call. YUNGBLI1T R ICH KT. � Blake Chopper I am operating the Blake Chopping ' Mill every Tuesday and Friday. Have a first-olass; new grinder, ,and will guaran- tee satisfaction. JACOB K1PFER BLAKE, ONT. electric Restorer for Men iosp 1plltlll re totes every serve in thia,body rte o r do on rc tnr a s l b tint and vitaiity.Premature decay and all sexual vteekeese 'averted at ante. rhae00n01 will 'eealce ou a, pe*aa. Plitt+ -SS* box or tvvo for iii. M'mailed to any address. Thi 8fi. 'a11 »AMC ne,,llt, pnthlinya. 0 • . FAR A, J. MacKINNON:late lions Surgeon, Erie . County Hospita Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi dent Physician, Manhattan Maternit Hospital N. Y. city. Late of th House Staff, New York Palyclini Medical School and Hospital. Dru store in connection. Office, `!,uric Ont. APPLE EUTTEF No. A-1 Apple Butter iFc Sale, Apply to S. J. SWEITZER Shipk; Stationery..--i7'p to date :•stittiid ery •sold, at our office. your raitiala on the paper -free 'ehlsr'go. 25ote a ,'coat, 'Tile .,Sti Crediton,