The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-10-08, Page 2VV`xNGaA ADVANCE -TIMES
Published at
Every Thttraday is/laming
aA, G, Smith, Editor and Proprietor
Subscription rates -One year $2.00,
liar. months $1.0o, in advance.
Advertising rates on application,
Advertisements without specific di.
erections will be inserted until forbid
%rid charged accordingly,
Changes for contract advertisements
be in the office by noon, Monday.
1925 O,TOBER 1925
Su l�io Tu We Th
11 12
If you flirt with satin you must ex-
pect to have the devil of a time.
When someone invents dry ink
'then will be time to stop thinking of
blotters. Business men should put a
'neatly printed blotter in all account
envelopes sent out.
'Robert Forke, progressive leader,
condemns the King Government as a
poor administration and yet the Liber-
als in Ontario in many ridings are
backing the Progressive candidates,
and vice versa.
(Continued from page one)
Best Draft or Agricultural Team
hitched to wagon, 1st., $xo.00, donat-
ed by J. W. King, M. P.; and., pair
Leather Top Rubber Boots, value.
$6.5o, donated by W. H. Willis, Dun-
can Grant, Wm. Watson.
Fastest walking team, 1st., Neck -
yoke, donated by Samuel Young, Jas.
Best Individual Mare or Gelding on
the ground, 1st., $6.00; 2nd., $4110, pri-
zes donated by George Spotton, G. T.
Dale, Win. Watson.
Best Brood Mare with three of her
colts, either draft or agricultural, one
colt to be foal of 1925, one set of
Whiffletrees, donated by Chas. Jobb,
Alex. McDonald, Teeswater. ;
Best Four Colts, foals of 1925, sir-
ed by the same Stallion, $' divid-
ed. evenly. Prizes donated by C. G.
Campbell, Alex. McDonald, Wing-
ham; Robt. Scott, Peter Fowler, Jas.
Best Road or Carriage Horse on
Halter, 50 per cent. for individual and
50 per cent, for training, xst,, 5 gals,
of Motor 011 by the British American
Oil Co., and., $2, donated, by W. H.
Davidson,, j. W, McCracken, W. J.
For the best four colts from Com-
modore Prince, $io, donated by Gray
Bros. Robt, Montgomery, Thos. Con -
Best Draft or Agricultural Colt 2
years or under, 1st., $5.00, donated by
A. G. Smith; and., $3.0o by W. C.
Reid, G. T. Dale, Jos. Gaunt.
Best draft or agricultural team in.
harness which has been : purchased
from T.' Kew. Harness and team to
be the bona fide property of the ex-
hibitor, Whip, value $2,So, Jas. For-
Carriage -Single Driver, j. W. Mc-
Cracken, Listowel, 1st, and 2nd., Geo.
Roadsters -Brood Mare, foal at. side
Wm. Mundell, t Arch. Patterson;
Spring Foal, Wm. Mundell, Arch.
Patterson; Single Driver, W. J. Ro-
berts, Fordwich, Geo, H. Tervitt, J. C.
Currie, Jas. Brown, Teeswater; Team
in Harness, John Weir.
Best Gentleman's Turnout in trott-
ing class, 1st., $5.00, donated by Dr.
Redmond; 2nd., pair of driving gaunt-
lets, donated by W. H. Gurney, value
$3.00,. W. J. Roberts, J. W. McCrack-
Lady Driver, outfit and manage-
ment to count 5o per cent„ 1st., $5.00,
donated by R. Vanstone; 2nd., $2.00,
donated by A. Cosens, W. j. Roberts,
J. W. McCracken.
Best Pacing Horse, 1st., $5.00, do-
nated by A. Robertson; 2nd., Pipe,
value $3.5o, donated by W. R. Dyer,
5, C. Currie.
Shorthorn -Breeding Cow, milking
or near calving, Henry Johann, 1st,
and 2nd.; Two-year-old Heifer, Henry
Johann; 'One -year-old Heifer, John
'Turner, 1st. and and.; Heifer, under
twelve months, Henry Johann, 1st.
and and.;,Bull, under twelve months,
John Turner; Bull, over 1 year, under
2, John Turner; Aged Bull, Henry Jo-
hann, Wilfred Murchison.
Herefords -Breeding Cow, milking
or near calving, Thos. Taylor, 1st. and
2n'd.; Bull, over 12 months, Foster
Marshall, Thos. Taylor; Bull, under
12 months, Wni. Lyons, Foster Mar-
shall; One -year-old Heifer, Wm. Ly-
Polled Angus -Breeding Cow, milk-
ing or near calving, Frank Todd; Bull,
over 12 month', Frank Todd; Bull,
under 12 months, Frank Todd, 1st.
and 2nd,; Heifer, under 12 months,
Frank Todd; • Two-year-old Heifer,
Frank Todd; One -year-old Heifer,
Frank Todd, rst. and 2nd.
