The Wingham Advance, 1923-06-14, Page 21
$4 long
gos far,
40 yet,
'he Te
that is --hinws ReBahl
ee did riot realize he was
eVesdroppiug. Tho -knew ledge that
he was the pivot of the eonveimation
magnetized her tO the seek She held
her hreeth now for the deninl elle ex-
pected to be forthcomingL
"And why not? She is bot gi
to Chita l"
Tu head wain. She grasped
be edge ef the door toesteady herself.
'Mat did 1.1ecle Wang. mean? Wes he
disowning his own blood? She made
a step forward to confreet him, when
the derisive lapel a Chu Sing sent
her shuddering back, and she listened.
A. V
Tha Toronto gospitai for incur -
titles, in _affiliation with fiellevue arid
iUUe*N'ew York city,
offers a, three yea,rs! Course of Train-
ing to young women, eavele the re-
quired education, and desirous of he -
elating nurses. this Hospital h
atiottled the elght-hour ov, stem, L'Ie
pupas receive uniforms of the school,
a monthly allowance and travelling
expenses to and from New York. For
further -Information apply to the
The I.iveryman e 'Prayer.
zt vta a hot August afternooe when
the ',gasoline stove in ura.. Jones' kit-
ehen exploded, ,OeS, the Shack
was the ouly house in the bleok, no
ens Imerd the noise; and, no Otte eaw
, the fire until the flames buret from the
window, As 'the town was a new one
in the remote l'ireet there was no fire
company; and there was, moreover,
not oeought water to light sueli a fire,
Mrs, Jones was:terribly buraed. She
had managed to dreg herself out of
tensely, feartng she knew not what, poise and self-confidence in comparieon the ramie and when, neighhore came
"A gift—a gift of the gods!" with her years astonished him. She they earried her away from the intense•
Tue 1Iee'a heart gave a throb - a couldn't possibly, he decided, be more at. ,yhe dootor, who arrieed a few
relief. She wanted to threw herself then eighteen, and how lovely she minutes' later, examined her /Miller
forward laughing for joy, so great looked, like eome rare, delicate, exotic and said there was no litiPe for her.
was the relaxation that swept aver flower with a peculiar refinement all
her, but instead she stepped out into her own? Why dide't English women "I want a' ininisterl" pleaded 'the'
..--......... the hallway and proceeded towards the wear gowns that rippled like pink waman.
dreeving-room, be bead high, a true Tose 'eines down to slippers as dainty "The minister's gone to the net
1, mandarin'e niece and daughter of as buds? • town to ,preach," some one replied,
heathen •China,
• David MarsdeU whose artistic eye we9offythatleaErea::aeleineiY incitererbeseteeudty111, IbvhaPat- Tl"Slic'elnevebonlernPerharoOfkal.thniele'r htheselidel"; all
eing vision that entered the Toom. For and seeing. It reqeired great effort,
ellit4.assbedeellea:irlyngto'tonireeer thisetebeh:Ildierarl otciu' aiMgr.ipti on his EIVO "Meal hearing tehreadt throue7nd could do was weep. None
0 cant asonnidethb .0edyhaplfradyozteonriumeenvg,..ath,
f them had ever preyed aloud.
lzriiti‘ eot heart and failing miserably, David endeavored to get a firm and .
' six days he had been delving asside- , though. Yes, her voice, he decided,
ously Into Chinese etiquette but now 1 equalled her other points. It was soft, Without a word aim Peck, the livery -
stood forgetful of it all, aware only and almost lasy in its nonchalance, man, Stepped forward and knelt by her
CHAPTER V.1.--(Ceet'd,) I "Ah,, tell um shout her, Line dear , of theeestacy of being able .to gaze 'yet was saved from monotony or drawl side. "0 Lord," he began, "this isit't
As Tu leee eoefessed the face 11041 You enen
d Miele Wang speak of illy ,., again into a pair of eyes the blueness, by an almost American alertness that in me line. 1 should be prayin" for my -
held all her attention, Wen' Toy read; dear mother so seldom, and to think Ieof which had brought back a little of , rounded off each vrord. self instead of somebody else; but,
ITo Hee Paused' in the middle °I a Lord, you know how Mrs. Tones is hurt
eueutenant. pant culeer, adopted eon i haven't even a picture of her. I sup- God's sunshine Into his broken life.
