The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-03, Page 1r,.raw*777*+nr,.,�.�.,m,.M„ UY your Saturday's Single Dopier, Five Cert ELECTION TIME AGAIN , Election time again is hare, The saddest time in all the year, It racks oui brains And gives us pains,' And spoils the.. Christmas cheer, FOR MAYOR ' What think ye of Tommy ,the Drover? Ville has served kis' for six years, and over, And rings to the test, As true as the, rest, For they all have shortcomings cover, t Or perhaps, you'll 'choose Andy, the printer To act as out mayor till next winter; If he wants to beat' Tom,:, He'll have to go some, But we know he's a pretty fair Sprinter, REEVE Some fellows' find' work just like play, With everything- coming their. way, With merit and pull Their systems are .full, We have Mack, for; example, to -day. THE NEW 'COUNCIL .Again we have Billy, the planer Five years he has been a rernainer, And we're glad he is back For he knows the old track -And there's no one whose judgeinent is saner. The next one is Charles, the Optician, 'Who is worthy to fill the position; He's big and he's wise And can fix up your eyes 'With glasses to suit their condition. Then, too, we have Blake, who 'sells ` 'books, ,And;n,ever .will' jump ere he looks; We are pleased that he came, For,;tliings were not the same Wfien • his 12at 'didn't hang on the hook. -Arid ',Mitchell, who used to sell pills 7.ill.help us to cure. the towns ills, .He's a pretty wise guy ' Not flying 'too' high lin whatever position he fills. ::21i. new man is Hanna, the. Seller, And jack is a pretty good feller, 'Plc' may drive the old ship .At'a.rathee fast clip, .But we hope he'll not bust the pro- feller. 'And Bobby the mo itiment,'man As ainew one to join with the Klan; aTo boost the old town, fiend keep taxes down We believe, he'll do all that he can., Old Perennial, The Ndble' Outcast The four act comedy drama "A No- b1e'Outcast' put on by the Kill Kare. 'Klan Dramatic, Club of Harding's School, Howick, in Wingham Town (Hall on Tuesday night under the aus- ',pices of the Wingharn Arena was a 'huge success. The cast of characters -were: ' • Gerald Weston, known' as Jerry the Tramp, Earld P. Johnston; Col. Mat- thew Lee, a Southern' Banker, Thos. Pritchard; James 13lacicburn, his tie - phew,: an tieseiupulous villain who stops at nothing, Harold Weir; Jack Worthington, blackburu's rival, in '4bve'With France,'' Elmer Giles; Fran- ce, a disputed possession} Minnie Gra- ham; Sadie, faithful, but free, 'Hilda Donaldson; 'Mrs, Lee, wife;' Of the Colonel, Mrs; Thos. Pritchard; Offic- er, Glenn Donaldson,, It would be nowise for us to :say that any particular person starred but can truthfully say they all took their Parts exceptionally' well. niEW Marne *f .' 1e% Isamally i Coated Thi core Vidette VVroxeligr Lie s, nstmas Gifts, tear at Presbyterian Bazaa WINGFIAMVI, ONT. TI-HURSDAY, DECEMOER 3r� us " right Overrules Appeal Will Hear rgua ent on Fri After hearing a number of 'techni- cal' -objections td the application for a mandamus :to. Preview the counting of ballots in the North Huron election, justice Wrightthis afternoon said there were sufficient'faets 'established' to justify the issuing of an order for the appointinent.: fde adjotirned,the hearing of theap- peal until Friday afternoon next, Hon, Newton Wesley Rowell, :K.C., appea- Shirley" Dennison, K. C., for George re for the appellant, J. W, King and Spotton the Conservative candidate. The seat, was first awarded to Mr, King, Progressive, the sitting member but on a' recount by Judge Lewis it was awarded to his Conservative op- ponent, Mr. Spotton, on the ground that 342 ballots were irregular. '"This irregularity consisted of the deputy 1925 CHURCH taniles In the Baptist Church on Sunday Evening the Pastor will start a series of sermons on'the Boole of Daniel, In made the, recount'to comp] with the Chapter 12; the Lprd says, s "But Y 4 y, 1'rroyisions of the Dominion Elections thou, 0 Daniel, Shit f up the Words, and Seal the Book, Even to the Time