The Herald, 1913-06-27, Page 1i• T least Our the dford icing, June nests gain # ISIC30 fiCOENCRF3VEl £3COMME3 3E0if i3911=13t3fiEO GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME The hot weather will be here, in, a few days and you should be ready for it. There are cool summer underwearand whitewear, Summer Gloves etc, Hosery, thin dresses for yourself audchildren, cool waists, colors etc. Summer Wash Goods Linen suitings and Bopp for ladies and misses dresses, suits and coat effects, shown in all popular colors, Embroideries We have a large range of wide embroideries for skirts etc. Just the thing for summer dresses. Lace -Curtains When looking for lace curtains be sure and call, and look over our large stook. 'We have them at all prices. Clothes For Men We are slashing the prices in all our ready to wear suits for men and boys. These are all good wearers, but we must have. the room and will clear them out, regardless of cost. It will 'pa'' you well to buy your next 'suit here. We give a good knife free with every boy's, suit we sell . ' ' Dinner . Sets` Q9e have just put into stock a. large assortment • of new 25 ! dinner sets. These are specially good and we want you to see thein,: Dustless Maps We have the Ezy oil maps. A great labor saver for' dust- y, less dusting, drycleaning and •pulishing handwood varnished painted, linoleum, oilcloth etc. .. An absolute necessity in every home. a e •e*at: ea A. - M .4sss�c 41► *: s4b 1: ,. LOCAL NEWS.' t; gaI eAt"11,.arAca.4s4s4,1^11. �►' See our single harness for $10.00 each. At Hartleib's. Miss M. Melrose of Baden is visit ing her uncle Mr. Thos. Johnston. Don't forget the Auction Sale in Zurich, Saturday, June 28th, 2.30 p. m. A number from Zurich attended. the social given on Mr. Beaver's lawn, on Tuesday evening. Mr. Wm. Lehman of London, is visiting his mother, a few days this week. Mr. E, Zeller attended a, meeting of the Huron County Press Associ- ation at Clinton, on Mondap. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tracy; 'are visiting with Mr. Geo. Olausitie and Harry Yougblut, this week. Messrs Marshall Zeller and Har- old Appel, left for Merlin on Friday The latter returing home on Tues - evening, WARE q C t'1' : t{'li0Y '.'oAK' .LE') PURE, ALUMINIUM Ctl0$ING UTENSILS You can burn food -stuff to a cinder In them, tri simply Dour anwaterand all the burnt stuff will cry, leaving eQ 1. and =darnel;. . Mmdd nnd:' uar sated b listre: Menufanturing ++ company Limited OAKVILLE, ONT. sss e utensil absolutely clean, pain tett' This is Why they are so economical. , ossco ^'erea'aa.. . Sold;by° Screen ' Doors etc. We are rignt in the fly killing line, See o'ur' Fly Swatt- ers, baloon fly traps, wonder fly killers. Also a large stock of screen dooas and windows, Bergers Paris Green 'We handle the famous Bergers pure Paris green strongest and,best We are sole agents for this in Zurich. Headquarters for Samson and Gold Medal Harvest Tools, Ropes and Twines. 0 I 0 0 0 0 I) 1 1 1 il 1 Roofing and Eavetroughiing I Produce always Taken. Preeter, 1. Telephone toZURIC N Mr, and Mrs Chas. Kalbfleise4 of Detroit are visiting of the home of Mr and Mrs, John Kalbfleisch., this week The first open air band concert was given on Saturday evening, and' was very much appreciated by all whe. were in town. Miss Kerr who has been in charge of Preeter's Millinery depertmenie returned to hee home in Milverton, on':Monday. The 'Y. P. A. of the Evangelical Church will meet next week on iron - day evening insteed:of Tuesday, esr, R. Geiger will . have charge - of meeting assisted by nrr, Wm. Wilso eubjeet "Our Nations :Glories al+ Crile .'a ,.1r What everybody should know. 'that Martin Senours.mixed paint is thebest, because its stamped 100 'per- cent pure on every can. It has been inspected by the provincial analyst and found pure, and a. certificate can be furnished with every batch that goes out and every customer who uses it, can rest assured that they got the best paint on the market. For sale by C. Hartleib. The ice cream social which was held at the 14th con on Tuesday ev- eningwas a great success. Although there were attractions on the same ev- ening at some other places, yet about two hundred and fifty people dnjoyed the feast of go`bd things of the evening. This was the first yentuee of the 14th people of this kind, and they certainly find themselves well repaid 'for their undertaking, The refreshments were of the highest nicker, never at any other social has anything better been presented. The pt'ogeal4lnle rendered was enjoyed by all, consisting of :e. Iles Pletsch of Detroit is visiting Me and Mrs. Louis Prang, this �?k ou can have your choice of 22 -couphes, 35 oak rockes and 6 parlor Slits. , At Hartleib's. Bound.