The Wingham Advance, 1922-03-02, Page 5s, Passed With Honours Jew The, Brussels Post. contaiiis a cut of Velmi\4cBurtey, daughter of Mr,; t, and Terre. Stanley Mc:Barney, Toronto, , sand a granddaughter. of- Mr. Fliagh McBurney of Wingiiain. ,,. This little seat; Gospel au ctEi ,a,.t, uaH�,;. u.afa 25,ar7 officers. At the last meeting, of the Fore' Mission Boards, held ,in Atlantic Ci Dr. James Endicott, Secretary of the Methodist Missionary Society of Can- ada, was elected president for the en- suing year" It was decided to give more recognition to native leadership, In all the Easterix ceuntries this has become a live question. t` Rev,' Daniel Dutton, F, R, A. Dunedin, itis beerx, elected Moderat of the' Presbyterian Church, of Ne Zealand. 1 -le is an Englishman birth, was a primitive Methodist b joined the Presbyterians in '886, is anoted' lecturer on scientific so ,petits, Indianapolis is to have'a Ta rile 1Tabernac to seat io,poo people. It is the gift E. Howard. Calle, who seven yea the week -end ago had fallen ;to tete depths of a sin- 'fillI life but was converted through li mother's prayers, As a thankofferiix it has been erected at. a cost of $3o0 000,, in which the Good News is to b proclainiid' which 'was the means his rescue. - Marty eulogies have been passed o the life •of, Benedict XV, His ;ba tisinal name was Giacomo del Chiesa but on the day of his christe ing he was such a delicate baby rix he could not be taken to the chtii'c On his mother's side lie was related t a ,forxper Pope,Tnnocent VII, but h lather' was an Italian noble, who tended his 'son' to study law. But h heart was in , the church and rapidl rdse to distinction for piety aiid learn ing, The tangtiage question is•.troubling some of the Lutheran churches in Canada, In only a dozen congr;ega tions is the service purely in-'Germau:a Ayton, 1`tormanby, Walkerton, -Mil- verton, end'Logan Mil-verton,'.and'Logan arc some of diose who require the "Mother 'Tongue";. In Elmira and Linwood, the English language has been introduced at the, evening meeting. - Jerusalem has not yet . found its peace, Zionism was granted privi- leges on condition :that.'the,jrights of 'the -Arabs would not be prejudiced; But they are losing their land under -a sYsteuj. ,of .assisted'" 'tirehas : ' ovet,;.Ithe ;nen power are .cI effY,- ,JeevsThe ' 'High,'Coni xiissroiter Legal Secretary and : R members of the-PublietiVroeles,Departxnent are of the same;riace, whereas there is oil one Moltittnniedan ancl. 29 Christian in government positions.- The Jew claims, that the, concessions writ; made to, the: 'Arabs on condition tha the Moslems. would join'the Allies which they failed io `do: The twenty million of Catholics in America were very :disappointed tha none of their prelates were able to reach Rome"in tini.e to vote.' in ; the ,Conclave„ . The same is true: of Aus- tralia and other distant parts. of the, church. Prominent cardinals have been interviewed . as to, a change, al- lowing at least fifteen days before voting, The change can only be made by a pull. from the Pop'6` There is strong, feeling in its favor,;although none of the Cardinals have made pub tic` their views.. )His Majesty,.King George V and. Queen:': Mary have been looking into the • Local Preachers' Mutual Aid As- sociation. In England where so many chapels are zninisterecl to every Sun- day lay laymen, this brotherhood has for some time been organized. ' It. is strong among the Wesleyan NIetho_ drsts and has so commended itself that the. King and Queen .,have be- come life fe ni ei1Y hers by >z y pa3 Hent of five guineas each, • A monster revival rally was held in St. Andrews Hall, Glasgow, One of the leading speakers was Toni Cowie, a Buckie ,Fisherman, He is a man of rugged stature and deep earnestness, and makes a good impression, An- other evangelist has just passed to his reward, ' �'Corneliee Sniith, the first of the well-known naive,` Gipsy Smith. was converted while leading his no- madic life. Ile: had reached ninety years of age. In Russia ,the 13olshevilcs have changed their attitude towards relig- ion, The Cornmunists are returning to the church and receiving its rites. The new type of priest favors