of Dr. Neu cave, a New leerk, who I Pose, though, she was gentle and "My mole has been detained, Gap- sentence. "But perhaps I am presunm- .11 h wants bd't pray
liao been awarded the highest honors obedient and loved the husband her „tain Marsden, by au unexneeted ea 1- I tuous in supposing you are interested . her. Now, Lord .. ,, . ,
, , Ter aer. ram, e. n you 11 he p mei
i .
er" es. leaned Tu. Hee a , h ' i ue After all Tour mission in our
of France and Great Britton, theparents iioe for her?"
Crete tie Guerre and the Victoria becometleuddden1 bus with him Ler Jaen& "I aal Sal'e he regrets country, 1 understand, is not volun- an cave her, we'll all go to church an'
Gift Of Tne Gods
resYaing Ytable.1,keeePhig, 3`oue„, weeitinge- for Uncle Welig tary." • learn 11°W t° Pra3:' Anler""
Cross China has a AlThen To Hee paused she uedded andAs ?uectualley
I o ev. ressed her e tun eta on
I "Indeed, Miss Wang Toy, the East "Did do e-rong, minister?" th.e men
countryinae conferreag on barn the. d
pr and esteem of „„
ego e in the quick, nervous way she t The time flies so Tepidly in this , has fascinated me from childhood. If said to the Rev, Henry Walker on Sun-
fennous mtered ruby of the Chow tlyn-
husband ,,einele great leuei ',had been kept waiting," renesured' I assure you it is not indifference It .
aety.• The jewel has riot swerved fesem..!1"e
its natural course, however, ae the Missee Tie Hee. 'L David, obeying her ^notion 'to be is rather that, please pardon ms. for egeetive as any minister's would have
'Yen fled reoet. Your prayer was as
AV en excited, "Yes, yes, madam' intesestiiigromI didn't even know I I appear distrait and absent-minded day, after reiating his experience.
young hero is a dived deseendane 01 "Oh, 'Axel ow I envy those geetle, seated. !what may seem abruptness to your
been. The Lord looks an the heart,
willowy -bac ed creatures who ass us "This interests you?" Da-vid fidgeted Eastern training, you are a very un -
the Emperor Woo Wang himself? I . . net on. the outward appearance. 33ut
4lHow wonderful!" breathed Te Hee, t m their rickshaws with. downcast eyes), under the quizzical look in. the blue 1; usual young lady."
. ,
her eyes shinieg, arid then, meeting, waiting ler their g,reateat joys in life, l. eyes and wondered if she were laugh- I But Tu Hee was not at all affronted. MrPeckGod has called you to be a
her guareiures glance, the 1,e,,elleatiel“ a husband an a son." ling at him. He decided .she Was when I Her lips parted in an alluring smile Cliristien, and, as you, led in prayer
wloy the picture bad been ehown het 'Ali!" There was 11, hopeful note in, she continued naively: "Please don't' and she leaned towards him eagerly. for :Mr$. Jones when she Tay dying, He
of ,
rushed ever her. She turned wide and: Linn's yoke- 4'YOu ensele. You toe' say it loolm Unusual tii: you. We like "Do you really think Me that?' Do, wants you to pray for all you neigh
startled yes on her uncleShe 'had, want 'husband and son?"