Sutherland. Holsteins or their Grades -Breed
For the Fall season we will reduce the price of each roll of
sidewall paper by one third. You will be in the home more during
the cold weather so here is an opportunity to beautify it with high
quality paper at very low prices. Old prices are marked in plain
McAvoy's Dn'.g Store
Phone 18.
Nyal Quality Store,
... T
SHOP . e o.
We handle all grades nd sizes Electric
Duller. Hydm'u, Lamps our Specialty.
5 For $1. 0
my lamp we handle absolutely ,guaran-
teed for service and efficiency.
i,rnrioid Block.
Phone 156.
ing Cow, milking or near calving, W,
J. Currie & Son.
Grade (beef type) --Breeding Cow,
fnilking or near calving, W. J, Currie
& Sons; Heifer Calf, calved since last
show, Foster Marshall, W, J. Currie
& Son; Steer Calf, calved . since last
show, Foster Marshall, W. J, Currie
& Son.
Fat Cattle -Baby Beef, 15 months
or under, not to be shown in .other
regular section, Wm, Lyons, Henry
Johann; Fat Steer or Heifer, any
breed, W, J. Curie & Son, 1st, and
Best Shorthorn Bull any age, 1st.,
$6.00; 2nd., $4.00, prizes donated by
Alvin Smith, Wilfred Murchison, Hen-
ry Johann.
Best herd of five cattle from sec-
tions 6, 7 or 8 of Prize list, Herd
must include sire and milking cow,
1st., • $6,00; 2nd,, $4.00 donated by Jas.
Gilmour, Frank Todd, Henry Johann.
Best Fat Steer, 1st., $2.00 by A. J.
`Nortrop; and., $x.00 by John Loutitt,
Foster Marshall, Henry Johann.
Silver Cup, value $to.00'donated by
the Canadian Bank of Commerce for
the best Baby Beef, Frank Todd.
Best Butcher Heifer, 1st., $5.00 by
Olver and Mitchell, Frank Todd.
Best Shorthorn Cow, $5.00 donated
by J. W. King, M. P., and., $3.00; 'do-
nated by Wilfred Murchison, Henry
Johann, 1st. and 211d.
Get of Bull Competition, three best
individuals sired by any bred Beef
Type Bull, open to heifers, grade or
pure bred, to steers and to pure bred
males, Frank Todd, Wni. Lyons,
John Turner.
Best Halter Broken Calf, owned
and broken by a girl or boy, 12 years
or under, 5o per cent. for calf and 5o
per cent. for training, prize $3,00, do-
nated by T. Smith of the Dominion
Stores, Henry Johann:
Best individual beef animal, either
Polled Angus, Shorthorn or Hereford,
any age or sex, $xo, donated by the
Junior Farmers' Improvement Associ-
ation, Frank Todd.
Oxford. Downs -Aged. Ram, with
pedigree, Robt. Coultes; Shearling
Ram, with pedigree, Robt. Coultes,
1st. and 2nd.; Ram Lamb, selling class
Robt. Coultes, 1st. and 2nd.;, Aged
Ewe, raised lamb in 1924, Robt. Coul-
tes, 1st, and 2nd.; Shearling Ewe,
Robt. Coultes, xst. and and.; Ewe
Lamb, Robt. Coultes, 1st. and 2nd.
Downs any other -Aged Ram, with
pedigree, W. G. Ross, 1st. and and.;
Shearling Ram, with pedigree, W. G.
Ross, 1st. and and.; Ram Lamb, sell-
ing class, W. G. Ross, 1st. and and.;
Aged Ewe, raised lamb in 1924, W. G.
Ross, 1st, and 2nd.; Shearling Ewe,
W. G. Ross, 1st. and and,; Ewe Lamb,
and and,; Plymouth Rocks, barred, fe-
male, W. I. Miller, '1st, and and.;
Rhode Island Reds, male, W. . L Mill-
er; Rhode Island Reds, female, W, L
Miller; Wyandottes, ,'white, male, W.
L Miller, 1st. and 213d„ Wyandottes,
white, female, W. L Miller; Wyan-
dottes, any other female, W. I. Mill-
er; Best pair Utility Fowl, W. I. Mill-
er, 1st, and 2nd.; Four Cockerels, bred
for export, Arch. Paterson, W, I.
