The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-03-04, Page 341,71-04' toi!
. '
1., •••••••• •, • • ','•:" ' • "
Thursday, March athl x926
, • ,
The Home, the School, the Church,
the State, were some of the points
hrought out by Rev. D, Armstrong
in his address, "Home and Country,"
to the Women's Institute at their
_February meeting. The subject whi-
, ch is the W. I, motto was especially
terestieg to the members and was
dealt with in a very able manner, A
sewing course has been arranged for
beginning March s5th. - In spite- of
the stormy weather a large number
• attended and a pleasant social 'half-
hour was spent at the close of the
Tom Sanderson and family of De-
troit are visiting D. D. Sanderson.
While shunting a car on the spur
into Hemphill's mill on Friday morn-
ing it left the rails. With a gang of
men and a team of horses it •was put
back on the traclvon Saturday, as the
car was partly loaded with peas, it
was no easy job.
Noel Dickson of Toronto, spent a
i ireiis, days last week with his parents,
F. V. and Mrs. Dickson.
A post 'M the dam and two gates
-went out Sunday- morning and let
mostof the water out of the mill
Pond. Mr. Hemphill had ,his men at
-work before , one o'clock. Monday
• morning and had it all fixed up before
•lyfr. Thomas Sanderson, wife and
• son, arrived on SaturdaY from Detroit
to visit with the fornier's parents,,D.
• D. and Mrs. Sanderson. .,
A large number from here attended
the annual meeting of the Howick
Mutual Fire Insurance Company held
in Gorrie on the Toth_ of February. As
- r-
i' eesult of the niecting the Directors
for this year are as follows:—Pres.,
, James Kirton, Vice -Pres., Hugh Ed-
gar,,Alex. .McKercher, A. E. Gallaher,
John A. J3ryaus and W. H. Gregg.
Attditors, A. Graham. and.,T: Bennett.
Mrs, Sanderson, who has been visit-
ing friends in town left for her home
in Toronto on Wednesday.
Mr. Clarence White of Brussels,
spent over Sunday with his parents
Sorry to report the serious illness.
of Mr. Sam Snell at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Ruttan, 9th. con. How-
," leis, His iiiiiny friends wish him a
speedy recoverYr
....,..„" A car load of ties from the Gibsoil
l .
was shipped from here on Friday.
On Satm•:day afternoon the C.P.R.
wrecking gang carne andputback on
the track the freight _car that had been
derailed the day before.
A large crowd of local fans accom-
panied by their sisters and other fel-
low's sisters, went to Fordwich, last
,Wednesday, February 24th., to help
the ig• hockey team bring 'home the ba-
• they were rewarded by a fair
brand of hockey. Both teams were
playing, short handed and it was no-
ticahle during the game.
The first period ended with a n-.1
tie. Each, team came out to break
the tie in the second session and af-
- ter'ao minutes of stiff checking and
pa.ssng the puck succeeded in finding
each. goal twice, Thus the second
period, ended in t3-3 scote.
The boys came out for the third
period with fire in their eyes. Each
team was out to win, Toward the
tttlid of the game Wilfred Brown the
lightning shot on the visaing team,
found the net once more. The game
r•,, was comparatively clean and ended
with a score of 4-3 in favor of Gorrie.
'NAre are expectieg another trial of
strength in the near future.
Smilin" Charlie Saye.
'14a, e 1Vir:Webster
didn't lbow it -but he
certainly hit th', nail
on, tithead whem
he defined a:skirt
AS bonier or
She Delayed Too Long
Mrs. Fanny Soper, awaiting exe-
cution at Sing Sing for the murder of
her husband, reads the Bible daily.
She has had ncn,callers in the six
weeks she has been in the 'death
house, • Not even her daughter has
visited her. Mrs. Soper will find
comfort and solace in the Bible. The
Book will help prepare her to go to
her death tranquilly.
But had she read it daily earlier in
her life she probably would not be in
the !death house. She would have
.liscovered for one thing a certain
commandment which reads: Thou
shalt not kill, She would have been
advised how to control her angrY
Passions. And she would have learn-
ed that ungrateful daughters some-
times rise against their mothers.
There is wisdom, knowledge and
strength in the Bible.
But don't wait too long to read it.
Touches Match/ to Dynamite Cap
Chris Dawdy, to year old son of B.
Dawdy, who resides one mile from
Eagle, near West Lorne, suffered a
serious mishap while playing with
some • other playmates. Finding a
dynamite cap in an empty house, the
boys decided to light it 'with a snatch,
which young Dawdy proceeded to do,
the cap exploding and blovving off the
thumb and first two fingers of his left
hand. Doctors from West Lorne
were called and said. the `boy would
recover if no complications set in.
