The Wingham Advance, 1922-03-16, Page 1444,
'iligie Copies - Four cents
, R. Bennett was a visitor tO
endon last week. '
Mr% Mary Black has returned from
.4 visit to London.
Mr. Hugh Berry spent last week al
his home in Brucerield,
Mr, Harvey Aedersoo of -Godericli,
,is visiting veith friends in town. -
• We are sorryto report that Mrs.
Thurlow is -laid upwith la grippe.
Mes..11, G. Stewart ofWingham vis-
ited with friends in Auburn last isreelt.
Afr. and 4rs. J. H. McKay and fam-
ily motored to Moorefield on Sunday.
Mrs, A. J. Walker end family spent
the week -end wit/a friends in Seaforth.
Mrs. .Hilton 1-litriter an.d family
have moved to their new home at
Mrs, Jas. Edgar of town, is spendin,g a few days with her son, Bert of
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Finley of Kiten-
-. euier, were in town attending the funer-
eal of the late Mrs, Jas. I -I, Finley.
Mrs, Lorne Aitchison of Thedford,
has been eisiting at the home of Mr.
Aitchison's mother, Mrs. E. Aitchison,
Mt -s. John Finley, who has been
visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Geo.
511(.0%1 n e w York, has retud
Mr, and Mr's. j, S. l)obbie of Kin-
eardirieespent a few days at the home
of the latter's father, Mr. W. F. Van -
Stone. ,
Miss Lottie Code and Miss I -lardy
of Listowel, spent the vireelc-end with
.the former's sister, Mrs, (Dr.) Stevv-
art, joseptime St.
Mrs. Geo,- C. Hanna has returned
from. spending the past few weeks
at the home of her brother, 111r. Peter
S. Fisher, Toronto,.
• -Mrs. Win. J Slioebottom of the
xoth 'con, •Wawanosh, is spending 0
week with her parents, Mr. and, Mrs,
Jos., Stanley, Glarnia.
Mrs, Corrnan Cannon of Cleveland,
• Ohio was a visitor during the past
week at the home of her parents, Mr,
and' MrS. Forbes, 1)iagonal. Road,
Mr. j. Wilfred McGregor of Lower
liVinghato left for Oshawa on Monday
morning Where he has accepted 'a pos-
ition as Draftsman with a firmant that
• eity.
IsPsdatumastaNs--vitin he received... until
A March 21s1, 1922, for the position of Librar-
ian for the Public Library. Full partioulare
no to salary and duties can be obtained from
iindereAgned, Dun.c8.1t Bonitos,
AUCTION SAL 01 -Albert McQuillin,
.m,.‘ east a Lucknow, will have an ;Auction
aloof his farm stock and implomenteonMaroh
1,1922. commencing •at one o'clock p.
Everything will be sold as Mr. McQuillin has
*disposed -of histarm, John Purvis; Auctioneer,
, ,
AUCTIONSALE--Stock and implements at
South half lot 21, Con, 1, Kinloss, on Fri-
daY, March 24th. Horses, cattle and. itriple-
- men ts, See bIlls Joy particulars.
• It. J. LAintaw, Prop,
JouN)Punvra, Auctioneer,
UCTION SALE -Farm stook and imple-
ments, north half lots 15, 15, 17, B. Line.
-Turaberrn about two miles from Wingham,
at one o'clock sharp on Friday, March Vith,
See bills for partic slars.
A, 10, I -femurs, Proprietor.
+OK'S ALC -One gasoline tank, Apply to
ISNITED EA.WIEns.+00-Orgiezt.TiTn
F, Olt SALE-1rzGobbler,4ptply tT1eIVrt6o
SA.1,3D-Ttvo good Buthatn calves,
Apply to - Geo: D.Ay.
TIMOR SALE -Brick house, I- rooms, town.
water. A bargain for quick sale, inquire
•,•_ Tun Any/Leine.
a7OUND--Parse containing sum ei tumm'
Owner"Inay have same -by paying for this
advertisement. Till.) AT.WAISTO1t.,
IVOR S.1413 -s second hand cream separator,
500 lb. caPiteite in good ',shape; 1 gallon
• sanitary Churn no wood very eitsy„ to. wash; 1
-sectiUd: band steel tire, buggy in A. shape.'
