The Wingham Advance, 1922-03-09, Page 3, • .,, •„, 1, • ;ft , - . The .TIiwghts we. ,,Take to a itughartr Advaiteti Our Fir111ixli. Dotoirtiotr, , The praseat ot ufldiig.in 32L33, (.01111mi-ell with $9,441,850 in iniIitun, Ontario , riana..4a, hoe . Trot been .reacned • avery aahaasaily M 0 1914.1}21 wa The haildiag tfI, A, G' SMITH Publieher 7-,•"-giebierint rates 22;00; siX,mariths, $100,ie, advanc.. . Advertiain,g-rates n applic(ition, AdvertiSemniata Witb•O14,.11)°P1,11e. ,rections .130 ineerted until rfr • o od l ch4r,g04 'aCCOrain,g17: ' Ch'ange*. „' for' contract, advertise- ,: ments basin the Office 'by "fieone'laana- day, •. , , antaaataeetetaamearetaaaratateaariatteaatataaraezzan BUSINESS' CARDS , Nkrellington 1Vintual Fir " . • '1,Insan's nice 'Co Fetabli,slied 1840 . Head Office, Guelph" ,•,rtisit's all'elaSees, of insur- j,..,able.m*opert,y on the cash or 'premium , system. • • ,• ABNER COSEaTS, A.gent •• • 'Wingbant HOLESDUDLEY 1S,ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, !ETC. . Victory and Other' Bonds Bought and , Sold.• Office -Mayor Block, Wineharn VANSTE1E ,BARFliSTER Aiati SOLICITOF,$ Money',ta,.Lothrt. it Lo'west Rate n.' „.. • ,111/41 if d t:4,11cir '"' ' TIIUR IR 11 , Doctor, of 'Dental, Surgery of the erinsylaania College "and Licentiate of- Dental.Surgo.y of ()Iitario. Office in Macdonald Block.' . . 1'1 C. IL.ROSS Graduate Royal College of Den. tai.' , . Surgeons . • Graate-te Uniktersity-of,Torento • •Faculty of beritisiry Of--FICE OVER H. E. ISA1313'S STORE •It M.D., Special:attention paid to diseases. Of loin en an d Ch area, 'having taken ".• radtiata woak ib Sureery, bee- : tea -Macey": and Scientific aledieine, , . a-Offiee ftv the Kerr, Residence,' between the Gueen's Hotel and' the ;Bapitist ••.Church., •.' • Insin.ess given careful attention., Phone 54. tercedng .nientlf, a gain fat , ----...............83'6: • .Exporte 'of liewtsPriat 'for', the, $24018,300, as against 2255,605,1309, 'a' 'month ' amounted to 1,453,195 cwts., 0110,(4eGreare in money ,valtio of con- valuedat :$6,708,178. Weeaphip of all trarits-aea ;which le, preamble alecie.thae ,eranalrteci. „alp December Outweighed by tee fall bi .builidina =ciliated to 1,692,044 Cwasnevalued, at eogItq. The decrea.se, each as it js „cc-, ,a4,209,3,83, wh3le exports of pulpwood culai',.only in , the, ,Westera andeagaxityt pax,t3ie mop.1.4. totalled .•4679„ eords, time Protleeee, ,,valued at $480,160. , showing sabstential increases. a In • competition with , creameries ly 76 million. (1.011a,rs, weita of resicien- frem nix out of the 'Line protinees of •tial constructionewas'pnt in, head dur- 'Canada, the "J1 -Canada" special tor Mg the year, 85, n113on dollara worth. creamery butter w,as woneby the Shoal • . nf. husitiess property, 'sixteen and a Lake Creamery, of'Sboal Lake, Mani hall million dollars worth of Indus- tobe,,, with an "il,v'eyag.p.. sco,r,e „of 9'7,0A trial and 62 millionedallars worth, of out of a poseible 100 at an exhibit of engineerieg construction. , ereamery autier at Winnipeg., „., • , 111°Snt Su'eceSsful. year has Jast, •Whale:: hunting off the: Britieh Col- . coast may be resumed, this Year been cenaluded accoraing to the an- 'ambla coas nual report'of the Cornwall Board of by the CollsOlidated .Whaling aorpoea,- ,Trade, and all pfaTits the the tiara I-Iunting., of the big, praseet time 'working to full capacity, was diecontinued laSrt .Year beeause The population oT the town ' stated the market, for 1:r4sle oil- was la, Poor to be 7,788,:with some halbutarY 2,500 one. Tbe obtilook for s'eesen, Persons "bee,ond the limits, but' emP104.