an ins dependent church where democracy rules, But he is opposed to the Sov- iet Government and 'sot afraid to say it. To counteract the aggressiveness of Romanists and Ritualists in London, England, the Wycliffe ';preachers are. organizing a campaign of old-time' Protestantism, Mr. 5, 'A" Kensit .is leader and hopes by Easter to stir'the old land with a final rally anddemons stration in Central Hall, Westminster, Presbyterian Ubion in the United. States has made progress but •for the time being has taken a halt, A con- stitution for the Reformed Presby- terian 'Churches of 'America, as the new body is called, has been prepared, but as 0 -operation has been working so well, there seems to, be little call ,for pushing a union whose benefits would be only slight in .advance of what the churches now enjoy, A Hand-written Bible, s ft, 2 itt,, by 3 ft. 6 in,; to'which, re,000 people have contributed is to go on a tour of the world, 'The covers are artistically ornamented, to goat skit's being used for the purpose. On December rtth, roar, a great ceremony was held ,in the famous Mosque Cathedral, Santa Sofia, Con- stantinople, Moslems, Jews, Greeks, t'xt Syrians,'Arrnians and the Sultan, has contributed to etect a statute to Pope Benedict XV., which was un- veiled, There was not .a catholic sub- "scriber, as it was to be the token of Turkish gratitude for 'charity sent by the Holy Father daring and after the war. The" Student Volunteer Moverneztt' atria ones of the corttribuiiona of the last eetittity, It was orgarnrttcl lit"cal i and thus huts 'been (meth -tat loth; enough to Prove its value. In that time 874it Intssieteaelea ineese ' gorte forth among theist such leaders as Tao Int e Spec r, John R.' Mott, tat., epi• ater Jonathan. C oforttt, i)oriniti M -at Gillivra3 and Biolbop> Siring •nr.. Bortz in . -Billie Sindy attd •Peayct it i\?i ,c,h ;W . , " ARD" THE{ 'I 'LD OVER 7 f `, tt t;• } d ary }y � �v The, ,: Reliable .,m atm �,il -,die, tiaelieraemesintametzetiezeaxiletatax mwa•Who CLOVER—No. 1 Government standard. clover seed, seed r 11,-- caoice high > ace qualities from, the best seed f,,.,.,. aol5es. . E THY --For aril atzd-.see out'�-• special, 'al high rade' No. 1. .E :' LL1►°—Purity and Five- Roses for one week only $4,40 cwt. i S ectal tedtic � ton on 800 lb: lots.. , �. ATM Purity Rolled Oats 90 lig. , sacks ' >1eo1al $ An • r EGG P 0» CE' — Blachfords fill the b k t Egg Mash the s lay. TIT apackage z' and seethe hr . t �.. results. ec' " a1 C S �, holl.s la lel a e qaantities Ger Ger Orr .,.m�m•-=;�{p� . iT'� -'!'®� ^� %i' 'Y:>•Ifi :p ,N, P ''ik ]' 'tmy,,,, arm": _ h axe.. Being the largest shippers and buyers of seed corn this section m,� we havea reputation which we;cannot afford.to lose, therefore, we buy nothing but the best. This • year we bave bought over sz a hundred, bushels of different r,., A vat-ieties from_ the largest dealer in seed corn in,tbe proviree, we will be — ' in a positien to,cater to the wants of the fanners and clubs as no other C',,, esea house can. Get our plates before buying elsewhere. 2 orders early and eassured of . etilll the best. e WIG(1A 4 P•�I,V'�4*'.,AjWMIv^'4,Gw�All�"i:W,Hy�y E CIIIJ CII EVERYWHERE By id. of B. �wwmn+•,uwoga°rriw,«gv«ww»Qt�wuww+�+wumarwwmp.,ww-�nae,.� waseenw---- TEESWATER Roderick McKeezie, a former rest dentof the and cn:n, of Culross, died in London and the remains Wert. - b, ought. home ail Wednesday, Feb, i2r1d,, and internteet took place zn' The Sa)vatidn Army carries on operations i t 73 countries; preael lee its the ',t ceswater cemetery that after- noon, Deceased was well known and highly respected and left for to reside. `"s with hist daughtei^ _Mrs, Straitcli, a tan couple of „years agog Mr, Jas, Quinlrii, of the Durham ty' Road, tied his horse to the fence be- hindthePresbyterian church stables. by a rope with a loop around its neck. Something scared the horse and 'it. began to back up, and pull upon the rope with the result that it choked itself to death, S,, Mr. Snyder spent over the week or end its i itchener,. Mrs. A. Ryan retttrned'to her home y in Toronto on Saturday. ut Miss Bessie Chown spent, over the 7de weelesrend at her home in Clinton. b Mrs: Joliii LneeRtce visited ;in Wingltani the first of the week. ie Mr., Wni, Habkirk of Kiricardiite, of visited. in ;town last weep, its Mr. jas. ,Thornton of Ripley, spent et his hone'in town, is r; Robert t IKeitli visited his' sister Mrs ` 1), McLeod;- itt Ltteknow last week. Mrs, Jolla Good: and Miss Jarvis. of were delegates at. the Fairs' Associa- tion at Toronto last week. it Mrs. S. R.. Robinson returned from 1y_ Toronto the first of the week, where la she has been visiting friends. n-` Mr, Geo. :Ferguson took in the at S Exeter-ICiteliener " hockey matcls in 11. 