The Wingham Advance, 1922-11-23, Page 5Tfaurty, November a,8r1 rt. ms: r,I'x,'AWA .41:'I, V A N OUR STOCK OF CHRIST- MAS. FOOTWEAR IS HRIST:MAS.FOOTWEAR'IS NOW. AT ITS BEST. ;Me are therefore in a much better'>riosition to give our cus- •toiners GOOD SERVICE than ae possible a week, or so before Christmas. _vv he Leading S e Stre of on County Phone 129. 4,1a11''111'I;Oaf' ii.. ,.:` d .,l EVERYWHERE,TfitE., CHURCH - �o•vsgs'•�Iw.se+aep+m�,sa'�oauo:a ro^�'°'�rq�. Pictou- County, Nova Scotia,` is the "corner -stone of the Kirk in Canada as Pit/Mouth Rock is the foundation of the American:. Republic. It was' founded, nearly_ a hundred and fifty years a•g-o'•by-devout Highlanders' from Scotland, The decendants of „these settlers have made their birth -place famous by, the brilliance of their suc- cesses, in everywelkin. life. The high- est records attained have been in: what is ` very dear to Scotchinen namely Religion' and Education.. The number, ofnati''e`Pictounians who are in the ministry` 'and in professorships is P henom ta l:. Hence, ,the awhol e Dom- inion n - inion will.' in tie honors to be paid those hardy . • ' ' pioneers,when the day Y arrives. July h , I 23 .W. hick will be the beg inning' of celebrations, lasting aweek ,to ma rk the hundred and nd fif- beth ',anniversary of the landingIn all the ;rchurches. 'in tbeCounty special services will be held. ;The' following days Will catty otit a program, cover- ing the four �1ea'dtng46wns, Pictou,. New Glasgiew, Stellarton and West- t': i z Armistzc tree $econuri g• .a.feat- ure in the ,q'h tth year" -calendar, and national life. '•:Irl New }'York, in. the Cathedral' of•TSt. Jolrti• the Divine,. Bis- hop Manning officiated .arid there was a fitting sermon by Chaplain Knox of Columbial_Tnivereity. In England, the appeal went out from the Estab- lished and ' Free Churches, with the warm endorsation of His Majesty the King, that during the silence of two minutes,, such words as the following should be used in: prayer, In remem- unrtecl their colleges '''he ' MrCr.ie.' :Magee ;College Of Derry, and',the As- sembly ,College, Belfast, have ,antral-' gamatet their ' theological faculties, rofessair David Sp ith, the wi lI- l"nov}rn theoiogzca} writer, and Pxofess- 4r Paul beAn trainsiierred•frope Derry woBelieSt. A inne'lieon.,was given to elcpme the ne'W'-pro£essors' at which the Moderator of the eAssenibly, the •7ery le>r W park, .presided.' The Arts} •4c, mise wall he.' continued at erry ai}.41 ate•Gbvernrrtnt have been pp0,41.0 ;'t i fsirtf f inaticial help. Thete;aave been ..a: goodly nember QQf interest}ng •:anniversaries.:. Christ hurch,•jPort ,S riley,;HWinchfor a hundred,lyears•�hes beet affeetibnate ly called„"T,he little- church .;on the enf;;K.rte.( eek, "rhos been eny, 44;7;40,7. B7;4d 0a,, tl renttylte:r d and bautified. ,b •.devOzpt member:a and the children .of. the ,`founders.,„ The, present, rector, is Rev J:;,R, Rytlacll., •St',Pauls Roman ,Catholic church, Toronto, has just passed its hundredth anniversary The b i» which had c a I Iced t'h 64i r s t ,Catholzc'virorshiripers in•'MuddyFYork' to ,service agaiYi tolledl:and• an irripos- ing procession of archbishops, bishops, and priesets entered' the sanctiraiy: !A message°, of "congratulation ',from -the Vatican Wee ':handed: to thee, pastor,. Deo :Hand In:.the sermon by Arch ,Bishop McNeil .pit vi as `.stated that the original',' parish is ;clow divided into ',thirty-five parishes: Four of the'old4 • est members Mrs. James Larkin, Mrs= J. Nicholson, Mrs I Shortt and Mrs". ; N., Melady, were given' front seats der:. ;ing the: celebration of the Mass.Hem- mrngford I'resbyterzar •Church in the', presbytery of Montr'ea1 has also reach • ed the "centenary mark. During loPg history :itl has:had, ten ministers and„twenty eight elders Rev: Jarries :Patterson, D. D., who Was ordained 'there and spent t'syenty-four years'} took part in•, the celebration. During !the service ,he baptised a child” whose father -lie had baptised,- whose par- ents and grandparents he had "marries 'Dr. R. W Dickie, -Montreal, vias the special preacher'for the occasion. • Quebeo City,' is to erect •another historic "monument, It is to one of her greatest sons •and, beloved "priri- ces of the Church.” Cardinal Elizar Alexandre ,Tasehereau :vas • the first Canadian to be awarded with the scar- let. robes of the Sacred College in Ronie. ``'Since. his death in 2897, the .idea has materialized' to remember his i igh'stabding'in `the province by en - teeth* statute near' the Basilica, :which; is indeed holy • ground. On June 17th., 1923, it is expected that -this will be an'accomnlished fact. The sculptor is IVIr. Andre Vermare, an: artist who has done some of the best fine pipe organ to the Highlanders work on. the' war monuments of Memorial Church, Glasgow, in mem-•France.. For several. months the has ory •of ,his only song who was killed 'been in Canada, collecting informat- in the war. The panelling of the, or- gan has the badges of twenty-three. Scottishregiments attached. Another memorial in the • form `of a beautiful stained glass window- tees presented by an Indian Rajah, -whose son;.killed. in the warwas serving 'in- a Highland regithent. These last memorials have added to the 'richness Of the historic character- racter f the edifice. It is pointed. out that the•mm co union table iscmade of wood, 600 years old,' taken from. the old Glasgow cathedral a nd the Pp ane ll- ing around the gellery is adorned with 'the shields of44 r different . Scottish brance of those who' made the great sacrifice, 0 God, make, us better nien and . women > and give peace • iii .our time." The services in Canada, uni- formly of a veryhigh character, not withstanding their variety of form;' were -justas universalist observed. Sir Harry Lauder has presented' a • `dii _'are'Pleased to report that' `.Mrs: Frank Henry, was sable to return to her' barite fi?ena tlic WinghaYxt .Hespi- tat,on 'SnlYday." 9Ir, *arid Mrs jars:" Cnrrrelius; and: Mx ails} Mrs 'Amos Cornelius spent ;Sunday.• ith 'Vfr and'' Mrs, Waiter Scott ofangsYde' Mr. `;Tt*e tMci<iizney• and, son, Will, "of Bluevele, ;also Mrs Morrison ' of ,lielgraye 'spent Sunday at 'the horat.e of„Mr; Ken Paterson' ' ivlrs, Roy McGee spent last week with her auht;.'Mrs. W H. Fraser; Rise 'Annie' Lg2`idlaw'spezat a couple Of da'St's 1st week With; tier aunt, Mrs',, Wm. tte Sctrfi lr to report that M'rs:' llfrltdi' Nayllor" of Li ekrio*, died on Sunday. Besides Iter ,husband, :she" leaves two small 'children': to mourn, her The The, brutal fellow who knocks d down that most honored, of evangel ists Mr. F. N. Charrington, -of, the Great, Assembly Hall, East London,' must surely have been the agent of Satan in a farewell attack on. one whose conversion made demons stare. The incident occurred .as hewas post- ing bills which protested against Sun- day games and : urged ..men to come into the Gospel meeting, The gang fled while a few friends lentfirst aid and brought the sufferer back to con- sciousness, Mr. "Charringtonis now past his 73rd. birthday and it is 5o years since he renounced a fortune in his father's brewery. He is lookd up- on as London's most unique evangel- ist. The,, Presbyterians, of Ireland have MOTE SANITARY,•...w� TAPE BOWS Always.loo9-i ousT for ;this lebol" slltfll,• rugs • patentee Only r=equires turn. ing twice a year. JAS. WALTER 8s SON Ili. I '�aDt p d1! I ft ' 14 i llt' n n • „ !m 1• BYlil �� 111fg11(�llllt�lllldliil�liic,,"�tlr>.i1; ��1!'i�!IiIE�III�'ll4 �611�I I i1Mi 1 1®� I lel l lei 1 1 l'am • oniirnon es res i! I I Haul aul !li ow ° e te II i lily Ont. SII] �ti xrA ..Axe "�x�ea^ Stores = The Chap �', Mince Meat _.,,_,. ..-,...: • exec lb, 1® ..49e' . c Orange Feel-. ... -••35 Ib 15 Bars Comt.,I lit • d Bari Peart II „f tette S I'l a t Picnic Mains4 .. _ .... z c lb. SPECIAL . BLEN 'FE ii ion in order to give a, 'true interpre- tation of the' personality of the Card- inal. ' Notes—Dr. Thomas Stewart, Hali- fax, Clerk of the General Assembly and Moderator of the' Maritime` Synod has just undergone a stirgical. opera ,tion in' Montreal Hospital. •• "For his age, he has. stood' .the strain exceed- ingly welt and the, whole -Iresby ter ion Church,.where he isogreatly be- loved 1oved 'pra s for his' recoverY The late Dr. Matthew Leitch, who' ,w as pre- sident of the As em bly's- College, 'Bel- fast, Bel fast has left in his will £Y2,56 as an w lessen the ex enses _end'o inent to . P n ra__ students who ere `tak= of 'Pres ter S w by ing,the regular classes 1. the cl1ege. The Weekly Envelope system is mak- ing progress in Scotland, 83. per cent. of the United, ,.Free congregations in Glasgow have adopted the method, The Bosworth Brothers are at. present conducting a mission ;,at . 