The Wingham Advance, 1923-04-19, Page 7IOtlrsday, April 17, 120. k Ingham Advance Pyls�eirshed at Yr high&tAAil," OntBriG Every Thureda, Morning A."0, SMITH, Publisher Subscription; 'rates: -'-- Gee • year, 42.00; ta'ix months, $1,00 In advance. Advertising rates en application. Advertisements without specifie,di- rections will be "inse'tee until forbid end charged accordingly. Changes for . contract ': advertise- ments be in the office by noon, ' .on- esmennommumernmessoutramozoinenoommasounsems $U.I iESS CADS Iellln.gton.Mi3tua1 Fire 'Insurance Co. Established 1840 Head Office; Guelph Risks taken on alt classes of Insur- able property on the cash or premium, note system.' ABNER COSBNS. Agent, Winghans DUDLEY HOS BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Victory, and Other Bonds Bought anti Sold. Office Mayor Block, Wingham a VANSTONE . BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. WINGHAM DR.HeROSS >B Graduate Royal College of Dental. Surgeons Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry OFFICE OVER H. E. 'BARD'S STORE W. sHAMBLY '"✓ S,Sc., M.D., C.M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and. Children," having taken 11astgraduate work 1n Surgery, Bao- ter?ology andScientific Medicine. Office' ie the Kerr `Residence, between the Queen's Hotel end the Baptist Church. All business given .careful attention. Phone. 64 P.CD.: Box 113. Dr. Robt. C. Redmond M.R.C.S. (Eng). .' (Lond). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) s R. L S 91:Y A T Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of.ni.edicine; Licentiate of the' Ontario College of Phyeiciane and Surgeons. Office Entrance: OFFICE . iN CHISHOLM , BLOCK.` JOSEPH !NE STREET, PHONE 29': Dra Margaret t Calder General' Practltidfer Graduate University of Toronto, Faculty , of ""11Medicine, Office -Josephine Ste two 'doors south of Brunswick Hotel, Telephones -Office 281, Residence,` 151 F.: A. P..ARKEit OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Osteopathy, Electricity. ' All diseases. treated.` Office adjoining residence, Centre Street, next Anglican Church (former- ly formerly Dr; MacDonald's). Phone 272. D. `' H. cIN CHIROPRACTOR Qualified Graduate Adjustment's given 'foe' diseases of 'all, kinds, specialdse : is dealdng with chmld gn. Ladysittendant.. Night cane r'e'sponded to. Officio on Scott St., Wingliam,..Ont. (in house of the late 'Jas Walker).. hours, 2 to.5.30 p.m. Evenings 7 to 8 p.m:, and by'•appointment. Phen.e 150. A good crack filler for floors cail'.be made by mixing flour paste (flour hotted in water) weelin lestey.oi; Penne. Built for Years of Service 'file. •'nrans.PPorb ci 'ai:to htitot`: for Sinai! lobs is bulli to stand up under hard ur;age, It cult ldbOC la halt when build- ing alloy, toundatl ns, barn Hence, ate, Many fanners tea �t to mit teed or fertil- izer. Mado for hilted or power, we also be lid larger elka ntigierg for heavier worlc, write' for booklet. GCi01-f , SHA1'I:EY&& MU 111 CO.,I.i fluted '200 vmangt. St. theintterd, On't s° , iso+ *ilmlm+h>w,4»vii fir Itl' s1't<' tine 41 crutaiiirt uta southern .W ra 'Cts .1.lsd twit:not4e 'll;'uus kali .District Bow Stirrer xr diiafton e3*ojoet An f e pecially' good ldcetiof foil -mixed g' and dal in Splendid n pFortunit "for young men klopi' • lit'in districts Where good lead eattfld h r b 1t hi'e 561 ©s. e t at a to 1 r!e 0 g1I �' xrx11,, SS S O.kO iUT7:F±Ihi�I 6 Mete°. t Gree are fully settlletta Old another 10,000 Sores ODES reedy for settlement; reatelentree di,ettimee front raliroarl carets :fillets: Good roatI, teleptione.e tied schools. :easy. pea. inerts, Octet:klieg overeft eeal'e. ' IVO s b the Beet need, BOY til' dttl4e:t'tee ee rite 'f ole further informs t Ort o,t� xaal r lleire 'Iia , Vx, OA fOlt M C O P'At1tlt i'At41.11,6 � qD Wu.-lt*'r«dAM'NHriWtbitilAYNnimbin.MiklAni'iMwtlwcdsaAum*NNir le 71' yda roll your owe., ask for [MM70 (rope iaboi) Newsprint From, Grass. -After pear ycars-of experimenting a, Florida man has succeeded in making newsprint"paper from native saw grass. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere bresist8bee.Eyees :V are those which are bright and sparkling. Keep your eyes young and beautiful through the doily use of Murine, It has stood the rest of time. At all druggists. URI foe yCus EYES , wake g habit. East or West Eddy's Insist on having EDDY'S! Preventing Disease. T modern The m ern. aim.f ed -ie npre- vent to e - o medicine vent disease rather 'than wait for it to declare itself la's'nceuraging, In form- er days people used to 'remark with some amusement that among other "queer" customs of ' the Chinese- queer because contrary to our ideas or practice—was that of paying the dloo. for only eo long ae you were well; hut nowadays we are beginning to think that tihe custom is perhaps net so fun- ny after all. We have , always been fond of saying, "An ounce of preven- tion is worth a pound of cure," but, curiously enough, we applied the Maxim to almost everything' except health. Now, however, we are coming to see that it applies to bodily ills with special force. The modern effort to prevent disease began with: the doctorst,'who in shite of the good-natured, and the ;sometimes ill;natured, fun that is -poked at' 'them are. trice Ioversof their kind, Since; with . somre- 'f'ew exceptio'ne, we have not adopted the Chinese plan, the doe - tor earns his living solely by caring for the sick', and the fewer the seek the harder it is for hint to earn his liv- ing. Nevertheless, he is working oon- s'tantly to teach people;how to keep well:, Societies have ' been formed for in- structing the public " howto avoid tuberculosis, cancer, heart disease and ,other great scourges 'of mankind. Cr.. I C ARID UCKLI GS In: any quantity from proven layers, in the following varieties: white and Brown Leghorns, Anconal,: Minorcas, White and. Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, White Wyandottes,, also White Pekin Duoklings. We carry, a:'complete line of Baby Chick supplies, Hovers, Brooders, Inoubators, Lamps„Spare Parts, Iiatohing Ego., etc. We pay express and guarantee 100% sato arrival, Write for circular to the tSoronto Heights Poultry. Supply Co., Ltd. 2048 Bufferin 8t., -. ,liorotato r F;ine43il+'f�%kiS AY erreileli'Yo-"ielie. ieter,i sas, ,Fn+ei,'reeiii,:+ct".ti.4,Slg .1Y-•nue.mre,,, t Dissolve in. boiling water Use enough to get a big lasiing suds r,. Big lasting `sleds one secret of Rinso's,amaz- ing power to dissolve dirt. If you 'don't get lasting 'suds, :yogi have not used enough Rinso. After soaking, only the most soiled iraso, Soak can hour or more vvonniglit 1/ i/e a oi».dli-• (Colored clothe* only half an hour) ,light rubbing with dry R clothes need Your clothes don't Deed boiling if you use Rinse. But if you like to boil your white cottons, use enough_ Rinse. solution to get this suds groin like. Ringo. is made l t, the largest soap: makers the !:world to do the farili lash �a3 easi/y and safely as LUX dards fine things. EVEI BROTX 11 RS i titTI f'E 1.) TORONTO : f 1i e ,et.f1i, v mYJLvipniia,;i:iiu hili .3112 'l' WINGItAlit Moreover, assoolations of medic .j Splen have been established ter considering,t the hest .lnealls : •to promote public. health Rad to prevent ppide tries But at bottom responsibility for hiealth rests with the individual, who eliould. form the habit' of going to his 'phyei- ciao for a eli:an bill of health Just as lie goes to his dentist to ascertain the condition of his mettl1.. Was Methuselah Really Old? now old was Methuselah? Nine hundred and sixty nine ' years is the age with which' we have elw aye credited this patriarch, Now however, scientific : research has reduced the figure to 78% years! Experts point not that there has al- ways been a, certain amount of doubt conoor5Lipg the great age supposed to have been attained by patriarchs, and. many the'oriee, have 'been. evolved to reduce Biblical records of this kind to something near man's normal spent , It is supposed