The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-03, Page 2'ubILahed
CN'Tf[AM, oN.
very Thursday. M
iNk. G, Smith. Editor and
t IS 'Inde that only; in the towns ;and ci- S. S, LESSON Ti'OR NOV 29. t11., x923 CONSISTENCY a A Tl
that a Ixxerelxatxt in Wind..
sot, wishing to impress upon the peQ,
ties ear they enjoy emacipatioits, min- Lesson`T'itie Paul Before 4 .grippa. It appears r
gle with, the :crowd and laugh. with ,I: ,son Passage --Acts 26:/9-32, le of that city the wisdom of Pill
Golden The mistake often li
world in glee• xe axis a ce, is Golden Text• -Acts 2649.
ot`ning made and realized too late, for,:where chasing at "home instead of making*
Pi:oprietor After the interview wirier' j.„. 1, iu'shopping tours across the river, had
is loneliness more intense of .pleasure h t 1 of'his wife Diusilla, had -1 h ands of copies of a book-
nrst strangers an v'it 1 as too years e apse ) r let printed. and distiibrited to prospec-
book -
ubscriptio�n rates—One year $n.oQ
fix rizonths $1.00, in advance.
Adel rtsinl„ rates on application.
Advertisements without specific di-
n tctio is will be inserted until forbid
*led charged accordingly,
friends. and during that trine Paul was held patronizing the shops at home, and
It is useless, and we believe wrong, a prisoner. Before long the 1ligl1 particularly his, was very convincing
d without
Festus succeeded Feria,. as governor, five.. cus
tonxers.. Td's •argument for
to shackle youth to any occupation,
and the chief of the lcrt s in , • ut a Windsor printer, as printers will
trade, or calling that has in it no at foinxed Felin against Paul desiring o scrutinised this. publication with a,
bet practised eye --Pend 'discovers that it
;rlE,st }3
traction for the' young man or young f d 1
advertisers 1 wheret1 that he be sent to Jerusalem, U
Changes for contract.
eine ,
renis woman arrived at the age the. Felix Said he sliouldUe tried at Cies � Irnniedz
�'' .,°- can make aedecision for th -elves F had been printed in Detroit!
•'� 1 elix asked to the mer,
'11in to : ro up r 'ries, as lx aid,
fie in the office by noon, Monday.
area. During the. trig I ately he made his way
'The secrrt of success in :life is liking, �
ai/n,,ru,It/awlt -t but him if lie would- be. wi. g' b 'chant's place of bus e
^+aaterpe„,et,ltall,ual,Itulllul,u Y^au;at........
ones rvollc an pets crying, 10 1 , n'
1 life ill J But his re-
1925 DECEMBER 1925 d
rv7 '1104111812
_'<i14 r1 -511.6-1-11i1.8-1-91
20 21 22 231F241
7 28 29 301
3► ►!
ja00l0ittallo,t/t/IIlO ,i,Illll .fruit I10I110. /RIIllot It/IIIIIlI'I0II'
to erusalern, and be judged there, to "to ascertain how come.”
agriculture iiia rural i e will never which' Paul replied: "I stand at Cae- compete .on a basis of equality with monstrance was not required; the:
•'the city until the growing 5•eiiieration
of the countryside can give express -
„ion amid home surroundings to that
!inborn desire for sport, recreation and
twholesome pleasure, the rightful "heri-
er i-
tage of every normal youth,
The city may have the brighter
lights and the louder bane', but almost
every rural district has sufficient tal-
ent within its own' . confines to Lade-:
quately provide for its own needs,
} Y wa . S.rr's judgment:seat, where 1 ought to f
nxezchavt had already learned his less
be judged.” •ori. The printing had been cheaper
In a few days' time„King Agrippa I it is true, but he had been obliged to
and, his sister, Bernice, came to Caes- ;pay over one hundred dollars to get
area to salute Festus and he told .his parcel through't%ie customs. He
them about Paul. 'Then Agrippa said hadn't thought of that! 'Hereafter' he
he would also hear the man and Paul iiwill, be ,consistent,
was brought into his presence in or- ! ,
der that Festus might, as he said, 1st LINE MORRIS ,
have somewhat to• write about him,” 1 r.. and, Mrs. Alex. MacEwen,
for it'seeineth to ane unreasonable. to spent a few days with friends in. Par -
send a prisoner, and not withal to ry Sound:
signify the crimes laid again,' pini, Mrs .John. Coiling and Miss Rhena
King Agrippa said to Paul, "Thou Coiling of Ripley, "spent a few days at
are permitted 'to'spealc for thyself;" Mr. Victor Haines'.;last week.
