The Wingham Advance, 1922-08-31, Page 1Single Copies - Four Cents ougGi6111.1013141AMOSOIMINSOMMINVIS WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 3143t, 1922 DECORATION SERVICE Orangemen Decorate Deceased Brethren's Graves A. very large number of people gath- ered at the Wingham cemetery on Sunday afternoon, the occasion being the annual Orange Decoration Ser- vice, About eighty members, of the Orange Association headed by the Citizens' Brass Band, After the im- pressive ceremony conducted by W M. Bre. W T. Milierand Past Coun- ty Master Bro. J. F. Groves, the flor- al tributes were placed on the graves Deceased brethren interred in the Winghamcemetery and whase graves were decorated -are: David Watters John. Musgrove, David Lougheed, -Herbert Hicks, Simon, Mitchell, W. J. Pattison, ID. M. Gordon, William Por- ter, George Porter, Robert Irwin, An- drew Reid, David Rush, John Mulvey, David Bell, John Black, John Loug- heed, J. W. Shoebottom, George Han- na, Robert Bloomfield, Allan Gal- braith, Robert Weir, Thos, Netter - field, in, Thos. Abraham, James Dey- ell, Alfred Haslem, John Cloakey, Vanstone, S. Mories, Ben. Leary .H. Hawthorne, Fred McCreight, John 'Campbell, Robert 'Montgomery, Robt. -Campbell, Wm. Netterfield, John Hun - Richard Rankin, Abel Srneltzer, ,Robert Sadler, John Green, Duncan Groves, James Smith, James Netter - field, Thos. Netterfield, sr,, John Net- terfield, John Cornyn, sr., John Corn- jr., juries Johnston, Thos. Cornyn _John Brooks, Joseph Bullard, J. H. .Casemore, Wm. Sadler, William Cor- nyn. Obed. Davison, Orsernue Andus, 'ThOs, McCreight, William Baird; jr., Robert Baird, William Baird, sr., Rob -eff Cornyn, David Currie, Joseph Kerr,' Thomas Price, John Taylor, John Perue, Alexander Bell, George Green, John McCreight, Wesley Gray, Alexander Young; James Groves, Win. Moore, M-rs. Cornyn sr., James God - kin. The following members of the Loy- al True Blues whose graves were also decorated are: Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Eadea., Mrs. Austin, Mrs, Raby, Miss Lea, Mrs. Netterfield. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN AUCTION- SALE — Of Household :Furniture, will be sold at the corn- er of B. Line and Josephine St., at ,3 o'clock or: , Saturday, Sept. and. 'T. R Bennett, _Anct, Joe Leonard Prop. . ' AUCTION' SALE—Of choice young. cattle will be held at G. T. R. stock ,yards, Blytli, on Saturday, Septa. Lott & McDonald, Props., James :Taylor, Auctioneer. AUCTION, SALE—Of Farm Stock, , at Lot 31, Con, 14, East Wavearcosh, half mile east of Whitechurch, on Thursday, August 31st, 6 cows, 3 heifers horse, pigs, hens, etc, T, R. Bennett, Atict, H. A. McCall Proprietor, )30Y --- 3 " WANTED Large Toro nta [business offers post to suita.bly qua.- Plieied; boy of en to 18 years. Must have good school record.With ma- ttriculation standing. Box C. Ad- wance. CEMENT FOR SALE—Just unload, ed a car of ,Canade-Cenient. I can :make delivery at moderatencharges. E.en Paterson, --Whitechurch U . .FRNISHED HOUSE TO RENT— Central location. For further in apply al The Advance. THE YANKEE GAME To the Edina av the Advance Deer Sur:— Shure here it is nearly the ind av August, an the laslit shafe av oats will soon be in the harrun, an thin fer the trashins,ean 'carri et:Inn, an fillin silo's, an pickle apples, an takin up roots, an fall plowm and nivir a risht till the-shnow flies. 'But the ould On- tario fagrums hev proved what they, kin do whin they get a fair chance, an there is a full crap av iviryting, rumbir wance hearin a conundrum, "Why is a farrumer loike an ould bin?' .an the answir is "Because he loikes a full ctap." •SO theer shud be a lot av BOWLING REVIVED Y Local Bonspiel Well Contested on Friday Some, few days or nights ago, eve might say many, would have said thee bowling on the geen was a bygone pastime, at Winghain, however a local bonspiel was pulled off on Friday and three greens were busy all afternoon arid well on into the next morning. The only reason that the fourth green was not used was a scarcity of bowls. In fact the Friday bonspiel was such a success that it was decided to hold another similar bonspiel this week, and we believe in will be carried out plazed