Ito think this room is tolerably foreign!' seem at all niee to yore -foreign eyes? hole e
looked urn the picture he delleeet,,l "No, I envy their pliant natures) in appearance- 1 know Thiele Weng .0 Captain Marsden, if you onlyr knew -,1-io yon think so-",
ashen, the 3.0.ang hero as oue of -heri Len dear. 1 now 'if uncle should ever q had that object ho view When he fern -Pm -a* I've been envyingthe smiling --
.., 'I !mow it! God. wants o
yesas the brother that bad been deu,
bloodone of her own noblhouseto lead
force me o marry - ou ear my, bad -te ' • I creatures on your magazine covers for
own , e ,
husliand's eyes out and then run away.' It was with a decided effort David:the past week! And that pretty young this town to Christ. This tragic death
, -•
her Bewildered, ehe dasped ami Poor dear Thiole Weng, I'm afraid be i made himself agreeable with light ' ladv—Mrs. Claymore told me she is Is a commons' ker. every man and ro-
i -
ueeleeped her hands_ Te.„,e, lc r . sg rron-i doesn't yet know the little demon the .r_ talk, an entirely new experience for. 'your, cousin—vim find me interesting- maz in Pie town -l"
j`,etien and, a note of pleedeng in her -gods left' on his hands; althougb," ad him Wben with the fair sex. His ad- i after ber?—what word shall I use?— 'T11 have a lot o' tbings, to unlearn,"
voice when she spoke: 1
, here Tu Rees. TOiCe became softlyIndretien for the zastern maiden wail eh yes, vivacious company?" answered Peek thoughtfully, "but with
But he is my ceuein. Unele Wens?, reminiscent, "I believe I eauld $41mo5t growing by leaps and bounds._ He (To be continued.) God's 'bele Ill try!'
Weng oy aside the book.
eff, &adore Pa. ul Culver."' • The next Sunday he and four other
teldied ealadt, and evenly as if mak el .., 'MO.' Lee 'humeri so quiekly thati
men -came fOriard and, kneeling he -
Ing miobailengable statement: elle:we be): of rouge- tiew out -of her hand,1•• fore the dergeods, box.; that ser.Ved as
as my nephew, but for reasons which, half a it kdging dc'wn het neck and
.I cannot now diechme. Child, the fact , the other half on top of Te Hee's head. PolPit, received Chelstien baptism and
the eight hand of fellowship into the
"we'alel notpreventa clo,ser tine/ice." l "ScamPlering micel" ejaculated Tu church. Peek was teade a deacon and
'You mean, Uncle Weng, you. really' Hee, Peermg mudouclY in the glass at
me tolnarry—° her brightly powdered coiffure. "Shim- prays with spiriteal fervor wiamiet.,er
the absence of the
done? And dinner in five ritin-1 _ there is need. the dying he;ve sent
for him in minister,
Weng Toy lifted hie hand. 'I wishl', mermg 'ash scales. Inn. whet have
Onie,- fur aur happiness, my child. It' You
evonid please me °lily if it pleased. ubes. Quick—duct ma, You imowi
Hand he never tenses to help Men, and
'yot.1.24 i hew uncle hnks murder with dinner! YOUR SUMMER FROGS • MUSROOM POINTERS omen to- find Olirist.
But the words brought no relief tot, waiting- 'A Ode she was talking' To,;- Batiste and Vaiencienres keelin preDarin mliskroonas, .put
To. Hee. It seemed thatthe inevitabieee,. was ducting andImocleng f ,--n4f---, sheer voile and all-over embroidery ,I i -small piece fe.em the stem end and
was submerging lier will power., A '''''InetY at the red Powdeae whieh seereedl. - '. •• , - , - , . . . :. , .. ,
Dmuty area tucked net. bele muslin...soak. in ealtea water eor fifteen min- ---------
istrarge thiug had happened. A prob-.'.M. with es irldferth an.hd cdtrelaidfmr eteerfun‘e, euemideeeee If yeu - are nbat‘s befuru using; then peel the e,aps,
entenluselleaelerft entered
ahershelerf and h\l'illiihe'hereseithe..clueierve;',1-"0.5 s'aepeed eet'eseti:el,t e 'v-te:e , in your teens or e little eider, these and unless they are to be broiled cut
' te
"45 -
Bending towortte. .her, onart en, Tn. „ _ , you, 121 are the,_ereeni- ,..,,of the eheer_ _stuffs teitlie,m in haldvesr if large .,
Hee breslied his forehead with her Inn forced her wringing heedsi cheese .frete this sennumee Take anee A eery e mous se eueree elush_.
