The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-11-26, Page 4e�stas ift�
y not choose early while stocks
are Complete?
.A. small payment down will reserve any article in our large stock
until you require it,
Our stock ia'.very .complete and our prices arelower than last
y e We our usual line of articles suitable for Christmas
Gifts in, Stationery, Perfumes, Kodalss, Chocolates, Toilet Cases, Eb-
ony and Ivory Goods, Fountain Pens and many other articles,
The "Red and Gold Line" is a new line of goods comprising
'Gifts suitable for all occasions from 5oc to $7.5e each.
The Bulb Bowl complete with bulbs in an ideal Gift for moth-
er, 'right now 75c to $4.5o each
Drug tore
isezh ;ivi; Ont.
!Tao Stupe
Phone 53
Coupe, right, worth $73, more than
eve ask. Terms to . shit. Craw-
PHONE—Use the telephone : when
you want: a good fat chicken or a
fat ,.hen delivered promptly. We
also, have: for sale red carrots, beets
'pa"rsnips, cabbage, onions and pick-
ling, onions. John Kerr, phone
good dwellings in the town of
Wingham. V. R. VanNorman;
LOST—Pair of dark rimmed glasses,
with gold nose piece at Wingham
High School. Finder kindly • leave
at this office.
Our Personal Mrs, Tas, A, Caspell, returlted £
her home in Cleveland this week, a -
It xxi Column ter visiting her mother, Mrs. James,
sr,, andattending the funeral of ;•ler
r. and. Mrs. R° ;A, Spotton were brother, the late Z Obert W, James.
isitors in Harristan en Sunday. i Mr, and. Mrs. Henry Vrxter and fa^
Mr, Geo, M. Robertson of Ypslanti rally left on Tuesday for Florida;
Mich., is renewing 'acquaintances in where they will spend them a p he Winter, ter, The bride wore a becom'ing dress of
.#own, Their many friends wish the land of warm weather, p
McCreigiat--.Mann iptia.1.s
A quiet wedding took place on Wed-
nesday, November XI, 1925, at the
Manse, Walton, when Flora May, on-
ly daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Wan.
Mann of Monl:ton, became the bride
of Mr. Roy. McCreight, Atwood. Rev.
Chandler officiated,
Thurs b y'y ;Nc'vem.ber 4th,„' x a
iIl11 NI�li I11� oitt1119MII1ppI111�I11>WNIIII IIl�Nk11 l 44-
owder blue crepe, with ,touches nf•
Mrs. Capelaisd, 'corner John and ant. time in gala lace,' gold hose and black satin II
Minnie. Sts., spent a few days in Tor- Mrs, Ansley met with a painful' ac .bridesmaid,ii f
cident, •one evening,' recently. While sister of the groom; was ,
onto. * standing on the cough to pull down and wore an ensemble suit of powder /
Mrs. A. M. Hannah and daughter, the blind she over, balanced and fell
are spending a couple , of weeks in heavily to the floor, receiving a se -
shaking as well as a badly
were shaking up
Mrs. S. H.Gidley'of BIyth, spent a er
H rristor: Marie, is renewing acquaintances
Mr. Ale c. ' Murray of a !this vicinity: Mr. Cornell•is Supt. of
Spent the
kis sister, Mrs,' W. Phair• one of the delegates to the dinner at
Mr. and I(rs, Giles of Fordwich, 'Government House, Toronto, at
visited for a few days this week at which Mr. McGrath, the. successor to
the home of Mr,' W. Phair. , the late • Sir Adarn Beck, outlined his
Miss Jean Tervit has:returned home policy of harnessing the St. Laurence
after spending a two' weeks holiday power.
with friends in Windsor, Walkerville,l
and Galt. Card of Thanks
Miss Gonzaga Kehoe of Detroit, is We desire to express to the many
spending a month at the home. of her kind friends and dear neighbors, our
parents, Mr. and'Mrs, Peter Kehoe, appreciation of their, sympathy and as
Patrick St. sistance during our •recent bereave -
Mr. Jos. B. Scott, and daughters, rnent, also to our Pastors, Revs. Ben
Miss Beulah. and Eleanor of Petrolia, nett and McIntosh for, their kind
spent the, week -end with 'his sister, words of sympathy and consolation.