0 is ti- is y Exeter and visited his brother, Russel, Mr. and, Mrs."J. T. Madigan•and family went to Toronto tori Saturday where they will reside at 300 Ossing- ton erne.` Mr. Alex Robertson, agent for the Ila.wkin's'Lumber Co., Hamilton, vis- ited his brother, Mr. Jas. 'Robertson, recently. Born—At' Tceswater, on" rWednes- day, Feb.' 15th., 1922, to Mr. and l'Lrs, Wilson Nicholson, a son. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cottrel of Toronto, returned • home •on Monday: having spent tlse past few Yveeks at the home ofthe 1 attar's t' G i father, heir. Samuel Parket-, wito:was laid to rest last Fri - dew Thos. Roane, of the 8th con,, nar- rowly ..escaped 'death when he and his brother-in-law were cutting wood: re- cently at his farm. When felling a trete 'a :limb' str eek "ltirn .on `a the , head and .gave. hint a bad` scalp'. wound ;.3i 'inches long, and d his -•neck and back Were if:jaded. He.is':progresitigenice- 'Iy now but will feel the effects of tlie _accident for some time, • 11 7III 1 M M7119 M1P T11777M/I IMM• r''- e 1 �" ��ii a ,,per � GI ` �'t�i lI'�^ �. i t �k Lfi u e w£ a n i�h ���N41 uii SATURDAY ONLY ee•tl e most s taectacular train wreck even � ?reeled fg4T in and BUSTER KE TON, in his comedy special„ ‘' n o Two shows at night 7,30 and 9. Matinee at `3.30, 1Oc and 15c ry onday, Tuesday and Wednesday A Rex Ingram Production. Produced.' by Rex ngram who produced "The Fou 17 i ,r ' « AliceBull Produced Horsemen" atad, starring Terry 5 �.tzd ✓I;ootar"d who starred in '"The 4.Horsemen" I e� fovsda ly at 8 15. Usual prices 15e, '2, c, `i r eci pe.OLD M' Win" " by `.'kir Gili7ert Parker 4.46'1,4I,01.10. 41b1ed. 00' pleOal'. i ..".,duInt ,.,..Vii rixti�✓i� y - ED " LECT N. Seeds of duality are likely to be scarce for else 1922 seeding. harnseri are already .scouting possible souret:s of good seed, .nquir res at this office he'uc been fairly numerous of late, Particularly is this true of o its as so many of our vain va a pr 'crvi), ' Will net weigh .over 25 lbs, per bushel. Providing a farmer earl dealt -«his oats up to 32 lbs, per bushel, he need not: hunt very far for oats, Then some farmers have e supply of old' oats whirls might be used to good advan- tage, These are likely to be a better.' sample and provided they have :been well saved and stored, will in all prob- ability, be satisfactory seed. In every case of using old seed, it is good Tarac-,. tice'to zriake a germination test. This can; asily be done with a snail! box of sand lit which ;o or 'too', grains can be planted and the results observed. This is good practice with any source of seed whether old• or new, A. little moisture and, reasonable; warmth' are all the other precautions needed, As with live stock, rigorous selec- tion ,pays" large dividends. The fol- lowing table is taken from 13ulletin: 268, which is the result orf experiments conducted at the Ontario Agricultural College. OATS Straw Yieid per ac. Tons Bushels Large Seed` 1.o 62,o. Med, sized Seed 1.8 54,1. Small Seed x.8 46,6 BARLEY Straw field i3er ac • 'foes bushels Large Seed r.s 53.8 Med Sized Seed 1.5 ' 504 Shrunken Sh S sl i n 5e . ed 1.4 46.0 Broken Seed 1.