I apart, but after fruitless efforhi, to, tee of Vim, add fieunees, tiers, oil room dish known as neashroem. ragout
lipee and ran froin the Toone
• ( dislodge the bright .0010e, she resorted ' times that look like Okiet seztions, and is made by frying a. quarter of a
fl ellAx„TR vli.„ I et, artefiee, Inewmding one. of the Iener eau are alpeoet sure to come out with" 4 -pound of prepared mocimoms in tkV°
$ the night Captain Marsden strands she citelr It "'6r ts3:* t49 Ilf.', te Pret'4" frock - Itableenotins- of bacon fat Then add a
title at the reetlI4arte• 1.1'111 Reele heed' gb7he'g the °Deal...Intl eon see, eat geode won't stand Tien enP and a 'KO/ of fhl'l brown sauce.
Ilee'e lieeks glowed until they metch-i ef e -e. ch°10 'coronet ,
ed the 'Mute of the gown that Lan wae, entuhing her reflection in the lone, the severe tmatment. we nave been; and skinner for twenty minutes. Add
.,,teestenheg.. so pz„,oudiy. intirror, To Ree clapped her hendee giving organdie for the last two ,oae, half a teaspoon of .."teb..en bouquet.,
"You grow 'More tile Your motater.-Yoillee a witch,. Lae, yowee made: theft. years. They need ftiramiug. tablespoon of Worcesterehire sauce/
every rlay,," ecateeiied the Old nurse, me two inches taller, and when I MITT: Lee' lee, to tut them an. And fane..%. eel: and four snow of diced bacon that has •
.stending' back end sairveying her, ''''Y head ca, 'Uncle Wang will npt 'dare 'Ruff them out Pmlalmest -meitedle,i...own. cooked Erin, and brown. Bring
•to evert leek a eceld from the corner '
Charge with head on one side. .4 hie el.....a! .. use the ward linserie in dese'ribingito the ho -Ai ,..," Peel- t and serve on hot• ..
5"Yes„ that hair dress does enete But: them Thezes so mu& lace.. Lace torifemst slices. -
Missee To Ree,, what you know about; edge the berthas and the sleeves andi ,S-eniTai mushmome—Sielll another
Paulee Culver?" Rounce.s. Yen can slip by with ane good rezipe is sUzire- el meshreoms.
i "e,r1V1-41: tenely, Lee.m, you don't need to rowbini three etr fear is en thefierepare twelve very large mug and
be told any part of the family 'Wee' orete.„-ee. - -•• g ieeee em- e•
,....... eorvtl" ,1 •,_ se.... ...,.....,--- i
(„,:,-, Lue„,,,,,,,..
s h,, want together), As ane zeitelit exneet,„ when deintle4 tabiwueens of hazier, add lialf a tehle-k Not Compenterited.
'''Welir • :i noes is the glasillbY ft, be achieved,' the -spoon ez eeced hel„ ee and thecnop- He ..ei dput
Tee"Griet Mead/tan swede/wog
prowfdes pleasettie action
19r youk teeth, sille0
vey4etratito the CRevieeri
eind otenneetag tem.
Tieeis,, too, it tads
time kettse ekorie
Whit 06.r Favorite HYthinis
- Are.
The Etude 1Vitieteal Magazine has
been makingan attempt to aseertain
what are the fa-vorrte hymns of the
People on this continent. In the census
taken people of variene vari-
oue creeds) and both of city and coun-
try localities are included.. The result
*as that 32,0'00 hymn titles Were sent
Ili, the titles and number of votes be-
ing as, follows: Abide With Me,
$ 7,801; Nearer My God, to. Thee, 5,490;
Lead., kindly Light, 4,161; Rock of
Agee, 3,432; Jesus, Lover of My Soul,
2„709; Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Al-
mighty, 1,444; Just as 1 Ani, Without
One Plea, 875; Jesus, Saviour, Pilot
Me, 487; My Faith Looks Up to Thee,
236; • Al] Hail the Power of Jesus'
N,Bree,. 220.
