The Wingham Advance, 1922-05-18, Page 6mum •s e err .A, hl:+�,iR fie.r You will find our stock large and complete in Men's and Boy& Snits, Spring Overcoats, Raincoats, Odd -Pants and Vests, Smocks, Overalls, Hats and Caps, ;Gents' Furnishings,: Boots and Shoes. BOYS' SUITS—Greatly reduced in price, r5 suits to clear, value up to $=S;:oo, now on: sale for ...$g.gg l4fEN'S-SUITS—Your pink of 18 suits, well made and stylish not all sizes. If your fit is here you can save some money. Value up tie; '$25.00, sale price $x6:85 OVERALLS --Heavy Black Duck Overalls and Smocks, reg- ular value $2.25, our price xo dozen MEN'S B'OO'T-x5•:.pairs Men's Strong Wearing Boots, sol- id leather, sale price $35o STRAW HATS—Men's and' Boys° Wearing Straw Hats, TEN'S SKIRTS-; dozen Men's •Strong- Wearing Work c r x Ss, ori sale __._., :SFr-ae SO ,KS—_o dor. Men's Wring Socks, regular val- tze.. 35c reduced to BOYS' :CAP S-i\few._ styles in:< plain:.: and ...fancy, .cloths 50c, 75C and $x.00' CANVASS SHOES:—Por . Men and Boys, Fleet Foot, Black, Brown or liV,Inte"at Bargain'Prices. Eggs Wanted, Highest Prices paid Cash or Trade. atrce To Subscribers For a lot of things we corildu't find (auk, niatImg list Lias been corrected • time, 6ty flay 15th and we :would ask all. Now we,.. -morn as our lives we re cribers to see that the date. -en• • •iriew; r label corn esponrls, withtheir re- Better a-ve'd found time to do those e,• and if auk error-.. is "found to things cndly notify us at once so that we .than the things we found time to 'r73c1y rectify smile. do. —Boston Transcript. at A. Real Good Dance Under the tiiispices of the Wing - :lain' Football Club, in the Wingham Armouries on. Friday evening, May xg±h,, dancing ;from g p, nt.' to- 2. '30 a. Fivfogles Orchestra. PrizeWa•itz tl Fox Trot. Ladies free, every- body- welcome. � This will :possibly- be the Vlast'oppoi-tunity to dance to this orehesira: before they leave fortlieir seimmer ea tgeinent,—(t�dvt:) Stili %t is Being: Done " Rutledge—Garton—In . Wingham_ on Thursday, May nth, Miss Margaret He, thought' he'd drive ticroSs the track Gartondaughter of Mrs, Geo. Gar-. Before the engine rWhitechurch, the•place; ton, to Mr, Stanley -� He's gone, and he will not come back Rutledge of Brussels.. The cere- rounda To file a claim or Tient a case. mony'was performed by Rev. -C, E. w Bay Nugget nry , RO1 • FAR AWAY AUSTRALIA l:„Y,'orace Benneti. `Winites Interestingly Of So.uthen Trip The following interesting letter was written by Mr, I.lorace E ennett, who is well knowit to Maly of our rennets, 'to itis uncle Councillor Samuel Ben- nett, who has been kind enough to let us have it for publication. • I3.ex 423,' G, P. O. , Sydney, April 50, .1 Dear Uncle:-'- Your letter of Feb, 17tH to hand was Pleased to bear from you and a Pleased to know you are all well,. Wingltam is a busy place at prese • 1 am well as usual' 4nd9iaven't even had •a cold until to -day I did a lit sneezing, but it was from being iint dust all day yesterday out in a facto • We have had it very dry here sin I arrived in Sydney on Jan. 22nd, a the weather has been very hot times, but always,cool at nights there is always :a breeze from.th water. About• once a week .we . g what they' call: a °Southerly btist_ ny t which is a strong - gust of wind • fro the south which usually comes toward evening•and it is' a real ga for a few.xninutes and the'teanperatu will drop about eo degrees in as ma minutes, then we,he have a cool day two:.. One thing very noticeable here an American . (of course Canadians a Americans) is'the difference in tem; erature' between the sun and'shad The sun is very.. hot 'here almost tro ical, but move into the shade and•it quite' pleasant. . Well I suppose you would like know how I enjoyed my trip com-iin over, Well ,I can say it was the mo_ pleasant .nnonth " I ever had at- on time in my life, It yras what :[ wou call :wonderful. I travelled first cla and did meet a very fine'crowd people. One swan I met; on the 'bo coining over was Judge Cooper._a re- tired Michigan state'. judge. We wei atthe sante hotel together for a xnont in New Zealand' and we -had a., tw