of the End: Many Shall run to and. fro, and IEnowledge Shall be Increas ed." We believe we are in 'the. End Time now, which makes this book of vital interest for this present' time, Bring your Bibles and enjoy these studies. All made welcome, Rev'. Mr, Pinnock, a' ziiissionary on furlough from Africa gave most in- teresting addresses in Wingham on Sunday. He has ` been. in Africa for thirty-five years and can tell many interesting, thrilling and heart: rend - Act, it being claimed in ,this case that judge 'Lewis failed to comply with the act in throwing out the 'disputed bal- lots. It is claimed that Judge -Lewis should have counted these ballots.' Mr, Denison first raised objection to being made a party to the appeal, as he had billy appeared at the hear- ing for a short time. He, couldn't. "understand the partisan zeal". 'of ap- pellant's counsel. He also asked why they had not hadthe'caae tried, Before the routine ,judge, Justice Kelly, in- stead of seeking to have it heard be- fore another judge. ' Usually it did ering tales of the troubles which he not matter, but in a :political case it and other missionaries have encount= was not desirable• ered in their efforts to christianize Mr. Rowell said that it was at the the blacks of Africa. He spoke in the request of Justice Kelly that, the ap- United, Church' in the morning and in returning officer's failure to removeplication had been made, - to Justice the Anglican Church in the evening. the• counterfoils •on these ballots. ,Wright, for it was Justice Wright At 8.3o -a large number of people at- tended a mass meeting to hear his il- lustrated talk. which were, therefor thrown out, and, being a sufficient ,number to change the result gave Spottdn a majority. The appeal is :based on the provis ions of the Elections Act whereby ap- plication may be made before a judge of the Supreme Court for a mandamus 'ordering the cotinty court judge who. that would be hearing the matter. Mr. Denison protested that he had no retainer from some of the parties who had been served, ' Justice Wright said that the fact the appellant's counselhad come.before him was• something over which he had no control. RETIRE FROM PUBLIC LIFE Mayor W. H. Willis Who has made a most • efficient Mayor of Wingham for the past two years, who has decided to retire from public life. Shareholders Meeting A meeting of as many of the share- holders of the Aero Cushion Tire Co,, as'.car make it convenient to be pre-' sent will be held in 'the Council Chamber, Wingham .at ea o'clock on Tuesday morning, `_ Dec. ".8th. This nieetiri'g is called with a view to gett- ig'the- shareholders together to dis- cuss matters generally affecting them: A. Gr; Smith, Report of Hog Shipments. For week ending Nov. 26., 1925: Wingham, Total Hogs, r2g; select bacon, 44; thick smooth, 76; heavies 6; shop Bogs i; Wroxeter, total hogs 42; select bacon 8; thick smooth 23;. heavies to; shop hogs r; Bluevale,.to- tal se; select bacon 16; thick smooth 53; shop hogs 2; .Belgrave, total .139 select bacon 39; thick srnootali; 84; ty total hogs, exoe;' select bacon 63g; heavies 6; shop hogs 8; Huron Cotin- thick.stnooth 1199; heavies irg; extra heavies 3; . shop hogs 68; lights and Feeders XS, The Late John Yeo A very highly respected man • was john Yeo, whopassed away iri Turn-. berry on Tuesday, Dec. 1st., after an Regular Lions Luncheon: The last regular fortnightly lunch- eon of the Lions Club, was held on Friday night in the Queen's Cafe and was well attended. It was ladies night and euchre was playedtiin the club room after luncheon. A splendid program of music was put on acid ex- cellent addresses were given by Mrs. W. F. VanStone and Rev. .11-1. W. Snell.. Refused Custody of Children, Habeas corpus proceedings= launch- ed by Laurence Smiley, of Dungann- on, Ont., seeking custody of hi:s'. two little daughters, Frances 7, and Jean 3, failed before Justice Morrison, in Supreme Court Tuesday, when the court granted an order giving the mo- ther, Marie Smiley, of Vancouver, possession