These will be sold -cheap to the first buyer. lip-
P.A.Y4t. " AinvAtIon Ogann4
1UR71LT(J1t1C S A ',If; ,1 bed meal suit') quart-
• er oak; 1 devopport mission oalr14 rockers
-qUartek tut -oak; 1 round dining room table
•quarter oak; 1 kitchen table quarter oak;
•strong chairs will do for ltitchen -or dinin
• ro•onj refrigeratsr 111 lb+, of ice size; 1 rug 9n1 ,
1 rug 11:1214l 1 piton -graph with 50' rouorcl.s.
lanai sou an at a reasonable twice aol am tectv-
ing for States. Apply to .1.45. Bs000iiuro,
About 80 rods from end of Josephine pave-
ment, Nerth,
irOST--Struilfrod purse containing one five
•doUa bill ' and five throe cent s• amps,
31, ' •
'IKIltlalY leave at AtivANce (Moult; and reoeive
, , .
AN WANT101.1.--,To hire by the year to de
. foo‘in work. Married man preferred for
whom we car; sapelythetise, aprassto
,Totor 1101,1,en,
Phone 32-6 Brussels, itoute 5, Brussels,
IIR 1,11a-tv BIGFROV, 0.41.5AL0G11111-7Thw
• ready; Write far free espy triday to , Will-
oughby Perin Ageney, the largeet earaa agents:Ss
in Canada. 112 acres in Hilron Colinty. 1 uide
frond Bluevale, Wingliem 4 -Miles, 75 acres
rltable; balance paste:se, lame -orchard, alai
nattiagail, 1 well and a spring, 'Brick house, 8
rootric, cellar. Bank bard 00k1.0, -barn No. 2,
502139, tie -no 0 hersea and 20 'cattle, Sehool,
ari4 railway depot '1.ntile. .„Prioe 85300.
• Tering arranged.' ',A.Pply direckto Trtos.: Ase,
mat:Rep., Viriuglicuri or neaS '01116e, 43 Victoria
St.; Toronto. • '-
IssItrirlasiela Saar,- Of household effectS. '
A 15 BtobAtistEr.ri 13. Lino
RIENT-I'we huncl,rod'aoreS,
-A, tufo, 59 acres new seeded,, rankling spring
well also springcreelt. For further partiotilars
pply. to , 1111;t8. JAntre,a Bo -gin
Belgrave, Ont.
10NDE131,1 FOB, COA:L-Tondors will la() re:
41444 by the underSigned tip till A p, rn,
onOndat,,Avirli 10th, teethe dettVery at the
Vitinghtnn, ellblic Satinet; "of ,' atil1rOXimately
fiftY 5615a at Sett coal (Ked'Ittelttit 'Pr Lida vela
'Yenalatiglieea). The lei/vest:0 any teacher not
neoessarily itedepted,,
See -y Public Sohnol 'Beard,
WsitalTitalSetrefent,tarna for testator mese
,yciteste: Appayte •' Taretatasisgen.
. I.4,•••••••.,11401,41 •
Aatil. • SOS, BalleY." LoWer
Fit hair., offers a :”OwardAlt,..15,4cre,11t.e....per,..
. sea :giving 'infOrmatien thas wifl sd is .the
0Ope1)ilt5ori Of the party Who pelsoinediher
111ArAlgT1E13---,Cattle to Pasture amine the
see , aettruaee ineetlee 'Terms reasetiable,
slailda50' liher,•Stiot) itterionit, nateghtura
Phone 5-8111, :
4444 .MM.1.4.MMK4442314.m.1401
To the Editur av .the Advance,
Deer Sure -
• Accordin to me promise I want to
tell ye about the visit we had frum
Itilishter ,an Missns Smith -av Rosedale,
Toronto, father and mother aiS Inc
eon -in-law that is to be. The day
afther the 'bye •tould us who he was,
he sed they wild loike to droive up
-wid theer limrnyseen an take him
home avid thim, seein the connthry
at the same toime, an if we didn't
moind they wild shtay over noight
said us an slitart home the nixt main -
in, Slitay overnoight I exclaim
the missos, "Shure we wild be gl
ad was a chorus by four boys and three
to hey thim shtay a wake", sez sh
"D'ye think we are loike some av thi
shiftlessfarmers over on the ni
lebine who are too lazy to lcape the
11 :1j.rr."11"11
I alisnetteltsill
ste•nglir.Slessesitll 11.0'P/till
Ste • " " •
nansocatumri. memaara4.4.41ammminamalmalestm1.44:444w444441r.41.44444.4444.14444,0*._,..14.444.4.441.44mananustatC1.‘444.44444mcamamarmixamacumuisma., ramiliimuipa,4.4eama
Under W. C. T. U. Auspice an St.
