The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-11-26, Page 5at"srlsty,OPIONNIMOMII
beg 26th,,
VA C 471,011
IN 414
Best Seedless Raisins 2 lbs
for .._... .�:.�.. ........ 25c
Large box matches 3oc
7 cakes Castile soap
Fresh dates per ib
Laundry Starch, per ib roc
Corn Starch
Jelly powder., 3'pkges for 2,5c'
Monarch Blend tea 75 for 59c
Laundry soaps 5 cakes for 25c
Dutch Cleanser
Corn Flakes
Baking Powder, x lb tin 25c
Good Salmon y_2oc i:J
Great response and hundreds of satisfied customers returning o
r more Dry Go ds, Coat
Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Groceries. You save on every DollarsVs/4th of G ods b
at his Blg Unloading Sale. Some lines of goods haveh sold ou
ed t�� rplace'th, gin® � � � �, S t ' ��h�� lines°,�r��� rdn�a
Every de artmeni in the two stores contributes Values beyond expcctati,ri ns. Plenty ;, t s lespe ple h
Everything On Sale, Only
l�at roomtor ° a here
m a few sale qu tlI . tions here. tree and to ik throat
:Men's Suits on
1 Elia
1 m 75 Overcoats, Men', s and Boys . Mens Underwear Heavy all Ladies Heavy Bloomers ..:g5c One rack of Ladies' and Mis-
sale now at ....- Heavy Winter Overcoats less Wool Ribbed Stale
ao ,per cent. Price : __ .„._._� ... ° Chintz for Quilts yd wide y3c see' Fur trimmed all wool
Men's Felt Hats value , up Whiter Coats 23
"' cc
to $2:50 Clearing Boys Fleece, Lined Under- SILK—Clearing lines of Tai- Coats, your pick 15.00
95cwear, Shirts and
, feta and. Duchess silk sale
Drawers RUGS—All sizes of Wilton
Men's Silk Ties doll- , tapestry and Brussels Rugs
Mens Fancy Pattern
ar value now .__ S new patterns and colorings
Shirts Sale _..._�.,_.._ on sale Iess 20 per cent.
0 v eralis
5 doz. Mean's
Snag Proof,
well tri a d e,
heavy Over-
alls, reg. 2.550
sale : $2.19 1
$s. Ladies' Fur Coats worth
95 $zoo.00, now
Ginghams Checks ihn
going at _..
5 pieces Flanneletee strip- .
es„ sale
and Stri-
pes English. Ging- 9 m!
ham 350 fo...__
Fine quality Pongee Silk 590
Litten Towelling on 'sale i8c
Yarn, best quality gray
scotch finkering+lb m
Irish Linen Tabling,
2 yds wide Sale ..::
BLANKETS -10 pairs All
Wool, large sibe best gra-
de Sale
English flannelette blankets,
large size
Corsets, clearing line value
up to $3,0o a pair sale $1.5.e `
HOSE—Silk and Wool and
all wool
Flannelette, yard wide on
Underwear, Ladies Vest bar-
gain _• 5gc.
r I :,.• j FLORIDA
cls i„ix
(Continued from page 1.)
after, starting .on again the sun was
shining, and quite warm, gttite a Chari-
ge, The scenery is beautiful here and
one can see for miles, we quite often
run across cars with a wheel off and
other parts broken, sometimes one in
the ditch, Farmers here very often
have the name of their farm along
with their own name put on a board
in front of the house, • beautiful farms
here when nearing Cincinnati; Tour-
ists coining and going anti lots of
ren tramping along the roadside with'
heir bundles. The cars too are head-
ed with every kind of article imagin-
able, that the tourist can . use., The
sun is just commencing to go down,;
and the scenery here ; is grand, one
an have an idea what it would •be'
lIr!/taliti mesh iinum w ! t
rt hen"it shows up so beautiful in No- heautful scenery, small trees seem to
vember. We have met with all kinds grow to the very peak of the moun-
of people, including the colored race 'tains, got lunch with: a family of 4 en
I'd which U. S, has a •good share. route to Florida, they came fromoN.