birth deck coning from New 7..1 ,1 to Sydney, here we • stayed at the same hotel fora week and then we de- cided to live together in an .apartment. I might say he was over here • ori •a holiday but before coming here he Met 'a Sydney lady. and I just son an invitation to their wedding to take place on. April '29th, and then he will sail again, for"America about June 20. I w'as to have sailed from Frisco on Nov. 25th. but our boat was'held up for two 'days and we 'sailed. on Nov: 27th,. (Sunday) "at 11.30 a.:rn., .which was a very ;xuiserable morning going out to the Golden gate as it was foggy, and raining and talk about rough. _ 1 certainlyecould see .the dark - side of life• that morning. Talk about.being- all alone in - a strange,land,4 was all alone on a strange Ocean without any chance of turning back as walkinga wasn't very good, so I took to nay bed and had the pleasure of ,feeding -the little. sashes' for 24 hours,, but' by this time it was noon on the second day, Monday so I got up and gained : my -sea legs and -from then until we ar- rived in Wellington, New. Zealand was a continuous . round; of pleasure (23 days) although at tunes the ,old tub S. S. days), did roll, but we kept on top and let her roll and enjoyed every minute of it. There: was only one night that it;was too cool.to stay out on deck and that was the night 922 and Iso' So Rt. he be ry. le re Or tO re e. is of at linliammt..ElliMatm... yc THE Wxr crnAM ADVANCE,' Coal tion have , 51 agairisL I.alaor ,3g. � • Business with in; rs' fair. Lots of, inquiry but they.are very sloyij to act here as tbey are more like. the. nehmen, you Can't eXeite them into tion this year and next year they may -Tell Cosens the tueker is pretty good here and I am bolding my oWn in weight, 15 stone, 8apound. Well uncle,1 ant going to close for this time and hope this find you all enjoying the best of health and remember me to aeyone you. think would be intereste&in hearing of ene. With love to all, Be Early, Please 'The Wednesday" half holiday was -observed for the first time this season by the merchants a week aao last Wednesday. , The Advance will en- deavor to publish by Wedeesday noon during the summer months and we therefoee ask that all matter for pub- lication be mailed or phoned to us just as early as pos'Sible. There seems to be -a general opinion as long as an item reaches the newspaper office by Tuesday or Wednesday, it Is in time for publication. As a inatter of fact' setting oxi next week's paper begins just asasoon as -this week's -is mailed. Therefore, if awitem can be sent in on Friday, don't hold it until the fol- lowing Tuesday. ,Often it has to be held over or discarded altogethee, whereas it would, have tbeen published had it been received earlier, If noth- ing was •set until Tueeday, the paper would not be' published -until Satur- day. No changes of advertisement will be accepted after IVIonday during the summer months. Foreign Lady—Some toilet POWder, ' please. • - Foreign: Lady,—No, vimmen's. MARRIED before landing in New Zealand, but outside of that night going down off deck before eleven was out of ques- tion, and all we would have on would e a pair of white duck- pants and shirt, shoes ancl stockings, and there Was a nice, sbft breeze blowing and to say I enjoyed it is putting it mild; becau,se outside of the pleasant sailing, everything was new to aie and I never lost'interest in it. Then we had about 24 hours at Tahitti, Pappette and 2.4. hours at Raetonga Cooks' Is - an and along with a party we driave onderful to see all the tropical fruits /owing. In some,insaaticesagrowing nder cultivation and then again back ft the hills gronring Nvild, and talk '''alioet ,flowers. They"bane huge trees growing, some of them 'as large as a. Er „Canadian maple groaVirig, when they grew in the' clearance and just cover- edawith large red, or pea -haps purple or white flowers and the trees _won/d just 'be one inass of color, aixd the natives would pick -huge boquets and' _ as you would drive aloag they_ Walld W.4 toss these boguets into your rig what.: ever it might be and you were suppos- ed to thrbw out