The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-03, Page 10A
E 004
bliShed 180,
'lee, Guelph, Ont.
keel en ell chisses of neer-
° nab le rates.
COSENS. Agent, Vinegbartt
biSholM Block
P. 0, Box 36o,Phone 240
rflctory and Other Bonds Bought and
Office—Meyer I3lock, Wingharn
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates,
Winghain - Ontario
Wirigharre, -, Ontario
D . G. U. R SS
G aduate Royal College d Dental
Graduate University of, Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry
Office Over H. E. "Isard's Store.
B.S., M.D., C.M.
. ,
Special attention paid to diseases of
Women and Children, having taken
postgraduate work in. Surgery, Bact-
eriology and Scieritifit Medicine.
Office in the Kerr Residence, "be-
tween the,Queen's Flotel and the Bap -
list Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone. 54• P. 0. Box 113.
Dr. Robt.C. Redmond
11.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Lod.)
Dr. ChisholnAl old stand.
CELAIsTEle f',-Weelthsr ancL
plitteed in the Chime° easiness 'wood
Itenistristri Corvet ee something or a
canoe and a mystery to his associates
After a StorrrtY intorvieW with his part,
ner„,,l-leney neese'inen, Corvet seelts Con-
stance ,Sberrfl1 daughter of 'his othei
busitiesk partner, Lewrence Sherrill, and
secures from her a promise not to marry
Spearmstn. Tsfel then dleappears, eherrel
learns t Corvet has written to a certain
.A.lan, Conrad, in Blue Rapids, Kansas,
and exhibited trange agitation.,,ever the
CHAPTER letter summon
'Conrad, a youth ot unknown parentage
to Chicago.,
1iAPTUt III. -From a statement o
sherrul it seems probable Conrad is Cos
vat's illegitimate son. Corvet has deede.
his house and its contente to Alan.
CHAPTER INT.—Alen takes titbssessitm
of hies new home. -* •
CHAPTER.V.—That night Alan discov-
ers a man ransacking the ,tlealte OW but
reeds drawers in Corvet's apartments, The
opPearante of Alan tremendously agitates
the intrude, who appears to /hails him a
ghost and7raves of "the Aldwalsa. Atte
a struggle• the man escapss,
CHAMER VI.—Next day Alan learns
from SliCrrill, that Corvet hacI.deeded his
entire property tO him. Introduced to
Spearman, Alan ' is, estoitrided et the Ws-
- covery,that he is ;the man whom he had
Lound in is house the night before:
CHAPTER VII. --Alan tells no one or
lite strange encounter, but\in a .private
Interview teases Spearman with the fact
Spearman laughs at and defies him,
Graduate of Unieersity of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the
Ontario College of physicians and
Surgeons. ' -
- Office hi Chisholm Block
Josephine Street. Phone an.
r. Margaret G Calder
General Practitioner
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty a Medicine
Office—Josephine 5t., two doors south
of Brunswick Hdiel.
Telephones. Office 281 Residence 15x.
F44,'' A. Ail ER,
All Diseases 'Treated
Office adjoining residence next to
Anglican Church an Centre Street.
Open every day except lifonday and
Wednesday afternoons. '
Osteopathy 'Electricity
.Telephone 272.
A. . & F. E. DUVAL
Memberss C. A. 0.
Graduates of Conitdian Chiroprac-
tic College, Toronto. Office in Craw-
ford Blocic, four doors north of Post
1401.11'S 2 to 5; 7 eo 8.30 p ne, and by
appointments. Special appointrrients
made for those corning any distance.