And the :society organized for social
and cultural purposes ,at the cross-
roads' or hi the village is just as re-
freshing, quite as 'interesting, more
wholesome arid on the whole i
Life on the farm is divided into two satisfactory than the turban organiza-
'distinct periods by the cycle of the tion,' escapes the sterilizing
.seasons. From early spring until late influence of the profssional entertain -
fall the seeding and the harvest pro- er, is free of pomp and artilicality,
de a contiuous life of ever changing and provides the opportunity Tor one
work that keeps one fully occupied; and all to express . themselves in his
when winter sets in, and, the long on her own way.
'but w
evenings 'encroach even on the day, Young hien and young women are
those diversions that coming to the front in these days more
there is;time for
keep one's being in tune with life' and than ever before, and are providing 'a
the mind at peace with mankind and leadership that is most praiseworthy
the world It is during the- winter. and inspiring. And some corrimunities,
months that young folk look for a -too, are organized, to the hilt with
measure of relaxation and : hope to ,choral, literary' and debating societies
mingle' with, others of their age in the'lthat radiate'a cheering influence in
spirit of mirth and wholesome pleas -'all directions; they' are, turning, the
ure. Many rural districts are ,losing. {old cloud inside out: and showing the
their: young: people simply, because silver lining.
ther]:'is no one willing to speak a
word or lend a hand in the encourage Wm. Robertson, having disposed of
ment of local organization for pleas- (his blacksmith business, wishes to
use and entertainment. The long thank his many customers for their
winter' evenings become dull' and mo- !patronage in the past and .extends his
netonous, the clouds thicken and even- {good wishes- to his successor, Mr e
tually the young folk make up''their (Armstrong.
lllMillillStIlM1116111u: LII' IIIMIIM111®111' „111®III2111
MI; St3eic
q(]�9111g11119Ui�fI IlIfA111llllt-IILII1M�lllll 1p�ll(MMIII#I> Illlgllll�ll]1111•
1• d
eclared his :life
upon which Paul'
from his childhood and how wonderful
fully he had been converted and call-
ed to be an apostle to the Gentiles.
Verses 19-23—Paul's, Special Plea
This was but another opportunity
for Paul to tell of 'his faith in Jesus,
Christ and of the witness he every- the ist line last Sunday
where bore• to the truth of what Mr. Thomas Ellis, visited at Mr.
Moses and. the prophets 'had proclaim- Jack Caseinore's last Sunday.
'Mr. and
R b
chiidi`en, 'spent Sunday at Mr. Will
Ro�iertson's of 'Beagrave.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Campbell, al.
so 'Mr. and Xi's. Jesse Wheeler, visit
ed friends in Seaforth.
Miss Mae Hunter, visited' friends on
ed, namely, that the Risen Christ was
the "hope of. Israel.
Verses 24-32—Pleading in Vain
Festus no doubt considered, the
story of the vision Paul told them he SCHOOL REPORT
had seen as an idle tale the outcome S. S. No. , i, Turnberry.
'of ':a too .vivid.. imagination', Then`, Sr. IV—Harry /Newell, Hazel Wil'->
too, Festus would know that the pris- son, Jean Orvis, Henry Finley, Mary
oner;tivas evidently a well' educated Pullen,
man and considered that his applica Jr. TV—B g
Mrs, Thos. Abraham, spent. a ,few
days with .her' daughter, ;Mrs. Robt.
Bernice Wri ht, Ada' Phip-
tion to intense thought hail helped to- pen, Georgina Pullen, Velnia Orvis,;.
derange. his" intellect so he :cried out: Gladys Welsh,' Jim: Cruickshanks,.
"Paul; -thou are beside thyself; much Sr„III-Eva Dickson, Doris Rollo
learning doth make` thee mad.” Paul way'. ,
at, once appealed to Agrippa to -prove Jr. IIF—Mac Groves, Mildred Phip
he " was not road. Agrippa had been peri, Gladys Newell, Viola Phippen,
many years in that region and could Thelma, Phippen, Howard Baker.,
not but have heard of Jesus and of I ' sr, TI=Mary Orvis, Beth Holloway,
II■Iillill,/ III' Paul. All the'persecuting 1?aul • had, Maud Kerr; Lillian Groves, Fred Fin-
■ her.. So • b
done and his remarkable conversion ley, Arline Baker.
