The Wingham Advance, 1923-12-13, Page 5't. Iftp:IN't`; ihrondet Kidney tiyer Stomach Tonic 0,1,14#0111,.ally Advertised, ' t. old 1. Next 'Year s otei. Markers Yellow and black automobile license pIatc-' Vivi4. yellow:bank ground with'. blaele` embesSed lettering, will • adOrn ()Marie's' Motor' vein:Cie§ during thn season. They will be'imade by the, $t. Thomas Metal ;Signs .Co. ofSt.,ThoinitS, Ontario; zirid,mill cost tla government tents „perpair. Since Ni, S. Henry the„new Mini- stnr of. HighWays; cancelled..the, eon' tract let `by' the old government with, the Canatlian," .(oler Type.. Co., of Hamiltp*;:t te 'department piepared f.2,noif:ziOi:nis,' and Called' for..rietentlii! erS; Wliinhi.:Wct'e.,..apened re cently:. .7.P1.1. . St:.'Tklernas.bnoble as.the.I.OWeSt 40114;. ai;Itil7 tilie -61-011)*:•ti' T,1167. tei.rti$'''Ofithe.'C'entract.;:ns' inp.TV'tisoie as,' OhtariO',,S' increased.meter,Car froin ,the change color' from blatkand,t'Whitei.to, there will be little 'altcr.atierf;ifi:ili&ctlit and."'de$14:'..of: the netii....li'enitSe.Plitd.S.;'; -Tlielettoing'.'.. Ile'...ap.proximately, the 'satne!izeitnS.'"thati•Of the,"breserif- rnarkeis.!;;.. , 10 „ miff ..4 A4t E, Ment , nupber.„ 17631, wiuch lited•Tia4t • duririethe perfdd%f years•whieh•' •-4 ,the policy ran, to.talleci'$59076C'F'" • The Mutual Life of Canada paid $1O1' 5S' That mntha afer3. Yc,4.0 ing the, -Whole, uf. Which '1,thet;coni.;=:' fa:f4k f0.#6, f...4,S":13.'0,11,9*;1/414,§.. P9A hold ..triorieY back e,,Nr`ki:Y*•'..$1.00'..be154iil • • ; • • •:-,•40, This daSe is not exceptional Atz; Y,9.11Wiikitetnitnow ,more, abont.• #1,141.1 .Pr.P6ti•PartiOipatingoEficlowinent.:1•,' l'F.141..eY,Ptha,couporkbelowis:re'atlYiat y.otirre tion will be forwarded promptly. ' HE 'MUTUAL LITE •of Canada:' Ikater100, Ontario "The Net Cost Life Insurance Company" Please send me detailed information as to the Mutual Life System of Insurance at Coit, particularly concerninlr the plap of policy I have specified below. NAM Address Post Office Province... .... Age.. ..... Policy Plan' ........ ... .. . ... 256 W. T. BOOTH, WIngham Local ftepreseidative ont.Origt _ Fling out the banner! let it float Slcyward. and seavvartl, 14;1i. and wide; Ile sun that lights its shining foltls, The cross on which the Satriour died. Fling Out the banner! heathen lands Shall see front '.far the glorious sight, And nations,..,crowding te, be born, Baptize their' spirits ha its light. Fling out the banner' wh ide and hig,, eorward and skyward! let it shine; Nor kW;.. nor itoc merit ours; We''eonquer. anly.in that sign. ' • .(.Q.;". Woanc • PRAYER . • 0 God, who'hast made...of one b1;00,4 all natiOns,.of men .to dwell on the 'face of the earth,. and didst.send Thy .breSsed. Son to breach peace to them ithat are' afzu.:off, a.nd. to them that are 'nigh z' grant- that z't.lf the • people of 'heathen lands seek: after Thee and. find. Thee; and hasten i 0 Lord, ihe.fidfilrnent of ThY: premiSe to,pour iquOTliy flesh; through Jesus...Christ:Our Lord. Amen, ...„,.. ocING ifir) E FUTURE ,„ jive for to -day and,plan..tPr'.,' r, morrevi,but few of ue,serietiao ,9,,..00 ,,,' fil Onside'. the iNipOicf.x.9, f 1 k :' . . ' ' ' ' ' . ! 4' ' :i ' ':: $ 3:9idsi: 11) lkic:srcnii;a0fioc:thmtgi;smit: :ittnhc:1 lorlo:erh,fedeothi ptritehifi Yilfie' lratu, nrai purchaseae ;rtieeefidfiatyli°fanfrtrfla::;:rl!a::°' :1Wercil lif;f:1'h:' 1‘ I:. • „:•.,,,,,IglitaletteristicS,t40$ loihe 4 ,,c,I.f.iv stii,aerf,ittittrc;e4. wr,h.ee.1.'1:- , tYlhen:e.'' .bing household. ConitneditieSi .,., , ....it !'lL ;74.7.44e electric lainps as an exaitPlq4s-: *Stdorrn°crs eild Oa, WINGHAM '414VEI •‘COMMt 0.0$•P''' '''• - Phone I !