The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-03, Page 9rsdayt Dec e • te'r ; it i, ; 9 ll0 4110 Flannnelc to .Blankets large •size $2.35 Fl• annelettes, seduced .r8c, ztic, 25c /OW11111111" p, i -i S 1 r i , ttr tt G;ROCR IES Leave or Phone your •-'' orderfor fresh Groce'ies and take advantage of Our 'Cut Prices. 'Prices ..are just a little Lower Here •- arm' ltll rlll11N111il lll/nnilnl11tn,ttttt x11 t14w11.: rruit to Sale k .p les a , il�' JaH n �9• •, .:ons andthe services .were inspiring, 71Ac,cgaeonwiadj tahnadt jo!etoupsuMsdisuyoveevdni n- YNOW'',.GOODS IN • rig Ni YIASxlIIFJ Save:, It Ii'CCESS r.TL;, AI+11NIVERS.# : WHr ECHURC"s1 :. Very successful re-opeservic WI were held in theWhiteehaiieh Unit d�9 Cherc,li on Sunday and 'Moinrlaylas T1ae'Sunrlay morn iber;4rie was eoi cluetc(' by Rey. ;W D, `11tc1aztosh at; ISI the evening • by Rev, M. M. Benne FP The cont regation of Clzalnter's,,Cliu eh had �yery (c�aid(y withdrawn thair. al service for the day.• There were ca, pacity congregations on bath orcas- tee. Cl1:C714x CA D3 lavzme; declined• to s aid Coi:'':Maya�a os of Wiraglaain for x9e6, ;x vrouk ask for y'our support, and if elected 1 will �1r My best to work for theisaterest of t.,'the ratepayers and Wangh;am. a Signed' tx �HMASFE MEN'S AND YOUNGME 'Sr OVERCOATS ERCOATS Smart; looking' we11 'fiaiZored. -Overcoats all'` the best styles; reduced 4x$.50, $22.50 and MEN'S FUR COATS4CiN SALE The Coristiz a .fie Beaver Coat is the Best- Coit produced of its kind, gully guaran- teed'our reduced Priee L., $45,00 • .BOY'S OVERCOATS s2 TO e8 .YEARS Good Modelo.' in New Shades, substantial warn. cloths, 'you save on every coat prices x$8.50, .$9.5o, $12.50 and $15.00 BOY'S MACKINAWS Boys Ail Wool, Maokirtaws ' . in Fancy .Paid patterns, .regular $7.00 Sale -. --..$5135 FUR cCC?A 'S ON SALE AT • SAVINGS `WORTH WHILE` "Plaine .and Sable Trimmed•r 'Seal :Coats No. z tquaRity Rat7y Coats,all..911 sale at 'Bargain, Prices ,Ma.ot ant C rnConey Coats;. •re •t gular value ;$roo.00 'fan.$59 oo Shirting on Sale' at 25c,',3oc, 35c and .400. e Table Linen;.' Nov Pattern's at • aoisETS Baum ,• 'Box of.' Yclearii.g Lines, value up to $3-00 TENSE-•-ro doz. to ' clear, .All Wool' and 'Silk and, Wool on,. Sale at.. _ .. g8c Rugs and Carpets Big Stocktt-aon Sale less "20,per cent. .BOOTS AND SHOES --Ladies: Misses and Children's" Shoes, "Slippers and Oxfords at 20 per cent. off regular Prices O 0 r S1® MIS minisommniosoilown o®m®',;,;mum I, N®: ?ompi II >!atm pra • cottons reduced' to rbc, .2oc, eed •,. Dres's Goods, Silks and Crepes' all kinds 'at eo per cent off EI 11111111 11105.1111110111111111101 ll I l! 1111 hilt 111 Wit? l: • fog THE,BOYS Long Stockings, All = I Wool Sweater Coats and Pullovers, • Caps, Mitts - ^ Gauntlets, Fle'e'ced Limed Shirts and Drawers, Wool Toques; Boots' and Shoes, `all at Greatly Reduced nese,. IllllItl411 111111111/ 1 1 ltl, llllllllltl llllll,lllttl ing and ;fore than filled the auditor. um. Following the feast of fowl and other good' things prbvided,b'y'thela- dies, a splendid Programme was ren? dered. Vocal selections were given ia by the church choir, Mr, Gordon Bu- hl chanan of Winghani and 'Miss . Ire,n Z. Moore of . Wliiteeurch, readings an teeitations by Miss Wiinifred 'err yr ier and Master Clarence McClenaghan addresses by Rev. 5, Scobie, of Bel la grave, Rev. M. M. Bennett of Wing- . ��Iiam and. Rev. C,, `Cz9anining of St, Helens. •Music,,ywas furnished :by. theIN Sunday School Orchestra from 'Win - CO-OPl R4TIQN AND RE ,To, ECONOMY WITH EFI+'XCIENCY I:IARMONY AND PROGRESS BOOSTING NOT BOASTING IVIUNI'CIBAL BUSINESS • ON ,6 gi' BUSINESS ,BASIS These are among the planks Platform of G. SMITH