The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-09-30, Page 4Fin r. FREE Demonstration In Wicker Work Miss E. Gowan will be at our Store Afternoon and Evening, Friday, October 1st. to hhhh 141, teach sTsP))120' Reed FERNERY N2 2 Work. feJett 'RACK' Come in and learn how to make Wicker Trays, Ferneries, Bas- kets, Jardineres, Lamps, etc., etc. Don't miss this opportunity to learn this interesting and pro- fitable pastime. We have a full line of Wicker, all sizes,. both round and Flat Grass, Braid, etc. ALSO BASES OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES - SPECIAL - - Everyone buying Wicker will receive FREE one Complete Les- son in weaving in addition to the FREE instruction given by Miss Gowan. NION10.01..010111• 114c1Cibbon's Drug Store 7719 Saft2M Winsrham. Ont. Phone 53 You save with safety at your Rexall Drug Store FOR SALE—Finest registered, silver black foxes* well furred, healthy pup, also proved breeders. Look them over, — R. E. Laidlaw, lillyth, Ont. FOR SALE or RENT — Residence of the late H. Davis, Centre Street. Apply otfpremises or to J. E. Davis, &in Logan 'Ave, Toronto. FOR SALE — Mixed Honey for sale, to cents per lb. Apply to Milo Casemore, Phone 3-627. • FOR SALE -- At Reduced Prices. New Home and Ideal Sewing Mach- ines. They run easy and quietly, AUCTION SALE — of Wingharn will do any kind of work. Warran- ted by the makers. For Sale by " A. Webster, The Tailor. I employ a specialist for repairing Raymond, New Williams, White, or any old ineke Needles for all makes on hand Shuttles, Bobbins and Bands If anything is wanted for an old tnake bring broken part to A. W. FOR SALE -- One upright piano, rocking chair, 2 lounges one new- ly upholstered, 2 kitchen cupboards, 2. bedroom suites, 2 bedroom sets, 1 conthook, grindstone. — W. S. Linklater, Victoria St. SALE OF SHED — The trustees of the United church, Bluevale are ask- ing tenders for the sale of the Meth- odist church shed, at Bluevale. Ten- ders will be opened on Mor.day, September 27th inst. The highest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Properties at 2 o'clock, on Saturday October end. Lot No. 4 an the north side of Maple St, in John Cornyn's Survey, of the said town of Wing- ham—one frame house. ALSO Parts of lots numbers Twel- ve (an) and thirteen (ie.) in Foleys' Subdivision of Park Lots numbers • one (1) and two (2) in the said town Webste.r, over The Advance Times of Wingham—Frame House. Clear office. title will be given tlie purchaser.— Sale at Brunswick Hotel FARM FOR RENT — Lots 7 & Tas :Taylor, Auctioneer, joint Torr - concession t, township of Morns, con- mace, Inspector For County Home. . taining Roo acres, (J, Henderson es- tateo) on the Bluevale Road, 3-4 mile , NOTICE TO CREDITORS Elora Wiinetharn, tenders received npl until Oct. titit.—R. McKenzie, Wing - NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant Lain, W. 3, Henderson, Box 55, 'Wing - ,to Sectioet 56, Chap. ran of the Reeds - l ham, 3 A. Morton, Wingham. ed Statutes of Ontario, that all pers- FOR SALE ___ Good frame house and onshaving claims against the estate lot on corner of John and 'William Of Samuel Burchill, who died tui • Streets in the town of Whiglia.tne ior about the sixteenth day of January, Correspond with Mrs. Haines, 1104 AD,, 1926, are required to send by q post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Van- ee Second Ave. East, Owen Sound ,, * D stone Wingham Ontario Solicitor for • • . o you STARTING QN THE RETURN MOTOR HIKE Regina Sept lath, 1926 Editor of Wingliam Advariee-Times Deer 1V/r, Smith;—Well the election is all over, and I see by the morning papers that North Huron, still stands behind John King. We have been covering a good deal of ground since I last wrote you. We left Mrs. Brandon's brother's at Woodrow on