Payple out in the counthry this on Wednesday, even though many will yea.e I was raydin in the paper wan day that the cities wud go avvl to shntash in two arr- tree ginirations if it wasn't fer the byes an girruls frum the far - rums goin into thim. Tis the new blood frum the counthry dishtricts that kapes thine up. The shtrong, healthy young payple frum the roor- al parts, filled wid ambition arcgrane earn kin bate the city folks at theer own game. An why shuddent they? They hey .been thrained to not be afraid av long hours, an harrud wur- ruk, frum theer youth up, an shine, tis the early impriseions that shtick, loike the thracks made by a hin. arr a dog in a newly put down shtrate, whin the concrete is saft. But, av coorse, what is good fer the cities is bad fer the counthry, whin a lot av our shmartest byes an girruls do be lavin the farruins, rrxy advoice to .Thim is to shtick to the land, an the fursht ting 'they know they may be miinbirs ar parliaminte arr mebby premiers av prawvinces. Lit thim city payple shl8n theer own skunks. Tis -)lessi..- ble money kin be made fashtur in the cities, an, be the same tot:in, it kin be shpint fasletritr too. A man in the city -has to hey his hand in his pockit, arr in some other fellah's mosht av- the toirrie. But what is money anny way, .compared *id good health, an sound shlape av a clane conscience? An, sliure, 'a man kin make money on a good 'farrum too, if he attindsto business an kapes his fields aerie an well drained an cultivated, an watch- es the markets. It- mebby doetn't come very aiey, arr very fasht, bet whin a fellah airns his money- by the shweat av his brow, he is loikely to hev sinse enough to shtick to it, Tis shtrange how Crazy ivirYbody is over the Yankee game av baseball. If ye watch the young fellahs in the Posht Office takin out the daily pap- -s shu e the urht ti the luk at er , r , s ng y is the shportin page.' Aven the shmall byes on the shtrates tink av nothin but baseball. Wan day lashi Wake I :wits sittin on the virandala tinkin over the pollytickle sittuwation, whin two -young lads belongin to our naybors got into a dishpute .about someting, which, av coorse was none ay my bis- iness, butasthey wus roight furninsht me I euddn't help hearin thim. They are both nice byes, Ernie and Morrie an wus sorry to bear thim talltin so loud an fasht, fer they hev awlways been the besht ay frinds. It sames the trubble wus awl about a baseball club the lads do be hevin, which hes done wondhers, far a young tame, bat- ing ivirting it • hes gone up aginst, piney nearly. anie was fur makin the tame shtronger slain by takin in the byes from the other soide av the town, but Morrie wus agin it. He sed if this wus done the fellahs frum Pleasant Valley, art- the' hill, wud soon he runnin the show loike they used to do, widdout anny regard fer the pri- sint rnimbers. A fat chance you wud hev, Ernie," sez Morrie, "to rernaitt captain av the tame lohg, if ye let a.vel -GIRL WANTED -- For restaurant, thim tin harn hports into the garne" sez he. (Shure, isn't it awful how slangy the young giniration do be git- tin in theer talk!) "I guess the trub- ble is," se i Ernie, "that ye are afraid ye will lose yeer jawb as giniral man- ager ay the tame," sez he. Wan wur- laid brought on another an 1 wus afraid the lads wud girinto a foight, but just thin theer mothers happened to come along the soideevalk. 1 wus glad to see thim playin together agire as nice as cud be, in -the cool av the averting, -n''ours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay, Apply to J. H. MCKay. • ,, ,„ . FOR SALE --Two gasolinetanks,, tire holder for Ford auto and spat tire. A snap. Enquire at this office. - WANTED ---1 -want aboutneoo.Barred Plymouth Rock Pullets. Must be 'pure bred and early hatched, John "Kerr, P.. 0, Box, ,277e FOR SALE—Bike Buggy as good as new. Apply at • The Advance, FOR SALE.',On end. com, Elute, lots 7 and 8, loo acres more or less, 94 acres clear, 4 acres Maple bush. Good brick 'house, bank barn.64x6o, cement stables and driving shed, 'wind mill and wafer tank. Well enriderdrained. Apply. to Will J'. Johnston, R. R. 2, Listowel, Ont. FOR SALE—Heintzinan & Co. used Piano, a Right Ton Apply to Box C, Advance. FORSALE—Square Piano, good con- dition, seen any time. Nicholls, McKen'zie Hill, Wingharn. 