The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-10-07, Page 6is
.. .'-,._ ....::... ...:....... ... -.. -
-• :- ;:1.1I 11Uct 1./V44U1'1 'BLit, 4.920
. ._. _. .
. - • ... - • .,
and ThunderingTin Devils,` (shout-
ade of the worst men. all rnauvais Su-,
Established 1840,
Head Office, Guelph, Ont.
taken onall classes of insure
Risks tae n eu
once at reasonable rates.
Agent, Wzsghatn
By Percival Christopher Wren
ed. :You say that he says that
she sags, I nnocked. `Va t'en, grand
babbilard!` roared at hint, Tilbe on
parade outside these gates in ten sec.
ands), and if you and your gibbering
chatterboxesare notAsrode
, awaiting' me
there at attention. , and my poor
jects of that company. They should
garrison the' Zinderneuf fort; or else
the grave that Iaad'been dug for those
brave 'fallen who had not been allow-
ed to fall,' _
1 o e lip, the Sergeant 11Sajor
•Dufour""called, the- men to attention,
o 'Revilefeeipe
Mustard Pickles--Chow-chow-•-India Pickles—Sour Pickles—
Dutch pickles—Relishes and Catsup. Our Recipe Book gives
splendid recipes for Makin all of them.
Write for a copy7ravires Free.
Colman <Canada)
I was the more angry at his news,
and they stood like graven images,
the selected esco)iade the right,
-Keen 1.2mited, Dem, 387 ioo Amher at St„ Montreal ,
. D DD
Office in Chisholm Block
--- iNSU1�.l�NCE ----
P. O. Box 360 Phone 240.
Major Henri de Beaujolais, hearing
that the company holding the fort at
Zindexneuf is attacked,takes a corn-
pany of men to the rescue. Arriving
there he is startled to find men propp-
ed in the embrasures of the fort—
dead. Inside, he finds the command-
ant of the fort dead—murdered by arae
of his own men apparently, for a bay-
Doily, the castes don't steal They are, for I had subconsciously expected
her nephews. I ant going to put something of the sort.
some ice on my head." What elsewith iwhoawe
`I have wanted a ;lot. of ice to the , these ignorant,, su-n
perstitious ' who were the'brav-
head, the last few weeks, George. est of the brave against.' human foes?
What, too, of the murdered sous-offi- g
None like them: Every marl a hero
ver and the utterlyvanished trump-
" P" in battle, , But what of that House
ores. of Death with its Watchers • Thatmy
Oh,�danin your trumpeter and sorts lace into which their comrade hadce
officer, was the explosive reply. 'ler - P h ads
, , on
while 1 made an eloquent speech, the
funeral oration of that brave band to
w s about to give a inili,
y funeral with all the last' honors
that France could render to the -
by defenders of !ries honour and her
eyes and431
Tears stood in my vol-
broke as 1 concluded
c by quoting:—
- r •
�i� n
onet like those issued the French For-
••••••1-boldlyclimbed—and never come forth
chael Geste! Lady Brandon.. . For- again.
Soldats de la Legion, r
De la Legion...
iictory•arid Other Bonds Bought and
eign Legion is found plunged through
his heart.
-give me, old chap, and finish the story
." and George Lawrence lay back haRastignac had begun it, And they
d seen him face instant death cath_
on his face instant
N'ayant pas de nation,
La. France est votre • mere.'
Block, Wingham
�° man! Lady
Good God Lad Brandon!
Do you mean to say that the "Blue
Water,"has bean that
couch and stared at the roof
er than enter thedeath
of the carri(r
age, less reckless devil,braveryorder,
Lady Brandon! The only woman in whoseal-
the t one has'prevented his escape from
Than when the selected new Barri.
son got the files de uatre:
En avant. Marche,' that they might•
YTH branches and correspondents.'
, VAT0 �,
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates
Win ham,Ontario
the thief took refuge in the Foreign"
Legion, or drifted there somehow.
asked Lawrence, lying back on his roll
of bedding.