Hen Seta" New Record?
A lien owned by Harry Heller of
Kiamensi, Delaware, has established
what is thought to be a world's rec-
ord. In two days she has laid four
perfectly formed eggs. The best of
hens lay. one egg a day. Then hen,
Clara Regina, x year old, White Rock
breed, laid tow eggs the first day
within five minutes of each other, and
the second clay repeated within the
same time limit.
The Pennsylvania miners will now
get back to work.. The coal strike is
ended, and conditions practically nor-
mal. •There is a sore spot here and
there to be smoothed over yet. But
by, the time our paras this
'article, each of the different shaft8, which would be worth . hundreds of.
will be running to capacity: The min- dollars, Of ceurSe that inch Would
ers not only lost a season's full pay have to be accompanied by several
but also lost out on heir wage de- cher inches to make it valuable. And
mantis. They have now signed a five- it would have to be in a desired spot.
year contract at the old wage sche- We recall a litigation case in Chi-
dule. The operators lost a season's cago quite a few years ago, where a
output itt one field, but, they also ha- large building had overlapped its
ve an interest in mines which were bounds, encroaching on a certain
running itt another field; so that with Jew's property an inch an a half. It
the increased rices they lost money
out of one pocket, but more bapic into
the other.
—0 --
As the case standg now, they are
-more in need, of the consumer than
the consumer is of them. This •has
been an • opportunity fOr Canada.
Some anthracite markets in Canada
are lost forever . to American coal
men. • Coke, all around, is the cheap-
est and cleanest fuel burnt. We have
also tried Pocahontas, Alberta and
Nova Scotia coal, and there is no rea-
son in this world, why Canada should
not alWays be independent of Ameri-
can coal. We are cenirging into a
new era of prosperity, so keep up the
demand for Canadan products by
etiltivatirig the "Made -in -Canada" ha-
bit, No one„ can deny that Canada
has •been passing through a pressing
tine; no •one •can deny that business
conditions have not been bright, but
the sunshine is here now, let's keep
it. Persoaally,,, we would like to see
large coke ovens erected at Windsor,
London, Harnilton, Toronto, Peter-
boro, Kingston and Ottawa and so on
from coast to coast, We4,ave a sup-
ply of soft co9.1 in. the Maritimes for
years to, come and with proper mak-
ing conditions and ina.rketing, this
by product of soft coal could in th-ne
be Sold an'the cheapest 'fuel possible.
Spots of humor showed through the
mantle of tragedy draped by a bliz-
zard at. New York last week. In that
city, the old-timers had their inning.
There. were only four sleighs in the
city, it was stated, but these were
brought out of storage and put to use
—at the rate of $ia ,per hour to pass-
enger's, • In the suburbs the flivvcr
was reported taking second place to
similar sleighs resurrected from, the
past as roads became impassable.
—0 ---
In one point in his speech in the
House, A. Dewitt Foster, was later-
rupted by a loud shout of 'whoa' from
the Liberal aide of the H4se. 'There
• was a half minute of •silenet in the
1-Ionse aad the Speaker sharp y call- Ph -email john Jamieson was seri
ed for Order. Then Mrt Foster re- ously injured when he was taking four
GiRta,t Ger
BL •
' • .
No -w
Interesting services were held in the
United Church last Sunday. At the
morning service Rev. F. W. Craik
took for his theme, "No Uncertain
Sound,' The text chosen was from
I Cerinthns, Chap.:I, Verse 23. "We
On Tuesday evening February 23r,d.'•:,,
a iarge number of friends aed
bours of Mr- and Mrs, A. E. Teeee,.
gathered at their home to celebrate
the 2.5th. zinniVersary .of their wedding
and also to telehrate the '83rd,
Preach Christ Crucified!' The pulpit day of Mrs. Gamble, mother of Mrs.
must Tiave a dominent positive niess- Tuner. ' '
A sumptuous supper was served to :l'i.
