The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-09-30, Page 1{
With which is amalgamated rhe Gorre VideHte and Th
Wroxeter News
Single Copies, Five Cents,
Subscriptions $z.00 per y
The newGovernment of Canada,
the members of which were sworn in
-on Saturday, is as follows:
:Prirpe.Minister, Secretary of State for
External Affairs, and President of
Privy Council -Right Hon, William
Lyon Mackenzie: King,
-Minister of Finance and Receiver
General Hon. James Alexander
Minister of Justice and Attorney Gen-
eral—Hon' Ernest Lapointe.
'Minister of Railways and Canals —
Hon. Charles Avery Dunning.
:Minister of the Interior, Minister of
Mines, and Superintendent -General
)of Indian Affairs — Hon. Charles
• Stewart.
mister of Public -Works— Hon, J.
ampbell Elliott.
Minister of 'Agriculture -Hon, Willi-
arSreRichard Motherwell;
:Minister of 'Tradeand Commerce --
Hon. James Malcolm.
Minister of Customs and Excise -Hon.
William D. Euler.
Minister of :Soldiers' Civil Re-estab-
lishment and Health—Hon. Dr. J.
Horace King.
Minister of Immigration and Coltoniz-
ation=Hon. Robert Forke.
Postmaster -General,.— Hon. 1 Peter J.
Minister of Marine and Fisheries
Hon. Pierre Joseph Arthur Cardin.
':Solicitor -General - Hon. Lucien Can-
'Secretary of State Hon. Fernand
,Minister of Labor Hon: Peter Hee-
.Minister ‘without portfolio' tnd Gov-
ernment Leader in the Senate—Hon.
Raoul Dandurand, ,
The portfolio of National Defense
will be allotted, it is likely, to Lieut. -
'Col. James Layton- Ralston, Nova Sco-
Delayed From Sailing
Dr. E. C. Wilford and family, who
left here a couple of weeks ago for
Vancouyei to sail with a party of mis-
sionaries for China; having received
,word by cable that sailing will be
cancelled for the present owing to the
rous uprising in China. The doc-
for and family will remain in the Can-
adian West, where he has been visit
yang friends, en route to Vancouves,un-
til suchstime as sailing is considered
.Lost and Found
Miss P. Hanna lost her hand bag
with a surer of money in it one day re-
•cently. Naturally enough she thought
it was a "goner" but as a last resort
she called at The Advance -Times off-
ice and was much pleased and surpris
.ed to'find that we wvere keeping the
purse and • money awaiting its owner.
,Ivlr. Chris Nethery of East Wawanosh
found the bag and bought it to our
office. So long as there are honest
men left, money and other ;valuables
can safely lee lost and found. We
.still have; a bunch of keyes • who lost
their owner,
A Happy Family Gathering
. The home of- Mr .and Mrs. Gillies
Haines,. Dungannon, was the scene
of gay festivities on Friday,' September
xoth, the occasion being 'a reunion
of the Haines family, about thirty in
all being present.' The afternoon was
spent in s:poi•ts and other amusements
after which a dainty luncheon was
se"vcd on the lawn Following this
a number of toasts were proposed, Mr,
John Haines of Teeswater acting in
the capacity of toastmaster. Congratu-
lation's were.sbowered upon Mr.,Geo.
Haines sr,e,who in.sp;ite of his four-
score years -and four is in the enjoy-
ment of good health. Instrumental
numbers were played by Mrs., Jas.
,Haines of Holyrood and Mrs. Wm.
Wellings of. Wingltam, and' recitations
by the Misses Elva and Edna Haines,
of Holyrood, were much enjoyed. Rel-
. atives were present from Wingham,
Riversdale, Teeswater,"Glainis, Holy-
rood and Dungannon. •
Of -Long Rrahch,will preach at
both services next
Wingham High School Holds -
Their 19th Annual Games
On Friday,. Septemb\r 24th, the
morning events were run off but ow-
ing to rain- in the afternoon, the re-
maining events had to be postponed
till Monday afternoon.
At this year's sports, several new
records` were established by both Jun-
ior and Senior Boys.
