The Wingham Advance, 1922-11-23, Page 11
Hear Mr. Cameron Geddes in the
Slagle Copies Poor Cents
QW11 Hall, 1nghan, Friday Eveg
c. ist. Plan of Hall at 1VicKib
Subsemptiows: $2.00 per y
in Business in Wingharn For Twenty- To the Editur av the Advence,
Three Years
One of Wirigharn's best known bus
'Iriess meta passed stway.atillis home oi
' Scott St., on Friday evening after a
few days' illness, in the person o
James Walker. Twenty-three. year
. ago on the 2.oth. of November, (the
day of his burial) Mr. Walker moved
to VVingharn from Brussels and has
since conducted a prospereus furni
:tare' and undertaking business, in
whieb he has ban ably assisted dur
In the past feweyears by his only on
A. 3, Walker. Deceased was in his
6otb. year, and -until the past few days
apiseaeedto he in his useal robust
health. Although greatly afflicted with
.deafness he was unusually bright and
his happy greeting, no -matter what
the -weather, will long,be remembered
aar. Walker was a carriage maker of
,no mean ability and about a year ego
•ha•eompleted a very fine heaese which
they have used in the business ever
since and which cos/mazes favorably
with stny factory made hearses,
The death of Mr. Walker will be a
ssevete blow to his family as this is the
firet break. Besides his Widow, he is
survived by seven daughters and one
son, viz. Mrs. C. Pt Carlisle, Mrs. A.
Adams., Mrs. C. C. McIntyre, Misses
Agnes and Winnffred of Toronto, Mrs.
A. A. :Fleming of Chatham. and. Vars.
G. L. Baker, also Alva J:, of Witigham,
all' of 'whom were in the room joined
hands with their father when the end
:came. The late Mr. Walker is also
eurvived by six brothers, viz., J. j. and
R. A. of Torento, Wesley of Goderich,
Geo. L. of Winona, Elisha. and Isaac
of Wingharn, and ,one sister; Mrs. E.
J. Anderson of Toronto. They were
-all present at the funeral and the
`brothers we're pallbearers. He is alsO
•suevived by seven granddaughters and
eine grandson which seems quite a co -
:incidence. •
The funeral was held from his late
residence, Scott St., on Monday after -
notate '1 he floral tributes were beaut-
aiful, a few of the' larger ones, were
from the following!Gunn Son-ola
Ltd., Fry lk Blackball, Ltd., Business
Men's Association; Wm. Davies Co.,
Toronto, John Northway & Son, Ltd.,
-bffice and staff; GlobeCasket Co., of
,London and many, other floral tribut-
es from friends.
. Among those from out of town, who
attended the funeral were: Mr. James
Jackson, Clinton; Mr. W. H. ,Kerr,
BresselseMr. j. J. Vincent of I3oth-
welJ,. a sehool chntri of the deceased;
Ur's. Ewing, Mr. Mann and Mrs. His-
• cox of 'Teeswater, •
Mrs. 'Walker and family wish to
publicly express their thanks and ap-
preciation for the many -kind acts and
awords of sympathy shown during the
'brief illness and death of a beloned
husband and father. They wish to es-
-peel -ally' mention the'leindness of Rev.
C. E. Cragg and Dr. R. C. Redmond
Sale Of Stockings
Saturday bargains at 'seeds. 360
Pales of Boys' Heavy, Wool Ribbed
Stockings, esc treble, Saturday soc.
TOP SALE—Pure bred Mammoth
Bronze Turkeys, free from disease.
33r -ed from large, vigorous birds.
Gobblers, under 18 lbs., $8.00; over,
Sena; Hens,, under 12 lbs., $6,00;
over $7,00, sexily to .
W. R. Farrier, R. 3, Luckhew '
Telephone 33-615, Wingham.
