The Herald, 1912-09-19, Page 8M ERIN'S GREEN ISLE WS BY HAIL FROM IRE LAND'S SHORES. ppenings in the Emerald Isle o! Interest to Irish. men. fire occurred in Greencastle tholic church, and the contents roof of the church vestry were dly damaged. Maurice Hickey, relieving officer, rrick-on-Suir, has been elected rk of Carrick-on-Suir union. Dr. John L. Kilbride has been ected medical officer of Athy and ilberry dispensary districts. William Guilfoil was drowned at oreland's while attempting to in the King's River. Owing to the heavy rains lately n the Norel.ands, the farmers of ing's County are apprehensive for he potato and oat crops. John McDonnell, Demesne, Kil- eggan, aged 80, was found `owned in a drain, close to his esidenoe. His Holiness, the Pope, has ap- ointed the Most Rev. Daniel Man - nix to be titular Archbishop of Phersala. Dr. Geo. W. Parley, medical officer of Ballyhaise dispensary, has resigned, owing to ill health. Mr. Ferguson, surveyor for -the northern division of the County Ty- rone, has resigned his position. The death has occurred at Cul- daff House, Donegal, of Robert G. Young, 77 years of age, a large landowner. A grant of $100,000 has been made for pier extension at Buncrana, and $20,000 for Ratlhmuilen pier. Dungannon Urban Council has secured a loan of $105,000 for the erection of artisans dwellings in the town. The house of James Studdert, farmer, of Clenkeelan, Clines, was burnt out, together with most of the out -houses, and Studdert and his wife had narrow escapes. J. W. Williams, aged 60, dropped 'dead from heart failure at Castle - damson station, while waiting for a .train. Mrs. Hannah O'Brien of Bog Lane, Bandon, was kicked by a horse outside the market, and died soon after. '-pile funeral took place to the old Chapel' emetery, Newry, recently of the late Mr. O'Rorke, of Sluim, who had attained the advanced age of 104 years. Michael Power, a medical stu- dent, son of a rural councillor of Middleton Union, was shot from behind a hedge at Ballycroneen, and badly injured. At a. meeting of the Omagh (County Tyrone), ,District Council, a man at the back of the room be- gan to snore so loudly that the voices of the speakers were drown- ed. A fine specimen of the Royal stur- geon was landed at Buncrana. It was about 6 feet long and very heavy. Constable James McHale, at Naas petty session, was presented with the medal of the Royal Hu - ane Society for rescuing a man rom drowning. At the Dublin Corporation it was ecided 'that the • custo•m of exhibi- ing second-hand books outside hops on the quay be allowed. Nearly $15,000 has been deducted rom Government grants to Wex- rd County Council as a charge r extra police during labor trou- les at Wexford iron works. THE USAGES OF ROYALTY. , patriotic Scotsman was present a meeting of a certain society, which an eminent Shakespearian olar dwelt on the virtues of his orite author. At the close of meeting the Scot approached lecturer, and the following dia- 1 took place : Ye think a fine lot o' Shakes - re, doctor?" do, sir," was the emphatic re- n' ye think he was rnair clever Rabble Burns?" by, there is no comparison 'een them." aybe no, but ye telt us to - it was Shakespeare who wrote asy lies- the head that wears n.' Now, Rabbie would hae written sic nonsense as onsense, sir?" cried the hi- nt doctor. e, just nonsense. Rabble hae kent that a king, or a , either, diena gang to bed wi' roon on his heard, He wad it over th' back o' a chair." rly every girl secretly believ- t she Could win fame and for- s an aialst's model. Dr., 0. Gordon Hewitt, Do. rhinion Entomologist, says, referring to the infantile death rate from intestinal diseases and diarrhoea spread by the house fly, he believes that the so-called harmless fly is yearly causing the death of thousands of infants, as well as spreading the germs of typhoid fever. WILSO( 'S FLY P;t:S are the best thing to rid your house of these dangerous pests. Anti -Dust disinfectant sweeping powder, is a life -pre- server because it kills all disease germs. Floors clean; car- pets bright; home fresh and sweet. No dust while sweeping. Ask your Dealer for it. Maclaren Imperial Cheese Co. Limited Role distributors for Ontario THE SAPHO MFC. CO., Limited Montreal A HOUSING SCHEME. English Railroads to House All Their Workers. The soaring cost of living has moved the English railroad com- panies to consider a scheme for carrying out a huge housing scheme of their own to provide accommoda- tion. for'all;grades of. workers: . . .