a few dimes or small ,change of any s'ort. At both these is- lands'' when we returned to the boat with our crowd, it was hard to -see the people in the car for flowers.. faet- we had a little Of everything, ba- nanas, oranges, mangoes, cocoanuts,, poppies and everything else that was, growing there. oh yes "pineapples", It is pretty, hard for' anyone tojealize what a trip tileoutth the ' tropics is, that has lived /A -Canada all his life and can only be realiZed and enjoyed by personal experience. I had a inotth in New Zealand but it is much cooler there than here with tile exception of Auckland and it was hot ewhen 1. was :there. I just landed rnidsuremei- and they say, fall is just coining on or at least it is their win- ter here and ,if this is winter I can stand a lot of this. I am like Jack Stephenson, too much of this is just etiough for me,. as it is jilSt cool enough to be comfortable, but' of course they claim they never do get any frost here. One thing that interested me here when I first arrived was the water supply pipes for the housee ,all run- ning up the wall on the outside of the buildiegs, Sydney is some city, but very Irma English in their ways and very slow hi their buelness ways and they are. at any time more ioteeested in horse races -and cricket -thee besi- ness, orse. races every day aim oet, and etierybody bets, the women as well 'We had an election lowe-..in New South Wales on the 25th of Mardi and for chaoge and it looks as thotigh the past Governmeet in power nee woeld epend any money as hey were after the Cepitaliet as the'St ailed every met the f. had saved 'a toiler aed it ems wetting more like. ',Iiestit eyelet dey, so the people got of at id have id eel ed chiefly NEWEST STYLES IN PROPER CLOTHES Young Men's Snits, Homespun, Cloths in Greys, Browns and Greens, tweeds in new and natty styles. Well tailored and best of trimmings,' speeial values it Men's Suits—We are showing a new range of IVIen's Suits in from the 'best makers of Men's Clothes at remarkable prices. Navy Blue Special $33.oci—These suits are hand tallcired from all wool English Serge and guaran- teed to give perfett satisfaction coinbined with comfort and style, Exceptional values at this price, All sizes $38.00. t'Oys' Suits—A wonderful range of Boys Suith in Tweeds, Home- ,spuns and Worsteds, new Nor- folk and Belted ,Styles. All and $13.5o, Men's Rain Coats—Soecial val- tia in Men's Tweed gain Coats II den Glow, Bailey and W1Seonain No. a, special at ST.5 per bush- Nu el. All leading varieties of Man - gel and Turnip Seed, also, Five el Roees aed Purity Flour, 'the Old Reliable Seed House. 40 4 .Thursday, Friday and Saturday ..-THOMAS IVIEIGHAN "A PRINCE THERE WAS" from Geo.. M. Cohan's famous play, also A Mack Sennett Comedy -"SHE SIGHED BY THE SEASIDE" - with Ben Turpin, Marie Prevot - and others including the popu- lar Sennett Bathing Beauties., 'Matinee Saturday at 3.30, Joe and 15c. Two shows Saturday Night 7.30 and a. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes. MARSHALL NEILAN presents his story "DINTY" Six cylindars of speed with WESLEY (Freckles) BARRY qa. first National Speciale:.Ata traction Usual' Prices. UNION AT RIPLEY °Peesbytery Insists that Huron The Presbytery of Maitland met on the eth inst. in Dungamnon, The -first hour and a half was taken up with a conferenCe on "Evangelism", the mod, eeator of the Presbytery leading the the ;subject. The Rev, T. E Kennedy, of Cranhroole and Ethel was elected moderator for the' ensuing six months. The greater part of the afternoon was taken tip 'With. the question of the RIPley union of the Huron and Knox churches. The Presbytery, after bear- ing delegates from both of the chnrch- es ordered the ueion to take place on the first- Stuiday June. Rev. K. A.. Collan was epp'ointed. moderator of the vaeant charge. The Presbytery ex- pressed 'its appreciation of, the splen- did work that had been done during the pastorate of Rev. George Gilmore, who is demitting the charge of Knox church at the end of the present vie,. petitioned the court tie permit their congregatiorr to remain in con- nection with the united charge in Rip- ley, having priniously been conneceed with Knox church irethat village. The Presbytery refused the request and re- eommended a union of Chalmers' nclhuodeeerea;:tdAr.r,rnovi; .and nox church, Mr. Overend of Kincardine as interim Bervie,. as a united .charge, with Rev. The congregation cif Walton was given, permission to put a mortgage ...Of .