The Herald, 1912-01-26, Page 3�i i ���•M $•1. STRUCK KE !1' PRINCESS [,1�1yMARX IX (RX AND M Bitonil RS. the Royal Children of Great Britain; Are Taught and r Trained. '-'-'he education and general train - of the , Princess Mary: and her ,:'there, who are still in the Royal tool -room, is of necessity being pducted on .!hereat ,lines from ose of children in a less exalted nk of life, Msays London Answers. TO start with, it is necessary that 1. the Royal children sheuld learn as early an ageas possible to ,mak French and, German: All I,fi^ Royal children, therefore, Ironic ! '!';age of five are, taught to speak 'both these languages as well as ;iiglish, and every day the Princess lary and her brothers have to peak for one hour either in Trench ,r German, and alsoat meal -times: )n Sunday, however, this rule ie; iot. enforced. The Royal children are also instructed with special care. n English history. All their early picture -books were illustrated with ;renes from English history,which were carefully explained to them. o that ,even before they began to, Learn toread and write the Princess 11'Iary and her brothers were fatten- er with the names of the English overeigns, and with many great 4svents in the history of the Empire over which their father rules. AT TelE MUSEUM. • From time to time the Princess Mary and her brothers are taken to tithe British Museum, and •shown the i Iriginal documents, mention iof •which they have come across in their .study of English history. .1.; There is, of course, a governess o 1"n residence at the Court to look bafter the education of the Princes% Mary, but the surervision of the education of all the Royal children is in the hands of Mr. Hansell. the Royal tutor, and, of course, the "fducatioen and general upbringing 1 the Royal children is closely sup- e•rvised by the King and Queen, and rOm their earliest years they are rain ed to fill hanorably and ef- ciently the duties of their high position and exalted rank. _ -month an examination of wb'ivery tib Ra °u .n their 'v xxa• RODT aF TRU�IUIE Inns. COMEA.U` CURED Iii!ii KIDNEYS Wi,'1"•fi DODD'S KIDNEY.PILLS. And leer hear! 'Trouble, Backache and other ailincnts disappeared -- Says she owes 11ex good "health to Dodd's Kidney : Pills. Petit Rocher, Gloucester Co, N. B. Jan. 8 (Special), -When Mrs. Pierre L Comeau, a well known and highly respected resident of this phaco cured her kidney disease, her heart trouble and other aches and pains also disappeared. She cured her kidney disease easily and quick- ly by using Dodds Kidney Pi11E. "'My heart 'troubled me all" the time, Mrs. Comeau states; and I feared for the terrible results that might follow. My. limbs would swell, my back ached and I was al- ways tired and to ervous. rile is "Those symp be- lieve that kidney disease was the root of all my troubles, so I tufted to Docld's Kidney .Pills. Before I had' finished the first box the swel- ling wee gone, my back was well and my heart no longer troubled and I owe i t all to Dodd sow in the best f Kidney Pills." - Always strike at the root of the trouble. And in uine cases out of ten all women's troubles start with the Kidneys. That's why Dodo's Kidney Pills are woman's best friend. •A, DARING PRINCE. Arndld White, a prominent Con- servative publicist, has gone out of his.,:: Way to commend the Churchill changes in the British navy, and singles out for 'special praise the min, appointment otPrince Louis of Bat,' "1' e tenburg, lis Second Lord of the Ad e1 miralty. Prinee�.I�ouis, he declares to be the ablestbo hasi been theated Brit- ish navy, yet he { LOST. Tommie," . said the joy-: ere "you must venerate- am going to marry your hander 1" growled Tom Lanemic 1" protested blith- f en't you like mei" yes, 1 like you well. ena' u," said Tommie, "but 'I bet A/Labt'' a pound of candy .you Wouldn't be fool enough to ask her; and t : bet you veeuld." DIDN'T AGREE. Mist ass "`And why did you leave oils gist place!" I t$ -. "Me and the missus was. lot . ne•enial." %.13:14. r. tga" be is he ;mb sw Lim ar, nisi! en sit Bi tjor ii 1`eli .r� eti aye to sh