The Wingham Advance, 1922-02-09, Page 477.
At the Fit irst Annual Gerleaal tleeting of the Shareholders
_Face Doti -Ilion Bank, held at the Heed ()face, in Toronto, on
tt's JalIslarSa1$22,the following' statement of the t sTetrs of.,
On Bank as on the31st December, 1921, was submitted:
.Capital • SOO; nsaid n. . $
Reserea $7,000,000 09
'Balaride of Proa't and Loss Aecount
carried forveard .... ..„
-Dtvalend No. 157„ payable 3rd Jan-
' nom .1922 .... sass. • ....
ones, one per ciente, payable ard
, January, 1922 ........ ......
Former 'Dividends -unclaimed
n15,480 59
480,000 00
60,000 00
255 00
a , 00 00
• Total Liabilities to the Shareholders. $13,956,73'6
Notee in Circulation , 7,326,571 00
Due te Dominion Government no 8,552,610 00
Dgposits not bear -
mg interest . $18,018,016 33
Deposits bearing in- '
terest, including
• interest accrued
• to date . . . 80,7862284 33
98,804,300 66
Balances due to other Banks in
Canada ... 860,285 18
13a1anees due to Banks and Bank
ng Correspondents elsewhere
than M Canada 883,078 23
Bilis Payable .. ..... ... 267,960 00
Acceptances under Letters of
Credit . 354,740 43
Liabilities not included in the fore-
going-, , 371,060 49
Total Public Liabilities
117,380 206 99,
, Gold and Silver Coin $2,117,000 19
Dominion Government Notes ... . 15,715,807 50
Denosit with Central Gold Re-
serves . .. 1,700,000 00
Notes of other Banks • •• . 1,100,880 71..
Cheques an other Banks,....,7,389398 59
11..nlanex,s nn by ether Bans in
Canada ea,
Balances due ins Ban -Its and Bank -
ng Correspondents elsewhere
than. in Canada
$181,385,942 58
1,000 00
2,397,668 15
30,421,750 14
Dominion aneProvineial Govern-,
7rient Seemities, not exceeding
market value „— 1,3,371,201 90
Canadian Municipal Seenri les, and
•British Foreign and Colonial
Public Securities other •than
Cariadian, not exceeding market
value 4,168,630 45
Railway and other Bonds, Deben-
tures and Stoelee, not exceeding
market value . 1,751,108 28
Call and Short (not exceeding
thirty days) Loans in Canada
on Bonds, Debentures and Stocks
Gall and Short (not exceeding
thinks days) Loans elsewhere
than M Canada . .„
Other Current Loans and Discounts
• in• Canada atlas rebate of in-
tereet) 63,710,574 03
°titer Cuerent Loans and Discounts
elsewhere than in Canada (less
rebate of interest) 554,542 96
Liabilities of Customers snider
Letters of Credit, as par. contra 354,740 43
Real Estate other than "Bank
Prenuses . ...... . . .. . nen5,430 37
Overdue Debts (estimated loss
provided for 144,358 59
Bank Premiees, at not more than
cost, less emennts written off-. 5,830,229 52
Deposit with the Illamister of Fin-
ance for the purposes of the
Cireulation Fund . 306,575 00
Mortgages on Real. Estate sold-- -17,227 81
Other ,,e not included in the
forego:ng • •299,596.. 31
6,561,853 52
3,835,123 27
$60,109,667 56
71,226,275 02
$131,$35.942 58
President. General Manager.
We hal,2 f,....,n12,34r,?11 the Lhove nalanse iLlost with the bock..7, and accounts at
roar Cake ;ht. *Tiler Darainirm ralati tatt.' aertifled refmns reileireti from
its 13ratoh,64.. ailez ahookilr thecash and 1.-elitlyintr ',Int, securities a•t the
Chief 0e mot vcrtain tho anio1 E1'anche3 k1Occonlher 3ist. 1521,
ene stula natarae eakibitt ttue and torrcet
'AVIV* tho Bonies CiZratitaiti!: best of our informa-
•Von., the "14 %II: $kirstit bY t of the Baal:.