Mrs. W. R. Dyer. ` —Wife, ''Children and Friends of ` the
late Robt. W. James.
Mrs, Julia Day from,Gerrie visit- j -
ed. Mr. and Mrs.'M'ackersie last week'' gLYTH
and we all had a good time and ap- I Mr. R. M. McKay, returned •on. Sat -
'Miss Doris 'Fells as accepted .a lu- urday from s hunting trip.'
Mr. and rs. C de of S. Marys
crative position in Toronto. She was
accompanied to the City by her mo -are visiting Dr. and'Mrs: Barnby.
ther, who spent a few days there. ' Mr. Joseph Taman, ' attended the,
ed .arm and hand.
few days at the home of her.daugh r William Cornell of. Sault Ste
ter, Mrs.D.Somers. in
week -end at the home
. of 'the Public Utilites in the Soo and was
and navy blue. .The, groom was sup-
Ported by the brides' brother, Mr.
The groom's gift to the bride was
a substantial cheque, to the ,brides-
maid, a varsity , case, and tothe
groomsman, a gold signet ring..
Mr. and: Mrs; McCreight left on the
afternoon train on a ,short honey
moon, the bride travelling in a satin
faced sand crepe dress, black velvet
hat, and taupe p:arvella' coat: The
happy young couple will take up their.
residence at Henfryn, where Mr Mc
creight recently purchased the store
Listowel Banner. ,
m I�r
. .:t res:
Our hero was
when all
Archie Mann,
AGENTS WANTED -An exception-
al opportunity for an energetic man
whole or spare time. Full line of
trees and shrubs. We supply free
,'selling outfit and pay liberal com-
missions. Start now Welland,
Nursery Co., Welland, Ont.
ere,: -s INY
Iii Values
I Tumblers, each -- ..-......5c iii;
Nappies,' 6c —
� each w �,
I® S• erving Trays, from ....•. ^ -... ?5c
,,:: Fruit Bowls, from -•,•........4„.......29c
— xgc 7
Dust Pans, each ,, ._ �Y c �, :
S• lippers, per pair _..,..:,..:..,^.-. 51
® Slipper Trees, gilded, pair ......zoc _
ii Individual Steel Frying Pans:.
Special Value, per 1 5
dozen for _.-_._ ........-
is said and done; . These are most suitable for !-
He worked hiss head: off daily and' ® Christmas Gifts and are'very �-
was out to get,the MON. : ® inexpensive.
The reason for his diligence was `�� Each
place 'tis` true—I
H tried .to swell his salary'so it = p
would do for •TtjE I ® Th T a �.�d 6e�� � t®�1 -.
And maybe that's the reason why one _ ,
day lie lost his head ill 1111®III'' 111®1110111151111®11'11'''®Ill III lip
And falling on his knees, he cried: 1.7-7._
1!y virtue of a warrant under the
hands of the..Mayor and Treasurer of
the Town of Wingham and having the
seal of the said ''Corporation attached
thereto, bearing date the loth day of
September,' A. D. 1925, commanding
me to levy upon the lands enumerat-
ed hereunder for the arrears of taxes
respectively duethereon together with
costs. NOTICE IS HEREBY given
that in accordance with the Assess-
ment Act unless such taxes and costs
WANTED—Good store location, rea- are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell
s culars rent. Write, giving full par -
by public auction the. said lands or so
ticulars,to Box Sao, Brantford, Ont. ,much thereof as iiia, be necessary for
FOUND -A sum'.' of money on Fran- *the payment o the taxes and costs
Street. 'Elsner Wilkinson, thereon at the Town Hall, in the
iTown of Wingham on Monday the
corator, Phone 228.