^ 43.2 'The above figures, covering a per- iod of seven years, illustrate rather conclusively thevalue a .of good fan- ningrnill,r The fanningniiil is, how- ever, powerless to help unless given an opportunity. With reference to new varieties we might state that the _Field Husband- ry Department at _the Ontario Agric- ultifral College, is continually testing new varieties ,. v eties as they wine on the market" Those thatstand 4ut_as hav- ing v ing some', degree of excellence' are from time to time .recommended. Ex- travagant claims are made same times by those with an axe to grind of the merit of some new and untested vari- ety. Farmers are sometimes enthused over these: rose tinted picturesor stories,, to such an extent: that they will.ar t with cash ,very. ,re ily for common., seeds at fabulous 'prices . Does the 'farmer, who listen's to these stories of . one hundred bugxels: or thereabouts to theacre, ever stop to consider the 'p,sissibilities . of his land producing such pro.digueus crops: Will our land, which has been formed tinder very ordinary cultara_h methods, or, fifty to^ sever y -five years, pro uce these crop's?;"We think. not. E: - ept in very exceptional circum taz ces re we likely to reach. these large ields. Then experiments at the Ont- rio Agricultural Colege, prove that rider good 'farm ^ practice, the' best eed you can use is that produced an your ow,tt farm. Give your own seed of the tried- and tested varieties, a chance . A chance means a liberal use of the miming mill and reasonable cultural ethods and fertilizers. Under such ircuitt;tances yottr own seed will, we hink, hold its own with any foreign igh priced seed. H your own is not p to the standard, possibly you call ecure some froyour neighbor. Sample seed. oats front Western anada can be seen in this office. These can be bought reasonably in car oad Iots. We wish to point out how ver, that any action along this line millneed to be taken soon, as it takes onsiclerable>tirne to novo these oats umWestern Canada. S. B, Stotiters d c Miss, whose pictures appeared ;" in a The Advance last October; has just y passed theToronto• Conservatory- of a Music Exams, in. Toronto.—Congrat- u ulations, , Cattle Become Vicious George. Fischer of the loth, con; of Carrick furnished a few of his friends with a'thrilling and dangerous advert- tare last Saturday .when he attempted , to drive his fat cattle to market at -n Neustadt< The cattle resented the ,eattempt to drive them off the prem - h ises, and began to exhibit unfriendly u tendencies, One animal, .a big three s year. old ' steer, became particularly vicious. It took up its stand beside a C fence in •a neighbots' field, and charg- ed at every person.who approached. An idea of its temper; may be gained '- from the fact that in one of its mad 0 F, attacks its horn penetrated x inches into a cedar tree on the ; roadside. le'iices were torn and broken by the infuriated aminal and Mr. .Fischer and his neighbors had `sonic very nar- row ow escapes. The animal was finally overcouse through exhaustion. and it was tied up and thrown ;on'a stone - boat, and tone-boat,land hauled to its own stall. Mr. Fischer says it will have to be slaugh- tered on the. sarin, as it would be idle to attempt. to drive the animal to mar- ket, —Mild earket,•-Mild nav Gazette. An Unsolicited 'Tribute front FANNIE - URS" HOWICK COUNCIL Fordwich, Feb. as, 19,22 • Council rnet in Beswitherick•'s-room oursnait1 10 ,adjournment. All Miem leers present.'' The Reeve in the Chair. Minutes of -last rnetnig Were react and on motion oft -Inglis and Hubbard be adopted. Moved by ,Gamble. and.Bryatis that by hew No. t for the year' 1,922 ap ,� t pointing, officers aztcl regiilatzina-5,<u Author of "Hunciares9ue" My'''Dear Mr. Rowland: Metro Pictures Corporation. I came away so thrilled and - moved by "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse that had the same feelings I experienced the fiest and only tune I saw Sarah Berahardt. I didn't want to go home, but to walk miles and miles ttnder the SPell of what I had seen. I may be a bit sup- erlative in -my apprecia,tion of this film but to me it amounts to a clinaax in the entire history of the screen. Leaf night marked a birthday! The eighth muse had come, of age. Mr, Ingram, Miss Mathis, Mr. Ibanez, ev- ery one in faet connected with the masterpiece, is to be congratulated to 'weave that enormous story into a tap- estry the SiZO of a motion picture seteen, and at the sante time to keep its integrity of forint purpose and beauty is artistry raised to the nth 1)43.1\vhY.a' rather mierutous picture go- er, itot half satisfied with