The Wingham Advance, 1922-05-18, Page 1. . . . . . . . . . . � i, , "I , , -',, .. ! , -1 11 . ):: , I I , , , , , , ii, , i. , ,, i, 4; , :1 ; 11 :�', " . , , , ., , , , , , . . , , I 1111 1 � A ll 4 I"'op" i C, j F Til,;, I, ;" ) q , ; , ;d !o I it �t� t a lea y e M Mod A 221 7. 777777'�� TH V95DAY MAY' 18"t ONT, n W U 6' N'C� TH "FORK HYDRO A AMONG., N T BURCH, IS T S 'LO h URCHE$ Q LAND ENERA e s�14 h f AndWill Stud� -Hydro:Pit6blems: arid Mak �p Bis 1(5,P lArilltaills I der t t' 'a ineeting-, VIC London, will hold cojjfi�nla 7. St_ Plants, far oIswinglia 11, "I'VIry Q( Y that during the' iliotith of June. Ave ol S King, Bgoq., Classes a 'I th in- the basibmeni of the SO ree diy ad�' t' 490 6 Y: IB sare e, i5enlent, chiirch, each Thursday evening,. W.1 alij. is 14 Purty dhuich, ",goin, h Tlli�. is� the S. Wm� 'M. Ande 01 0 rson grid E n. 00 CS, first �ete' tX; Q g 4a $P.ecial appr te music both took,home new Vora ins n. an w I fr . I _ C� a optia, Was gi t 'd h d' t lia'./p.rovince - .­ vell cars.,on- S.A�uday ladt POR, S,Will be play IVA 'he� o'esilt in St. Andre d' Presbyterian� church recently pur, 'at ,last at� east' JlOQ elegat64 hased f om Ur, T. R. Bennetf use, wance.p, I, i I r JP aye d 3 At 5.4ndakltQrilinj y'atnot ef6ro by r 1. '­ 'i , herl$ awme, _�qr� Ti it the; b4 eqri�,.ratier creless- I protests Are You suffering -in,eeting.,a venty�four'mahers sang, Rev.,, Dr. A, flood, r eg of wifie's teav� has wAshed from that cost 6f, hydro It eggs" fe ih&�'w tth 6 E 0 Periie,c6ndu&edthe service. many A In from a run. te�nis Are I boftfi�r, ii�oj an's bankroll Three of, the way. Annive all d: wos Oike tW 0 , held say- services Will be Your opportunity to buy kineers a lo'� r0V11l_ in thoWingbaln Methodist Chu I f tl P ua ity 'M red cial:Hydro-El6ctiic a Itrcl On titerchandise'at gro Plirses, aria,Offe I r atly zdduce.&Oriceg the the last SundaSr in October So We, S iWit t nd ga've,a-detailed e is We- for thkee'daYs 'only at King 1�ros. I Y�. p6cted that three,foriller p anatidn of t nqQ pastors, Rev. would be e I ' t io'.. Their e ?EPT 0'' N", x0grI4 D�, Rutliedge ReV. Hibbert �ud ur:'John Kelly lost a Valuable per- �c4kd'hnyhera. but tl ''t B e , oheroh "g;gd rl� a% I'lleV 6ur, and A " h er -wall Ithurell " 'd '�'s sgt'4fatt`�k, but Rev, E,- ArilIstrong will Assist with st week. a it cIaS`5 it was decided,to organizc and,'study th 11�1, aninial is the onie. You :need to e services., took indiestion. ak ev een s Itti yi which h b h iv d Ift. John D�, McEwen has purchased PEP. AND EN.E�R idea of rhaking-represtenta- The.. members of Maitland Lodge besht' alue I tibils, t.6 the' conimiisi6h. in ee.ga�rd to 1, 0. lig, attendei I Divine J. H,, Finlay's Property in Lower n - a ilia �Pr lqers 0 'ff' the new associa- COL. Witigham.' Peptona i S as a c9mbili�-tion of PeX)to,l tlieer,� h d Adiht4it it. Tile 0 ervice III St. P uls Church oil Still- iized I iion were :choseii' as A 1-nost appropriate Mr d fol I d, a all d Extractions of Co aY morning*, WhICIT is th d real estate agent, 0 4,1--Stoc John' 4 AUeT 10" N" Obit ouf.