The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-03, Page 3'inftryswimona smakomsiorsiwpowsiol • pstionnipealmoin • d' 1. T reciol 'Arms vvRoxE,mR Norm, A 1.01l$ thiStil'p Council give a grant' of $25,00 W13°XFr.�EIt. lel" to the "Elearzentary Agriculture Schoal f MrS" 1 awtorm has returned lionre af- B RV 'L I W The Wornan Iamstititte;vrill meet 'a tin "' Reeve Tlezineberg and 'c tanned, 7�e_ - to be held, in : Forawi ;h.- carried, ter spending• the last fe ;months at it the 'home of Mrs, C. Er, G;,,,ni , tected' by Acclamation` �" Moved by Taylor and Gamble that St` Marys and Lakeside, x ItIY ilii Clerk: have a byKlavy prepared iia : Earnie 12obbs was visitiug::fiiti father, Thursday, Dec, Ioth. at .3a o'clock.. IN 1(streeting the Treasurer to Pay over r gas, A Connrfes will { lire a pati r, The ;tonmination rneetinf� for ,Reeve, st I at T7a.maseus, who;, is sick with rlaeu-• "What wc; each Police Village izz. the Town- , ixiatic fever. May do to Make Christ - of � Councillors, School.Trustees and Hy- I ' rnas l"ntor -z`- faer Otiiic , ' " TTisci'iss- ; hip, the Township Rate according to I EarI Ridley secured the :manage-, iorz" inter •ha e to d o Commissioners was held in the ,their Assessment, The Council to re -'meat of the skating rink othe c ng of Ideas far `lix:ist own Hall, the Council Chamber notg forl e sea din •• a ,mill for Townshi purposes. was Hymns, , RaonC .,an izxChrist,- ....N1 - being large enough to hold- the .crowd _... p Pu P s son. With present wintry -weather y g � Carried. dans. Hymns. Doll Gall to the b quite he expects' to flood it iznrrmediat l d -•,y q a number were nomfnafed for Mo d byGamble e y or donating biristte No th ire a ble and Hubbard good winter's sport : is assured t g C as Gifts m`tlme Cdun p different offices. P r d f of that the Council 'i e � ty •home, ' Ladies 1 n z give a rant of ooa s vve come: 1N �,; %'or Reeve, `John Henaieberg by x. ; grant $"5. those ':who patroriizc the rink. to the Children's ill - Society, Gode- I Mrs. Stewart a former i esi dent ofG. -Hemphill aid J N Allen.'rich.,—Carried. . di or lid . You east afford to 'm'iss taking advantage of these `•'prices ^. no and ,afford a ;great' savixmg. An Christmas fruits are No. x qualitiy " and 'just marrived'•this week. a 250` lbs Thompson's' Seedless Shelled •Walnuts ...,._ �' Ras�ins, albs for ;.._ ...- 25c ' qp@ New Ilallawi •,7Dates, 2 lbs 25c • Currants, finest quality) lb......x5c Icing Sugar,' 2 lbs for '_, _.x5c • Lemon and Orange Peels ...2jgc' Vanilla and" Leradn; Extracts ".. : 3 'bottles for :r ....,250 111 Large Raisins, with seed;: x7e., '"' - • fa .: ,Special' Deal, 3 pkgs, "Sherriffs • ibe;New Puffed Seeded Jelly Powders. and•i Silver Raisins ( riot sticky) ;.xgc • Jelly Spoon, all' fox •25c VWTe have a most complete stock " -Of Ladies .Handkerchiefs and Hose iii all' the 14ew,'est shades at various prices e NM ?' A large, stock if Men's S'weatefs, Underwear,' Scarfs°' .'Ties ; Socesi, Hand'kereliiefs,:•,etc. : x Full line of'Amps Holden uarant g eed shoes: `, dine in ich"Cik them civet. ., nety Rubbers and Over - 3 , r ter IS I Mr,. 7lenneber elected1 • Wroxeter but now living in Scotland to by .. recta Vlaved by Taylor' and Hubbard that •is visiting her sister,: Airs E. V. Dick- 'rnation. the fol owin r accounts be Mt ,For C�°ouncilIors:-w, :Tied.• � t'" paid.