Oat of town and night calls re-
sponded to.,
Fhories:—Office, 300, Residence 13
on 6or. s
Hoare ro-ro. 7-11.,,
Telephone ens
CHAPTER- VIld:—Corvet's Indian serv-
ant; Wassaquain, tellia Alan he believes
his employer Is. dead. He also, tells him,
the legend of the Indian Drum, which ac,
cording to oki,superstition beats once for
every life Loa on the Great Likes. Twen-
ty years before, the great freighter
waka had gone down with twenty-five on
board, but the Druln had sounded eor-
oniy twenty-four, leaving the inference
that one person had been saved, since, it
was ,general' belief that the druen dever
orred. Pursuing a stranger who had
made a 'disturbance at his house, Alan
slugged and .rendered unconftclouS.'
CHAPTER, /X.—Conrad rscuiers, and
affadr remains a mystery.
You' -Vi talked" with your father 0 the
possibility that something Might 'hap-
pen' io me.such as, perhaps, happened
to .Mr. Cortret. If anything does hfisp-
pen to me, a. descripd.on of the man
may. proveeuseeter" '
Then clearly and • defin4ely as he
could, he described Spearman to her.
She did not'reconiaize the descriptions;
he had knowa she wculd not. Had not
Speerman" been In Duluth? Beyond
that, was not coneecison of Spearman
with the prowler im Corvers hoese the
one connection est 'all mat dithcrilf tor -
her to oraake? Bet he saw her fixing
and record iie nth,. description in het
AdjustinentS given for diseasea
all kind.% Specialize in , dealingh
. wit
ehildren. Lady attendant. lOght Calla
'responded to. , ."
Office on Scott gt., Wing:hare, Ont.,
the house of the lattPlas. Walker.
Telephone t 5o;
titOncist. Office, 104keel& ss.
111E14 1$1IIALItIt
llitSit'a ions btj
On tno first see trieninnithi''therefore,
.dan drew upon his nen' barite account ,
'tONViissaquarxes order, anti in the eeriy
iftromme \Vessaquarie • went t� the.
eank to cash his cheek -ewe, of the
eery few occasions when •Alan had
been 'left in the house ttlenen Wee'ea•
*mattes habit, it appeared, was "M., go
about' en the first of. OheestoOrith tind
pay the tradesmee in person. •
Some ties) heueS later, and beeere
Wassaquarri could have been expected
back, Man, he the roonnwhieir had h'e-
WITen tlie'saVieo Was closed; that was
Den ClorVeVerfaillit; 'it' Teen Corvet liad
been strolled, Luk,e would liase had
money, alt the nieney any one wanted I, '
net este vroull hp,vd,thr04ffla tint Luke,
them Luke elope in. the snow, Ai 'wet.
:nen .ernaa, the saloon Woe open
Nolen andeurgot more whisky, but not
enough to get him warm. De hadn't
been•evente Once'. •That. watt Ben Core
‘Vet's e,ault Bee Corvet better be
'round now; Luke wouldn't tand enY
so Alan "felt of the 'pnlee .agaiet;
'opened ..the eat and under-fittenelfin
end felt the imaVitig chest:, Uev.r:'
to the Milli end loelred 15. thestittiepheeee .
directory. s Re reesembered the name
eef'the dfuggiet oe the corner' t Clarjr
street and he. telepliened hhn giving
' the nuether pp Astor street. '
want 61 clOctor right away," he
seid. •"Any good doctor; the one that
s'on canget quickest." , The' druggist
promised that a pleyeicien would be
there- within' e quarter of an hour. •
Alen, Went back to Luke, who was
'silent now except for the, gasp of, his
breath; he did „hot answer when Man
siseke to him, except to aek for whis-
'ky. Alan stood watching, a strange,
sinking „tremor shaking htn This
Mart trad come there te malrea claim
=a claim Which many times 'before,
iapparentlyneSenjamin Comet had ad•
Mitted, ;Suite cense to Ben Corvet
come ItisS was etertied by a,sOansl. ef for money which he always, got --all
ileavY Pounding, W,hich came geddetlY he wanted—the alternative to giving
to him from a floor belevn ,ShOutS--- •whidh' was that Luke would "talk"
beavy, ,thick,end unintelligible --min- Blacking% that -Meant, of course;
OKI with the pounding, lieseen swift, black:Mail whicir ,nbt only . Luke had
le down the.,Stairs, then .on and, down toldof it which',Wasseetani too had
the"serwiee stairs. into .'the basement.,
Sehe door to the house frem he area
,for blacknatrileethat' Vete the reason
adraittei, as Alien•rioierealized. Money,
way was shaking' to ieeeeular, heavy
blows, which stopped as Alan reached
the lower hallway; the sheets contin-
ued still .et moment' more. , Now that
the noise of :pounding did niA int
fere, Alan nould' raiske out. what -t
man was 'saying. 'COrvet !"—
tbe name', was almost .unintelligibte—'.