- ho'wever,,ia: better, and .the-ciorpoinaloe ed are seine 70 ind•ua, la ode:eider-Mg _the advisibility of ,establistenents, eMpleying ,1;973 PamingaetivitieS.• • trlal The ,Calgary Board' or Trade" has hand's, .anal•PaYing, wages teta.11ing 465,491. ,' This' deo not •includee the allePt,ed".; calling' an all Ho.wataxl-S:mith Pe-epeY Mill outside 'the rfierlthrs, Palaament to see -Canada tow, limits; -where 360 hands are em- beforeethey, enter .upon •• their payomil of.• . The argument. is about ;.350,000, • ; that ,th,ey will, in; Taa,alle;r; 1,11Creae ••• their knowledge 'of many railway, ag- The annual fur production In the and develoimient. problems Fort 'William clistrict,„ which includes when they are seeing, the Dominion at Pert Arthur, a'Tipagon. and West' to Kenora, , le ' approalinately 7,000 mink,' fi7st band and W.L.11. be enabled: 't'n':dsead' Mere: effieiently with national Prob- 1,000 elect. ,hear., 2,000,martin,..I,(21,050„.bus .a they • .slivale,35,0 Oa b eavcri.. 3000 ' 000 NY'e.:'4.9,01"' 7,0.00Mataln trate ringOff'thsleicyreee 'vs.h1iP92m1elairrtosmefthluine mainland and 1'du,ci and '5'5)0:lynx.' These tire:a' vveeen plied, by Meafinaa,•,,,,,orats,„:,r,„ of of .B.dtts4 Columbia amounted to 164- Shipments' to China and the Ra,-,vir 4'11r • Dealer's'...:PrnS'oelatitin 'ef °Q0/000 feet •Japan_ accOunted for 93,000,000 .feet';' Nerthern.,Ontario.!• • . .„•• e • • Atistralia,efid. New Zealand .27 0.00 000• 1 Tweaty-fteue. new, inettstsStates 13,500 rie' lo- ' _ _ _ • United '000's:flaked Xing aatera ,a,ceoraing ' • - to the, euffaa4 repeti of the. ,g.eforh...is._ aom 9,eu0.,0e0, other placee 21,500,009, In addition 700,000,btualles: of Shingles sioner of Indusiries, and Pt blicav and were..elaipped to.,11nied 'States Atlan- . in amnion rear 'new u ia,v •1i4111 11.4211S GI 00X tu ttathe ei ' '• te. es-tablislie,d their hea.dgearters :there, , , ,L,E;, ehye, • .1?,0 St tthlum 1,thitttsto,wioboepns"clotolii)e,„ lYte,11„you.a'iilwiinleliirvaettc-,I.bleilatie to. wlth . • . ,J 11.04.41 irkg *arlaikleci., fealang -:•••••' , • . , It is not Sava „Theedore almond Jour,- fray,, the Pateueli pliialesepher": , • tae 'analoy„iets goto prove tliat tae mind is always, awake. During eleen • • tact iain,a ia- itafirterelal. meed •r.-ttato,. but it, goes, on and dleveloPS 11- 'self • abselutely. as in! the:, . walring• hours,' • " ota,er tidiale while ()lir becliee are' astietePear minds go on iletelopinig tire pattera ,et. the laeals, the, hopes,the asPlinitiouia• the Moat pcp3a lio,expeetions, tile 04S .1E5' f?A'ILIZ4-016,L Cteik t „ re: r•—•,rf e9xt.,e,WIP'7, : paper in the -linen erivelePe That's es laden Wli itsnew; be looked at the nurse, Who was preparieg a drink foT the patient; he looked at the motion less old man. -He didn't cemprehend in. the least wha.t he saw. He we.s tn agony. 'Three hundred thousand francs! And he became paler still when he thodglat of the interest running back so many years. In his anguish he saw atie fortune dissipated, the work, of his life undone, hi.s power destroyed. To give back the money seemed mon- G ABOUTTIME W " HAD AN ECONOMICAL C9.NFERINCE IN CANADA Adams §ervice There was a silenice while the spn read the clocurneat, which shook in his "You see, there isn't any dtoulat about It," the old nian - continued : "131anchard lived a life.of misery/. He had' been brought „up expecting to have, the fortime; he became a declasee. 1-1e, died ,a long time ago. But he left two cbildrente-one, a boy, who. is now a petty clerk, without a sou, and burden- -easeUL • , „ shooks went to .4.