-It has been found that the heavi est item the men have to meet is the increased rant charge for houses or tenements in city areas, the conse- quence being the railway workers have no alternative but to hand over a large proportion of their pay to near -by landlords or to go in- convenient distances from their work. Already the companies have house accommodation for some re- sponsible officials so as to ensure their being on hand in case of a hurry call, but now the proposal is to provide for all grades. It is sug- gested that a certain proportion of the earnings of the railroads should be reserved every year for this building scheme. Most of the rail- roads have land enough adjacent to their right-of-way so they could let RASH SO BAD BABY CAME NEAR DYINO Head Broke Out. Spread to Arms, Legs and Entire Body. stched So He Would Scratch Until Blood Ran. One Box of Cuticura Ointment and Nearly One Cake of' Cuticura Soap Cured Him. Has Had No Return. "When my boy was about three months old, his head broke out with a rash which was very itchy and ran a watery fluid. Wo tried everything we could but he got worse ell the time, till it spread to his arms, legs and then to his entire body. He got so bad that he came near dying. The rash would itch so that he would scratch till the blood ran, and a thin yellowish stuff would be all over his pillow in the morning. I had to put mittens on his hands to prevent him tearing his skin. He was so weak and run down that he took fainting spells as if he were dying. He was almost a skeleton and his little hands were thin like claws. "He was bad about eight months when we tried Cuticura Remedies. I had not laid him clown in his cradle in the daytime for a long while. I washed him with Cuticura Soap and put on one application of Cuticura Ointment and he was so soothed that he• could sleep. You don't know how glad I was he felt better. It took .one box of Cuticura Ointment and pretty near one cake of Cuticura Soap to euro him. I think our boy 'would have died,but for the Cuticura Remedies and I shall always remain a firm friend of them. Ile wascured more than twenty years ago, and there has been no return of the trouble. I shall be glad to have you publish this true statement of his cure," (Signed) Mrs. M. 0. Maitland,. Jasper, Ontario, May 27, 1010. For more than a generation mothers have found a speedy, agreeable and economical treatment for their skin -tortured little ones in Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Although they are sold by druggists and dealers every- where,aliberal sample of each maybe obtained free, from the Potter Hrug & Chem. Corp., sole props., to Columbus Avo., Boston.l'J.S,A. their houses to the men .,at bedr prices, Trade union officials look, asl at this ,scheme, They say it is actuated by generous motives; , aims at screwing down the ,m more firmly than ever. 1Verk: they believe, who depend not for their pay, but for their ho on the good -wall of the conlpa will be slow to strike at the ea the organizers. of the unions.` SLEW 5,006 BULLS., Statue to Spain's Most 'alio we Tragedy of the ar ,er.-,-unexpected ests ` and iiia Toreador. 'he_citizens of Cordova are.ab`o to erect a `etatue`tb' "S•pai'n•''s ereos famous toreador, Legartijo, wi participated in. 1,700 bull fights and slew over 5,000 animals. When it was represented to tht Mayor that Cordova had given birth to many deserving sons who still awaited their monuments, he replied that the municipality had considered all that, and hadcome' to the conclusion that Legartijo was its most illustrious child. The phil- osopher Seneca had been a failtjre inasmuch as Nero, his pupil, did him no credit; the great Capt. Gon- zalvo, the poet Gonzora, and others had undoubtedly possessed great merit, but had not endeared theme selves to Cordovians in such a mea- sure as Legartijo. Although twenty years had pass- ed since his retirement from the arena, his memory was ever green. His stately, elegant bearing, skil- ful, rapid mode of attack, and the absolute precision of his death- stroke had transformed the bull- fight into a high-class exhibition of science and art. The design, which will be carried out in white marble, represents Le- gartijo in an attitude of perfect re- pose, his right hand resting on the .hip, his left retaining the folds of the mantle flowing to the ground, his eyes calmly observant, as Span- iards have so often seen him watch- ing the struggle. of his colleagues until the moment for his decisive interference had come. CHILD COVERED WI'TI[ ECZEMA Zam-Euk Worked Complete Cure. Mrs. A. J. Cameron, of Melita, Man., writes : "When my little boy was six weeks old he had eczema. The sores simply coveredhis face and head, and 1 had to tie his Bands to keep him . from salt -Calling and 'x'-'4 ,g- them :;:: ,e ,eta4. gave me several kinds of ointment'.' but they did no good. "I then tried fourteen boxes of an advertised re- medy. Still there was no improve- ment! mprove-ment! I tried another ointment, and several medicinal soaps, but the poor little fellow still continued to suffer. One day a friend said, 'Why don't you try Za-Buki' "I began with this balm, and a week's treatment made a great dif- ference. I persevered, and within a month every sore was healed! Thanks to Zam-Buk his scalp is per- fectly healthy ; and his hair has grown again." For all skin diseases, cuts, burns and blood poisoning use Zana-Buk and Zam-Buk Soap. All dealers and stores, and Zam-Buk Co., To- ronto. When one is inclined to worry the remark of an old lady should be recalled :—"Yes, dearies; I'd have had an awful heap of trouble in my time if most of it had hap- pened." Comfort for the Dyspeptic—There is no ailment so harassing and ex- hausting as dyspepsia, which arises from defective action of the stomach and