The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-11-05, Page 1li
With which is ama1ga a* d. The Oorrie V aIeUUe ,said The ro
ere*' News
ingle 4opies, 'Five Gents,,
Roy Mel -mod of The Advance -Times
Is The ,Candidate
A very helpful and a mueh enjoyed
Alder Boy's Conference was held last
Friday evenini and throughout Sat-
urday in the ,North Street United
Church, *od'erich, " Charles Mason,
Theodore 'Robertson, Will Kew,, Jack -
Field and. Emerson 'Bennett, represen-
ted the Tuxi&Boys of Wingham Unit-
ed Church at this conclave, and in
their •feport to their •class on Sunday,
they reported that they, ;had had a
very . beneficial and jolly time. While
in Goderich they were right royally
♦entertained. ,The honor •fell to Wing -
ham to "have
ingham.'to"have one of its representa-
" rives,' Theodore. Robertson, elected to
the position of Deputy Grand Preator
of the conference.
After the 'boys gave ,their. -reports
on Sunday the subject of the Older
Boy's Parliament arose and Roy IVIc
Leod was :appointed to „represent• his
class in The North .Huron constituency
election, Nov 28, 1925. •As there will
be a number of other candidates runn-
ing also,
unn-ing:also, North. Huron can again look
forward ,to another rousing election.
Campaign work is now hi :progress,
anyone desiring to 'learn more of this
movement or to aid our candidate in
anyway, kindly get in touch' with the
candidate or the campaign managers,
'Theodore ,Robertson, Pres.; Emerson
Bennett, S, c.-Treas. Watch' this ; pa
per for welcly notices. "Don't Cri-
ttciSe but�oost.' '. "
" 3fit only Dsteerned Lady Passes
Mrs J. W. Smith, of Patrick Street
wingitam, wife of : a well-known buy-
er of the town and: vicinity, died after
.a lingering •illness.. Deceased was in.
her' '66th year. Her ni.aiden,name -was'
Sabina Kime t nd she was: born in
Doncester, Yorkshire, England. Mr.
"and' Mrs.' Smith were married 43 years
ago. Before coming to Wingham
-they resided'. in Milton, Ont., and took
up their abode here about 'four years
,.ago. Mrs, ;Smith made many friends.
She was an active worker in St. Pettis
Anglican Church: and,, the services
_were . conducted'.' by Rev. H. W. Snell
-on,Tdesday,'at 2 p, m., intermenttak-
-?Kg place. in' Wingham cemetery. •Sur-
,,,,,'" viving, besides her husband, is one ne-
phew, Mr. A. J. Northrop, of Wing -
The pallbearers were Messrs. T. J.
McLean, C. P. Smith, C. R. Wilkin-
son,' Wm, Moore, Dudley Holmes and
J. S.' Morgan.
'The' Funeral of yrs. Isard
The funeral of the late Mrs. H. E.
Isard was held to Wingbam cemetery
on Friday ,afternoon last. Impressive
Services were conducted at the -family
residence by Rev. M. M; Bennett and
Rev, W. -D. McIntosh of Wingham
United'Church.' ' During the service
Mrs. A. J. 'Walker sang, "Peace Per-
fect Peace." The flofal tributes were
numerous. and beautiful. The pall-
bearers were: Messrs, J. A. Mills; Dr.
Redmond, W. W. 5. Greer, Dr. Irwin, A.
- E. Lloyd and C. P. Smith:,
, Those from a distance who .attend-
ed the funeral we're: -W. A, Mansfield
Lindsay, Miss Gordon, Paisley, Mrs.
John Smith, Port Elgin, Mrs. (Dr.)
Armstrong, Port Credit,Mrs., Elgin
,Currie, North Bay, Miss Mable Isard,
Toronto, 'Mrs, John Myers, Kincar-
dine, Mrs,'JA. Nash and Mrs. Geo,
Lucas, Sarnia; Mr. Chas. Isard Tor-
onto and Mrs, M. Isard,' Kincardine.