of the two children: The mother, it was said, left ]Dun- gannonwith-the infants: last July and 'when the father arrived here he instit- uted proceedhngs' against the :Provi- dence Orphanage; in New Westmin- ster, where the children had' b°een, pla-: ed: In giving his decision, Justice Mor- rison rison said. he refused to consider the case on its legal aspects alone, but was''inclined to exercise common sen se, looking to the children's, develop- ment could canine later,, he added. Miss Mackenzie, congregationalist missionary home on furlough from Angola, Portugese, Africa, gave a most interesting talk to a fairly large congregation, at the thank offering meeting of the Women's Missionary. Society in the Wingham United chur- ch on Tuesday evening. Miss Mac- kenzie lives in that part of Africa op- ened up by Livingstone. She gave a most interesting account of her work in Africa, of the history, religious cus- toms, fears and superstitions of the. natives. Miss Mackenzie says, that al- though she spends the greater part of her life within loon miles of the.equa- tor, yet the people of Canada need not pity her in the hot days of sum- mer for Angola is s000 feet above the sea level and therefore not too hot in the day time and often quite cool at night. Mrs, W. H. Willis presided ovei- the meeting. Mrs, (Rev.), Benne ett read the bible lesson. Miss Jean Christie sang a solo in her . usual pleasing manner and the Misses Hazel Brandon and Peggie Garniss rendered a fine piano instrumental,. Blacksmith Shop Sold Mr, William' Robertson has dispos- ed of his blacksmith shop to Mr, W. C. Armstrong. Mr. Robertson has been in the blacksmith business in Wingham for the past seventeen years coining here from Blyth. He has made a host of friends. His success- or; Mr. Armstrong, is also a former resident of Blyth, he was in the Hol= mes blacksmith stand for a few years and later has conducted the North End Grocery Local and General News of Interest to The o munit Mr. Wm, S. Linklater, will caja'vass the town for subscriptions for the Bi- ble Society in the near future.. ,Mr, C. B. Robinson ot 'Stratford, was a business visitor in Wingham this week. For Christmas! Siipperst Get them at Greer's. Miss Minerva Morrin of : Detroit, Mich., is visiting her aunt and uncle Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Gibson of Centre St. Ship via Dominion Express. C. P. R. tickets and telegraphyin connec- tion. Phone G. L. Baker, Phone �7 The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary to : the General illness which lasted about three Hospital will be held in the Council weeks. • He was in his 77th year and Chamber on Monday afternoon, Dec. never 'married. When but a lad he moved from Wellesly with his par- ents andhas over half a century on the farm on which he died,' The late Mr. Yea was of a quiet honor- able disposition and' never aspired for any honors or joined with any socie- He' is 'survived by, four sisters and four brothers aria: Mrs. j. 3. Denman of 'Vancouver, Mrs. 'R. King, Toron- to, Mrs. T. E. Waller of Brampton,, Mrs, •A, I' oirues of Bluevale, Joseph of London, . George, William R. and Robert, of Turnbetry, N, The funeral will be held from the home of his 'brother,; Mr, W, R. Yeo, Oa hursday'afternoon to Bluevale ceinetery, The, services will be coin ducted by Rev: A. V. Walden of the United Chttrelt and '; t i`e •pallbearers ill, be his four brothers, a coirsat Wxn.'''toe acid >s. i tar.' 1 tat tiler,,, 7th,, at 3.45. Mrs. John Henry and daughter Charlotte, of Edmonton,' are' visiting at the home of her blether, 1VIr. W. Jos. Henderson, :Diagonal Road, Mr. C. D. Shackleton lets purchase ed frotri Mr. Jas. Fowler, the property of the late Mrs. Isabella Patterson, on Frances Street, and intends to reside there. Give' her, Greer's Slippers and you give Happiness New reliable battery service, Let us have your battery this winter. We have the latest in battery eguipinent. Our aim it to give your battery 'lotig- er rife at the lowest cost,' : Wingham