as cu re did CURE FOR SKIN SORBS IS ZAMr.13UIi.. illustration of the way , in m-Buk cures even the most ser lti and chronic cases of 'ulcers, eruj ta0Ds and sores is provided by Le 1fi'. H. `Barker, of Glencairr , Ont, ,Be says: ""I tvu1d not. have believed that an,, s.Riedy could cure so quickly, and at the same time so effectively, as Z yin -Pak cured me. nese became covered with a kinder 1as11, which itched and ir- ritated. This rash then turned to sores: \,Bich discharged freely and began to spread. I first tried one thing, and then another, but nothing seemed to do me any good, and the eruption got worse and worse, un- til me face was just covered with running sores. "Avert from the pain (which was very ba'd), my face was such a ter- rible sight that I was not fit to go oath •his was my state when some one,x:ised me to try Zam=Buk. I got a^ tupply, and, marvellous as it mays., ound, within little under a Mg every sone on my face was heal A. I .have no objection to your stating my experience for the bene- fit of other sufferers." Zee„;:Buk is purely herbal in com- posi=;ell, and is the ideal l balm for for babies and young wheee';tender skin coarse ointments are '' dangerous. Zara-Buk is a sure -cure for cold sores, chapped bands, :frost bite, blood -poison, varicose sores, piles, scalp sores, ringworm,°inflamed patches, babies' eru itiens and chapped places, cuts, burl* bruises, .and skin injuries •gen 4 vary. All druggists and stores -,60. � .cat. 450c. bo*,,- er post free from ik.:- Cal ,.. TO -P n, ry upon re- piton Q fest* of the exarflitt'aion; -sent to tile, King and Queen by the Royal tutor. ANVIL SPARKS. Trying to get even is always low- ering the level. A 'grin is a. cross between a smile and a frovin. The Lord doesn't love the cheer- ful' giver of offense. You can keep cool-headed with- out being cold-hearted. The man who gets rich quick may not stay rich long. VALUE OF PUNCTUALITY. The die ipl'ne of the Royal school- oom is strict. A code. of printed e `'rules !hangs in the room, and any it `violation of l -hem is punished by inial, Prince Louis of Battenburg. with amazing virulence by a section of high society, who contend that his German birth precludes him from carrying on his responsible duties in the British navy .satisfac- torily. In truth he is more Eng- lish than the English. The Prince's handling of warships, say the keen- est officers in the navy, makes men hold their breath at times—it is so brilliantly daring. Be is the idol of the'' lower deck, and there are those who expect him coir work se k miracles in his way, in time, from Second Lord to First Lord of the Admiralty. 1 fio - -- co7 M4 for cult nd ugl dist! )om quer e ri n iY.. lot ea ks nd sr'• s tad to Inc rich has ;r' 8 ve c t of ng] ar etention in the school -room after essons, when the offender is given n extra task to perform. Talking wring school hours, except on the abject of their studies, is strictly orbidelen among the Royal pupils. nd they are also required to be xtremely punctual in attendance. ng, are fr m ten to one in the he hours of study, generall speak- orning, from three to eve in the fternoon, buts, of course, these lours have . sometimes to be varied o allow of the Royal children keep - ng various public and social en- agements with their Majesties. It may be mentioned that attend- ee at pub c functions in company ith the King Said Queen is regard - d as an important part of the raining of the Royal alirldren, and ometimes on such occasionse they ay have to make a short, little peech, but the Royal children are et expected to go through this ideal until they are at least ten ears old. The Princess Mary and her broth- s have their meals in a large room ff the school -room. They have eakfast at 8.80 a.m., lunch at o'elock, tea at 4.30, and alight eel at 1 o'clock, Of course, the rincess Mary and her brothers testantly have afternoon tea with e Queen and various members of e Royal Household, and on such ccasionis she Prineese Mary is now !Mended by her 'governess, but' lat- r her Royal Highness will have the ttendarfice of