conditions, but seeing. the "Four Horsemen" has renewed my filial in ale enormous potentialities ot the screen, Sincerely yours, ' (Signed) Pantie Hurst has perserved its character for, in spite of the stress Of the times, last year 595. young qudent voluraeers followed in the procession, these hap- reeenting diffeeent 'Protestant Soci- eties. Robert P. Wilder, New lark, ia the Secretary. the atriking way the Canted 'Of the time, emphasize leadership In the Great WM- it ith-11,-6t enough '10 hare. British pluck and pat riotism Train. (Pines in the, first place, the men aild WOInVI W110 kilOW how and will do it, arms be amended by making trie M. 0 .1-1 $140 oo and the eatlitore .Auditors Report was read and on motion of Hubbard and Bryaas was adopted as read.—Carried. Moved by Bryans and Gamble that the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and -Clerk- be a commit- tee to arrange the question of taxes With the Bell Telephone Co.—Carried, A petition was presented to 'the council, signed by the Memorial Park Committee, J. H. Rogers, Wm, Deans Wm. Goggin, Tames Walkom; A, C. Sothern and Wm. F, Wade asking the council not to grant any privilege. to any person or persons for water from a spring on a puhlie street in the vil- pointed by the council to into the matter reported that the coun- cil could not legally grant any privi- Moved by Hubbard arid Inglis that, the council take no action in the mat - Moved by Gamble and Bryaus that there be public meetings held in Lakelet, Fordwich Newbridge and. Gorrie fo rthe ,purpose of discussing the question of distrilentiot of Public School money by the Government,— Carried. Tenders for Printing contract con- sidered. Moved by Inglis and Pleb - bard that Wm. f. Roberts get lOe coatract, lie to do the regnlar Town- ship printing and adyertieing for the. sure of $13a,00, motion carried, the following ae`counts paid.—A. E. Gallaher, gravel $10,56;, Wofid, suppilea, $25.85f R., H. Carson, glas sand supplies $23'.851 Henry Rew pert, tile $7,00; , Rissel Harris, 'refund drainage .tax $.3.00; Sam Stinson., frost - me windows in Towner:1p ruan $6,00i Thos. Brown, court claint 'and_cdits, .e Teller nee $54 00' j Johnstott, amotiat due Township, of Cariek w. Laird, ,Anditor wAItor Geo. 'A, Hamilton, dog tax u dtai $4,00; 'Fred 'Edge a, gilt- !RI The LamestGr WING Mt eery w 0 nut, ved the Peo 00 Last °ao_. 1919, 2 Stores 1921, 97 Stores 'Aa ere You N :OPERATION 140 ST bRES WATCH US GROW 920, 4l Store 1922, 127; Stores Tiger Catsup, qt. size 25e White Clover Ho y, 5111, pl 98c Shirriffs Marmalade No. q.. Machine Sliced Bacon.. pair.... ...... .... .,.... 69e Mild cured, Ib. 35c Granulated 8 g or, 10 lbs. . 15c.'Flour 2414 sick 9 c' a Finest, Currants 330 ' ' 2 lbs for Special Blend'. Coffee, ib 3cic i Dried Peache' s', r lb . .....:..;a c Sweet Juicy 3 „ Jti y (3rdnges, ,daz ,_.,,q:Ec arge Pru.,t ds, 2 ,1 °C �. Cooking Figs, 2 Ib for 350 Choice Peas, Y; tins 3ie Seedless Raisins zl? for,:.49c Fiankford Corn, z tzne_.•; .25c Lemon emon Crisp Bi sc s. AY1'ie Pork .es'Beans, {e: Telfer's Soda Biscuits lb _.:.:. c Lyles Syrup _:::.._.._3oc' Butter' and Eggs Taken-- m a d ed funded o• •i' - ��. 0 , Wrr; Jan Iesori., i4ricol lectable taxes, $50,96; W .. Jamieson,. Collector salary $7o,00;:Wm. 5. Rob- erts, balance on printing contract, 1921 $3.00: Wnt, J. Jacques, balance rent our polling booth $2.00; J. I3es- withericle, rent for room $1.50. Moved' by Hubbard and Inglis that the Council, adjourn to meet on Mon- day. February aeth at r,;3o p. an. in the Township Hall, Gorrie when the report on the Cathers' Municipal drain will be read. and considered.:—Carried, C. E. 