The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-10-14, Page 8tx
4, ,9
he Work of the Taxidermist Combines Var-
ious Arts - The Mounter Must Be
Sculptor and Artist -- How the
Displays Are Made.
OUNTING birds and ani- used: as the'base for the subsequent
mounting:, of the ,skin, The skilled
craftsmanshipof the new -school
artisan '_produces an exhibition
model that is faithful to nature,
and in sharp contrast with the
wooden -image type of effigy which
once passed muster with museum
Artistic Perception Demanded
To achieve these results the
worker is not only sculptor and
taxidermist,' but the exacting na-
ture of his profession requires that
hp 'shall be many other things in
addition. Herntust have theartis-
ticperception of the painter, the
veterinarian's knowledge of anat-
omy, the analytical instinct of . the
naturalist,. and a complete. knowl-
edge of the mysteries of tanning
and preserving skins without dam-
age to their • appearance. With
these things he 'must blend a ca-
pacity for minute dovetailing of
every process involved in.prepar-
ing 'his specimens for the exhibi-
tion room. •
As received by the taxidermist in
the great `National Museum at.
vyashington,a skin is dry,' harsh
wrinkled and unpromising. ' The
first step in its treatment is to'trim
awayall pieces of flesh, muscle
and sinew that may be found ad-
hering to the hide itself. ' The pelt
is then moistened In water and a
bit`o'Poil is sprinkled- over its sur-
face to t:eplace the natural oils of
The next sten is a vigorous
male ter display purposes
is no longer a simple gnat-
ter ef'etuffing.the ,'skins in
the same way ''that a workman
Would fill the upholstery of a
chair with cotton, hair, sawdust or
excelsior. : The old-time practice
' Yiae given way to; scientific taxi-
dermy which brings a realism un-
known to the animal sufferers of
a.. previous generation. Today's
specimens are prepared by meth-
ods which constitute a distinct art,
highly specialized in scope and ex-
ecution, .
The up-to-date taxidermist is a
eeulptor as well•as an artisan. He
must` know how to model •his sPeci-
mens:. with faithful regard to' nat-
ural appearance. `.In • this way he
eliminates the haphazard<method's
'that produced., creatures- unlike
anything ever..beheld ori land or
sea: The artificial' effects created
by former' procedure evolved speci-,
mens which :'.would not have been
'recognized by .'their. own .flesh and
blood. Today's . taxidermy' would
fool .any of them,.' because of the
artistic" touches• contributed .by
scientific development.
Instead of. stuffing • a specimen,
until the skin is filled out to its
utmost capacity, without regard to
fidelity of outline, the skilled work-
er ofloday' starts his undertaking
by creating a sculpture: in' plaster
of "paris. With, close .,attention 'to,
anatomy, the tax#'deiniist proceeds'
to fern'. an accurate' life-sized. fig-
ure in hello* 'plaster, and this Is
course of massage.: 'To accomplish
No other : town , in• .all: the
world;possesses ;a, church
whose"tombs •are' guarded' by
long lines of. bronze warriors',;
clad in full' armor, ' This in
teresting Franciscan church,
o Hof-iiirche,.belongs,:as its
name indicates, ;to ,the royal
court .of. Bof, and `was built
•as the memorial tomb 'of the
'great emperor; Maximilian 1.
One of his sons' was the pow
erful Charles V, whose pas-
sessions were; so vast•that die
gave all of Austria to his
brother, Ferdinand; and it
" that Ferdinand . who
built"type, memorial
is one of the
healthiest towns In Europe. 'It
15 completely sheltered from the
earth by, the high . mouritalns,
1ts`,winter air is very dry and there`
isr,a great deal of sunshine. People
are often been; sitting by open win-•
d'iows.. when' the thermometer reg-
asters 'many, .degrees below freez-
Ing,, but the drynese and sunshine'
Make one feel warm rather than
' The river Inn, from which the
town takes its name, rushes `down
from the. Engadine. and flows on
,.owards the Danube,anube, but here at
Innsbruck widens and becomes
more tranqull in its flow, possibly
enamoured of the smiling valley
cinder the overban.ging crags and
pea•ks of • the 13a.varian Alps: The
town is very.' important as :being'
the glace of junction of tile two
read, :railroad Lines,' Berlin -Rome
end Vienna•Pa,eis. They cross
here. In very ancient times, even
before the Roman decubattgn, this
ortattt tradln
was an im g
place p
t -fair, ::
post and yearlyMat ar lea t The
natives Were celebrated for their binravery a
nd o
race sang
varC re e -“The Alpine eRirhSekeitlil
long uneria.tched en fight,"
o g .
". h
;i'thaotia lass Inc.. name by whit
Rothe called- the settieitient. The
'ontaris made" of Khis tows an eft-
on on the road, froth
Italy a ' to Central e. The my
habitants snit 'show; the influence
"Of Italy, Thee a ,re far Mare. 1'
et -
ti* tis end teed of beauty' than more
rt rtberl't ,Geri me Winch More
kotionell and ifkterma, rnore at.
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