Between 160 and 200 vote: 0 Love
That Wilt Not Let Me Go; How Film
Foundation; In'the Hour of Trial;
What a Friend We Have in Jesus; I
Need Thee Every -Hour; Sweet Hour
of Prayer; When I Survey the Wond-r
rous Cross.
Between 100 and 150 votes He Lead-
eth Me; Intim Cross of Christ I Glory;
Jesus Calls Us, O'er the Tumult; On-
• ward, Christian Soldiers';' Guide Me, 0
Thou Great Jehovah; o Mother Dear,
Between 50 and 100 votes): "Will -
There Be Any Stars?; OomP, Thou Al-
mighty King; Softly Now the Light of
Day; 0 Worship the King; Now the
Day is Over; Come, Ye Disconsolate;
One Sweetly Solerroa_Thought.
. •
Othroidery; Crochet, Fancy
Needle Workers
We sell your goods on consignment.
Send a stamp for reply.
Lingerle.and Specialty Shop
120 Danforth Avenue - • Toronto
A Innhealthy ekin
the arst requirement el et
he.statiful entngterice.
The dellyiase Lift:huey
• is the sfraple„ sure, -Ivey
to Ain 10 -dines -T.
1 __ _., ....,_ ..._ I
"Donee you lamer hes emceeh! lace is Vedenciennes. Flounced dit.-..--e-er,, pee sinee and fee ler eight enegueee. all the world eteter your feat!"
_ray cousin earaeeee Bet at etee, , are made sh-eigeet as to ,-Feist,,, e2. Mend in one and a half tablespoons, . She ---"Sir, permit me to say the size
Hee paused. '42 -ail you doutf-,1, rather eleese-fitting eltdre fegundedere ?1 of 2 -em, mid chitemee seaack to moisten,: of my feet would met permit the caii,,y-
sal-tm 1iak-s---'1. And then just'as melny Ateentee, as veal a .t0'°' le-eoen "Of shredded parsley, saltei in,g oat of your ambition, by any
°Com -se I. emowee all—bat hew you i The ae.e.„,_,_- i - emh; - a n amta papm-fem.4% "Mste said a ft --r ere' -e- i -----"
letowr Then fearing she had co ' ee... er 1.- eels -Ian ,e,- 2131-e. ", e +et 'f'' an "e . ''' '''..' 21' •''''
rtdeked herself, the ww,.,,,,,,,,e _tee,. ered 1-0.c. Ili,. a lorr-o-warZcrat Viir‘r", riu,-: O.r. nri—eg, „ _eel., _ it„,,e raps, w
vitrikly : crIft,,..ster uo iii.;'7;:ily Inun; , bon sash that blends. wee% the rounding them up; cover -With buaeeed r
: 1 ' lafi" - " ' '' Afina Liriirriptat for Coughs &Colds
to speak." cro.,s .an. dalee I -teen minutes Mr
i "Ah, but lee different now learinee: This' brings re ts another steemn•,- .4 2.z:ream= eandwithee are vaetieu_/
. ...,t `: a bee even ,
Circling the Globe.