I dont mean to say an thing—ex-
bringinghim to courtemartial and thebegin
And as the train rumbled through Zephyrs'. of allnew
He, men, was afraid
the sweltering coastlands toward La -'r:
of the place: There is nothing so in-
gos, 111ajor de Beaujolais, highly plea- fectiaixs as .'
that sort of 'panic:
sed with the success Ik£ his neat and
clever little coup, continued the story. WIf a Oce more fact to accept.
p, rp
men would not the fort
march into the fort and their
duties b bri i e dead out
Y ng ng th
for' burial --they did. something' quite
Takin the time from the right,ie.eo.••
with smartness
r ess and, theyy
oN : throughout Canada and strong fjnan•-
%• 'x..,' + sial affiliation r
: . u ; . ,�, s abroad, we are in a position tm4
�a j makeprompt
; Vale) collections .in all parts of the.
i---� ! world. Acceptances.are' quickly obtained,
Ossesn" �T payments promptly t1 transmitted --details
., - carefully and accurately urate! Bre°
handled. '
Wingham, - Ontario
cept to tell. my little tale, the dull litt-
le tale that bored you so, George," re-
plied de Beauolais with a wicked grid:
• George Lawrence swung his feet to
g n
the ground and stood up again. Never
with this new astuondrnent, this ex_
"Well My George, figure me there, the zort of they would not enter
fort of Zinderneuf—and that was
traordinary accompaniment to the sin-
aster and bewilderingmystery of that.
y Y a But if the ,will of these scoundrels
inexplicable murder and on inexplic- was corrin into
satoopedo as one man and stood .'at
The right -h•
on divan, a grizzled vet-
eran of Madagascar, Tonquin, and
Dahomey, took. a forward
Ask our local: manager for complete information: '
NE lam(
Graduate Royal College of Dental
. Graduate University of Toronto
had his friend seen this reserved, tac-
tram and unemotional man so affect-
"I don't "get you. I don't take it in,"
he said. "Lady Brandon's stone! Our.
g conflict with the will
able disappearance. there was ex-
And then, 'What is in the paper, o£ Henri de Beau'olais,
citing times ahead.. Since they sought
might one respectfully enquire, monWINGHAM
Commandant,' asked the Sergeant- sorrow they should certainly find it—;
Major. and as I put one my belt and boots
pace sal -
. ares and with wooden face,said, 'We
Prefer to die with Rastignac.'
This was flat disobedience and rank
mutiny, I had hardly expected quite'
A. M. BISHOP, Manager.
Faculty of Dentistry
Lady Brandon? The 'Blue Water'
'The confession of a thief—that he agAction eft a certain elation.
`B •going
Office. Over H. E. 'Isard's. Store•
that we used to be allowed to see
sometimes? Stolen! And you have
stole a famous -'ewe!, I replied. o is always action, mon Henri'
said 1 to myself, and . it will be a
`Which was the thief?' said e
R esti g• not to.die.
He is- going to live=long years, I
will shoot you and desert en masse.
already to satisfy my' private -cons--•
cons --
B.S., M.D., C.M.
Special attention paid to diseases of
Women and Children, havingtaken
postgraduate work in Surgery, $act-
etiology and Scientific Medicine:
Office in the Kerr Residence,be-
tweet the Queen's Hotel and the Bap-
round rues
"I have found nothing, my friend,
but a cram led and bloodstainedpi-the
ece of paper in a dead mans hand,
was the reply,
"With Lady Brandon's name on itl
It's absurd man, In the middle of the
" Sahara! And you found it. With her
Well, I'm
Oh, ask me some questions, my change froth these thrice -accursed
good imbecile!' said I. `Ask me here theories and attempts to explain the
trumpeter is,and 'Ask w inexplicable and reconcile the irrec-
P whose bayonet, oncilable.
and who disposed these dead men as myneuf
defenders, and who fired two shots; Bah! I would teach little dogs
and whether 1 am mad or dreaming , to show their teeth, and I rode, on a
I answered—and than idled myself mule, over to the fort. -There I bade
PDufuor and Lebaudy select an escou-
together, `Now come with me, I bade
him 'We
hope in the Joyeux, You, however
who are but cowardly sheep led" as-
tray by him, shall have a better fate.