-astralia and Singa- Iso a teacher. Now it is necessary to honesty, never before subjected to but have itot yet started manufactur- , . Make reparation don't you. under- real temptation had always been ex- intg. Winnipeg school children in elernen- stand? My father tolcame.this•just be= acting. He both pitied and hated the Daring the year 1921, •1,100303 Maygrades have a credit balance,. of fore, e dled. He toid me It was. a despoiled Blancharcle. The idea thait pounds of cheese; valued at 2204,864, '2132,475. in the sch,00l eavings depart- weight which was. crushing him. It he must expiate tile fault ef irie'grand- were produced in the province of New 'Inuit which is carried with the Cana- was remorse, if yeawilL He,.told me father, not repaired bybis father, re- Brunswick, according te the Proyin- diasi Bank of Commerce. These figures that reparamm reparation must be ad,e. But volted . They came to tell him that dinner was eerved. • He went down stairs mechanieally, still M torment. His wife and hit two sons were waiting for him in the dining room. A. thought shot thrOugh his brain. His troubled face smoothed out. His eyes 'brightened, as they fell upon. the two boys.. "I'll tell them," he said to hiineelf, with: a sigh of relief. "Yes, that's it. tell them latei. They wiladecide--- later." , And he kaew, •although he didn't „confe,ss it, that that "later" would mat Departmeat of „agriculture. In ad- repros:ent TO increase o,f 5.30,000* over' ditienn, 1,162,020 pounds of butter were 1920 and ,t1.21 additional 2,291 deposi manufactured, 'of' a value ea 5470,870. --- The value of the 1921 crop tei Que- Of the 14,727,044 tens, of coal pro - pee. has, been, officially placed at $219,- auee,a •iia. Canada. in '1921 British qt. • 154,000. A total of. 2;754,000 bashels of unibia.a,ccennted tor 2,909,296 tons, or , , , ' Wheat accounted fora revenite of $4,- ore than 20 per 'eent It has been • 379,000;. 50,591,000 busheiseel Oat'S for estimated that ,direetlY or indirectly $30,355,000a A.,013,d0C1 people in the 'province are de - ley for 2:4,0a3,000; .36,089,000, -Meehels pendent on the .coal indattry-.More _df..petatoes. 2.38,871,000, and 4(205,000- ,taan.o.,o9,p,o90aVas• pain an .-vaages in . teas of haY and elover...6r. 8121,945; and a,roUnd. *.ceed mines of 'BitiSa CO - at tbat moment our lyusiness wasnot secuae, and all the Meney, was tied. up in. expansion." •, • • "As it is now," Louis Marville inter- . . ruPted. • allo. There is no', danger now. But 'then. I couldn't bring myself to do, it. I couldn't. I thought: of you, of your aitiire 1 deeided to put it off. From. year 'to year I hesitated—I shrank laacit., I hadn't the courage. I had been poor. I had" seen misery in the "itobt• rio d Laa.C.P. • r a • PHYSIC/AN AND'ISHRGEON* ClaiSlialm'e atiihd) ' STEWART Oracluate :Of UniversityOf Termite Faculty of IVIellidine• Licentiate o' the Ontario." College 'of, Physicians and Suageona. - • Office Entrance; Seoond Door North of 'ZufsbrC39'5 ' Photo StLICEO. • •, ,JOSEPI:11NE STREET .* PHON'E r rflargaret ia C Calder • General Practitioner • Graduate University of Toronto, Faculty, f Medlcine. • Office—Josephine St., two 'doors south of Baunswick Telepbeneaa-Office 28'1, Resideace 151 000. The average weight of -wheat Mathis, -during 1921. Approximately 11°.use.Bahutchyabrud'cLaae,liiti is''s'i'atintenairus,.et do it. was 58 19 ibs ; oats 35.24 lbs,; and $2,000,000 was spent on supplies for TheBI barley 46.19 lbs.