Anclreare Church
The W. C. T. Ili Gold edal Con-
test held on Friday evening, March
Toth,, was a success. Rev. Mr Cragg
acted as chairman as Rev. Dr. Ferric
was out of town. The Contest was
opened with the amlience singing the
tot stanza of "All Hail the Power of
Jesus Name" after which they repeat-
ed the Lords Prayer.
Mr. Cragg gave a brief address and
then called on the first number which
Whin I got the missus by hirsilf I
asked hur if she thought ewe cud in-
tertain such shwell paple. "lntertain
is it" she sez, "shure his fashoinahle
to let yer guests intertain thimsilves,
Just trow the house open an till thim
to go to it, loike the ould comulary
gintry do in the Magazine shtories "
sez she, Me house is dacint, me be
&mac, and evict 'plinty aV mate an ve
etables' in the cillar, an Irish cram
an new laid 'eggs, they'll not shtarve"
she sez. 1 bet I can put up betther
males than theer hoired lailp in Tor-
onto, an wid the Stewart Alamo
loights inshtalled, an all thim other
moderin • inconvaynienees, Misliter
Boyce put in, shure 1 wuddin't be
ashamed to lacy Mishter Meighen
hirnsilf come to shtay wid us.
Hawn larned from expayreince that
it is no use to argue avid the rnissus
sed rto more abotit it, an one noight
Mighter and Misslis Smith landed In
wid a' car -the loike'av which was utai11
• seen in. these tparts befoor, ,Shure, it
%%aid take the best hundred acres in
Wawanosh to pay fer' it, so it wud.
They slitayed foive days avid us an
sed they hadn't injoyed thimsilteets so
much fer years. They wished they
cud av slitayed a wake but Misliter
Smith had to get home to attind to
his business. He tonic' me he was
glad his -bye had picked on a good
sinsible counthry girrnl fer a woife,
an not wan av thim hoigh shteppin
Toronto hussies goin • about to the
movies an dances wid theer, dresses
too short at both inds an theer wish-
bones expoShecl to the weather. He
tould me, too, how it *as the bye
came to be wurrukin on the fat -rum.
It sames that afther he got' home frum
France he nivir tuk to indoor loife an
wanted to go West to shtart ranchin.
His father tottld him that if he wild
slipind a year on a farrum, widout
tellin who he was,an askin no favors,
but makin good on his merits, so to
shpake thin be might go West if he
wanted to. ,
Wan fome marnin, Misliter Smith
sect to me, "Mishter Hay", 115 se;
"how wild ye loike to go fer a droive
to -day," sez he, "Fursht rate" sez
fer the place is rather too thickly
sittled wid wimmin to be comfortable,
told noine av thin) in the house," I sez.
Well, we had a grand droive fer
over fifty modes, shtoppin jrm Gode-
• The reading contest was then open-
ed, one had a number and were
called out in rotation. There were six
contestants, the first wasnjean Green,
giving, as the title of her piece, "The
Orphan's Prayer", the second Wilma
Johnston, recited "'What the Botiolink
Said",.the.third, Gertrude Kelley, gave
as the subject of her recitation,
"Nothing and Something", the fourth
Nancy Taylor, recited 'Its a Pretty
Good Plan to Forget It," the fifth,
Dorothy Hammond, gave as the title
of her reading "The Two Portraits",
the sixth and last Yvonne McPherson,
reelied "His First Cigar". Afii the
little giels said their readings splend-
idly. The next was a soloist contest.
There were seven contestants, Num-
ber one was Wiliie Taylor followed
by Vera. Finley, the third was Harold
Toler, fourth Velma Orvis, fifth was
Lawrence Cragg, sixth Ethel Board-
man and the seventh Dewart Preston.