liver, and the victim of it is to be pitied. ' Yet he can find ready relief in Parmelee's Vegetable. Pills, a preparation that has estab= lished itself by years of effective use. There are pills that are wide- ly advertised as trie greatest over compounded, but not one of them can -rank in value with Parmelee's. LADIES OBJECTED TO FINERY Dusky African Maidens Refused to Wear Skirts. The difficulties of the clergymen and social reformers of more en- lightened countries in their efforts; to compel the fair sex to put more cloth into their skirts pale into in-, significance beside the troubles of; the local governor of Inhambane, British East Africa, who has alines caused a war by ordering the natio maidens to attire themselves in Ian ror P a.n garb. order particularly . insist that; the native women should pt appear in public without skirts un der pain of some grave penalty not specified. Never was an apparently in' cent sumptuary law received suchan outburst of rebellioaaa The Commercial Council resig.Al in a body and the Indian etoreke iers OSCAR RDINES Folli Your til' oop;' rade supplied blr ckis &Greening, Halmt11011' New and .Secopd- hand, for heating i,r purposes. TANKS AND STACKS. Agents for Startle. lating and Heating Systems. N IRUMITEDNs TORONTO Ines and Shipbuilders ��T i R1TY OD -CUTTER i,ittly different from the ordinary food per:' The barrel. is in two closely fitting itans clamped together b, one set -screw. netsedan made machine. ts`' in quality, capacity and price w ks'better, better finished, less in price. n=ve different cutting plates. i"MAXWBa r.'S PTJRIIY" is the only feed Mater made in Canada—and in ease, convenience perfect cuttin g and durability {s•superior to any- thing imported, If your dealer does not handle "Maxwell's Purity" write us. 71tAintoMAXWELL tic SONS •''S Marys, OnL. who deal in the articles of attire favored by the native ladies threat- ened to shut up shop in protest. The 'native belles took even more drastic action by refusing to come near Inhambane at all, with the re- sult that the town was soon in dan- ger of a famine in vegetables, eggs, you try? and . other necessary food. The. women who °lived in pateclato • T .peosition.became too hot for the; governor who withdrew the ob- noxious. decree, and ;the belles of Inhambane again go about in their scant ' -;native costumes. Wife= `I really ,believe you mar- ried me 'simply because I have mone,,T x, Hub—"You're wrong. I marled you because I thought you'd" let me have some of it." Minard's' Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. hS he (pouting)—"Before we were m na:4ied you often used to catch me in oar' arms." He—"Yes, and Iasi I eatch,you in my pockets." Gcc i Best Liver Pill. -The action . e liver is easily disarranged. den chill, undue exposure to elements, over -indulgence in sor favorite food, excess in drink- iligl,' are: a few of the causes. But wheitover may be the cause, Parme- lee" , Vegetable Pills can be relied up,ss n,g; the best corrective that taken. They are the lead- a.zz;r liver pills and they have no su- e re ;among such preparations. :ur husband has nearly faint - '"Dear :• dear 1 These men . i ,p do things by halves!" its Lintmont for sale everywhere. URNED THE WIND. , : were you in that riot last ire" 1:1 run ` like the wind I didn't run like• the ed I didn't. But I passed ors that was running like SAWS AND INSTANCES. Hewgag—"You know,. 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush., ,Xe• Bluegag-"r•'ep, And a bird on the hat costs more'n a dozen in .the hand." HER` METHOD, Kinks—"Do you save much i" Winker `:'No. As soon as I s a dollar Try wife ,saves 10 cel more by :spending it for sometha that's marked down." Cholera morbus, cramps and kin- dred complaints annually make their appearance at the same time as the hot weather, green fruit, cu- cumbe s melons etc:,and many , persons are debarred from eating these tempting things, but they need not abstain if they. have Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial and take a few drops in water. It cures the cramps and cholera in a remarkable manner and is sure to check every disturbance of the bow- els. AFTER THE DAY'S WORK what's mor refreshing than a cup Of Tea? Be sure it's PTO N'S ONE WAS ENOUGH. Robley—"My tailor made only one suit like this." Tibbitts—"It's a good thing he was caught in time." St. Joseph, Levis, July 14, 1903. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—I was badly kickel by my horse last klay and after using several preparations. on any leg nothing would do. My leg was black as jet. I was laid up in bed for a fortnight and could not walk. After using three bottles of your MINARD'S LINIMENT I was perfectly cured, so that I could start on the road. JOS. DUKES, Commercial Traveler, "But I heard that you've pro- posed to three other girls this month." "Well, you see. I—er— er—was merely rehearsing for my proposal to you." Mothers Value This Oil.