1FOR SALE—A fairly good. crop of grass, mostly Timothy, being lots one and •ten, three acres, lying south of ,the Union ,Ti‘actory. Ap- ply to , R. A. Graham. I-• IONEY FOR SALE—Choice, Fresh Clover Honey, 2 E lb. combs. Call at Mills' Store. Jas H. Casemore, Con, 4, Morris. ,I SELL, the White Sewing Meath/es, they have no equal. - W. H. Davideori, 1.,AB0RERS WANTED — Plisfigeolt wages paid. Apply to the Farmers Fertilizer, Wirtglimon. 'WANTED—Boarder's. Apply to The Advance. 'WANTED—Girl for work in Kitchen. Apply to Z, Loclanan. VANTED—Girls to „town ,or board, Apply at this office. Queens Dining Room Sold Mr. Z. -Lockman has taken over the dining room and cafe at the Queens Hotel, which has been in charge of Mr. Elgy l3randon-for the past year. Exam Centre at Winghatn - Dv. Field informs tie that Wingham will be arnexambeation centre for the September Supplemental Examina- tions for Middle and Upper Schools. Exams begins on Sept. nth, - Services in Methodist Church On Sunday tient, September 3rd., Rev, C. E. .Crag will occupy his own pulpit itt the Methodist Chttrch, morn- ing and evening. The paStor would be pleased to see a good attendance of members aj.: the morning service, Mr. and Mrs. Cragg and Lawrence have spent a delightful holiday in Romeo, Mich., Peterboro and Toron- to,. Band Concert PrOgrattime be at Clinton, witnessing the.„Goder- ich-Wingham semi-final play off. Mr. L. Kennedy's rink won the fin- al game against W. R. Hamilton's rink and the game was not finished until about I.3te on Saturday tnorning, The fiest.prize was cut glass tumblers, the second prize was fancy teapots. One of the players on the -winning, rink was Mr. W. F. Honauth who is well up in the eighties, Crecl'it is also due to this Old gentleman for the excell- ent manner in which the bowling greee. is kept. • The following is a list of the com- peting rinks and their scores: ” Preliminary J, H. pristie F. Orr E. Hat=rison W. Hilliard W. Homuth 'Sherboncly L. Kennedy, sk. 8 J. W. Hanna, sk. 6 A. Wilson • T. Henry. R. A. Coutes H. Shane D. Holmes T. T. McDonald - W. Holmes, sk. 19 • W. Monk R. A. Currie - Dr. Ross A. Porter D. Somers, sk. C P. Smith, sk. 12 W. G, Paterson C. Pocock G. L. BrackenburyA. Tipling D. Rae T. C. King • J. Mason, sk. 15 • Dr. Irwineek. 4 A. McKay J. Wallace 3. Cove --j. H. McKay P. Gowans W. j: Boyce A. Crawford, sk. -9 R. Williams, sk. 14 A. Tipling • R. King R. Spotton H. Campbell A. G. Smith N.Butcher W. Harnilton,sk. Is A. E. Smith, sk. 7 H. MacLean • C. Wilkinson J. W. McKibbon W H. Gurney' C. B. Robinson C. Armitage L. Young, sk g E J,Mitchell, sin 4 • rst Rbund L. Kennedy 9 W.. Holmes 8 Ci P. Smith, 15 J. Mason, 8 W. Hamilton 9 R. S. Williams e R. Allen, sk, g W. Galbraith 3. A. Currie .J. Megan A. Walker A. Fothergill L C. Young id R. Vanstone, sk. 8 Semi -Finals • L. Kennedy, g • C. P. Smith, 8 W'Hamilton 121 L. C. Young 9 Finals L. Kennedy 7 W. R.' Hamilton 5 Men's Clothing for Fall Ring Bros. are offering special val- ues in men's fall and winter stilts and overcoats, it will pay you to get their -prices before buying. W. M. S. Fare -well Service A farewell service will 1.)^'tendered to Miss Wellwood in the Methodist Church, on Sunday evening, Sept. so, when, Miss Wellwood,-who is return- ing to her work- in China, will deliver Rey farewell address. The service will be in charge of the Women's Missionary Society, assisted by a womea'a choir. Men will occupythe gallery. Injured While Blasting Otto Lantz, a Mildmay young man, met with a serious accident Wednes- day afternoon while blasting stumps in the Kopass swamp on the provin- cial highway. Three charges of dyn- amite had been placed tinder a double stump, and two exploded. Lantz thinking the three had been discharged walked toward the stump, but only got,within 75 yards of it when the third stick of dynamite went off, He turned and ran; but was struck and knocked down by a flying piece of wood weighing so pounds. He had to be carried off the field, and upon examination by a doctor it was found that his shoulder had been fractured in four places, and he also sustained