Ali the contestants bad good voices
The judges, Messrs. J. A. Morton,
Mitchell, Dr .Irwin, Rev. Harris, W.
11. Willis and Mr. F. Ilaramore then.
retired to decide, \villa one should
-get the medal in.. the recitation and
soloist, cOrnpetitione •
D,uring the' decision ,of the judges,
fileb' prize essays were read, there were
nine- entries. The first prize being
awarded to 'Margaret Snell, the title
of her essay was "Evils of the Cigar-
ette -Smoking". The second • was
awarded to Morris Christie, giving as
the subject of his essay, "Are you a
Slave to Cigarette Snioking?" and the
• third to Theodore Robertsbn who also
gave an essay on the "Evils of the
Cigarette". These essays were real
good and were well worth listening to.
• Another chorus was then given by
the seven competitors in the Soloist
competition. Rev. Harris then- pre-
sented ihe judges' decision for the
readings,' awarding the gold medal to
Yvonne McPherson and the other five
contestants Itieee awarded with silver
pins. Mr. J. A. Morton gave the
judges' decision or the soloist com-
petition awarding the gold medal to
Ethel Voardman, The other six com-
petitors were given silver pins also.
The awarded or the best,
poster cartooning ,the evils of Strong
Drink and Tobacco were awarded as
follows; first Edwin Hattnell, second;
Morris Christie and third Aldie
• TYilds'epr.' prizes forthe '
eseays 0nd pos-
ters was money, everycontestantget-
ting a prize. The contests were
brought to a close by the singing of
rich_ fer dinner, not hur'ryin, but goin
along atonic an shteady' talkm an
shmokin, as warrtim an comfortable
as we :mud heti been at home an wid
far betther elaance to shpake 50 aitch
other, .Mishter, Snaith is a Grit, but
havin voted fer the -Iiinioe Governmint
•in. 19)7 that pm hint up a notch arr
LWO i11 rite estimation, and I don't
'monad adtnittin to ye Mishter Editue,
that thim few months I belongedto
the B. F. Oa gave me more sympatny
fer 'good min who sometimes go
wrong. Mishter Smith must" lie • a
.moind av his own at leste tO be a
Grit an live, in Toronto. I touid him
about awl me skames to get votes fer
jargc Shpotton at the last elickshun
an ye slind liev heard him laff, "Mish-
ter Hay" he seat "ye are a pollytishun,
awi roight, ye shud he in Toronto,han
eot wastin ver foliate up here in the
counthry" se h he. This sot me thiiple-
in -whither, I had betther buy a hose
in Wine -ham all' 1i10\'C to the city.
"I d o 11' 1 undershiand Mishter
Smith" sez I; "how ye cud ivie go
batik to the Grits aft.her -vdtia an, wur-
wain wid the Tory byes it) /tow," 1
s'e-z. "Did ye ivir shtep-slonokip ler,
a wake arr two,. 71 s la es Hay ?" he sez.
`1\e/ance ter three days- aShin I had
lockjaw" I sez, "an s Imre the ould
-1Seinc samed good whinil whit back- to
sez I. "WelLthin" he sez "ye
undershtand how • felt whin I got
back wid the Grits, 1 wanted to
werrek harder ler thin) than ivir," sez
lie. "Ye moiad ree ay me naber Pete
Boggs" 1 sex, he wance solgoad the
pledge ler a few' wakes, but whin he
bruit- it he was wursus than beloor"
Ser I, "That's avan on. me., Misfuer
Hay" he sea, an he laftled till he cud
hardly droive the car. '
I wish I cud tell ye 1001e alaout
thees visit but the tnissus is 1)00-11001n
for dinner, ,
Youi's till next wake,
,Tttnot hy Era y.
Farmer Dies Io Auto
While driving home from St. Cath-,
brines, Mr. William Burrows, Louth
township, was • sit -leiter) with heart
failtire a mile from his home on Sat-
utday, March nth, • A boy who was
being glom ta. ride gave the alarm, at
the farm of G'eorge Wiley, Life alhas
extittet wheta the Stricken man was
carried into the 1iusc. Be was born
111 Wingliant 57 years ago, and had liv-
ed net St, Catharines ahOtlt 12 years,
A widow, font- hrotilesa and •two, gie.
ters Stlyyttfe,,
Many gham eitieens seete,mbet.