a specially -appoint - d lady-ineevaitiug. AT SANDRINGHAM. A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. —The secluded life of women which permits of little healthful exercises is a fruitful cause of derangements the stomach and liver': and is a countable for the ,pains and las ,i- tide,at. , xrany:+af ,them ee peret" ARPET DYE1N mod Cienuiag, This Si espardalty with the British American Dyeing OW Send particulars by post and we are mire to embed. Addrens Sox tart, Montreal. The Heart o9' a. Plano is the Action. insist on the °OTTO 61IGEL” Piano Action get er and and' testdxe`� health and vigor. , Themostdelicate wo- man can use them with' safety, be`- cause their action, while effective, is mild and soothing HEALS T1iE LUNGS STOPS mans PRICE. 25 CENTS STRANGE, FOR SAM. Frank—Sam, when you an' me was out at de party las' night you acted awful strange. • Frank, Sam—I didn't know.it, _Hove; "did .,I. act stranger. ` T1 Frxunk tyou "s Acttta y A DOUBTFUL HELP. A man who stuttered badly went to a specialist, and after ten dif- ficult lessons, learned to say quite distinctly, "Peter Piper packed a peck of pickled peppers. His friends congratulated))) him upon this splendid achievement. "Yes," said the man doubtfully, "but it's s -s -such a d -d -deucedly id-el-d.difficult rem -mark to w -w - work into an ordin-n-nary e-c-con- vers-a-ation, y'know." pRms PoR RENT ANf� SALE. W. DA.WSON. 90 COLBORND S"1' Toronto, NDRED ACRES' —'GOOD N, IIU �.Y $ualdings; near Bramliton, m} y4 EIImY-FIVB ACRE FRUIT • Bride House and Good Buildings; St. Catharines. • NUMBER OF GOOD Sr`OCK, GRAIN "▪ ILand Dairy Farms in Halton. Pti York, Ontario and Prince Edward Coup. ies. BVEq NLa GOOD Er FiUIT FARMS, IN ANITOBA, SA.SKATCREW 4N, AL LR berta and British Columbia Lauda. iu maxi or large blocks. $ GIVE YOUR BLUSH A CHANCE ANO MAKE MONEY WITH IT. You wottld not think of cutting down your hay or grain with hand scythes, and you should not use old pots and pans. Install a "Champion" ess nd.timake more and better eyrup with fuel. More revenue at a reduced cost. Why not try this? We have one that will just suit you. You are sure to win. Write for free ES booklet.THE GRIMM , IMoGntr al. Que. Kollseslolel Mecleme.—They. that are acquainted 'with the ster- ling properties of Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric 011 in the treatment of many ailments would not be without it in the house. It is truly a household medicine and as it is effective in dealing with many ordinary com- plaints it is cheaper than a doctor. So, keep it at hand, as the call for it may come most unexpectedly, t th t T ' YOU' WANT TO BUY OR SEl�IILie A A. Farm, consult D. W. Dawson, t;olborne St., Toronto. ACENiS tIANTED 'a( i M -GRADE SPECIALTIBS., FOB. . Agents., Commission basis. D. ;L., iwss Co-, Tillsonbut Ont. �v, ALESIVIEN-$5D ose. WBBK SELLING h7 one hand Egg -Beater. Sampler and terms 25c. Money refunded iifnunsatis g - tory Collette Mfg. wood. Ont. EASILY EXPLAINED. Visitor—"My good man, why are you here!" Convict— Chiefly 'cause they bain't fined the open door move- ment here yit." A Pill That L ghtens Life. To the man who is a victim of indiges- tion the transaction of business be- comes an added misery. Ha can- not concentrate his mind upon his tasks and loss and vexation. attend im. To such a man Parmelee' Vegetable Pills • offer relief. A . of trcatreent. according to. course �„ rlii•ectiorts, will canviriec�: '•'fie of AGENTS LINE FOR every home. t Write a us for ur che icthe list of agents suprloposition in Canada greatest agency proposition to -day. No, outlay necessary. Apvly B. O. I. Co., 228 :filbert St., Ottawa. OMB WORK.