dear. Re is a vest man. He won Von-, tereerauge: rilobo, edges. There's a 3tee eeod d rather a 1,0., -re,, preel By airalane the earth could he dr -
Meted boners in Europe and the Clievie,: .geeee -earierter =Die eseeceeke for , -a-ee lees e. . _ ,,,,e ea _. led .a ,... __ e _....1 a. ..e..i .. - ere
dyneety ruby has been conferred onstdsta-t4, „.„z.oneeree,,,,,,,,,,ses te.„,,e,e,,,,,e, eaves are par, a 4ea,,.. ar,ter of la. Pottadinuf,mt taro, ,i, ,eal ttl'aelarl:erte,ueLY5ablroit nal akin8/1 le,me
, .„,,.., , 7;r1 of a narrow and wide ribbon , u e a,.. ..,,,,6 a ,,..,,itu. ime.y.,z,,,,,,,,,,..., without a atop But tele le
ne en pleeeee,, an =nom- „ ,. ,. B
bends.bad,,Thht,c-raorke ouickine orefru ceer'k:' vs;c4-2% .e.eagewbite. et,,nastatIle%zaL eh' =llama i,,, -,091-Ti_dr:r.i .A.i.-.1„,,.rvld ot„,a,,,Uhil‘haolldd ti, earot- eek are tekell beee consineration the
1 le sal' co'2!—Treeeel, " eae w„.om, an a ..,„,,Ea t theZ td C n't, von t'maar, '4-'''' mmg Pa - ine0 oossible, and when stops and so
ens c p -el - - _
• frartil IV:"' open mouth. • tlow and blue ritibees. Oth
/fe—idedto- iithe-r- end- a chuckle% crm-le : blue, wit:2a_ ...1.,t's fialm, .. f.'s. edgederthrottes n,171;te..--teld—ceda---ce--sl-les-t,ry-..70-'. 'alai of Vont!'works oat atuoarlY three months', -
idsee,„, 'b.:et it 'wonderful?'" T. nee,,' are eeanoped or pirated. An you have, 1:;:saiteLeeltred pe.4 sAirt leRa,oztess thsismiwtha wthleatiwnie, alDiel:eiv.pedari by
be for the arta time in her life eniss-: to do is to -,wre the age of ebe-ffeeucce ' 0 a Ti nn ci• i '`..t ' d
g her earee.o, ara,:hin, toneh to hat,,, all eighth, ef ,t,in iitea, press, ii, .1,,,,,ii, ir,..s.effiee„ient..., eteer,,aezafee de:es:sing to', fel' a reland-the-world flight when he
-1 --, "Ting ' e4 net it , . . - r. , Trs,e , et flan between met his death.
, one., wee ge. th, fine/ o her„ the ree,,hee,, end el/rest:1,th ,e, le moieten, T., se eh g
Needles of Clay.
Plan graph needles which produce
very elem.. tone are beteg made at
i dignified zoieure herself. „ ' - . n e 'Ices of ye o e wheator gra-
nescse It ves turprietagly. fast. 1 e
' 'Little Paul," muttered ele, ,crainese,- . — In, bread.
mare "The gods bookee Tare the n.*1 In the tmse of a three -tiered &OttI,
Frain the doorway Tu. Hee-tureled, headings makeatfractive trhamings.'1
' and looked at hercurionabe bet what- ' A plain white baC`iate or vane could be . CLEANIN
. ever' questien was on her lipe remained . =sae quite out 46f. the ordinary ii: 'Phis formula, can be with
sb thst rzfir-taW thebittiEvoar, etneteedered beast* es, wool..equal suttees. to a thensandedellar i
tz'a' .•sh•-,-,1-3- .4 e 5 ice nel%egreeeinseetedeei oeimital rug or a homeetede braided
away her eariesity eke filew hum 4.'" :re 'ga'''' - - "• "'" ' - - d ert ,
, { ireh ahove tim boreani of the Size or knit or crochees or -when rug.
:Ire' eped deven' the, hen emeards' Tiece haudIngc' varY Inveiddh' flum' This slatt It'cl"allits**
iirawitgereore vette Teethed, her,: ane to twelve imam Pew wide tlereet thee bex soap lakes., or em equal:,
the reandatieS study. Slie:feeireitch barede sea effettiva ,„ ofeenlity of" soap shaved from bar,
d, trAlerleed that her neelle should of eeearse, not ,Eri a vv., terea and ' on. borax, 1 oat soap bark, 11,,Sqtri
hie. ileersiga Vest so inforrealbe'
have bee ,te hie ptivate,, aperte,ffenneed dresses are elterecoftou. no htt watett 4 me neentoreie.