'There is a marked difference in the. Dakota, but they had spent the past n
temperature singe we left Toledo, winters iu Florida and as we were go-
1This morning it is quite mild and ex. ling in the samedirection, we: let them
pest it will get warmer as we jourey take the lead. They had a Hudson
'South The speed cops are busy Coach We have good cement roads;
;here tonight cars are running 5 narrow and wincing the mountain, side,
labi•east, one funny looking auto just Potatoes are $4. a bushel and are go-
passed us, built in the shape of a hou- ing higher. All the way through Ken-
se, painted brown and white and had tucky 'the land looks poor, red: clay
small windows in ;it,. Gasoline 18c a soils they grow an ernuiense amount
' gallon, wine measure. In Cincinnati of born and have it piled up in the fields
ewe change from 6 to. A Dixie High- lots of cattle; horses, mules, sheep and
way; We passed through the city se- goats here, also pigs out in the fields,
veral times and all being lit up, made We are nearing Paris and meet a rear
a, :wonde 1 g
rfui. sight, we crossed Ohio many niggers driving mule teams, hor-
River.and wished it had been daylight ises are smaller than the majority in
and given us a cance to take in the Canada. Coal is $6 per ton here,
sights, we took rooms for the night Perfect scenery all the way, the 'high
at a small place called Independence, mountains, wooded ravines and rivers
12 miles front Cincinnati and ares with sunshine above it all make t'
the snottn airs andva les a Baran
s the
like in the good old summer time, t ' 1 y , pp t ce complete, We are now
II It `Mr'
ursd •y, Friday• Saturday
11.1M Mt COMM ISOIRWMIO.1.13111.11115.0M0•10M1141101
Sauce Pans .,.._28c,• 38c, 480 Epsom Salts, 4 ib. _•:-_.,.W_25c
FryPans ..,28c, 48c,' 68c Sulphur,;;5 Ib. _..:.._.. .. _____250
Double Boilers . -, ,_....r.6o Pure Saltpetre, lb, 18c
Mg Potato Pots. with Cover _.1.48 Oyster Shell, so ib. - -,..x..250 1 can scarcely see the car ahead of us
Price per cwt... w_.;..,,,r,50 1 We are now in I3area; people walk-
White Wash Basins ____,430 'Poultry Grit, 1z Ib .25c ng around without coats and hats,
IN White. Chambers 650, ..........s.35 is
lovely and mild, We stopped. for lun-
5 , 75c, 85c Price per cwt,
White Cups and Saucers 15c "Royal 'Purple" Lay Mash m ch here, a fire lust now caused an ex -
or 6 for...•.,..,.,......_.._..___._....,8oc g Ib. pkg.., Se • citernent for a while' and this is where,
Johnston Wax -.. ;............780 Leg Band's, all, colors ea: we lost our Florida friends, so many
Sana -Flush . - .3oe Heavy', Jute, lined Horse Blatt- 1 cars getting 'nixed up, we never found
la Toilet Paper, 5 rolls -......:,2,c its, extra.value, ea Ww....$g.00 ■ them and missed them' for they were.
14 Stair Treads, ea-._,-,_zg0 ■ nice company, We started on up the,
IN 'zinc Waah Boards _:-..• oc Axe Iianales. rl IN winding 'trail of Mt. Vernon- t
6 _-.. ,..,"25c.iip the
l el Nail <Hammers ,29e Er, American Coal Oil gives $ grandest scenery imaginable, we seem
y p �.y better light, less smoke .,....250, wi— to bo eIitribirig all the t'i'ne now, it •is
.baYic Lam Globes _,,,..„„,„250'
now 7,,o>p, iii., wo have come :a. dis�
11 Gold, P.
G., Noptha !..ttu id>rY Soap°'lance of 240 miles today, coming 135
(with ether purchases only) ...,.,... .ba ars miles through .th
g e mountains alone, we
It Several ra Second Hand Stoves in Goodnula< RI stayed at Pineville ata tourist camp -
NI ing ground for •5oc cacti meal aitd 2Sc
each for
We are now nearing Tazewell and
still among:
the hills, are on the New
Genic Highway A. We have loft tho
crossing a bridge at the foot. of .he
mountain 400 toll and no Canadian
@(l money taker'. To look down from
(j the side of these mountains 5 or goo
N ft, well ane glance is sufficient. There
0 ■ are small houses built here and there
up the 'mountain side on a ledge Patt-
i" ing out from the mountainside, we
■ 'came nest to Richmond with the Au-
® I.tos all parked' in the centre of the
i 'street, a busy looking place with a
1� good supply of the native sons and
1 daughters. Often we see a 4 mule'
�, team loaded with corn,. also several
cowboys in the saddle, the mule walks
so slow, The dust is flying now and
Tho are I `
�4 .H
IMMOMMOCIN" , i''Main " II M1Iip0NSIMM .. ,:Moan_- II MOM
lve ycou
MIe stacl'.