—Car- on,' Howick St. , 1, r c oun Gibson by GavinDavidson , Miss Ethel MT Chapman of fawn. D vidson S,. +I3• Webber, -rent, for roadway 4 e ^ I 'i:: o, �Asszst, su t o ab and.Nail. White, ,p . f the Wome s In- inlex.. Wright, '` • •''$=•So; Ross :Bayless, dragging road titutes will speak to our W..I.1nlIVlrs, is ' A Wr g , by John Henneberg $3.75; ,E. A. Corbett, attending CourtPope's amid I, S: Durst, �,. .00zmrs,Tuesday, :Dec: 8th,, at it a d 1, Moffatt .Johnof. Revision $4.6p; Fred Dustow, gra 8 p. m,- Everybody welcome. em; by Henneberg vel J:sta • Walter Reddon, gravel A <splendid 'donation of new cloth- ®and 1J. `,, d i. Robinson,R Dobbs , $i ,00•; 'Garnat:Wright, work on' road ings, consisting of caps; dresses, mitts by Gavin Davidson ' and $4.70; ,Lishrrier .& Co, repairs' to' Gra- ' tockings and underelothn was the Bert Marti p g g, , n'-der;$4,o0; Tlios. Elli$, repairing Lock -result' of the November meeting of ®, Arnold Edgar by J. N. Alien -and (up $1.00; George Baker,'', refund of he. Women's Insttute whichn1 in ;Nell White. "taxes, caused byerc .ret at rox in Assess, he• home of Mrs. ,Dickson:. These B 13''eiI•' White ,by T. G. Hemphill and.. ; •o -C..'H bard"Children's John Henneberg.' $3 7' ub ,dragging road arid pe to the Roane", l� laying tile $,4.95;) A++. Hays, raking Goderich. • We wish to "t'hank;,the ;vis- Ni ' D. C. Pope by J. N, Allen arid Q. stone $z65; John, Armstrong, repairs itors also for their contribution. Miss,. IN Da,vids'on, • ° ' ,, '"' to 'road` $I.00; C. E. Walker,, Clerk's E. J. Howe gage an instructive and; in • Wes. Palmer by T. G. Hemphill services Voter's` List Court, • $42.80; teresting paper on books, closing her 3114 and R.'Stocks. . „Mester; .Cecile, repairs to .Culvert and remarlts with "an invitation to all to n R. Stacks ) ;by Gavin Davidson and 'dragging road $6.95 Hugh Edgar, visit our University; the Library..A Vii Neil White, dragging and raking stone^$S:ro; Wm: humorous reading was given by Mrs.' 1m�•, ®samp®ssmem ��'r� "Thomas Ritchie by J. N. Allen and v-___ep ed •lay dogs $ '. ' ' T G Hemphi' ,• � . lidarta' 3111690. One Gmnt:il.11ontli is.a ll it costs .1 PP TT;1"�®D CO. of gar*i it I�Illulll�I11�I11oBllt! Ilcttiti Z tl l alsd,8+hica,;Tiel� �• SKrttx foe it. Reit 3a8f'Carlaw.Ave..Toromi �IIl.�II'1 !I II .!IILIIIILIIILIIII IIII III PIIfl9'Ill�I1l�dli . ,, � fl�lll�lll�lli�lll�llll�li!® o�tm°xau en . wmoiX4�434 1, ;F o Radio. Keep them hid byfillii Atli MAPLE LEAF ANTI - .FREEZE We have; . a good supply 'in s`tock'•at moderate prices. Call and fill up at your first oppor- tunity'.. • DON'T FORGET OU1i. WINT- ER,gTORAGE FOR BATTERIES RIES Dennis' •Harrison,refund of dog 0 gar .tax Mrs A. Wea°rring` entertained and f • Councillors—Dobbs, Moffat, : White' $2,00, H.. Bolton; cleaning out ranch with an account of her visit to the b, and Stocl were elected by recta_ D. of: ]3oltonsMun. Drain $5.00; A. j. ;annual Convention at London. She ,' ee nation Wingham, chairs •.for: -Colin -Ishii). Hall,' brought aver fine report Service G a g y p of a Wroxeter H . $95.00, S., B. Stothers grh; impressed ? _= �' dao Gau�ri5sioriers, three to be. ' y f ant• to'School rng •#acts and was ,nuc p elected: Fail, $25.00., F. A Edgar, engineer with the magnitude of the•. Institute - Gavm Davidson by John 'Douglas statement to Provincial Engineer on work and 'cavi,,, Muir. - g ,, in the.: provinces, also.' the es,-' ' i Cather's Municipal `Drain, $15,do; Ed, '.:teem in.'which the W. I. ;s� held by the ` N ORMAN''WADE Thomas Gibson by D, A Armstrong McCallum; repairs to bride, and, and P. V. -Dickson. ' g d City of London. This was expressed ' . Gorrie, dragging" road' $3,.35 Dobbs, & Seg- by.the City in the form of a banquet t D. $abinsod by' D. •.A: Armstrong ',worth, part pay on the Bolton_Muni- to.the 0o dele t • and F. V Dickson. d „ ga es Present. ,• 1! I dipal Drain. $10o.00, Children's Shelter ° Report' of Wroxeter Primary room W. S. McKercher by D. Arm- Goderich',. grint`$25.00; George(.Benn- for November' No 11 A strong , 9 • on r0 2 tr and F. V. Dickson, . lett, . sheep killed by dogs $30.00, a t erage attendance 26 Names e ,ar W� pi ', Only two qual tied as' Commission- Moved' by Leonard: and Gamble that ranged in order of merit. ,ers, viz; D: Robinson and, Thos,' Gib- this Council adjourn to, meet in the. .II—Lily Waller, " son. .• • `� Y ,Jack 'McLeod, He- qualified School trustees, three` to be Township Hall, on Tuesday the r5th ren Milligan, jack McLean, Velma ' DR, H. A, MUTTON day, > ried. , Higgins, Isabel Milligan, Harold ,Graduate of Royal College of, Denta°i `• lected; C. E. Walker, Clerk, Ranke, Marjorie Paulin; Vera .Durst, Surgeons of Ontario Wrn.� T. McLean by Geo. Paulin and Margaret Neil White. i p g ret Edgar, Doris Elliott, Graduate of University of Toronto. TOWNSHIP OF HO\1ICK I I --Merrill Tart Stewart. MusgrOtre; At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday Archie McMichael by G. A, •Gibson• ' • 'Everett Wright, Robe rt. Hoperaft and At Gorse the rest of the week, and I. S. Durst. •' Mable Patterson, equal, IIa 'Sharpin, Geo.=.Paulin by I S: Durst and G ;(Continued .from last week) The settlerneut by the Greers was Cameros,- McTavish. A. Grbsoni Sr. Pruner—Fred Ho ,. GEO. I+'O'WZ•ER Stephen D. Taylor by Bert Martin made •in :1854. I-n•the summer of 1855 peroft Rae Henning Edyth ::Marti Margaret l,I?,5.,' D D.S. and Stephen Underwood.• ' James I eech.and his brother Na-' y n,, g thanrel; :sons:.'o Richard Leech, one of .Tait, Jessie Paulin, 'Billie Gibson, and Teeswater, Ontario G. A. Gibson by , G. Davidson, and , Doroth Henryill be at the G�fton House Wro- H;.:Chamberlin, the oldest settlers of the Town of f,` y y equal, Clark Sharpie, , Allister Green. Neter xst and) 3rd Wednesday of each Hugh Edger by Geo Paulin and Perth, in Lanark County, started on . a` `prospecting :tour, the route pf a Jr, Pr, --Jack. Henry;+'Minerva Hig- month, Will'be at Gorrie the. follow - Jr, Pr,—jack Martin. , . i gins. ing Thursday. Miss 5, Howe by D. A. Armstrong their; 'explorations, lay fihrough the and' F V` Dickson country bordering Georgian Bay and.' A. G. 1=iastie, teacher. , t • on the el r' Westinghouse .Radios „ON EXIYEITION AT OUR''STORE . We have tbree4'machines fully installed, ready : for operatid`n and;coznparison, a three tube, a four tube and a five 'tube,. :: These are made in',Canada, fully guaranteed as to workmansFup and any 'one'•of'them can be'scieritifically installed,by' our staff, on short 'notice. Ontario • Ageefor'mHartford Wind Insurance Also Walkerton Fire Insurance Co- Automobile,-Live o,_Automobile,.,Live Stock and Plate Glass Insurance After over three ye "ars experience' we believe wet have ° one of f the hest makes offered •for "Sale. :You 'sho` uld hear,3 these before` _ placing your order. As 'a Xmas Gift• ive know '• of nothing ` that'' 1 should be appreciated more: •You are 'mnissing. the hestiriusic., the finest..lectureip, the Most feloquentSermons'unless provided with a '. fai good receiving set. '' W in Get our prices, according ,to horn, phones, batteriesetc., re- = quirect sand be convinced • that .you,can get good value here. Q topherris;,i, yysh Olt GOrOio Out9 � N• • l i�lll lA)�lll�ll ICU IB911!lillll�llll�Il!