- Jew t,ie•:;10ke ttlist";c. Cbth, with • all onfc. no ' Pi called , Chief. of. 'OR; r• atid, ained rtoE'eiis. ''etrine rtO , ;tha'tpr - T 411;A: 1)°,14tiqn-W44 iade fAi.:4441tbr, ,;,ein-• 0.11•01t#.'t 0,01e • 1i • .1-71 tto'. t h 4hou' .ntlit.interfete fib f'4,10i1Ory aoxk oit.-,he;" and,l. lenen:Vfrithirall who carne 'to1 is hotisei letting io chanee paSS''-to,,preianhthe k don't God 'aitd t� talktyabOut JOSUS.'-' He 'Was tinn.kilested,;iby".the auttforities, bassi:151'y1 throtigit.."..'thn friendShip . thathadi.r sprung dp be twleeii,...hirn• and Julius; ta. eentlifiOnt';'of AllgliSttiS'-d')a,nd'intio whose care Pktit hat1.1„.benit:ent4iSted on tho,,,,i',q14rmo keine: •He erripleYea,Viese two years in writing these wonderfnli,letterS.•tc the churches at Ephe'sus1 Philippi and •Colesse,th at have coin e 41pwrithrOugli the'ages. t� "oiirt:.F.lay:"Ardent. love' for the souls of Men, zeal or the cansdc. of; Jesus ,Cflirist.dontinnteidhis life as:, , , „. • • Vie greaCinisSionari' to Abel Gentiles , dare' to sPWeak of 1,sqedi'71:-!..assage--4c't.s those things ...WhiehiiChristl 39,411: O.Orri. ro:18:ar. .• hathinot,wroughtliy to....malte,t114 ...!.,Acta'46ig-t54.TbetDiVine.Call•and QfentileS, 0,be,dienti, by iwerd and ,deed. ..; T ' 'ThrOugh mighty signs and wonders" tO;TnOf s Paul bo‘y a '4'4,6-10itqa;.'''ancl. brayed ,him, .'sa.ying1 abont Illyricurn 1 ha.y;e fully preach- nie.'..evef bate- Macedo'nia, and help ed the g9,s9qtt tttrtof Christ Yea so fis'''''And'aitet'''."he • had •seen,.the vis have have stri.Yek:to preach the ,gospel! „ion,' • iminediately ..:.'we,...endeatrtoted tO not.where qtri,s.t,.WaS tttallide, 'assuredly 1tgatht t. 'another man s ering that the Lord 1.1:4(V -called Us for fgqindatietn:,'..":"`But :•ta,S' it :is written,- to to preach,.' the: 'untet.'.1them; ',Witenr not spoken of, they Therefore. ir.loosing,r-fretn..,`TroaS, we shall. seettatid. • theY , that noti :traight:'2.tcotirset...tb Sa.:t1,0;0 Leh.,01 uidethnd mothracia, and the 'next day to Neal, :VatirsEp is tie::: ttliet.-Rorrian s -ttwas' polis; and from thence to 'addressed to the ChristianS,;Iiving.A.v. 14,0,61#;.p.,:i4et,i'oi.iiefi.:,,reify," Of that. part' „,,kZpnt.u.,,,..„1-4,4•11ad, beentrto tROine o colony ; and we, 4hen,„:41e,,yrtite this epistle, . -It is..noi 1in that cify*.''abiding certain - s -fiat the,:.Sablitatlf, we. went ,river -,Side, where PraYer was wont tO,....,,Pe.:,rn.ade; •• and ,we sat down, and Spatie„., Unto the resorted.tthitlierl :And a' certain womn narned Lydia 4 .the city of 'Thy.; 114; ',1-ii,r.kic11'"tVpi§1.1j,i51J,Od 'God,' heard whose heait thc Lord ' opened; ;Oaf ":-She'lftended',,unto the things itkhieli„.',""ikett..;;S.pt,§1Thii.,:::,' ;Of Pau1 And \trhen she 1 was baptized and.. tiler; -,Uuselibid,,,sheitieiOnghois, Saying, If ye,'Ifa...e4judged4metl't ortbeJaithful to l'''hciuse;' and ,labideAther"Fit , . . xjw by.70,17, horn t he igos p .mesSage first reachelti.iROnc,.113ut• 'Paid *tote that their "faith.- was spoken o throughout itheiTvh&let.W"orld" and he was veryt•destrous that•-hetinight 'have. prosperous:, journey,:i: by !the : r:of God, to; '-gn ,unto "therm.- Het Mind set on carrying the. gospel as; far as Spairt.tandtwitoirldiSee.:Ihenitoi the way, but inthemeantime he had ,to take.ta. coatributioa.,•„froirr, donia, andrAchaia t� the ,lpoOrsaints1 at Jerusalem. -As • Paul Wast't leaving Corinth on this journey, one of ; his icortivertS7-a. 