"Ben .Coryet Beni" Then the shoUtS '
stopped, too.: , '
Alan sped to the. de'df., and tureed.
back'thelateh. The door bre back
upon. him, riot from' a' pu`but from
a weight without .Which had fallen
ageinst it. A blig, neavy;naine, with a.
teitigh cap and *mteekinaw coat, would
'have fallen upon the door it Alan had;
..,net -caught, him. His weight le Man's
`ernes was so' dull so. ffieetethat if vio-
lence had been his intention, .there Was.,
nothing to be feared erom him ,newn
Alan looked up, see if
any one had come' vath hini. The alley'
and the street were deal*. ,The spOw
in the areifway •showedlthat the man
had come to the door alone 'arid with
great difficulty ; he had falters ouce *up-
on -the walke Alan' dragged. the Mae
into the house ,and • went back and
closed the door. . •
-*Re returned and looked at him, .The
male was llikeeeie like the one Whom
Alan had follo)ved from the house on
the -Piglet wheh he was attacked; cee-
. • .
Minty that this was 'the same inate
eame quickly to him. He eeized the
-fellow again and dragged him up -the
stairs and to the' lounge In the debates,
Be was or had been, .a Very powerfal
man, breed and thick. through with
overdeveloped --' almost ,distortinge- •
muscles ie his shoulders.; but Ifikhode •
lead becorne eat and *soft, his face wae
puffed and this'eyes watery aiirdb,right;'
his brown' hair, was ',shot all,
through with gray, tv.tte dirty and mat-
ted; he had three oiefour days' growth
of beard.. Wben he 'sat 'pip and tooked
aboist it was. Plairi that whisk,' wire
only one of theleeces working 'epee
iihn—the lever ,Stibleb
burned up and sistained him intermit--
, •
tently. • . - .
" "Lot" ' fie .greeted 'Alan "Wbere's'i
' shat d—n hey ? knew Ben
Cereet Was sbere—knew he was sbere
•all 'Conese he's shere; he got,
to he shere.•• That's 'shright.• You go
get 'brit" ' ;
e "-Who are Toe?" Alan agked.
"Say, who'r your" What tihells syse
They were sile,nt as they went on to.
ward her home. Sjle had said all he
could, or dared to say; to tell her that
the Mau bad been Spearffitin would not
tuerely have awakened her Increduli-
ty, it would haVe destroyed credence
utterly. A definite change in their re-
lation to one another had taken place
during their went The fullness, the
franknesg of the 'sympathy there had
been between them almost from their
firstenieeting, had: gone; . she was
quite teevare, he saw, that he. had not
frankly answered her questions; she
was aware that in some way .he had
drawn back from- her and shut her
out from his thoughts about his owii
position here. But he had known that
this so; it had been his*first
definite realizatioie efter his seeturn,
to consciousness in•the hospital when,
knowing now her relation tot Spear-
man, he had found all*questions which
eoncerned his relations with the neg-
ate here made immeasurably more
acute by the attack npon hint
She tesked bim to come in and stay
for Inneheon, as they reached her
IlOrrie, but she asked it without urg-
ing; it his refusal she einovld slowly
up the steps. Looking after him from
the window after she bad entered the
house, she saw hine•ttern the corner in
Ilse direction. of 'Aker street.