age for to -day. .We would do well to
notice thatPattl the giant and cultur- which ail did zimile justice after witi-
ed soul of an earlier day does not say ch Mr. and Mrs. Toner were present -
preach about Christ.'. No! he ed with numerous and costly silver_
makes a direct but firm declaration. ware, ais° a Mantle Clock., candles
"-We preach Christ the person of the and candle holders and a beautiful• atonement, and as the crucified Loid. boquet of carnations to Mrs. Gamble,
Paul knew many other things. He 'which were Presented by Miss Ethel
knew he could bring the Greeks to his HYlidmari, Mn'. John Sparling and mn
feet in admiration. • In Mars' Hill he l'ciss Doig, with the f°11°wing ad -
had conversed in the vernacular of dress read by Mr. A. W. Keil -
Greek philosophers as though he had G°frie' Ontario
been born and bred in Athens. But To mf. and Mrs. A, E. Toner'
coming froin Athens after preaching Dear Friends:—
e sermon which had been disoppoint- We gather together as friends and
• ing co'his own soul he declares to the neighbours to express our apprecia-
people of Corinth, "I determined to
tion of the fact of your reaching the
know nothing among you save Jesus twenty -filth • year of married life.
Christ and Him cruified." After 011 There is no doubt that as you have
tsl‘iveerCrtoosstioief Calvary ins's\ vonhlyy an
ict- i°°•rneYed
gether, many changing scenes and ev-
throughout the• years to -
Paul preach this doctrine? . Surely j'ents have been met 'in the varied pa -
there is only one reason. Because he thwaY of life- Yet we know that you
believed Jesus to be the panacea for have heen:fav°1-tred with good health
• the world's ills, That man could ne- i the greatest blessing of all and you
• ver arrive at his best until he suaremi.- have shared in a measure of prosper-
ered to the light of calvay. He spoke
ity as the years have rolled on. We
coiuotssoefd his path one
a fullexperience.
edsan)S, ahlialtd1. ' do. not want this very important ev-
1 ,
•ent to pass vv,thout seine token of
ahappy 3
Paul never forgot his vision on the II our esteem being handed to you. We
Damascus road. No more than John. are not ,munindful of the fact that you
Knox forgot the martyrdom of Wis- :have both been a blessing to the mom -
hart, or the people of France their munity, in advancing ideals of living
• Joan of Arc. No wonder Paul clung 'always worthy of the best citizenship.
to this faith. It had done so much 1 We cleeply appreciate the fact of
for him. The only explanation of ,3rour presence - in this district for
Christ being crucified is that aHe •.,„, ,many years, and for the willing help
marked: "I fully understand the sig-
nificance of that reinark. I would
like to say that I have listened to the
braying of an ass many times."
• —0—
Inch of Land Sells for $33.27
Real estate is valuable • providing
that the real estate is in the right
place. One little inch of land has
just been sold for $33.27 in a city tar
sale in 'Toronto. The inch was an ,n -
portant part of a parcel at the rear of
a lot. It is not often that land is
bought by the inch. 'Yet there are
some pieces of real estate, an inch of
as to be taken to law, but was at
he last moment, settled out of court. dren of Rothsay, spent the week -end
f the Jew had of • won the whole with her arents, Mr. and Mr. s Thos.
tore would have had to move. How- Nash.
ver, the 'plaintiff received some odd Miss Hazel Foster, teach of S. S.
hoesand dollars for that little inch No. lo, is at present on the sick list
ncl a half of land, High finance we and the school is etosed. We trust
ould call it. she will:soon be able tb resume her
• , duties.
- musical chairs•' Charles Cathers, for
The Salvation 4rmy• is considering Miss Myrtle Short of the Gorrie
he. erection of a $7,5,000 building on Central is confined to her home with
Miss Pearl Douglas is visitingMrs. present Merrick Street property a sore throat. Miss Mary Pope •of R , Is-
oss in Teeswater.
maddened animals out of the Monroe
Feed Store barns, a! Niagara Falls.
So stubborn was the fire that it took
the firemen eight, hours to subdue it.
• A speed champion in the making—
this is the name given Rense Violiti,
aged six, of Turin, Italy's youngest
motorcyclist. This. child actually ra-
ces at a high speed with other, many
years his elder. •
. • •
• Mr. Ted Newton of the r2th, con.
nndervven a serious operation • last
we r
Shields •of Listowel, perforilled the_ wiTlIhteakeeses11:5anrge‘)Ioftiltehe Christian En -
United Church
operation. At lait report 11r. New
deavor next Sunday evening.
ton was recovering as fast as could
be expected. ' Miss Ellen Fleming, who has been
.Mr. Thos. Taylor of Preston was quite ill is we are pleased to relate
•• recovering.
here over the Week -end.
lq s and the you have both. rendered. 'We hope
bruised for our in. uite
. chastisement, of our Peace was upon "this gift will serve as a constant re-,
• • Him. The .iimplicity of this text Minder. of many happy days spent
Report of Jr. Room, Gorrie P. S.,
for February. exams missed,
Sr. II—A. Hamilton 87 p. c.; K.