-G. Stewart, r<)it. nIpe egate, -Owen S6, Was preached by the rector', has moved his office to � an upstair Ei u'rid,' s a rill c a i,tsi,�,4nd Ho its a ho Id,'- E ff6�t Vide-,Vres, 13 , D. Small - Artliu�r" R6v. H. W. Snelf in, -1-tho B , , Peptona is pleasant to take�.and easy� to see- Mrs. R. S. Wil- room in the Chisholm block -which has ingham*,'�; own Plot on: S461kdayj; i§t --John 13jinyAn, and tfie'.Aj -;hd Vice-bres lia 15' Rcfcking Tara-, mi redered'the solo, "The Ninety recent y been Purchased by his broth� Pepto t e'Sol in lashi is"a k "rine" in splen .131111, Whiell ' Sbciet4ry-� Trek C� Eldridne. ind N Ila imPrOveS the appetite, ell �L I �gcr av isurer I rche It . ecu' i " C I I I I J - , , e ervej, spache hev lilintioned 161111 tive oirimittee,. M 111�d voice, er, Dr. R. L. Stewart. T, Durliln, Ex the entire system. Poe ati,a goo an, un( Jersfitand, Ali to refund yo We g6a Prop. Taylar, ust the Winghain Methodists and Bap- ur money, if. 11P H. Fin I ey, � 'Kewt6rt Who t d' FiUhie, 'Moiilt Forest. Yolill the months of July and Aug- Big Money Saving Values at R7 Bennett, Auct. w I Hanover; H.. Hurd.oili�' kincar' B�os. store, for three days only. dine, Dri t,ists will hold iiniol� se�vices. In the help you. 6 'See E' H' boll, Orangeville ­ Dr, Me- niorilig 'services 'Will be held in -the Next Sunday evening the pastoe of 0 ow 'due f(i Iviry C lurch,has,bad good'nihi e associa ton B . apti'it the Baptist church will 'begin a se York S _r Arthur, IV. arkdale. The nthe grrqu. atd6a, tiio� middle'� of Junc day, btthee S , Church, and in the evening in ries El �Apply �a amtould than ,are �pro_ -Will liteet at.,least a Inully, and sp,66- the Methodist. of sermons oil Elijah. The The Advance. ' jticedin ial meetings 'During the month of ect mes.. b6 calied wlidliever July, Rev. All-. Cragg will conduct the suj Lz of the first sermon will be "Elijah. at The theladies deemed necessary,-_' services. and the Methodist Choir will Cherith and Zarephath." �rey mare,, excelbant in wan churqll­�Wear morre'" stoylish Q A liearty vote o or farm,or liv was tet - erv. Arji)ly, to red'to the hydro engineers for th upply the music and during the Mr. Jack Alason has moved to III r �bonmts throyheV m6re 'a is McKibbon s D e Ir month of August Rev. �di 4:61�i6- She -wants us to c Mr. Harris new home which lie recently purchas- e alkd It and the Church Cho;,- he Pei ;rnm all Dr �ge a back 'was 'decided that a fequ6st Would I�e on duty, E. McDonald on The Rex ta in,w te lever ugggst A so sheOdfi d 0 erti Francis St, Ing outfit, in we siftle dowilm See What Ina for the, a�pp iitm.eilt of a c Its e Ir do beriwearin., Thitil fied bydr�o inspect Rev.\ F. E. Powell, rer-t6r of St. A Sacred C SApply to or, in- each m1pinfeip- oncert will be held under so 'f aud Also to r'ecoiTfmend th R, rivoil.ous" at Bartiab.As. Church all loll 1111111111011.1111111111111 112 11 f Ii d' municipalities',iof- the province using ety in Toronto, occupied I the the auspices of the Altar Soci "T" t - ar P'Irbbl6m to dcoide,* the the pitlpit of -St. Pauls Church on n the Sacred Heart Church ID, U, 1 11 41 of wi,r6 Methodists thi hydro should'have the. pri�ilege in the -'"7' k' tfieyre'L..r6ijI1t,' the of Sunday evening, Wingham ay 25th., also a lecture 'P -may, iav e R own. lot. Owner nglicans, belave th6y'rp People seldom objec .roigbt,'ih6� selecting one.member of e Piovi L nc- On � Sunday, 16rist Fathers. Silver Col ction. irion, -v I er, t W -t eI6,iigfh -Everybody welcome, ifit IiAs sure, they're 6ighe; .0 ;Day w�s observed in the Methodist f a ser WIN FROM STRATFORD V,P4�ing for this'a dyer, tiseineilt. ial Hydr -Electric* Commissi6n. May 14th, Mother', lowe h. 