The Herald, 1912-09-13, Page 2SROM BONNIE SCOTLAND 1NOTES OF INTEREST FRO Sd iILR BANKS AND BRAES. ►aihat is Going on in The Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. Mrs. Irom, of Stranraer, met with a severe accident through her ielothing being set on fire. £o0,600 has been granted for pier extension at Bunerana and £4,400 !for Rathmullan pier. Irvine Gas Company have re- amed the price of gas by 2%d per {1,000 feet, making it 2s 11d. Mr. James Davidson, of Summer - bill, Aberdeen, was seriously injur- led by a bull attacking him. Seventeen members of the Lan- arkshire constabulary were present - td with the Coronation medal. Damage to the extent of £100 was +appaused by a fire at a baker's shop In Victoria road, Glasgow. Easter Ross District Committee lhave had to assess £3,662 for roads tat the rate of is 41/d per £1. A garden fete and sale of work !were held in the grounds of Glen- !alty, Barrhill, and .£48 was raised. Miss Hall, of Midlothian, lady philanthropist, was killed near Ed- inburgh by a fall from her bicycle. The body of a middle-aged man :was found floating in the Forth and ;Clyde Canalnear Bonnybridge. A local lady has bequeathed £20 to be used for a special treat to the inmates of Stirling Poorhouse. At a meeting of the. Glasgow Gas 'ommittee it was decided to reduce the rate for prepayment metre. Bonhill Parish Council has fixed the poor rate the same as last year, 6%d on owner and 6/d on occu- pier. .A. collision took place on the Clyde between the London steamer Rentz and the Blue Funnel liner Aeneas. A section of the long wall at Bar - gaily Pit; Girvan, closed in and buried and killed a young lad named Shearer. A...young man named White was +seriously injured while cycling along Loch Lomond_ by colliding ;with.- „pfor`car. thea Sheriff Court, Francis six months with hard labor for neglecting his six ehildren. " A serious outbreak of anthrax is reported having occurred among rthg stock at Blairby Farm near Vort Gilliam. Alexander Mackie was sentenced to 10'days' imprisonment at Aber- deen for having thrown himself in- to the River Dee. A new motor lifeboat has been placed in the Campbelltown sta- tion, and will be kept off the house at Kilkenan. Robert Casey was fined £100 at Vie Northern police court for con- iducting , a shebeen in a house at &ruse Lane, Cowoaddens. A man named William Sonton !committed suicide at West Camp- bell street because he had been dis- nissed from his situation. An indicator is being erected at the summit of Arthur Seat, Edin- burgh, under the supervision of his 2VIajesty's Office of Works. A memorial brass tablet has been Unveiled' in the Parish Church, Tor- Iihichen, to the memory of the Rev. Sohn Bonar, M.A.' Angus John Murray, one time an +officer of the post office, was sen- tenced to .six months' imprisonment tor stealing a registered letter from he General Post Office. - Workmen have been engaged. +making improvements at Stirling Castle. The old draw bridge has been removed and the entrance has been altered. William Robertson and Police Constable Scott, of Dundee, have • leach received a silver watch, one of the awards from the Carnegie Hero Fund. PAYMENT WAS SUSPENDED. The destruction of the house fly is a public duty. Almost every American State Board of Health is carrying on a crusade against him. His filthy origin and habits, and the fact that his body i`s generally laden with disease -producing germs, makes him one of the greatest ane- mies of the human race. If the housekeepers of Canada will use WILSiN'$ FLY PADS persistently, this peril, will be tre- mendously reduced. Low Colonist Rates to Paoiao Coast via Chicago and North Western Ry., Sept. 25th to Oct. 10th from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Selena, Butte, Missoula, Kalispell, Pocatello, Nampa, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Grand Jot., etc. Through Tourist sleepers and free reclining chair- cars from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop -overs. For information write or call on B. H. Ben. nett, General Agent, 46 Yonge St.. Toronto. Mrs. Exe (with newspaper)— Here's an awfully funny typogra- phical error. It says: "Mrs. Rich awoke about 4 o'clock and heard strange noses in the house." Exe —How do you know it's a typo- graphical error ? Maybe it means that she heard her guests snoring. No one need fear cholera or any summer complaint if they have a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial ready for use. It corrects all looseness of the bowels-' promptly and causes a healthy and natural action. This is a medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor and is rapidly be- coming the most popular medicine for choleras dysentery, etc., in the market. THE STOVE PIPE KIND. "Skirts are to be fuller next sea son," remarked M' rs. Hillside, . "If 1 are, Stn,y' 1,Av,":.s d Hi11e; side, '-'"'skitterare about will ready." Many a man can't afford to dress well becauee his wife does. In a large suit lately tried the plaintiff had testified that his finan- cial inan pial condition had always been a good one. The opposing counsel' took him in hand for cross-exami- nation and undertook to break down. his testimony on this point. "Have you ever been bankrupt?" asked the counsel. "I have not." "Now, be careful," admonished the lawyer, with raised