The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-03-04, Page 24 IfT,177.777,7‘. AIV Ir WINOELA.M ADVANPE-TIMES .0100111 FloR you 111 Stock Taisirig The, store is closed while in.: veritory is being taken. Old goo dsare be i n g rernarked .1•1•11-', and new goods arriving daily = 11 and being arranged. • i" -iiiiiii111111111110iliffill2111112111ifillInliiI�fl 1 FORMERLY KNOWN AS HANNA & CO. LIMITED, WINDHAM Tintrclay, March 4th,, zp26 rioniollocumificosoultilousffigimuipiiimalia Our Siogan — PAY ,(CASH AND: BUY FOR. LESS = .11 We do this, so can you LET, US, PROVE .THIS, •=7-' mil The Dry Goods, Ladies' Ready.to-VVear, House Furnishings, Hosiery, Gloves and Millinery 'Portion of this old established -business will be carried on and greatly enlarged,tipon rider, Entirely e w hilanagernerit aidUnder A that will appeal to every thoughtful and thrifty buyer in this entire North country. Wait and Watch for the Full Announcement of this • Policy 441, 4 Thousands of Dollars w rth of N w Merclia dise of all kinds consisting of all kinds: :rfStaple Dry Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Goods, Silks, Ladies' R.eadyto- Linens,' etc., etc. are now on the Way, all pur.' . in liminsw ,,,,, milansionguirammainisiusinuitio, . 0 WE GUARANTEE 'ili chased on a new buying policy that means heavy savings for the head of ev- . g '' _ _ . .„„ .,....... , SERVICE 1 'SATISFACTION'. i ery _ mi. • .• . 7 _ _ • . . • - household in this district. It will well repay ®u to. watch and . .' ' ' ii is ou'r' 'hobby and courteous i prompt attention to your i we will gladly ' 11 0 , ii. , wants. Good Merchandise, L'i . at .or :: ., is rea vent . ,,.. REFUND YOUR MONEY . i PI at Lowest Possible Prices. a 1 .. • i — .... ,,.,..,. • . — iimaisinitimuirmiti Itsciststichilisimmincioni ,:... .. .... . . ' . ., . rnosmosamompasirmssoinmasmourarammmaismeinammassausioommassla maexamomemesuatimsammensommortemm viammaisinommimoramo• 4111111191.11111111111 ' any purchase you rriake • i• muctilimti• ummsmninliihmineursiatinweirri E WINGIIAM ADVANCE -TIMES equal in this respect. He is survived BLUEVALE HOUSEHOLD HINTS Method: MiX 'milk or cream with cakes_ - by= one daughter (adopted) Mrs. R.1 FOR MARCH A. G. Snaith, Publisher. • Lurie of Toronto, his wife having Pre- Mr. Anson Thornton has purchased • : PtibliShed'at deceased him some years ago. The the lot) acre farm of Mr, John Cathers •''.*INGIIAM ONTARIO • Every Thursday Morning • , , on the 4th con. of Howick. Mr. Geo. Thornton has purchased his brothers' farm . • ' interment will be made in South Kin- bscription rates -One year $2.00. Six months $r_oo, in advance, Advertising Rates and. Application. • -Advertisements without specific di- rections will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. Therepassed away at her home in, town on Sunday, •Mrs. Jas. Taylor, in' her 75th year. She bad been ill for some time and death came as a wel- come release. The funeral will be theld on Tuesday to Greenhill cemetery \Her husband predeceased her a few 'years ago. No family survives. The funeral took place from the Changes for contract advertiseinents Presbyterian church of Mrs, John Lit - be in the offge by noon, Monday. tle, who for many years was a resi- •- 'dent of Lucknow, but who moved from • here with her husband and family to ,,,, _ a till in neat Lastowel. She was 10 her 1926 MARCH 1926 64tb year, and had been ill for some • time with cancer, so that the end was not unexpected nor unwelcome. The late Mrs. Little's maiden nanie was Mary Johnston, and she was a fine type of christiau woman and mother. She is survived by two daughters and - two sons, besides several brothers and sisterS, Internient was made in South I'..inloss ceinetery, Su IMo Tu We iTh Fr I Si . • 1 The first carnival of the season was ..2::n 4 ,5.:6. 