e CANDfDAT'E FOR. MAYOR In, the Town of 'Wingham for rree6, d ham. United Cher9h. Every item on la 'the tirograrnfiel'e was much, appreciated, 111 Rev. W. D. McIntosh, mi'niste'r iri 'charge; occupied the chair. F 1 A further contributing factor 'to the ;success of these ;re -opening ,seryice was the ;financial ; aspect. ' Tle cost of iplf ;repairs to the 'Sunday School, Room was estimated at $35o. The ;an.ount- ® 'the congregation was asked to try to raise fifer the maintenance and: ext en- NI Sion Ruud of the United Church .was $40o, The " congregation made a. free si will offering to Both purposes and'in i Iboth went over their objectives, ythe NI 'offering amounting to .$792. The pro - IS Iceeds of Monday evening were $t6o, i'inaking a total of $95d. It is fullyex- pected that when all offerings are in the amount,,; will be over -$z000,00. nulations e dth m anCod gratcongregation•arforthueesboestphie did reinister-' ' ▪ 010001011000010010200101111010sults, 0 1: ®air®111® mem= mom in ,His record of three years as: Chairman of the Firiance Commit- i tee of the Council, also as a mem- ber of the Eire Committee' and the Property Committee are open • for inspection. t'reviously a mem- ber of the War. Memorial Commit- tee, and for five years a member of the, Wingliam School Board. Use Your .Franchise on Monday . Next and VOTE FO SMITH He stands for a business admunis- tration'.economically consistent with the new era of progress which should be ours.' I BORN. Cloudier—In Lower liiigham, on Nov. 15th., to Mr, and lobs. Geo. Gloushet, twins,a boy and girl. MARRIED Murcar—Thuell—At , the parsonage, Wingham, on Wednesday, Nov, 25th by Rev. M. M. Bennett, William Chas. Murear to Miss Lillian; Le- nore .Thuell, both of Brussels. And (therefore Christrna.s Buymg. ts next on the progri, f; e Of all the many and Varied�articles that are api3lieciYted for this Festive ;, ccasi n th t can be bought at the Shoe Store. Below are a few'suggesti This cut illustrates leather topped rubbers for boys ,from 6 years of age •'and up. They are the best Winter, outfit'foi: Boys`feet.that we know of, being'aletolutely •waterproof—and" at the same titne•:they keep the fee warm Rubber Boots are a very popular kind of footwear for every one ' who has outside work to' do and are 'therefore' an Ideal. Xmas Gift 'i`he Baby is 1'Xing" 'of` the household—Vile must , therefore ;nohfor get the Babies, for tiYey are most important of all and Most babies wear shoes. Our var.. iety, of these is hard to beat 'Cushioned Soled Silo-. es for Wornen who lige comfort. We have se - veal' styles from $3.95 'up • llitle Slippers or: 'Oxfords for young Or 'elderly: Women a're a most appropriate; '.has Gift irn. ' �fitix: Now Overshoes and Golloshes are a most.op- alar gift for either Women or Men. They are aptreciated by both young and old Slippers are a splendid Xmas Gift and are appreciated by all classes. We have the big- gest variety we have ever shown•. Rub%ers'for all classes. We have almost ^. every known style and in 'the: very best ,makes,, ( " , � ib •"'" ' =gag= •. . LAM!'MTEOYSYEMFEPtl Skates for Men, , Boys, Women and Girls, we keep the celebrated C. C. M., Skates, the best made - Civrergaiters .6ttierwise known 1' as Spats far Men are much. warn and- an ideal Xmas. Gift Hockey Shoes tnalte a fine• bift for either Girls or Boys ., o buy while stocks ar Phone 129 otrAP1 Comfort Shoes* for Grandma, she would appreciate as much This cut illustrates the Steel Supports as ' worn by Skaters: They make a most appreciat- ed Xmas Gift • BYEEa. Atettesseeeeta Fine I -louse Slippers .for Men are much appreciated for inias Gifts. 'Big stock to Choose from iW.u.iuWltnf goo 1