'Vorriaircby -Efleb .iSt art ing :-.-frofattCenchreat. .12pite, and-Py.-her:.,Patilr, sent thisnepj istle. -In the part of it•which'tforins the last section -of -today's' lesson,,wd, :have the.? suinming up 161 :his tlaborsi .4,11:104 the:, ;Gentiles; t -t He -claimed this ;work ttiWastilustt-as heithact, by tt-thelaid.,: ti! Thest.totitentiOnt'b erWeen Paul and Bab Ihetaking iCif John Mark with theth was over ruled by 5ead-='.482.111el'','exferisiciii''Of • the Lel:lurch' Md.f6 tWP •briAeltfiik,' the; 'one 'in Cyprus by Barnabas and Mark, the other int, is knOwn as Paul's second Missicin4 ary journey anCit extended:„ over a: period of yeas': at least be St'd-in Asia 4itiO trav- elling along the great-RomaliTiOad of, the time,' visiting the citie0entioni. ed thfirst part of thiVc, hapter,: confirming the churehes alidt estab4 liihitiglitiakin the faith._ Wilten they' Teaelieif1104. a .vision', appeared tr.i Patiii'givinehim,a call to igt,y.'50 Eur.,1 ope..and viOtk there.. He toldlais fel-, low-W'orkifiTof the open ,td4i,:r 14.deeddiliCAd they were pres-• SegFaS'I:likt-WaS, for they iml,Irdlately, endeafiketfl.'.4*o • go there, '1,1a6tiredly galtherihg:;Aliat the Lord 4,40 -called! thern int&,'.4his new field. iqlfins was', an eritraznee.J:ma.de into EuilOO, "thei cOatitrY'tit,herelthe greatesOLttritimphsi, of 'the:".:tgOsPiel",:t.Were afterwai0 to be won Iii St pail's day a1l9nads led:: to Rome, rnetropbli:of the then,'"knO447',":*,ok'd, so theS4t011owedi the '•direct•---R,oliriari route Until they,: carne :t� the chieity•of titt , We are ]aon10 a 70, 10 01,11. 30•Y 17 PrrvilPiN 10. for. („11i.`11:e;30 dris aud tVPmen; in, big •cities &Ong the coast, trl Parr' sess greater freedent t, titan before. There is „ grave danger in education Without religion. It inay mean "II - cense", not :ttliberty".' are there,', fore,. ,planiiinE:;„ , series of tracts .ps- .peCially 'for tie.. educated girls and are calling rile ,Series "This Preed.orn F..ileries."• I am .woricing, on, one to be called "My 'Unbound. Feet", We hope tO, have them on such.topieS as ''What 'is Freedoni.?•'''''t "Ifse', of MY Time," ,etc„ We Plan ,to get several ,people..not living in Shanghai' to heir) write, thectractl,,, We 'intiSt: caPttlrq this r'iretrti liberty for J'esus Christ. t. . ' , ARE YQI.f.,ON.THIS 'It is natiM..al for visitors to • size 01) 'a tow ,by ,appearannes.'' .A dirty rusty toWit, appeals to nobody, arid we 'must keep., ,Wing.liant; from such. .is&as;will .cause.tpeople to* think we ',Ohtt1,40. 40'wn.'.gratle.,.Doesn't -it make something in you ac;he when yod passr a bitildi ng,.. residence o'r ,buSinesdi 'prop,eity,,,that.loOkse ,had weiaith-1 .ored,the,,,blasts..anerefljeted the suns: ,of pr 'mere. „fleeting ,,seasons? :Theite are splotnhes- and 1?lotclies di Over it,itlie,sliingles or piece's of roof- ing Often curl. up, it the. e..ndS like a „eeesorite4w Ual ••v cid )rObablY' Yes ht ( 'svi „ass-. '1'011r:wt.!. KeePirtitS lucid -etas of. the paper or coloring; .1 -heti -It to $uit. the ,Viev,tP9intS Of (::0al O. tt'af,kt,S I is unfair to the general run of patrooP. Ihenewspapers,do not ,riialv.ititt, 'They make events aVOP they have happened or chr o ni those which are scheduled for the future, 'They are not reSpransible for court trials, arrests, bootleg raids, political tivities and other happenings, in daily life. . It is their ditty to publish -What has