For winning first place in any event
5 points are given,,, for 2nd place 3
points, for 3rd place T-1roint
Durward Prest 9n captured t e Sen-
ior Boys' Chamiionship by ,� inning
26 points. Harol Mit h o the
c li�"w n
Junior Boys' Championship with 38
The following are a list of the ev-
ents and the winners of each. •
Senior -L. Rich, D. Armstrong, M.
New record 3i .:ft.
Junior—Harold Mitchell, K. Somers,
W. Tiffin.
New Record 27 feet, 6inches.
Senior -,.-D. Armstrong, D. Preston,
W. McKibbon.
Junior -Harold Mitchell, K. Som-
ers, W. Tiffin,
Senior -D. Preston, D. Armstrong;
O. Fells.
Mitchell, Junior—H. til:. it h c e , K. Somers, J.
New Record 35 ft. 5 in.
Senior—D: Preston, W. McKibbon,
D. Armstrong. Time et sec.
Junior—H Mitchell, B. Brawley, G.
Allen. Time 121 secs.
Senior A. Mitchell, R. Vogan, C.
Elliott. Time x nun' 9e sec.
Junior—W. Tiffin, H. Mitchell, K.
Somers. Time (New Record) i min
8 sec.
Senior—R. Vogan, C. Messer; D.
Ar•mstrongeeTinie 3 min 19 sec,
Junior—W. Tiffin, R. Copeland, J.
Ellicott. Time 2 nein 56 secs.
Senior—A. McKenzie, D. Preston,
D. Armstrong, Time lei secs.
Junior—H. Mitchell, K. SSmers; B
Brawley. Time`11 e secs.
Senior -Wm, Taylor, O. Fells, D.
Preston. Height 5 ft. 6 inches.'
Junior -R. Rae,' B. Brawley, H. Mit-
chell: Height 4 ft. 8 in.
'Senior- A. Mitchell, D. Preston, O•
Fells. New Record xo feet.
Junior W. Tiffin, R. Rae, J. Elli-
cott. New Record 8 ft.
Senior—A. Mitchell, A. McKenzie,
D Preston. Time 29k secs.
Junior—H.' Mitchell, W. Tiffin, W.
Brawley.` Tiine 3x1secs.
After , the sports, Wingham H. S.
engaged the Kincardine H.S, in a
friendly game of football, which was
won by a score of 2-0 by the latter.
Goal .L- W. M Ribbon.
'Backs — J. Fowler, 0; Fells..
Half Backs= A. Mitchell, W. Ban -
ford, D. Armstrong.,
Forwards -- D. Preston, M. Christie,
J, Field, H. Mitchell, C. Louttit.
W. McKibbon J. M. Christie,
Pres. Secy.
Seniors—Jessie. Menzies, Olive Al-
ton, Wilma Johnston.
Junior—Vest Fox, Mary Mitchell,
D. Aitken.
Senior—Olive Alton, Edna Mender
son, Grace Mitchell,
Junior'= -Mary Mitchell, Vesta Fox,
Agnes Robertson.
Senior -Maurine Mitchell, Marjorie
Junior — Nancy
J ,Taylor, Louise
Thompson, Vesta Fox.
Senior ---Maurine Mitchell, Grace
Mitchell, Gladys Robertson.
Jtuiior• — Nancy "Taylor; Vesta Fox,
Edna Proctor,
• Seelior - Vesta Fox, Nancy Taylor,
Mary Mitchell.
Juror Edna , Proctor{, Nancy
Taylor, Vesta Fox,
Senior --, Jessie Menzies, Nettie
Horintith, Grace liitchell. '
Junior ---Mary Mitchell, Olive Hort
uth Edith Lott.
Senior -•-Mary Martin, Jessie MCA*
ies,.Grace Mitchell.
Junior —Mary Mitchell Nancy Tay
lor, Agnes Robertson.
Senior — Edna Henderson, Marj-
orie Gibson, Maurine Mitchell.
Junior — Hazel Wilson, Celeste
Carr, Lois Prast.
Sr. - Maurine Mitchell, Edna Proc-
tor, Marjorie Gibson.
Junior Nancy Taylor, Lillian
Hopper, Mary Mitchell.
Janet MacLean, Jessie Menzies,
Grace Mitchell.
Form 2, Form 3, Form .4. ,,.
Form IA, Form iB, Form 3.
Senior Girls' Championshrip—Jessie
Menzies (i6 points),'"Maurin Mitch-
ell (16 points.)