Anniversary Services Anniveneary services will be held in the Donnybrook Methodist church at 2,30 and 7.30 p. m, on Sunday, September loth, Rev. C, E. Cragg 13. D. of Wingharn, will preach at both services. Special music for the oc- casion the Belgrave Presbyterian choir assisting at the evening service. Ev- erybody welcome. A special coiled - tion will be taken. Rev. Percy Bain- es, Pastor. Lion Club Organized PERSONAIS Miss Edith Rush is itt Tox'outo, nt. tending the Millinery Opening's: •• Mr. and Mrs. j. H. McKay arid fam- ily are on a" motor trip. to Niagara and Toronto this week, 1, Mrs. Jackson of Clinton, visited with her sister, Mrs, Robt, Warwick of Morris, this week. ,Misses Olive and Gertie Groves spent the -week end in Stratford. " Miss Dorothy Pullen is visiting with friends in Taranto. • Mr, and Mrs. Joe Saint and son, Fred of Wallaceburg, are, visiting at Mr. W. D. Pringle's home, and with other relatives in town, Mr. Ernest Fairfield of Vancouver, visited. -his uncle, Mr, W. D. Pringle, Leopold St. Miss Lauri Smith is visiting friends at Ripley. , Miss Pearl Dawson is visiting with friends in Toronto, Mr. Thos. Reid of Owen Seund, is renewing old acquairnances in town and vicinity. • Rev. and Mrs. Finley of Gorrie, •visited at the home of Mr. John Hal - penny, last week. Mrs. John Haines of Toranto, spent the Week end witit friends in town. Mr. Alex, Fraser, -also Mr. and Mrs. • Earl Desmond and son, Donald, all of Ridgeto-wn, Kent Co., were visitors last -week at the hoine of Mr. and .Mrs. Eli Bolt, 6th Con. Terriberry. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nichol of Blue vale are leaving next Tuesday for Winnipeg, to visit their daughter, Mrs. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reid and child- ren of Detroit, motored over and spent a few days at the home of Mr. Wm. Reid, Scott, St. Mi. Stuart Boyce and ,Miss Ethel Chandler of Toronto, are spending their vacation at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William Chandler, Turnberry. Misses Maria and Myrtle Bennett motored to Stratford last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Sim and family accom- panied them back and spent the week end in Wingham: - Mr. Milton Graham and Miss Helen Graham visited. friends in Belfast on Sunday. • Mr. ahd Mrs. Henry Kerr of Lon- don, motored up and spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr, Lower Wingham. Misses Annie and Janisa Homuth are visiting at Teeswater and vicinity. Mn W. R Brawley and wife of Detroit, motored' over and spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brawley, C. P. k depot. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Morton and sis- ter, Mrs. Andrew Morton, also Miss Fay Morton of Toronto, spent a pleas- ant week at Grand Bend. •- Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McBride and family, Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Wocleh- ouse and family and Mrs. Purrott and son, Geeorge, motored from Ham- ilton, and are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moffatt, Turn - berry. • Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Megan and Mr. and Mrs, E. A. MacKay of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Young, Jolla St. The gentlemen ard members of the firm of William Dav- ies Company, • Miss Maud Flettty of the Bell Tele- phone staff is visting with relatives in Alma, Mich. Miss Myrtle Shackleton is visiting with friendsinKomoka. 50TH,ANNIVERSARY PICNIC HaPPy Gathering of FO -mer Teach- • ers, Pupils and Others. On Weduesda.y afternoon of • last week a happy crowd gathered in Per - due's Grove to celebrate the 5oth An- niversary of S. S. N.