In tAidition and .ecttrities at the
chief offie.• t roc,^Tr^.1 ri?)/ ec keel ..‘nd verined
tiry r7t4irti'rrt.' 1.7:111, :11*, rr.:Zt. arm' 1.Q. 7,e in rocorti oith the
b6,14r.5 ' •
An fatr-1,11;„....i.,,, 4,1v, to
t1S and all
ts'onsnelSeir.s. Rerk ,r,h7,13 ft:AV eCP, Itailerr Oar rItIti:* have, in our
Ilion. ',,,2-'-•-,.•-• ,,12.0.
•'. vrtaeonsgst
Report of S. S. No. to, Kinloss for
ie month of- January.
Forty pupils were enrolled for the
tenth. The school was in operatibe
the full tune of tweety one days.
'Only fifteen scholars, attended for the
twenty-one days.
The aggregate atendance for the
loath was 769. The average attend- '
ce for the month was 36.57. The
percentage attendance for the month
was 9s,42. ,
The names of the pupils in the var-
ious classes in order of merit based.
on their daily Iessous end weehly ex-
onninetionse Those marked with a
sar iave failed to take S'o net cent.
.1,17 --Edward Moore, Robert
Elgin Purdon, *Malcolm Ross,
An nie dasore, Wallace
.,... Rue i (anvil, Dined Hensler-
,. ',',„'etters V+, it,* Ethirt Morison,'
swan Jameson, SThontas Morison, '
fr. 'W---,14,rivn Sc', Nettie Lott, EfItvare.1 Lat
• 1"1:6 :r
Gtady,S (1411CM, Ertal Wv1
t. 11,,...pritCe Martin. Helen ,Ps
sai iseeeet Asa; ri
'Pe ee "e,': a as:
ndereoe, fattnies sa,
; Lt. Cit,r. 1:at atm.;
Itardatesi. , I
'• al'3Ftdc`rtif.'
it '
and seeing that their lessons are pre-
pared each night. By so doing the
children will manifest more interest
in school and their progress will be
more rapid.
P. Gowans, Teacher.
The following is the report of S. S.
No. In East Wasvantesh for- the
month of January.
Jr. IV -Total 700.
Gordon McBurney, 555; Haz r -
win 530- Verna Irwin 44.0
r •
Sr. III-ahatal 59o,
o ene Young, goo; ,jiin Deacon
.145; Alex Robertson, 435 -
Tr. III -Total 500.
'Hazel McBurney, 335; Maigaret
Deacon., 383; Armes Robertson,- 32
Willie lesson, 312.
H -Total 315.
Nark Deacon, 225.
rst Class -Total 234,
Robertson, 06; Msargaret
M. I. Aitken. Teacher.
noh Mutoal
nnuaiis-gating of the Wes
\Van:silo:41 Mutual Fire Insurance
sysie iteld on tiriday. Feb.
sea 'Ties ',gona! essteinent shows the
egimeteny so be in good financial con-
dition, notsvithstendieg zhe very
lietiew losses. he total paid for the
ear, irieiog $22,884,50. The (,:ompany
leis over '..7%;.e600 asit ea hand in ad-
dition te42%00o of Canada bonds
vitieli have increated .in -salite over
slitrieg tftegyear,
Wingharn Rinks Were Both
Two rinks of Wingham Curler
took in the Harriston bouspiel last
weak and both were euecessfel in
bringing back beautiful prizes, which
are now attracting considerable inter-
est in Crawford's window.* Mr. Craw -
ford's sink won s,the Micklejohn eup
and four lamps, while Mr. John Mas-
on's rink won the Chambers' Shield
and a eet of dainty cut glass Sherbet
dishes and plates, The prizes all
came to Wingbana The Chambers'
trophy was held by Wingham last
year and was expressed to the Harris -
ton bonspiel only -to b returned.
Senior Finals
London Owen Sound
McDonald o6 Ramsay._ .. . ...o8
Wingham Palmerston
Crawford. ... , .. Graf -Jeans -a -see
Owen Sound Wirigham
Ramsay _15 Crawford ...... --id
• Second Round
Wingham liarriston
Mason. op Wham ores...,...o8
Mt. Forest Wroxeter
Fergus Durham
•Brown..........s_oe Hunter ------I4
Bergen, Fergus defaulted to
Merriam, Chatsworth
Fergus Wroxeter
Palmerstou Harristoh.