Medal is awarded to Jes '
a s Maurine Mitaiejjee.a,lelady holds a
Senior Girls' Medal.
junior Girls Medal is.won byNancy
Taylor (24 points.)
The Inter -school basketball game
with Kincardine H.S. school girls re-
sulted in a win for Wingham 16-7.
Line-upsWinghamTorevards Lou-
ise Thompson,
ou-ise'Thonipson, and IreneJackson. De-
fence—Gladys Roberts,`Vesta. Fox,
Centres: Grace NTitelieil and Marjorie
Pumpkins on Plum Tree.
We have heard of several freaks of
nature, but probably what at first
glance seemed the queerest of all, was.
to see a large pumpkin -hanging from
a limb of a plum tree in r Mr. O. W.
Hayden's garden. The pumpkin vine
unnoticed, had twined its way up the
body of a plum, tree, and out on to
one of the branches, where it contin-
ued to grow and bear fruit.
Struck By Train
On Thursda x6th i
y, inst., st., 'Thos.
Johnson was struck by a C. N. R.
freight train and fatally injured. He
had lived with his brother, Henry
for many years and on . Sept. 4th,
started, on his holiday trip, going to
Clinton to meetsome mute friends,
who, with him, were going to Spring -
bank on Labor Day to a Deaf-mute
picnic. This is an annual affair, and
was very much enjoyed by Mr. lJohn-
son. He went fromthere to Strat-
ford, Hamilton, London and other
places and was on his way home on
the 16th, coining from London on
the noon train and getting off at Be]
grave, where he started to walk back mile to his home. The freight
has usually passed at g a.m. but that
day was three hours late and caught
up to him about a mile from the sta-
tion . Deceased would not be expect-
ing a freight at that timeof day and
being deaf could not hear it, He
was in his 65th year and was born
in Goderich township, coming with
his parents to/Morris 57 years ago.
He was ed$cated at the school for
deaf tat Belleville, )ittending there
tett terms, where he was taught shoe-
making eiso. He war, a great reader
ef the newspapers end tried to keep
in touch with passing. events. He
was very mitee. rrrt:erested in the
church for the deaf, built in Toronto,
for :which thea: had been preparing
for forty years. 1 -Ie attended the 3-
da; session at the "opening of it last
East er.
His bruised: body was laid to rest.
on Saturday in the Anglican C.eme-
ieyy'at Blyth, Itov, W. 13, Hawkins
c,enducting the services. The fun-
eral was 'very largely attended by
friends acid neighbors, also his bro-
ther, J. C. Johnson, Philadelphia; sis-
ter, Mrs .Wiglttrtzaan of Detroit, Clif-
fet;d Johnson, and wife, Galt; Thos..
O'Connor and wife Mr. Sours and
wife and M. Reynolds, Clinton. His
br6thers, John and Christopher, of
Sitirnon - Arm B.C. ''could not get
here, Mr .and Mrs, Sours were old
school mates of his et Belleville,
He will be greatly missed at the
old home from where so many have
Wen taken in the last few years.
There is no death in Heaven,
, For they who gain that shore
Have won their immortality,
And they can die no more,
Lord Jesus, be our Guide,
0. lead us safely on
'Till night teed grief and sin and
Are passed and Heaven is won..
Rt. Hon Arthur Meighen, who has placed his resignation as leader of
the. Conservative Party in the hands of the Executive. He was twice Pre-
mier of Canada ,and proved his ability to no small extent, but failed the
ability to persuade the people of Can ada to vote his'governfnent into pow-
Stealing Plums
While. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krohn
were absent . from their home for a
few hours on Sunday evening, sneak
thieves robbed their plum tree, From
a fairly reliable source they 'found
out who the thieves were, and are
'tow awaiting their opportunity.
Intends Leaving 'Wingham.' •x'u
Friends of Rev. Glenn Wardell,
pastor of the Baptist church at Wing -
ham for the past few years wlil be
sorry to hear that he has handed in
his resignation, and intends leaving
Win h m
g a about the first of Novem-
An Enjoyable Eveningr•�;
The home of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. C.
