The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-03, Page 12is
More '! dyers attend this]Great $25,000 Redact'. n S.Fle which will conla•,:ue u::01 our stock ..
has a een reduced. Our Obi dive Must Be Re eked. Save t n your buying. Tell your friends 114
ab __r 20 to 501Per C-.,nt 'ttle1, netts Many Thous,,. Wnollars w',,nth nil New F;.;11 Mer -
Sale Is
M p R. y R1in
IN "NI +i a; INN( ,I II MINK Mtn n `III I
er>,rices ,of St. Andrews Church
At the Presbyterian Church: Oa
1111 Sunday last, Rev. I. Perrie preached.
tlit most eloquent and impressive kermons
both morning and evening to . large
IN attentive, 'audiences. The Choir ten -
1 1 der^e�l. excellent sc1_eetions,
The midweek service Rt eight.
is o'clock on Wednesday evening$; will
IN ',now be resumed and contimied,weelc-
11y,,, beginning on" Wednesday evening;
o£ this week. To which the whole
is I congregation and visitors are cordi-
ally invited.
IN As intimated last week The Admini-
n Istration Hoard of the Presbyterian.
h t
,Women's Missionary Society have set
Ripon Friday, Dec.4th., as•• a day of
IN I prayer. The Womenl.s Missionary
a ;'Society of Wingham will 'meet, ate-a:3o
to observe the day and hold their' re-
gular meeting afterwards. All -the la-
dies are invited.
i±l?InriPI.C7' PFx'a'11.1.
A, verb',' full 'prograri1 of events is
scl eduieett for. this: week -end, Decem-
ber e 5tlia (th,, and 7th,, in connection
witii tore 39th Arrhiversary of the Sal
vatiOn: Army in 1A(ingiram:
'Ensign Winnie Jones, whp is at pre-
seut in' charge of .onc of the largest
i rp y° Corns. in Canada, is conning
The Ensign is :a very capable publitc
sneaker ac d *lit talk protninetlt part
in.all of the following services;
Saturday, It p. m.—Private Soldiers
II a. m,-•-ItIotiness Service.
z,3o p. gin .--S2rbject, "dais Satanic
All persons who have not paid` their
cemetery :dues for 1925, or accounts
for work at the Wingham Cernelery.
arerequested to pay these in as soots
as convenient so that the accounts
for the year may be completed. The
kind co-operation of persons interestr-
ed, will be appreciated by the Ceme-
tery Corpmittde.
ry p; nr., Subiect, "Red Letter.Days."
p, m. -A hearty invitation is ex
tended ti, the ladies 'of the' town to
hear the .Ensign on a. subject, entitled
"The Nameless Wornan," Refresh
nients• will be served.
8' p: , m,—Visiting Officers and
friends will contribute.:f o an interest -
itis• program.
An especially' interesting program,
will be the display of photographs oft
,d/fibers and Comrades of bygone.
days, Also messages have been re--
!ceived from. far and near and will be :.
during the services. {
chandise open for yourginspecliona®
Fur Coats,' at Coats
Many new styles of Fur
Coats are ,,, n display in
our i , mense stock. All
Coag on sale at Big lite-
4444 I 4 tt lllllll I llllll t /Mall &&"1111111111"III IMIt 111,111111111111111111 /M 111101111111
111111111011111 lllllll l 11111111111111111,1ll"I I11t11111111i ll luno l It1111111I IIt1111t11111
Ca ,. ton Crepe Dres-
ses $8.00
Ladies' and Misses' [Inc a
Canton Crepe Dresses, in
the latest designs and re-
gularly. priced up to
IIv11it,1,1I11111111,11111t 411111111111111111111 ttt1 t1111111111111111111M,$IIItI1111111111t11>-
Women's and Child-
ren's Underwear
500 garments o 1 Stan'
fields ,., nd Harvey makes
on sale .•1 big reductions
of 20 to 40 Per Cent.
20 Clerks are liner' to serve you.. •:
IIIIIM111111111111111111111ttt11i1111it11t1(Mint illlllllIU1MM1t11t11t11t 111tt111U111'.
er SUltS
Boys' s t r o j Tweed
Suits, one and two pair
bloomers, b e lied styles,
sizes up to 36, 100 fn
chat se from.
IMi1111IIIIMII/It tMtwnttnllt11n1MIMI,,tIII1111tl1IIIIt11/tIIII tlilllli 111111111 I,Mlt,t1,n111,Mt1111Mt11111111111141111111111111M1111a11111Ott 11111t I,IIIIl11M11111tt
MOW" l i" MOM F _'t> 1,• i niltlMlit iii®iii
Witigham United Church
Rev. AL M. Bennett and Rev. W.
. ,McIntosh, Ministers. December
46t1 -i.
rt a, •n,.—Rev. W. D. McIntosh will
speak to the children on "Canned Sun-
-shine," Morning Subject, "Refresh -
anent in Religion."
p. m,—The subject for the evening
sermon by Rev. M. M. Bennett is
4'Itave the Rich any Advantage , over
the . Poor an the Best Things of Life?
Are They Evenly Distributed?"