Chalmers -a-08 McConnell .... _04
'Condon Harriston
MeCullorsanoe • Merriam- ....
Third Round -
Mason, Wingham, a bye
Mt. Forest Durham
Galbraith._ o6 ..... -14
Chatsworth Wroxeter
Merriam, __Ix Town .. . .... o7
Palmerston Harriston
Chaim ers..e_14 Merrian o8
McDonald, London defaulted to
Graham, Palmerston:
Fourth Round
Wingham Chatsworth
Mason o9 • Merriam
Hunter, Durharn, a bye
Palinerston Palmerston
Chaliners.,.._o6 Graham._ 07
• Mason, Wiegliam o. bye
Palmerston Durfoun
Graham oy Hunter ..... ... _06
Wingham• Palmerston
Mason_ _no
The Wingham rinks were made up
as follows: '
E. R. Harrison E. Peterman
R L. Davidson D. Rae
Will Stewart Jas. Murray
A. M. Crawford, sk Jack Mason, sk.
Mr. j, H. Brown of Toronto, was
in town on business this week.
Died at Sunnyside, oron-
to, 013. Jam 29th, Catharine Ave.,Yaylor, re-
lict of the late Thomas Gosman, aged
64 years. Deceased was an invalid for
a number of years. The body was
brought to Blyth on Monday evening
from. Toronto and conveyed to the
home of her daughter, Mrs, Wm.
Cockeline, 9th con.„ Morris, Mr..Goss
man died three years ago.. She leaves
two daughters, Mrs, Wm. Davis,
with whom she was visiting and -Mrs.
\kale Cockaline, also three brothers,
j. A. Taylor St. Thomas; Wm. of
Morris and fames of Brash Colum-
bia. • The late Mr. Neil Taylor was a
brother of the deceased. On Wed-
nesday afternoon, service was con-
ducted by Rev. George Telford, pas-
-tor of St. Andrews Church, followed
by interment ni Union cemetery.
A very Pleasing'event took place at
the home of MT. and diNdrs. George
Potter,East Wawanosh, when their
eldest daughter,. Miss Delia was unit-
ed an wedlock with Mr... Albert Nes-
bitt, son of Mr. and Mesi Robert Neses
bitt, of Morns. Rev. W. 13. Hawkins,
performed the ceremony. They will.
reside on the groom's farm .atit • con.,
of Morris. ,
Mrs. Frank Scott is •on the sick list
her many friends wish her a speedy
Messrs. John and \Son. Nicholson
put in the ice fore the Creamery. It
is excellent quality this year.'
Mrs. Wrn. Haney and daughter. of
Wingham, and Mrs. Steurnol of Gor-
rie, visited at jas. Masters this week.
Miss J. Gray and Mr. Andrew Gray
visited relatives at Listowel this week,
Mr. Eldon McKinney spent a few
days with Toronto friends,
Mr. R. Johnson shipped a ear of
hogs on Saturday, Mr. Alf Baeker,
three cars of hay, Mr. Brown and Mr.
Adair also shipped eight cars of hay.
Mrs. Alex McEntee received word
that her father at Brooklin had taken
a stroke and was very low, She went
inunediatelse We hope he may re-
Quite a number from here attended
the party at Mr. Wm. Vanstones' the
other night and report a good time.
Several around here are laid tip
with the la grippe.
Rev. T. W. Mills took charge of the
services at Brussels last Sunday.
There was a. good turn out to the
"Shadow Social" in the Methodist
Church last Wednesday night, all re-
port a good time.
Township coithil an ;Monday the
eth inst,
-ASsessor Geddes will soon call o
you for 1922 information.
At last week's session of Huron
County Councii, Reeve Harry Fear,
vas apointed On the Educatime COM-
Bert and Mrs. 1,Vatson entertained a
compane • of feiends on Thursday
evenin; of hist week, when it fine time
as enjoyed,
se Anderson, sta ane' of afore*
s„hailed to lah:ssion lest week °wine,
the seeiotis illness of his father. ,
e the oal esentleman is in hises...AM.
yeae it will take soznetime for Hot t
gaio on again as he had a slight
etrolce. His runny friende hope to
•hear, af his improvetrietzt MnAnder-
son is the father of Mre,Thos.