• A Caller.
As the first of the inonth was, tp-
preaching, 1,1rassaquana had :brought
;115 household bills and budget to Alan
;hat morning directly after breakfast
To famish Alen with whatevee Stuns
be needed, Sherrill had mede a consid-
erable deposit in Mee's name ire the
hank where he carried: his own ac-
ount; and Alan had accornpapied
11! to the battle to be introdeced find
tad signed the necessary cards io or-,
,tor to check against the/deposit.
' Man had required barely half of the
emaired 'dollars which lienjainin. Cor -
cut had sent to Blue Bapids; for. MS
zees -
"Luke; Is I he Ntletteke—ethe Mlwekae,
" I, Luker" -
taken' it sti on. thernedlyee eto ge, over
there She lead teld the' eliauffeue tO
Wait' *.witlie the emotor and ran at.
onceto the telePlione and .W10 :Anne;
hisnettel-Ppt,',fd, ;Pert her of made*
certain 'ill'at'hybet had, happenedieas
not • •ffiriehedeleut WaSeStiliegoing.
'Iiter anetietyiand the sepse Pf their reef
epripsibility'ears•Mae oeerredd '.:Onets,
Jill otli,er:itliPnglit.. :She teldsthe $fris
'ante' S'Cielt 'hers•frither at the. office
:0'!:1115(111ef-ee' If I I el'. 'fleet or °roe Luke.
Through the,,000rway to the library-
•baels upoe the colic]; ; fought, him
furiously; then, • Frn tien1 y as he bfld"
ettered th strerigth rued eity, Luke col*
Ilaeseei again. His voice went on re,
Moment e(rere, rairtalY %growing°.
tell ,Ben Corvet, want Ins;
inoti'ey, Or Val tell, He knows. what
I'll tell. Yea don't know Y'On
!alio' devil. , „.• Bee Curvet elidtve, ,
anq I know. Tell. him tek '
rai e . ten!” fi
Constance, very .pale again 1:41":l
threatening voice stoppedeeddireSte '
Alan. "Of 'eoursa,"I tinderstand," see •
,saitl, "'Uncle Benny has been paying-,
blackmail to this teen. For years, per-
haps. . " Slie'repetlted tee word
after An instant fp a frigetened voice
yon plense/Se, II1j•as Sher-.
4Blackmail I" „
rill?" Alan. erred her: "It 'Was geoci.
of you to crone ; but yonenustren stay
now. `He's—he's' dying, Of course.", i
She eeated herself upon chair.,
"I'm going 'to, stay With yon, " She, Said
simply. It evas riot, kneW, sheen,
the, welting for the Tnan in the nest
r9Orn to. die; in tha,c,', of itself," there -
could be nothing tor him' to feel. It
• Wag. to be .with while realization
which ..hted, coree to her 'Wes eettlieg
upon. him, .toa--4realization of what'
this' meant to eine .fleswas 'realizing -
filet,' 'she ' thought; realized it; ,
it made hine at ieriments:' fotget her
'listening' for soueds er0.111,'
Otl*r :Y00131, he pacedsback and feeds:, ;
.',besIde the table' •be eetood "'itering •
away, :clinging to tile portieres. • "
for `that" thougand *defiers in cash 'sleether presently', and.•Went across the
Corvet always' hall'to the doctors,
et the house. • . .;.I.I;("iii.irptl'91,1.:1';''''''g'..;:,st'q4ri:bekhi.,-7g'co-'vii8:d17-lert°1inlgaal:- '7. ''Ts he deadr.Constarice heard iitm
i ' tde • '
.Alee "turned.wle" eiddn
essiee' shiver:' 410-'h14.1:i0d;'out the nihtov •
. . fch' y .„ '• .• • ene • .
