The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-03, Page 41x�:2�aSi;;knMi;�i
not .'choose early while stocks
are Complete?
A small payment crown, will reserve any particle in our large stock
tit you require it.
Our stock is very complete and our prices are louver'than last
year., We carry our usual line of articles suitable for 'Christmas
Gifts in Stationery, Perfumes, Kodaks, Chocolates; Toilet Cases, Ell'
any* and Ivory Goods, Fountain Pens and man"; other articles.
The "Red and Gold Liner is a new line of goods '°comprising
' suitable for all 'occasions from 5oc to $7.5o each. •
The, Bulb Bowl complete with bulbs in an ideal. Gift for moth-
er, right'now 75e to $4.50 each.
12, .' r " '
IVIcKibb n's Drug Store
arl Store
Phone 53
FOR SALENew ,Portland Cutter,
Applyeto L. Lott, Wingham.
FOR SALE—(quantity of standing
timber. Apply to S. Morton, R. R.
No. T, Wingham: :Phone 15-624. •
FARMS FOR 'SALE --283 acres, extra
good land, three miles from Guelph.,
Price $5000.00. 177 acres , 8 miles;
south of Guelph, good . stock and
grain. Farm all cleared, good
buildings and well watered onl good
road. Price $8000.00, Apply to
Chas. W. Barber, zoo Wyndham St.,
LOST—One spare 3ox3it tire and rim:
on November 13, between Blyth and
; elgrave. Finder leave same at Ad
„vance and receive reward. '
Following is the xecapitlilatian
the Receipts and Expenditures of 't
General Department of the Iowa
Wingham for the Year 1925.
Taxes $ $1278
Pell .Tax. _ ._ w 135'
Arrears of Taxes. »,„.-- • 628
Dog Talc... 187
Weigh Scale Fees , 154
Rents -- 199
T asi ;matimEs
`.shursday, Dacember $rd., 1e2.5
Ilgji School Bear•
d -
Marriage Licenses`
sof Amus,elnent Tax Tickets ..
he Pans. Trader's Bal _.
Of 'Office Equipment, :.
i Excise Tax - -
14`Trans, to Good Rd Fd _
00 Scale site rentals „.
70 Rebates of Rentals, etc
99 Care of Monument
89 'Ser. Waterworks Dept. spec
90 .Payments to ,tax account
00 ;Repairs to Buildings
Licenses .,_ ..._
Interest Received
Loans - 4
Sinking Fd.,.Prin.., ..
Sinking Ed,, Int. ..... _ ..
.Arripsenient Tax Tikets_,.,.
tom” on Pay Phone' ''•
Marriage :Licenses .
Repay from `Utilities Com..
Richardson Estate
Sale of Tile . -
Gd. Rds: Fd.,^int, an. levy
Trans. from" Sinking Fd.
Sale of Brick .,..-.-...
Spec: Sanitary Ser.
Deposit, on Taxes'.-• `--
Miscellaneous ..,.»a....._,_._,. __»._
The following, clipping from the'Os-
hawaiTim`.tLs has reference to apopu-
lar couple who are well known . to
many of our readers viz: Mr. ` and.
Mrs. E. C. Cross of Brooklyn,' Ont.,
Mrs. Cross is a daughter of Mr. and
'Mrs. W.A. Currie of Wingham. They
were the recipients'. of chimes and
Sterlig Silver Candle Sticks. r
"Several friends of Mr. and Mrs, E.
t. Cross called on them at the home
•of Mr. Jos. 'hompson on Saturday ev-
ening, prior to their departure on
Tuesday 'for their'new home and voca-
tion ire Stayner. After a' social hour'
was spen`t the following illuminated
address was read by Dr. James Moore
To Mr, and Mrs. E. C Cross
Dear Friends—
Upon this, the eve of your early de-
parture. from. Brooklyn, where we
have had *zany occasions to rejoice
in having *you nosh amongst us for
many years; we,• a few of your many
friends, have assembled to bid you
farewell and Godspeed, 'and to wish
you every happiness in your future
To you, Mr. Cross, we wish to ex-
press our appreciation of 'andhearty
thanks for your, interest and activities gi.
in connection with almost every move VI
mens having for its object the better-;
meat of the whole community. In Ng
connection,with the Spring Fair and I
Community IPark y'au have been un-
sparing in yoir efforts to achieve the.
su.cces to which they have' attained.
You. have played a very important
part: in athletics and we know that
all of 'the young people will miss you
very much in this.. connection. •
And to you, Mrs'. Cross, we also
would wish to express our best appre-
cration of your* many kindnesses and
efforts in promoting the welfare of
the younger members of this com-
munity in so many` useful and enter-
taining gatherings in musical, social
and family circles.
We shall miss you both, and your
departure will leave a blank in our
midst, which will be very difficult to
fill and we, on behalf of-' your many.
friends in I' rookyn, and vicinity, wish
now to express our deep ,and sincere
regret at your leaving us, .but to wish
you a long continuation of health,
happiness and prosperity. We feel
some consolatt nashen we remember
that our loss will be others' gain.
We. wish you to accept this clock
an - d` candlesticks as a slight token of
the very high esteemin' which you
are held by the,eorninunity, of which;
you have formed'so important a part.
Dated at` Brooklyn, Ont,, Nov, 2r,
W, A, Dryden,. Thos.:Ifall, E Ir
Patter°sett, . Jas.- Moore, M"T>., Rev.
J" B� 1,rascr, Geo, Browne, Aare
LOST—Pair of glasses, gold rimmed
. case, somewhere • on Centre 'St
Finder kindly leave at this office.
PERSONAL -1f anybody, .knowing
the address and whereabouts ' of
Misses Lizie or Mary lsuness,
kindly communicate to Box 42,
Wingham; Ont
Ratepayers are reminded that Mon-
day, December i4tl., is, the last day
for payment' of taxes. After that date
a penalty of 5 per cent will be im-
posed., Any ratepayers having 'lost
their notice§' may secure duplicates on
application t;its . the Clerk''s Ofe.
fice "without cost.
AGENTS WANTED—An exception-
al opportunity for art energetic roan
whole or ` spare :time. Fulll line of
trees and shrubs. We supply free
selling outfit and pay liberal com-
missions. Start now. Welland,
Nursery Co”, Welland, Ont,
100 0,0 SALEM •
O Mr, and lira Thomas Tdoecroft of,
3 v rox'eter, Spent. last Sttndaya,,with
6 Mr. and Mrs, A, E. "C7al�aher, 1
5• Mr, add Mrs. lack Gallahericalled'1
5 on Mr. and 1Mrs,' Iloward WYlie of
8 the 6ti� of Turnberry, last' Sunday
o Mrs. 'Clendenning of oKent, and lit- I,o.
O tle' daughter aiid Miffs Laura GeritiniUU'.
5 of Detroit; spent last' week with. Mr" 1
4 and Mrs. Eli Bolt and other 'friends;
283 03 around here
z5 00 Mrs. Jacob* Willits and sons Mr.. Clif-
1 ford Willits.vtisited friends near l;le1-
mole, last S�1,nda
9 Mr.' and Mrs.' Wm 1i