Best exhibit of poultry, xst,, $2.00;
donated by the Enterprise Store; 2nd,,
$, donated by 3, A, Wallace, W.
I, Miller, F. Angus.
School Children's Department
Judge -A. L, Posliff
For children, under `1.o years: Map
of Canada, with boundaries marked,
May Coulter.
For children under 13 years: Collec-
tion of Weed Seeds, named and
mounted, and where found, May Coul-
ter; Map of Turnberry with botindar-
ies, towns, villages, "railroads and
Main roads, Margaret. Stokes,
For children under x6 years: "Appli-
cation for position as Clerk in Depart-
mental Store, Jones & Jones, Xville,
Ont., M. MCCa11ey.
Sr, IV
Total 450-M. King 397; B. Fox
342; N. Coutts 338; 5, Tiffin 323; P.
Hannah 323; 1. Smith gob; C. PJ-iair
286;.J. Ellacott 284; G. Young 279;.
A. Snell 278; J. McKibbon 269; W.
Angus 268; M: Currie 262; Jno.
Thompson 249; H. Dickson 248; R.
McDonald 237; L. Hayden 217; D.
Miller 215; V. Miller 201; A. Coutts'
186; E. Blue ,179; T. Henderson 168;
K. Smith x65; C. Blatchford x64; J.
Beattie 163; N, Rintoul 16o; J. ltoth'
Jr. IV'
Total, 350, honours 260-J. Copeland
329; E. McGinnis 290; E. Reid 288; J.
Mitchell 286; J. Brackenbury 273; A.
Loutitt 265; R. Hastie 257; E. Ho-
xnuth 254; N. Dow 250; I. Nortrop
250; B.fWalker 236; E. Zurbrigg 235;
W. Dow 233; O. Tiffin 227; A. Stokes
226; J. Carr 221; E. Stoakley 221; E.
Rae. 219; J. Lepard 205; R. Harrison
201; A Hammond 19x; J. Sk elding
182; G. Davidson 181; L Sutton x81; C.
Fry 167; I. Hopper 145; 5. Angus
137; M. Clark xis; M. Campbell 97.
Max 36o, honours 270-K. Lott 289;
A. McGillivray 275; M. Mason 268; B.
Mitchell 268; M. Cantelon 266; H.
Beattie 263; E. Henderson 261; D.
Deans 26o; M. Hingston26o; V. Mell-
or 248; F. Mellor 246; S. Mitchell 246;
D. Fixter 243; M. Rae 239; R. For-
sythe 238; V. Fry 238 A. Rintoul 2,2;
W. G. Ross, xst. and and.; Best but- A. Scott 231; B. Small 227;. E. Gray
cher Lamb, ewe or wether, any breed,224; L. Wild 221; H. Fry 219; D.
W., G. Ross, Robt. Coultes, Walker 219; G. Deyeli 208; R. Chet -
Best Oxford Down Ram, any age, tleburgh 207; G. Smith 200; G. Beatt-
1st., $zoo; 2nd., $1,0o, prizes donated E. McLeod 196 C. Finlay 194;
by G. N. Underwood, Robt. Coultes, ie 197;
C. Vansickle 191; E. Small ',187.i H.
xst. and 2nd.
For the two best ewes, any age or
breed, but belong to the same class,
xst", $3.00; 2nd., $2.00, prizes donated
by Robert Coultes, xst. Robt, Coultes; 293; Vivian Tiff
in288; )Margaret `1'ay-
nd,, W. G, Ross, for 2131; Betty Taylor 272; Marguer-
PIGS ite Ludwig .270; Rae Thompson 268;
rkshires-Boar, priorI
e , to. 19z¢, Mary Smith 267; John ,Pattison 266;
Groves 194.-C. j. Farquharson,
Sr. III • .
Total 300, Honours 225, .pass i8o-
Alberta MacLean 288; Lillian Snead'
with. pedigree, Wat, Carruthers;.
Breeding Sow, Wat. Carruthers.
}Tamworths-Boar of 1924, not less
than 4 months, Bert Armstrong; Boar
prior .to 1924, with pedigree, Bert
Armstrong, 1st. and and.; Sow of
'1924, not less than 4 months, Bert
'Armstrong, 1st. and 2nd.; Breeding
Sow, Bert Armstrong; Best Bacon
Type Hogs,: W. J. Currie & Son.