'they're W1 wels the,Saptist S WeK s say, thek kn* H6n a First Ball Game I. B. -Lucas;:.S.Olicitor. for the Church and Sunda School at :2.30 The garage mechanic h of the Season the praste, sez they�arr Provincial- Hydro -'Electric COmnlis- 'D� Redmond ' delivyered a. brief Goes Another good t 'd no- aw wrongJntoir :Mebby CO r ad- To Wingham Way 0' expaii nioments. He never charges anything chest is to ra R SALE-L-E-mmorsdit. I betiller Sion, ng'�tulated'-tlie delog�Ltes'upon dress. There were boquets of flowers. for the grease he uses'on'the uphol- Try a roll, of th I" graphsj,,*c_a_s'lI or easy., -o. wid Ole Saf�ation,Aim)t� Itiim- "the"f6r.niatioril, Oftheir association and' given to the oldest green in ybur pants terms. Apply n ey are" ig it.: d _"RESH'EGGS' 'h roi 1 61 Aofthrine axr,-not: way'possiBle. FOR 0 cl, Wingh-arn. was re ingliam. -bars know - verry. ittle;'Abbut,wheffier 'offrod, to co�operate with -it i every mofher there. Mrs.. R. James receive at Wingliam on' Wednesday last Strat- Z. Lockman"W and youngest stery. in the opening game -of the season pply j6/ an saqle.,. Ire- less, they, are to� presented at the �years of lage, and Mrs. T. F� AND MILk 1he boquet. for the oldest mother, be- An accident which might have re- ford lost to Wingham by the close My Neighbor E. �StOakloY" busy troYi&'tO-,-9et pa�pllas hearts all meeting -by Mayor Elliott, suited seriously occurred to r. Win. score of My neighbor ke'eps Cather COmnli- Cruilzshanlzs for the youngest mother, day morning, when, till the ninth, when they weakene although he is a St. McNevin, on Satu 5 tO* Wingham led, 5 to I, -is, problem b. Campbell. rs of age. The boquets the Arm - file 1,1evii't made up me sioner William Holmes, Town Clerk btaing 19 yea taking a load ables from LE—BAby, Chi as S If t d in it,, serious Galbraith'arid upt. He and Stratford shoved three would not hurt a fl. ea SA c:ks,, also eggs" tries he was jolted off nd fell und runs f, ", � ary 1: don't , Want to , mov �7 were presented by two or'setfini frOtri good laying strain, fthei L little girls 01 er across the plate. Garner and Mb,de, no Uncivil trick, and wanceg.it Sitt ed. * Aelby y6 get more' namely Afar' the front wheels Of.the dray. Luckily7 pitched,'well for Wingham, while Ed- makcs 113� sick-�-hel`s� ly ingle Comb. white legliorn, and,.single . I' Muriel Campbell and Afiodia1sl' enthu�iaini,iti'wan Church;, moi.e, loy- garet- Mitchell . Miss Moria Sanderson he escaped �Atli only a few bruises wards and Johnston did good w me. He's always b and, Reds, apply to sang a solo. There were also thi and one table was bro4n. . ork uylng� Cf� --another, more-sil Ong n PERSONALS -ee for the visito' of Wing- suits as. _11cKinnoll, & ate rs. Hodgins c and noble hats a d Jo�sep ine in6re. Bibl� - truth in Concert will be � n babies christened by Rev. Mr. Cragg, A Wireless given �t ham hit a home a7un in the fourth ift- boots,'he dresses like a ki. hone x60J, 7 -7 It a St;j North. Wirth; It Mr. and Mrs-. R. E. Jackson'� son, ti as- th9ilgh theer Mr. W.. 1-1. , , 'a Wingliam Towri'Hall, on Tuesday, ning. -The weather was ideal and the I let tily neighbor - silitie" E D in with relatives r Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Thomas i t, stgn, illis was in Seaforth, Mr. and M�s: 0. 