oCerared colorless, free from. editorial oPitliori,,,-liuntsville Forester Spreading Out AMent Bros., Nyil have Proven themselves hustlers in the large busi- ness earried on in their factory,, saw, mill, and other. departments of labor, have bought the,White Son business at Wroxteter arid have taken' Clarence White as a partner under the firm name of Anent Brost 8.t. „White, who wilL carry OP the manufacture of 'C'hIl- drous' wagons, Sleighs, wheel barrows, etc., in; their large factory', Brussels, Mr. White being in charge, The :firm at Wroxeter embloyed 13 or more hands. Expectation is that ;the trade will be, boosted here under the enlarg- ed and improved ,conditions.: Ament Bros, continue_ the. heading and the local luniber ,yard and the -Custom coOPerage business but are Closing out Crank reformer's hair; neglect seemsi to, have. cove -red; it- with 0, mantle. the doers. sag,.,and ithe windows ,wink at: yon bleary tindifiletonCi` Arid. ,pe,oPle live and try to. do,busineis in structure! No one, can ,really live; I in :them; it is :not is existing), and very poor,- existence at. that. "N6- one-e.anitope,to.do bitsiness.:in sucha! place.:‘Such, a building reminds one, Of Tagged beggav,seekingt a job. A" ,a. little.' energy, a little traniform One of thesePlaii. ces,.., into a, habitation'. fit, for luirnati dwelling Or make,the former decrepi2 tilde „a mit': 'decay :give,: place to invitingt brightnes'st in. the Case 'of: a businesst roon,. ttA tramp goes by. He is dirty?, ;and rusty• andr-the fact makes hirry It isn't•-pecanse he seems to bel diiWn!..and ,out, that you :shrink fromi It is, because:he s eem -lazy dirty.: We mars onr sense oftthe: fit - res .-Of things,•the: jars. the harmoiryi of life.' It is vePY" :difficult for such 'inan,to find a job.' Eut.give him al '‘,shavput 4,ap. owt.hiin, shine; top rusty p,hoes,.. clothe -claim in -de-; cent ,gapperits plaee.prhis ra.gs and he Idoks anOther Hiveliar0 cest for; •employpicnt have increa-ledi two hundred,. per,••••, cent. The same thing true of prop.erty. • • Paint thel, houseand the 'barn arid `the Plant trees and and flowers.r, seasorrforrejnyenation,:is notifar: 'off:: 'Maker, y;our :pla,ns.,novp.tO help in the gne,rdI irnbroyernent of ,Wirighain: t' zibfl'hthe News of God'S spirit, been able -to aecom-i --77TlienewS published in any newspa- per, naturally -does `ii-ot Plish. He would.l'not dare .to lay) claim,,ta,thalt deilie;by'another.- Tak-il body. :itTo.'procitieet' a newspaper that ing„Jetttialernqas't'aeritre'lie hadi'Cov-I Vei thgiatify:.the Whiins:"of eVerY'in-' .eted Athe, totintik trountl-raboutPool • ' " stituting no.Araaltrvartrof :Then kupwaworld, it fully pr chin t iwbrdr4andatieeittrtis fourrding °T6Inireltes wifOfermoneVrliadtheen..ibeforetliiCias ,:he.,l'Saidotilesp-Inshottld-ibniltiton*noth-,•-• 3et fonniiatidanHe'fhalikribleen' ._olipSensbyd Jesus,' tz."to''' 2.beforethe tG.ehtilesi.vatid7 and SiOn daunting:tit :-Iifedeak:4111---i but -i -ever !itgreSsingt"1 foe - :ward "toward lthe mailefoesthe pri2e ..0174hel high tcalliur of, ittidY.:,ln Ch-riSt rte.; n;.'t WO.Rt-D' MISSIONS lE*Iiracts,:froni- P".1 haChin1,7.; q: want you to know-and'share f4tures; -,,curI-work,,,•,,in' adoption: "Happy , Childhotid".r Sub-- script:ions are still' goinginip,-7'We are now printing nearly.7,000 every month that TIt^" had "- ''''''''''2i'a'we'''''41`^^""``'--.1-tA;ffl---....1*----Itil-l- prospeiotis,'.71ourney on thei•Mediter-, $parching.kCciirrpetitidn in the Inaga:•; ranean