She eippeli 1,,eldizet tka heavyll'''ett.8 itter4 am°St as effmn :t1slik Ii"..: bv,„.rt, add efhilket,i'''"'''441-Sb7. hetwgrlatedrt(lanaPd;1 -
te, meIrjez her ;mese after her", amall-patterned einee, tit*. eze e,
ed haste, ed larrj,4 ,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i u,,, ally pret7.,, . Here the egges 2ari - tm, bon wan well dieselved- 7-Clext, add the ;i.
a and 214 qts, cold water, Ltilei
hear C'he Sinee V4-1,0e002tairlg frem the! 'with self -Hee and the faistlikete fie- a
room, anetied batsalmi: 4 Idled with Tilben—gresgewhi, picot-atas eecday. The soap inteeterreef; ,
"Bread, you tall yeuree.lil Tea are efted eleeve., or velvet 'bending, forms a sliray mass.
' Yeeee thee erlth' stele itreleing„:" „4, edge a the eldirt Le sitraght. it's a ,, se,t, :this 1 II'
she wee have ee molest? left ee 4 ,, taa, a straight skirt S-Inoe the tewer t-veelte,,,e,eec ,,e• '
Wereg Te -S. ragy came bac'," lege, style that egied in checked' Itm..ja tib'I
life freedue-eTrietil it a Aelein dlegreteet 't'ag".5- v1.2-7 17.4' 15414mr4}1-111.21114g th• is 'la e'11,1c°7.j°-grto dhe allthasetthbo:7:71:lhat:b:rlan;e:::tipeabr!,
std tezrse. strip
bizedbg yenreelf with foreign elates.; And ee-eze heateeee. „,asl
.he parreittinee thot giii to, diet opeele., 4.• by n ' gradually frOut one
oriel a, ire, detria, Tett tau her totem ratene, show a iliezed effee. in.
te eisSped Est tar.tas:,, gin.gham or a ,
nereously. nate before led shel 0 las. *LI fan s
-file rag eaf4 wstb e datep ;dal,
/,,, heard bs ssto Ile her goardisies-L : ere 4avenial est
voarerttbe had eaueht a slap?' .,, 'Ills iteitattens a
,litating a wmatti. en
*re -a drat-
ta realiststtdo, or t We
lb Adeiela of you."'
V 1 Its otter's rats ware
eL, atalost 4 lashing veltifac
isntti .0011.004 td. ter
otita . atrano
arvel:Nviih irartv
so popular: Tint Ctlir
MntiWerrzrillib.447040 :GeravlsofeS4
AT iveu,xt 1-A0ewA45 stOut
orsi nteriet te rot rout or,
twang nisi ni zerlkoir moireeur4,lialot
tete needy 'eluesa if rte. -win voles eiz
ramxt azzol tattrae.
elett14811113NG4 00.
ye! Sauk t1Ii Toronto.
aiati tee
it. 0,041(14
iradaY) ru1,4,
tea). following the Groat, War estate
Men Or. :Dee
In England undee the istireere taxa
after estote is' paeeing' from file hande
Of be lieredlLarY ponle Oers
merely told to wee:Rifler persone, hut
mew are broken tip or fram proper-
ties productive tOr A'OPeratiom, chiefly
.ot beauty are turned into farms and
made to cern thPir keep. No doubt
Via la -vo01, though we can but
ivth15s with the hard-pressed owners
of many loVely domains vvhe in the
past eave 'shared with the public tbe
loveliness, Of their hinds. Some forty
YT7$arc' V11-1:6Peleh,a newcrtt;GI'ieAnia170fe-gleat eates(
Scotland Were divided --and the op-
pression of the tenants on others, was
,eorneelsorily lessened—there was lit -
Ibe r0,11:eci7e,oscinhi ,t0a_iwnryd sI fds:srmm, p:itl lie 1 zbee sw,
dently related that he was called to the
defense of some t:Prisoner-s, , crofters
under the leadership of a 'Village chool,
master, who ted been arrigned .1Or
their.part in a deer raid. It was not
a .poacher's raid but a protest, a laW-
'lees and itirwise .one perhaps., but the
erown, authorities overshot the mark '
when they called it "mobbing and
`thaes: total thalabesesiop6t:e'o' saysyaanys
terror or ,alarin to anyone except' the
deer or -the hawk -or the curlew, made
,charge ofenobloing and rioting ridlc-
alone. The advantage of it, however,
• fro.m the point of view Of the aderinis7
tratien was that it could be followed
by, such swingeing .sentences, even
that of penal servitude, as Might stamp
out land agitation for ;a generation."