1. Habldek's son and May 2.3rd. Musical program from crowd large. The score c stlier tha I it nlin e? UCI M ove Stratford ...... . ... ..... ............... 000 100 003-4 that by jing! illet"Lucknow, As -now - -it rder 6,' �it�te awi tlli�,j6�od` Cruikshallk'; Toronto Daily Star, Detroit and Pitts- cen qt4 ities Be cotinfe ot n the 'I ne $a e' n 141 ivaIi., b daughter. After tile ceremony All's, bqrg. The principals of wireless will OOx-5 .aucfi,6n'ee,r. for the d6n!f belave'iti� it mc-, Dr, G., 11. Ross is- aftehding I Dental ac,-, Wingliarn ,, ........................... 002 120 new seclaii that mak st res Its 6b�_ diffirint paypl� h6ul , Toloorii - S eek Buchanan presented e �Of be ex lailied after.the concert. The The teanis: Cs an M Clinic i I thi W d difiirint' ba ies with small boquets of Lily -of- Concert b p a,',, oran,, atiusty tiling and frayIad And -a d6as they 6 -L't bappil starts at 7.15 sharp. Adlilis- Stratford—B. Lavelle, 3b.; Moore, libor ride iri"'State W 11: share -iona at isgedler .21iss ls6el Geddes is visiting with thlt�Valley. sion, adults, 35 cents; children under lb.; See, s. s.; Edward an old tin of Pat , I : - Y I e.� '_Phone,�o,.LuckII6+Nv.'. il e�s.,.-wan aivIways,- givese in,� loike her Mrs. Thos, Forbes. s and Johnston, I P Li oll round Ittoslit, 111in"Ifev t first thlat Henry made? � VII 6SLT o � do vid the6r'wOiVes 14 years, 20 cents, p.; R. Lavelle, 1. f.; Doen, r. f., White, bor's Wife is just bad, �_v dd Stlabursl', oil 1er ifie-.8ake av pace, Jos. uddy' is visiting at the ay Work on the new building o C- f.; HOetZ, 2b.; Clifford, c. Shure 'iis�an :awful quiet to , it , 11 around our little grad, a evennig, eitber it, Arnlouz� e they holllIe' of his brotfle Wingham Boy Graduated' Winghain—Howson, 1. f.; Geddes, s. lat� oli''. r in Au I burn . Congratulations -Are due M r. W. F. I lier ]lead; my Wife tlien�, -wa- .in no IVES Lotidon, spent 1�uslied along rapidly. '11r7E. f. Mit- or oil St" Fill der-l-vill please do �,be`, lieviii at'' Ott Robertson S., Hecker's ara-e �s bei ig he s Della augh of S.; Telfer, 2 b., Arnott, 3 b.; Gaxiier post 6ffice and� recei;ic budget si5acbe yit. I Am 11OP-in Mish-: over, Su, Linklter who Ims recently. and Alorden, P.; Hodgins, c.; Aitche- -on,, tears, 11 td, lily nday t her home in town. store to this -ience in the near fu d I' son and Fren'ch, r. f.;_Brackenbury old lid for vears—I woul r tell, Fielding- 'will rejuce the proice AV as a i r of St cliell ill move his, drug th 1 11 P 'R I r- 'RO t 'TY FOR SALE �tGor�, lobackey, an matches 'Frank Fair of Anca8ter, is vis- University of tare. Gu 1; dead! I know iust how so I ain at tile S4ska a b.; Walker, r. f.; Cruikshanks, 1. f. 6' ith her mother, Mr�� John pat- )vitli'the deg-1'ec of D, Wondlier iirybodY Sc. tell wall' Ile Ontario.;'. the pro Iting ii is the owner of the. building and ge tip .91ill 9�on the grop sysittil t�erson., to ha\,e a ve Y cre,litable I , perty kil' see, that Mr. L'ink- lie is goin' ree I -ess Report. feels, and so I as.the' Afbion6tel, good -ame ho�se. n ties Pro' d later has located af-Blurstall Sasl�., fol, a lieltriet she ),uce a Go-vdinmilit'..,A'i'i,,"awl�v4-ys will. store building indeed. Morden pitched a Eciv wonderful niust buy; r C. tbe silu"I'ller. He attended' the Hit ' I siab- M r- AV. H. Gu'rney and family, iiLot- gh