FARM FOR SALE—A 200 acre farm,
tontaining 25 acres hardwood bush,
15 acres black ash and cedar. Sit-
aiated between Harriston and Wrox-
ae t e r, Howick Township, Huron
Connty, on main county road. ro
roomed brick house with furnace;
three barns, main barn 84 ft by 74
ft, -with straw shed and implement.
barn; 6 tie-up horses, 9 tic cows,
and tense centre stable, 6 box stalls,
with water throughout. Excellent
orchard, principally wire fences. For
Further particulars, apply- to
Jas. Hunter Sr.,
Gorrie, Ontario,
FOR SALE—roe acres, lot /5, con. 6,
Turnberry, brica cottage, frame
- barn, twenty acres of tintber, three
nfiks from Wingliant For informa-
. Oen, apply to
Priscilla Powell,
Wiugham, Ont,
HOUSE TO RENT ---G ood frame
ltestase with all conveniences. Only
two minutes' IN,alk from Post Office.
Apply to The Advance.
'dees at Miss Graham's gi-ocery for
alorsnatt McGdl
LOST—A red Collie dog, Cuirass Dog
Tag 3.19, enswei-s to the estme of
fresidy, Phene or write •
f.. D. McKenzie,
Toes -water.
'PRIVATE SALE—From one to five
o'clock, 2 coal heaters, I range, 3
burner Perfection coal -oil stove,
eaneh, tables, theirs, rugs, pictures,
bedroom suites merterous other art-
, ides.
Mtg. Chas. Donaldeon,
Monday November s3th., We will be
able to supply you with a high-test
line which undoubtedly.-means1.0. miles per gallon, easier etart-
i supplies more power, permits
ix:crater speed, less carbon, saves
rat atoney all around.
E. Merkley & CO,
Win glisen,
Deer Sur: -
1± it isn't the quare (mid wurruld,
gettin to be. Here is the Sultan av
Turkey depoeed„ which manes he is
'faired out av a his jawb, wid .00 safe
place to go but on a- British wersIdp,
afflict- thins Turks makin faces at the
Britieh Tommies troo the barbed
woirefilmes at Chanak fer the paaht
tree monthsean awl the Yankee pap-
ers yellin "Shtick to it John, me bye,
ye're the shtuff, kape the shtraaes
open, an if theer's war, we will give
ye our Moral support, an awl the food
an munitions ye kin pay fer. Ye're
credit is shtill good John Bull, an if
Ye shud gun short ay ,gooldswe will
take the West Indee oilands arr Can-
ada in paynfint, but kape the shtrates
open John, an don't let thine Turks
bluff yd." Well,. Mishter Lloyd- Jarge
tuk the advoice ads thisnYanki an now
he is in the same class wid. Mishter
Meighen, which manes, that the, otaer
fellahs are in office an caeryin out his
policy. ,
I see by the papers that lefishtei-
Roleb, minishter av Thrade an -Com-
illa:fee in Australia troyin to shtir
up sarnetmg wid, thins antediluvians.
Me ould brother Matt. shpint some
years in that counthry an he tould me
that it is a grand thrip across the Pac-
ific Ocean to git theer; so it is ne
w.ondher .our cabinetaninishters awl
loitse to take it • at the counthry's ix-
pinse. Sir farce Foshter wus shtrong
on thrips av that koin.d, 14e broiled -
Matt. tout& inc -that theer is no Tory
parthyin that counthry, so, 2V COOTSe,
Sir Jarge, hadn't muck luck, as it vvud
be beneath his dignity to make army
bargains wid Liberals arr Laborites,
Ye cuddn't'depiald ofi thim•fellahs to
make a fair baagain wid a Tory,
Mebby Mishter Robb may be able to
shtart •someting, an shine I hopehe
does; fer the soonerwe shwas buyin
fitters thien Yanks the betther. •Let the
differint parts av thd.British Inspire
buy an sell to wan another. We hey
the ships an the sailors an it is chay-
pea to carry goods by say than by
land, an timer is nothing amiss man
•naddi but is porjuced •someWheereen-
dher the ould flag, so I sez, go to it
byes, 211 we. soon will be indepindint
av Germany an .Rooehial'an we kin lit
Uncle Sam kape his blood ahPattered
•gould till it ruehts in the vaults. .