Fire 8t Valcanizing Depot, Phone Shop 48, Residence 3x4:''' .A pair of . Greer's Hockey Prices, 'will mak the I3oy your friend he byterian ladies' hold a sale of all kinds of Fancy Work; Quilts, Handkerchiefs, Flow- ers, Bulbs, Home -Made Baking and Candy and Country Produce Fish Pond for the children and a parcel post booth, Afternoon tea served. Sale opens at two o'clock, Saturday, Dec, 5th., in the Council Chamber. Christmas! What to Give! : That's Easy! Footwear from Greer's. Persons requiring papering, before Christmas, should speak for time at once. Large stock of papers to choo- se from. Elmer Wilkinson, Decora- tor. Phone 228, Some choice Snow Apples at fifty cents for :a large basket well filled. Good Cooking Apples for sale, rn,ust be sold at once. A. W. Webster, up stairs over The Advance -Tires Of- fice. Buy your Saturday's Baking and Christmas Gifts at the Presbyterian Ladies Aid Bazaar, Saturday, after- noon, fternoon, Dec. 5th. Sale opens at two o'clock, M:r, J. C. Linklater, principal of Gannanoque, Public School, and a for- mer resident of this vicinity was one of the speakers at the laying of the corner :Stone of the New Central School iri that town. ubscx Itidtz Contest for Mayoralty,Ace".' ou el ; o .ru ne , S oo' It' is too bad that the citizens of and J, S. Morgan. Wingham do not take more interest J. A: Mills, by J, 'W, '1oXibbon in the (Municipal matters of the town. Irwin Pattison.. On Monday' night there were only a H, i',.- E11iotG lx , y very' few present at the nomination Lott.. q Is and the'liall' was. about half filled of J. Hanna, b j. W, McICibpoka n ter the nomieations to hear the con- A. E. Porter. cillors and candidatesgive an acemintb' to Wm.is r, by �,.. Lott' and' of their stewardship„ Nash. W. ' H. Haney,. by J. W; McKlbbo,nt Pelis,' 'a REEVE BY ACCLAMATION I sincerely thank the electors of Wingham for .electing me as Reeve for" 1926 and will serve you to the best of my ability. J. Walton McKibbon. Out of the eleven nominations for' Council there was a good deal of coaxing before six would qualify and: save the ehpense of another nomina- tion and possible election. The following is a list of those nominated and their movers and se- conders: For Mayor:— Thos. Fells, by T. R. Garrett and Arthur Fothergill. A. G. Smith, by Jas. Gilmour and E. J. Nash. W. H. Willis, b.y R, H. Lloyd and. J. S. Isard. For Reeve:— J. W. Mc (ibban, by Irwin Pattison, and J. S. Morgan. For Councillors:— Chas. Wilkinson, by Irwin Pattisoin and A. Ctaens, S. Bennett, by A:. Cosens and lire¢,` Carter. , D. E. McDonald; by W. R.':Hane;y<' and T. R. Garrett.. Mitchell, bye T. Felis and WM'. H. Willis, R. A. Spottore byV., H. Willis ancf.�: T. Fells; Robt. McGuire,. by' A.. E. Porter and, J. W McKibbon: , W. H, Willis, br T: FelIs'and C. R„ Wilkinson. For Utilities Commission: -- Wm: Holmes, by; j. Dennison and David' Hamilton. For Public SchooPBoardii—` Ward I—W. H. Riiitoul, by Chas. Cooke, and W. E. Scott. Ward II --N, L. Fry, by A. G. Smith and J. J. Casemore. Ward III—R. H. Lloyd; luy W, Taney and H, 13. Elliott Ward IV—Rev, H. W. Snell, by J.' W: McKibbon and Wm. rebister. Those who qualified for the Conn - are Messrs. C. R. Wilkinson; -J. W. Hanna,, E. J,. Mitchell, W. H. Haney, R 1 - Spotton;. and H. B.:.Elliott. Mr. Abner Cosens was,. selected as bhaismran at the Monday night meet- ing and the following were called and gave short addresses in the order gi- ven below: Mayor Willis, Thos= Fells, G. Smith, Reeve McKib'Iimr, Com miss%cmer William Holmes;. C: R. Wik- iilsne, W. H. Haney, S. Bennett, H. B. ElTifnt, j. W. Hanna and Robt. VeGlsere. Mayor Willis and A. G. $inial went into' the finances of the town• and the future possibilities of tax. redaction. Mir: Fells particularly spoke on the affairs of the street' committee. Mr. Mr:. Holmes and Reeve Me-Elibbon briefly thanked the electors for re- turning them by acclamations: The. former gave a statement of tfie assets and.. liabilities of the hydro, shop and d'epl'ored the fact that the town