= Were not things done in a cor. ,i Jr. II .Marion. Robertson, Stewart
II Paul,, addressing the'king, asked hint. •Ritchie Bill Thomson' Agnes Newell,
arra1 a question, which needed 110 answer Lillian 'Baker, Reg Wilson,: Annie
Fort J
Ask to see our line of China Cups and
Saucers, S le Price 3 for ........ .
Also a choice line of China Cups 'a ..,
S users, 3 for $x.,00
t & mmill ^illli71i1l9IlItllll�lmIlMI1!iIil0lll0III�111I�IIII I11M91UI19]II IIIM�IUm!]IIUIIII�I]]o116I'tlll6!!i
Ill - l _ a�.�
,, liglzest cash price paid for
live or dressed poultry.
—'Phone 62w —
� e Whyte
c.edn gCo. Ltd.
F. W..McAndless, Br. Mgr. '
3r 1,0
up ; ,tRa e
ry /1sta''] t o o r!': !."+th
ay ti; a, y dv t
i ..1` 1 9
—Writes a Shoe Jferch snt
'The .toughest prospects yield to
Long .Distance selling
Gp ego*
for Agrippa was a Jew and of course ;Dennis, Ted Holloway, Gertrude ,
believed the prophets, and, therefor Kicks, Austin Thomson, Pearl Finley.,
believed• what Paul° lied declared ist Class—iM:argueirte Plnppen, Ev.
about Jesus and the resurrection I ins. Wilson, Harry,. Bailley, Jiirt :Nett-
Paul.;never'lost '"an opportunity of.erfield, Norah Newell.
pressing home the ,gospel: message,,„, .Primers .H.aael •Orvis, June Groves,
neither riches nor station,in life de- Dor��othy,!Phippen,,Mary Cruickshanks,
50c terring him. t Agrippa did not deny Kenneth Rintoul, Ralph Baird, -Ades
his belief nor, like Festus, declare tele Baker, Gordon Thomson, Stuart,.
g Ld Paul to be beside' himself but confess- Holloway, Wallace ; Griffin, Velma
ed that his defence had made a deep Kerr, ,Herbert, linter,
- iinprssion on him, "But it was not a' ljl$ene cl can,
L.'St k'
_... lasting xinpi esszon 'Stokes m .
See ,e,ur lines of Children's Tea Sets, the :Herod, were:znagnifzcient, clever,
.,.are not loy sets, but sets that a child can use = krnptcy Apt
beautiful. But they were of the IN THEeESTATE OF THE- At-
for Tea Parties, to clear at ........60c per set earth, earthly. Agrippa said indeed RO CUSHION INNER TIRE :AND
' IlQI ..... ............ °, , ... $1.00 per set to Paul, "with but little persuasion RUBBER COMPANY OF ONTAR-.
= thou wouldest fain make zine a Christ-
hrist- IO;'LIMTTED.of the Town of Wing
ese his Acts of the Apostles, says that p OTT(",E TO *v1�ETiTTORS
Special vague in Fancy Toilet
gold and fancy decorated
-to $10.00 per set
IIU IIIfi' lit II
ian.'.' ' But it was not souls like his ■ ham, in t• he County of Huron; in -the Sets, white & , for whom the gospel message was in- Province 'of Ontario, Authorized As=,
from $7.00 1 tended, The Herods knew nothing of s ghee.
o ■
the burden of sin or the keen longing
r of souls desirous of holiness and of that the' Aero, Cushion Inner Tire and
Rubber Company Limited, of Wing -
I Il�lll�l I ISI I ISI I I®Ili�llllllll�III�II II■! IIIlIIIItIII■i I I�
III�iillilllll�III II] I�Ill�lll�lll■III�III�lll�lil�lll�l]I■Irl■III■III■III■III®III'
Iattery Servic+
Mr. Motorist --Your Battery re.
quires more than storage
Bring it in to us Where it .will be under con -
dant pia
. servation all the winter ,with
the object of prolonging' its lite and
thereby saving you dollars.