ulsion teae
"wti, his . father'fi air ie,etT;d.. Iv.i.,•*•,'P„ Or:vet —C1111i1
, k. . long
Of rev
In 'piece before tiee heasth;''"there err ,
, day his 'fattier had sat i°
hours ,6hIng through the front 'd°6ti• or'
with. a beets- eeeeetaien.g eine the :ere'""
,rier astr
, it turned lett') Astor ste-0
'alWaYS what this man knew ,'sbe,,s§'t:' ee'l.,rOitiliiIIFtt'p'neteh•eerlsrtl.:;1,sngi;fa -..sCoo kear roatthenaitna.i..tet'oWtiertn:7t,ell. What, he
banging oyer, alWaYs . arming '1°x • S, . •
against ft With' As thousand dollars vet's house. Constance recognised Tee' eentoe shrugged: "How ManY
ready for. thee main whenever he came.
keeting blaelem,Oessetrying hinclanall
for as 1fAng as 'WaSsaquam had been
In the house, fer, as ,long as it took to
, make, the once muscular powerful fig:
'ere ols the -sailor who, threatened to
"talk" into sthe swollen whisky -soaked
. hulk of the mati dying 'new on the
doin' here? Never see • you befort
go --go ger-Ben,..eorvet.,
say Ben Corvet, Le--leke's shore. Bee
Corvetel know Ln—Itike all right ;.nt
vayi1i,a1Vvilysh ItnoWs me.' .
Ifirbat's• the matter with yonr
Alan had dravvN.baek ?nit now went to
the man again. Thent itlea'that this
might have been merely' some old Ban.
or who had served Benjatnin CiorVet
ore perhapt,' -had been a comrade
the earlier, days, had been banished
by,. the ,:conficlent arroganee of the,
man's tone—an arrogance net to be
eatPlain,ed,'"entirely, by Whisky or by
the, feArr,,,', -•°
• "Row' longhave youbeen this way?",
Alen detnitrided.., -"Where did you come
'froin?" li ‘ut his .hand on the wrist;
it was very; het and 'dry; the pulse
Was racing,- irregnlar; at seconds it
seoft,gd...otop; for other. seconds it'
we§ Contintious: The folio* .coughed
and 'bent , forward: "What is. it --
pneumonia?" Alan tried to Straighten
him use.'
"GI' me ' • Go get Ben
'Clorvet, I tell yohlt . Get 'Ben
CerVet quiekl'•;Say—yonte Shear? You
get me Ben Ciorvet; yott better get
Ben Corvet; yen tell him Lu—tike'S
here; won't wait Oen more; 'itein'
t'havenney money 'new tadglat
ti,WaYe yOUr shear? Kick me 'Put sloott;
guess hot no more. Bert Corvet give
me ell money I" wiliat or I,tatkV
"Tali!" '
"Oyett know It! 1 ain't golte
Ile choked np and tottered' lbacif
Alan, supporting', him, laid him down
and sta,:,„,.0 beside hire trail his &nigh-
atur choking ceased, and there was
Only the rattling rasp of Ms breathing,
*When Altia aPdita to librti agd10.!'41,&'s.
eYes opened, and ,he narrated 'Went
experiences bitterly; ell "iriot 0- • Iblained
to Bee Ceeittireteh abeeneel Lillie, Who
lcd heert' &Whine, 'heavily few
nights before, had:little' ishenwe ettst
Foe ;his 4ta6 'thet day the man
blamed fienjaerhe, Corvet. Alan, forc-
ing himself to tduch the swollen •face,
shuddered at tiro:tight nf the truth ma-
derlyipg that' trecireatibri.-.. 'Benjamin:
Corvit's • act4-7whatever • it might .be
that tliis inan"irnew-e-tieeerffitedIy had
destroy'ed not t'nny tam whb paid the .
blackmail hut' 111101 teho received HT
the r. effect, of thee a ct was still gding
nn, destroyingehletste g. Its threat of
„shade was not eels' eeainst Benjamin .