You shall die now; or enter "tinder-
fort and do you rdut g
y. Ser cant-
Major, have those rifles collected. eLt
the remainder of the Company right
form, and on the order `Attention
pour les four de salve;' the front rank
A night's rest will- work wonders. Be-
sides, Lieutenant St. Andre and the'
Senegalese will- be here by midnight.,'
It is full moon to -night.'
`And shall we sit and wait for the
Senegalese,' ' Dufour?' I whispered
back. `Would you like to ask those
fellows to save' us till they conte"?
And "looking from him to the men
cience. If, after -four hours' rest and!
reflection they "still decide to mutiny
—on -their heads be it! No'responsibil-•
ity rests on me. If'they mutiny they
do it in cold blood: If they •obey
orders before the Senegalese arrive,'
no great harm has been done, and
discipline has been maintained. That
is the very aitinost length to F
tilt Church. +
name on it! absolutely
will make one more search
will kneel, and on the order, "Feu"
I said Ioudl
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54 P. O. Bax iia.
damned!" ejaculated Lawrence,
"Yes, my friend. And perhaps you
begin. #o realise how "absolutely dam-
below, and then dejeuner, and a quiet,
sensible, reasonable discussion of tate
facts, before we bur these brave fell-. "
, y
! r l ' `
,�W 'r
l e :, � �"
every matt witIdo his duty.'
But I knew .better, George. That
was precisely what they woudnt do;
`You are too merciful Sergeant -Ma-
, g
jor. We don't ,do things thus in the
Spahis, But these are not Spehis-
can go in the desire to save them.'
, To, save them mon Commandant f
it is ou who I� am trying tosave,'
Y g
Jr. Robt. C. Reda find
M.R.C.S. (Eng.) . L.R.C.P. (Long.)
ries" was, when" read that paper—
:odd with blood . But probably I
was not so surprised as you are now,
Even that could not have surprised
me very much then, I think," said de
otos, detain an escouade of our men
as garrison,and return to Tokotu. I
shall leave you in command here until
we get orders and reliefs.'
The Sergeant-Major looked distinct=
rqq ,
, i(t,'t
si t
, , , ..,
G r �0
saes,}1 f
? /
4 -��
8 =
°~ I^ '" q';youbeg
w Y ti i
and I felt this was my last parade.
That 'accursed fort was still .exerting
its horrible influence., These fools
feared that it would kill them if they
However ,in consideration of the most'
excellent march the men have made,
I will do as and give these
'cafard-stricken fools till moon -rise It
stammered the ,good fellow.
Patting him on the shoulder as he:
turned to o I bad hi
g , e m send' a coup --
le of the most influential men of the
Dr. Chisholm's old stand
- �;,
—7, i its
lame. ly dubious at this. `Here
weeks!' oe'aof
entered it, and I feared it would killgives
men' pleasureescouade
o to inflict punish -
and two or three of the best
-leaders 'different.
them if they did not. For let me
I hope insist
the remainder of
Graduate of University of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
. Office in Chisholm Block
Josephine Street, Phone 29
Lawrence sat down,
" „
Go on, old chap, he bagged, Isin-
cerely apologise for my recerit mann-
ors, Please tell me everythin and
then let us thrash it out,'` Lady Bran-
don! The 'Blue Water' stolen.
`No need for apologies, my dear
George," smiled his friend. "If you
seems a little unimpressed and bored
he said softly,
We made our tour below, and, as 66 Mother looks
before, nothing unusual met the eye, 1V
and there was no sign of the tram e
eter forward to
,alive or dead. We had seen
him climb on to that parapet and ap-
parently no living eye had beheld him � telephone
again. ® . ?9
I was past wonder, I accepted
but handle them wrongly l now,and
g y
they would shoot me and he .non-
commissioned officers and march off;
into the desert to certain
i death, as
they weakened from thirst and stare-:
orlon. They would be harried and
hunted and herded alongbythee
, Arabs
and daily reduced in numbers until
merit, and no man will'
on being
g punished. We are all tired,
and since you intercede for your men
Igrant afour-hour bolls At moon-
rise, our. motto is "Work or die." Till
then, all may rest. After then, the
dead will lie buried and h for r_'
t ga
risoned. I hope there will be no
More dead to be buried to -night.
cliques, if.there were any.