—Mothers who know how suddenly croup may seize their children and how necessary prompt action is in ap- plying relief, always keep at hand a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eciectric Oil, because experience has taught thein that there is no better pre- paration to be had for the treat- ment :of, this ailment And they are wisefor 'its 'va++' -u ``tt ten- der s ser ren der it ` a valuable medicine. - TACTFUL. She—Why do you wish to know my age f He—I merely wished to know at what age woman is really the most fascinating. The cheapness of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator puts it within reach of all, and it can be got at any druggist's. An ounce of intuition may be worth more than a pound of tui- tion. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Nothing easier than fault-finding —no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character are required to set up in the grumbling busi- ness. Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast via Chicago and North Western Ry., Sept: 25th to Oct. 10th from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Helena, Butte, Missoula, Kalispell, Pocatello, Nampa, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Grand Jct., etc. Through Tourist sleepers and free reclining chair cars from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop -overs. For information' write or call on B. H. Ben- nett, General Agent, 46 'longe St., Toronto. "My husband considered a very long time before he proposed to me; he was very careful." "Ah, it's always those careful people who get taken in 1" No man or woman should hobble painfully about because of corns when so certain a relief is at hand as Holloway's Corn Cure. The laughter and tears of a wo- man are equally deceptive. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. WHAT MAKES' PESSIMISTS. Sitting three hours on a five -inch board at a circus behind a picture hat. Stopping a runaway horse and having your name spelled wrong in the newspaper notice. The morning .mail on the ffret day of the month. •�" Digging ;up your oledetT'ress suit only to find' that -the maths .have eaten on@, -t ;if off the coat. The on jt .thing to do is to wait until. they eat the other tail off and then you will have a Tuxedo. door • an amateur oes farthest for the brio f!e FARMS FOR SALE, H.' W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne St., ' Toronto. VER FIFTY GOOD IMPROVED NY Farm in Farms Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta at right prices on easy terms. FRUIT FARMS IN TED BEST FRUIT district of Ontario. All sizes at right prices. TF YOU WANT TO BUY OR. SELL A stock, grain of dairy farm consult me. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. ][j IGHT ACRES—JUST OUTSIDE THPI .4 city of London limits; soil clay and gravelly loam; new brick ouse. Will ex. change for city, town or village property or for larger farm. The Western Real Estate, London Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. If EARN THE RAILWAY STATIO N 9J work and Darn more money than i any other trade. We qualify for aIX Canadian Railways. Positions secured. Write for Free Book 18. Dominion School Railroading, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. HAY AND FARM SCALES. Wilson's Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto, ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In. �J ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Go.. Limited, Collinawood, Ont. Q+ TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's ) Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. i 1 ALARIED POSITION AWAITS COM. 17 peaent business man who can invest $1,000 in profitable going manufacturing business. Manager, 601 Kent Building. To- ronto. GALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD• der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy,- "Sanol," price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure cure, is "Sanol's Anti -Diabetes." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Sanol Manufac- turing Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, Man. CHENILLE CURTAIN91' and all kind, of house hangings, also LACECURTAINS DYEDLIKE AND NEWANE� Write to us about yours. Gold Medalist. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO., Box 233,Montrsal $.+a .:. € -1V1[ t7 Protect — Preserve— Beautify samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANCMUIR & CO., Limited 13741 Bathurst Street TORONTO 1 When buying your Piano insist on having an '5 OTTO ii 1 EL" Piano Action L� hilaypole Soap FOR HOME DYEING Washes and dyes at one operation, giv- ing remarkably clean, bright, fast colors. Dyes cotton, wool, silk or mix- tures. 24 calors, will give any shade. Colors 10c, black 15c at your dealer's orpostp d with Plc - let "How to Dye' ;• xo5 from F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal Cider and Willa PRESSE Best of the Kind Three Sizes: Junior, price $25. Medium, " 30. Senior, " 36. L. J. A. SURVEYERR fit St. Lawrence Souleva MONTREAL Trying to find the beau scenery so vividly pictured in railroad vacation folders. Discovering that you have g buy a longer belt. Taking a family of nine eh on a picnic. . Seeing a nian who ove y riding by in an a;eniebile. P RUBBER HEELS Tread softlU - Step Safely. CAT'S PAW RUBBER S Embody the patented fea of Cat's Paw Heels