Corvet; it ehrettetne,1 ,llso ,all whese'
names:.thilst be c.,1).11.(,(•tecl -with `Corz.•
vet sn This shame threatened Alan;
• it threatetied'also tee Sherrill& 'What
eSherrill had to14, `Alan and even Or-
' tret's gifts to him had not ,been, able
,tbeibake Akan 'feel „teat witnout 'ques-
tion' Corvet • Was 'his father, but now
shame, and horror were making him
feelenit; in horror at Corvet's act--
whateyer it might be—and in shame
at Covert's coevardire, Alan was think-
ing of 'Benjarnin Ida father.
pas• shame, this 'horror Were his in-.
'heeitence.— n '
H e left Luke. and went to the win -
to see if tile doctor was coming.
He had calleethe doctor be canse ire his
;first sight'ef leike' he had not 'reerig-i'
• ntzed that,..I.ante :Was beyond the aid
; of doctors and because te surnmee a,
doctor, under, Such, cireaffietances Wits
the righe thing , do; • but hehad
tJi oughier'of the d o Am* als'eas a wit-
ness to anything Luk !night say. But.
riow—elid he want a wieng,s?He hed •
rlo tininglit of cohdealing anything for'
hie 'own Sake or forehis father'; bet
,would,at le4,§t, Walit the ,elience
es-tete:hie'. the -:eiecumstances under
eleiele it •Was /0 be made :public. s
„Ile hurried backto Luke. ,"Whar
er it, 'Luke?" he etedd. to iiini "Wha r
eel) you, ie'l ?' I Lulte—lieree
is it apout, Mitvaia—the Miwalrese '
I eirt- l"' •
Luke- had 'etink into a.sierson; Alan
1#1,004. him • and shoutedin his ear
w.lthout awakening response, As Alan
araightened and stood hopelessly
chivin athim, the telephone bell
rang sharply. • Constance Sherrill's
inice came to liim; her first words
niade' le Clear that she was at ,home
Red had jest eome in. ,
'The servants teli n1 somelirte was
reakilig a disturbance beside- your
house a while ago," she. said, "and
shonting somethiteg about' Me. Gorvet;
Is there, stimethieg wrong th"erel'llave
yen discoVered. something '
ehoOk excitedly while, holding*
his hand over the transmitter lest
Luke ehould break mit again .and she
,hirrf YOung doctor .n -ho teas -starts
hllefrractlee"lii the neighborho9d. He
ws :jests:being .admitted assne arid
*her ia1d eeaehed 'the. steps. Alen stood.,
,litilding&J,the.,4bor open and yet' biecks
Ing e'nfertifeeeCehen she came ;up. '
"You inuet Poi come In ?" he deeled
'her* but she followed the doctor' so
that Maw eonId., not ;close the doer
uponehers ;He yielded then, and' she
and bet maid .went on -Mei the
Shestarted—a& she saw the 'd.cruie
'.upon'.the Ouch in •the library, pd as
, • • . ,
the sound of its ' Ireotrensbreatinnge
. , • ..
reached her.; and the wild fancy which
had come th her *lien the .seiwaete
"iter", -of What, wasegoing • on—l•
a fancy, -.that thele BeneY leadneonte
leaek—was banished Instantly
•xpenseS in Chicagct and 'he had
1:Aatglit with him from "home" a huti-
ed dollars of his 'own.
The amount which Wassaquam now
btred to pity the bills WAR nilieh
,nore. thari. Alan' had on handl but that.
Jmount was also much teas than the
eleven hundred donate which tile, 0'60 -
jot listed as caSh on barid*Thig, Wee"
SaqUain stated, was in clerreneY bud
kept by hjxn, Benjarelti alwaya had
had him keep that 1110011,1n the hous4t,
Wassauttain would not touch that snin
tow for the •payinerit of enreent Olt"'
'should htrt,he wondered what lie
shahld 4s0y to her.