Vu1canizr g
God, They, were satisfied with 'the
present transient scene,' and enjoyed
it':thbrbtighly. Agrippa's .father when
he lay a -dying at 'Caesarea, consoled ,
himself with the reflection, : that
though his career was . premati rely
cut short, yet at any rate he had liv-
ed a splendid life. And such as the
parent had been, such were the chil-
dren. King Agrippa and his- sister
Bernice were true types`of the stony
ground—hearers, with : whom "the
cares of the world and the. deceitful- first Meeting of,the'Creditors in the
ness of rices choice " the word.'' ' And above Estate will be held ~ at the
they choked the word so effctuafty in Council Chamber, Town Hall, Wing -
ham, Ontario, on the eighth . day of
December 1925 at 1,30 p.. m,
TO ENTITLE YOU to vote there-
at proof of your claim must be lodged
with fns before the,meeting is held.
PROXIES id be used at the meet-
ing must'' be lodged with ane prior
AND FURTIIER take notice .that
you have any claim against the deb-,
for forwhich you are erttitled,to rank,
proof of such 'Clain' must be filed;
ham Ontario, did on the Nineteenth
day of November, 1925, male an au-
thorized a5signmeittoftheir Property
for the benefit of its creditors and
that Met. Edmund Weld, Official Re-
ceiver, has appointed 'lie to. be Custo-
dian of the Estate of the Debtor un-
til the Creditors at their first meeting
shall elect a Trustee to administer the
Estate of the -Debtor.
NOTICE is further 'given that the
I his case, even wlieix taught by St.
P• aul;,that'the only result 'upotesAgrip-
ii p• a, as St. Luke reports it, was this:
li "Agrippa said unto Festus: This man
might have been. set at liberty, if he
1-1 had not appealed unto Caesar."
Successful Christmas Sale
The girls of the, Victory Mission
Circle of the Wirtghain United Chtirch,
held a most successful. Christmas Sale
and AftertYoon 'Tea in the Council
� �. ' We ha G, die 11 s rats and sizes Electric
llydr:c 1 l mps our S i!1s ecId:.,, qty.
Every lamp We handle absolutely Oar
teed for service . nd efficiency.
Crawford lock.
\Phone 15.6.
1 nummO 1I MMoMiNildwMAM OY0ididiNINOtN,g
I Chamber, on Saturday, Nov. 28.' Boo- with me within thirty days froiY,t, the
the wore arranged fon Aprons,: Tow- date of this notice for, from and after
1j els, Fancy Work, Novelties, I-loine the expiration of the time fixed by
Baking and Candy. All these were subsection 8, of section of the said
= well filled and a great variety of use- Act, 1 shall distribute the proceeds of
fur ,and fancy articles 'were disposed the debtor's estate among the parties
- of at reasonable prices, The tea entitled thereto having regard only to
room was a favourite spot for every- the claims of which I have then
oils to enjoy a social time, The pro- lrzetice
111 ceeds goes tlirottgli the zlMission Cir I Dated at Toronto this 24,th day of•
pj .1c for t1Ye upkeep t
of heir cot i,zi Y,Novetxiber, tr�e5.
tepo -- G henftt Hospital, Wc9t China; and for -:T'dgar W, White
Ei the education of two Indian boys ht
x rterett
op 29 its idenee 314.1.111 Western Canada, The ^girls wish to W I-.., Joh&nson Co,, Cl a
ez thank all' who assisted hi ,making Accountants, 3d j eYa1 Balik'Builer-'
II1111110101101110111I 141111111 9 11 11111■pI1M111111■11.Il1iil1All1( this sale g success' 'rorotit:o, Ont.
y.Ou'.will never know how good your redipes
are—and row well ' you can make pies,
cakes, puddings and bread, until you've used
Purity Flour. Your dealer knows. , Ask him.
Send30cfor the 180 pcge Purity
Flour Cook Book.' Sent postp4M
�,.�. timrr1t 3 Head O fice-,TORCIXti to
, � balking Branches from coast to coast 2 -
We 'are loading a at of Pd»t017
Dull Thurs.. December r .0th, at Can. Nati De o>l,:
The Co -Operative Way—You. get all that is in it. Better the
quality, .Higher the prices. Tet us know, what
you( have. Phone 271.
The U F,
Ont„7 rioa `