Casemore, 1st line, of Morris, was the
scene of a very happy gathering on
Tuesday evening of last week, when
they entertained in honor of Mr and
Mrs. W McKinley Orr: The even-
ing was spent and dancing,
and the gathering dispersed in the
wee ma hours, wishing the bride and
groom the hest of prosperityy and hap-
piness on their journey through life.
The bride was the recipient of many
useful and valuable gifts ,showing the
esteem s1e is held in by her friends
in Morris.
United Church Notes
A Baptismal Service will be held
on Sunday morning. The Diplomas
will also be presented to the pupils
of the S. S. who have received 90
per cent and over for .attendance.
Rev. Mr. Bennett will preach at
both services.
Silver Anniversary Services will be
held during the week of October 17th
to 24th. Rev, Mr. Pearson of Dun
das Centre,' London, will preach on
the 27th and Rev. Dr. W R. McIn-
tosh of King St. United church,. Lon-
don on the 24th. -
A congregational gathering will be
held on the evening of 'Monday, Oct.
xsth, Evangelistic meetings will be
conducted each night of trite weel "'
when special speakers will be arranged
Rally Day Services 4
1 he Rally Day Services at Wingham
'(T iitul, Chinch ,,,,on `Sueda.v merniitg
and afternoon 'were i irticuee • y l ialrt
unit inspiring. - The pupils end t�each-
ers .icc.up•c.4,'scats in the' "�. .lie of
the church, and the music as' render-
ed .at the 0 t•y�rning scr•vic,e` lty a child-
ree's chole, kev, Ivtr.,,l3nne-t pi••
cd a most apptopiiate sermon,, and
;? r, i+.' R Howson, super•i es itdtri. , •f'
the Sunday School, and Mr, E. 3. erit-
eltell, assistant superintendent, assisted'
with the service. Master 13il1y Donne
of C, ulci.eb gave a couple of l.ri_zItt1
rac.itatiorts at both services. Miss Ase-1
tress .Louttit sang very sweetly at'
the morning service and two littlo 1
bole and thein little sister, .children of
Zblr�tird Mrs. Wilfred Reid of Bast
Waivanosh, sang' a trio very swveetly.
SOCIAL DAicron Mildmay Town
Hall, Friday, Oct. ist. Music by
Jean's Royal City Orchestra of
Fall Fair Dates
Brussels Sept. 3o -Oct. i
Zurich ..__.. p 30-O'ct, I
Fordwich ......_.__....._T ISe t. Oct. 2
Wingham ____..__..-...__ - :_.. Oct..7-8
Dungannon __...._.__ .. _...._ Oct. 12-13
Died in. Sault Ste Marie
In the general hospital, Sault Ste
Marie, John Wesley Watcher, on Fri-
day, September 24th. He leaves to
mourn his loss, his loving. wife and
only child, Bessie, and also six sisters,
Mrs. Samuel Vanstone, Mrs. Charlie
Sanburn, Mrs. Albert Sanderson, Mrs.
Joe Latronico, all of Wingham, and
Mrs. Charlotte Browne, Ottawa, and
Mrs, Abe Johnston, Idarrr iters,
Special Services at Baptist Church
Rally Day and Harvest Home Ser-
vices were held last Sunday at the
Baptist Church. The Church was
beautifully decorated with fruit, veg-
etables and flowers, which were giv-
en to the Wingham Hospital. In the
evening, the pastor spoke on the "Year
of Jubilee," stating that it meant to
the' Jews Rest, Restitution, Release,
Regathering and Reward. This Jub-
ilee looks forward to another time
of blessing when as Paul says in
Thes. 4; 16, "For the Lord Himself
shall descend from Heaven with a
shout, with the voice of the archan-
gel, and with the trump of God; and
the dead in Christ shall rise first; then
we which are alive and remain shall
be caught up together with them in
the clouds, to meet the Lord in the
air; and so shall we ever be with the
Lord." He dwelt on the word "to-
gether" saying what a wonderful time
of regathering it would be when the
trumpet would sound. May we all
be ready and listening for the sound
of the Jubilee Trumpet.
Prize Lists are Ready
The Wingham Fall Fair will be held
on Thursday and Friday, Octobtr 7th
and 8th, and if the weather is as fine
as thedirectors have ordered it, it will
be a wonderful success. The new
building is ready and already sever-
al entries have been received, and oth-
ers who have never exhibited here are
asking for prize lists, Hon, I. S.