Mr. Burrows iviten quite it yoling
man, Ho clerked in a drug store in
o wit 101' SOiliO the e,
The. girlsand boys are to be con-
gratulated for doing So Well inetbeat
contests. ,We understand the W: C.
T. 51. Intend holding. another such
contest in the near future aud we wish:
them ,every euicces$ with this good
work. ,
NIL George 'Kling
This is the old gentleman whose
birthday was celebrated at his home n
Blyth on Wednesday, March tat He
was ete years of age and before going
to live in , Myth wits a resident of
Wing -ham
St, Patrick's Social
Reinenihcr tile St, Patriclt's Social
in ,St, Ancisew's Pre,sbyteriatt Chnrch,
Wingliame on itlarch 171.10 A first-
class orlograin is being Prepated, con-
sisting of solos, instritineatel music,
reading's, etc, A little girl will give a
motithorgaSl deldetion and Miss Rena
Deaconwill give Whistling solectiota,
Refreshments. Admiaidon 25 cents,
Rtinaway Aceideot
'While Alex :Inglis was d'riving his
sister, Annie and Bruce Vogan home
feotta Wiagluon Eligh So -tool 0 Fri-
day evening. his loaraes became leight-
coed at a C. P., R.. freight train mad
ran aivay throwieg the oiteepants cnit
tied editing them a bad shaking 09, but
they escaped nelatirt witli the peceep-
time Of a few seta -itches.
Rev. Dr. I-laaen, pastor of the Lis-
towel Methodist church, has accepted
eall to Blenheim,
"Sur -Shot" I3ot,and Worm remover
always in stock at 1VicKibbon's Drug
IVfies Annie Davickon has accepted
a position in the office of the Luck -
/low Table Company, and left for
that town 00 Monday.
Goderich will have a monument -er-
ected in honor of the soldier lads who
fell in Flanders. It will be erected
in the Court EIpuse Square.
Listowel received her third trophy
from the Great War, It is a big Ger-
man cannon which weighs almost four
tons. Freight was prepaid on it,
Miss Margaret M. Pocock sang very
sweetly in the Baptist church of which
choir she was a faithful memberfor
eight years before going to Toronto.
All interested 111 Lacrosse are re-
quested to attend a meeting for the
re -organization of Winghain Lacrosse
Club in the tonhall cm Tuesday, Mar.
21 St.
Fresh supply of Shur -Shot Bot and
Worm Remover on hand. First ship-
ment sold off like hot cakes because
every user han become a booster.
Sold at Mitchell's Corner Drug Store,
Mr. R. j. Bloomfield has disposed
of his property on the R line, near
the cemetery, to Mr. Leonard Bale
leine .of Alberta The deal was closed
by Mr. W. T. Miller, real estate agent.
Mr. Henry I-els:tartan has sold his
farm on the oth of East Wawanosh,
to Mir. Penny of Torouto. Mr, W. T.
Miller' local representative of the
StroutFarm Agency handled the deal.
- $5.00 allowed for old 'hot water McKibborfie Ding 'Store to
• introduce the famous "Kantleek,Water• '
Mr. Ellis, who accepted •
aS foremaii of the Wingha)
about a week ,ago, .1oft on .
enorningfor Tot -onto. Mr, A. t
Hams has accepted 0 position t
porter with the Times,
The annual meeting of the Wing --
ham -Athletic Grounds, Limited, will
be held- in R, Vanstone's office on
Friday, March leth, at 50.30 a. rte. for
the purtsoae of electing offieers and
other general business. "
The Kindergarten room at the
Wingham Public School will be con-
tinued until midsummer, and it is pos-
sible that at that time other arrange-
ments for the o-vercoming of , the
crowding will be made.
A Hosr/ital Tea .under the auspices
of the Women's Auxiliary to the
Wingham General Hospital will be
held at the home of Mrs. Richasd.
Clegg on Thursday, Mareh 23rd. All
ladies are cordially invited,
Elkay's Straw Hat Dye sold at Mc.