$4,000 on the church property to assist. ik building a new manse. The report on statistiCs for the year 1921 showed a decrease in' families' pupils the Sunday School ,and officers and _teachers 'els() in accessions to the - church, but a substantial increase in Nine ministers from- other denomi- nations are seeking entrance to the Presbyterian church at the comirig General Assembly. "You need your money 1, need mine, If we both get. ours . But if eyou get yours, And' hold .mine, too, What in the world - Nice girls should never say, boxing exhibition. The son paid for two $2 seatse "Now, -dad, said the -son joyfully, you'll see More excit- ment for your $2 than you've ever seen in your life before.' I've got my doubts about -tat," he said very gloomily. "Two dollars was all I paid for rny marriage license." R. J. ALVIN FOX most complete and scientific method of health culture known to-daY. It the only method of direct Spinal Adjustment Other' so-clled Spinal Adjust- inents are an a.ttempt•to trade on the rebutation of Chiropractic. This is a Golden Mlle -Office. and recognizes Christ and 'His Principles as Paramount. ' Chiropractic gives value in full for every dollar inveited. Adjustment .giVen for all dis- eases where there is reasonable , hope -of recovery. Office hours, ao to 12 a...rne 2 We now have a full stock of Lumber of all kinds, dressed, and, endiessed, Sash Doors, Shingles, Lath, Beav- er, Fibre and Ruberoid Boards, also roofing, plain and slate sur- faced and steel fenee POStS. Prices are lower now than they have been for eoine menths eorne liees are sore to ad - Vance. Call and get' prices for any of the above. Coal in all sizes, hard, soft, and Sinitbing always on hano.. • "Every morning irwoke up, I felt that something terrible was going to happen." Writes Mrs. M. and she goes on to say, "I wonder if any other wornanever had such Ets of depression as had for over a year.. I Was ad utterly despond'ent that if it had not beet .for my children,. I believel would have put an end. to My nightmare, dreaded goieg to bed, because 1' lay awake most of the night. , When 'I did sleep, Lad the mbst dreadful dreams. I-eouldn't Oat. I was completely run down ---nothing inter- ested me, nothing appealed 40 me. I consulted several doctors, They pres- cribed differen t remedies to build me up hut these preparatioes didn't do me any go00. Doctors, told me I had a nervous breakdown. I was tired all the time. I felt every day ;that my strength ' was gradually' leaving me. l'he least little exertion left me -thoroughly tired -can. 1 ',mew Iwas grad nal ly ivas tiller away. I felt wae going to die mid 'i-ees so thoronghly miserable that I did not care whether I lived or init. And then I it was. At fireffreinaed` to take it aa as sure it wouldn't do me any good. reelly I did try it with thelnoat derful reselts. am well and happy every minute Of .the day now, I eat 'heartily and sleep sone (1) y, My friends won't believe that Careol alone has What Ceirnol has done for me it Will do eol is eold by yoeo: druggist. and ie you cae eoeseientiouely say, after yon ' hone Ivied ineliat it, llatnini (lone yon. wilt reined 'your money, Card Of 'Tfianke Mr. Wm. Abraham and family wish to' thaek their neighbors and friends for their kinduess in their rheent bee - Didn't Seem Just Right. Uncle josh was comfortably light- ing his pipe' in. the living room- Qile evening when Aunt Maria glanced up from her knitting. , "Josh," she'rerriarked, "do you kno* that next Sunday will. be the tvventy- fifth anniversary of our wedding?" "You don't say so, Maria' resPondr ed jdnele josh, pulling. iiigorously at his core cob pipe. "What about it?" "Nothing," answered Aunt Maria, "only thought maybe we' ougbt to kill them two Rhode Island Red 'While the catile