17...: ,S...", 9101112: 13 141516 1718...li• 20 .21 '22 23, 24 2$: ')fl 27 .28.4 30 31. j held at the rink on 'Tuesday evening last when rwas nicolOctistitutriulln 0111114 strilit110111 iiiii 111l111110101111111111: I.,UCKNOW It is with deep regret we this week rccord the death of Mr. jas. Hunt- cr, who answered the last call about noon Monday. He had been ill for some time with dropsy, and about three weeks ago his condition betaine serions, and he had been rapidly sink- ing since. The late Mr. itInnter was ri born in Scotland, over 8o years ago, and he has often dec are pride in I is the fact that he was 'born winthin a short distance of where Robbie :13urns was born. When a young man he •came to Canada and to Lucknow, qq, 'where he has resided ever since, and probably no other citizen of Lucknow as become so widely known as "sing - Jimmie," as he was affectionately UtL Fte was a num of iron consti- and groat strength and in his unger gays had proved it on more an one occastOM l''.q‘CAlling delighted ilt so much mi ail °prior:unity to n- ,11%it to any gaLliermy, be might b< early days in this community, never tired of .1dilf.rio.g the old o which i„ had a groat a man of' his age we ip flaying he had no to view the costumes, Prize winners were, fancy dress, lady, Myra McDon- ald; fancy dress gent, Wes Hueston; fancy dress, girl, Mary McKim; fan- ny dress boy, ,Donglas Clark; comic dress, lady, Jeaii Johnston; comic drets, gent, Grant McKenzie; cotnic dress girl Mary 'Wilson; comic. dress boy, lIrtaelom Watson; couple race, Cameron McDonald and Wintiifted Douglas; gent& race, Bill Henderson; boys' race Charlie Webster; girls' race Helen McDonald; musical chairs, girls Stella Stewart; musical chairs, boys, Cameron McDonald • Mr, and Mrs, Wm, McDonald who have been visiting Mr,. McDonald's parents on the znd con, returned to their home in Detroit on Saturday, Miss Frankie Cain left on Saturday kr London, where she will in fixture reside. 'Phe students of the Agricultural .11.olt course closed their studies last Friday and as a fitting conclusion held a fine banquet in the town hall in the lir. Potcher iNfeCliarifis wiis in To- , i-ortto lasi 'iveek, consulting a siiecixil- ivIr. Xt Aitcliescrit is in AViarten this week in tiie interest Orl the firm. '-... " imousnetaszar..,p-e 12\ itt cheese to make a paste, Cut off end of green pepper into slices and mix By Betty Webster iwith cheese. Chill well. Place on The "Little Dinner" lettuce leaves. Serve with French From the gossip we hear, we know Dressing. • - that the one thing you really like toi —0 --- 'do is give a "little dinner." That in- Mint Pie formal sort of dinner for a -limited I large bunch of mint, number of friends, where the courses , Watei. are few enough to demand perfection I 3 cups •craf sugar, lin each. I 3 cups..ofrater. The table shotild be spread with the; I tablespoon of gelatin. finest of damask. The flowers in thel cup of cold water. 'center should be in a low receptacle'Juice of 5 lemons. I so as riot to interfere with the . glances 5 bottles of ginger ale. Method: Pick leaves from _mint. Bra - 47ek s e and put in bowl. Cover bruised inint leaves with boiling water. Let stand for one-half hour, Boil sugar and water together for a few minutes. Dissolve gelatin in cold water. Mix with sirup, Then add • leinon juice, of the guests seated opposite each Mixd d. inger an ell g ale and the w • other. Ailow space enough 'between naint juice. Color green. and freeze or • places to prevent crowding. chill. The table should be set as follows —the knives -on the right, the forks on • BAKING HINTS the left—one for each • conrse, the • Stuffed Baked Potatoes soup spoon laid with knives, the wat- Method: Scrub the potatoes "'well er glass to the right, the napkin to and bake in the usual way. When the left. The bread and butter plate done cut off a piece of the top on to the right, flat sides, Scoop, out inside of po- The only holiday in March is St. tatoes, mash with cream and season .latricic's Day, so let's •Inake this alit_ well with butter, salt and pepper, t,gedngraceinner"yourgreen and white affair. Make them fluffy. , Then put the table wth delicate mashed potatoes • back into potato iferns, shells. Dot tops with pieces'of but - Your menu may be as follows: tet—cheese if desirea—and just be - Cram of Asparagus Soup fore serving, heat and brown them in Stuffed CelerRyoaCstthiqtatemb the Olives Ificrix.eling these potatoes for a party, Green Peas Hot Rolls stick an aPPrOPriate favor in top of Mashed Potatoes • Potato. • Lettuce Salad • Cocoanut and Citron Layer Cake Apple Sauce Cake Crackers and Camembert Cheese Canned. apple sauce is now sold ev- Coffee erywliere- This cake will keep at lea- • COOXING HINTS st ono week: Hain f cup of cooking oil. A whole ham or the butt end of a 2 Cupof sugar, ham is att. economical "buy" for a a eggs. small clr large fatuity. There are s� 31, cups of flour. many ways to utilize the remainder a Mtn of currants, after it has been served boiled or 1;6.- 2 level teaspoons of soda. hied first, 2 teaspd-ris of einnanion, Snob as Ham 1-1aSli with PoactiOd x teaspoon of cloves. tggs, Ram sliced thin and fried with x can of apple saute, Eggs, Ham Croquettes with Peas, z cups of raisins. Carrots. liam au gratin, a Ram IADAMN, our So- Isfaciio,n is f)artof - . Tholit Do you ever think what task it must be for the to please everybody ? With flour it is a different matter. Everyone is pleased with Purity Flour. Always uniform in quality, this flour Makes' delicious pies, cakes. and bread. can handle any brand of flour ori the marketif choose Purity for you be- • cause it never disappoints. Your satisfaction is part of my profit. '4444, eatakit• gitt Write far the 180 page, Plato Platte 66,6 Book. .50c tg stamps, postpaid, ViffSTSPIV CAtTAT)API,oug mmt.s co., tSesd Office—T0g0f4TO froat c�5t 50t 14 0 / iiozir 04.010, ,FWA. 11=fothodi Mix oil and sugar, =Boat Omelette or Heart -Mold of Ram egg's light and add to sugar mixtvire, Mousse, Add, flour, mutants, soda, spices, ap- , Sliarnro•alt Salad plc Sauce, and then raisins, Bake in Use Sweet green peppers, a slow overt, • Use cream cheese o re,ottage cheese, aliis males t largo cake or 'Z small •=' ' "=". ; other Household_ Hints you would lice i [Readers, Note: If you have any to a,sle Bitty Webster --address her i I . n. questions concerning's. Recipes and care of this paper] SAVE THE BABY CHICKS . Make them strong, sturdy, productive, EGG -LAYING Pullets, with Pratts Baby Chick Food. It costs a trifle more bnt is CHEAPEST in the end, judged•by fesuIts. • The exttra chicks yotaave and raise, more than pay for all the 'gf Pratts Baby ChickFood you use; Ask your dealer—there's one near you. • Write for Pratts Pourtry Boolr—FREE • PRATT FOOD CO., OF CANADA, LTD. 328 Carlaw Ave., Toronto CAPIPORNIA SEEDLESS 1 in RAISINS I U None sold to, dealers at this price TIGER BRAND TOMATo. CATSUP PINT 0e BOTTLE • DOMINION CORN FLAKES 3 Pkts. 25c - COFFEE CHOICE RED SOCKEYE SALMON 1lb. tin Y2 lb. tin 37c 20c VICTORY PICKLES LARGE BOTTLE L,, Sour, IVIeFed The Coffee that delights the vitiate SPECIAL• BLEND 49c SELECT Sri Reg. 55c l• b tEND • Res. 63e • 40c PEAS TOMATOES • CORN CHOICE QUALITY No. 4: S'ite TINs27 'TEAlierring$liTomato5nte i 4 Kippor ,Sgaciat, dlor 25t „ ACON c,..i!!..„...;,t,,,,,e,:l. ,,4tio,,,!,,,:res,,,,jeft,::01:1:23st, mlimy:„.,,/,7!,,,,,,t,yr..,,,A,,,,,,,,„ .. :. 1:::: rt 4: 'b :t°: :511. ::::ybel‘141.:1' D' 'IC:et:I:11:4 11411 aSAtiri 11:41P:1!. :P448i111 Pili 21,k el r :111:11: '' ' "I ''''' ' 1'1' ..;]94ff(111CNIIIII(1;41;I:re 1.. 436 lb. ,..,„ •!:e 0. ,..,.• .;••..T,,,,..- ,'••• • ,;,, . • ..,. iff.' ,I. T'. poi'., :4 ,I.1, : 'T .,...61:..1,t:•.' .;:hil'{' 40 .,,,...11T:_a+tivorlArotitiom ''' ' '.1.4trii.4,0,..04.0i4Amottenith 1.0 :je, ' n'Prtian, in, 'E f lr otro l'At,eibk,f1e0 '• #.''''' '0, Iiimitimotit'i 71 CHOICE'. QU ALIITY ctgOIC v A If 141p41, ILABGE TIN T1qs2 TINS 21 c '3' • • ,