' 8th day of I3eceiiiber, A. D., 1925; at
HOUSE FOR SALE John Street, - the hour of two o clock in the af-
one of Wings atn's nicest moderate ternoon.
Priced dwellings. E. J. Mitchell. Lot, Part of Park 12; street, Jose-
.:;phine West; Acres, 1i; Patented or
WANTED General housework by Unpatented, Patented; Taxes $135.81. IN
vance Office. W. A. Galbraith;
Treasurer, Town of Wingham.
T—One spare 30x3i tire and Arai i -
Belgrave. Finder leave t Ad 1'
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Platt, have re -
'funeral of the late Mr. Robert James,
hear Wingham on Saturday,
turned to' their home in Port Colborne Mrs. Charles :Harvey of Exeter,
after visiting at the • home of Mrs. spent a few days in this vicinity.
Platt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel The Women's Missionary Soceity of
Burke. Queen St. United Church, shipped a
Miss Doris Walker is home from barrel of fruit to Toronto on Friday.
Toronto, visiting her mother, Mrs. Is- Miss 011ie Magill, 'Mrs. Riddell,
aac Walker, whom we are pleased to visited friends in London this week.
report is recovering after a very se- Mr. John Barr attended the Winter
vere illness. •Fair in Toronto.
Dr. Hambly and Mr. Geo. McKay Mr. and Mrs; James Logan visited
have returned from, their hunting trip 'friends in Toronto during the week.
along the French ,River. They`attended.
both'' . A number of our citizens
"Oh, maiden, wilt thou WED.
He- may have thought' this sudden,
but it seemed not so to her; :I
She lisped a quick acceptance and'
said forcibly, "Meth'.; THUR. r
But when they went to keeping'house'
he feared he would die;
enjoyed: the trip' and brought home a the'sale'of the .late .Mrs.,.Cole at Clin-
couple of -fine deet, ton on Saturday.
For, oh, that modern maiden could
neither bake nor FRI.
She could - not run a bungalow, or ev-
en.:run a flat,
So on many occasion in a restaurant
they. SAT.
But he forgave her everything—as
man has always done—
When she presented. him one day a
bouncing baby SUN.
Mr. Russel Copeland of Toronto,.is
visiting with his mother in town,'
Personal Greeting Cards
In many cases there is only one do
zen of the same ,kind of cards, A.
couple of ladies came in to look at.
our cards on Monday, one to buy, the:'
other had already purchased hers.
Both were loud in their praise of our
assortment and the lady who had al
re'hdy got hers exclaimed "WhyI paid:
$3.75 per dozen for my cards and they
had to send away to have them print-
ed, and yours are much nicer, too.” ,
We cordially invite •the ladies of the
town and vicinity to call and see our t ,
assortment of Christmas Cards. Fold-
ers neatly printed with your own
name. etc for $L5o: per dozen, $2.50
and $2.75. All new stock.
dpi®sibwa Rl llaimsa1ll�IM®®sea®', Viii }III®'$$$$$$$$$$ $$
good capable
gir 1. Apply at Ad- Costs $32,50, Total $168.31. a
on 'November 13, between Blyth and • BLUEVALE
same a - , The Women's Missionary Society of
vance and receive reward. the Biuevale United Church, intend
holding a bazaar, in -the basement of In
FOR SALE—White enamel baby cut- the United Church, on the afternoon
ter with white leatherette, hood. Ap and evening of Friday, December, 4th. iTcri
ply to GeoF W. Casetsrore, Bristol all sorts of articles also home-made
Terrace. ;candywill be on sale In the evening 114
WANTED-- Lady wishes general {there will be an admission fee of 15c.