had lbst the rental of loo horsepower from the Aero. Cushion'Tire Co. Pay For Pool Eggs Those who have pooled eggs at the. United Farmer's Co -Operative Co's. Wingham Branch, maycall at thein office on or after December 5tle,4andi receive payment for same. • J. A. Wilson, Manager. Won A Scholarship The many „friends of James: R. Allen, will be glad to,know that he was successful in winning the Sarah Edria Peterson Scholarship 'of apprro- mately $3oo., at Huron. College: Ladies Guild Bazaar The Ladies Gelid of St.. Pauls chur- ch will hold their annual.bazaas in the Council Chamber on the afternoon of Dec. x2th. Sale of Homemade Cook- ing, Candy, Towels and Fancy Arti- cles. Afternoon tea will be, served from three to.,six. Sale commences at 3 o'clock. Box `Social The Annual Christmas entertain- ment ands box social' will be held at the. Stone School on' the evening of December . 15th. The program will co,nsist of a shortplay entitled "Wait- ing for the <Trolley," music, drills etc. A prize will be given for the best de- corated box, Adiniission 55 cents. Farmers Club. Dinner The Farmers: Club held their annual oyster supper at the home of Mr. and Mts. W, M. Anderson, East 'Wawa - nosh on Friday night and the number mho had dinner was well over one hundred. As host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. Anderson cannot be surpass- ed, we know whereof we speak for the editor and his wife' were guests at last year's dinner in their home and would have been there again this Mr. Dave Davidson, gave his par- year, were it not for a. previously booked engagement, .;After thetables were relieved , of a goodly; amount of the dainties a short program was'held anti t.o say that Mr, Joe Kerr was the chairm ti is0, r readers that a jolly 0,00d. time was , spent.. Short ay were being addresses ltvere gitcxi by Reeve, "Goirl- eiioh Govt. 'by the. tos, Mr, Win, Rutherfor'doi" St. alµ 0,,410 O. tt; etre aid • Mt 0 0, ,41:t44 30 ii; ents, Mr. and Mrs,. John Davidson, a pleasant surprise : when he landed linine ,on Saturday , Dave` is superio- tende'nt Of 'Wainwright N'ational 1?arlr ra ;lortlierit, Alberta He :;;came east rix itllare of tw A ; utfalo' and 'three t,ti4}tlltta4t, .'$pats r, p eS.ente to the G,nrer The Bank, While returning from Wroxeter ane day last week, Mr. 11. B. Elliott had the misfortune to. let his auto slide down the steep, embankment south of the Bluevale bridge. For- tunately no person was, haat and the auto 'was not seriously damaged Huron. Publishers Meet The publishers of. Herrn. County zmrt in Clinton on Friday afternoon and organized the Huron Branch of the Canadian Weekly Press Associa- tion. There was a large attendance and the meeting was addressed by Mr, Louis F. Ball, tlie• recently elect- ed Manager of the Cenadiasa Weekly Press Association, Officers elected were: Pres,, G. L. Hall, Clinton, Vice Fres,, J. M. South cott, Exeter; Secretary -Treasurer, A, G. Smith, :Wiugliaari., The next meeting of the Associa- tion will be held in Wingham when it is hoped to have the Bruce and Per- th Press Associations as guests of the: Hurons: It will be held in April. Huron Old Boys The annual meeting of the Huron' Old Boys' Association was -held last night in the auditorium of the Central Y. M. C. A. building on College Street. About one hundred rnembers of the association were present, and Mr. Ralph S, Sheppard acted as chairman, Reports from the carious officers were accepted by the meeting and plans for activities during : the Coming year were discussed. The election of officers resulted as ` fol- lows: Honorary Presidents, Sir John'' Willson, 'Mr, T. A. Russell and Ralph S. Sheppard; Presidentty' Bert ''l3. " McCreath; Vice-Presid Mr; J. A. Cattier(); Mrs. 11. I . rrson and Mrs. H.: 13. Stowe,, Sotre tory, Mr; E,. Ploody;'Assistrtnt Secre• taty, 112iss L lr atterson; 'X''ie,as trcit", Mr, joitn:•Robertson.; Pl coda]'SatreM tory Miss:, Lucy lowers; ' Auditor,a ISIr ,Arthur t t tltcs acrd. , 'r, lobe:re' i3tti10/ Chatl)140, acid 499., nts4'