I would point out to thein he. in--
evitable and awful results to the men
<themselves, of disobedience and mut-
ivy I would speak of the l eroism,-.
discipline, and dutifulness of he dead.;
1 would pointe out to them that in
event of mutiny, they themselves.
Dr. Margaret C. �����
General Practitioner
Graduate University of Toronto
Facultyof Medicinewily
Office—Josephine St, two doors south
of Brunswick Hotel.
en z
;Telephones: Office 28x, Residence x5
at times, it only gave me the greater
zest for the denouement, when you
should hear your , our , friend's name
come into this extraordinary story."
Jolly," said the .astounded Lawrence.
I salute you sir. A logical old` cuss
too! Fancy keeping that. back until
things. said Helen to her husband—
Very well, this was the place where"That was a wonderfiii..%dea of
Commandants are murdered by non- yours, Fred that I should
existent people; soldiers vanish like alternate my letters to mother
concerningcs one's friends are lettersfound lwrth telephone calls.
misses me a good deal, and
in the hands of dead Frenchmen, Very she was just delighted when
as j
good .Be it so. We would 'carry on'she heard ni r voice. We talked
a sudden rush swept over them and
nothing remained for the survivors
but horrible tortures.
Mutinous dos the i
g Y might be, and
they were -but no less would
the responsibility foie their suffer-
Ings and deaths be mine if I mishand-
led the situation. I thought of oth-
And I rode back to the oasis, hear-
ing as I did so the•voice of the Ser-"
geant-Major, exhorting the men and
concluding with the order, ` '
g de , Ron pez.
He joined mea few minutes later,.
'They'll never do it, mon Command-
ant,., said he. 'They'll .fear tire. plana•
worse than ever by moonlight. In
would;either be loyal and die at the.
hands of the mutineers, or become de -4
sorters and die at th:e hands of, the -
Arabs -, I would
w cY than. send therm
back among their fellowsaeartedeabide•,
the issue. .
(To Be Continuedy`
• ' ei ;•
now, and telling the yarn neatly in
as you say, and do our duty. over a lot of things, too .—
-mutinies in the Legion.
morning we could call for volun-
All Diseases Treated
n next to
Office adjoining residence
Anglican Church on Centre Street,
Sundays by appointment
sequence and due order, until
the right point in the story was reach-
ed, and then, . . "
"Anal, the phlegme Britannique; eh
Geor el _ chuckled de Beaujolais,
Wonderful how the volatile and:tin-
Frenchman do it,was-
`Think hard—and be prepared to settled more questions in three
than we could have
pic kholes in the theories I shall pro- done in twenty letters.
pound an hour hence,' said 1 to the
Sergeant-Major ' as wepassed out of • "And it's so much easier than
writin ! We were both so ineers
thegate,and I g
proceeded to the ods- pleased that I've arranged to •feel
is, where m excellent Achmet had y :g
call her everyWednesday night
t was ,an awkward dilemma, Geo-
rge. If. I ordered the Company #o
fire upon the squad, 'they would re-
fuse and would thereby become mut-
themselves. They would then
they might as well be hung for
a sheepas a lamb arid, having shot
teers to accompany pus. And then the..
'That will do, Dufour,'.said 1 'They
will render instant obedience at moon-
rise ,or take the consequences. I
have strained, my military conscience
FAIR—Our Fair. Don't keep repeating
that others are better. Come on down;,
to the Grounds and prove that we
have the goods. Thursday an.Fr%»'-
day, October7 th and 8th,
Flour's -g a. in. to 8 p. m.
Osteopathy Electricity
petuous could
n't it?" And there is sometbthg else to
prepared m soupand coffee. _'
,You dont want to hear m theor- now
Y freedom.
me, take their chance. of escape and
Telephone 272.
come my friend. All in 'logical proper
sequence and due order' there conies
To bridge those unavoidable
ies George, and there was no need for gaps, there is nothing like an
the Sergeant-Major to point out the occasional talk by Long Dis-
If, on the other hand, I condoned
A. F. 11J��Ag,
another little surprise."