As•I sed at the shtart, this is e quare
wurrald, Mishter Lloyd farce led as
tough:a-lot •av ould Tories ,as ye cud
foind, fee. years; meant thim carry out
a Liberal polishy, givin fraydom to the
Irisii,•so that they can shoots, .wan
•another widout anny interferince•hy
the English, grantin Horne Rule are
indeaindince sto •AygyPt, an silf gov-
crnmint, in a mishurea to India: 'Twas
a -cream game, but it: ceddn't lasht for-
ivir, ari I don't essespose Mishter Jarge
ie„ sorry to he but av his jawb. He tin
sit back an sec the prisint governinint
throyin to fix tip the thriabalee av..the
ould wurruld, an 'tis not an raiseratask,
SO it isn't.
'Tis diffirent in Canada. than it eves
in England undher Mishter farce. He
made a lot aa Toriea vote fer Liberal
taisaares, but Mishtere MacKenzie
King an Misliter.-Fieldieee, rivinne tar-
iff min both av thim, do be carryin out
the Tory polishy asa pi-otiction, wit"' a
'bunch av U. F. 0; free thraders votirt
wid taim to 'kape thine in- office.
Pollyticks is e quare game,' an the
only safe way is to Ow -he -eye vote Tory
Whether' ye kin mittershEarid the ray -
son fee- doin so arr not. .
Ye 'remimbee uaie ould brother Matt
whit out to Alberta , wid the dawter
Nora. I (oughtraebby he wud be safe
out in that coutithry wheer wimmen
arr 'scarce, but here. if heains»le gotie
an married a . war ,sieiddy Wid foiele
childere "Theer is no 'fool loike an
ould fool" as the sayin goes, but tings•
moigat hey been wurse. Me girruis
evroite that she is a foiae English
jetty, but has had a harrud toime troy -
in to get along since her husband wits
killed in the war, so Matt's money will
go to fade an clothe an eddicate ri
sojer's family, an it cuddn't be betther
shpira. ale own (Milder doe't nade it,
as they hey awl a good slitart in loife,
an I hey rayson to belave that Katie
an Nora had a lot to do •svid malsin
the match. Me new sister-in-law' bein
a grate frind, wid than av coorse ti ey
soon hest her get acquainted wid thee
uncle an. that Wes the shtart •,aY it.
They are both such teisilfish girrails
that the idea av his, money' goin met
ser thn'. family wed nivir thrubble thine
at all, at all, Mebby they nivir tought
av it, 'Tis a geare. wurruld.
Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay. •
Will Speak At 'Mecham
Rev. Dr. F. j. testicle of Toronto,
visited our town recently. He was
representing the Convention interests
of the World League agaihst Alcohol-
iseri. He has arranged for some of the
delegates from other leads to visit our
town to address a Mass Meeting in
the town hall, on December 6111., at
the close of the World Convention in
Died In Ttirnberry
There passed away on Friday at her
home on concessioe 9, Turnberey,
Eliza Taylor, relict of the late David
Hastings. Deceased was in her eeth
year. She is servived by three sons,
Atkin at-home and David and James
in U. S. A., aed one daughter, Mrs.
Richard Reim of Wroxeter, and one
daughter, Mrs. Geo. Coulter, passed
away ut few. years, ago. ,Also orte sis-
ter, 11/les. "rhos, Higgins of Wroxeter,
suevives her. The funeral was held
from her late residence on Sunday
efternoon to the Winghain cemetery,
coairirditst'etileh oste icesl.tlic
Mr. Robt. King of King Bros., is on
it business trip to Toronto.
Mayor H. B, Elliott is away oft a
business trip to New York .