that in the earliest times the menthe or period of a moon cycle, was . called a year. So that 930 years of life, calculating a year at 291/2 days, -the :length of a lunar month, works out at 7514 years. After the m'onth.year them' would appear .to have come a five-month year, the limit' of five being derived from the fin'ger's of one Land, for primitive. peoples used' the fiagens•'for purposes of calculation. On the five-month year basis; Abraham's 175 years shrink to 72, and. Isaac's` 180 to 74: It. is also pointed out that it is pos- sible there intervened a six-month year, discovered by Jacob while watch- ing Lateen's flocks. Thus Jacob's 147 years work !snit at about 73. The twelve-month year, originated with the 'Egyptian's, who saw that a complete period—was made up of two "years." in one of which the days were longer than the nights, -and in the ether the nights were longer than the days. THANKFUL MOTERS Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little one shewould use :nothing else. 'The Tablets give such results that the mother has noth- ing but words of praise and thankful- nese hankfulnese for them. Among the thousands of mothers throughout Canada who praise the Tablets is Mrs, David A. Anderson,New Glasgow, N.S., who writes':—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my children and from my experience I , would not be without them. I would urge every ether moth- er to keep a box of the Tablets in the house." The Tablets area mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach; drive out constipation and indigestion; break tip colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Great minds are the lighthouses of humanity, MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mail is. by Dominion Express Money Order, MRS. ,l. GILMORE DISCUSSES CASE Despaired of Ever Getting Well, iytat Tarlac Entirely r. ■ _v gib__ -__h v' _--Life. lfiilidHG''L8 ,�S�EI (4714 rl' Srt86a.e, She Declares. "I was just hopeless of being well again, when along came Tanlac, and} to -day I enjoy the bestof health, II will praise this medicine as long as I live.” This grateful statement was made recently by Mrs. Janet Gilneore,. 78 DeGrasad St., Toronto, Ont. "For seventeen months I led a miser- able' existence with stomach trouble. My appetite left me' and anyhow I was afraid to eat, Gas . on my stomach pressed around my heart till I thought I would smother, and my nerves were so excited even the noise of the child- ren playing;, nearly drove me. frantic. I could get no restful sleep and it was next to impos'sibl'e ,for me to do any hourework: "Then I started on Tanlac and the first bottle convinced me I had the right medicine. I now feel like a hew. ,person, without a single ailment, Tan- lae has no equal." Tanslac is for sale by all good drug- gists,, Over.. 35 million bottles sold. AM + W _ 11311 iNV EMI'S LI Ne iT E D Write ffor'lefet of Ctu trent Iitdestttriatst oppOrtUn ties BLOOD NEE IN THE :SPRI Try »r. Williams' flail -Pills as a B10o0-i)[uprovil<lg, 'icalth- iRestoring 'lrt¢)iliC. livery man, woman and child needs new, rich, red blood a this time of tie year. That is a scientific fact. All doctors know it, The blood grows thin and poor in the winter; there is not enough of it and spring shows the ef' feet. _Take notice and see how many people are pale and srllow at this time of the year, They complain of •;being easily tired, their appetite is poor, and they are often depressed and low- spirited, That is x !other nature urg= lug them to improve their blood sup- ply; but often tbeir di„estion is weak- ened so that they cannot turn food into 'bleed -without help. Mere is where modern medical science comes to the rescue. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills have'a direct action on the blood and enable you to get full use of the blood- making elements in your meals. You soon feel their, effect -your appetite improves, your nerves.: are steadier, calor returns to 'the cheeks and lips, you have more vim and energy and' can work with less fatigue. The above statements- are borne out by the ex- perience of Mr. J. P..Greschuk, Jauow, Man., who says:—"Very recently I found myself In a badly run down con- dation. My stomach was quite out of order; I could eat bat little and what I did eat did not appear tcenourish me. I did not seem to have enough' blood; my hands and legs were blue,, and I had no' strength to work. I tried sev- eral medicines but did not get good t'e- suits. Then one day reading our news- paper ews a er I read about Dr. nl illi P R W ams'. Pink Pills and decided to try them, I used e, half dozen boxes, and now I feel well and strong, have a good appetite, and. can do my work with ease, Naturally I have great faith in this medicine as ablood-making tonic." Whether you are seriously ill, or merely feel easily tired and out -of. sorts, you should try Dr. Williams Pink Pills this spring. .They are sold by medicine dealers everywhere, or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a hex by writing The Dr. Williams', Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. No Night Work. Women in Japan wil be prohibited from working at nights by a law .en- acted by the Diet. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. The daily use of the Soap,, with occasional touches of the Ointment, is very effective for keeping- the hands soft and smooth. For red, roughor sore hands: On retiring betaeinhot wdter and Cuticura Soap, dry, and rub in Cuticula Ointment Soap2.1c. OintmenttSaadSOc. Taleani2Se. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadlanDepot Lyman., Limited, 314 St. Pau! St., W., Montreal Cuticura Soap shaves without snug. TN hours of hard, hot toil you are paying . for it in. health—in, time stolen from pleasanter things-- In the Walker electric Dishwasher an entire day's dishes are washed, rinsed, sterilized and dried in less than ten minutes. Is it economy to spend hours doing what the Waliker does in minutes and does . better than hands "'me n achlrte'thei'a cart do it ? more careful hands," than And there's no breakage — no muss— no wet harids---noshat'- tared nerves. The Waltzer avoids all of that. See it demote... etrated--tole CR `MIAcw,ENr stud, 'te McLitial S'S utcr MON,VTREAI. `!'O5ONTo 3J2 J lelt.Sb:l Binding OtTAW A lou ::›il4o 40 0 "- ono aad Breath Overcome a 13a bXChfil'I is sign of decayed sa, P teeth, foul stomach or unclean bowels:"' 1'io tlr teeth t)A are god, kr1ook. to your digestive organs gat once. Get Sci ti's Curative syrup at druggists, 15 to 30 drops ps sfter Mattis, clean up smut fOodpassibe sod atop the bad breath odor. 50c. and $1.00 Betties. Iso nob buy" l°I 5 I ate 5. Oct(`.ac "t C.1 . t the al uil�c 41 i 14 , Hurley Machine CO. Limited 66 Tem erance Vit. Totouto' LIE NO, is no ig. Ball Outfit and otherIrises, for oys and Gide, given tor selling a few dollars` worth of Government' Tested garden ;seeds at. 10c u pkg, Wepay you oa.sh also, iP 'yet► wish, 015 P0,44 Street, Tepxoato Send sue Il' tESI, 30 pacicages of eeeeo BeedeaI willf eturn thrizes, feni ti a at't sell expense. your Name: . 1 Veleetetie .1Ai!AI1O(; O '' Piet`}p'Z y"I£SNAL� �� e✓ AnItatoui' Pi,,yo, Sl:etcp s, Manaloppakr xonstrel sroltea, cscitativ, t J1C uP e.T� p Goods, et�.' k1Y,raexftl i P,ublisbinp 'Rept. -w, 10 'Yeeoy' Street, New York. SleatAIMPUerr `It.ri.W1I,I7:EiRT PLANT Q4TALOCgC%lii l:.7 Pres- Ali the best varieties ¢4, Choice deeprooted atockc, Try the w0131'w derful' O.A.C. strawberry, ty, 11. Brad*. ley, Strathroy, •.Qnt,. )jy�''• ADIES "WANTED—To Pb A.1 and light sewing at home, whole or spare time; good pay; work -sent any disxtt cei ohargas Pala Send stamp rot', Ph c National ,-Manuracturipg do., Montreal. Copper is s leading product oi?` western" Canada, Ante$ca'r x'Xonee' foe,' 7.023.0 xat,okt DOG INSIWF, and Bow to Food 14atiled Free to any, Ad - dram by the, Author. R. Clay llloven- ,4230. 129 West 24t Stw 4t, New `York, V.S.A.