'Lite Gospel Tabneracle, New York, Rev: F. ,13. Meyer, who, is 75, has started"•for Aus- tralia and will visit New Zealand, re- turning • by Canada. The American Bible Society ,is • broad -casting daily- passages ailypassages of Scripture from the radio station in Newark. :.Rev. A. Douglas Brown's evangelistic meati it g s at Croyden, England, are, gripping the public. The missionaries:who are on furlough are attending for the spirit- ual uplift and are also giving valuable assistance. Dr. Francis L. Patten, formerly President of Princeton Theo- logical Faculty, heo-logical;`Faculty, a, veteran in American Presbyterianism, is lecturing: in New York on Fundamental Morality. It was a great disappointment. when President Knabel was prevented by a slight attack of pneumonia, from pre-. siding -at the Convention of the United Lutheran Synod in Buffalo. Dr. Bur- gess, president of the Pittsburg Sy- nod, however, made ;ari"excellent sub- stitute - for the few sessions until his arrival. The measure of . confidence the whole denomination bears' towards him was seen when the synod re-el- ected him for the third time to the very responsible position. There were 490 delegates present out of the com- plete roll of 507. In this great Pro- testant Church there is also a. latent fear of too much officialism, which was apparent at the late convention opened but was soon dispelled by a genuine' enthusiasm, As 'to Church -Union, theydecided unanimouslyto co-operate with the ;Federal Churches but corporate:mettibctship with there is still in the far distance, l r Principal 17r. R. Bruce T aY o , of Queen's' University, in an address to the -Ministerial Association, .Hamilton, advised as one of the "Dont's" preaching, not to . quote poetry. It broke, he Said the connection of thought • Leman Reedib. • ;"Seedless Raisinlbs .914 lb. 9t Rolled Chitty 6 lbso - ....... a5c . I4�i.LS&af;C1-1Bl,r11`ell 5 : ° 1FA.$T OACOVii, C"Al 'ADA'S ,f,AEGES"l' R1ITAIL 1138, Stets:ea inOntario ,390. lb. is 1,111111110131611-15/1114 Messrs I•1arris Plirdon and Gortlon Segtt ';returned' from the 'Nest ,last week, Mr. and Mrs Eli Jacques returned fron•i visitin . friends in Windsor last weep.;• p� are sog'r that•Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw is not improving as quickly as her friends would like to see. Miss Nettie Cottle• is visiting with friends in Toronto, MIs, Jack Johnston is on the sick list, ' Owing to the installation 'of..a new furnace in the Methodist church there Wean() se>lvice on' Sunday last. Ir.: and^Mrs. Jas. "Cornelius: and Mr, and Mrs, Amos Cornelius, spent one day' last week with Mr. and Mrs, John Morrison of Turnberry. ; Mrs. Samuel Thompson is visiting with her daughter, Mrsc-Herson Irwin• many friends' of Mr.. Naylor extend much sympathy to :him and. his child; BET.GRAV ren in their great bereavement. r Mr. and 'Mrs, ' MiItion' Bruce and' Mrs, W. Grigg 'has gone to children spent Sunday with her slater, l to 'spend the winter with her Mrs. John, f'urdon; ters. • . and Mrs Harry 'Melee = and '.'Miss Riley of Milverton; spent a soh; Gordon,: called on' friends in tell` couple of weeks with Rev. and Mrs. ave on Sunday. Peteis. , • Me. and Mrs: Angus McKenzie, Mr;: Mn and Mrs. McGee are visiting arid' Mrs, • John McCormick and Mr,; with::their daughter, Mrs. Simpson of and Mrs. Ross Rin `.sent,l'ast Friday' London. evening with M'r' sad Mrs" John' Fel Mr, arid` 'A+Irs • Shands of Toronto, Detroit dough•; c 'ilei , are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Mr. and M. Wes.- Leggett and (Rev.) Jones Of -The manse. children of-Blueval , spent Sunday Mrs. Jas: Grigg spent a few days With her .brother, Mr. 'Roberti Mow- with friends at London and; Detroit, bray. Mr. and : Xis. J. Brandon spent a Mr. and Miss Kilatrick of Crewe, day with friends at Wroxeter last spent ,Sunday with' My.' McQuoid; week. Mrs. Egglestoneand son John, re- Mr.} and: Mrs: Shoebottorn. moved -turned from the West last. Saturday. their household effects to, London last. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Eg- week where they intend to reside. glestote.has;been;ill. •.'They"are visit; Mrs. Bates of Cochrane,' is visiting Ingwiyh rher ;daughter, Mrs,., Henry her. daughter, Mrs; Torn Irwin. Paterson Mrs, Haugh of Wingham, spent ;a couple of days with Mrs. J. L. Geddes. Mr.. Bottrill of ,London, moved last week to the farm which he has rented from' vViiliarn Sheebottom. > . Mr. Mowbray of Dungannon,,who. has bought. Mr. Cook's chopping mill is moving to the,yillage this week and expects to have the chopper going shortly. I I I� I1.1�1111�1 I ill 1phl� 11115111N E BE IN 0 y B r, rig G The P,,ndfl.a.r I7' i in the =