Kibbon‘s Drug Store, costs 35 cents
but is worth it. • They sell other
makes at 25 cents,
In a. competition for neat and at-
tractive window dressing Mr. Gelation
W. Buchanan, of Hanna & Co., Ltd.,
was awarded the first priie, $25,00 in
casli front the Forsyth Window Dis-
play Competition, • This window was
the Christmas display,
Mr. and Mi-si,„W. Phillips of Blyth,
annOtince the engagement of their
youngest daughter, 'Emma Sus; to
Mr.. Charles Lpekhart, youngest son
of the late Matthew Lockhart of Au-
burn. The Marriage will take place
in Blyth in the near future.
Mr. Jack Mason has purchasidd Mr.
D. E, McDienald's fine Ted brick
dwelling ors Prances St. The deal was
completed 4y Mr, J. G. Stewart. •We
understand that Mr, McDonald will
build auother dwelling on the same.
Street almost across front the Public
School. ,
A Quietwedding was solemnized by
the Rev. Newton Si. john of NeWton-
'brook, on Saturday, when Mary Kath-
, arine, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
F. D. 'McLennan, of Lochalsh, became
the wife of Gordon Elkks1 son of gr..
and Mrs. R. F. Hicks, of Newton-
)arook.. After a short boueyrniatan
tney ‘vill reside in Toronto.
St Peols Churth Notes
Thursday at 3 p, in. Women's Aux-
iliary Mrs...R.oderus,', Tea.. served.
;Friday at 8 p. in. Lenten service. :v.
lu'strated address by the 13ishop of
London."The• Men who -Crucified
Christ". This. week's; subject "The
Multitude'. All welcome.
Sunday, March rptla--.8.,30' 0,
'Hely Commnuuion1 11 0. in..---Mattin'a
and '2.309. m.-SundaySchool; gate: 9. i,-esEveesong.
Moriala,y, March aoth-A, Y r, A.
in the basement. • •
Remenaber 0 welcoine awaits yOn 111.
Si. Pauls church. Allseat:a free.
, •
The Late Mrs. Finley
Misch sympathy ia extended to Mr.
Jas. Ef, Finley in the death of his
wife. Mrs, Fitlley Wh111$e. maiden
name \vas 'Elizabeth jane 1ord, was
born in West Wawa-I:mall township
twenty-eight years ago. About ten
years ago she was married to her now
bereft husband and haa resided in
Winghani cver since 'where she has
been highly esteemed by all who teem
hee. Her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ford
are now residing at Highgate, in Kent
County, She ia /dso sarvived by thee
brothers, Thos. ill, Saskai chewed, Jolt ta
and Melville at home and five Sistel's,
Mrs, Howard Finley and Meg, David
Finley of Wing-Inurt, Mrs, Roy Shale
and Mrs. Orville joiles or 'Kent and
Miss Irene tat homes
the funeral was held from her late
residettee oil Tuesday ifternoon to
Wingham cemetery and was largely
attended. The pallbeaters w 0 70
Me.ssrs,1.3. Cruikshank, Ed, Hayrides,
Cinclair Phippen, Alf, 1,ockridge, Geo.
Cason/cite and Hatry Towels.
The annual entertaininem of the
Salvation Army was held in their hall
on Edward street on Monday evening,
March 13th, for the purpose of award-
ing the prizes to the ones who attend-
ed every Sunday faithfully throughout
the year. Capt. Wilson gave a brief
address introducing Mr. Willis as the
chairman, Mr. Willis after making a
few remarks called on the first tram-
ber on the program, a chorus entitled
"Bring Them In"; Arthur Stokes, She
second number gave a very nice reci-
tation, "Stolen Custard"; • Hilda Fitt
recited "Troubles with Dolls". The
little tots then favored thee audience
with the chorus, "When He Cometh",
after which Jack Boardman recited,
"Mother's Birthday Present". Miss
Jennie Aecle gave a very. good reed-
ing which was much entomed by all
followed by a dialogue, 'Gifts for All"
the characters being Lily and Rose by
Evelyn Shropshall and Winnifred Fitt.
Ethel BoaOrnan sang very nicely
"The Children's Horne", Little Beth
Stone dressed in Array clothes recited
"When I Am Big", Ruby Fitt recited
nicely. "Pm a Little Lady." 1VIrs.