ee our neig ibors prance, i �containhlgi, i0jooms, large -bi innings but Accidentally hit one of the s , III large g'r'�ge_and other good O'uti Tis",'fiarrud, to n and Toron�6,"oi�er tile and Public $<,li6Q1S at Wingilaril, * state and circunistance_an c -c SAY t good wurrud for ored to Acto., The Chap who sinokes a cigarette in Stratford inen oil the h'ead,and'appear- ldedwatice week -end. h ubbildings ll.in'-gobd st.Ate'of repairs in a Ion holder is doubtless trying to ed to lose his nerve for the remainder iioney fl)'- bor 1 T, its property' A1n,Waiiarloo, County -Wingham Baseball -om his orf the innings, but Wingham had 1P a �J� of,�ri �1, . I Teeswater was visit- get the sniell as far away fi Waa nd call Afford to *a, 18' -well, Suite&' in t leer, -7waS tfte,�cbshtoin a -v the Mrs�,,I,�Telter�of Listowel, visited at The'game to which everyone nanin�'s to sparc and W�, re,1113, orlbusiness' it Ala is nose- as possible. Abroad with diamonds As the owner A �l d f been fln OCRU a funiral to, slitand heof Dr. And Tainlyn going will be held in Wingliam oil After a time the small bov begins think the game Ol. lave and 1, have just the the grave ah 1virybo last week, w t1je, Slaw eavin to*fi� this 'pro 'I ' dy CIO So b i 'notigh to buy q, I I Potty- wil be say a Almiday evening, when the to understand that.it is wron- ge if t1my had played it out. At I a oil 6, at .,a I I Id' pric gooc urrud. f.et, the -%Van ho had old sporting g to tel rly er and - 1-11 a dead— e-' Apply' to Ali 1'. Jbhn Hanti and Mr, John Gal- Winghani will als, Teeswat lie unless you are a parent talkin the' locals wanted to do was to win oupbones and spuds. But,r gone, it appears this. lrian,� hd been br meet for the first ganie fo a sinall boy. and any person who goes away with'ganie- sport, I wot; like I acr spohp- Walker heaV' (h aith are oil a business tr p to Tor- ti 0 bad litisban n onto tI i week. nien I must tr d a in the N. W. the idea that Wingliam all-nos"t lost orrio, ntario. I S B. A. Game will start It with those T%, to 'father ;it, in whose -wurrbd wus �.s At 4.45 P, M. And will be the fast the ganic are badly mistaken. things whiz; and so am, "P RHA bond-�_Ter .p k - -s. Richard Ljoyd nd Irty neigh a) am �is sure Farmers Politi'al Meeting NG.ING, 'PAI' G good 'as -na I id �Mi of the season. Neither to c keeps tue broke. t tmr to leave a trat-, little daughter The annual ine�ting- of the North Take Yovi: Ti-- Ins as his. etc. ppl to wurth aianYtfifitg. at all, 4t all. AV left for Leamington, of the result. Everybody come, Ad- loll- -wus, pi of silloke as sumptu atin I ytingr,good;abq t say orders, call 6' 011, 'for a few days! visit, mission 35 cents Ind 25 cents. s' Political Associati Mason. hai-rud to Huron Farmer man 16ike Iit, M will be held in the Wingliam. Town b' t afther it � orial Library Speeding accidents are always re -i t rs. 11. C Leech of Del:oit, A Mem' grettabic. The great pity of thel-Ill BORN Aridge, that no one ever th iks itilinutes soilince %van Code and Aiss Lottie -of Tro� Hall at 1.30 O'clock on Friday, Tune TO 'R 1,Cbt- "Vill; Hans.vas j." E -N' ' ould hi -n!t al- (Fron; the Winnipeg Tribune) 2nd. Election f it age six are visitinq Mrs� (Dr.) Stewart. of o ficcrs and other ?s lie -vas sonlemnies." Important business. gret that might be saved Oiff the "e- ClOakeY—Iii Ettington, (�l