iculars A program will be given and a social gi
housework. For further part
appy, at this officer , good tune, after which lunch will be 4
i i
,_, served: Lunch twill also be sold at
NOTICE " ,ihe tea hour. It
All persons who 'lave not paid their i. Miss Zelma Ttirvey is spending the
cemetery dues for re25, or accounts week -end with friends at Drayton. a
for work at the Wingham Cemetery' The W. M. S. of the United Church 8
are requested to pay these in as soon met on Tuesday last at the Parsonage 2�
' convenient to that the accounts ,there was a large attendance and a ;1
Profitable time spent, a a ' '
li year maybe completed. The. P
kind co-operation of persons interest- .
d will Abe ttee. appreciated by the Ceme^ Church, put on a social can Friday en- , Special i Ue i Women's ill and 'Wool loner,•
r}= Cornii�itt,ee. �enitzg. Everyone present had an en- � .-.:_
b �
Men's : Rubber Boots, first
quality, made to stand hard
wear, White Sole, Roll edge.
1��11®S ;raa,ihe llXi
111�11111h111®1111�1111�U1EI111®1111@II IIIMII ll�'I11
S1-1 1'" STORE
lid 111®llll®III,+II1�IIIEII1aa 11112111�III�111_
Men's Black Rubber Boots,
plain edge,: red sale Best Quali-
Overshoes for Men and Boys
in one, . two and four. buckles
fot c op • The Mission Band of Bluevale ltl
SPECIAL—Adjusto (as:' pictured)
in Lighter Weight Jersey I"4s
EXCLUDER—A £ourbuc-.
kled Galosh at , an unusually
low price. Fully guaran-
teed, too!' Specially made
for school wear for bigger
girls. Women's sizes,' 3 to
8, at
ADJUSTO-- '(as pictured,
combine's two .buckels and
two dome fasteners. "It is
made to fit each heel height
and is a particularly attrac-
tive style. In 'Cashmerette
erre Cloth $450.
Cloth, Special Price — e' In Finest Jersey
Misses' Col sites
Childre''s GolOs
sizes ll t -r 2 ........ $2.75
es; sizes 7 to 1O . ,..' . $2.4W
111^":1111011111111181110111i11I I1X111Nt111�111gII1B11111
1III IIIHMli1®111
25 pairs in Black or Brown
Kid and Calf Leathers, Sale
3o pairs in black, brown and 111
patent leather, Special Price ..
Women's one strap comfort-
able House Slippers
Electors of the joya )e EAST WA TANOSH Leather To
NOTICE ollt� 1&3tAt(isn
A nreeting„ of the pRubber c��i ,�
Town of Winghafn will be held for 1 The W. M. 5. of'Brick : United �rdya Proof, first sgatali�
the Nomination of candidates for Ma -;Church' held a very successful sewing ii!
yor, Reeve, Municipal Council, Public meeting at the homeaof Mrs. Franlr.,
Utilities Commission, and . Public"Thompson on Wednesday last. There .,
School Board os Monday,. November ;was a splendid turnout of ladies and ° $
soth., 1925x, at 8 o'clock hi the Town they worked so industriously that
Ha11, they now have quite a thox of quilts
Candidates must be nominated in and clothing for charity work.
w.vriting; the mover and seconder •Mr. and Mrs. Wellings were at Sal- ! is
must be present at the meeting. lett on Sunday, 11 ?bone
The electinti,, if required, for the? Mr. Wilfred IeVittie, visited 'with in
said candidates, will be held on Mon -;lits uncle, Ur. Joe Kerr this week. 4 ,�
day, December 'lb., s425, at 'the poll- Mr. Harold Kerr, visited at Sam rINC °IR
1 y�-law, r7eacoii's on Sunday'.
lag' places trtentioned in the B ,.,
174 . A, Galbraith, Mr, and Mrs.' Joe Iteri`, visited with Ni
Retulrniug Offie4r.Mrs, W, J. Kerr en Sunday,' I11EiMikI Mei all LIM IN4I 'Alli NIVINN NISMOCid
U a
,. .
W imen a first qual.......95c
Misses' first qu.:'ity- . 85c
hildren's first goes.... 75c
II1aN $ I MI$
$ $$$116$11M$igII$