BI. YjC u
Another business change was made
here, when fames R..Cutt, who was
formerly in the grocery business here,
but who had been conducting a simil-
ar business .in Sarnia for seine time
until he wa;s bttrned out a couple of
months ago, on Saturday purchased
the f;a°oeer r l urines of G. M. Cham -
be rW,; in this village. PZe will take
possessiott• tfaas week,
On Friday night, Blyth Lodge, I,
0, O. F., held an "at home" at the.
lodge -rooms, at which the members
and their wives had a most enjoyable
evening. Euchre and crokinols were
indulged in, the prize winnrs being:
Euchre, Arch: 'runner and Mrs, Char-
les Lockhart and crokinole, Mr and
Mrs, P. Gardner. After the games
lunchwas served.
ll lttllllltll llii loll nl lt1111Ui llllll 1 lllll11t11IM 1 nt1 lllllllll MU 4taMt11t111„1
. Sale of veret ts
Navy Overcoats, Taupe,
He 1 Cher & Greenish mix-
tures and dark greys, this
is an exception i llfecla
m n It coats.
a 111111m111Unl i MI u!„Hlligll IIUII,IQl111a1"tl null Mu n i111U1 nib 11 ntl
',lllll,l111111, 11 /, Illi
® _ Every Woman Appreciates Fine Linens!'
low is: the time to replenish you ycur personal needs
1 and as for Christmas'Gifts, they are
most acceptable.
Pre-Chi'i•st as Showing of.
• Fine Linens
1111111111111112.131e(11111 llllll 4 lllllllllll lll 11 llll 11111111111111V,
• a
w Fall Suits
1VMen;s : nu `'Ko Me&s
Suits, all wool, 2 and 3 bu-
tton styles, N ys, Browns
and I 1 rey, and selling at a
re ,.' rk,1,, •',le price.
. 1111 IIIMI11111MI IIIInjl ll1111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!
Old Bi4ach Table Linen
Harewoad, Anenome and Willow Designs:
Paul -In, loving ' memory of William
Paul, Who passed away, Dec. 3rd,,
"Safe in the Arms of Jesus.”
Lovingly remembered by
Mrs. Stone and family.
It will be of general interest to the Double Wedding In Toronto
people of Wellington County to know A very pretty double wedding was
how many feet above sea level the solemnized st the home of Mr. and
various stations in the county are. Mrs. C. J. Hollister, 104 Ferrier Av-
TIie list is as follows: Arthur (,523,';enue, when their two daughters were
'l enilvvorth 1,485, Goldstone 1,456, brides, Miss Dorothy Elizabeth x -loll -
Orton 1,448, Selwood (
1.415, Mount inter because the bride of Dr. 3. 1.
Forest x,38, Drayton, 5,356, Fergus !Zing of Penntanguishcne,' son of Mr,
1,355, Moorefield 5,349, , Elora x,292, ;C. L. King, I, incardinc aiid Miss Ca-
ttle. x,291, Harriston 1456, Clifford Uterine Couzetis Itollister, became the
5,256, Rockwood 1,t82, Weisenbttrg ibride, of James W. S. Gibbs, B. A.,, Sc.
4/32, Com/till/42/, Atka ,sof Mrs, James Gibbs, Spadina
Mesboro 1,084, Guelph r e67, Gou- ('Road. 'The ceremony was conducted
roil r o ' Pusli teh 8 jby Rev P E Powell. of St. harts -
bas's Church. The brides were given
in marriage by their father. The liv-
ing -room was attractively decorated
with mixed.' colored chrysanthemums
and ferns. Miss Dorothy was becom-
ingly gowned in powder blue georg-
ette and 'carried Ophelia roses, while
Miss Catherine wore peach georgette
and carried. Virginia roses. Miss Vio-
la Davidson, cousin of the "brides,
played the wedding march. .After ..a
buffet luncheon the happy couple left
on their honeymoons. Dr..and Mrs.
Xing left for Buffalo and points' east.
Upon their return ;they :will make their
home in Penetaiiguishene. Mx and
Mrs, Gibbs left for Long Peach, Cali-
fornia, where they will establish 'their
hone, --Toronto Globe.
The Hollister family were esteem-
ed residents of Wingham some years
ago, Rev, F E. Powell is a Turn -
berry bey' and Dr, Xing is a Kincar-
dine boy and a brother-in-law of Rev.
Mr, rovvell,
Shamrock Table Linens
Grape, Tulip and Rose Designs.
, 1
Linen Sheeting, Linen • Pillow Cases, Oyster Bleach.
Linen, Fancy Huck Towels, Linen Glass
' Towels, Linen Bath Towels.
Maderia inefl
Maderia Luhcheoli•Sets, Madera Centres. Maderia
Buffet Sets, Cluny Centres, Cluny Doylies,
Maderia Serviettes. 4"'
John S. Brow . Old Bleach
Linens Linens
Double Damask Table
Sets, Double Damask Ta- Linen Huck " Towel-'
ble' Cloths, Double Da-- lings, Linen Brydge Sets,
mask Napkins. Linen Tea Sets.
Special Displays o fLinens this
Week -Find
In our South Window, and also in Main Store Ceatre.
Christmas Now
��c��•�c for �
g lo