—WE 'WANT RIELIABLE families to operate our high-speed automatic Knitting Machines Atf home; whole or spare time knitting e trade; good wages, For all particulars address, The Canadian Wholesale Distri- buting Co., Dept. W., Orillia, Ontarip. HELP NlAN'`�ED. ONCE—MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; expert instruction; constant Practice; tools free; always sure employ- ment for a barber. Write orQcatalogue. at l g ti. Meter Barber Cnlleg , Toronto. �x]i iSt tVteS , S rsOil: 'i: Ywr`evize.Ira, 'tai 1 e3�CE:,•,. nfldentl;� ecomrnendeti . ' THAT'S 'DIPFERENT• they: will do all that is claimed for "Ate you'. a friend of `William them. 131iggins'1 ` That ne er-do-well!" "I should think not, indeed!" • "Then you'll hardly be inherited ed to hear that he' has inherited $roa,0O0." ""What! Dear old Bill1" "There is no medicine on the mar- e � .. 3iek: F's THEN HE WAS QUIET. Anti -Consumptive Syrup 1n expel- + f • the system the can compare with 1 Husband—You're always making bargains. Was there ever a time when you didn't! Wife—Yes, sir, on my wedding day. when Tis famine Eye Remedy No Smarting-1'0We kine—Acts qulcla7. Try it for lied, \\Hak \t.nary l.yos , i Yr P oranulated EYoUda.1 L,w; :aSa com In each _ ta.•prtten edSclnO"butusedlnsnecossfui )a- p�� eel Slane' Yraettce fUr many Yeo t +taw Dt9 d d1 t d to tbo Pubtto and sold by ^5• tllc nettle. 3 Eyes1 cu Yackaira t ap polmded bYonrUculists n4 Yb 1 e ase Surine 7 r g tstaat.. e• per Oar el ryeMurine salveEve Remedy Co.,sChicaSe In thechoosing of their friends. he Royal, children are given ae nob, liberty as possible, but their. e of intimate friends is of eeces- limited..,.,' The Princess' Mari mile, brothers n e ' her 3'0u � �: • dent addi.^essed"by•their friends 4.liply by their Christian names. ut.later oil they will, of eours'e', be dressed as "Your Royal High- ess," The Princess is now ad- tensed by her maid as "Madan!,' or our heRoya1: Highness" Princes as "Sir" by the . -oval servants, The Best Treatmen for Itching Scalps avid Failing Hair To allay ladling and irritation Of the MOP. prevent dry, thin and falling hair, remove crusts, scales and dandruff, and promote the growth and beauty of the hair, the following ' special treatment Is most effective, agreeable and econotnical. On retiring, Comb the hair out straight all around, then begin at the side andMakepartite, partinlgg with rubbing elt ofodeft flannel held over the end of the Anger, Anoint art Until theealocss abouthas eantreated the our.' ;scalp skin rnt�ter t an on teehia• �tihe � � to It's the worker that achieves success, not the workee, Mlnard's Llnlntent Cures DistOmper. scalp until cing whole t t t Ciitlenra Ointment on 1' irritating ling loin germs that colds engender in the air passages. It is suicide - leet .your cold. Try the cheap ,ex- periment of i periment. of ridding yourselfwhich is t by using Bickle's Syrup, a simple remedy, easily taken, and once used it will always be prized as e' sovereign medicine. Any girl can learn to love wm an an if she thinks some' other g ts hila. to plata a • light covering 'Over protect the pillow from possible stain. The next morning" shampoo with Outicura Soap And hot water. Shampoos alone may he used as often as agreeable, bet 000e. or twice a ' month is.- generally. stMeient for . this special treatment for wotrten's hair. Not. 'itbstandin Cutloura seas and ointment are• eilld everywhere, those wishing -to, try this treatment eend sending to "mai lisurtio a." Dept. Boston, by S. A., for a free sample of Cuticura soap and oiitteent, with 32-pbook Mx skin and hair. l There is no - poisonous ingredi- ent in Rolloway',s Corn. Cure, and it can be used 'without danger of injury. Efubby-I won't say marriage is a failure, but some are more thanfor- tunate in what they g others„ Wifie—You are quite right, dear; for instance, you got me, 'but I�--got only you., stets CURED IN 8 TO 14 DAYS. ' your druggist will refund money if PA70 Blind, ,58We fails to cure any ease of Itching, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 8 to 14 days. 60c. It'doesn't take a fast young lean long';to run through a fortune. idlna!dt8„2,lniment Cures Carget In Cetus, HE KNEW. He.A woman is always illogical. She --How do you make that ont! He --She can butalw ys hemege,er her birthday, RESOLVES. Resolve to economize. .To over- draw your account: at the bank i�;a nothing to your credit. Resolve to say,less. It is .just as easy to talk like a philosopher as to act like a fool. Resolve to be' a better husband. Ilusbarlds nowadays may be divid- ed into two classes --those who have been found out and those who are, going to beunlesS they resolve in time. • Resolve to be charitable. A very good` . way :t keep motes out - of: old clothes rs• to -give them to ' the 121.11:12_______4""1......