market here is pose sib13, riot all that it might be, the tend- ency as indicated by •recent sides ie er pricee. For two eows in average condition, Mr, J. innitlater , T urn be r ry, got four cents a- pou rid, an( or a steer six., and three-quarter steers at seven eents '0 pound and two, • at seven and a half cents. Mr, And- erry was the beyer of both lots, , He will pet the animale to 'grass before reselling them. "But, Maria,"' demanded 'Uncle jos can, yon ame eeem two Rhode 'Island Reds ,for what ha:peeped tweety-five years ago?" --Sin Fran- cisco Star: ' The Late Mrs Wrn. Abraham ' away at hex. home in Turnberrye early ore, Sunday morning, May nth, Mrs. Wm. Abraham, whose maiden name was Mary Ann Muir, youngest daugh- ter of the late Wm, gull% Ddceased had been suffering from Rheumatism foe years, out for the past two. years has'been confined l -to her bed, which she bore with a Chrietian patience. She was born in 1-Iowick on 1866.' She 'Was held hi high regard by all who knew her, as a neighbor she Was kind and thonghtful, as a Liend, she 1679 The Court of Re.vieion -wilt be held': at the Town ,Ilajl on defondaY, May' with, complaints. against the „Assese- Dated and, first •published this 18thl, Applications For Position Of St,reeti Cleaner Written ,applications for the above meetioned position will be received by the undersigned. up till noon on Mon- day,. Alay 22nd, 1922. List' of duties may been seen the Town 'Clerk's Office. Town 'Clerk. was stare -tell and true. Deepest" sYnepalher ie expressed to the bereaved husband and daughters, Mary Hilda and .Maegaret ° 0 0110 sister:- Mrs: Nokes of Wirin'jlieg;' seven brothers, James of Cfookston, Minnesota; John of Stratford; Writ, Henry, George, Charles and Gavin of this locality. The. pallbearers were five of her'brothers, 1-lenry, Charles, George, Gavin and John, and Joseph Brandon at, *Belgta.ve. •The funeral took place' to the' Wroxeter cemetery on Wedneida,y afternoon and wae very officiating. The fjoral tributes -were many and beautiful. . She stiffered long and murmured not; We watched her day by day, Grow less and less andeVvealcer Until- she•passed away. , • To part neith, one we toyed, so dune; But we- must truse *and Abe 'complaiu, But hope 'in Heaven to Meet again: DO -'not weep iorine my toyed. ()nese, • I am' not 'dead. but sleeping here, I was not yoursnbut:.God's alone Ile loved me best and took me 'home. Win. Abraham and farni6‘e, TAPE BOW ' Ito RACE OF itIFTS B ABY' CHICKS—a- C. White Leg- • limits, (Barron Strain):- The Bar-- aon Leghorn is an English )30-d, and„ Mr a Leghorn is ve-ry large. On ihe folloWing 'dates we will have chicks for Sale.—May 3oth...3000nat 20 cents, eeclie Jurie..81.0, 1500 at 18 cents each; June 21st, 3000 at 15 cents each; Juee 3000 'at 15 'cents each. We trapnest every day of the year.- All 'porir la-Yees. are shipped to market. Wee aye. pul- lets now, (May ist) that have leie I63 eggs: Every male at the head Of our breeding Pens is from a hen which. laid over 200 tggs in orie year. Our female's • axe persietent layers, One ' last Spring got from them 175 pullets that laid •him $658.00 worth of eggs before they' were one 3rear old. ^That is from the time they were hatched. What they did for him, they will do, N °TICE TO PAIN.TERS—Tenders..- will be received by the tinderaignedz up till 2, o'clock on MonclAy; IVWy 2oth, for the painting Of the river bridgea:in ao and Ix '..ToWriship of East Wawa- ,. e owest or any tender not necessarily accepted. _ . A. Porterfield Clerk Perfectly Restful Scientifically constructe0 SAN ITARY .Nattre-ss AND Cushions r• ADA rc, Alwaas far Hits Let,TI eneetteireetetenAgaat 'SILVER CROWN FLOUR—$3.84 a bag, $3,6o,in 5 bag lots. FIVE JEWEL r ouR—$446 a bag, $4.25 in 5 bag lots. FIVE LILIES FLOUJR—$4,25 a bag, $4,00 in 5 bag lots. FIVE ROSESteFLOUR-e.e$4.40 a bag, $4.25 in 5 bag lots. QUALITY FLOUR—$4.05' a hag, 3,8o' in 5 bag lots., Vlour, Peed, Seeds, Potatoes, eta. • Phones: Residence 175, Store ao IPLEY 5.5o a.m. LV. LUCI<NOW At. CitIELPFI n 1,0 Toronto on evening tvaie, 'Rot partienlaes applet. to 01:04( I:34:551.48 4.01 t1,111. 11.10 a,111.