Dee ne of 'WI n ghans,
Aude Rural Rhymes
The I -1°135001d B-Aldet
Before he travel/ed far in life, Jim
Heory Smith •annexed a wife; than
straightway loosened up his collar
prepared to chase the nimble dollar.
But all he earned his bride would
spend; her Wants and needs seemed
without end. .A nickel for a spool of
thread and ten bents for 4 thimble
and other things of higher price from
Isenstein or Gimbel. In shopping
trips she found delight. She searched
Jiit's trousers every night, There
came a daughter then a son, and they
were dear moreways than one, For
though he loved tbern bona Ade, it
cost to feed and keep them tidy.
Smith's credit smashed to smither-
eens; he had no jitneys in his jeans.
Then wiser grown Jim Henry's
spouse drew up a budget for her
house, assigned her dollars, dimes and
cents to balancedneorne with expense,
a lot for food, a bit for frills, for Mov-
ies, church and pale pink pills. So
now she knows just where she's at
and Jim no more is busted flat. • He
walks the street in manly pride nor
looks for duns from side to side. He
pays each month the iner'aliants tallies
and is not dodging through the
Mr. Bernice Payne has taken the
contract of drawing the milk to Mol-
esworth Cheese Factory for the coin-
ing season. He fill the bill al-
On Tuesday of last week it little
girl came to make her home With Mr.
end Mrs. Lawrence Willis,. Mother
and babe are doing well, Congratula-
Mr. R. H. Hall of Dunkirk., N. Y.,
is holding a gospel meeting in the
Brethren Meeting Room East of here.
He is a good speaker and is well lik-
Mr. F. M. Smith, Morris, sVent
Sunday at 13. Paynes. -
The young people east of here are
enjoying themselves on the river, at
night. The ice being in good shape,
they -have skating, playing hockey ansliding. -d
Mr. Fleming Grainger and Lewis
Frain have been hauling sawlogs for
Ament Bros., Brussels. They are
through now with their contract.
Mr and Mrs. Sant Burke, Jr., are
visiting with Mrs. Burke's fatherellfr.
D. C. Pope.of Wroxeter.'
Gets Light Sentence
Frank Stanley, the Bruce township
farmer Who was found guilty of rnak-
ing fraudulent claims in connection
with his fire insurance, was sentenced
by judge Klein on Tuesday to one
month in jail. His Honor stated that
he had made the sentence very ligitt,
owing to the big petition that had
been received from -Stanley's neigh-
bors urging his previously good charg
aeter, etc. Stanley is to appear on
Feb. gth., to answer two perjury
charges but it is likely that those
charges Will be dropped by the
Men, Women, Girls,'
Bachelors, W 1 o w s, Etc.
Join our correspondence Club and
make many interesting friends. Get
acquainted throughout the world
through onr medium. Marry Wealth,
Happiness. Hundreds rich, attrae-
-dye and congenial, willing to wed,
Photos free. Send 50 „cents for four
months' subscription. $1.00 for one
20.0 Montagne Street, Brooklyn', N. Y
. (Correct up till Wedneaday noon)
Butter - , 28to - 34
Hogs, liveweight 111- 50 to 10 75
Cream .... to •.34
Lloyd Cleorge says:.
"The taking of risk is characterized as
a virtue in the capitalist, but a vibe in the
salary earner.” The contrary of this
vies is thrift --Can you show any better
form of thrift than Life insurance.
A 25 year Endowment with the Mutua-
Life at age 30 means a saving of 39.55 an
rurally per thousand of Laurance carried,
and will assure comfort to aged person
who may soon be dependent upon you.
Make 1922 a year of thrift; and begin by
taking an Endowment with
The Mutual. Life Assurance Co.
'of Canada •
A. Cosens, W, T. Moth, Representatives
Wingliam„ Ont.
Best D. L. & W.
Scranton C o al
Cs.mtell for fireplaces, Smithing,
Soft Coal and Charcoal,
• Lumber of ell kinds, dressed and
undressed, Hard and Soft Wood,
Slab Wood and Cedar always on
hand, Shingles, Lath, Hardwood,
Flooring, Sash, Doors and Mould-
ings on hand or made to order ou
sbortest notice. 13eaver and Fibre
Board, prepared roofing and roof-
ing and roofing paint.