- 9, East Wawa - nosh, The,president, Mr. Geo. Kerr, called the meeting to order and gave an interesting account •of the school since its erection in 1859 as a log school with John Patterson wielding the hickory, the opening of the pre- sent school in 1872 up to the present soth Anniversary in 1922. • Mr, John Elliott read the follow- ing address of welcome. •To -day we have a duty to perform, but such a pleasant duty, It is to welcome back to the old school the brother, sister, friend or playmate. In many cases the home fires have been kept burning for a long, long period in order to cheer the wander- er on his returin -The light has been constantly shilling from the window to direct your course to the home harbour. You will agree witlu the poet when he says: "Mid pleasures and palaces though we may- roam, Be it ever so humble there's no place like home," But today you are again a scholar attending the school which through the years is still dear to you, You travel back in fancy to the old, nev- er -to -be -forgotten days when you went with weary steps to school, and then with lighter heart and quicker step went home aftee four. Can you recall the master or mistress? Can you see again the rows of desks and the pupils behind them? Can you see the faces of those who have gone on their last long journey and thinking of them do you realize the sacredness of this fiftieth anniversary as well as the joy of our meeting? Every anniversary is a time in which we review the past and look rdro .-i49710111,1111111101111111111111111111101141 111 e/xocoupl School Opening THEY ARE HERE PUBLIC SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS SCRIBBLERS EXERCISE BOOKS PENCILS, PENS, PAINTS; SCHOOL DAYS — WE HAVE Special ETC., ETC, FREE—A lead pencil and eraser "Free' 'with tbe big Rexall Scrib- co Mc Wirirehain. Ont. bier or Exorcise Book for me, 0613141211.121 i rug St re Phone .3 5 Pe. MEM‘MOM II II 0 MEM M II The Rexall Druggist former pupils and teachers and resi- dents at this Semi-Centarlan Celebra- tion of the erection of the present school in S. S. No. g, East Wawanosh urges upon the trustees to take such initial action this day as will lead to the` placing-enf-a brass tablet in the school as a Historic Moment° of this day and atangible tribute tothe pion - that Providence has dealt kindly with forward to the future. We know you. Many of you have already won eers of this section -who erected the original Iog school house in 1838 and great distinction in your various cal- hugs, - many hold positions of trust the Present school in 1872." Motion carried without dissent cities or ProvinceBut . On motion of Mr. Robert Shiells our counties, c , and others are directing the affairs of all of you can look upon the building- a resolution of sympathy was sent to IVIrs in which the very foundation of your . Adam McBurney, who is very - low at the residence of her brother, success was laid. The Red School- Mr. G. M. Robertson. house looks down upon you today The famous little red school house With open arms, with -- friendly viith pride in your achievementswas decorated for the occasion with , , with thankfulness - for the op - flags, one of which was the East Wa- heartsportunity, witwe again bid you welcome. wanosh Victory Loan Flag. - The following letters of regret were May this anniversary occasion be for .read: p(Continued on page 5.) iest and dearest events in your life all of you one of the brightest, hap - history. May We meet again upon C d many more such_ occasions. you Christmas Greeting ax s are welcome. Welcome home. The Advance has placed an order The following former students had for the largest assortment of choice scatscuorieandfrhpnor on Elliott,'ithepIatfE ren:. w Johan. ieCihriends.tm.weasGreeting Cards ever shown T print your name and the wanesh; James Linklater and Robert greeting you wish to have on the card. McD,ougell, Turnberry; Thos. Forbes This will be a decided improvement and Thos. A,brain, Morris; Arthur on the old style where your name was McGuire, Brussels; Mrs. Caesar, Bel- printed on a space' below a greeting grave; Mrs. Ansley and Mrs. C. Well- and often in a different color and wood, Wingham; Mrs. MacDonald, style of type. You have to see our, Goderich; and Joe Casemore, Morris. s-amples to be convinced. Remember' Appropriate addresses were deliv- the cards are printed in our office. Currie, former students, Mr. T. A. MacDonald Dead ered by Mr. J. Linklater, Mr. John T. een. Reid of Hamilton, who taught in the After a lingering, illness of several school over 40 years ago, although months duration, death clan -tied Mrs. one could not tell that by his looks. MacDonald at lier home on St. George Mr. 3. E. Thom, who has been 'in- spector for the past thirty-six