P "
irn osstbilities and absurdities in them,
p" tance. Fox a few minutes the
dsal of
escouade—what of
1. ® L
Members C. A. O.
Graduates of Canadian Chiroprac-
"Then for G �d s sake ,get on with
it, old chap! More about Lady Bran-
don is it?" replied Lawrence, now all
miles areroIled.awa
They leapt to the eye immediately. y- n d sand-
erect friends are brought face -
It all came back to the bald facts to -face.
that there must be a soldier of the
ulitaryudis ipli
iscipline? to my coup-
fellows, came before m dutyto these4®'
and I must not allow any
pity for their
probable fate to carnew
tic Office.College, Toronto Office in Craw-
Block, four doors north of Post
ford Bl
Fours 2 to 5; 7 to 8,3o p. in, and by.,.
appointments. Special appointments
made for those coming any distance.
Out of town and night dolls re-
animation and interest,
mon cher Georges. For
that paper was signed by whom?
asked the Frenchman,leaning forward
tapping his friend's knee, staring im-
pressively with narrowed eyes into
those of that bewildered gentleman.
garrison missing, that he must have lip o N
y .1 1myduty
taken his rifle ad left his ba over in y s• ca <'
the sous officer, instead of shooting w !, ;*!
him and awaiting praise and reward; `- r ,..
that my trumpeter had vanished; that #'
the dead sous -officer had been in pos- o,e c�etse
session of a confession, real or bogus 145
between us and as a French
1 decided that if' they would die,
then die they must=but I at least
could do my best to save them. 'With-'
out deviating a hand from the path
of duty, I would hold out a hand to
And into ensuing 'silence be
to the effect that Michael Geste had '`"'"''' `"'k'''
Phones:—Office, 300, Residence r;i
on bot.
slowly and deliberately dropped the
words, "By Michael Geste!"
Lawrence raised himself on his el-
stolen his aunt's.fantous sapphire.
There it was—and nothing but lun- DR. G. w. HOWSON'ey
acy could result from theory -making DENTIST
if the escouade would not enter the
crime. 11 themustexpiate their military
J. A L V lt FOX.-onus.trumpeter's
bow and stared at his friend livered-
'13y Michael Geste! Her nephew!
about the sous -officer's murder, the,
disappearance, or Office Michaelver John Galbraith s Store2,800
Geste's confession and how it gotcre.
would not
out 'mand fire
y orders on the
must mutineers, theyYtnu expiate their
Commercial users have increasedrom Iess'thaxi
in 1916 to 40,000 in 1920.
7a U
Phone tgi.
Hours r0 -f2 aen•s 2-5; 7-8 p• m, or by
You don't mean to tell me that Mich-
ael Geste stole her sapphire -and slunk
off to the Legion? 'Beau Geste! Get
out, . ." he said, and fell back.
'`I don'# mean to tell you anything,
nay friend, except that the Paper was'
there. Make your home brighter with Del-
No—you do not want to hear those co Light. The dependable farm least
perfectly futile theories—those ex- Electric Service.
planation that. explained nothing, Buti
g Get our new tog.
w price and easy
it may interest you to hear that I was terms. ilia#
faced that evening, on op of the rest HENRY JOHANN
If I were to be shote I should at
be saved the unpleasantnesse-
reporting that m men lied marine e
iy i d'
and I should die iti the knowled o
-I had done rn'dui .g
_ Y Y
Yes—I would make it clear, tlnat,drs-
County engineers and others complain of
damage to roads because of overloads trucks'
� rig of t licks
and s.. eed at which 'are driven on highways._
p y
The necessity, of threen loads was recognized •
y g gnized
by the Government years ago. Unless you
y .
wish mare drastic legislation, further limiting :o£'
signed 'Michael Geste,"
si Was the bareheaded man he?" ,muting."