furnished,) vays' as,. pad At a meeting of, the Fort Garry A good attend- little, rs. Solo Mrs. Fit -ys, is. visiting Chapter, 1. O� D. E. field oil Friday Cloakev, a dughte Rent sez,,"VdII he Coo quested. inore firne ,vere taken to to ,I' 8th, to Mr. and, m A Ply 10 vas a g d Ich of St. Mat ance is re te� r limokor' annyvay.,," with hot- daughter, Miss Ethel place, the drivers may be in no hurry' Afther - a few 11 afternoon it was decided that a Lib- Engagement Announced to reach, -e ininutes'goilince a4hird mail sez Filich of thla High School staff., rary would be installed in a nev C Rattil, n16i all - he awl,�r4s V�otede.G,i� The eng,�gernent is announced Of The Cadets Inspected DIED F�Rootiis'to,, rent. ADPI Mr. Mr8.. F. F� Rollluth of H.ar- dian School to be known as The -ence alfour daughter of Mr. and Abrah,1111—In T rube an, inebby lie cititidn't hitp if." Theer I �,ere guests. FrAncis Ridley Havergal VanNorman Mot Merklek, bein I, lore remarks.w� ill 11 riston, of the. form'trks pector .011 itild ome. p rents in Wingham over Stifiday, r of the meniory of S M. D. No. �, inSpected, �X!LY 192 ary M rs. J. W. Mrs. John Canleron, Hopewell, Nova Cadet Service wifc� f illia tt Library in hollo Lt -Col. McCrininion, in,,; ot K. VanNorman one of oil 'Wingharn H gh beloved till: iIi'm Scoti, to Mr. John Franklin Gillespie RS—If Yolir,car itlioihy Mrs. Thos. Scott and sister, A ie late [he School Cadet rA a -,!tape' 'and heads Mrs. newest'ineiribers Who died suddent" of Iroquois, Ont., sot' of tl Corps abCut a week ged 56 yea" 1' 2 da 11 Y Charles Gillespie and Mrs. Gill ago. He coill- W is , le firne: to re- MIS Arwick, are spending a couple of oil Ester Sunday morning, iliended e -Y high standard of 311a7clwood—Til ANVintlipeg. W YS. forillerly of Wingliarn, Ontario. espial days -with their sister,' MtCutch- the v I n., d, i s fo, look. Hkela Died in! u6rnas' Till eop, near Brussels, Successf Euchre and Danpe iedding to take place early in June. efficiency that had been attained i' AVcdnesda3,, Mar 3r&1' "1 Ole MsE.", Pilisjdy'� was called to St� only one year's training, tile Work of! G. TT HzchA,00d; formely Miss Olivia Cruiksliank 'of G the Coll, "'all ding officers, and -the rie and HoNvick. 11 if r. 11a e On,- Cana t Thonlas, oil, Satiftday� morning owing I I The Euchre and Dan e Ilich was Look At Your Label t 1.0 Win' lic' P I held last Fri 00 , 9'1' tit aint ;it to, the serious illness of sistel Agricultulial College staff, spent the [day -evo,;ii1X- Wunder the We have succeeded in mking titiie clean nd tidy appear� a brothr t 'age, where of her parents, C. ec noulditig, foringrly fen, week -cud t the home auspices of a cornmittee of the Woni- enough to correct out- rilailing. lists member of the corps, of Wro�\Cter. it goo( J0 le and Mrs. Geo� Cruikshank. yoll'i ca'b,- rel Ib ents Institute, was a decided success, this -vv6ek and would respectfully re - IT die'tf on, Saturday fl or, 'it evening and the,filneral was held from Mrs..' both financially and socially, The quest all our readers to look at the Cr�Lgg was called to proceeds after paying all her honAw WillfatIl. If you have paid her lioincon Fridaylast oli.t1g, to tile Nvas well Ove $TOo.00 expenses label on this paper. It a I r C radley oil' The ladies for your Advance and the label does 6n�,' Do- i1jiless of her