- - theseniines, 90 per cent. of which con, xnuat"-- ana( an Pu IP a P P xP r n Decemiber, 1921; were valued 'at $10,-. in the province. _ - . • : C 1 nd a er e o ts trbuted to the upkeep of merch,antsThe old man'svoice, which had been : wavering for some instants,' wae sud- denly 'stilled; the light: disappeared frorii his eyes, he s-eernecl to sink back still -further into hiirieelf. arid passed tate,' asstate of immobilitY and unoon- . seiousness. Louis Marville guic.kly, put the will back into the strong box and closed the desk. He rang a bell, and when the nurse reappeared he sat doan be- fore, the fife. He felt exhausted. He looked at the blazing logs; he looked Out through. the window at the branch- • LII5E FATHER, LIKE 'SON ' By Fi-ederl'c Bolatet ' •„ Lotus Ni"aryille, had just finished giv- ing ,soniecarder,s to 'his „department teade When the telephone rang. It was hie;yalet,cle clianabre. , : "The nurse telle, m,e..that. your. 'fathee wantste see You.” 'alarville, was: surprised, for his-fatla ela.'whota life Was sl.owly ebbing' away, hadn't spoken for several weeks, and had seenied ,unconsciotte of 'what was going on aboutm. ,hi. „. ' - „aave ,somethin,g„ to say, you--- somethto: ing reveal to you. : Mon Dieu, how hard it let- You remember my father, dont you—your gra.ndiather?" • "Certainly, I remember him," •said Louis Merville greatly astonished. - • "You know how he came make his fortune, our fortune? .He had spent the greater part of his lif.e without' enceeeding at anything, in' spite of his d hi int ce He had ' to ht agaiiist poverty. He had t,-s'-,i up, to .the. day" "Up to..the day when he in.b.erited frocousin yautier the 300,000 francs: which allowed to build his first factory. Yeser know." - fig 'Well (the old- man's' voice sank With an, effort the old man turne,d lower and lower), -well, the,inherltance" his head tow,ard.the back of the MOM from cousin Venter ought not to have A nurse, who had been sitting there gone_ to my father. My father took it n.s route a.nci motionless as a nieee of —seized'at. Be silent and listen tome. an I d Cousin- Vantier had :another- heir, a -: furniture, got up d. wal re away. 'SELL TOwn and, Farm .Peopertiet. Call and eco My, lie -Land get bay prices. /shave seme :excellent y,aines. • • , .e -STEWART'. VVINGI-IAM hone 184 • Office in Town Hail CHIROPRACTIC it is eaeier to keep well tha,ii to ..e- • ''sbover Iasi, health. Chiropractic •, justments is the Key to Dotter. Health. • 'They reinoire the Cause Of Disease. • DR. ALVIN FOX Pliorie 191. liours--2-5 and 7.8 p.m. , Th hea d fo tete s grow 'more nephew Albert Blanchard, whoM he They r p p , a,a.cl an'ors inclis,tinct. • had educated, but who, througai ,stub - "See if any One can heat us., Close .borness had quarreled with him and the dears. Ceme, bacir quickly." goal .to live abroad. Cousin Vautier, e., "Listen,"elisa,liegan,„ when lids son in anger, made a will leaVing .all his had caitiea' sant these inetructions, "1 'fortune to my- father. AfterWard 'he must make hatte- I have to talk, to regretted it, and :two, or three dayenbe- you:. I feel that iny Strength has came fore his death, without telling any One, back to Me Only fer .a, few hours. i he nia:cle a new wibi, under which Bien - must use :it, because, atterwardeeafter, •chaad was to inherit everything "Oa ward—Se I can MBE toyou now: • But the. clay of Cousin Vaatier'S death:My drat tell me how the-bus.irrese is going, father fetilecl this wihl ana hid it away• ."' "It is,. absurd!It le impossible! It Is likea cheap navel!". cried Louis 'come, father, eoneider," . "Dentl speak' se'leud," the 'old mart inteitupite,d. . aa, am- telliag You, the truth, MY .1-1.1:/lr5 isiiltawandering, 'The will is there desk.. See, here is • ,the key, , Open -the safe deposit com- iartment It hat, • a double bottom What are the results this year?"' ' ,I.Ouis Maryille gave him seine de- tails and. 