•We have a most complete new stock
f' Christmas Greeting Cards at about
half the regular pi;ice. 'Come in and
het first choice, ---The Advance -Times:
IrrviAiTc Charlie Sites
Kdrr&i;ul �ip';k41
King Is -The Choice of
The Electors of North, Huron
Mr. J;. W. King, Progressive-Candi-
rogressive-Candidate in, North T-Iuron, ,has -the distinc-
tion. of being the only pian to, be elec-
ted to the House of Commons in the
Federal electia�s last week on the
Progressive ticket' in the Prdvinceof
Ontario. The only other Progressive
elected is the one and. only lady
member of the House of Commons,
Miss Agnes McPhail.: Just who will
be the leader of ' the Ontario. Pro-
gressive in the Federal Parliament re-
mains to, be seen.
J. W. King, M. P.
.The results by polls in North. Hui--
on's Federal Election last Thursday
was givenus as follows:
' King Spotton
Wingham,.Ward, x 62 • 148
2 65 150
86 167
118 x85
30 93
365 739
Majority fol. Spotton 378,
' In 1921 election, King 149; Spotton
698. and. Fraser 314:
King Spotton
West Wawanosh . 5 66 89
2 64 72
5 23 52
3 38`" •58
4 82: 36
6 66 17
339 324
t Majority for King 55,:
King Spotton
-x 53 87
5a. 74'
2 120
3 78
Majority: for King 154.
Majority for King 25,'
Brussels I
Majority for King 1.
g6 :.. .71
8o ' 89
53 37
89 95.
222 22I
Ring Spotton
94 57
88 '24
79, . 40.
82 .. - 37
56.. 51
87 . 40,
90 39
97 20
T<Ing Spotton
93 84
68 86
109 178
4 142 156
5' 97 76
6 55 6o
564 64o
Majority for Spotton ,76,
fn the 1921 election, King.
Spotton 534, Fraser 149.
King Spotton
East Wawanosh 1 53 . 27
2 83 85
90 59
73 40
47 35
346. 246
Majority for King 100.'
5.925 election, King 460, Spotton 179,
Fraser 5o:
orris x
King Spotton
86 41
67 72
79 69
, 74
Majority for/King 53o.
192r election, King 614,
274, and Fraser' -'525,
King Spotton
I 79 56
2 28. 62
3 103,
4 69: 24
279 195
Total Majorities
King Spotton
West Wawanosh .._
Brussels ,:.: ' •
Grey _ .-
East Wawanosh
Colborne _
673 3.08
Majority. for. King s55,
King Spotton
,° 851 5207
Majority for Spotton. 396.
King Spotton
• 74 1x8
2 53 110
127 228
Potton 101,
Xing Spotton
x 70 68
2 59 77
7x 68,
43 •63
'x19 ' t;
78 x5
82' 19
Majority for
4 -.
Majprt► 'for, Ring
102I! +lection, mitt:.
5045 951
Total majority for King -94.
Died in London
Mr. James Elliott, formerly of the
Wingham brickyard, died on Novem-
ber 3rd; -at the • home :of his daughter,
Mrs. David Kemp in London.: Funer-
al will be at Sault Ste Marie. Anoth-
er announcement next week.
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of The Huron
County Children's Aid and Humane
Society will be held on Tuesday even-
ing, November ,oth., at 7.30 in the
Baptist Church,' Goderich. Officers
will be elected' and reports given, The
County Warden and others will ad-
dress• the meeting and lantern slides
will be used to illustrate the work.
The .Public are invited.
5x2 ,3x1
Rev. Crawford Tate, Formerly of
Bluevale. 'Accepted Call,
From the Sault Daily Star of Sault
Ste Marie of Saturday, October 24th,,
we take the following which will be
of interest to many of. our readers.
"The first ,induction into the.
United Presbytery of Algona, took
place last night when the Rev.
Crawford Tate was inducted into the
pastoral charge of Echo Bay and as-
sociated congregations. The chair-
man of the p'resbytery, Rev. 5. S.