September 6 for Moose - jaw and Tuxford. Saw some very fine fields bf wheat around Gravel - burg, but as we neared Moosejaw, the crops were boor, Going north west of Tvloosejaw, the crops were fine till nearing Tuxford where crops trre not up to the usual standard, but from. Marquis and up around *dieeler, we saw about the worst craps we have seen. Dry weather during July and August, then hail the last of August, cleaned them up, four and five bushel to the acre and poor stuff at that. I saw the wheat crops of 200 acres all on Six wagons at the threshing ma- chine. Leaving"Moosejaw for Regina we drove about fifty miles through as nice a tract of land and as fine a fields of wheat as we have seen in ail our drive We spent a very pleasant week around Keeler and Tuxford, and spent Sunday with Me and Mrs. Jas. Knox, where we met Mrs. Knox's father, Mr. Archie Kerr, her two bro- thers Alex and Hugh, and sister. We also called on Mr. and Mrs. William Knox and must say the Knox 'family made no mistake when they left the third line of Morris, for they have all prospered here, and have fine up to date places. James has been Reeve of the Municipality for several years. This is some country for mud when it rains. Just now we are waiting for the sun to shirie to dry up the roads ,as we want to get to Brandon on our return trip. This is a wonderful city for so young a country. Was through the Government Building and grounds, and they are beautiful, aid the coll- eges and schools would put many an older place) in the background. We were through the museum where they show all the different products of the province, which are really wonderful. Friday, Sept. 24th, 1926 We left Regina for to go to Indian Head through some very poor farm- ing country but fair roads, and lovely drive. - From there to Grenfell is a fine country, and the crops are good. Then from Grenfell to Brodview is very rolling and grain very short. Just here we came to about eight miles of gravel' road ,the first and only grav- el road we struck while in Saskatch- ewan. After crossing the line from Saskatchewan pito Manitoba the coun- t- and crops looked much better, and the roads from there to Virden, about twenty-five miles,- were grand. At Brandon, we 'met Mr. and :Mrs. Ma- guire, whoin nre had not seen since July Idth. We then started for Win- nipeg ,r65 miles, and the first road ;we had travelled since leaving Bel - grave. As we came through Saskatchewan, the threshing waa going right along, and plenty of them were through, but through Manitoba there was very little threshing done on account of wet Ott t t the executore, on or before the nine- ' FOR SALE — Two registered were- • teenth day of October, A. D .1g26, remember Red ford Bulls, 6 and 9 months old; also their names and addresses,eyith n number of yearling purebred On- !particulare in writing' of their claims, ford ram lambs. See them at the ,.and the nature of the securities (if Fall Fair G. Keenedy, R. x, Lack-', any) held by them, duly verified by now. Phone Lncknow 'a statutory declaration. 43- And further take Notice that after tl-e said nineteenth day of October, TENDERS 'WANTED '--Tenders sun, said executors trill proceed to kr the purchase of the Parse onagdistribute the assets of the said es - and Meese. owned bee the tonetree tate aanong the parties entitled there- ef Knox -Crated church, into, having regard only to the claims Belgrave, wilt be received till 6 o'-`' cif which they shall then have had d Ori dock p.m. Oct* rd next. SeParatotice, and the said executors shall Tenders reauest.'The hinheat riot he liable for the said assets or any or arty tender tot necessarily ac- ',part thereof to any person a whose cipted. Farther Particulars taaY ;claim they shall not then have receiv- be obtained from the Trustees. Adoied notice. . 