'figtires, The old man listen- . ed eagerly What had been his life passiou was still his pa$ISi07,1. "It's magnificent," lie reurnetrecl. He closed his eyes seemed to s r, gl e a moment with hirne•elf.,Tlien; in. this brolcen voice he wont on, hard- ucE ly above a' whisper; . •' • Pusla Inc 51010 back. fahere it is. ,The. L PllYSIP' FELLERS - come—for hirn,"too----only at the mo- naent wb.en. there would be nothing vviaich he could any' longer call his own. "' • psoaclav bitteia Pes'ain-15"iter , ;nrinaPPY, and l'itterlY'ulifit to gIVP4'° • , thlf, duties, of tile day, toe ' a al/. VO. t.'ItPq a 4. 7 ly, let alosae, 'te, deal „ad eginatel„ba • With, cliWtnuit petebleals. On thte other hand,, vvii.en, you go ay: 'bed'reall,fig veld, leindly, an. a. -liee-ful, ini,nd 'will , • ' ' • ' -I , I ,• -, -1 1 I• , cent:lime to wit along, tliese lines dur'- ing the nlglat, making your cileep feare,i 'the thoe,glits and emotions, sound, liealtlia, refreshing; and you which, swayed .us. during the day. .will awake in the morning renewed, wbrcia are 1110 f„ vivid before:re-. remnrorat5d tuU at pep and tiring—that is, those -Which are active • ,eager for ttae clay's, run. •-cr acne.* reivec- ilast liefore we go ,teeeleep---bre the tion will _smile back' at yeu from the ones on vvh1c118 then:and will espeeially ,mirror libe ast encouraging friend; oonceilteate when theliody Is uncoil- you will be a new man, Vigoroue, ae. zoions„ ' ' • seureefutl, energetic, ready to tackle Beeause oa this. Mental activity, or any business' seari, any peoblein or 511 - what " we mil the action of the/ sub- faculty that :may con:fro:lit aou ,duriag ocinscioue mind, during sleep the . the' day. •, theughts we take to 'bed with as will Most of the' child's growth—of its alisolutely cleternitne, the. eondition in, helms, museles, nerves!, tiseues----takes whieli we awake in the meraing' You plaos the night There is Compare , , - Cali decide the seat Of nain,d in :vehicle 'lively' little 'hi the daytime when the yen shall awake as readily as•yea ean body is in a constant state of activity, decid,e the hourntWhich you stall get 'It. is in the nulet houren of, the' nigat, ,up, • lyeeause you' mai regnlate Your', wlieu. the body is, uuconseious in sleep, that nature performs her miracles in. 'dev,aloping the young linahr., molding the lineof beauty ' end strenigth ac- .eoncliag. to: the -pattern given by the ,DaVine ' Ik a similar wayth•e staiconsclous• mind of the adult is stanriaing its, ire -press: on his • body. 'while': he sleeps.--Succes,s. ' A rye stalk, measuring six feet nine inches, is reported froin BeaVerlodge, Northern Alberta, the average height Women are still the queens of the home, managing not only the little children, ,but the biggest and most troublesome child in the house, the husband.—Bishop of Birmingham. mood beforegoing to bed just as you regulate youraflarin clock. , , If you .go to bed hating sonabedy, • turning over in your niand 'how ,Y1;t21 WEI "get even" with,the neighbor :who, 'has injured you, perhaps unwittiagly, or if you are worrying about your busi- ness or some family treublenefearing • Were Our Indians Isi elites? The mysterat 'of ' the "Ten Lost Tribes" has been a Subject of absorb - Ing interest foe .many centuries. And Still the question of wh,at 'necarne of thie. great nias's of people is unsolved. The Ten Lost Tribes broke away from , A Yard of Tum There la a very' interesting old cus- tom still practised by, numbers of , farmers in tti.e North of England �k wiuibi , many people' May', not have heard. , When the potato' crop arid the,turnip the tribes ot Benjamin and audah, and fields show •gre.en., the poorer 'people in went northward, seine to Salharla, the vicinity may purcha;se so many others elsewhe,re. yards at a fined price, taking' their _ „ About eight cerituries before Christ risk of what may be -found anderneath Sargon, king of,Aseyria, swept down when the time is ripe for earvestingi upon Sanaana and carred -m -any thous- the crop. ands of its population into captivity, , One penny per yard is usually the • scattering the others throughout the price asked, and the portions chosen. kingdom so that th'eir identity as'a na- are then marked out with stakes, re - tion was completely iost. The ye- minding one somewhat of the Manner retaining members of 'the Ten Tribee in which 'la gold-digger stakeS his disaapeared as completely as if they claim.• It is a very poor haavest in - had been swallowed up by the earth, deed when a yard of. earth will not and no definite trace of them,has ever yield at lea,st a stone of the nonrith- been discovered. . • ing tubers.. a ; Did the , "Lost Tribes" long after- many instancee, where the labor - wards appear as the Anglo-Saxons? ere live at some distance from the. That is a likely theory, for the origin planted fields, owners readily lend of the Anglo-Saxons is still obscure. their carts and horses at a nominal lauta" then, other European nations charge for carrying home the hamlet's have also been "traced" back, to the supply. ' missing Israelites. This is -Undoubtedly a relic of the A widely -held belief is that the Lest old days of villenage, a.nd is of great Tribes in some Way fauna their way benefit to th poor in these bard times. THE EVIL ACT John jaaper drove his touring car and overtook a man, who , looked as though {he'd traveled far, a footsore also-ran. ' "Get itt and ride," Jelin' Jasper said; "I wall," the hobo: yipped; then slugged John Jasper onthe head, and took his purse and skipped, Along awl, road a thousand 'boats are chugging every day; and , pilgrims who hate lost their geate oa fool proceed that way. But, now no driver stops .his wain to give the bos a lift; he figures it would not be sane, since Jasper's dome was biffecl. A hobo • with an wicked heart knocked Jasper's brew awry, and now the • drivers speed the cart and pass the, 'pilgrims: by. The limping• , str.aingeas by the scare toll up the theiroughfare, and •they can • catch, a ride no moms there ale, no seats to spare- And steme are • did arid broken down,, andsome are young and frail, and all must suffer forthe clown' Who swiped John Japer's kale. A, thousand • Leat with aching corns toil oneward clay by day, and auto ,drivers, with their horns, demand thenight of way. And thus one, evil aot extend•s .its indluenee abroad; the comfort of a legion ends because John Jost his' Wad. OSTEOPATHY DR. F. A,, PARKER- • Osteonatliia,Phypicia-ia only . Osteopath in aT.o-rth Ileren„ • • • •• /adaustniCant of the spine Is niore Secared -Ana:, w,ith fewer 1,roat. 'Monts than by airy' othef niethed. • Blood pressure* mid other exaniina.: , :tons made. • OFFICE, OVER CHRISTIE'S, STORE. - rea,-,e,terateaTai,,i,71,0„.7.,#itattaaadea!itelatee.aoadeare,a Gifts 'nI eltaeilltai'y 'proSented, -to intollacling' the faiii:o,u,S •, ,Cliantriearcia OO1l1eL1t1�51 gigoat to her 'by •,a4exci. L:areeille,s,' axe esttiiianted' to :ho •1Nttarth $3,500,000. , • • Calgary, Alta.