jThe small houses they live in on the 'dens
mountain side can easily be movedon other
a low truck, we passed one just now 'on a x gong and had
with -3 small vjndows on each side to waita safe to go
and curtains on them, all set to live over, we journeyed on till 0.30 comm
in. I see a man about 400 ft up the that day 28$ miles and drove into
mountain taking cobs of corn into
sacks, he then lolls it down so they
I®? lsli'M 1 Ir IS
and flowers all out in bloom, an- tourist camp amongst some tall pines
holdup on the road, the plank for the night, we started away again
bridge broke through h at 7 a nn,, a cloud Morning, till it was mad �" g, we are
now zo miles from Altanta City,' we
see them .drawing in' bulky looking
a Continued next week
can load it into'wagons, standing
waiting there. In places the water is
rushing out of the mountain side. Ev-
ery half” a mile or mile niay be seen,
Mules standing saddled at the front
of, a little cabin waiting for his, rider,
that is the only way they can travel
up the hills, they have the tele-
graph wires all through the mountains
the auto wreckers are busy for some
places are very narrow and going
around so many curves that is where
the accidents occur. Just snow we
came alongside of'a truck of oil ly-
ing on its side, had got a little too
far off, they were towing him out,
there were i7 cars in a few minutes
lined up. Before this new highway
was constructed, it must have very
lonely for the settlers away from the
outside world. We are now enter-
ing Knoxville Tenn., Io,30 a. m., we
have come go miles since 7 a. m. A
lovely city, fine large buildings nicely
painted, large and roomy houses very
,narrow streets, a sigh up at a crossing
says there were 3r people killed this
year, ,w.e changed here to No. z Lea
Dixie nice new road. Everyone is
rushing around in shirt sleeves,' . chil-
dren 'are in gingham dresses, bare
heads and feet, going to school, the
country is nice and level but nothing
15+r= ii„:,li`.'tijr a ill, ,,f1Iffci::e. !e H".'1 $„tM:51'n
ig irek, e ice
.',.a ;°*:sCaveZ 0
Write for Pratts Poultry, Book and Advice Riau,
Send l04 for 160 page Iiook,lllustrated
like. the Canadian `farms, the cattle is a
titin, the land won't seem to grow any-
thing ;not even. weeds,' flocks of crows a
here, also geese and: turkeys .all col- —
ors, . We are passing a little green
house on trucks from Detroit oil its i
way South, changed on No, 2' Dixie.
again and are going to cross the Ten- fit
nesee River on the, Ferry, 6 cars on El
the boat, including the truck with the
little house on it, 25c tool here;
Soldiers 1V1ilitaryInstitute is a wond-1
orful buildnig at Sweetwater. The next
place is Elowai where Nw we.come to the:LI
first bad roads as they are- tarring the IA
Athens f-xlghway, we have come
into the !1st sotto
n fields and quite ii
a nninber of natives are out piekng; --
cotton into baskets, smile grand build-
ings are being built in: Athens, wide
cement streets. We are riot tong in
getting back the 'the country again and
fiiOlilMltl}iltlOM IflRlllEI11i1lIIMW iIIOMIIII OMOI „
The Hous ,, : f Quality
A splendid quality of Franey
Crepes in Silk and Art Silk in a
wide range of patterns and col-
ors all 3s in. wide, regular $zoo
Special $r.49 yd
Our regular $3,3o Satin Duck,
ess, absolutely fast and guaran-
teed, a heavy quality that. will
give extra wear, 36 in. wide,
Special $2.95 yd.
Four ply knitting yarn for
Sweaters, Monarch Rnit, ni a
host of shades, regular 35c, 2 oz
baps, Special 23c a ball
Silk and. Wool Hose in Cocoa,
.Pongee and Log Cabin, full fas-
bioned and widened top, size Si
to ro, regular value $L25, Spec-
ial gsc pair
and of ivraplc and Apple .Orchards, a the sun shining over the fields of blue I t
good way behind and are amongst the grass and cotton fields makes a strife- 4d
P'lee Trees Axid a few aeattered cedar. ing picture 'have noticed several gar. l
ililli]fgflllilIlt61llillllli'IIINIitf ll
A fine quality yarn for Sweat-
ers, etc,, in a range of colors, x
az balls regular 15c value, Spe-
cial roc ball.
Heather Shade Union Sweat-
ers, suitable for everyday wear
Size 36 to 42, regular $2.5o spec-
Boy's Pullover Sweaters in
Fawn and Sand.. with_ colored
collar and cuffs, regular $2.00,
Special $r.50
,F'LANNirL SHIIRTS $2, xg;
.MVletr's Military Flannel Shirts
Khaki shade, waist lined, full ”
size coat, style, sizes 14 to 17,
regular : value $2.75 Special. $2,xg
Men's All Wool Worsted
Ifose in. a Heavy ribbed quality
Black only, regular value 7oe4
Special 500 pair
IfNIII IIINIINIINIII l.II (110illfdl111 lipgll»Pillll 111 illi1111