0000 McCutcheoll?" dress Tenders to—Peter W. Scott, DATED at Winghani, this twenty- See'y TrilSite Board, Beigrave. ;fifth day Of September, A. a 1026. I R. Vanstoile, ',OR SALE — 'One of Wingliatli`s. ad- will htint P. 0. •CT.,St homes', at reasonable price, Solicitor for the Execntors.' tis the, owner purposes leaving tovert.1 ” Every ntodorn eonvertienee, also • gatage, 00d tliattlettn'a'ad frall Car Burns at Brussels eon cash, balance on inortgage—A A large touririg ear belonging to C ever Co8eaS, lanstitafice and Real Es-' R. Davidson of Bruseels vete deerroy- „ _..._ ed by fire on Sunday evening while OR SALE—Dtlick Rouse, six rooms parked in front of the !tome of Will - and bath, rough cast kitchen, ail lam Rawson, in Brussels. The fire l connc veniees, also barn and one and alarm. -was sounded, which brought a a half acres of land, suitable for large etNawd to the scene of the blIk20, JtILIrleet gardening. ',Situated on Vic. but nothing was accomplished to save ioria St, on the hill.—Appiy on the its entire destruction. The cause premises to John GitaYof the fire was unknown, .4, Two college grads, had adjourned to the locker - room to discus's old WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES ;Cliris • 1 I •T-- Friday — The clirk in the drug i IIJ, :Le- store was a tawking to pa this ev- ▪ ning arid he laffed & sed heed short chang- ed ma this morning but he had discuvered it in time to call her tension to it. Pa laffed and sed to the drug clerk. Well ,and what did she say. The dug clirk sed. She diddentsay midden Then pa laffed and sed, Well yunge fella that woman wassent my wife then if she diddent say nettling, Saterday -- well I lent Chuck a trickle ov- er a inunth ago and I ain't saw him since. So I gess it was wirth it af- Tharsday, Septeinher 39, t926 imilinwintualtlimilmaill'huswitimoiiinoliiiiii111101110111•1111111011110111101MA , SLATS' DIARY • II • ' By Reiss Farquhar • -- Phone 59 -- Thursday and Groceries &Chinawafe . iliGliAM FAINL FAIR . Friday, EATS OCTOBER 7th and 8th - • • n. That Please i - When you get you Eats at Christies' you are pleased and 11 1111 completely. satisfied from the first bite down to the very last scrap. Why? Because there's quality thro' and thro'. Decid- edly we want to please. FREE- FREE E • s= A 25c Toilet Brush with each Es, tin of Diamond Toilet Flush. = Whether a customer phones ea or sends her order it is filled El- i just as if that customer were at the counter selecting for herself • IT'S WORTH WHILE TO i COME TO CHRISTIE'S TheTea and Coffee Store I !'Teeswater.airI i Oct.5 & 6 1926 - Enlarged Buildings. Good dis- play in all departments. 'HOSE RACES and OTHER II: El SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS ' Play "Little Miss Jack", night -63 of Oct. 6th. Dance after play. A hearty welcome to all visitors - 1 W. G. Moffat, Pres. Kenneth McKenzie, Sec-Treas. illISMEMPUMMEMMMEMEMOMMMISMO weather. Farmers are feeling blue, such fine prospects, and then to be spoiled -with the wet. Health and weather permitting we expect to leave Winnipeg for home on Monday 27th. Give us your best wishes for good roads, good weather, and good luck for six days after starting, and if we are not in Belgrave then wevy,ill try and' ook after ourselves for the rest of the way. J. A. Brandon R. R. LUCKNOW Quite a number of friends and old neighbors attended the funeral at Dungannon on Sunday, of the late Mrs. Ed. Fisher. Mr Gordon Strickner and Miss, Thurlow of Brantford were the guests of hite and Mrs. D. Phillips last week. Mr .Alvin • Woods returned to Tor - onto this week. lefr Alvin Woods returned to Tor- onto this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphrey and Mr. and Mrs. George Walker of E. Wawanosh have gone on a motor trip points. ev. \\no an Mrs. Afack ntosh and sons of Milverton visited at Mrs. Clark's last week. MISMINMINIMIIMINFM•119•1111MIIMIMOIM 1 ter all is said and done. ti Special Prices for Both Days of the Fair ki , Sunday—We tuk a drive up to the ,n. = , ma' city today and ma was doing the driv- II - ,, _. — ing in the frtint seet. We got stopp- i We will have -on sale, several lines of Shoes in Men's, -15: - , ed by a red lite at 1 of the cross ii Women's, Boys' and Girls' which will be ii. _ rodes and then when the green lite Fa- REAL e.