Office and Fianing jose-
• phSne Ste adjoining G.T R. staibre
We gore earefel, interested
teation to all orders and we melte
deliteries proinptly.
id Co Ca,
Fb„ 9th 1922
The annual apen meting ef the
High School Literary SocietY was
held on Tuesday evening, jaimary
31st. The assembly hall was well fil-
led and a large utunber of visitors
were present. • Mr, Morton very cap- St
ably filled the °Alec of chairman, ie
opening remarks he artfully contrast-
ed the educational:views of the earlier
settlers with the ideas field at the pre-
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxusit•xxxxxx
sent time.
A very pleasing instrumental was
given Austin Reid. A. composi-
tion written by Austin Reid wee read
by Mable Armstrong. A vocal duet
wa.s given by Eva-Rintoul and Louise
Hanna., Agnes Williamson delight-
ed the Audience with her presentation
of the Prophet's Address. Edward
Forgie followed with a guitar selec-
tion. A composition written by M.
Armstrong was read by Jas. Allen.
A piano duet was given by M. Mit-
chell and Alice Williamson. • The
third of a series of Inter -form debates
was given, "Resolved that Moving
Pictures are Detrimental to the best
interests of the conernunity." The
affirmative was. upheld by Da-vid Per-
rie and Edith Kew of Form 5. The
negative was taken By HarOadMitchell
and -Mary Coseris of Form. 4. All
speakers very "ably upheld' the hon-
ours of their respeetive forms. The
judges were Mrs. F. Vanstone, Rev.
Mr. Harris and Rev. Mr: Snell. The
judges' decision was given after much
consideration by Mr. Snell in favour'
of the negative. At the close of the
debate a chorus was given by a num-
ber. of boys and girls. Mr. Bracken -
bury was called npon to distribute the
Championship Medals, which were
won at the Annual Field Day, he topk
.the occasion to thank the parents for
the interest which they were taking
in the welfare of the school. • The
Senior Boy's Championship Medal
was won byWilliam Gray, Junior
Boy's Chatnpionship Medal was won
by Smith Hutton, the Senior Girl's'
Championship Medal was won by
• Marie Livingstone, the Junior Girl's
Championship •Medal was won by
Annie Homuth. Miss Hamilton dis-
• tributed the books which were given
to those wintiing first and Second
prizes on Field Day. Rev. Dr. 'Per-
rie distributed the Sclnolarship prizes.
Peize of $5 donated by Ms. (Dr.)
Irwin to the student taking the high-
est aggregate in the First Form Pro-
motion Examinations was awarded to
Mary McGregor. . •. •
A prize of $5 donated by Ms -Mor-
ton to the , student taking tie. highest
aggregate in the Lower. School De-
partment' was' awarded to eNe'rehan
MAtlirp.rize of '$5, donated by Di. Ken-
nedy, to the student taking the higb-
est aggregate in the third form Pro-
motion Examinations was awarded. to
Mary Cosens. -
A prize of $5 donated by Mr. Cos -
ens to the student taking the highest
aggregate in the Middle School De-
partmental Examinations was award-
ed to Mable Ainistrong
The prize of $5 donated by Mr.
Holmes to the student taking • the
highest standing in Middle School
Mathematics was awarded to Mable
Armstrong. " •
The prize of $to donated by Dr.
Irwin to the student taking the high-
est aggregate in Part r faculty En-
trance was awarded to Edna Mus-
• Save Mo
Men's Blue Serge Suit Sale, Thurs.
day, Friday and Saturday
Just 30 Suits to
• Manufacturer's clearance of finest qualify blue
serge, made in the very latest style 'and best. trim; , N
. ,
M- wings, every suit guaranteed to:give the best of .
•w s..44.fpf;nn gsei
ivior value of these suits is '$35.00
to 40.00 on sale now for
X Also 15 suits cof fin& quality all WOwoolfancy
tweed, latest models, choice patterns.