• :`.Thio T,nnlq SI oat of do ,, best;over wrlttep. for the- horasintutautd' theft,nuor. Inplain, � u everyday, neer• u Y Y, i. with query ntl heir that 1P horseflesh Is hair to, sad tali@ how to trout them. It has obalitorn.on'shoes t i,Wf aut�ttsoing, brc&diug audfecdlug Tho boat: is worth sooty dollars to the handler of horses, but all you hu,•e to do into ask your ditg61at for it. 1115 nisplutely iron, sero 1A one opinion i Sours Ssswxnr, las,, Isp 11, 1922, "Please send me; by mail your -GREAT 'book Showing positions Sud, coin,, of elck horse,. Slave been using your xendsu',5 Spavin .f eat• meatforysorsandtblNtitiao reattrut,aeot" PERIdY ColtKtThf. If your druggist has note copy of the book left mite us direct r Dr. IL J., KENDAU :CO. ; Enoshurgg iIFaIRe, Of?,q RB. S.A. 8 fgaMEEREMESZREMBEEZMENE EUMATIS Iviinard's Liniment is the old reliable. relief for' Rheumatism, Rub it in to theaching a htn g y.trtand you'll, goo :why by?. generations hare;browned It King of Pain. AILING . r Lydia E.Piukham's Vegetahle i xe.a pound Brought Relief ' the •it Other Medicines Failed Port Mann, B, C.— "I took Lydia E. Pinitham sVegetableCompound'beeausa" I was tired and rune �,iteN'_.I down.. I'llad':head- k Aches and "no''app `e- tite and was troubled for two years wit sleeplessness. I trie many medicines, ,but ,i3dthing 'did me art Bealgood . While I was living in Washe ington I was -recons mendedbyastrangep t r to take Lydia ' E. '. Pinkham's Vegeta.* ble 'Compound. I am stronger and feel fine since then and am able to do my housework. I am willing foryou to lase these facts as a testimonial."=Mrs. J. C. GitnAVEs, Port Mann, B. G Peels New Life. aid St:mm.2th ICeene,N H.— "I was weak and rung down and bad backache and all sorts of troubles which women have, . I found ,. great relief when taking Lydia E. Pink - ,ham's . Vegetable Compound and -I also used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I am able to do my work and feel new life and strength from the Vegeta- ble Compound. I am doing all I can to advertise it."- Mrs. A., F. Eksutroivm, '72 Carpenter Street, Keene, N.H. Sick and ailing women everywhere in the Dominion should try Lydia E. P,inkham'aVegetable Compound, ,: 0 — less every year Sloan's is rapidly inak- ing widespread suffer- • ining from rheumatism a thing of the past. - Millions can testify to the grateful relief it brings. The moment you feel the first twinge of pain—apply Sloan's. Its tingling, pene- trating warmth gives IInstant comfort. Before you realize It the pain disappears. Try it—you'll find many every- day uses for Sloan's. Made in Canada I> ..,,,'s Lr i entoki1ls ain1 For rheumatism, bruises, strains chestcolds itIEGIVd You Can Make .lig Profit.5 $4 to $5 per acre invested in fertilizers on grains haslrequentdy made gains of 8 to 12 bushels per acre on Wheat, or 25 to 30 bushels on Oars and 15 to 20 bushels on Curn. Remember it costs just as much to grow the crp,ps when you get the low yields as it does when you get big yields. Your profit with Big Yields is many tenses greater. • Fertilize your crops this spring with GUNN'S SI-IUR-GAIN Fertilizers and get the !Biggest Profit possible. Consult our Agent or write us. Agents 'wanted is territories where we are not represented. 1204 St. Choir Street ;e TORONTO limited UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer ayer Tablet$ o Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by' physicians ilurillg 22 years and proved safe by "millions for. Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis tlS Earache Lumbago Pain, r'ain' Bendy "Bayer" hexes of i3 t.tbltte —Mee betties of i4:,:tad 100'-- )ruggisits,. ,ho,;llrin la clic ts'atto snarl, (r' iiirf,r 4 in Clarinda) of helves titular:icin„ bf ttoet r`rlt ld nutt,' of S o t4ylit nota 'V'l,{ it Si a r.li ICnntun t11S't A1,1)1rtlr' t}toeti, 1,tIreI.' inn:lufarture, to asset tb;. r l,1di S5- 111,', 10111 1,51'11$, to, 'i'ai,l,'t �of;BBuyer C otalsal¢y Will be stltnkled 'TAW). diol, ten.is, tatde snuck,: tee lceyor „,toaw,