years, Mr. J. Stanley Elliott, a former pupil who is now principal of a large school in St. Catharines; Mr. J. W. King, M. P. for North Huron; Rev, E. F. Arm- strong, a former pastor of Wingham Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fryfogie and Methodist Church; Mr. Sedgeworth son, Jim, of Cedardale, -near Oshawa, of Brantford, field secretary of the renewed acquaintances in town this trustees and ratepayers association of week. • Ontario; and last but not least A. H. Mr. J. W. K. VanNorrnanof Winni- Musgrove, who applied for the posi- peg, is shaking hands with old friends tion of teacher, but was -told that an- in- town. It is rumoured that Jae]: other .application had been accepted. may return to live in Wingham, if so He told a good story on Mr. T. A. we an assure him that no one will Reid, who when bidding farewell to a be made more evekome, good old lady of the section told her not to mind Ins going as they would no doubt get a better teacher in his place, The old lady said "No, no, the last four have all said the same thing and each one of them was worse than the other one.".. IVIr. W. A. Currie, another of the ex -pupils of No. 9, favored ehe gathering with an appro- priate recitation. Miss Florence Dea- con gave a whistling selection and Miss Margaret Adamson of Kingsville Miss Ida Bassett and little brother, gave a reading. Mrs. Aitken of 13lue- Jack, of Listowel, spent last week vale, who when she was Alice Duff, with Mr. And Mrs. R. 3. Tindall. taught .at No, 9, gave a stibet talk as did also the popular Huron County District Representative, Mr. S. In Stothers. It was regretted that Mrs. Oliver Anderson, another former teacher colild net be present owing to her lit- tle boy having broken his leg that Miss 'Nesbitt of Palmerston, the newly appoieted teacher was present meeting the parents and children. Mrs. Archie MacDonald was present, it was her husband who was the first teacher in the new school, , 1-1,e has since departed this life. The following prizes were given: 'Oldest teacher present, T. A. Reid of Hamilton. . Oldest student present, Mrs. Ans- ley of Wingham, who will be 77 years of age in November, Pupil coming. the farthest distance, 3', S. 3?,Iliott, St.' Catherines. Mr. Reid read out the tains of 72 pupils who were on the roll when he taught ,altd remarkable though it may stem, only seven have passed away. Mr. John Menzies, sr., wia the only man on the grounds who was at the raisittg' of the old log sehool in i858. The following resolution was passed mOved by T. A. Reid of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. A. Nicholls and son, Itenneth, of London renewed acquain- eances in VVingham?during the week. Mrs. Pleurid of Owen Sound, is vis- iting with her sister, Mrs, Dinsley. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Manning and daughter, Lois, of Londde, are visit- ing with IVIrs. Manning's mother, Mrs. D. 3.• Boyd and her sister, Mrs. Hugh Gnu -Loan TurnberrY, Mrs, Jack Slemins of ,Ethel, spent the week -end with Mt, and Mrs. R. 3. Tindall. . • Miss Jessie L Wilson who ha e for the Oast two years been nursing in Vancouver, B. C., and Miss Helen R. Wilson who has just graduated from .the Kingston General Hospital, arriv- ed home oiu Saturday evening last to spend some holidays with theeir father Gavin Wils-on,..Everreen Place, Wing - ham. An organization. of a branch of the Mr, 011ie Thompson motored to Lion Club was held in the cauricil Stratford ore Sunday. He was accom- chamber on Friday evening, when the parded home by Mrs, Thompson and following officers were elected; children, who have beeri visiting with President, Dr. Ross. relatives there for the past few weeks, 1st Vice Pres., T. C. Ring, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Magee of the 2nd. ViC6 Pres, 3. W. Hanna. Bluevale road, entertained guests the 3rd. Vice Pres,,,Dr, J. A. Fox. past Week, including- Mr. and Mrs, The following is the programme of Secretary, W. G. Colgate. Cananing and son, Fred, of Chicago, the Whigham Citizens' Band for the Treasurer, 3, A. Wallace. Ill., Mr, and Mrs. Collins and family concert in the park on- Friday even- Lion Tamer, C. R Wilkinson Mrs. Wm. Heffron and, daughter, ing