Sale Price .$22.75
I H E Is rd &C�.[
1kt 9
. alas. W. j. Geddes is spending a fe
claYs with her sister, Mrs. Shedden, „Ben
The meeting was brought to a close
with the singing of the National An- Mr. G. B. Wra.y left for his home i
sets. .
Sask , on Tiiesday, after spending ,a fe
them, "
a •weeks with his. mother, Mrs. Wray.
Mrs. Wilson of Wingham, is spenclin
ST. AUGUSTINEa few days with her arother, W. a Ged
d .'
Sorry to report Mrs. • Win, Greig con
fined to her home svith a bad cold.
• Mr. John Cole received the sad news o
,his brother's death in California. Mr
Mrs. John Thompson visited, her 'C°lesPeat a few -weeks with his brother
last, ,
. John last summer.
The W. M. S. of intiox ebairch met at
.mother, Mrs. Chaniney, on Tuesday
'Mr. and....Ors, Norman, Thompsan ina.nse on ThursdaY afternoon, Feb. emit
-and.nhildren of Donnybrook, were the with 18 ladies present, The devotione.
°s,., est ‘„,
Tmp- exercises were taken the president, Mrs -
guests Of Mr. and Mrson on Sunday last. F , (Rey,) Jones After roll call and busie
Mrs. Henry Leishman and son Jilit, IsicTO.lsseMy.aWc BeciredtsnegYasvatingaiaillaadPdPrre°Sis)rioant
returned to their home at Marnoch, •itohristes Power” taken from Isaiah 40,
after visiting at the home Of Mess 2e-31. Rev. C.--. Jones closed the meet-
Leishm. ata'gnnother, Mrs. Ed,. Chem with prayer,
heY. s - , •, , -.. a • The' MissaBand of lastox Cantrell held
Mrs Wm. Nse-sen IS 110 t= =Proving• thew regular monthly meetitig i a- .the
as fast as his many friends would like basement of the churelwon Saturday af-
to see him. ' ' ternoon, Feb. 4th, about thirty present.
Tiae Devereaux are at present haul- The devotional exercises were taken by
ing Ice. • . the Vice President, Mrs, las. Andeeson,
s Mrs. Wrie Burehill and children of arr. Mac Bretney gave •a beautiful solo
Cuirass, were -visiting at the home of "Thou Lord Seest Me" which all enjoyed
Mis. Burehill's sister, Mrs. Erneet after which Rev. Woods gave a splendid
Tl„ ionaason, of Donnybrook- ' address on Queen Esther, from 4th chap.
16th verse, spectating of the, great need at
-workers in thednaaster's vineyard.
Mr. .and Mrs. • Ben MeCienaghan
and family visited last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. McClen-
agban at Belgrave.
Dr. Homer Watson Dead
w Dr. Homer Watson of Toronto,
s- died on Saturday atter an illness of
several weeks. He was born in Luck-
e now, se years ago. He graduated iir
W medicine, in x889. After two years of
post ,graduate work in England he
g returned to Canada and began prac-
ticing in St' Thomas, He went t a
Toronto in tgoo.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson and
baby visited at .Mr.' 'Mark •Arrns
etrong's on Sunday. '
Miss Alice Clark of Auburn is -
ing at Mrs. jas. Ploughrnan'sa • •
= '
- One Thing At A Time
London is the throes of eontrovees
. as to whether sdancing should be al-
lowed in the schools. Other com-
munities included, have had and like-
ly will have periodical outbursts of de-
bate over the same gnestion. There
are in every locality •people who
-would like to have their particular
spcial views officially rehognized nt
the conduct of public ,. institutions. --
People' who have no such ambitioit
may unite on the ground that, the
schools are maintained to edneate the ,
heads; not the heels,- and that the
More strictly they emsfine their atten-
tion to. the business in hand the more
likely they are to make -a success of
Fortner Wingham Girl Weds
The home of Rev'. Wm. and Mee.
1dowe, St. John's, London Township,
was prettily decorated with pink and
yellow tulips for the mareiage of -dick
eldest daughter, Kathleen, to Charles
B. Ross, M. D., 13. A., of Gravenberste "
which took place Wednesday after-
noon, Feb. ist. The bride, who was
given iii marriage by her father, wore
a handsome gown of -navy blue bead'
ed georgette, with a lafge black hat
trimmed with gold braid and carried
it bouquet of pink roses, Both bride ,
and groom were.. unattended, • The
teremoty was performed 5y His.