finger. "Did you ever stop payment!" "Ah I I thought we should get et the truth," observed counsel with ren unpleasant smile. "When did this enepensioti of payment occur?" "Wben I had paid all I owed." NA -DRU -CO Ruby Rose Cold Cream A toilet delight, with the exquisite fragrance of fresh roses. It pre- serves the most delicate com- plexion against sun, wind and dust, and keeps hands and arms soft and smooth. Splendid for sore lips. Try it—you'll certainly appreciate it, in 25c. opal glass jars. at your druggist's. 186 NATIONAL Dews AND CHEMICAL CO. OR CANADA, LI P' ED. Cured of Shingles and Eczema Mr. Jarvis, Kingston By Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Chest Raw, Bleeding and. Itchy. "I just want to say a good word for Cal - cunt Soap and Ointment. In. November, 1909, I had what the doctors call shingles and eczema. My chest was raw and bleeding and itchy. I was that way all winter. It was not so bad in the summer. In September it got worse. 1 had the best doctors treating rne, but did mo no good, and I was alt run - down in health. In November, 1910, it got worse again. I sent to you for a sample cake of Cuticura Soap. You sent it to Mie and I got a box of Cuticura Ointment. I have wed two boxes and on the third one it has cured me of shingles and eczema. 1 am de• lighted with them and do feel pleased to think I have something 'I have confidence in. Should anyone be suffering as 1 did, I hope that they win do as I did, and I am sure of the results. I am recommending them from experience." (Signed) J. II. Jarvis, 7 Ann St., Kingston, Ont., May 80, 1911. For more than a generation Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment have afforded the sppeediest and most economical treatment for itching, burning, scaly and bleeding skin and scalp humors o3 young and old. A single set is often sutlleient. Cuticula Soap and Oint- rnent are sold throughout the world, but to those who have suffered muco, lost hope and are without faith in any treatment, a iberal Sample of each with 32-p, booklet on the skin will be mailed free, on.application, Address Potter Drug k Chem. Corp., i66 Columbus Atm, Boston, U. S. A. POTATO DIET Ii CO MA' Chief Food, of Poorer Clams Fatherland, The Agricultural Chamber Rhine Province has just pull some +statistics wihich afford a ing corroboration of a sta., made recently by a Sooialiet Reichstag to the effect that po are 'the chief diet of the classee in large sections o: many. The Agricultural Chamber, is a body legally constitu gather information for the go meet on agricultural matters, been studying how the peas lives. It publishes the family. gets of 30 peasant families with nual " g' between Sandwiches for the Seaiioiefs Opening Social. • Fill them with those delicious INC OSCAR SARDINES Alit Them From Your Crocco' Trade supplied by win W. Sickle & Greening, Hamilton to incomes ran ing and $290. About two-thirds of th, had the higher figure and 'owl small farms offrom 10 to 47 aor- It was found that the avers „ unscrupulous Milk Vendor Caught daily consumption of ,,potatoes by Pollee. the 30 families was nearly 3 1 -he For some time theFrench elite pounds for each person, whereas p T �I� E3YEING e41+tn Aug Curling aud Hid Gloves cleaned .,,These can be sent by post, to per oz. 1T188 AMERICANe+DYEING CO. MON' RKAL . NEW USE FOR BAGPIPES. the eonsumption of meat was , less 1 have d suspected a milk vendor, milk. Several times samples of Ina which M. Noziere was deliver- ing.were submitted to the experts of the Paris Municipal Laboratory, and each time these were declared to contain a large proportion of KILL LITTLE ONEv" "ter' The milk vendor protested his innooenee, and even invited the than 3 ounces; of butter 1.13 ounces nar5ne Noziere of watering his and slightly more :than one pint ,of milk, of which nearly half was skim, milk or buttermilk. ►k SUMMER COMPLAINTS At first signs of illness dumb Palace' to witness the milking of his the hot weather give the little over cows. }� This they did, but the were Baby's Own Tablets, of in 'a .feel;' pure" milk it n smlewhich were hours he may be beyond cuss, taken w y theseoccasions al These Tablets will prevent summa zvay§ found to be well -watered. complaints if given occasionally t� the well child and will promptly:. cure these troubles if they come on suddenly. Baby's Own Tablets - should always be kept in every home where there are young chil- dren. There is no other medicine with his right hand in the vicinity so good and the mother has the -1, of his waistcoat pocket. guarantee of a government analyst that they are absolutely' safe. Mrs. Chas. Lapierre, Les Boules, Que., says :—"Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can give her little ones and I always keep them in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers er by: mail at 25 cents a box from Thi Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, rock-ville, Ont. The solution of the problem was forthcoming the other day. An in- spector called at M. Noziere's place quite unexpectedly and asked the vendor to milk a certain cow. The official, who kept a vigilant eye on the milker, noticed that he fumbled Howell—Rowell doesn't +speak ti his wife. Powell—And I can re- member when he thought it .was. worth one dollar to-eay.a.few .words to her by long-distance' telephone "What are you doing?" asked the inspector. "Oh, it is only my braces that hurt me," answered the, milk dealer; but in a second the in- spector had unbuttoned the waist- coat and discovered there an ingen- ious contrivance of two small rub- ber pipes, connected with rubber bags containing water. By the pressure of his elbow on the bags the unscrupulous vendor could, with but little risk of detec- tion, add a considerable quantity of water to the milk pail. _ THE. SURE CURE. Tbffeetiv , tray to cure a -i; •o � fieri by sur':;ei$Tis :nut his liberty out. Irl bless Mother 'Graves' Worm .Enter initiator, because it has relieve the little ones of suffering' and made them healthy. STUNG. "You call this cake angel food?" said the harsh husband. "Yes, dear," said the timid wife, "but if the diet doesn't seem ex- actly what you want, here are some deviled crabs." • NOTHING TO DO BUT PACK. "We can start on our vacation next week." "How do you make that out?" "The Greens got back yesterday and now we can get their suit case." Faultless in Preparation.--Un.i It; Testifies kr Itself.—Dr. Tho - mar" Eclectric Oil needs no testi- monial of its powers other than it- self' Whoever trios it for coughs or Golds, for cuts or contusions, for sprains or burns, for pains in the limbs or body, well know that the medicine proves itself and needs no guarantee. • This shows why this Oil is in general use. "This' is the third time you have been here for food," said the wo- man at the kitchen door, to the tramp. "Are you always out of work?" '`Yes'm," replied the itin- erant. "I guess I was born under a lucky star." Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. like any other stomach regulator, "Do you J play any instrument, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the; Mr.Jimp ? . "Yes, T ni a cornet - result of long study of vegetabl& 1st." And your sister "She's eompounds calculated to stimulate a pianist." Does your mother the stomachic functions and main- ` pias" ?" "She's a zitherist." "And ” tr , a essi 'at." tain them at the normal condition, your father? Hes p Pais Years of use have proved their faultless character and establislie•4 their excellent reputation. ::4,1. this reputation they have maintaine, ed for years and will continue,. maintain, for these pills must', ways stand alt the head of of standard preparations. THE CHEAPER PLAN "Eat six times a day if you will be healthy," is the advice offs by a doctor. Owing to fthe pr„:. cost of living it will be thea pay doctor's bills. . Minard's Liniment for sale everywh WHAT THEY LOOKED LIE Ma]lerd-`Why is your angry at you?” Bowman—"She painted peau on china plates and I complilis ed them as sliced tomatoes:" Whether the cern be of old or ewgrowth, it must yield to Hol= oway's Corn Cure, the simplest nd best euro offered to the public. e "Yes," said Tom Doorman, "I've n invited to her wedding, but not going." "But," urged his end, "do you think you can af- d to have your absence node- ?" "Better than I can afford to my presents noticed. That' s uble." is of women would be glad if could send their hair to the edry. GEORGE IN TROUBLE. Mrs, Modus—"Well, George, you promised me' a new bonnet." George—"I promised you a new bonnet? When?" Mrs. Modus "Before' you mar- ried me you swore that disgrace should never rest upon my head through you; and what do you call this shabby thing on my head now?':' KNEW HER POWERS. Mother—"Now, do be careful how you act about that young man or people will think you are run- ning after him," Daughter—"I don't have to do that, Mother ; I can win in a walk." A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY An eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that the most wonderful discovery of recent years was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just think ! As soon as a single thin layer of Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or a sore, such injury is in- sured against blood poison ! got one species of microbe has been found that Zam-Buk does not kill Then again: As soon as Zam-Buk is applied to 'a sore, or a out, or to skin disease, it stops the smarting. That is why children are such friends of Zam-Buk. Again. As soon as Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin's surface are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is Zam-Buk's secret of healing. This is why Zam-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimer Ave., Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Co. and told them that for over twenty-five years he had been a martyr to ed- zema. His hands were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zaan-Buk was introduced to him, and in a few months it cured him. To-day—over three years after his cure of a disease he had for twenty- five years—he is still cured. All druggists sell Zam-Buk at 50c. box, or we will send free trial box if you send this advertisement and a lc. stamp (to pay return postage). Address Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. "That novelist says he take characters from real life " . should be encouraged to taking them," replied 'Mx. cher. "The fewer like them i life the better." • There are probably no fish •i'i sea as large as those reported� anglers to have got away, " Byre emberin her 'birth di A woan is able to forget her Mood's 4ln.itumit nailsveu NIUr'alg A REAL "GENTLEMAN. "One gentlemanly thing about a dentist," remarked the man, "is that he never rubs it in by saying 'this hurts me more than it does you.' " Impurities of the Blood Counter- acted.