Mrs. Fanny McCullough of Clifford,
was' visiting in town last week,
Mrs. Phillip James of Mitchell ,is
visiting with Mrs. R James, Francis
Mrs. Amos Tipling returned home
on Tuesday evening from Painesville,
Olmlior.s, Geo
. Hawaii( of Seaforth, is
visiting at the home of her son, Mr.
j. 0. Habkirk,
Mrs. Dayton of Wineipeg, is visit-
ing at the home of Councillor A. E.
and IVfrs. Ltoyd. •
Capt. Attie Beckwith is visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. R. Beckwith. •
Mrs. Al. VanAletine and Miss Maud
Brissette of. Sault Ste. Marie, are vis-
iting in London.
Miss Mabel Schaefer of Kitchener,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
1VIrs. John McCool.
Mrs. Large of 'Windsor, visited with
her coutin, Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart, dure
ing Use past week
Mrs. M. R Beckwith wascalled to
McGaw on Tuesday owing to the ser-
ioue illness of her brother.
- Mr. and Mrs. A. Nash of Sarnia,
are visiting at the home of their son,
Mr. E. a. Nash, Centre St. '
- Mr. Sniith and his Mother of. St.
Thomas, will move into"the house Vie -
til recently occupied by Mr. We II.
Green about December xst.
Mta'Alvin Smith of Turnberay, sleft
oh Monday to atteild the ROaal Win-
ter Fair ite Toronto, as a member of
the Huron County Judging Team.'
Nurse Emma Walters of Toronto,
who has been spending 'a couple of
modths -"with her parents,- Mr. and
Mrs, John Walters, returned_ to Tor-
onto on Saturday. .
Mrs. Orlando Wade of Owen,Sound,
Mrs. Kent, Orangehill, Mrs. Thomas
Bennett and Miss • Pearl Bennett of
Fordwich; spent last Thursday at 'the
libme of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Day,
Dairy Farm. •
Mr. and,Mra. John Kennedy of
Culross, anounce the engagement of
their daughter, Florence V., to • -Mr.
William J. Hogan of.- Ashfield, the
marriage.will take place the letter
part ef November.
Rt, Excellent Comp. Clements of
Kincardine'Grand Superintendent of
Herein District, No. 6, paid his offic-
ial visit to Lebanon Chapter, Royal
A.rch Masons on Tuesday evening of
thia week.. After the work of the even-
ing was completed all repaired to Mc -
Kay's restaurant where a splendid ni
was seeved.
Mesdames Rich...aegg, ,H. Ea W.
Tainlyai, E. Pettigrew, j. A. Fox, R.
A. Coutts, H. W. Shane, E. 3. Nash,
Ws A.' Miller, Oliver Thompson and
Thos. Tivalor, members of Huron
Chapter of the Eastern Star journey-
ed to London on Wednesday and vis-
ited Ruth Chapter, 0. E: S., of that
city. They were the guests of the
officers to dinner at Wong's Cafe. A
most enjoyable time was spent.daring
•-• Read King Bros.- specjals for
,King's Weekly Store News
Moving -To Wingliam
Mr'. Reeves bas moved his family
froni Kincardine to Wingham and will
occupy the home until" reeeetly oc-
capicd by Mr.• Toler, next to the Gunn
Son-ola Factory, where he will be em-
ployed. Mr. Reeves is a slide trom-
bone player and is a worker in the
Salvation Army.
Election Of Officers
The Belgrave Farmers' Club held
their annual meeting on Tuesday
e e
evening ancrnsuing year. lected thc following of-
ficers for
Pres.—Abram Proctor; -
Viee-Prese—John McGill.
Seey,---Rebt. 5. Scott.
Auditors—Elmer Wil k i n so n and
Nelson Higgins.