____.NTED. OPPORTUNITY FOR YOVNG MEN '1.J' front old eountry to qualify' for Positions in railway station service. Studies may be taken-ud.Bye Hog -Study and also j,11 the Day a ;Cie :. br, wr1te Sof` nal lou.ars." I,loMmlon cn ut_ ere rapla'y.:To*1c;tr_ Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Sirs,—I have used your MINARD'S LINI- MENT for the past 25 years and whilst I have oecasianally used other liniments I can safely say that I have never used any equal to yours. If rubbed between wilel hands and n. haled frequently, to cure cold in the bead in twenty-four hours. It is also the Best for bruises, sprains, etc. , fours truly. J. G. LESLIE. Dartmouth. • TRUE SECRET. OF SUCCESS. Klymer—What is the secret of success in business! Selling the people what they want! 1.tietoburn-•-No, not exact edudating them into wanting the things .;yott have to sell. pbar.,. - Resovle to persevere. A perse-,'� vering salesman can get an order out of• chaos; Resolve to improve tile home. In every home there.js a room for im- provement, MInard's Liniment Cures Cords, c. err taOtt AY and b'AIM :SCALIie. Wilsotels" AA, Scale Works, 9. klal lade. Turouta. n1Vt;E1L, TUMORS, LiUM• S, eta. In. cereal and external. mired without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late, Dr. Belli!!.° Medica! Co. Limited, Coliingwoad. Ont ° TON SCALE GU9 BANl pad . Toronto. Wilson e Scale works, AGENTS WANTED. — A STUDY OF other Agency Propositions convinces us that acne can equal outer You will al• ways regret it if you don't apply for par. ticulars to Travellers' Dept., 228 Albert St.,, 0tta\v0.. PECIALISTS ADVICE VIER. Consult i7 us in regard to my disease. Lowes) prices iu drugs of all kinds. Trusses fitted by mall. Send measure. meat. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -day sto reto Dr. Bema. Onofor anythingsold in first-class dtup Ships will be towed thr alga the Panama Canal by electric locomo- tives running on either side of the waterway. If a dose of Rawlins Wizard Oil taken at night will prevent your having a bad cold in the mornnag, isn't it a good idea to have it ready to take the moment you feel the cold corning '1 A floating debt is a poor life pre' server to keep aman's head above water. 1 FARES VIANDS WANTED gore Only One "BROW} QUININE." That the aignatitre of W OC, ROVE tfserithe World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 250. There is nothing new under the sun. Even our mistakes have been made before. Worm feed up the vitality of children and endanger 'their lives. A simple and effective cure is Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator. Alberta far eight months, 15thMiarc 1 tE 15th Nov. for $S20 and board. Apply by Box 127 Toronto P. 0., enclosing at least two references from last lemployers, state, arse and fainting experience. R. A. LYOR H. L. PLUMMER LVON &Y4nto PLUMMER (Members ToStock Rxehatigo) Stocks, Bonds and Mining Stookslsought and sold on commission. Dealers In Government and. Alunicifial Securities. . . • 21 Melinda Street, TORONTO ' Tess. M. 7975-3 . Cable: "Lyonplum"• VERY PAINFUL. l 1ma.xalioa dear, boy, y o ft look vety sad this meorniug.:What's the , trouble 1 plant--I'v'e just undergone a most annoying operation. Flim --What was it! • Flaln-I had my allowance cut off. SSUB 4-12 canard's Liniment Cures niphthsrt, STURCEOINi OR External application for man or beast. Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities in the oil of . the STURGEON for sprains, lameness, at. Dr. Dow's formula has it in its best form. For. Rheumatism; Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc., itcannot bb equalled. Try it once and .you will be satisfied. • Price . ee cents. ASK YQi1.JF2 aEAS-ER.HE SELLS, Ir. The'l;raeley Drug co., Bole, Props. Ste john, N. B. Wile.