-- went on why ma pressed the 'rongl ''•,." BARGAINS E II = 1 - A welcome awaits you at ourstore -- make it your headquarters. peddle and we backed into a nother ford. The driver jumps ont and 1 Come' here for Footwear on Fair Day, yelled' at rna. Why dident you say P you was a going to reverse. Ma sed. • Pony Votes Given Away with Every Pair 'VVhy you poor simp you magi be cra- . zy I dident even no:I was going to reverse myself Thats the way wim- men is sum times I gegs. Munday, They is a new dirk down to the froot store and he is frum sum foram country like Illtely or Fronde or mebby Flowerida. Enny ways I am glad I was learned here in the ,Dom inion of Canada becuz I dont beleave I Cud eve of lernt to tawk enny Of those there fO'rran langttridges. Teusday--My cuzzen Bob went a- way to collige this week. He is go- ing to study up on things and is go- ing to lern to tawk Greke. Then when he is threw mebby heel start pp a resterant and I can work ,for him 'and have all the hamburger I want and Coke cola and ect I want to eat and ect. Wensday—T'he yung fella witch wirks in the noosepaper offise with pa ast him today if he woodent like to by a nice dinrond ingagement ring. Pa says why whets the matter among you and yure girl did you have a falling out. The yung fella sed. 0 no but we got Ina.rryed. Thirsday Emmy Glint was up at are house today and she sed she wusht the fella she is keeping Co. with wood herry up and purpose. Ma sed. Why Enuny yure to yung to get roarryecl, She sed why I dont want to get mar- ryed but I want to get rid of him." LUCKNOW Mr. and Mrs .E. Aitcheson of Has- riston visited Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Aitcheson last week. Mr .and Mrs. W. Rowand and fam- ily of near Walketthrt, spent a few days with friends here. Mrs. sGeo. Greer is visiting her dau- ghter, Mrs. -H. Ikin in Brantford. Mr and Mrs. A. MacCarroll spent the week end with friends in Clinton. Mr ,Jas .Orr of Detroit ,is visiting his grandmother and brother here. trs .Patterson of Vancouver is here to spend a few months with her dau- ghter, Mrs. W. MacKenzie. , / • • • E•-• -12 7.: THE GOOD SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONT. . =_-.. J. GREE Telephone 23 — Pen Lake Muskoka. Rally Day Services were held in the United and Presbyterian churches and .5undar schools, on Sunday and St .Peter's Anglican church held their special Harvest Thanksgiving serv- • . • tce. Mr. R. D. Cameron visited last month with friends in Galt and Tor- onto. Mr. Jno. Button left last 'week on a trip to the West, and Mrs. Button intends visiting frierids in Leamington and Detroit. ( BELGRAVE Mr. R. C. McGowan of Blyth, spent the week -end• with her daughter, Mrs. R Coultes, Belgrave. Mr .and Mrs., A .Bruce spent Sun- day in Southampton. The Harteest Home services held in the Anglican Church here on Sunday, were largely attended. Rev. Mr. Snell of Stratford, the minister for the special services, gave a very interest- ing sermon, which should prove help- ful to all present. ' The choir gave a special anthem and Miss Nora Van Camp sang a solo very acceptably. , The Belgave school fair promises to be good. It is to be held on Wed- nesday afternoon and a concert will 1 be put on by the various schools tak- ing part. The special Rally Day services held in the 'United