Manager—R. j. Scott,
Killed By Train
Mr, R. S. aleGee received a tele-
gratinfrom his cousin, Mr, Herb Stew-
art, on Tuesday morning, stating that
tis 'wife had been instantly killed
ehile motoring into Simpso,n, Sask,,
vith bee little son, The train on the
nain line struck the auto at a level
crossing, The -little lad's arise was
broken. Al: the time of the accident,
her hesband was in Fargo settliag up
the estate of his father, the late Alex
Stewart, who will be kindly remem-
bered by really of our readers, he hav-
ing conducted a blacksmith shop at
:Fordyce for it number of years prior
to going West,
Methodist Church Notes
The services at the- Methodist
Church on Senday wilt be as follows;
ix it. m.—The Rev. R. IL Stevenson,
representing the Lord's Day Work of
the Province will prcach 7 p.
The eveniug service \vitt be in charge
of the Revs C. W. DeWitt Cosens,
A., B.' D., of Ashfield. Mr. Cosens
is oee of our rising young men, hear
him. Monday eveuing, 8 p. eas—The
'Young People'Meeting in charge of
Christian Citizenship Denial m 0 it t,
special' speaker, Mr. J. W. King, M.
Tuesday, a pem.,--Jueior Choir Prac-
tice; ' Wednesday, e,30 p, .m.—Mide
week eervice, 8.30 p. m., Choir pracs
Don't forget the sale in the council
chamber on December end., under the
auspices of the •W, Ma S.
A few weeks ago the 'Woman's Aux-
iliary to the General Hospital ma,de an
appeal for donations to the Hospital,
and the Society is very grateful for
the generous response from both the
town and country, a large quantity of
supplies having been received. Fur-
ther donations are always needed and
acceptable at all times, The following
is the list to date:—Mr. John King, M,
P., $5.00; Mr. John Joynt, M. P. P„
$25acio; High and Public Schools, fruit,
jaxn, vegetables and apples; Mr. Wm.
Henderson, bag of apples; Mr. Wm.
McGill, so lb. of butter.- Mr. Fa Ket-
chabaw, x cheese; Dr. Gillies, so lb.
honey; Mr. Gibson Gillespie, bag of
apples; Rev. Scobie, 2 jars fruit, ap-
ples, vegetables;, Rev. Peters, veget-
ables; Mrs, Peter McEwen, 2 jars of
fruit, 3 baskets vegetables, / bag of
potatoes; Mrs. Griffin, vegetables;
Mrs. John Wilson 2 jers jelly; Miss
Evelyn Gaunt, 2 jars jam; Mrs. Mc-
Keuzie Srnith, 3 jars fruit; Mrs.john
W. Hanna, 3 jars fruit; Mrs. Jas. Robs
inson, 2 jars fruit; Dr .Redmond,
bag potatoes; Mrs. Pickle, 5 jars of
fruit, 2 jars jelly; Mrs. Walters, x jar
fruit; Mrs. McBurney, x jar fruit; Mr.
L. Ct Young, so lb. fine salt; Mrs. Art.
Moore, 2 jars fruit; Mrs. Robt Mc-
Gee, 2 jars fruit, vegetables; Mrs. W.
Taylor, bread; Mrs. Adams, r jar of
jelly, buns; Mrs. Miller, biscufts and
pies; Mrs Isard, 2 jars fruit; Mr.
Copeland, 3 jars marmalade; coffee;
Mr. F. Carters raisin bread; Mrs. Robe
Ross, 2 jars fruit; -Mrs. Purdon, 2 jars
fruit,. honey, ci-earn, pies; Mrs. •W.
Taylor, x jar fruit; Mrs. L. Young,
apple butterf Mrs. (Dr.) Ross, 3 jars
marmalade; Mrs. Bradburn, x bag of
apples; Mrs. Wm. Dawson, 2 jars of
fruit; Mrs. R. Vanstone, 3 jars fruit;
Mrs. John MacLean, 2 jars syrup, 5
jars fruit; Mrs. W. J. Greer, 4 jars
fruit; Mrs. F. Henry, 2 jars fruit, 5 pc.
pepper and salt shakers; Mr. Arthur
Lincoln, x bbl. of ap_ples; Mrs. W. F.