searvoing from Troafta Near: - polis in two days; From tlWe they4' had a hard climb over the Olidiintains, to •Philippi. After this 4.',5,tii-esoine journey they rested . certainqili>ts un- ttil,:". tfte` Sabbath:WWII,, wliil tthey, .aft0 :theieiiiiKaKcatraS, seeNiut for the Jewish'plaCe' of 'worshr !".',.1 There I could not have been man q!,devotit J_ews,in the city, for .acCordiniito the *Icabliiiii'eal' law wherever Iteit. wise nien t.'' ItiVedrit 'a synagogue might be ,estaplisheti. Instead they '':fciti,nd a PLac-e. eti?0..er,417. a river side,, -where '4.-iliti-TWottierVwere gatherett;to hon- or - the •,Gcidre.:of their fatheiS,'. Here ,•1 and.' to'thiS'Srnall congregation Paul vaa`chedliisifirst sermon rAjt,It'Europ- zine. WeTprorinsed, atitbook every, ,one who did it correctly. Up, to date 'ab,ont•135ol, notrdottNantp:virag.4faVe febrile ,we.ilfave; let iutsClve hz. ''tfor more than we expeetect 'ylinwevef, we have just liadprinted a little book "A True Hero" ('story of Daniel) and ,we are !sending: ta. coprpf 'this. book ;salthe; prizei -This' is nne-iWay alstif•bf diatnibutingit:- tliteratOe "'and am sure eaclite'littlet batik read by a good many people, pig 444 r 7 'TNo,w11 have -t another lOvely thing to' tell you:- We -:are preparing 'a PiC,L" tuf e,Olto Oki ,f or • e hine el.ehildre t'? 'arc calling it the"Flag PiOtuienBoole• because we are hairing the cover the soil and.he had at least,','.o, 4/4 C.. <3191,8 „of "t, hel. who Was a feWess by ,are.--•litittnig . stofie4.-- animal stdries,•., .children!s';:sOngallarid,: 'other nice . things inside.. , It is not yet out of the •printing: press, but 'we have already redeived oders for over I,aeo ;Wel arot„7:pritillingks,boo ,tblood,ttiborWlitt. Asia Minor, btit' resid- ,iqg AurOpe, engaged inti'btisiness and'ilier'efOrett't most likely :la Widow, !the: head; of'hr household WhO after her'e66eFsi'oli. 'offered andrPressed .nrion...•Paltl,• 'and his . cornpainctris the ,coPies: tind A ,think•s•they''will be sold hospitality' •of her home, ;Paul set veryt. 'quickly." ! We''.totight to ' havd the example for all time that, small congregations should not ben,despis- "eft" They have been oftentirries since the very places where goocV soldiers llay•listed under the tanner of Christ. This was an impoitant day ini the hiStory of the Philippian 'chtirch and, although no further', men- tion is found ,of Lydia, her coli*ersion was a fruitful one, 'It was 'not long before their teachings broughtthem into contact with the autlioriiies and they found themselves beaten:4nd im- prisoned. On being • releas0';' they left Philippi and travelled frotn) place to place until they reachedlt!Athens. Eventually Paul reached Rorie', but ,in the ineantitne, he,h ,,adendured 'NS' he hirrisaf !says, "In lourneyings often, in tths of •.waterstin perils of robbers, In' perils znyp!,twn countrymen, in perils ,by ,t he iheatten, in perils in thel City, in perils itt the wilderness, in Peills in the se'4. In ,perils among false' hreth, Cot, = • Ada 213:30-35—X'aul in Rone "And Patti dwelt two whole :Years in JUSown hired houSoq andieeeived 'all'Iltatleinie'in tininiuni, Oeaching the kingdom: Of-Ando,,,0414 eaching P414 ed.a larger eclitiory,rbiit.tht-pthit,! unfottniatelYt; nliaite-'7i6:' paidr• Want...;•ottl.....frienklittrfotAlcribW' znade•At I %arrirAtiite'•',Su-re „ther-0 is: 'not:another „piettirechoOkhiii' the to' ttliiiijeT,cif .ithe j thi'S' ':book: wilb bilinr tip Ihet.t.lifevandthome. Pft-niany 11 Chides:The'trak- dy,-is•Iliatmityl Will! net. bOable 'to' liatve-iit:.'bedttaq.1itiVill 'COS tt Cetiti;: 'airri; they; 'eannot.,afftird=it. ratittnd our Saviour is gladwhen He seei any:: ,",ehiltlihmthirethidst. Easti4.eekitchad4trletter 'Troia sortie' lePerg it, Who bottutofreeneVeiY"'....intofitli. 