Martin, Minister of Agriculture, will
be present, and give a short address
at 1.30 on Friday afternoon. The
Idenderson Pipe Baud of London will
furnish music during the afternoon.
and evening, October 81.11. -
Alice Dunbar Comedy Co., will put
on the evening entertainment in the
town hall.
A slight correction in the Prize Lists,
i:swell ee-ortit noting.
In Class 26, section 266, the '.item
should read, collection of preserved
fruit, six varieties innpint jars, instead
of collection of, vegetable pickles,
The new building will be open 00
the first night of the fair, when towns-
people will be admitted for the small
fee' of ro cents. Mr. Campbell, the
energetic president, and the drectors
,will be glad to receive stibscriptitme
i`rotn any who feel' like donating to-
ward the building fund,
Local and General News of
Interest to The Co mu rtr
Mrs. (Dr.) Elliott of, Lucicnow vis-
ited with. Miss M. Davis.
Buy your Boots and Shoes at
Greer's_ and get Pony Votes,
Mr. R, D. Cunningham of Listowel,
is renewing acquaintances in Wing -
ham. •
Miss Catherine Adams of Hamilton,
is visiting with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs.. W. 3 ,Adams.
Mr. W. j. Plenty of Oakville, spent
a couple ,of days at the homes of his
sisters irt'Wingham.
Mr, and Mrs: J. A. Mills, accompan-
ied by their son, Harold, motored- to
Toronto on Monday.
Mr. Amos Orvis of Dryden, Ont.,
is visiting his brother; E .W. Orvis of
Lower . Wingham, Ont.
Gentleman wants comfortable room
and part board in good home. Apply
Box. A, Advance -Times.
Mr• H. C. MacLean, Business Man
ager of the WesternFoundry, is/ on
a business trip to Detroit.
Mr. R. 1i. Holmes and son 11 rr
old of Toronto, made a flying 'nu;t .-
ess trip to town ori Monday.
Phone Bluevale Creamery for peach-
es, pears, grapes, best quality ; and
right prices—A. H. .Coombe..
Mr.. Jas. Alien who is a student at
Huron College is visiting at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs• Geo• All-
Miss Mary osens has returned to
resume her st udies n the fourth year
r ork,in me icine aE Toronto Univer-
Mr .and Mrs.. Alex McD. Hannah.
are moving to the house on Victoria
St. recently vacated by Mr. T. J. Mc.
Miss Beth Currie and Mr .R. D.
Ralston. of Toronto are visiting at the
£'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Miss Georgina .,Porter, of Owen
Sound, is visiting wtith her unr '
and aunt, Mr`^and 1Gfrs, A. E. Porter,
Centre Street, , :-•t •i::.
Wingham platoons of B. Co. of the
;;3rd Regiment, will be formed in
Wingham Armouries on Monday; Oct.
4th at 7.30 p.m. • • . , e, ,
Mrs. H. W. Shane, D.D.G.M. of this
district of the Eastern Star, paid an
official visit to the Galt chapter on
Monday evening.
Mr. Roy McLeod, who has been
on the staff of The Advance -Times
for several years, leaves on Friday
morning for Chicago.
The choir of St. Pauls put on a sac-
red concert in the Anglican church at
Cargill on Monday evening. The
affair was very successful.
Rev. T. 13. Howard of Lislowel, oc-
cupied the pulpit of St. Pauls church
on Sunday. Rev. Mr ,Schaffter preach-
ed Thanksgiving services in Listowel.
',Miss Marjorie Gurney, Miss Ger-
trude Anderson, Mr. Wi11 Kew, Mr.
Archie Moritgomery, and Mr. Peter
Scott, are attending Normal at Strat-
The regular meeting of the Wom-
en's Auxiliary to the Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital will be held in the coun-
cil chamber on Monday afternoon,
October. 4111, at .3•45.,
Miss May Robertson left on °Tries -
day for Sault Ste Marie, where she.
has accepted a position on one of the
Public School staffs. The Soo is
fortunate in securing the services of
Miss Robertson.
FAIR—Our Fair- Don't keep repeating
that others are better. Come on down
to the Grounds and prove that we
have the goods. Thursday and 'Fri -
clay, October 7th and 8th.