Burgman, 2 sets cream and sugar;
Mrs. (Dr.) Hambly, 20 lb. honey,
Nut Coal Foe.e
T e Thompson & Buchanan Hard-
ware are giving away 400 lbs. of No.
Nut Coal with a Parlor Heater with
oven attached, for $17.00. Only the
one at this Bargain, Be the Early
As several of our subscrib-
seers renew their subscriptions
at this time of the year, and
a few are already renewing
for next year, we have de-
cided to offer our Christmas
Peneils to each aud every
s subscriber fenewing th e i r
• subscription twelve motths
'or more in advence there-
. 25111..., at 8 o'clock, we •
fore on Saturday morning, Nov
. will open up our stock of .
Dainty ‘,"R e dip °int"
Nickel Plated P.ericits
„ s
and give :bee t6 every sub-
scriber renewing for their
Advance at the regular year-
ly rate 'of $2.00, These pen-
cils are worth while, and one
stationer tells us that they
• should_ retail for Snob,
Youhitye to see these ,pen-
cils to appreciate them. Bet-
ter come early as we have
only limited number aud
they will no doubt go fast::
Subscribers wishing us to
seed pencils by mail must
enclose eo cents extra for
pottage and wrapping, No
two pencils given to,any one
subscriber. No matter Whet-
her your paper is behind
now or not there is nothing
to hinder you from .Paying
arrears and one yea,rin ad-
vance. New sebs cribers
should avail themselves of
this eacellent offer.
These pencils r e , nickel
-plated evereaaeps, 4 inches
in length, whit a ring in the
end for a - They
make an especially neat lad-
ies' Pencil, ,but are as much
its demand aa 'veste, peeket
pencils 'for mete . Remember
they will be opened up on
Saturday morning, Nev. 25th
at 8 o'clock, .and we cannot
guarantee how long they
will last as we leave Only, it
limited ember, •
They •ate only given wills
every $2.eo setbstription pay-
ing for this paper twelve
months in advance.
We must raise $1000 on our
eubectiption list during the
next couple of weeks mid we
are giving our readers the
benefit by reecwing earlier
this year.
Only one month till Christmas.
'seed's Sale of Winter Coats et
reduced prices now going on,
Green's Thick Neek or Goitre rem-
edy guaranteed.--MeKibbon's Drag
TL (;), 0, F. will hold a Pro-
gressive euchre in their rooms on
Thursday eveniug, November 3oth., at
8 p. m, All members welcome,
Matinee "Robinson Crusoe" at 2 and
2.30 on Saturday afternoon at the
Picture House for the kidclies. Ad-
mission only x cent to cover tax.
Hear Mr. Cameron Geddes on Fri-
day, December xst,, in the town hall.
Admission e5 cents and 35 cents. Plan
of hall at McKibbon's Drug Store, is
open on Saturday morning.
Added attraction at the Picture
Hottes on Friday and Saturday of this
week. Me Mor les mind reading,
dancing and black faced comedian,
Also matinee at 3.30 on Saterday.
The Ladies' Guild of St. Pauls
church will hold their annual Bazaar
in the council chamber, on Saturday
afternoon and eveeing, December 9th.
See ad. next, week for particelare.
Here's the offer you bave been wait-
ing for. The Advance to new sub-
scribers from now till January est,
1924 for $2.ob. '
The Women's Missionary ,Society
of the Methodist church, will' hold a
sale of aprons and home cooking in
the council chamber on the afternoon
of Saturday, December and. Tea will
be served.
'Mr. W S. Linklater is authorized
to collect funds for the Upper Canada
Bible Society in Wingharri and sur-
rounding district and he is heartily
commended to the good will and sup-
port of all citizens and friends of the
Bible Society.
E. J. Mitchell, Abner Cosens,
President. Sec'y.
New subscribers may have The
Wingham Advance from NOW until
January est, 5924, for $zoo Send' it
to an absent friend or relative.