etider the leadership of j. W. Da- Tail Twister, J. W. McKibbon, Hazel Hanna and son, Fiend of vis, AIL C, M.R. Refreshment Committee, W. T. Grand Rapids, Mich„ Mrs. john 'Cal - Marsh, 'The Knights of the Road", Booth, 1-1. SherbondY,, T. A. Wallace, der of Mei-ced, California, Mrs. Heff- Huff; Overture, "The Iron Count," Membership Committee, R. S. Wil- ron and Mrs. Collins were formerly Ring, ValSe, 'Dollar Prineess," Pall; hat -is, L, C. Young and E. S. Cope- Annie and Matilda Calder of Wing - Selection, "Pirates of Penianee," Sul- land. ham, having moved to Grand Rapids liven; Moreean, "In Twilight's Twit- Good and Welfare, C. R. Wilkinson, abont 30 years ago. Their father was citing Hour," PhiPP; Velse, "Unre.,. B. S. Copeland, Howerd Sherbondy, a parte:ter with Mr. 3, A. MacLean' milted Love," Fall"; Selection, "The By-law CoMmittee, Amos TiOling, father, Lachlie MacLean, in the saw Quaker Girl " Moncton W, R. Hannitou arid Rohn Ring, mill buemess in *Lower Winghann , . . St., Mitchell, on Thursday morning last. The -lady moved to Mitchell front near Wingham some twenty years ago. Her husband passed away previous to Mrs. MacDonald's coming to town. She was a good neighbor and friend and will be much missed frorn the neighborhood. She leaves two daughters and four sons—Mrs. Blanshard in the States, Mrs. Thos. Doods, David, Andrew, and Maitland, in the West, and Norman, at home. The funeral took place on Sunday, the funeral service 'being held at the house at ern o'clock- a. tn. and inter- ment -taking place in Wingham teme- ery.—Mitchell Advocate, New -Fall Goods King Bros. have now on display new Fall and Winter Coats, Stuts and. Dresses You are invited to inspect them. B. Y. P. U. Rally The an.nual rally of the young peo- ple's union of the Walkerton Bap- tist Association will be held in the Baptist Chur-n ch, Wingham, ext Mon- day, Labor Day, Sept. 4th, at 2.15 in the afternoon and at 7.30 in the even- ing. Rev. Andrew Irririe, B. A., will speak at both services, he is a grand speaker on young people's work. Others will also speak Everybody welcome. Roy Mundy, President of Rally. Mothers Attention I Special values in school clothes for boys and girls at King Bros. this week. Let Us Know the News Many people seem to have the idea that the local paper is only for the publication of social and person items and when an event of importance takes place they fail to "tip off" the editor, who is sometimes unaware that anything has taken place. When a newspaper is giving it, columns to the interest and welfare of a commun- ity, those serving it should at least try and see that the public, who are interested get a small inkling of what is being done and the only way the public can get the news is through the local paper. A call on the tele- phone, a word in passing, is all that is necessary to put the newspaperman wise to any event of the day. He daes not gel out a paper on mere heresay and gossip. Sang at Presbyterian Church At the Presbyterian church on Sing Aug. eoth, Master George Addison of • Orillia, sang solos at both morning and evening serviees, which were highly appreciated. A year ago when twelve years of age he received his diploma with honors, hise father is Mr. j. Addison of Orillia, his mother now passed to the great beyond was Miss Annie Eades, at one tine mern- .ber of the choir in the days of Mi - George Cline. lift A. W. Webster being uncle to both his father and mother. MitetlIIINo6011,..1.60ark IIIi111H11MINI IIN 1-1-1 m mmmmm M 11151MMM MMM MIUMMMEM 111E11151111 11112111151111 1 111 11 1 111 er Ce ISMIRtraffillraMMAISIMMICITSIMMII=71,16110181=112i94., ff Sh.o1 PIRISMIVS671E10,11t=1=11919.1.09===1151111re6.01.1g Sh 11 ISl10Dt.WEC1MVO.U...V.Z.M' ON SATURDAY NEXT, SEPTEMBER end, WE WILL GIVE TEN PER CENT. OFF ALL LINES OF tOYSt AND GIRLS SC ¥1 OL SIR ES GIVE OUR SCHOOL SHOES A TRIAL—T ARE THE BEST SCHOOL SHOES ;MADE. REMEMBER THE DATE, SATUADAY NEXT SCHOOL SHOE litARGAIN DAY,: 11161111111111 HIIIIflX WY. W. r "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS, WE WIN" secOnded by Stanley Elliott of St. — Catharine% "That this gathering of IiIttlinthNIHNINSIINIhttlialiNliillthtititliga n IllemOilionocomon iflonninomoila