Watson 69 p. c.; C. Holt 63 la c.**
Jr. II—D. Edwards•93 p. c. J. Doig
and L. King 85 p. c.aE. Lawrence 82
p. c., J. Earngey p. c., L. Ashton
78 p. c., L. Harrison 74 p. c. •
Jr. I—N.. Craik 98 c.
Pr.—W. Galloway, K. Galloway,
Newton, H., King. •
M. G. White, teacher.
" • I
1,nia.y be the stumbling block in the iamoug us. Then, too, we arc not slue
way. But -whether you believe Paul mindful of the fact that Mrs. Gam -
or not; whether you come to Christ ble's birthday comes en the same day
for a full salvation or become eritang- as the 'anniversary of your wedding
.led in a joke of bondage, Jesus has iGod has so far brought her safely
I made an atonement for you and for 'through the years, and 'we sincerely
ine. This is why the United Church I hope both she and yourselves will be
!needs eto continue preaching, saying
l`We Preach/Christ Crucified," -What
5. a noble boast! It is a 'person and a
fact. • Christ crucified, May we come
to believe in' Him.
• The 'choir sang au appropriate an-
them, "He was Crucified for our
long spared. to continue with us and
that -many happy days will be experi-
enced in the future by us all.
On behalf. of your friends.
The recipients • made appropriate •
replies after which the remainder of
the evening was spent in games and
, .• other amusements.
-ek s Whitle- of • Gorrie and At the evening Service .the pastor
The Carnival, Monday evening was
• Mrs. W. A, Ritchie, and two chit.
well attended, but not so many in cos-
tume as in former years. Miss C.
Cathers carried off the prize for .the
'Rest Skater, Miss Mary Eadie for co-
mic, Miss Addle Breckenridge and
Harry Vogan for best dressed; Clay-
ton Edwards, for fastest skater and
skating backwardi; Lloyd Weishar for
a Hamilton, it Was 'learned last week: Wroxeter is filling her place at.
• building 'sent. pre -
Stanley Dane, of Wlrigham, spent a
'he new will have accorn-
days with Allan McKenzie.
modation for ;so men, and itis the Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Eaton' of Pro-
ntentiot to supply lodgings and vost Alberta, who are spending the The March meeting of the Women's
lea's for those in distress. winter with friends in the East and Institue will be held on Wednesday
next at Mrs. Newans;,a, attend_
who. have been ie Detroit for some
Ingersoll Has New Industry weeks were in town for a few days ance is requested.
New Idea Furnaces, Ltd., is the last Week. They are now visiting in
sew industry which Ingersoll ha,,s se- Kincardine,
tired recently. The Canada Ga- Messrs. Gordon Underwood and
cute has reference to the new firm, George Anger, who are working near A very pleasant social evening was
hewing there to be a capital stock Tara, were home over the week-encl. held at the home of Mr. Wm, Wight -
2 2,000 preferred shares of the par Mr. Robert Edgar was in Toronto man on Wednesday.
alue of $too each and 4,000 common last week attending the Provincial Wedding Bells are ringing on the
bares without Or value. The new Highway Conveation.
firm will • manufacture modern • heat-
ing aPPlrances in the Bissell plant.
t is expected that the Bissell coin -
any will leave Ingersoll it May,
Insurisig brains is the newest` in-
novation of big insurance companies,
leaving no part of the human anat-
omy on which they have not taken
risks. Last week a policy for $x, -
000,00d, was underwritten on4the J. A.
Ploffinan. ,Tho Hoffmans are about
to begin a heavy building program.
The policy protects the interests
the partnership during the; eXpansion
in case, of the death of either partner.
An examination of the books of
London Township diseloses the infor-
mation that tine municipality is faced
with a deficit of $1o,000 and possibly
more, Until such time as the audi-
tors have finished their' examination
the full extent of the deficit will 11.61,
be known.
, • •
• Mrs. P. J. Havens of Detroit is at
present visiting her sister, 1!..s.
es Jam-
The Late Mrs, McEwen'
On February 23, 1926 at her hOrtle
on the 2nd. 'Concessiou of Turnberry;
there ,passed to her reward, after an
illness extending over ra year. Mrs.