Fbr the best pair of Bacon Hogs,
1st,, $6.00; 2nd., $4.00, prizes donated
by David Fortune and Benson Cruik-
shank, W. J. Currie & Son, Bert Arm-
Ducks, Pekin or 'Aylesbury, Frank
Todd,' Geo. Coultes; Bantams, orna-
mental, F. Angus, Bruce Campbell;
Bantams, game, any variety, Jack
Beattie, F. Angus; Pigeons, best ex-
hibit, open to boys under 1,6 years, no
entrance f ee,• F. Angus, Garf Finley, ,
Orpingtons, any variety, male, F.An-
1St., and and,; Orpingtons, any
variety, female, F. Angus, 1st, and
2nd„ Plymouth Rocks, -barred, male,
W. I. Miller, Arch Patterson; Ply -
'mouth Rocks, barred female, W. I.
Miller, xst. and and.; Plymouth Rocks,
white, female, W. L Miller; Wyan-
'dottes, white, male, W. I. Miller; Wy-
andottes, any other, male, W. I. Mill-
er; Wyandottes, any other female, W.
I. Miller.
Chickens, pair of each, Ducks, Pe-
kin or Aylesbury, Frank Todd, Geo.
Coultes; Bantams, ' ornamental, Garf
Finley, F. Angus;; Bantams, game, any
variety, P. Angus, xst. and and; Leg -
horns, brown, male, W.' I. Miller; Leg -
horns, brown, female, 'W. I, Miller;
Leghorns, white, male, W. I,' Miller,
1st, and 2nd; Leghorn, white, female,
W. I. Miller, xst. and and,; Minoreas,
male, W. L Miller; Minorcas, female,
W. I. Miller; Orpingtons, male, W. I.
Miller, P. Angus; Orpingtoris, female,
Vv. L Miller, F. Angus; Plymouth
Rocks, barred, mate, ",,V, I. Miller, ist
Billie Cruikshank 264; John Cruick-
shank 260; Jack Burgman 25o; Mary
Dobie 243; Leah Robertson, zoo; Har-
vey Burgess 235; George Henderson
Jr., l II
Total 300, honours 225, pass 8o-
Harry Brawley 239; Dimples Stewart
236; Mary Hirst 217; Herbert Fuller
216; Edna. Stoakley 210; Madeline
Liliecrap 203; .Katherine Liliecrap
Zoo; Audrey Reid Igo; Wealtha Hen-
derson 18x; Minerva Finlay 166; Per-
cy Clarke 163; Willie Bunn 142; Jack
Radford 140; Harry Templeman 122;
Willie Lediet xo7; Bruce Campbell
96; Willie Shapiro 02; Elgin Hoffman
85,-E. G, Hembly, teacher.
Sr, II
Max Soo, Honours 375; Pass 300 -
Mildred Reid 472; George King 446;
Carl Mclay 44x; Lyle Ludwig 427;
Rollie Hutton 426; Anna ,Chittick 382;
Harold Skeidhlg 372; Mildred. Field
356; George Brackenbury 341; Vivian
Cantelon 336; Nora Antonio 335;
Marion Mitchell 318; Laura • Clark
314; Marion Fry 311; Rex McInnis
310; Velma Carter 307; Mae Gibson
306; Ralph Saint 292r Laura Groves
288; Merle Elliott 285; Marion Ma-
son 283; Dorothy Moore 265; Lorene
Haller 257.; Stewart Scott 234; Arth-
ur Stone 220; Hilda Fitt 220; Gordon
Lediet 2x8; Norman Lediet x68. -Lit-
ion Howard teacher.
Jr. II
Total 250, honours 187, pass 150W --
Frances Currie 22o; George Robert-
son 213; Ruby Fitt 209; Elgin Coutts
207; Alvin Smith 206;, Dorothy For-
sythe 2o6; Catherine Nortrop 200;.
Irene McInnes x98; Teti' Reid 198;
Beryl Mundy J93; Doris 13uchanan
193; George Mason 187; Lance
Brown 184; Leonard Bolt 179; Pres-
ton Lediet 1744 'Arnold Hudson 172;
Louise Dcyell 0g; Joffe Preston x66;
Frank Collar x62; Chester Stewart
156; Harold Finley 153; Percy De-
' ii'ur#da.y, October 8th,, x905
t.p,: 11r.