�I jl®III®II��NI�I I{ill(�III�RIIi�iNSllll�➢lril�IlhBl(I�Ili�f i(�1f 19Rlli With the price of Fruit -And Nuts advancing, it would be to your; interest, to buy , them early, and buy them' here, We have the new, goods in, bought before the last advance in price". 'These foods' Mee not the, teapest we ,could buy, bpi the b,estw ` ' Big e u tions in Rubbers Our stock of Dominion Rubbers was bought in the Spring before the big advance in rubber, you can get the benefit by buyir>,g_ now: onte l's . it 'Y' -Goloshes for 53x5 All rubbers at piriccs accordingly. More next week. mWaarpmaOr 4 Di McLeod' by D. A Armstrong, Lake Huron; and they were so well i G. ;S.` DAWSON and E. V: Dickson.' "the .prospects that upon • ` Y2 pOH HO WICK Mr: Cleve, Stafford we are sorry. ":... G•*ORRIR �. Trustees McLean, Taylor,: Gibson their return to the •old home they in- I Director .of F to art is not keeping as well as his ,neral Seances 3.are ejected by acelamaVon. duced eight of the ten brothers (in p p Motor Hearse` or. Carriage; which . eluding' themselves) to' .form `a c'o- friends would like to see hizn, • The Showergiven to'Ir, and Mrs, ever is required. GORRIE NEWS partnership•, for, the purchase of mill , Phone x6 property:' in Howick, the'building of `Thomas Ellis last Tuesday evening,° • Our electric lights have been out ill was well attended. Congratulations. mills, s, a"nd. the carrying on a generalg. for some nights.' The are ver ac -Mrs. Clare Pritchard. entertained coni new country, which , . 'HARRY AIKINS g Y y• business in the odating not to go on, the, blink their foresight suggested as certain to, her neighbours last Saturday- eveni'ng. •Fordwlch, Ontario only wliei'I we `have good moon light. All report a nod. tulle. . expectWe ±settle up and'd•eveiop rapidly,at nog g , Licensed Auctioneer for the ,Counties' however'that they will be distant day. Aft,. making the .necess- l• Qf Huron and.Wellington running again iiefore long. • We have dry» preliminary arrangements; James GORRIE , Phoneng the. best lighted village of its- size in and Edward Leech returned in e Miss Ethel M. Chapman. of 'Toronto ° the Or _ Patterson's Hardware Store this section of Ontario and the cheap- 'koze Pari of thee -winter in .x855-6 to Assistant Superintendent of Women's est�Ir Will Institutes will address a meeting in the i the place where Gorrie now stands. William, Ellis, who has been in .They carne in via. Molesworth„ from township ,hall, Gorrie, on Tuesday of R. E. JAMES'v, the the oth'mploy;of cessr. on for 'ibi the past l 5 wl?ich place they chopped out a road ternoon, Dec, 8th,, in the interests of Gorrie, Ontario of 9th 'concession past r5 to''theiplaceat'on=-a our local Women's Institute: Miss Agent for Western F''arnters' Mutual z distance of• over ears intends d 'i s taking, y g a trip back to fifteen miles, by the route travelled.:Chapm n a very ;forceful speaker Insurance Co.' Old England. .He' expects to sail On their way in they met Huh and very enthusiastic in the affairs of' If on have no wind Insufatice on about thg;'ritlt, After spending some. Hugh. thne visiting his 'aged another arid oth-. er friends he will return to, Canada.and wall be made welcome, Igsurance. Companies. The Misses Hazel and Margaret 3" where he still resides.:' Tnipnediately t .. . i Gorrie they purchased mill sites, site of t I y �����.