—On Labor Day (June 3rd.) •aeemall sum of money. Owner app. ly at Herald office. Two fine dwellings will be sold by Public Auction, in Zurich, on Satur- day, June 28th, et 2.80 p. m. The Evangelical S. S. holds their picnic today (Friday,) at the Grand Beeerend a good time is expected. Mr. Oliver Johnston and son of Clinton were the guest of his bro- ther. Thos. Johnston, on..Tuesday. ler. and urs. Roundtree and their son with his family of London were the`guests of Mr. and Mrs Homer. A large number of our subscrib- ers are still in arrears, some for seen -eine years. We will be really obliged;for an early remittance. Mr. Stanley Brisson left last Mon z yfor:Windsor where lee has secur- ed kposition as •travelli i . salesman for a fee there. On Saturday afternoon at 2.30, F. W. Hess will offer for sale by public auction; Two fine dwellings ` and ..a -Stora; • See bills for particulars. Witteave the largest stock of furni- tare ,in the County. Our prices are just a little cheaper than the ordinary run. At Hartleib's. • Lutheran Oh Manse' lr' NO.48 LATEST SHOES OF THE DAY IN TAN PATENT AND GUN METAL, SAM. E. FAUST, IN ill ZURICH' Zurich Feed Store Leading Brand of: Flour, Short, "ran and Feed Corn n'ine Salt. SPECIALS For 2 Weeks Gentlemen's ' tch Chains f_lverwar ,earn ing and looping, in our 'factor Guaranteed $5 xa per -week, ban make 12.00 to S15.00. Pleasant and Congenial position, Apply by letter or phone to manager. Clinton Knitting Co. Ltd., Clinton, Ont. The future of any town depends entirley upon its. If friends come to •see ' you tell them what a fine town we have,. If you have a legitimate "kick" put it on the file and cease to go about in search for trouble. There is much in town for which we should all be thankful and can all be proud. Look on the sunny side. "Be a boost- er." , 1 The motor law regarding chauffeurs license has been amended, and here- after all persons driving motorcars for hire must pass an inspecting ?eaniin- tion. The applicant for a license to drive a motor car must furnish a car- tif Bate .frolic two members of the On- taruo Motor League appointed by the ,Lieutenant Govenor and the Chief* of choruses, duetts, male quarte'tts, solos police of, the municipality in which and readings, Messrs Merner;• Geiger,' the applicant resides, stating that they and Treemner delighted the crowd during refreshments with various violin. selections, Mrs.. Stade playing the. Accompaniments,; after singing the National Anthem the gathering: was dismissed. As their" Was quite a supply of the finest cakes left, and. Mr. 0. Fritz was, -requested to sell them by auction, "good prices were ree elized for most of them. Charlie' with some prastice would make a capital auctioneer, The MOLSONS BANK Established 1853 Opened Branch in Huron Co. 1874 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited. Zurich Branch R. Te DUNLOP, Maria er have examined the applicant as egercis his character and general fit - nese to drive a motor car and that he is aa;iproper person to receive a license. :Under the Auspices of the Ladies Aid in connection with St. Peters's Lutheran•Church, a lawn social was held on the lawn of the parsonage. The weather being as fay,orable as could be desired, a large number was gathered together on .the lawn to spend a pleasant evening: From 5 to 8.00 p. in. supper was served, and the justice done to it made it evident that the ladies were spared neither pains nor off estate season the palate of those attending, As in former years there was also music in attendance, the string band rendered a few selec- tions that we highly apprecitated. A special feature of this year's social were two solos rendered by Mr. Good- win, Miss C. Hess accompanying. The long and loud. applause made it evid- eut that these two accomplistion artists know how to thrill the hearts of the audience. There were also a number of useful articles for sale and there, were all sold by Mr. E. Bossen- berry who so very kindly had placed his gifts es auctioneer at the ' service of the Ladies' Aid. The receipts a- mounted to .$130.00. The. Ladies' Aid wishes to heartily thank all those who by their attendance and co- operation have made this year's social a lendid success, Bei Coo .Snow Feed floe Bran per ton Shorts per ton $20., Wheat per bus. Hots. Barley per bus 55ets. Oats per bus. 32cts. G.R jewelletb, ur Spring Shoes hue axived: ()shin in and heeee a look at the many different stvle8 we carry, .'tibliiilil'111,; 1116 ill, !!'4 IIIIII(IIllif IIIIII C. FRIT.Z. = Zurich The Home of Good Shoes BROWNIE CAMERAS The Brownie Camera is simple to operate, thoroughly Practical in results. The No. 2 Brownie takes a Picture 2 1-4 x 3 1-4. Price $2.00 Catalogue sent Free on Request. H. Appel Jeweler