The names of Percy William Vane
ner of the est. 'Battalion and Herbert
Clark, also of the xst. Battalion, have
been omitted from all honor rolls
from Winghane thus far. We are
sorry for this as both boys were killed
at Vinay Ridge. These boys were pos-
sibly the two yotingest boys who en-
listed in 1914. Mr. Frapk Vanuer ef
town is a brother of the former. Jusi
before going to press Mr. Geo, Rober-
son informs us that so far as he can
learn the name of the first Wingharn
man killed has been omitted from all
honor rolls three far printed, lie refers
to Pte. William Darnell,
Fur Coats On Sale
King Bros. have women's and miss-
es Persian Lamb Coats; Hudson Seal
Coats, Muskrat coats, Canadian Coon
Coats. Plain or trimmed on sale this
week at great savings, all guaranteed
Vegetable Contest Extended
The vegetable contest put on by the
Thompson & Buchanan Hardware hae
been extended to Saterday. November
25th. tiring in the largest pumpkin,
largest turnip, largest mangel, and
largest cabbage and see if you don't,
win the $zoo pri2e. Entries will be
'received up till 2 o'clock on Saturday
afternoon. Mr. J. A. Morton will be
the judge. Vegetables will be shown
in our South Window.
Wingham High School News
The first regular meeting' of the
Wingham High SchOol Literary Soc-
iety wag held on Friday, November
tette The President, Normae Muir,
occupied the chair. The following
program eves given. The reading of
the minutes of the last meeting by
the Secretary, Miss Annie Homuth;
An instrumental by ale Gibson was
followed by the reading of it compos-
ition by Miss M. Pettigrew; a vocal
duet by Misses E. Rintoul and L.
Hanna; spelling .match between the
boys of Form i A And 1 la, was won
by the latter; Frank MacDonald sang
it comic solo; Miss Frances Bennett
gave a reading; Male Quartette fol-
lowed; the journal was read by the
editor, Miss G. Bower; a duet was
given by Misses D. Snell and AC John-
aton, The meeting was very ably
critized•by Mr. French and was closed
by the singing of the National An-
Special Session in tae :Sunday School
A very interesting session was held
in connection with the Methodist
Sunday School on Sunday last. It
was "Father's Day." The Supeeintens
dent had urged every child to try and
bring Ids or her father to Sunday
School and between 30 and 35 fathers
he all responded. A special -program
waspresented consisting of a male
quartette with Messrs. Hopper, Lloyd,
McCool and Mitchell, it solo by Mr.
Gordon Buchanan, and short addresses
by Mr, Frank Howson, Dr, R. C.
Redmond, and thepastor, Rev. C. E.
Cragg, The singing by the school
was most hearty and thoroughly. en-
joyed by all, '
airing the session "the Fathers" a or-
ganized with the following officarse
President—Mrs. J. H. Christie.
Vice-President—Dr. Stewart.
Secretary—.Mr. Znrbrigg.
Teacher and Leader—Me. F.
Female Total attendance 250.
Thread Sale Saturday
moo spools, 200 yards eaeli, black
and white, Saturday at .1.30 1;), 'a 1, 5e
ereeltr—King 'Bros.
efexegeo. sszeoem,11111111111111111IIIII Ina 1 1
y and
18c Snap Hand Cleaner, a for ... ... .. 25C
450 Electric Light Bulbe, 3 for . . ... . . ..1.00
25, 40 and 6o Watts (Guaranteed)
The Symphony Lawn Stationery a box
500 Wileard's Chocolates 250 a pound
6oc Triola. Chocolates . , , • 390 apound
15c Senator Toba.cco, 2 for . ,..s ...250
250 Wilson's Rose Talcum, 2 for .... .... . ... .250
x5c Camphorated Chalk 2 for . . s . .... .... adr,
a5c Pearl Tooth Paste - 25c a tube
xoc Good Form Hair Netse3 for 25C
Fe- Wanalneis, Ont,
II Ule 1•11La1l1 i 11161111 Ili lIIIIliirI1l SIB
n's g Store
The- Iherseeeela Stare
Phone 35
Brussels Station Burned
Fire of unknown origie completely
destroyed the Grand Trunk Station
at Brussels on Sunday morning early:
The fire had such a start before it
was noticed fleet it was beyond: con-
trol. At the present time an old box
car and an old p.assenger car are tale-
ing• the place of the former; building.