"Please don't ask ire jest Pow, Miss
Sherrill," he tuanagtA, "I'll tell' YoU
I can -,--later." '
Ills reply, he recognized, only Made
her more certain that there was.Setne-
thing.the matter, hut he cell:U(111ot add
anything to it. :fie found Lulte,,*ben
he Wont kose4 to him, in ehrss--,
'the hloodsh.ot veins stood out aigghlef
the' 'ghastly graleneSs of Ilia fat, and
ids stertorous . breathing' tifountled
thrdngh the roomit,-;
Coristanee 8herrI11 had eoa Ib'
Si moments before 60111 au
noon reeeption ; the servants told htith
it once that gemettileg
at Ur. Oorvetss.• They bad board
shoats 04 'WO 01111t POttainNg
1..kon ti door the1'4hlt tbelr had net
..Alsn. Ied her into the roam aeross
. ,...
from. 'the library. .
said. '' "1 shouldielr have I,et you if;
..s,:,:ems,.,,si,neennee pave come trl"" he
ut:—.You, sesta hiran
. ..
"Do you *know .hini?"*
"Idle* .him?" • Sem shook -her head.
• "1 nrean;you'ye never seen biro be-
fore?" ,
tiffies, de, yode,uppriee, he's been ,druok
and still net told? ''Conealinent
established -habit',ebw. It's an inleibi-.•
Oen; eii in wanderieg;hesetops SifOrt*
of. actually telling 'anYthirlg."-
41an came baek:tO"Genstance.‘,. Out'
side, the gray of disk weasiu'eathne".*
and within the house ,it heel grown. ;
dark: it was very quiet lothe library ;;.-
sh,e'could not even hear, Luke's breath-
hig n'ow. Then the doctor cameout to/
e, "It's Over,"he saidto Alan. S,Tieere's:
laW' covering these cases* yule "may -
not be familiar with it • :I'll -make out
. , • , • . •. • .
the., death e'ertifleate-s-pneurnorilie and -
it7erealt'iteare with'telcoleolism. But the .
lice Ilaye,f9 be notified at once; yen
attire. no choice as .to that. lot*
nf-ter those' thin'gs;or, you,,„ your.
"Thank yen; if you, Will.", Alan. went
w!th :`the'doetor fe,"the' 'door, and saw'
hinr,drive. away...Retiirning,,, he, drew, ,
• the ii,tibrary`' nnrtiereff; them,. empint
‘back to Constance, he 'perked hp her
muff and collar from the 'chair where
, she had/thrown them, dna held them
. out to her.
.. •
-"His name is Iseke—The '4)eahe of -srZidr°u'''Indgeoefill, oywr;t1.;Nmilusttn-S`'itietsrritaYill''; her
Monsell hvthat 'nellie." plc' frit' ever —Your car's still .svaitinit • and—you
mustn't stay bete . . . in this, house!"
"Won't yon come • over home with
me," she said, "and wait for father
there fill we can, think this -thing- out
togthHeerers?"iye'etness almost brdke tam
dein. "This . , toethri Think
tins\ out! .eoh; it'S plain enough, isn't,
att.a'robrays eabresef ic;irerae,,s lsion7g fr,tsatIVIsasertsastree.,
Le_en, eeeing that man and; iinriries
• (Continued next
bear my father meiation a marinaffitd
Constance' turned .s.Wiftle, to 'her
maid," "Go out ' to, tbe car .and *wait
lor Me," she commanded. e
see • •
Leke's muilled,57heavy ymee went on;
•toonrient's while ,he fought for breath.
• '"You hear Me' Vim 1d—n
You go tell Ben. Corvet 1 want my
thotteare.clelia.r& r I'Make itlw'o nes'
time! Yen: heat • me 7011 go' telt Ben
:Yon , me go,' you
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