Boardman gave a splendid reading on
the poem "The Plague on Egypt and
the. Slaying of the First -Born". The
chairman, Mr. Willis, gave the solo,
"Make a Little Sunshine of Your
Own". The dialogue "Sitting for a
Picture" was then given by Ethel
Boardman, Ruth Lockman, Bessie
Boardman, Polly Stokes and Joe
Clarke, (The Camera Man) • after
which Milly Fitt gave a recitation en-
titled "Lazy Daisy". Mrs. Champion
• sang very sweetly, "How I Love Him,
How I Love Him" and the atidience
joined in the last chorus. The reci-
totion "News from the Battlefield"
was lhen given. by 13,essie Boakdrnan,
followed. by- the choins, "I Want to be
like Jesup" by six girls. Joe Clarke
melted very nicely "A Boy -less Town".
A dialogue "Be Thankful" the ,char-
a.cters were Ella and Mabel by Evelyn
Shropshall and. Winnifred Fitt. The
last number before the presentation of
prizes' Was a reading lily Mr. Willis,
entitled "15 Makes No Difference
What YoutWere, But 'What You Are
To -day."
The prizes were then distributed,
the possible marks being 504. Those
getting the 104 tnarks were given
books and are as follows: Arthur
Stokes ,104.; Jack Boardinan, xosti
Ethel Boardman, 104; Joe Clarke,
ro3; Bessie Boardmaa; 104; Mary
Stokes, zoa; Arthur Stone, received
the second prize which was attending
46 Sundays out of the 52. The rest of
the Sunday School scholars all re-
ceived mottoes, The program was
thee brought to a close by the singing
of the Doxology and a prayer by Capt.
T,eeswater Minstrel Show
• The Teeswater Minstrel Show will
put on an excellent -entertainment in
the Wingharn town hall onWednisday
evening, March 22nd, under the aus-
pices of the Wingham Hockey Club.
Watch' ...-for big street parade at 5
o'clock. 35 darkies. Admission 50
cents and 35 cents.
Read what a couple of different
papers have to say about this show.
"The Teeswater News"
The programme of the local tal-
ent minstill show was a dean and
wholesome performance, toad, those
crude, suggestive jokes which are fax
too common, were entirely 'absent.
The coons were there to amuse the
people, the people went there tobe
amused ard so mutual were their de-
sires in this respect that everyone was
"The Toronto Daily' Mail and
Globe" -
The highest of praise is given the
Teeswater Minstrels for their unriv-
alled success
"The Lon -don Advertiser"
.-Mark Aothony's speech is, not
half so popular as the Teeswater Min-
Junior Farmers Organize
The students os the Winghstm Short
Course held a meeting at the end of
the term and organized a Junior
Farmer's Improvement Association.
There are aeVeral other orgardzations
of this kind in Huron at Fordwich,
Listowel, Ripley, Exeter attd Aubtirts
• The object of the A.ssociatiou is to
create a deeper and more permanent
interest in the Agricultural life of the
-a) By the, dissemination or Agrie-
ultural learning among ita members to
iteproved farm Mel 110 ds,
(b.) By conducting competitions
such ae acre profit eompetitions 11)
the production of field crops,
(c.) 1335 conducting cotnpetitious
such as feeding hogs for profit, and
13aby lleef and Dairy Profit Compc-
titi011s in Live Stock.
(d.) "13y comlucting live stock judg-
ing at the local fall fairs,
(e.) Ily condecting simple experi-
ments oir the farin in cow testing,
commercial festilizers, spraying, prun-
ing and thinning, underdretuage, api-
culture, poultry, este
(L) 13y the intsodutition of better
varieties of farm erops,
The membership of the association
will be limited to those who attended
the ShCm•t Course Inn on by the De.,
partmeut of Agricaltere exceptiog
bona -fide farmers limier 30 years Of
age may become associate membera,
as folio -era: -
The officers of the Association are
Preatident-f-Iarold Walkeis
Vice-Presidentse-Jaines Hartliei
• SO.C.4rea5,-Georgie
Directors -Eland; y Leobertsoo, Ad-
diedia Preset wad Alvitt Sretith.
Autlitosa-Graltain tanalib 1 ruid
cnram'si'Tit0111 0).10 At4)11
We will allow you $too for your old. "Water Bottle rio
matter in what ,condition On the purchase of a famous
6‘Kantle k Water B t
(Guaranteed for two years.)'