McEwen, whose maiden name was
took for his ,subject, "Comradea in
Arms." The text selected was "Only
is with me." The pastor sought
to indicate how much Paul and, Luke
were to each other in friendship. Dif-
ferent in disposition. and also in oc-
cupation, yet serving a common Lord
'and as coarades together giving
strength to the early church in times
of stress and severe trial. Miss Eve-
• ilyn Stephens sang very effectively,
"Somebody Cares,'Tis Jesus." After
the sermon the choir sang, "I have. a
Shepherd who cares for His Own."
'Mr. L. Aston taking the solo part.
The W. M. S. and Progressive
Mission Circle held. a joint meeting,
iWednesday of this week. The ser-
vice was very successful.
A Special Ladies Sunday • will be
observed in the United Church, Sun-
day, March lath. The W. M. S. work
'will be considered. at the morning
,service and the Ladies Aid at the ev-
ening meeting. The pastor will prea-
th at ix a. In. and Mrs. H: Brown
'of Wroxeter at 7 p. in, A ladies choir
will furnish music for both services.
Not suite rocs out to Sunday school
last Sunday morning, Have you at' -
tended the Sunday School yeti We
Ihave helpful session, , Bring the chil-
dren next Sabbath.
Sanctuary services next Sunday. '
nr in.—"Are you in the Inner
7 p. rti.—"A Friend in Need."
You need what the church can give
..Farrn For Sale
is-• One of the best 200 acre ents from Zona to Turnberr5r in the
farms in North • Huron with
N` good buildirtgs, xo acres hard-
wood bush, 20 cres fall wheat, LI
• never failing well, all in a good I
▪ state of cultivation and close to Ls
• three different markets,
• • On account of the owner's,
failing health this property will E.
be sold cheap. •=
Now is the time to ,buy as the
value of farm land is certain to
increase during the next year or ri
Pi a
• Insutante and teal Estate.
b.:Rebecca Loyeli, came
• ., with her par -
y 6 . d her
now bereft partner in 1875, , Surviv-
ing her arc four sons, John on the old
homestead, Lawrence of Blair, Peter.
of Parry Sound and George at home,
also two daughters, Mrs, W. C. Cam-'
enson. of Arcola,' Sask., and Mies Ellen'
at home:. • ' .
laterment took place in the Weoxe-
tar 'Cemetery on Febraary 25th,, the
Rev., Mr. Armstrong of the Limited
Church officiating. The pall bearers'
were, her, four sous- and tWo brothers.1
Mrs. ,McEwen was a life long inenn.',
bet of the Presbyterian Church at.,
Wroxeter, a woman of tate force of ,
and r"tlict.
character and a most devoted wife
Report of Wroxeter Primary Room
for February. Names arranged in or-
der of merit. No, cm roll 27. Aver-
age attendance 24.
IT—Lily Waller, Vera Durst and
Helen Milligan equal, Tqabel Milligan,
jack McLean, Velma Higgins, Nellie
McLaughlin, 'Harold Kaake, Margaret
Edgar, Marjorie Paulin, Jack Mc-
Leod, Doris Elliott.
I—Everett Wright, Stewart Mus-
grove, Robert Hopes -aft, Ila Sharpiin
Cameron McTavish, Mable Patter -
Sr, Pr,—Fred Iloperaft, Rae Henn-
ing, Edyth Martin, lillk Gibson, Jess -
le Paulin, Dorothy Henty, Allister
Green, Clark Sharpin,
/r, Pr—,Tack Henry.
A. G, IIasUc, teacher,
Miss Louise White, arrived home
Saturday night from London4, where
she, has been workilig in the Whole-
sale Millinery since the nqdle af Jan-
Miss Louise White purposes open-
ing a Millinery Shop in the south part
of their own building about the mid-
dle of March. Watch for further par-
ticulars in next week's issue.
Village Clerk
Issuer of Marriage Licences
The law now requires the license be
taken put three days before the cere-
Subscription taken for the
Advance -Times.
Clubbing rates given
• Gorrie, Ontario( 1
Agerh for Hartford Wind Insurance.
Walkerton Fire Insurance Co.
Automobile, Live Stock and Plate
Glass Ins•arance
Graduate of Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario
Graduate of 'University of Toronto
'At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday
A G ie th t f the eek
Teeswater, Ontario
Will be at the Gofton House, Wro-
xeter 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each
month, Will be at Gorrie the follow-
ing Thursday,
Director of Funeral Servites
Motor Hearse or Carriage wi
ever is required.
Phone 16
Pordwieln, Ontario
Liceased Auctioneer for the Countlet
Of I-Iuren and 'Wellington
Or Patiii
rdWax"6 StOr0
1.'444'1 „