Duncan, conducted:, the .service, as-
sisted by Rev, W. L. L. Lawrence
of Central Church,
"Rev: S. ,Martin, of Bruce Mines,
addressed . the congregation in fitt-
ing temps, urging cooperation in all
"Rev. James Binnie, • of Parry
Sound, was present and after words
of counsel and congratulations on
the new pastoral relationship, spoke
in behalf ' of the maintenance and
extension' work of the United Chur-
ch of Canada.
"At the close of the induction ser-
vice, a congregational reception was
tendered. to Mr. and Mrs. Tate:
"Mr. Tate, who begins his work
at. Echo. Bay under most promising
conditions, has been at ' Bluevale,
Ont„ for over 12 years. After
church union was consummated
last summer a local union was af-
fected between the former Metho-
dist and Presbyterian congregation
which released Mr. Tate for other
work. The Presbytery of Algoma
is delighted to have his services on
one of its fields." '
Rev. Crawford and Mrs. Tate have
many warm friends : in this vicinity
who will be pleased to hear of their
continued prosperityin their new,field;
of labor for the master. Rev. J. S.
Duncanreferred to in the above arti-
cle is a former minister of Lucknow
Presbyterian 'Church and also ' well
known to many readers of The, Ad-
vance -Times and Rev. W. L. L. Law-
rence who assisted him' in the induc-
tion services is also well known ' to
many of our readers as he is Provin-
cial Grand Master of the Orange As-
sociation of Ontario West.
Grocery ,Business Sold
Mr. W. C. Armstrong has 'disposed
,of 'his stock of groceries to Mr.' Free-
marif"of Teeswater and the stock will
be, moved to Teeswater.
Soldiers 'Attention!
Veterans Thanksgiving Church par-
ade will be held to St. Pauls Church,
Wingbam, next Sunday evening, Nov.
8th. ' Will all soldiers and returned
men meet at the Arinouries at 6.3o p.
in. to march to the church.
C. R. Wilkinson.
Sold Carriage Shop
Mr. Wm. Dore who has been, act-
ively engaged in the' carriage' making
business in Wingham for some years
has sold out to the Mount Forest Car-
riage Works. We understand Mr.
Dore will spend the evening of his
life in Winghain.
Local and General News of
Interest to The Community'
Mr, and Mrs. C. D, Shackleton have
moved into Mr, 'Russel Blooinfieid's
house on Edward St.
Dr. W. R.-,23amblywill be away
frotmP'his office; from Tuesday, Nov.
3rd., till Friday :Nov. loth. •
Mrs. Geo. Giver, Shuter St, enter-
twined the members of the Eastern
Star Club on Friday evening.
The Eastern Star Euchre in their
rooms,' in the Parish Hall has been
postponed from Friday, Nov. 6th to
Friday, Nov. 13th.
A baseball pitcher gets as high as
$4o,000 a year, and a preachcr around
$2,000 to $3,000. Perhaps it's the dif-
ference.i delivery.
Thanlcsgiving, next Monday, Nov.
9th., iS a public holiday. It ' is also
Armistice' Day, All stones and ,places
of business will be closed.
Mrs,!. 1. J. Kehoe is "attending the
Catholics Women's Convention in
Windsorthis week. She will visit
with her faintly in Detrol before re-
Sorry to learn that Mr. Alex. Don-
aldson, ' formerly Bell Telephone line.
man at Wingham, 'was .hurt, when
twoocaro collided in a heavy Suow-
sttsratt .ttea:r Ilarristotta week ago.
per yL4a'd
Wingharn Municipal Electic ; .