church Sunday School on Sunday morning were well attend- ed, Las being present. Rev. Mr. Scro- bie gave a ninteresting talk on rally- ing to service. Miss Isabel Macintosh has returned tram a trip to Alaska. Mrs. C .Richardson of Teeswater visited recently witla her mother, Mrs. Douglas. Mrs., Thos. Watson spent the past week with friends in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bryce of Ripley visited last week eith Mrs. D. C. Mc- -Marren. Mr .Harold Agriew of Detroit is spending his vacation at his home here. Mr. P. H. MacKenzie and daughter Miss jean MacKenzie, who have been in Toronto for a few weeks have re- turned to town. • Miss Belle Robertson has returned home after spending the summer at Is not equalled by MARRIED Subject—Friendt—At the United Churli Personage, Winglia.m, on Sat- urday, Sept. 25th, Mr. HenrynToseph, Subetn of Elmwood, to Miss Dehlia.. Mae Price& of 'Wingham. Ree. M. M. Bennett officiated. EAST WAWANOSH Mr. and Mrs.,Jas, Snowden and sone Ernest, Messrs Wm. Snowdon and Lockwood Bran of Lauren, motored.. up and spent 'the week -end at thee 'home of Mr. Rolit.'Haines. FOR SALE -- Two rubber tired fop' buggies ,as good as new—Apply at The Advance -Times. BEL GRA VE The VV'omen's Institute met at the home of Mrs .Cecil Wheeler, on Tues- day, September arst. There were 35, ladies present. The Roll Call wae responded to by "My Favorite Re i -- pe." Mrs. (Rev.) Scobie gave a =3" impr es s iv e talk on "Reading Good* Books." Miss Maud Bell gave two. violin solos, Miss Sara Cole at the, oiano. Miss Lulu Proctor, Brussels, savoured the- meeting with two de- lightful vocal solos. A dainty- lunch was served by Mrs: Cecil. Wheeler - and Mrs. Jessie Wheeler. - Provincial Officer Phippen has re-- ceivted a large quantity of , licenses. for trappers and hunters. It will - pay yon to see Mr. .Phippen before. goirig 'hunting. • A Trial nvilice! INIMIIIMMI•111•1•1111•111111MMISIIMININ ,nmr•••••••••••••mormoown....• Ta4 any other teak. "Old Red? You bet I do! Re's with Bywater Electric up at. Sandison? I only see "hirti about three times a year, but we're in touch all the time. He's as careless about letter -writing as he always was, but I telephone him one week and he tele- phones me the next. A lot of other' -fellows are up there too — it seasus as if we have a long distance class reunion every Thursday The miles 'which separate old friends no longer mean hap- hazard "duty" letters. Instead, Long Distance etable.s you to talk with your friends when.o ever„you wish., Try itt T is by strictest attention to quality—of • material and worlananship— that Chevrolet has,aehieved, not only the most looNterlul 'but also tha smoothe.st, engine in its price class. Notice two; the wort -inn parts are fair Attelosed--protected froth ittnia dust, grit and tettter. The valve -lift= assembly darnpletaly encased in Pressed steel covering to prevent elltr/ or harmful lePeignMatter end to slim* the tn. gine. The Chevrolet Dry Disc Clateh is roOtOrted in the flreineet lensing, while the transmiation re hatiediately behind the clutch and,Ivith the iiropellet•thattt Is comp/debtatioted. A zewly-designtd cateatatt and wan- bataneee trankelakft with extra lame Main be,srlagg insure the smoothttest which. has work, for this Chevrolet truce unanimous praise. neo te your nearest unerrolet dealer. Relse the hood a oto smooth Chevrolet, sod =amine or reureon tbe engine th'st slitaces' Chtlinotet as smooth and so powerful. Tht Sr000thest Chevrolet in Chevrolet histor3t is selling at the LOwest Pric .fotwldeh Chevrolet has eittr been sold iteCanada. Ask about OMA ti Plan at Deferred Payseents tleethre,$111. Caereenle Selo ON Sport' its toter 81S Leada*Seate fn Toarlig 111411 Common:1d 495 Sport 715 tkilityttrt6iii 73g AlttPtIcer it FartoxY Tacos Extra dF,0 e 4