The defence did not try ta.proVe its,
cheats. inno-cent of offeese , but that
their offense was merely under an old
statute --"assembling and- tr,espassing
to the number 61 five or more in Pur-
suit of game" penalty five peunds
each. The climax of ,the trial eanie
dramatically when Lord Shaw argued
the impossibility of ..the mobbing and
c!,. a reegie:;:x1C
"No less than one hundred and fifty
square, miles of forest under deer!The
people lifted from the ,good inland
holdingsto the wastes, near the share,
and the whole. island .consolidated --
,turned into one vast solitude—for
sPortle Then I quoted amid dead sil-
ence', Tennystm'e lines an pagan Eng-
"And there, gEew great. treats of wild-
. erness
-Wbere!n tie 'least 7asever more and
But man was less, and less,I
"There w -as an- up -roar in, the court
in whial 1 think I saw -the jury joining
with their feet!), atumult that' the
court ,a,nd the ushera peremptorliy sup-
pressed. But thejury's; naiad .iwas
clear. All .six prisoners were leenet
not guilty and went free amid
reatione." •
.ranch tied the trial inlet, to the
people that; thirty years aftertvards a
Scotch boatman Saidesoleinnly to Lord
Shaw's, sen: theee ie many- man
in ScOtland would die for your father,"
Leaky Faucets on Public
,Every time a •Ganadien forest burns
'down, the publio treasuries are ,ettip-
ped "of a future eaShee-eturn. Under
our ay -stern 01 foreet leases the pro- •
viacial treasuries of Ontario, Quebec,
the MaTitime Provinces and:British CO-
himbia oollect so re,apy dollars ,lor •
oveer--ye thousandefeet, ftbythoeloMber,
,opetator Of for reiryceed. of Pulpwood
cut lythe paper Maker. ThisareangS-
ment, makes, :the public' It frial1014
Partner Witati the millMen. When' fire
deStroye 'the "limits", of the '"JC Y. Z.
Oomeany," the latter le of COL1Me a
heavy Ioiee but the Public: also sacre
floes the yearly reel:eines' that. Would
haie -00111S' to '016 Treaserty , Wen the
ritreg-oli"the Wood one.
The puelfe impressima, "that "eimits"
represent "alienated' , resources 15
largely in enror for the public treasery
Isea finencial shareholder With the
lessee, 01 the Ihnit and dn ease of fire
daniage, thee penalty is fixed an both.
Por example; ono :of the largest
spruce Ilmite in Ontario, has been fifty
per cent. destroyedby eresPectere
,searching tor Minerals teat were ileVer
found, The limit holder lost part of
cuddbouNlemireltd,ratihid,e', tlro perof +t,ihneekatimiolaster
bold his own. Re dad decided- te, try
words, but atit.011:3.7 ,was, usually able te
Ponest fires are' paid for by the Publie
lion etude that. went up in me:dee
catch little jelitine- spelling Zeta
Dad Smith was toed et trying to
TO6 Smart fer Dad,
Y0'U 00n10 :::117e341 tOle°4v8iiIng. Sb'88
d -u -m -b,"
'Weil, didn't, I eay that?"
"I Ode' t hear the b, Jolinne,"
eiy‘le,..,,i,eee not euppeted to hear it, sled ;
te,ivollot said the b•was sleet in thet
. 7,6 tiecover ije.bc
. 471i,e wey to, get to pay 1110
n le'tt,1)..ez.heot
Uine 3,t1.
4041'..t01, itieW;it
enit„ "'olione,„•,tlebtor