Lordship the Bishopof Huron who"
had baptized and christened the 'bride.
He was assisted by Rev. Canon Sage
of London, The wedding march from
Lohengrin was played by Mrs. Gor-
doe Tennant.
Mr, and Mrs, Roes left by the
.4-20 train fot Toronto, where they
will stay for it few days before going
on to Gravenhurst where they will
make, their home, The bride wore fdr
travelling a beautiful sealakin toot;
epening over a dress of oavy blue
trimmed with green With it smart hat
of blue and green to match: '
The following guests were preseet:
Mr. and Mr, J. M. ,Ress,Lutart, pars
ents of the groom; Bishop and Mts.
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Dimeatt Ross,
of Lucan; Mrs. Robert Orr, Canon
Sage; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tennant,
Miss 13, Seaborn, of London; Geotge
Docker and Gordon Flanigan, of ton -
don Township. •'
Jack Madigan has sold his restaur-
ant to J. j, Weiler of Formosa.- Mr.
Madigan came to Teeswater from
Wingham in December zga9 and has
made a success of business. We un-
derstand the family will go south for
a couple of months. ,
One of our exchanges says; "One
of our newly married women kneads
bread with her gloves oe,"-But
that's nothing the editor of this paper
needs bread with his shoes on; he
also needs it with his trousers on;
and unless the delinquent readers of
This old rag of freedom pay up soon
he wil need bread without ea, darn
thieg on.",
Brussels Fair Board
A • Cash Business
Having carried on a credit business
for several years we have become
firmly convinced that the principle
is injurious to both buyer and seller.
All our purchases are on it cash basis,
labor, freight, eta, are cash and a
business man has no more right to
be asked for credit than a. bank to
loao their money without charging
interest, Therefore we will in the
future sell oely, for cash, All ac-
counts due us must be paid at once. --
5. A. McLean. ,
onAAt tghreicatstrinuraal inseoectitetitgy otfinEaisrteaHstnirr:
in the flax mill, Brussels, had the nns-
Harold Kerneys who was employed
er's report for tne past year shosved ketane lees week to have his left
the reeeiPts to be $1,792.3.5 dis" hand come in contact with ono of the
abnurcesemoiei$A9s2.1$1,701.0.121e3, elle:es/don:,of obfrtal: ;,,Aingsminailaie)89,,nealleviaes.t ealaIsoebii.soakeesyn
cers resulted as follows Honorary in t ie hand. 1-11s. son is not able to
(pheosrigdrk tity6oSnt;es, pv7,rrst t; Vice
ttleaeyes. eaii7ealogratatia4s pfiteongcloli le.ttp! f 0 kved
A. C. 13aelsoti Second Vice-Prese the iejnry wili soem be overcome,
iSleArther; urrectors, ,Cnomaa
Robert Nichdl, R. j. Hoover,
alter R. L. McDonald, W. R.
her Rose, '1.7.. v. 'Maunders, and
roadfoon 5, M. Knight, D. C. Ros-e
Va„ est --In 1: ci an. i4th,,
hon 11eVittie; Lada- Directors, adaughter.
e. G. R. 'Muldoon, Mrs. P. A. Ife-
thug., Mrs. A. C. Rutter, and Mrs.
• W. Harris. It was decided to
Id a field crop competition in Oftts
dent corn. Thursday and
her Lith and x5th were the
ays ed for holding of the next fall
alloway-in Wroxetets on Janliedth,
ton, to Mr. and Mrs. Irwio Durst,
r922, to M. end Mrs. Oliver 'Gal-
loway, it daughten •
erney-In 13resSels, •on fah.
1922, to Mr. and Mrs, „Harold
neY, it ton.-...Roaa Travers'Eldr d
The Epworth League Will hold ae
tertainment nt the church on Sat-
urday everting, February lith, com-
mencing at eight o'clock • sharp.
There will be it debate "Retolved that
Travelling is more Deeefical to Mans
Mod than Reading". There will also
adios, reeditigs, eta, after whkh'
latch will be served, -Admission .a5c
fOt it6lts,children free Evetybody ' '