A hot supper will be served by the
_adies institute in the community hall,
Beltnore, Friday, evening," October
rst. Supper from 6 to 8. Good
programme. Orchestra in attendance.
Admission 35 cents and 25 cents,
Dr. J. A. Fox, and 1)r, D. Mc.
Titles attended the meeting of the
Drugless Practitioners; t\seociation of
Ontario, held last week in the Prince
George itt Toronto, onto, 1)r, Fox was el-
ected as one•of the directors of the
Offers for leasing of Lots 7 and
8, in the 1st concession of Morris, 200
acres, will be received by the tinder -
signed up to October 20th t926, 'Fur-
ther particulars can be had •on appli-
cation to—j. A. Morton, Solicitor,
\)Vlrighani, Ont.
Mr. Chas, Pattison, son of Mr. I.
J. Pattison, who has been assisting
Mr .R .A Currie in the undertaking
business for some time, was success-
ful in passing his ,t'ecent embalmers.
and undertakers exams; in Toronto
with honors.
Ivfr. William Halfpenny and Mr.
James Corbett of Kincardine, paid
their old friend, Mr. John Quirk, a
visit on Monday. They, are all form-
er C.N.R. and Grand Trunk employ-
ees. Mr. Halfpenny is now a resi-
dent of Vancouver, and he tells us
he often reads a copy of the Advance -
Times which some of our subscribers
take with them to the Bowling Green.
Mrs. J. H. Casemore was hostess
at a miscellaneous shower, on Monday
Sept. 2oth, at her home on Lafayette
Blvd., Detroit, honoring Mr and Mrs.
Wm. Orr, Bluevale, Ont. The bride
received many useful gifts showing
the esteem in which she was held by
her Detroit friends. A very pleasant
evening was spent in music and danc-
ing. Later the happy couple left for
their home near Bluevale.
Married in Wingham
A quiet wedding was solemnized in
Sacred Heart Church, Tuesday, Sept
28th, by Rev. Father McHugh when'
Maud Marguerite, eldest d:angliter of
Mr .and Mrs .John T. Bell, Belgrave,
was united in marriage to Mr. Tack
Ernest, Wingham, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Ernest, Logan:, After a short
trip to London, and Niagara Falls, the
young couple will reside in Wingham.
Work of Women's Institute.
The Wingham. Fair is to be on
Thursday and Friday of next week
Oct. 7th and 8th. The Women's
Institute have the booth privileges
again this year. We are also going
to conduct a sale of basketry, such as
Fern Dishes, bulb boxes, sewing bask-
ets, sewing stands, wastepaper bask-
ets, trays, flower baskets, hearth
broom, clothes baskets, also a
tity 0f brooms. We are
doing this..:
in aid of the Canadian National Insti-
tute for the Blind. Conte and help
along this good cause. Signed on be-
half of the Women's Institute—Mar-
garet Anderson, President: Mrs. Will-
iamson, Secretary.
Blyth Tax Rate j
At a special meeting of the council.
Blyth tax rate for the year 1926 was
struck at 47 mills on the dollar, This
is the same rate as exacted from rate-
payers, last year, notwithstanding
that the County rate has been increas-
ed by three-quarters of a mill. The
taxable property in Blyth is assessed
at $3x2,o6o, from which may be de-
ducted $18,700 for exemptions, leaving
$293,360 from which the taxes are
raised. The County levy this year is
$1,678,96, against $1,460,65 demanded
in 1925. The 47 mills are spread as
follows: County rate 5.37 mills. Vill-
age 123E mills, Village Special rot-,
School 14i, School Special 4 mills.
The Wingham Baptist church held
their Thanksgiving service on Sunday
last. Both services mere conducted
by the pastor, Rev. G. Wardell. Much
credit is due ter those',arranging the
tall corn, fruit, vegetables and flowers
es it made' a beautteed display of the
lavish kindness ofe God to his crea-
tures, and`wvns-di"esides a real work of.
art. What a miracle to thiuk that
all that wealth and beauty carne of our
good Canadian soil in the past few
months. What a country is ours
Surely we can truly
saywith t ti<t the PSt.;'.
mist of old, "God's Loving Kindness,
Oh How Great."
is ewer
'Charlie Bays-
eo hot 4,0 a r-tornet
rl'�bdir S`"� i1^ti
� ,
about her-