Too Many Husbands
. This laughable drama, will be put on
in the -C.- 0. F. Hall, 13elgrave, under
the auspices of L. 0. L. No. 462, by
the young people of Trinity church,
-on Tuesday, • November 2811.
play has been given fourteen times,
but this is positively the last time it
will be put .on. Don't come if you
can't laugh. Old man Grouch broke
one of his false teeth in his 'struggle
to keep from laughing at this play last
time it was pet on, Admission: Re-
served. seats, 35 cents; Rush seats, 25
cents, and standing the same price. Be
there early or buy a reserve seat tick-
Institute Meeting And BaZaie
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women s Institute will be held In Ole
council chamber on Thursday, Nov-
ember 3otb. Meeting to commence at
2.30 pone sharp. At the close of the
business meeting a sale of home-instde
articles will, he held and tea. served.
Sale to commence at 3 o'clock. The
proceeds from sale and tea will be us-
ed to purchase Xmas cheer. Contrib-
utions to this worthy cause, from oth-
ers who are not Institute members
wial be thankfully received. Will
those donating articles please bring
them 'to the council chamber on Wed-
tesday afternoon.
(Help Boost Your Town
We intderstand that a representative
of the London Free Press will be in
town on Thursday to inake a, general
write-up of our beautiful town. This
is not the most beautiful time of the
year to tike pictures beta we trust
every citizen approached will do his
or her best to make this write-up as
go,od,. if not better than those givea
that other towns inat paper recently,
Public School Concert
The pupils and staff of the Wing -
bane Public School will holti a concert
in the Wingharn Opera House, an
Thursday, November 23rd, A com-
plete program of Drills, Plays, Fo/k.
Dances, Choruses, Solos and Readings.
Miss MdKee of the Educational Dep-
artinent will demonstrate with a Graf -
mole illustrating its use in the Pub-
lic Schools. Admission 25 cents. Re, -
served seat tickets may be purchased
at MclCibbon's Drug Store for so
cents extra.
The Late Miss Nelson
Miss Lavinia Nelson passed away at
the home .of het sister, Mess Cather-
ine Nelsen, Minnie St., on TioureedeSa
Deceased was a most highly' esteemed
lady. She returned from Toe -ante
about four months ego, and baS Since ..
resided with her sister. Besides her
sister, Miss Catherine, she is survived
by two other sisters, Mrs. Tea. Poivell
of Turnberry and Mies Margaret of
Toronto, and one brother, Mr. fee.
Nelson of Seaforth. The funeral was
held on Saturday aftertoon to Wing -
ham cemetery. Rev. C. E, Cragg, B.
D,, of Wingbare Methodist cher*
conducted the services.
11101111a11111111111e1111M111a11111R111 11
111141 1111111111®111
What Shall 1 Gtve for Christmas?
There's nothing that will more ptats-
deal gifts and nothing that will be appreciated
more -1 Here are a fe've suggestions—
Comfort Shoes, Business Shoes, Storm
Shoes- Dress Shoes, Dress Pamps, Slip- •
pers, Romeos, Bath Slippers, Rubbers,
Arctics, Rubber Boots, etc-, etc -
Street Boots, Dress Shoes, Dress
Slippers, Boudoir Slippers, Bath Slip-
pers, Felt Slippers, Juliets, Spats, Arc -
ties, Rubbers, etc.
FOR ininzazzx
School. Shoes, Dress Shoee, Slippers,
School Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Mt.
Weal make any exchanges desired after Christ- .
alas, mid do it with tbe greatest pleasure.
N�UE 012GOODS.-11::).4S
1111%10111 41111111110111*111141111411110111101111111111111111N11111111111011111111411