. ••
k41, .�
, ,.i.ti
'I p1
t ,g1
1. Tint
5. Undecorated
9. Sorrow
xo. Societies
x¢. Destroy
13. Same as doty
14. Doctor (abbreviation)
154 , European, Naval Orders (abbrevi-
19. Got up
20. Melody
21, Joyful
23. God of the winds
24. Sleight of hand
25. Flower (French)
26. Event marking beginning of new
28. Drove
29. Constellation of the ram
31. Iowa (albreviatioi)
32. Land measures
33. Variant of scar, a rock
'34. Head covering
35• Exists
36. . Blemishes
37. Short letter
38. Thin
39. Took a position
4o. Long for
41. Ceremonies
• Vertical
,. Advisors
2. Mixture; medley
London (abbreviation)
Either '
6, Tardy
7. Indefinite article
8. Exists
9. Vision
xo, Thoughtful
ix. Residue
13. Duet h
x41. Denounces
x6. ,More dry
17. Leaf"of a book or manuscript
19. Discuss
20. Washes with soap
22. Slender grasses
23. Arabian chieftain
25. Fragile
27. Despised
29. The fruit of the oak •
3o. Same as Ins" (abbreviation for
S3. To box scientifically
34. Stockings
36. Mineral spring
37. Negative
38. Point of the compass
39. 3.1416.
Answer to last
week's puzzle
yell 15o; Dorothy Hutchison 150;
'Norma McEvers 15o; Stewart Carter
15o; Evelyn Patterson 124; Harry
Shapiro 92. -Carrie E. Hartwick, tea,
I cher,
6First Book
` Tot'a1 162, honours 122; pass 65
Helen Burgess x0o; Elaine Radford
16o; Jean Zurbrigg 156; Jaspar An-
1tonio x53; Jean McDonald 153, Lister
Sliiells' 153; Ruth Mitchell x52; May
Wilson 151; Marvin Smith 146; Ral-
ph Hammond 145; Norma Groves 143;
Winnifred. Carr x41; Winnifred Small
140; Morre Shapiro 140; Charlie Chit -
tick 134; Ross Howson 1:52; Stanley
Iipnderson 127; ' Bernice Mundy 127;
Caroline Wellwood 426; Norman
Blatchford 119; Billie Lepard 116;
Gracey King zog; Beatrice Forsyth.
95; David Parker 92; Alvin Lediet 87;
George Carr 85; Edith Finley 8o;
Jimmy Hunt 74; John Currie 72; Aud-
rey Patterson 72; Harry Ross 72; Ray-
mond Carter 69; Alicia Wilson 63;
Frank Angus 55. -Phyllis Johns, tea-
Primer Class
Honours 75 p. c,,
go per cent. -Isabel Habkirk; Ha-,
zel Lediet; Winnifred Rintoul,
75 Pr cent -beth Stone, Edith
Field, Grace Brackenbury, Lloyd Ella-
cott, Tommy. Haddock, Emma Krohn,
Lillian Fuller, Bettie Collar; Irene;
Mellor, Lorraine Carter, Stewart For-
Below 6o per cent. --Evelyn Gamble,
Velma. Stoakley, ' Frank Renwick,
James D1lrnin, Billie Davidson, Bert
Vansickle, Marjorie Forsyth, Helen
Groves, Marie 'Reid, Helen Miller,
Lillian Harvey, Iren Pitt, lean Mell-
or,. Luetta Bok, Grant McIntosh,
Jimmie Lee, Herman Kennedy, Geor-
ge Elliott, Irene Clark, 'Carl Bondi.
Below 40 per cent. -Gilbert Crass,
`Bobby .Rare', Jimmie Mason, Irene
Brown, Ilene Brown, Charlie Ross,
'I(athleen Saint, -Ruth E. Sotheran,
You all knbvv the iitirgEfy '"
man, don't you? The fellow who sells
trees and plants them?
He didn't order this ad so we can't
mention his name, but he is respon-
sible for the following story
He was planting - some shrubbery
down. on Main street, yesterday, and
two ' of our prominent club ladies
strolled by on their way to the instal-
lation of offieel's, or something or oth-
er. One of theist gazed up at a big
tree and said: "Oh, wonderful, stu-
tu pendous, dignified oak! ' If it could..
speak, I wonder what it .:would tell
us?" Just then she happened to look.
at our tree man, and , he thought shl,
had addressed the remark to him. So'
he straightens up and tips his cap and
says, "I expect if it could talk . she
would probably say, `If you please,_
I'm not a oak -I'm a poplar.'
Now, anybody ought to be able to
tell an oak from a poplar, 5' ban --
when the leaves' are on it.
But maybe sonte folks are dumber
than I am, So, if you want trees,
and want to 'play safe and get what
you call for, why just watch this Pa-
per for the nurseyman's ad. There
will be one here very shortly -if not
there ought to be -
Come in and see our new Christ
mat Cards.
We are loading a car of poultry
On Tuesday,. October 131h, at Can. Nat. Depot
The Co --Operative Way -.You get all, that is in it. Better the
quality, Higher the prices. Let us know what
you have. ' Phone 271.
The `visited Farmers Co -Op. Co., Ltd.
wingham Ontario