On Monday, Decem er 7t
All the members of Wingbatn. Coun
dil were present, at their regular mon-
thly meeting held. on Monday night:
His Worship Ivlayor' Willis; presided,
A communication from Mr. Braelt-
'enbury; principal of the Wingham
High School asking for a grant of $25
to assist in paying the expenses of the
Cadet Rifle Team to London, was or-
dered fyled,
A . communication from a Toronto
concern asking about the possibility
of securing suitable foundry building
for the nlanufacrure of an aluirtintiu
hot water radiator wag read, The Ma-
yor, Council and Chamber of. Com-
merce are making a thorough inves'
Reeve of Wingham
Reeve IvIcKibbon was successful
this year in having a readjustment of
our payments on our pavements, so
that the County returned to the town
about $4000.00 a saving of ^over 3
mills on our taxes this year and as a
complete readjustment will' be made
next year, it is to the interests of
Wingham that Mr. McKibbon be our
representative at the County Council.
tigation of the matter and for the pre-
sent, at least, we are not able to pub-
lish anything definite.
A communication from the Muni-
cipal Review of .Montreal, asking for
a 75.00 advertseinent from the town,
and a photo of our war memorial and
subscriptions for' the councillors was
laid aside.
The council refunded $ro to the peo-
ple who put on the charity euchre
being the amount of hall rent.
The report of the Finance Committ-
ee recommending the payment of the
usual gist of accounts was adopted on
motion of .Coups. Smith and Bennett,
Mr. Fells,. chairman, of the Street
Committee, reported that the sidewalk
around the Lepard property had been
completed. He recommended that the
catch basins be cleaned out. He also
prophesied that the town would !rave
to build a new septic tank in the near
future as the present one was too
small and runs over at times. Mayor
Willis asked if he thought it would
have to be built nest year, to which
he said he believed it would. Mr.,
Fells said the road at the side of the
pavement in front of the ,Fertilizer
Factory needed gravel as did also the
road over the C. N. R. tracks into
the Stock yards. Reeve McKibbon
asked Mr. Fells liow much they agreed
to pay for the work on sidewalk 'hear
Lepard's. Mr. Fells said x9 cents per
square foot which included filling.
Coun: Smith and Reeve McKibbon
asked in regard to the two large lights
turned off near the park, if the Street
Committee knew just that the saving
was to the town, and said they found
there would be absolutely no saving
until the end of the year. The maj-
ority of the council expressed themsel-
ves as favorable to have the lights tur
ned on again,
Mr. Haney, chairman of. the Prop-
erty eotnrnittec, said they were having
the fallen brick cleaned and piled sit
the Fertilizer building " also the hole
in the wall closed itp:i;n case 'of a'wind
The bylaw providing for the ap
pointrnent of' electiont booths and el-
ection officials was read' and, passed,
The municipal nominations will be
held on Monday, November ,3oth, and
the elections ' Ott Monday,December'
Ward 1•.-Txw;Robertson's
Mrs, Bert Vansickle's friends will be
sorry to learn jhat slie unfortunately
fell at her home on Thursday and
fractured her .collar bone,
Mr, and: Mrs; David Irving of Col-
umbus, Ohio, are moving to Wing -
ham and will' reside in the Carson res-
idence on Victoria St, They will have
the fortner's' parents as .their guests.
this winter..,
Mr, Fred Davis, formerly of Gode-
rich, and a nephew of Mrs. H. Davis,
Centre St., Wingham, is Conservative
member -elect for East Calgary, de-
feating Wtn. Irvine, progressive prem-
ber in. the last parliament by ov4r
Mr and Mrs. Charles Campbell,
of Ilelgrave, .announce the . engage-
ment of their daughter, Janie 'Viola to
Mr. James Chester Wightman, son of
Mr. and VIM John Wightrnan of Bel -
grave, the marriage to take place on
November gtli,'
Clothing made to measure by A.
W. Webster, is made, to fit. Is made
at a moderate price. Is made to re-
tain its shape after being worn, is
made to last and stand . hard wear
without ripping. A. W. Webster, the
Tailor, up stains over.' The Advance -
Times Office,
Edgar Pattison, D.R.O. and John Me -
Cool' p 0l1r clerk.