• SpecL4.1 Prices fl 'Water nes
(All, Bottles Guaranteediil •
$1.5o Monarch Bottle for
$2.25 Jupiter Bottle for „ „ a $1.5o
$2.25 Maximum Bottle for " • , $1,5o If
$3.00 Maximum Bottle for $2.lso
$2.00 Doubletex Bottle ... .... .... _ .. .„.. .a. .
$2.5o American. Beauty Bottle for • , ao
cKi bo
Wingllarni Ont.
iesgelaitaK, lev,htsdr
's _d)r g S
The Rexan. Druggist
Favor D. Scott as General
Nightwatchrnan Ted Lewis Takes a"
, Cold Dip
The PresbyterY of Maitland inet on An accident that might have wooed
fatal 'happened to actirig chief of pol-
ice, Mr. Ed. Lewis,. on Tuesday night
about nine o'clock, when working at
the damn he overbalanced and fell
headlong into the river. Fortunately
Mr, Herb Campbell was working with
him and saw him fall. He waited till
he came up to the top aud caught a
pikepole in his clothing and pulled
him to safety. We are glad to say
that Mr. Lewis is little tbe wors0
after his cold dip.
Had Mr. Lewis been wort- Mg alone
al the dam he -would probably have
•Tuesday of last week at. Wingham.• A call from the united congregation of
Belmore and McIntosh,, in favor of
Rev. C. N. McKenzie, of Kinlough
and Riversdale was presented, but as
the call had been moderated in only
the previous day and the congregation
of Kinlough and Riversdale had not
had time to be cited in their interests
a special meeting of the presbytery
will be held in Teeswater on March
as, to issue the matter. Rev. Ephraim
Scott, D. D. of Montreal, was nomi-
nated for moderator of the general
assembly, Rev. Ea B. HornegD. Di, of been drowned, vs the water is deep
Reofrew was nominated for the chair
of church history in Knox College,
and Rev. Frank S. McKenzie, D.
of Sydney Mines, N. S., for the chair
of /systematic theology, and apolo-
getics, in 'Westminster College, Van-
• The following commissioners were
appoutted to represent the presbytery
at the general assembly, Revs. J. S.
Hardie, j. P. McLeod, 'W. A. Bradley
and T. E, „Kennedy, and ministers'
elders, John Anderson of "Wingham;
Robert Barr of Ethel; William liar-
vey, of Walton and Alex Campbell, of
RiTy ehremsdcaole.
missioij appointed to con-
summate a union between Huron and
Knox churches Ripley, resigned and a
new commission was appointed to i
continue the work. of uniors
• The next meeting of the Presbytery
will be held in Dungannon on the
third Tuesday in May, in conjunction
with the presbyterial of the lAronier'si
Misisonary Society.
and the current at the gate very
1 Card Of Thanks
Mr. j. EL Finley' wishes to publicly
express his sincere thanks to friends
and neighbors for kindness and. sym-
pathy extended to him &trinet'the
short illness and at the time of: the
•death of his dear wife. He wishes to
thank especially. Mrs, Benson. Cruik-
shank and the nurse Miss Haines,
ethotdist Ch
; Rev. C. E. Cragg, B. D., Pastor sill
Illustrated Lecture
' Prof. McCready of Toronto -will
give an illustrated lecture in the town
hall, Wingham, on Friday evening,
March 24t1., at S o'clock. This lec-
ture is being held under the auspices
of the Wingloun Branch of the Red
Cross Society and a ailver collection
will be taken at the door to defray
expenses. Prof. McCready's •subjects
will be "The Handicap and Medical
Inspection of School Children" and
"A Month Full of Wisdom." Every-
body should attend.
4.imonionsmensiatiniemlrateiammarmiktureemereumarizetwronan '
i0.30 -11f °riling ('lass.
1--7tiOrning • Worship, "'I' 11
Teachings of jesus"--jesus no
an Enthusiast.
2.30-Sin:day School. •
7 :Evening, Service, "Is )rotcs-
t anti sm W a n ine-S u gg es t ed
by a statement made by a
priest' of Roman Catholicism t
in which he says Protestant-
ism is a decatleut religion,
'Monday evening, the Young...4.
'stooks' 111 eetiag.
'Wednesday, the
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