����®���®® Fiostger, sent time week -end wit i both on their arrival•at the present Win haul friend$, ®�1E07 there and ate the, present site of the ,.-. �W Mrs Arthur Spotton of 'almerston,,'Village of Bluevale, and wentt,�to work was in town, last week, visiting her, with such energy at tljeir new enter- r " grandmother, . Mrs. John Dane, ,prise that the- mills in both 'places a Mr, Geo; Horton of. Lal:elet, died <were in c.omplte tanning order by the at his 'home in that village on next winter (x856-7) although the last in:his 57t11 year. Mr. Horton 'Country was literally in its infairey, as us came' to Howick with his parents ov- -many' as sixty'ox=teams were counted er 40 years ago and has been a resi-, at one tune, at the Gorrie Mill, whose 'SI dent of Howick ever since. He was 'drivers were wa 4'ing their:turns to de- hill - well and favorably known throughout 'liver grists....t About thus"' time they. laid out the' present village of Gorrie. It;bore' the ®. A so1'•i.i:tely Dry Mixed 1• b oo , name, ori official plans, of "Howick 1 , i 9 Mill per co Village;" but was known by everybo-1o w • Do not forget. Saturday, Dec, 5th,, dy, far and near,,,,,' as Leechville, and to M9 the date • of the Anglican: Xxas l3az- this 'day is so called by all;txho were lel'; . 3. aar.. A Hot Supper will also• be serv"' 'cog iizant t f.the eihureistances con- ®;• !• �, ed in the Town Hall from 45 to 7• aected „with the early settlement ofDr�a0Hardwood,x¢N Miss Cora, Fang it spending a• anon- j Huron, ani. the Counties of Brace, ' "q th :1n Toronto. inpile ' +d.a per turd •Wellington and Perth on the north °' Gorrie, Nbvernb'er ,8th,, Is q east and south. Since that time the Council Met in' the 'Township Hall, growth. of the. place has been :'such . Ill' pursuant" to adjournment, All 1riezn- 'that Gorrie: now claims rank among 11 hers prescht, the Reeve in the chair, the *very best of our unincorporated Minutes of last meeting were read and villages, being far' in advance of many; on ,,notion eff Taytor and Ganib±1e wore which have: already assumed the re.• adopted. sponsibilities of independent zntinici-I ' Moved by Gamble and 'Taylor that pal government. It contains• three, the 'G"ownship 'Engineer ' 'be granted, ',first' -Class general stores, one chard- .si't months extension of time oon the ware, two tin and stove;, 000 book and: Littlojolizi Municipal Drain. --Carried, stat•ronei•y, one datig and one jewel1rey Moved by Hubbard and Leonard . ': (Continued'oti page oig11tj' the Women's institute. All ladies•of your farm buildings -give .us a call. Ilallingslre d, who had conic in the ,: the Conuntinity are.invited •to° attend' Also Agent for several first-class Fire previous night, to settle on lot 3, Can. g the Town h• Mr. Wilfred King is havingat radio installed by Mr, McIntyre . of Listo- Kindling locks 16 ince] (Great to 1artng 1n/00d or ' a& LJres) at Mill 2.0 Per .:aux: y WE CAN »IEI'V R WIN011Alift FAI ones I Ayy-M-Ofdn 33 a13-, Res,• w3ffi lWiltiO�.im Ira �nriugfN�mn�MWhiu: >»d�a