Ward 2--I6 Davidson's implement
shop, with Chas. Bowden, D.R.:O, .antJ,
Mrs, Joynt, poll clerk,
Ward 3 ,In: the Town Hall with
Lloyd Hingston, D.R.CI: and R. J. Day
poll clerk.
Wart.4 -In Baker's Express Office
with T; R. Garrett, D.R.O. and Thos.
Deans, poll clerk.
Ward 5 -In. A, Bell's house with A.
E. Angus, D.R.O. and W. T. Miller,
poll clerk.
The Court of Revision will meet on.
i ,Thursday'night. of this week and the
statutory :meeting of the council will
be held on Nov. 16th,
Hospital Day Donations
344 jars of Fruit, Jams and Pickles,
x Bag Salt, i Bag Apples, vegetables
of all kinds. $1.75 cash. The Ladies
Auxiliary wishes to thank all who
made donations to this worthy cause.
May Build Curling' Rink
A few ardent curlers _ are asking the
question whether or not there will be
curling in Wingham this winter.- The
curlers met some tune ago and made
an offer to rent the Stephen rink, but•
he decided he would not rent. It is
now possible that the 'curlers will .de-
cide on building a curling rink. ' No
arrangement made with the Wingham.,
Arena for ,parttime would work out
nearly so satisfactorily as if the curb
ers had °a rink of their own. Prob-
ably a curling rink erected near the
Arena would serve thecurlers to bet-
ter advantage 'in ease of holding a'
bonspiel in Winghant they could no
doubt rent the Arena ice for a day.
Let's 'get the ball rolling now before
it is too late to be of any service this
The newly elected officers of the
Curling Club are! -Pres., Don. Rae,
Secretary -Treasurer, E. J. Nash, Exe-
cutive Committee, Messrs, J, A. Cur-
rie, A. E. Porter and A. M. Crawford.
Morris Boy Weds
A quiet and preti:y wedding was
solemnized in the United Church Par-
sonage, Victoria Road, (the home of
the bride's sister), on Saturday Oct,
31st,, at 3 : o'clock, when Rhoda,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J_
G. Howey of Lucknow, became the
bride of Murray, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Ross of Wingham. The
bride looked charming in a gown of
sand georgette over crepe with bridal
wreath. The impressive ceremony,.in
was performed by the Rev, G. W.
Gardner, brother-in-law of the bride,
with the bride and groom standing -be-
fore a bank of .flowers. After con-
gratulations and the signing of the re-
gister, the bride led the way to the
dining room which was beautifully de,
corated for the occasion, where all en-
joyed a happy repast, Later 'in the
evening the happy young couple left
on a honeymoon for Toronto, Hamil-
ton, Niagara and other points, the
bride wearing a beautiful gown of
rose and brown cut -velvet trimmed
with fur, with hat and shoes to match.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross after their return
will reside on the groom's farm near
Wedding Bells
St. Augustine Church on October
28th., -vas the scene of a very pretty
but quiet wedding, . when Louise M.,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dev-
ereaux, became the bride of Mr. Alex
ander Morrison of .Parkhill, Rev.
Father McCardle performed the cere-
mony and sang the nuptial mass.
The bride who was given in marri-
age by her father, looked charming, itt
a becoming gown of powder blue bro-
caded velvet and crepe de chane and:
wore silver, shoes and hat, also wore
the gift of the groom, a necklace of
pearls. She carried a beautiful bou-
quet of roses and pone, pants. The
maid of honor, Miss Agnes Devereaux
of Detroit, Looked sweet itt a gown
of shirley crepe with hat to match.
Her bouquet was of roses. The
groom was assisted by his brother,
Mr. John Morrison of Parkhill.
At the conclusion of the eeret x xiyy
the bridal party motored to the home
of the bride's parents, where the wend-
ing breakfast was served, after which
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison lett on the af-
teriaooti train for Toronto, Niagara,
and Detroit.
The happy young couple will reside
on the groom's farm treat Parkhill,
where they have the but wishes Of a,
host of friends.