illo but site we who had it in charge Nvish to thank not show it, kindly notify us, and if 'a Eas'are 'is doing to SAY 81, uhis life nicely, all those who by Neir presence con- you haven't paid- our subscription, tributed to its e recery rG60 Musgr d d )ratdd for ove �and daugliter, success. The prize v,,hy not now? & winners were, �'of Qle than was c" � 11000-0 Mis's,Holen also Mr. art�l Mtis- wen� T rs. R. S. Willianis foi- p froth, Jas. Gibson for euchres, (left Mll�gt-o�ve, motored it gmes, Mrs, Charged With Assault AO'Clock. r. D. McDonald for games %l Mr. 'Mr, R. M. Beenier,*C. P. R. station any.,tetl er not' nla�6ssarilv Firlgli`81 Ar6 Falls and spent the week -end N�,itll d' �Cut arecli VIDS Norman Fr �or elichres. agent has lidd a Charge of assault fo, ton'',per: W -144, Arbtibli rcivea, severe r ti- ti tovvn, -Y onraprice inus t, a c against Mr. Alex Georga,-col deAler, ocut'.' oil 'M i S -s of Annual Meeting Of Band ;.,uo party," th6,�::, fende Huf- all d, *6 rk in, Door Factbrfy fa)O; speut, .1 to of days alleqed to have been conlinitted at Inak" be S661, T, club'day , Illot'llift oll yvith her he Willgharn Citizens' 13and !held the C. P, R. depot oil Afoiiday after - front paqnts� Mr, Mrs. A. 1-1. Al tllb�tjifd I orsigned e, .,two itannua us- their I busines,� illeeting oil May noon. -The ca." wilJ be heard before slanting rove. hen they elected their officers Magistrate McNab at the Town Hall, X2tIl, Aac. ay is oil duty a ilt t -30 P. in.—alk- : of';, uriih6rry' X for the Year Mr, J. Wilks was oil- oil Alonday ilext a -,,'gain at thd �'Bell Teleplip,ne, off� aged As bandirtaster for the Coming drton Tinles. 6 al'o. Ve r that �the, t Ice gdpef� tMr, R Mundy, President,, dr�- 0afnitil and 9 at yea"; ti Owil home at A. -litigston, Vice -Pre$,; Mr. L, -Iii .1 Ig tf, -Mr. R. Stone, Wt le'L� 11iVe''Cl 1. 0. 0. P. District Meeting F Lt` FOOT FOOTWE�, Ig -0 -or a� tinle� ;:Mr. yOhnL'JV1Orga ec'y.' The One 0 the Illo.qt succe'"ful district b4 11 Was in Ripley on peol;el,ty &nIlIittLc, cp,d, -oil 'Monday'attehding 'i i ndy, meetings of tile 1. 0. 0, F., ill this n. ing of, the F', Bell and A, AVittc1liell, sectiall held in ears Was held At lyth FLEET FOOZ__POR STYLE 1-hein t Y flis. Docoas- of the bot'it iis ivill bLuf him Nva John- Ill. Friday, ,vith ret.1resentatives froni d thd "g, nia 6 At, th0l tM A -linston Ali-. Mundy all the Iodgcs'but one. Mr. S, 1feVit- FLEET FOOT—POP, C 4 a6tts all Ralph OMPORT Stolle� lzng, At I �timc 011u K fril Agetilent Coin- tie, D. D. G, ccupled tile chall. to Wfithalli on �'T eimii th - �� Mitee, Messrs. F.' jojillston and R, And in his ope �eniarks reviewed T—POR PLAY q n, orra I'Stolle 9 FLEET POO And Spica �It6.day Witt Mrs. tile Avork done in the pAst Year, Show- ing that every lodge had inhde pro. POOT—FrOlk.01#114. ploAgui,6 of " lis . I , I g_tb The foliloNving, coullnittees were t obnsonwife of a f6riller -Pioneer Dead PL F19T tor6hil Do 1 9, Culrqss Township, 0, milege and t; 1 1 Petoll I VLEET aToes- GI Poot St' 0va, aatvi"i Sfiboks of but f dicti J, X We have: till styles of lots fot es. racb% ranging r6n his� lit W, Clou all 14" twlltye sPent t fid Children, Sao tile r6 was 81 years of gve-his finant,jal State ut Dodds, h0q1th of the djg� e0 OnA tTArt to; 1>6111 a splabdid �Wldbw, Mr, tat in o or par4 f b tak ian of. tile Alps; W4 elece69 I