'NO t 'letter isaid,:t-'!":1343Pyl'Cliildhoo'd. td1inkt1s ,f�it1oui Pala"' tAthother llapp3r'feature of our' Ina- gatirictt,tis 'tthe interest our '.readers akez,..2.idevelobing- , peOrer thittrithetifselYek.:i' artfele: in'the jaapterleabcfut 'pOtitettf knitt"readerPliaVt4,Madet' and Sent. liftliaa:".giffi fee -thein4 kliete ' planit bo ing pitfie'd tO;' mut? ity )44114$ Son turned olitii'0Oodsthat, ,11,1 ;alt, arid trot) t -ti 're Otlu„. linos will be #9:44g$t4 ' put 4nci. trade. Arnent convenient a'ird, and are close teng. sale trade. Tlae BULlei• nlent of the business win' Ontini14, of course and a little 4(1(662 ger" but into it. We are sure Brits- SeNteS will be vcell j)leased at the crease to a valuable local indirtitY d will welcome iyrr. White art d ployees to town. H 01,11r..5 teown will show their faith in. our good town by financial investments. particularly' with the ex.pected coming of Hydro next Spring, there is no reason why we should not, flourish. Boost in the word, but let it be of a sensilile, practical character with kite /lying left out •of the prograto. The town , Co-uncil and. Business Mn' Associa- tion should , stir up' and see. if the knitting factory building carmot be tenanted or sold to Porno going can - cern. It's too had to have it standing idle2.—Britssels Post. ,4600 tifte Let me sliow you how a Toronto you Instal is Toronto Litter Carrier. • Litter CarrierWiltniakelour stable I wantto show yoli" how the tinat Cleaning an easier task. . , .. and labor it saves will pay for itself ia You can liaVe a cleaner stable,°ne srl'311. •142ealtatrile.oawttle and get rid of the ol , CoilitesiisfeagrialtfipTtrt 0.,,i'l-19'easterge; d slippery plank • you're 'id town. -1 , 1. f ' ,, • rtittO.' • An entirely new body design of remarkable beauty as well as practical utility, is the distinguishirig feature of the new Ford Coupe. The libely lines follt3W itt die' griCefal 'Aveep from. the'xiew high radiator • to .the "Tutde-tack" curve of the tear deck which has been enlarged to ie convenntly accommodate' bulky grips and Inc gek • , • IfJpholSte.fing iS hixuriously deep both in the seat and back,..,the covering being of Half: brbi,vn broadcloth with ro.ahogany stripe. A recess shelf is providecliSeh,id the seat, for parcels. Interior' fittings include revolving window regulators, and door locks and .hanalet3'..fmishecl in nickel. The large re'ai *indottv is fitted with silk • poplin 'Shade in dull eilvert12-nienintings'. The Windshield 'is Surmounted 'by a bro.ad still -visor, which protects the eyes from glare. • As a handSonie ...and practical all-weather car for town or country, the new Ford:Coupe Cannot' be surpassed. New F r Pi Coupe, $665 • eFttlor Sedan, $895 Ekurre Stetting and Lighting Zetuipmeni Standard cm theft mode& °routine Car, $445 rktriabout, $405 Truck, $495 Eteeirkr Starting arta tgkting Equafteht 01,00 All prices L o. b. Vora, Ontario. Governsatent .1%.1.1tta 'extra. All Forel models may 6‘ahtaineil through the Pord Prieekly Purchase Plan .11 — CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS Mo CRAWFORD eadier Wirigha,m, 'FbnoMbrol omP"ANY CANAISA, LIM Irtt FaiqC), NTAtql . 4, t,Y,'Itte,ott,1"11.1;t1 4,11 14iil1i 4,1