-e.,Buirfal,o .StealaS were , cojeyed, after a leitg, cilistai.re of thisi ; dainty, by Albeeta, veterans of 'the old aysihNortbi\t'51t aloulatiecl' Police at • . iiieir anat;:al ren01n-1i Is CatIgailycs poly, 9aThe bilialaity wae etipplied by the, Federal GeVernroent from the • kttett, nt, 'W.almarright,. , to.the great America,n continent; and . • became what were later known :as "Indians." This seems probable -,--for many ,scientiste have -found Indian dialects ,containiaig wordnd phrases suggestive of a Hebrew'origin, Developing Canada's Water- , Powers. •Prof. R. W. Angus, of the FaCulty - of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, has arranged pacific series of special lectures on -water- •o-,,* i i til .0 rds of Pres Railway in granting these aseholaie. ips s, n le o . gineers are speaking, between Febru- Ffolvre IS'etidentnetriSt ' anend- graduates in Canada. but also that optohweerrs ein,tveeredrosptemteit.nt E. W. Beatty, "not only to kcal.) these 27th and March 6th, on the utilize- they may become better acquainted ary iv 6,1 the vast watev_powere a can._ with the conditions in the East and tio ada. Loris F. moady of pi;iiiadelphia, so tend to promote Ganadinn unity Max .v. saaer end pileraas H. Hogg aPen their subsequent return to the Filen, IV. each M. White of Milwaukee, and sted'ents but aso toWest. I am strongly of the view that e of 'the I-lydro-Electric Power Commis - the movement is one whieh will. ob vioue6y be of benefit, not only to the .. comma es A Factor in Canadian Unity„ News has been 'received from the Canadian Pacific R,ailway that, at the last meeting of the Board, three an- nual scholarships were provided for the. Univeasity ef Toronto. These scholarships are open to graduates of univeasities. in Western Canada and are to be used to pursue postgraduate study at the provincial university of Ontario. The purpose of the Canadian • Norman R. Gibson of TaroII will h 1 the - deal with the phase of the subject in • any +h,v afterwards live and which he sPecia-Haes. The PrOvhielial that' these eircumetancea warrant the university is giving regular coursesgr.-- mating of the scholarships." in water -power development and, con- servation at the present time, and has • The Landscape. done so for many years numbering amongst its graduates men who have Just as the train. was about to start, beeome noted in this field of engineer- ing. The present series will, therefore, supplement the regular courses and \vial bring the univm.sity into closer contact with the Men who are respon- sible fOr the engineering woak of the • greatest water -powers isa A.me.rica, and therefea•e the greatest in the world. a very stout maxi struggled into a ear.. liege and sank into a seat breathing heaAivisimY'all boy wile set opposite ap- peared to be fascinated. His ardent gaze eventually began to annoy the fat man, who deManded angrily: "What are you staring at me fora" "Please, sir," replied the lad, "there's no whet e else to look" friends, but he Will niid.none .543 stead- alvidence. • A young man may have Many fast, so constant, so ready to respond IVIother—"a\rash year hands before to his wants, so capable of pushing you go to sclhool, Jimmie." him ahead, as a little leather -covered Ximmie—"What's the use? not book with the name of a bank on its one of those Mae, who are always: raia- Cever„—Sir Thomas Lipten. • Mg them," r..017.61SirreWIROPIVORGIMMINAWIRII*6111AdaiitritSigegaMMUMITrialatittaltirnIIMISIMIKARCERA,PIZIMM.F4r,f_ItI/MIARIZEMInT0erliwt,, IV Gene Byrnes . . . . . . . .. .,, , r:4T '...31ST-Lta! 61-1e., is c,vetz,... 14c:›V-1' Mis.t-tt`f Hk,JE. `,(00" •6.0T VIA1411e`? " JUST Ot4e. ,TSS tis I WNst4T 45NID RE. molis,40 .5ts-rs •-• ea-sa. \ "I, 1 .• aea: • • 0 , t 1,5„tya , a , 1.2 Oda" ' 7 1.5