—Impurities in the blood come from defects in the action of the liver. They are revealed by pimples and unsightly blotches on the skin. They must be treated inwardly, and for this purpose there is no more effective compound to be used than Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. They act directly on the liver and by setting up healthy processes have a beneficial effect upon the blood, so that impurities are eliminated. HE'S GOOD, ALL RIGHT. ISSUE 87-'12 "Is he good to his wife?" "Very. He gets his own break- fast, washes the supper dishes, and never brings unexpected company home to dinner." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs, -I had a Bleeding Tumor on my face for a long time and tried a num- berof remedies without any good results. I was advised to try MINARD'S LINI- MENT, and after using several bottles it made a complete cure, and it healed all up and disappearedaltogether. HENDERSON. Belleisle Station, Kinge Co., N. 13., Sept. 17, 1904. THINK THIS --Is there any beverage costs you less percup than LIPTON' TES. Goes farthest for the money FARMS FOR SALE. H. W DAWSON, Ninety Y Colborne St., Toronto. t` Some people cast their bread up- on the water only when they are wire it will be mentioned in the papers. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. !1 VER - FIFTY GOOD IMPROVED lJ Farms in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta at right prices on easy terms. RUIT FARMS ,IN THE BEST FRUT 1' IL' district of Ontario. All sizes at right, prices.y TP YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A stook, grain of dairy farm consult me. 14. W. DAWSON, Toronto., 1\ O. 6663 -FIFTY ACRES IN MIDDLI!1 sex County, soil clay loam; g buildings; telephone in house; rural ma' delivery; owner anxious to sell. T1 Western Real Estate, London, Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. 7 OU CAN EASILY EARN $60 TO $76 monthly after attending here six months. We teach railway station work for Canadian Railways. Free Book 18 ex- plains work and wages. Dominion School Railroading, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. JJAY AND FARM SCALES.. Wilson's Ji l Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. CANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. etc. IN. ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Denman Medical Co.., Limited. Collingwood, Ont. • TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's 0 Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. • C.11 ALARIED POSITION AWAITS COM- petent business man who can invest $1,000 in profitable going manufacturing business. Manager, 601 Kent Building, To- ronto. GALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy, "Sanol." price $1.60. Another new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure cure, is "Sanas Anti -Diabetes." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Sanol Manufac- turing Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, Man. T..•..dak. 'G"- 1YX 3Et. CREOSOTE Protect— Prese,rve— Beautify. Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANDIVIIIIR & Cil.® Lim ed 1374} Bathurst Street TORC , TO BREAKING IT GENTLY. Two very great friends—a Scots- man and an Englishman—met in the smoking -room of an hotel, and the Englishman at once proceeded to monopolise the conversation, as he usually did. • The Scotsman bore it for a long time, then he broke in quietly; "I say, old chap, I'll back you and me to tell .more and .bigger lies in half an hour than any other six men I know I." He paused, and then went on gently "And I wouldn't speak a, single word the whole time 1 . GINSENG ROOT WAN WiLD AND CULTIVATED WRITE Foie PIus(rs W. CRAWFORD GOFFATT °RILLIA. ONT. V 11: - o) ELEI3RAPHY and Station Agents' work in all its details are included in the course of tralninx included in '1 he Central Telegraph School, 2 Ger- rard St. E., Toronto. correspond- ence invited. T. J. Johnston, Prin. W. IL Shaw, President. Allti-Bust disinfectant sweeping powder, is a life -pre- server because it kills all disease germs. Floors clean; car- pets bright; home fresh and sweet. No deist while sweeping. Ask your Dealer for it. MaoLaren Imperial Cheese Co. Limited Sole distributors for Ontario THE SAPHO MFC. CO., Limited Montreal erreenze NAUTICAL DISTINCTIONS. "How do you tell the difference between a yacht and a sailboat?" said the girl with the inquiring mind. lookin' into the pantry," re- plied Captain Gleet. "If she car- ries plenty of refreshments and seegars, she's a yacht. If it'e most- ly plain victuals, she's a sailboat." Constipation------- is onstipation----- is an enemy within the camp. It wilt undermine the strongest constitution and ruin the most vigorous health. It leads to indigestion, biliousness, impure blood, bad complexion, sick headaches, and is one of the most frequent causes of appendicitis. To neglect itis slow suicide. Dr. )4orse's Indian Root. Pllis positively cure Constipation. They are entirely vegetable in composition and do not sicken, weaken or gripe. Preserve your health by taking Dr. More's ,48 Iiiz thein Z'.,00t Pi1A fa re 1! iii