Look Here, are you trying to pull my
of my little pleasures, with a military Delco Light Dealer
Crlerinannan Ontario.
"Good Lord," ejaculated Lawrence, lingering
obedience to. rimy orders - would he
death e Swift and sudden for soinnti:,
and horrible for many,
weight andspeed,: ori will co-operate with
g Y Pthe
Department and obey the law. ,
•. .
All tax be
Adjustments given: for diseases of
ill kinds, specialize in dealing with
X g
Childre n. Lady attendant. Night Calls
responded to. •
Office on Scott St., Wingham, Ont.
Telephone 150,
' --•
"1 don'tand
know who the roan was;
George. And 1 am not pulling
&p g your
leg, '1 saw two or three ,boys and two
so beautiful iris' once at Brandon
'girls, , n
Abbas, years ago. This mi lit have
been one of them. The age weals
be about And
turning to the speaker,
"Yes. At four o'clock I ordered the GEORGE— A. SIDDALL `c>a
Ser eant-Major to fall the men in, ^—Broker---� . •
and I would tell off the newrri- „et. 73• Lrrcknovv, Utiitano,'
son for 'ins n Via. m'one'y' to Ie On first and seeded
er etif,- agr.»ed
In a most t,nusual manner the Ser- mortgages on farm and other real es
gean't-Major hung fire, to to speak, tate properties at a reasonable rateof ..
Merest, also on first Chattel tnortga- space
certain for all. Then 1 would"
ry on' as you say. a right,
Y Wes tet
Ceorgese g
I think were quite right, Jo11y,'
As I was deciding thus, al in the
of a few seconds, with every
payers must not penalized because
of 'emporar r profit to the few.
'Road: repair bills 'should Bever be
and will not be if you use the highways reasonably.
Penalties are provided for overloadin and fast
driving; These should be unnecessary, but will be
rigidly enforced whenever necessary,
g y
q phones; Office %6, '(teals. 224
" * ” • ' ICER a
right. then, again, this instead
man inay hour, had nothing on earth
to do with the paper. Nor any other
intan on that roof except the sous-offi _rent
cer—and he most
of. stepping smartly off about
ges on stock and on personal notes. eye
his duty.drawingevery'
'Well,' said I sharply. A Peva farms OA hated for sale"or to B
'There is going to be trouble, mon Y Beaujolais-,
ori easy terms.
Commandant,' he. faltered, proached
upon isle and a. terrible tension
face,” continued de
"the Sergeant-Major' aft-
and saluted. 1 eyed -
,i,ster or x>&nwa"va 1de�uty Nt;n;Sm�r
x�URlE7f'x't3'RE ,aJEALETR, s
,,,m, i
and .. {
lb1G"IiA1bi, ' - �
_ .a
eines„ eleiseeess eiesseestlONimeasdeee,lees e,eel,,,,imie
certainly was note
Michael Geste, He was a man of
forty or forty' -five years, and as I have
said, 'n lisinnant,
'Englishman, g
,� Michael would be about twenty or
„ ,,
so, said Lawrence, "He was the "old-
est of the nephews. But dear
. .L ws 11 it lity Ueai'
.. coldly.
'Mon Cheri, there is!'. 1 snapped, 'and w �. whispered
I atn going to make it, if I have any —Agent B'ot'-'Theywon't
nonsense, What do you meant" CtJh12OSS TIRE INSURANCE dant.
Sergeant Lebaudy says" that' Core Insure in a Good Scott+ Company the
poral Bri110 says that the intim Say, Boa 267 W'ii;rkhlttxi, C1nt, fart!
( .
'N y T t Phone
'Name (: the Naive. of Ten .L 11oWJ- of Phosne 20 t 2 nab.
With his back to the men he
do I limn
t, anon Coaniinan
Gads saki do not give
order. The are rotten with -
iv ca
and over -fatigue. That 12:t4t -
g l g
is their hero `sari leader Tam.
Issued by the Ontario .Department of t3igli-
writs secure the ca -operation h abusei 0jr
and truck operators in abating the abuse of
the roads of the .Province.
ii: ' ...... ... ....... ... . ..,-• y t