'Walker, Clerk; a,00; Thos;. Nickle, dog tax re-" GLENANNAN The Club received and unloaded Printing That Pleases Equipped with the Iatest model typesetting machine, and "i he most modern facilities for turning out all classes of job—Work in a manner that is pleasing to our customers. No job is too big for us to .handle and none too small to receive aur closest at- tention. Theprice will be found quite reasonable. Give us a call when want- ing anything in Job Printing. We believe type was made to read, and you will always find our work clean. Don't Crow Enough We were very imtclt surprised when a ,g f -hi^ subscribc>; . t..,, ,or .s Advance this week said he was sorry that he couldn't get The Globe; in our office too. Of course we explained that he certainly) Could and we - showed hint the list of over fifty which we had sent for, Now, can it be that we who say that everyone should advertise do not do enottgh of it. Another profes- sional man of Whtghain walked into. our office a few days ago with a box of envelopes which he ex'plained was not just what he wanted but was the nearest: he could get in the stationery store. We show -ed him a few of the different kinds we carry in stock and he was amazed" He said "Why 'I never knew that you kept this stock", in future we will advertise more, Wedded Irl Thedford A..quiet, but pretty wedding was solemnized in St, Paula Church, at� Thedford, on Wednesday, Feb. tsth,,{ when Miss ;tappet Tuck of Southsea, • Hampshire, England, was united 'inl marriage to Lorne Aitchison, son. of :Hrs. Aitchison, Wingham, Ontario, Rev, J. H. Whellan;r officiated, The carload of flour and feed last week. lair.' and Mrs.tt ohn Mitchell " attend- ed J a d ;. ed the- In les—Reil g wick wedding of ; Flowick last week. Mr. Albertohnston who T , ha s been in these parts for sometime has gone to visit friends at Petrolia. 'I'lie sleet storm last week did 'can- siderable damage; both the North Huron add the Wroxeter Telephone, lines were put out of order. There were quite a number ;from these parts attended Mr, Howaree Bolt's sate on Monday afternoon, Toronto, Feb 2end,, tga2 To our Leaseholders:— leave take e rer i .e d a wire from our ' Porter, Field e• Mama •. Manager, Mr. L otter, tklio. has just brought in our No. 2 Wcl1 in the;: M lam County Oil Field of TexaQ, His wire states this well is as good a our No. r, or better, giving thus givii 'I our Company' two ; of the . best wells i:' '-his field. Another well will be spud- ded itt as soon as No. .? i.s nrt-`tli,- pttnrp. Negotaaions -are about pleted i..- for sr '1r,0 acre tree. in . t 1 ally t_conioiints`, Texas, where the G. R, Ridgeways Co., of Philadelphia are drilling thei'- '1 deep' test well. 'This Company is iiow" down 1303 feet, at which clepth`they have struck a very rich oil:;sand which would. give them an estimated produc- tion of loo -barrels per day. They are however, continuing to 3.000 feet, at which level one of the leaping Geolci ; gists of the Lr. S.,has assured them they will secure several thousand. bar - j cels per clay, our too acres ilea aini- ntediately north and adjoining this 1 deep test, ' The unlimited possibilities of this Ifield are well illustrated by the record. of Colonel H•ulnphreys, -who start:edl i operations last year n Limestone County, which adjoins Falls County to the north and east, with a very lit•' tie capital, and his one year's opera- tions netted him. $33,000,000. Ile is confident of iucreasing this to $5o,000- 000 this year, This is an enviable position to attain in such a short time, and let as hope we tan accomplish the sau1C, Arrangements ere completed for t; private car leaving' T orotito March at, on the Grand Trunk at 5 earig, to visit our property and the Colonel Humph- reys ' famous properities that mado him $33,000,eoo last year, ;Phis trip will include stop -overs at Chicago, l'ifansds City, San Antonio, Rockdak acid Mexia, . returning ,ria Dallas, St, Louis and Detroit, arriving in Toronto ninth day from dp r .e artu e, The securing of Qat least a;, pair", fares gives us special Pollut a to be used on the entire trip, which clitr>i,+i� ates hotel hills, It ,,zl;io gives usl blies,,, ittt railroad and Pullman mice. They cost of the trip rs approxiinstefr$150, - OP forpeach persoat.axraking chi' trip, We tete an ion, that as many of. 0111" leaaeholiders, as possibi.e will l,c: with us on this trip, and we hope tilal then Will he Iwo ears instel d of otto, 'tri yon eanttrst got away your"sdl , it.tcretct some of 'troth' trrlbdt and Wire at our exerts Tar ati ta<)it 115 1 t sYli14 y , o v 'tllri tail l cllt1,741 Cato 7ul faei t:Y1 1 we, 1"'tl=!'112101'''JI'pries f ottt 10.E tee 703 1 'ttfital`iciat 7'1! tt fll.; Vottrs milt,